cf-f " i I- v;v ! - III II MM M 3M JJ 70L XXIV. NO. 124. wnnniGTon. it. c. Tuesday, hay 25. 1875. WHOLE HO. G.GC3. tt Hallo iDitmal. WILMINGTON. N. 0.: TUESDAY MAY 25. 1875- BY TELEGRAPH. SOUTH BUN GJBAVE3 IN AR LINGTON TO BE DE0OB1TED. IMPORTANT DE0I3I0N3 IN THE COURT OF CLAIMS. WAamvm.v m oiic;- The Secretary of War has giver, formal permission to the Sonthera Memorial Association to decorate the graTos of me uonieaeraw deau at Arlington on me 1st June. Jtio. Uoforth has resigned as Assis- tant Attorney General. ; Tho Court of Claims to-daT confirm ad the reports of Special CoinmiHsiou- er JBiTeiett, witn several ameudmonts, Ihese cover a number of claims in Tolving large amounts of cotton. The unit fraud, consisting of Vicksburg auu .naicuez cotion wmcti was so in- terininglod as to destroyed its ideuti ty, was ordered to stand at the sum of nine hundred and forty eight thousand mree nundred dollars. In addition to the above judgment was rendered in about thirty-eight separate cases, covering 8,510 bales of cotton, whioh, at Uie soin fixed by the court, gives a total or nearly 8100,- uuu.uuu. uoi. Kob'i M. and Sts phou a. jjougians, sons oi me late Bteuiun A. Douglass, of Illinois, receive an award for 1,457 bales of cotton, or aooui f'j.uuu, soized in tlie state of MiBsissippi,on the maternal plantation, The new Attorney-Gonerul, Pierre pout, on the first of June will inaugu rate tho following Bureaux: Supreme uouri, uourtoi uiaims; Legal Invosa gators, Official Correspondence, Chief Clerk, Orinunal Law. Eaoh Bureau will be; designated. Thomas Simmons is appointed As Blatant Attorney-Qenerel, vice Gof- orth. , 0E0KU1A. THE AIR LINE ROAD IN COURT. DEDICATION OP A SYNAGOGUE AT ATLANTA. Atlanta, May 24 Night Judge irauiey, oi ine u. D. uourt, to-day in xuo Air Tiine ttaiiroaa case, John II. x lsuer, against u. i urant, receiver appointed by Judge Hopkins, at Ful ton Superior Court, decided not to in- ; wrrere, aa want was in possoHsiopr The corner-stone of tho Jewish Synagogue was laid by the Masons to day with imposing ceremonies. Re marks were made by Grand Master Butler, Past Grand Lawrence and Rabbi Henry Gersoni. The Synagogue will cost 518,000. EUROPE. ANOTHER CRISIS THREATENED IN FRENCH AFFAIRS. DREADFUL ACCIDENT ON j RIVER MUR. THE ENGLAND'S PART IN TIIE LATE WAR TALK. Pabis, Mayt24. Noon. The reont . decision of tne Left Centre to vote in favor of the rotention of the present system by which the Deputies to the Assembly are elected by a vote of the whole department instead of adopting Minister Bullet s plan for the Beperate election of 'a Deputy by each arrondes- anmnnt. willlnan to a rlinrnntirm nf tho majority and a ministerial crisis in the present session of the Assembly, if the Left Centre adheres to its resolu tion, there will be a strong majority against the government, and Presi dent MoMahon will be obliged to form a ooalition legitimist and Bonapartist Ministry, . London, May 24. Noon. A special dispatch to the Times from Vienna, Bays a dreadful accident has occurred on thd river Mur, at the town oi inden- burg, Province of Tyrol A ferryboat having on board a number of Catholic pilgrims en route to visit Sprinee on the other siue oi tne mar irom inaen burg, sunk in