tfTtkrrP o Ay VOL XXIV. NO. 125. WHimiGTOIT. IT. C. WEDNESDAY, IIAY 20. 1875. WHOLE ITO GXC3. r" i ! I I I 1 J M,kn W LaS II I 1 i i Kit Jlallo loumiil WILMINGTON. N. C: WEDNESDAY MAY 26 1875- BY TELEGRAPH, SERIOUS ILLNESS OF THE rorE. Rome, May 25 Noon The Topo is serioatly iu. ST. LOUIS. IMFORl'ANT QUESTIONS TO COME BEFORE TIIR ASSEMBLY. PROCEEDINGS IN THE ASSEM BLY YESTERDAY. St. Lotjib, My 25 Noon In th Southern Presbyterian Oenoral As sembly yesterday almont tha entire session was Ukeu up in tli disoiiHsion of what is known as the Wilson otuto, it being complaint of J. J. Cook anil others to the Louisville Presbytery regarding Hot. S. 11 Wilson and km congregation, of the First Presbyterian Church of LouiBvillo. Without defi nite action the Assembly adjourned nutil to-morrow, when the case will be taken up next to the question in Tolving the relations between the Northern and Southern Churches. This is the most important ease btforo the Assembly, St. Louis, May 25. Night In tho PresbyterianGenersl Assombly to-day, the Special Committee to whom was referred the matter of friendly rela tions between the North and South Churches, reported that while they groatly t egrettod that the conference at Baltimore last January was unsuc cessful in bringing the two great bodies together in friendly and cor dial relations, they heartily endorsed the position of their committee as the only one they could have taken nuder the oircmnstanoes. Cleveland, May 25. Night In the Presbyterian General Assembly an unsuccessful effort was made to have the aotion of the Assembly on the re port of the Conforeuoc Committee with the Presbyterian Church South rooonsidered. , CUBA. THE SKULL AND CROSS BONES ? IN CUBA. Havana, May 25 Noon The Vpso de Cuba publishes strong editorial, replying to one in the Indepenoia, of New York, which advocates the con tinuance of the burning of haciendas and settlements for the purpose of driving the Spaniards out of Cuba. The Vobo accuses Siguor Aldania ol advocating this plan, and says that the triumph of the Insurgents oould only produoe another Hayti, and that not withstanding the quantity of African blood in Albania's veins, and the dark color of bis face, he would not be ac cepted as a recruit by the negro In surgent Chief, Cecilio Gonzales, be cause he would be considered as be longing to another race. The Vobo further says the Indepencia cries: "No delay, no hesitation 1 The Spaniards must do the same, instead of con quering this band they must assassin Bate it; because it no longer displays a politioal but a criminal flag, evoking the memory of scenes in St. Domingo, The article has Droduoed a nro found Impression. The sympathizers with hesitation pronounce the art icle of the Independcia unwise. ELECTltlCISMS. Eight hours run has quelched the mountain fires throughout the Mauch Chunk region. The miners are grad ually resuming work. Hon. John Vail, formerly Member of Cod grass and Consul to Glasgow, died Yesterday at Morristown. N. J. The real estate of Lawrence, the alleged New York Bilk smuggler, to the amount of $125,000, has been seized Justice Bradley, of the U. S. Court, and District Judge Erskine, yesterday refused to enioin the sale of the Maoon k Brunswick Railroad or to appoint a Receiver, aspetitioned for by John P, Branch, of Virrinia. A Nashville dispatch says that the Supreme Court has decided that -the State is not bound for the payment of the new issue, known as the war issu of Tennessee money, amounting to $800,000. A post mortem examination of dead horses, at St. Louis, shows that the disease of cerobro spinal menengitis malady Js not spreading. . HEADQUARTERS. UNINTERESTING MISCELLANY. Washington, May 25. Night. From this date the bell will strike at intervals of 15 seconds at Horn Island light station, and at the head of the passes ana at the light House stations on the Mississippi