the middleof the stream. and fifty-nine pilgrims are known to have been saved, but soventy-six are missing, all of whom are believed to be drowned " London, May 24 Night In the House of Parliament to-day Disraeli in replying to a question put by the iuaruuin -o usitmiiwu, nuu iuni u was true that the government had ad vised the Queen to make representa tions to Germany respecting the rela tions between that power and France. These representations hod been made and were of such a nature as to correct misconceptions and insure the peace of England. A satisfactory reply had been received but it would not be to the pntfllo "convenience to lay a copy of the correspondence on the table of the House. ' THE FIRE FIEM). PmsBtrad, My 24 Night. The lightning fired a twenty thousand bar rel oil tank at Karns City, Pa. Ef forts were made to draw the oil out but it is feared that the tank will ex plode. Soranton. Pa.. Mav 24 Nin-ht. The drenching rain has subdued the half dozen towns. Lexington, May 24 Night A firo originated ill Davis & Adams' livery stable. The .block was burned and the fire spread to the adjoining square. But one engine and a buoket brigade saved the town. Loss S100, 000. Lacwawann, May 24 Night The fire is raging in the counties of Pike, Wayne, Monroe andLazerne, Pa., and Sullivan, Delaware and Orange, New York. It was checked by Friday's jr&in but is again gaining strength. ELECMS- Edward Hope, an old merchant and riHH.'Ud citizen, was foaud doad in Lin room vewtcrJiT at Columbia, 8. 0. The mule apimivra at Lowell have returned to work. They will join no union whiali intends to control wages or hours. KASSAS. TIIE GitAssnorrERs WAR PATH.' ON THE Kansas City, May 21 Noon Th grasshopper have penetrated the heart of the city, uud are ntoviiiR in a vast army, going North, Trenches are bey- ng ilng and millions are siaugtitereu in ftta wa7' but noiuK n 'pthe red-legged pests in their march, Many persons drive tlinm from their grouuds with water from the hydrauts Their depredations are becoming ee rious, the lawns being stripped of grass and truck gardens destroyed. - Nothing oau bo raised except in green houses. ST. LOUIS. SESSION ON THE GENERAL AS SEMBLY., St. Lowa, May 24 Night In the Uenoral Assembly of the Piesbytenan Church South to-day tho report of the Trustees oi the Assembly was read and referred to a apeoiol committee. Tho Trustees nave elected James Hamphill President, Rev. John Douglas Vioo-President, and Jesse IL Lindsay Seoretary and Treasurer. WEST VIMJLMA. . CONSECRATION OP BISHOP KAIN. WneuLiNO, May 24 Noon The consecration of Rev. J. J. Kain as Bishop of the Roman Catholio Dio oose of Wheeling, took place yester day in St. James' Cuthedral, whioh was filled to its utmost capacity. A large number of delegates from this and adjoining States wore in attend ance. The oeremonies were the most imposing ever witnessed here. The procession included in its train twenty-four diocesean priests, thirty emi nent olorgvmon from other dioceses. Bishop Roscranz, of Ohio, Bishops U Hara, Shauahan and Dominee, of Pennsylvania, Bishop Gibbons, of Richmond, Va. VIKU1MA, QUEEN VICTORIA'S BIRTH DAY IN RICHMOND. Richmond, May 24 Night The British Association of Virginia is cel ebrating Quoon Victoria's birth-day with great success, in Richmond. The annual sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. Wall, in Monumental Church.