river, two blows and one hlcfir alternate, at intervals of ten and twenty seconds, during the Intrtrv WAAthAr. tw6By .iv- Adolph Philbert is French Consul at Charleston. Annnnntanta claim that the now newspaper postage law doorcases the revenue fifty per cent. A TiriAtrar nutablishment. with oo m plete distillery apparatus, has been seized in St. Louis. They are dis- cuarging gangers ana arresting irnuua men everywhere. Embroidered buttons and fancy crotchet styles are used on silks and similar goods, and smoked pearl, metal, horn, wood and tortoise shell are used on costume material. t'orckt riroa. lorest fires are of annual ocenr reueo in this couutry. A spark from the pipe of a tramp may light a cou llugration that will sweep over thou sands of acres, and destroy tens of thousands of dollars' worth of proper ty. Hunters, not unfrequently, are careless of their cooking arrange ments, and fires originate from that source. In th-vte and other ways the leaves and brush nd dry wood of forests are ignited and fanned in wide billowry oceans of devonnug names. Autumu is commonly the season of tho year when forest tiros are ohron clod, when the woods are dry and crisp aud take tiro like tinder, lint this tear, in the preen htnf of earlv mirine i n j . 0. the couut-y has been visited by the naming torch ol forest oouuagrstiou. in almost all directions the sun has been shrouded by palls ' of smoke. Ou the line of the Worcester and Nashua Railroad, in Mossauhn setti. along the Lake Superior aud Michigan road, in the neighborhood of Port Jervis, New York, in the piuos of new Jersey, in more than one location in the far Northwest, and iu the inte rior of this State fires are raging st the present tinio. or hve left the ir tracks in rained houses, prostrated fences and devantated fonsts. Alotiff some of the ruilroads in Pennsylvania the smoke is so dense and bliiidiuK that objects cannot be distinguished the distauce of one hundred yards. and euginoers have to run slowly and witn uie utmost caution. At meat the hill sides are illuminated by tongues of llume shootiug in every direction. iu tlie day a canopy of smoke hangs over the valleys and gives the land scape a spectral and uuuatural ar- penrauoc. All obstacles of au intlatn- mable nature have boon swept away from the path of the flrey visitant. Houses, trees, buds., blossoms and fruit have been consumed, aud where once fertility and verduo nu t the eye is to be seen only desolation. The earth soems to have been smitten Kthe sword of the avenging angel, i make matters worse there has boon ho rain for some tinio, aud everything is uncommonly dry and dangerously combustible. The underbrusn in the woods is lit food for the flumes, and all kinds of buildings stimulate the fiery current. The loss of property is running into high figures, and to that must bo added loss of lifo in some quarters. These are some of the sad effects of our spring fires. The de struction of our forests by flames is a matter 01 deep oonoern at this time, when they are fast giving way before the axe of the logger and the saws of the mills. The supply of timbor can not stand all these attaoks npon the native forosts, aud hence tho necessity and importance of adopting some gen eral means to supply the loss annually caused by such fires as those now rag ing, and whioh often occur in the au tumn mouths of the year. A heavy fall of rain is now desirable, as it would refresh vegetation, foroe the crops with greater rapidity, and quench me nrcB wuicn are now raging in wis and other States. Phila. limes. Trade is much depressed in Austria. One of the largest industrial estab lishments in Vienna Sigl's engine factory is about to beclosod. Sever al thousands of workmen will be thrown out of work by the disaster, and their families, numbering, it is said, about ten thousand souls, will be left dostituta Only lost year this