-I yesterday, to a crowded congregation. Eight Episcopal clergymen, fully robed, took part in the services. The annual business meeting is now in ses sion, Major-General Barton, late of tho British Army, presiding. The banrjnot this evening will be attended by Governor Kemper. Mayor Koilav. of Richmond, and other distinguished oitizens. To-morrow night a grand concert and ball will close the festivi ties. Fraternal massages have been exchanged with Englishmen in Geor gia and elflowhere, celebrating the occasion. KEW ADVERTISES ENTS. NOTICE, 3 A REGULAR MEK11NOOF THE Board or Trade" held Monday, May utb, tin following wa adopted : Retolwi, That tUe m.mberi.f tbla "Board" close their place, of bnslneaa at 1 o'clock P. M. from June Ul to Bejitnmbor 1st, Inclu- alto, and that they reqnent merchant who are not member, tb co-operate. J. I. MACKS, Secretary and Treasurer rnayJB l'J4.St TufudtSun Dissolution of Copart nership. rpHE FIRM OF HOTTKNi'OKF A HAS- hiigen waa dimolved on the 20th Instant by the death of Mr. W. Hottend rf , All person. Indebted to the lata firm are earnect'y requested to make Immediate pay ment, and all porsonit holding claims against the Urra to present thorn to the ituderalgned, at the affairs of the concern must be settled. CHRISTIAN HA8HA0EN, Surrlvlns Partner. Wilmington, May SISth, 173. . 124-3t NO HUMBUG! THERE IS NO HUMBUG ABOUT SELLING THIS STOCK OUT AT COST ! Here Is the most dealrable 8 took erer kaorl. Heed In thla city. Kvory article Is to be re. tailed at M.w York ooat at wholesale. It. I. easy rnr any one to ste me ainerenee In prices SSSffSSSi 01 goovs mat must o. Hiia in -"SIXTY DATS" that are needed dally by arery housekeotier In onr land that will neyer again havo the Oirmr tnnlty of baying such good, at .. low figure. "Lc.a no time In making y urseleotloiisU 70a want moro for your money than you can erer buy again." Nnw la the time to get it, aath. stock it to be sold for oaah. Purchasers will please remember' Uat goods will be dellrered until paid for. no GEOIIGE LIE II Kit, 9 Market Street. may 25 in NEW A2VXTISXXXXr&. Merchandise Broker&;e. tttith thb Kiocism iipikiimoi WW By... k 11 - I tit. 1 otter mj anmi iow th .rib.w lid ml. . 11 iIm. rlyUoo. of MwokMdlM la WMtwa, Nurih.r. and mu aa Bark.l M.(olaM M.nuraetar,rall Um of tamU axhlblt! aaiiT. loft., MsIum., IniM, latar, rtoar, "nap, saooa. IT7 Ball Kab, Para, lrd .. At J alt aradM ; Totaeeo, Otaara. Sle Spirit Uaaka, Olaa, H.7, Uora. 4m. j aUfta, Scale., Ac. Ao. Miwrtal atunUoa (traa to tasarlBt lowaat rate, of muuiwrtatloa. KiamlnaUaa of aamplof, orrosooBateo and WIUVI1 W1IOIIW. V (Mar. ton at Offloa fur Sd" Oaad. bit. prompt BHanuon. JA8. X. PETTEWAY Commercial Brsker, NORTH WATtK STRUT UXhyK lMlnaod tC in r0f PBHD4T. AnatawaaUd. All J IU iU .laaMaarworkfaf aaopwakotk .a, yuutm aaS aid, m.k. Bora Mantl work for a, la oaa ktoalltlaa, I.rin .upir pir. nun.nH. or an in. una. taaa i any tblaf alio. Wo affor mplona.a. aaal win it iHHwwni ror avarv aoa'( work rull oartle.lar., terau.Ae.. Mat froo. load u roar adUrM. at auoa. Deal dala. Do I th Or-.. Don't look (W work Liulna .iMwnsr.. until TOa hava laara ku oner. 1 kTtnaoa M Da.. Porllaad. Main.. nT 2d lat-ddiwIT Pine Apples, v STI1A WBEURIEB, GltEEN PEAS, ORANGES, LEMONS, Ao., at n. W. BHURE'S, SI North Front Street m mar 18 g UBNTS A P1KUB AMU DPWAB,D0. TOBACCOS In plogaaad paokaea,and Flu. Cut. Foruuaat O. H W. SUHOI'I, N. K. OorDor Market and Haoond Sta. mat S3 IV tl LOOK AT OUR Blue Flannel Suits, Elegantly mad oat of SOPBRB FLAH- N EL warranted parfaot LUOK AT OTJB CHEVIOT SUITS ALE, WOOf at tlf Oairr. 1ST OAU AB BDT. MUKSON & CO, CITT CLOTHIERS, may 33 US-tf We Have Now In Store HB BK8T LOT OF MSB'S AMD WO- luon'i .Tory day 8HOE8, inch M Xen'l bait Kip Brogani and Women'. Buf and P.bbl. Bala and price, low. Ptrtoni In wantortbaaa Good., at wl olaaale or retail, will do wall to call and tee them. Always a good tupply of flentt, Ladlei, Mlaae. and Children. Shoe an hand. Pbihobm Braiir. EVAmH 4k VorQLAHK. m may 23 C D. BROOKS' Choice Stuffed Mangoes, OTDFFEO FEPFKH8, FAMILY PfOKtES, and a large rarl.tyaf the beet Imported and Domestic Pickle. In the Stat. Fresh Parched and Fresh Oround Jayasnd Laguayra Coffee, every day. 0HOIGJC FRESH to arrive Monday with our Jurtly oal.braUd Naw.Proceai Empire Flour and "BEST BUTTER IN THE WORLD." ioo,oo leo.ooe ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND . 8EQARS of the Best Brands, Imported and Domeetle. Try onr large and small ."Deflanoe" Begart the popular brand In the State. BEEF TONGUES, SMOKED BEEP, ORANGES, LEMONS, Silver Drips and New Orleans Bjraps. The largest variety of FANCY GRO CERIES in the State, ft' GEO MYERS. 11AM South Front Street ltt may S3 Congress Water. , Seltaer Aperient. Pre SaWltta Fwwders, Brown's (linger, Florida Water, Oamb. I)ruhe, Toilet Bnaoe. (a lane variety) and Fanoy Articles For sal. by v. muuuB, vnggim, Tklrd St., opposite uite Hall, may 1 10 Hew Arrivals. pLOUR In Whole and Half larrela. : Bonioa a-ager after- o. a. w. BUHOH, N. K. Corner at Market aad Beeood Ste. may l lis X1W ALY1&TISX9IIST. Cold Pressed Beef! enotlll AXLSIEKS. ALazary-aDalr- omcj tomlij. Wa are Sola Afenhi for CHAS, D. MTERS k CO., TorUi Front St OLD FASHIONED Oufjar LonvoH SUOHTLT CKltTBMNlALt War rat as (poailblj) la UTS. W. hara kad th.a a 1ob Mm and aaw (.fain) SV th.a SOI.1AQBNT8, CHAS I. UTEISA CO., ft A 7 North Front BU Large Spanish Olives, OAPKKS ahdOAPUUIMES. OUVES FAKC'IBS, CHAMPIOMON8, PIT IT POI8, Finest Table OlareU, Santera, and Rhine Wines. CHAS 0. MYERS & CO., Sc r Nnh front mi. main Reoelved this Day b.foirth totof thoMlong handled Oott Hoe, th. beat and eheapaM evar brouvbl to this market, Also have a tin. aawrtmsut of Parmera' Hardware of every dMorlptton and at prlc that will give satisfaction, at the Old Established Hardware House of JOHN DAWSON, Boa. it, 30 and til Market Street, eya la. Fifth Ward Backet Co. A meettns; of Fifth Ward Ind.Dendent Basket ilemoaar No. 1 will be held at Truck House to-morrow (Monday) night, at I aiooa, lAorp. r. as. l Am no, Captain, may a lao it Ask Tour Grocer POst Fresh Bolted Water Cround Meal. If he dent keep It tell him to goto tor ale at same prioe as Steam M1U Meal. OftAalT A HINTON. Waolaaele Srooors as Uo amission Merehants, may as llH-4wtf Field, Co ?er