factoiy made about four hundred locomotives, which wore sent to Rus- sia and Italy. Ueer Sigl now has orders from Russia for about four hundred railway locomotives; but it is said he oannot obtain the necessary capital for oarrying out these orders. The prospect of the now already large number of destitute workmen in the Austrian capital being increased by so many thousands has produced a regu lar panic among the inhabitants, and earnest efforts are being made to in duce the government to advance the necessary sums to ilerr Bigl to enable him to keep his factory at work. They were married last fall, and they hadn't had one cross word or sour look, when, the other night, he moved the cook stove into the shanty and called hor to hold the pipe up while ho gently knocked the joints to gether. Hhe smiled sweetly as she replied : " Yes, my . dear ; (but five minutes hadn t passed betore lie yoii- ed out : " Durn it I I thought you knew something ! And she threw two loints of pipe at him and replied : wont you to understand tnai.we are strangers from this hour I" Detroit tree lrcs. Thore is an old story of a prominent citizen of St. Louis, who, in a car, kept his seat on the entrance of two ladies, who were obliged to siana, The conduotor stooped up briskly, and said, "Make way for these ladies, sir, "Ho. nr. growled the citizen, "one of those 'ladies' washes my shirts and the other cooks my dinners. 1 am used to see them wait on me and my family at home, and I don't propose to give up my seat to them here. When we come to the second ecu tennial anniversary of our National Independence, it will probably be written that the Indian raoe, with the exception, perhaps, of a few remnants iu some outlying frontier section, has passed away. People who buy for cash always buy cheap. The agents of the Inman line of ocean steamships have consented to run their vessels from Baltimore to Liverpool. Mrs. Oubbins snys her husband i like a tallow candle ; bo alwuys will Bmoke when he goes out. The hair of a voung ladyin Vermont turned white in a single night. She fell into a flour barrel. - He Bays that domestie broils may not always be beefstoaks, yet when he is in trouble he always goes to his wife for consolation and gets it, lie says that only a woman can hem the "rag- god edge " of anxiety. NEW ADVERTISES ESTS. Wilmington Lodge Ho. 319. Kmereeat meeting tale WEDNESDAY) P. at. at So'elook, .'or work la the M Degree. bj wruor w as. PRESTOX OUMMINO, Veoretary. may SB 1JO It TRUNKS, SADDLES AKD EiEHESS, Traroltua- Ban. katehele. Shawl ttraae. Whit. Mpara. Mddle clothe, feather Daeiar. tVlmr, Uaatee, Saddlery Hardware, Leather, Aile Uraaaa, aad all fclada of Saddlery Uaedj. CARPENTER MALLARD. Mo. I Month Treat treat, Wllailagtaa, H. 0. may w !- LOSTl BRUWM BILK UMBRJILLA, with Ike aainel'Loauuii"earveiloD the handle. The rain being oter, a lullabl reward will be paid far IU rutura. ALKX T. l-OHOOH. Great Inducements to Cash Bayers. I am determined to close out the balance of my huudsome Stock of READY MADE CLOTHINQ at figures lower than ever before offered in Wilmington.1 Ut lor (!ak Oalf A. DAVID. m uay2 MPORTERS OF Hlala rnael -reel. by the Bale, Doasii, or at Retail. Single Hamoiooka, S3 aat'ii, eeat 6u rooelpt of money. For whole ale price, addrea U. W.Siaauie at Boa, 'Oak Hall," Hoatoa, Mm. Bathing Bait. Military Uoode aud Kegalla. 