and Trap Shooting. By Oar. A. H. BosMBDoa. With Steel Portrait and engraving of tee "Champion Medal." Faney stemped cloth 00. A eoBMndlura of many years of .sperlanca, giving klnte for aklllsd marksmen and Instrne- Uuaa for young sportsmen, desorlbing the haunts sad habits of game birds, flight aad re- sort, ef waterfowl, brMdlng kad breaking of dogs, and everything of Interut to theiporU man. The author Is champion wiug-ahot of America," wna know, a run a. Hiram Wood- ruB kasw a hone. And he has the aasae oere fol aad somuetont sdltor who rut Woodruff's m roiling norae oc amerioa" into snape.unas. I . rmter WUkta' Spirit qf th Timcl. , For sale at maya HXIMBBEBQEtVS. 1U SOL, BEAR & BR0'S, 20 Market Street CLOSINO OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS -.--( AT OTJB RETAIL BTOstB I G-reat Bargains! 19-4 LINEN SHEETINQ from TO ete. and 1 II per yard. Moaamblqnee Tela, for yard, , SWISS MCBUN8, 100 Do sen Lin.a Towels and Napkins, Irish and Ge man Linen Shirtings, Cambric Basdk.rehlefs, MATTINGS, White and Colarsd. SS Fleece LINEN for Ladles Traveling Dresses aad Boys wear. targe arsottmentof Panama and Straw Hats for Children and Men. We will oommenoe cm Monday to sell the above and will oontloae daily antll the whole took to closed at 7 Ladlee are respectfully Invited to oall and eismlno oar stock, as we know It will re pay them. In fstdre we Intend to evnflne ear business to Clothing and Merchant Tailoring. may at 122-tf A. FLOATING CITY, AND THJS niookade Runnorii. ' By JnleeTerne1. ALIOS LORRAINE. A Tale of the Mouth Downs. By H. !. Blackmore. ODB DETACHMENT. A Novel. By K. Kiag. SELECTED POEMS. Illustrated. Tea Cents per N amber. "THE MAT QUEEN." By Alfred Tenny- "THB DEATH Or THB OLD TEAK," Ac AU for aale at OON0LEX k YATES', Oily Book and Mosio Store. i , m 1 1 , . j -... . . i MISCKLLANEOTJS. To Retail PuTcte of Hardware. We beg to call yriir attention to our larue ana varica .ua 01 whlrh w Hat lualnroaadare coatlauall rporlYlnn, whir wahavw markad down to price, to wilt th. prruure of th.tlmM. HtaU bm.n wouM do W.U to p archil Hardware at our Store. OI KS MUKCHINON, U North Front St. may n Trunks Repaired and Covered All kinds of Saddlery repairing iloue prompt ly at mod.rat. prtceik A full Murk ol Hailillea, narnaw, Trunk., rl.ra and Matcliela, Collars Hamas, Ohalna, Hatld! I. Cloth., Whtix, Spurs, Carry Ooraba, Hornt HrurtiM. Stall Mtratx 11 Fsatber UaMra, Baildlary Hardaara, leather, axis, kmis reui uti, i hoom, etc OARPENTKR MALLARD Nuooowirs to J. a. TOPHAM CO., Na. I Soutb'Pront Stint, Wilmington, N. (1 may ., Hl-tf I Hare tills Da? Rcemcd A NOTHEB SUPPLY OP THOB H ANI V sewed. Machine sewed and Cable Wire Hui-Toa liow.qnarter Hhona of various styles. Also Oents Ouat 8rap Tls and Nulll LatliM ailnixr. In araat varletv. fruai II and upwards. Misses and Children. Shoes a speeiaity. X. V, Ladies Bros a. Slipper, only St. CHAKI.KM A. PKIt'K. No. n Market St , Sign of the Oolden Bot. may . 10a A Mjstery Unexplained. The Publio are satouiBhotl and all exclaim how rvmatkabl ohonp yon can buy CLOTUINa, GENTS' FURNISH INO QOODS, a, st A. DAVID'S, IMorolmut Tailor and Clothier. may ft Strawberry Ice Cream niNE APPLE 10K CREAM, Vanilla loe Cream, Ieroon toe Cream. AH of the above dalleiou. flavors ean be had at J. O. Lumnleu'e loe Parlors every day. Parties whdiing loe Cream for Sunday (lin ear will please ordor on Saturday. auiy M imf-na-ed Baoon and 8. H. Molasses. 50 Boxes SmokMt Sides ahd Shoulders, 100 " I). S. Sklea and Hhouldur.. SO Hhda. S. H Molaaws. 40 Hbla. S. H. MolMsea. For .ale by KKUCHNBH A CAl.DKU HKOH may list For Sale ! fnHI Steam Inglne and Holler, all complete A i in perieei orusr, now running my aim and Machine Shnp. Capacity about 4t) to Ml bore, power and admirably adapted tor Maw Mills, Url.t Mills or any other purpose tot waicn power is needed. . " F.J. LOUD. Wilmington, W. U., May IS, Isle. . may 19 II91W SHEIiBT HAN A EH, Pabllshed waekly, at RHELBV, Cleveland County. M.O., at SI m per annam, In ad vance: ha. a large and rapidly inoreaxlng elr- enlation in nearly all the comities Wni-t of Mecklenburg. Also, an extensive elrnulatiim In the counties of Spartanburg:, York and Union, B.C. II i Just been enlarged from a IW.BIV m a uunv-iwo ooiumn. anil la now adorned with an entire w drew, ltt pnliliri an Drmocratit The tjarnllna Central Hallway being now ootnploted through to Wilmington, and Shelby being the Western terminus, the Himnrr Is a most eaeellent advertising ss Alli um, Haiti aioderaU. DURHAM Si WEBB KlUors and Proprlesnr f.b avtr Xlio Virginia DUFFALOSPilGS, Meoklenburg County, Virginia. THE QREAT MEDICINAL WATER OFTHitOUTH. OPEN 20th MAT, 1875. These waters are possessed of extraordinary o oratl ve powers in elections of tlie K 1 UN K V S end BLADDER, In all derangements of tb. BILIARY OHUANS Inold.nt to warm mlas matlo regions, In DyspOVSla, In Dl- peoullar to Women, m Chronic, Intermittent and Remit tent Fevers, in Chronlo Oonorr he). $econdry8yphilli, Oleet suu an umase. or uie uenitai Uritans) and in some forms of Rheums, tlm. Their remarkabla power and eltioaoy in io. aiseass uaicaieo are vonenea ror oy wmeoi ui suoh nisiinguisuea msnicaj men ortbe ooantrr, both North and Mouth, as well asbr reported cams from the ino.tunaues- tlonable source.. Testimonials In Pamphlet form famished on application. TUB WAl'KU rOKSALK. The water is Dot no In oases of onedosen half gallon Bottlis at as per ease. Route tnesprtnvs for theisouth: ' way or tne Klcnmond and Atlanta Air Line Railroad to Souttaburg Depot In Hallfss oounty, Virginia, where all trains are met by eceehAi for the Hpri igs 11 miles distant THOMAS P. OOODE, apru t-!ysH,a proprietor. CORN ! CORN ! AA BUSHELS COKN. Tor sale by KER0HNEB ft OALDEU BROS Hay, Heal, Bice and Flour. v WW BALES EASTERN HAT, 600 Bushels Water Urunnd Meal, 60 Bbla. Rice, 1,000 Bbla. Ploor. for sale by KEBOHNERA 0AJLDEUIBROB. Oysters, Pickles, Peaches, Tomatoes, &c. 280 Oaa (1 and i lbs) Oysters, 100 (Qt.andPt) riokles, 60 " (2andllbs.)Peaobes, 60 (a and 3 lbs.) Tomatoes, ISO " Lye and Potash, I too Tobaooo, Ac, &o, for sale by KEBOHNEB ft OALDEU BKOB Hoop Iron, Glue and Spirit Casks. 10 TONS HOOP IRON, MO Bbla Clue, , w SOO Spirit Casks. " - Por sale by HEBOUNBB A OALDER BROS, nay SI , Vd NEW ADVESTISEMZXTS. 45. 