18 1 ra-e)d HAMMOCKS. mar M Regular monthly mMtlng thl (Wednesday) evening, the teth Instant, at I o'clock at How aril Keller ITlra Kngtne Company' Halt. Puustual attendance It required. By order of tho Freetdeut. JOHNC. EOOH, majtt-lt , Rea.Beot'y. Whale Oil Soap, For preventing and deti eytug INSECTS oa nam, rruu ireea, etc. FLY PAPER, Hyatt Lit llaltam, Pain Killer.'s Bitten, Vinegar outers. . for sale hiw by UUKKNatriiANHKB, v Urnggltta. may 26 SPirtM!? V FOB AQEMTB IN leiUIlL I our tea Mow Mot. eltiei; Just out; needed la orory house i earn. pie ana circular ir ee oy mail. n. a. w ni i m A tiO., Wewark, M. J. w ftl A f 0 0 KMX ln,MtKl ' "all Street bill 10 5dUU often lead to fortana. A IS page hoek explaining OTerythlng, and a copy of the Wall Street bevlew Onnt Pnna JOHN UI0KLIN0 4 00 , Bank- OjM 111, en and Broken, Tl Broadway, Mew York, tv AGENTS WANTED. Mno or wonna. Mt Wfwk.Pniol fur. I nUbM. RuillMa Dlauuit Anrf hmM. ablewlth nonaka. A 1H pageciroular 'nd Valualile KaroplM frae. VtM uiar. " raw jt oao ea poetai f. U. REED, sth rr tmw v ou. STOCK SPECULATIONS. Conducted by n la erry form, on Commie eion only. Fate and Call, en beat honeee and owem rain, y mi. vtun to maij. ana orten oav B.1.000 Froflt. Pamvhlet. exDlalnmr how nm oiroei auecuianoua are oonaaoieu, eent tree, oouu lor a copy. 1UMBK1UUBCU., Bankera and Broken. tw Wall Btrert, M . Y. 6,000 AGENTS WANTED FOB GENUINE EDITION L IFE AND LABORS OF IV INC 6 TONE. Bt Ke. J. E. OUAMBLIBM, who from hU pertonai writing (inoiuuing uie "uavi uooa valh," ul'old vividly hi Grand Aehlere meuta, aieo tne cunosiiie, wonaera anu Wealth of that marvelou oountry. Frail, Mineral. Reptile, Ueeata, garuea, Sto. too pKa, lUOrarellluatratlena, oniy B8. Rloh In inureM. Low In Price. Uutaelle ererythlnf, 3.0C0 tlrat g weeke. Addreaa, HUMBARb BKOS., Publituer, Philadelpbia, Fa., or Dili. elunati, U. tw A GREAT OFFER! 4N1 moaaway, new xora, wiuaupoee oi ion PIAnOH and UHOAM8 of Br.t elaaamakere, Including Water' at Extremely Low .Price for oaib, during thl month, or part eah, and balance in ainau montaiy payment, xae eaeie to let. WATERS' New Scale PIANOS tn the beat made ; tlie touch eJaatlo, aud a flne ainmlng tnne, powerfal, pure and eeii waters', concerto nituAits caiiuot be exoelled In tone or beauty ; uey de fy competition, id uoneeno stop leaane I Dilution of the Human Yoloo. Ageote want ed. A liberal dliooont to Teacher. Mlnlatert, Churcbea, ttcboola. Lodgee, ato. Bpeelal In ducement to the trade. IlluatratedUatalogne. xuailtd. ' 4w WHEREVER IT HAS BEEN TRIED Ha ortabllehed lUelf a a perfeot regulator and euaa bmdt for dlaordere of the ayetam arUIng from Improper aotion of tho Lirer and Bowel. IT 18 NOT A PHY8IO. hot, by itlmulatlng the mcretlva orian. ientlT and gradually re- morea all Impurities, and regalaue the eatlre viitAni. IT 18 NOT A DOCTORED BITTERS, k "VEGETABl E TOIIIG which aealeu digeMloa, aad tho tUmalate the aonetlto for rood neoeaaarr to lnrloraU the weakened or Inactive organ, and (Wet treugtb to all the vital foroe. IT CARRIES ITS OWN RROOMMEHDA TIOM, ae the large and rapidly increasing eale teatlfy . Prioe One Dollar a bottle. Aak yourdrugglet ror IU JOHNSTON, HOLLO WAY A UO., Philadelphia, Pa., Wholeaalt Agent, w Ask Tour Grocer FOB Fresh Doited Water Ground .Meal. If he don't keep It toll him to go to . I or tale at aama prioe a Steam Mill Meal. i GRANT A H1NTON, Wholwnle Qrocert d Oouimlmkm Merchant. mayiU 123-dAwtf NEW ADVESTISE3I!3.T8. Merchandise Brokerage. WITH THE REQUISITE EXPEHIBMOE, aeaalataoo, knowledge ami faolltUae, I otter my terTioae for the purohaae aad rale or all dM. rlpUoa of Merchaadlee la Weetern, North era and oar owa market. Negotiate uaau aad oaeoiT. Wlree need meiy at my oxpenae foe any Inroraatioa oeaireti. froa. 1 dot tort. lUBnera. Mil lore Manufacturer, ruli 11 ae of eaaaitleo exhibited dail. Jettee, MolaaMO, Errapa, Ragar, Floor, aoap, Baoaa. Inj Salt Meata, rart. Lard, ,i ell grade : Tobacco, Ulgare, Ao. ; Spirit Uaaka, Olue, Hoy, Oora, o. ( aUTea, hoalaa. Jka.. Afi. Special atttHitioa gtron to eeeoxlag loweet ratee of traaaportatloa. laataetlon ef aamvlee, eorreepoBdenoe aad erueia aoiioiiea. V Oder left at Offloe for "Bjiot" Uoodt wiu aao nroaipt attention. JA8. T. PETTEWAY, Cominttirelal Drcker, NORTH WATER STREET. may is . lM lm eod (C tn tV)ft PER DAY. AgenU wanted. All J III )Ml elaaee of working people of both