45 BROWN & We are still adding 'to GEQEML Being fully aware that .mull profit our wholo atotik ao that any ami every and moan buHiiiow and ruoan buainotio. We nnlv dutiire line to Rive os a call iu onlor to satiafr showing our good, or of oompariug toution to the following tint i MARKET mWl hillli I!,JJ HUJUAUili oILKH rodnced to f2j Oouts. Illaok Ifornanies and Oroumiinpa from 18 Ctmt . r Colored Htripe and Figured Oronslinos 10 2-3 cents. Qrey l)e Hages 20 Otuits. Ont stook of Dress Goods ii lnrtro and wo offur thorn na Inw an ilmw nan l , bonght In any Not thorn maikot. OENTM KUIINIHIIINOUKPAIITMICINT. t ' White Proas Shirts. CuITm. Collars. Joan Draworn. (lnnxn nn1nrvata Tlrlfc. iHhllalf Hose, Hloaohed and Striped anoh Departniont, LINEN AND Bleaohed and Unbleaohod Dumiiska Llnon Dialers. Uonom and Pillow Cuso and Hath towels, Napkins, Doilhm, Htir n UAUUiifl J1US1JUUV, AND UAUiU UNDERWEAR, L llima Inma Hiuvnuta ami lMint.a T.unn Hliaal. 7lt Mm . I,. . U.1 '' i aud I'lain Hhetlaud HhawU NotUngham for Cnrtains ; Mnohine-Neodles 0 ots. ' ' euoh. Solo Agunts for FllANK LESLIE'S rAl'EU PATi'lCUNR. , , BIpWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street- MOKE PARTICULAKS ! MY AtSKOItlMENT PlCloMIEuOlo IS NOW COMPLETE IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. My ciiBtomors hnve shown their Approbation of my LOW ntlCES by their liberal purohasos, for whioh I'm thankful. STRANGERS not postod, nt . dosiring tit value of thi-lr mom?, can M.M.KATZ'S, aprll II OGlce of Connty Commissioners, New Ilauover Count)', Wilkiikito, N. C ,Mr Utli, 1WS. In pursuance of Ssctlim 18 nf "An 'Act to Balse Hsvnnne," ratliitd Pehruarv I4tli, 1T4, and Section 17 of an act known aa tlis "Mn. clilnerv Act," ratlAeil tlio t'lA dnj nf Maocb. ltno, the Board of Oounty 0onnilimlniiers of New Hanover oounty root to-day at tan Court House in the city ot Wilmin((Un tor the pur- pom n.mau in earn acts, aim nave taaen a re oess until mondajr, tba !!4th dar of mar, 1X3, at wliloti time Uie Oommlsnloners will proceed to revise the tax llsls and valuation rsported to them and oomplotethe lists by computing the tax payable by eacli person andalllxinK the same opposlta his name. The session of the Board will continue fur Uie space of TKHKE WOH1UXCI DAYS, Tbe Hoard will bear all persons ohleotins; to the valuation of tbelr irnirtv or to the amount of tax .charged ajraliiNt Ilium. The Board lis. a right to also valuations ol pro perty that may be unreiwonalily low and lor uib puruof. ar. smnow.rea 10 summon anil examine witnesses. Alter the tax ll.ts are made nn and nlaced In tbe bands or Uie Bnerltt' it will be almost im possible to make oorrsutlons. All faults must be consldsred the faults of the tax payers tliemsslvM, and notice is herebv liven that no alterations will be made altor the time expires sseept In acoordanoe with the strict letter of the law. JAMES WILSON, Chairman Board of County Commissioners, may M 117-1 w THE EALEIGH NEWS DAILY AND WEEKLY ;- roaueHan ar BTONE k UZZELL. DKVOTEl) TO THE BF.ST lNlPKESTS of the Bute of North Carolina-to t. suoness ol tbe Onnservatlve party, the devel opment of tbe hidden wealth of the State, the Inviting eralirratlnn Into onr midst, and ad vancement of the welfare or onr people in everything that serves to make a State tironer. one ana inuepenuent. id ADVERTISING COLUMNS will be found of great advantage, as both the Daily and Weekly ly and Weekly circulate ariiely In every portion of the State. Mates mouerate. CPS0RIPTION JUTES i Dally, One Year...... .ST 00 Week!," ' S Subscribe for 1874. BTONE k UZZELL, Proirletor an 10 v7:tf The Spirit of the Sontii I. the nUeit newsnatier tiubllshod In Rock- Ingham and has th. largest clroulatlon ol any fiaper pulili.h.d In the -Peelree eonntry, be ng each w.nk by at least jm ranL, making It the btil nivtrtitinq mnUum. In (oli tlos It Is Frm, hulrprndrnt anil Ftarktl, th or ran ol no i..rtv or cllo.e. but la tlie champion ol the People's Hiirlits, bning Urarougbly de voted tothe best, Int.crc.tsof all. i . Subscription, only S2 a year, free or 'postage Specimen ooles mailed free on application. Hates of adrsrtliiug very laaeuaabuU r -h . Address BPIBIT OP THB 80TJTH, ( . . vltookuham,N. O.' marohll . , ; SO-tf .... .. J . - n " ' ' 45. 9 RODDICK onr FateiwiTe Assortment of DRY GOODS I make qniok return, we liavo marked one ran plaiuly soe we are in earnwit thoan who am In want nf niiii in nn tliotusplvixi. tt'n are nnvnr airaiit nf - thom with any. We oall particular at- , , do., In fact everything that bolongs to - , , ; DOMESTICS. in Pnwnr nn.l ITnn.1 Tjvm r,,l Linens. Linmt HhnntinM. C.hmmr Linoiis, Cranhfs, o. . get it by calling ' 36 Market St. Tho Charlotte Observer, The only morning dally paper published In tlis Htate wont of Ralolgh and Worth of WH. , mlngton, odors special lnilucsmsnts to adver- tlsors. Its olrculatlon, slse and uselalnest Uave been largely Incroased during tbe yeas? Just past, and it now readies most ol the Mer chants ot Western Nortli Carolina, thus after-, lug an nnHur passed medium of oommanloar tlon between the Merchants of Wilmington and the people of Western Nor lb Carolina. TCBMB Of atiisoairTioM i ' - ' Dally..., Weekly,. SS 00 per annum. r Advertising very low. SPECIAL NOTICE. ; During the Centennial Celebration large edi tions of Oils paper will be printed daily and no such advertising medium will so be oilered to-, Itspiitrons. , , ' , ... . may u. - ' , uttr Christian Advocate RALEIQH, N, C. i Eev. 3. B. BobMt, Editor & PublUh'r ' ESTABLISHED IN 18C5.', , . Hal tut " ' l.arveaC Clrcnlatlon 1st the State. . Devoted to Religion, Literature, Bclenoe, Mews, and General Intelligence. it The Organ of the a.. C, Ceniieresicee) ' , the in;. e. Charch. Saath. ' ' '- Ithasitssipport. and tba continued aid ,' Its Ministers, (all of whom are agents) toward Increasing It elrealataM. i, - " .. We ofter no premiums. Tba ASTovara Stands upon Its Intrinsic merits. ' While It la Methodlstle lBdoetrliie,!' all contain news from all Cburoues, so as to maka . it a welcome visitor to the Intelligent reader, of all denominations. : III wide and increasing elroalatioa a - Mott Excellent Medium for hwineu t , ifrUt iaVlaMrt1) , v , tr Tarme, f peeailWUB, advance: SI Co' ' months. - i foiJ-w a , riopM JAMES A. FlliZIEIs, Prop'r. fJlHIS CEtiEBRATED WATER tNQ place; , the home of tbt Invalid 1 'Th. place forpleaa-'T " ' J ., . - K t ureseoaerni open June 1st, witn a caoaow . t ty for 900. Oomt In time.tor tba 6rand"Ral , .' Masque' and Carnival, with trae Champagne i .if 'Ml i I., ft li.KJ ! -'.( .::.t 1 .1 ail i i , i r ' til ,'i 1 'l I -4- : . ft t m -t .r.