aeaee, yuang aud old, make more mouey at work for a, la their own localltlee, daring their epare momente, or all the time, lhaa at any thtag aire. We offer employment that win pay nenuaomeii ror eyerT noar-e wore. Htl .1. . - - . . a U-h.I m h 1 1 , mi MuaiMi,, Wl uia , w . . nm iivw, wuu o yoar addrea at one. Don't delay, Mow I the time. Don't look far work or builuee, antll yon hare learned what we offer. O TiKooa ok Vo., Portland, Maine. may im.iiawiv Pine Apples, BTRAWBEURIE3, GREEN PEAS, ORANGES, LEMONS, Aa.,' t H. W. SIIURE'S, 31 Nortli Front Street m may so ATA REGULAR MKK11NU OF TBI "Board of Trade" held Muaday, May Mtfe, the following waa adopted ) BooJwd, That the membere of thli Board" eloeo their plaoe of boalneei at T O'olook P. M. from June let to Beptember let, Inolu- d.e, and that they requent merohantiwhe are not member to co-operate . 4, 1. MACKS,! Beeretary and Treamrer. H44t-TaeBun may IB Dissolution of Copart nership. rpHI FIRM OF HOTTENDORF A HAB hagen waa dlawlred on the 30th lntaat by the death of Mr. W. HotteDdorf . All peraonf Indebted to tho late Brat are earneetly reueeted to make Immediate pay ment, and all Dereont holding elalme agalnat the Brm to preeeat then to the undenlgned, ai tho affaire or the oonoern mm eetueoj. CHR1BTIAM HABHAOIK, Burrlrlng Partner. Wllmlngtoa.May Wth, 119. m-lt HO HUIIBUG! THERE IS NO HUMBUQ ABOUT SELLINQ THIS STOCK OUT AT COST I H a It the moat desirable Stock ever aecrt linmA in this alt. Krerv article It to be re. tailed at Mew York east at wholeaale. It I eaer for any on to eee the diflerenoe In price hero aad where good are retailed In the regu. lareray. There are thousands of dollar worth or goof mat mom oa um in SIXTY DAYS" that ar needed dally by every houaekeeper In our land that will nerer again bare the oppor tunity of baying inch got la at a low figure. "Lone oo time in making your eelectlon If yon mt mora for vour mouer than you can erer bay again." Mow la the time to get It, a the took is to be (old for oaab. Purchaser, will plea remember that no good will b aeiirerea nnui paui uv. GEORGE LIEUEIl, 20 Market Street. may SB lit Administrators' Sale 0M WEDNESDAY, May IS, lgTB, at 11 o'olook A. M., wo will Mil at Exchange oorner . B Bb' rs Capital BtooK lrawwn nana. IS Share Capital Stock Pint National Bank. m Share Capital Stock Bank of Hew Bano- 18 Share Oapita! Stock Wilmington Balld Ing Aetoolaton. . mm - .i aMw wrilmlMi A Wl. don Kallroad Company. A portion of above belonging to an Kitatt. All SO DO BUIO WHHUB twwm vv. Stock without limit re.eived antll sale. ORONLY MORRIS, Anotloneeri, Stock and Heal Estate Broker, may 10 tso-St-na-20, 23 A SB, Oranges and Lemons. CROSSE A BLACKWELL'S PICKLES Compressed Beef and Deviled Meats, LARGE NO. 1 MACKEREL, BAKER WHISKEY, OLD PORT, ALE and PORTER. H. W. SHURE, No. 81 North Front St BSXYT1I in 22. Preserve Your Carpets and Other Woolens WITH OUB Oountry Twist AMD OTHKB TOBACCO COOD8 FO:R THAT AkD OTHER PURPOSES. By D. PICOTT tap 11 Hi HIW ADVERTISE EST. To Retail Porters of Mm We be to Call ronr attention to oar lam aad tarfed (took of Hardware which w hare la .tax and ar continually receiving, whlt-h we oar maraeq uown 10 price w aui uie preaaur of the time. Rotall buyere would do well to parehae their Uardware at our Bur. QIuES A MCRCH180N, may tl M North Front St. I Hare tMs Da? Eccciyci A MOTHER SUPPLY OF THOSE HAND J. Htid, Machine aewed and Oable-WIre Box-To liew-qaartAr Mhoae of rarlim. atylee. Alaotlenta (loot Strap Tie and Nulll. Ber. lAdie Hlloper In ireat rartetv, from SI aad upwarda. Miaeee aud Chlldreu . Buoee a specialty. M. a. iaaiee orons nupiwr. oniy u t'HARf.BH A. PKI0R, No. St Market Bt. , B Ign of the Uolden Boot may 4 MX Strawberry Ice Cream TJIHB APPLE ICE CREAM, .Vanilla lo Cream, Lemon lo Cream. AU of th abort dallotoo Baror oaa be had at J. O. Lamedea' lo Oraam Parlor rry day. Fart! wlahlng lo Cream for Baaday dla- aar will plaae order oa Sati"diyi may tl Received this Day The fourth lot of thoae Ion handled Ootton Hue, th bent and oheaneet erer broiiirhl to thl market A lao bar a hue aaaortmant ol Parmera' Hardware Of arery dreodptlon and at nrloea that will glee aatl.facttoa, at the Old Eatabliahed Sard ware Houae of JOHN liAWNON, , Koa. 11, Maud it Market Street . mayS isu Field, Dover and Trap Shooting. By Otrr. A. H. BoARtna. With stnai Portrait and engraving of the ''Ohamploa Meaai." raaey aiamped eiotn uo, A compendium of many yearaofeaperlenc, Siring hlata lor skilled marksmen and Inetrue una ror young sportsman, diworllilng the haanU and hablta of tame birds, flight and re- aorteof waterfowl, breeding and breaklug of auga, ana ererytning or interim to toe simria Bs. The author le "obaraplon wliig-eliot of America," who know a gun as Hiram VYocd rurt kaew a korao. And he haa the aameoaro- fill and eompatout (dltor who put Woodtun's TrttUng Horn of America " into aliaiw.tlhaa. J . Pester, an many Tsar (porting editor of TYliaee- nytniyiM naw. For eale at may SB HEINIUEROKU'H, m C. D. BROOKS' Jholco Stuffed Mangoes, gTUFFEU PEPPERS, VAJniiiX rius uai and a large tarlety of th best Imported and Domeatlo Pickle lath 8UU. Freak Parohed and Fresh (Irountl Java and Laguayra Oofraa every day. v CHO10K FRESH Xtxmily HupplloN to arrlr Monday with our Juatly olbrated Nw Prootm Kmplr Floor and BEST BUTTER IN THE WOULD." leo.eoo ioo.ouo ORE HUNDRED THOUSAND 8KOAR8. of th II est Brand, Imported and Domett lo. Try our large and" mall."Deflanoe" Bcgars the popular brand In th Stat. BEEP TONGUES, SMOKED BEEF, 01UN0EB, .. . . LEMONS, Silver Drips and New Orleans Syrups. The largest variety of FANCY QUO 0EIUES in the State, at GEO-MYERS, 11 & IS South Front Street IU may S3 LOOK AT OUR Blue Flannel Suits, Elegantly mad oat of BUPEUB FLAM MEL warranted perfect. LOOK AT OUR CHEVIOT SOTTS ALL WOOL, tat $10 Omlf. Sir OAtt B BUT. MUNSON & CO, orrr clothiers, may S3 We Have Now In Store THE BEST LOT Of MEN'S AMD W0- men' vry aay sovnsi Kip Brogan and Women' BnlV and Pebble Ball and price low. Persons In want ofthrse Good, at wtioleeale or roUll, will do wU to oall and aee them. Aiwa; a fod upply of Gent, Ladle, Mlsee and Children Blioe en hand. FaisoM iTBBsrr. EVAM8 A VowQLAHN. arB M 6 CENTS A PIECE AND UPWARDS. TOBAuwuB ln pi.lC psuuswismi Pin Cut. Foralat O. H. W. RUNQK'8, N. E. Corner Market and Second St. ma?S3 ISMf Daoorv and 8. H. Molasses. S Boxes Smoked Side and Shoulder, ie D. 8. Hide and Shoulder, ae Mhd. S. U Moleame, 40 Bbla. 8. H. Molaaaea. rtstEBOUM CALDEB BROS, mays m. Congress Water. Belt Aperient, Fresh Beldllt Powder, Brown' Wwger, ' Florida Water, Comix, llrushea, Toilet Hoapa, (a large variety) and Fane Article. For sal by JAMES. O. MUND8, DnilW, Third St., oppodt City Hall. NEW ADVZBTISSMZSTS. 45. 15 MARKET BROWN & We are still adding to oar Extensive Assortment of GENERAL DRY GOODS. Being fully aware that small profits make quick returns, we havo marked our whole ttock ao that any ana every oue can iilaiuly toe we are in earnest and moan busiuea. We only desire thoae who are in want of anythiiiff in our liue to give us a eall in order to satisfy thomaelve. We are never afraid of showing our goods, or of oomparing them with any, We call particular at tention to the following lint s STRIPED SUMMER SILKS reduced to G2J Cents. ltlnok Hornaniea and (Ireniulinoa from 18 Ot'iit. 3. Colored Stripe and Figured Qreua Hues 10 2-3 cents. Grey De Rages 20 Oonta. Our atook of DroM Qootla ia largo and we offer tliom as low as they can lo bought in any Northern market, OISNTH lUllNIHIIINO D11PAUTMENT. White Dre Shirts, CulTri, Colliirs, Joan Drawors, Ounzo UudorvonU, Brit ish Half Uobo, Bleaohed and Striixxldo., in foot everything that belongs to uoh a Department UN EN AND DOMESTICS. Bleaohed and Uubloaohod Damoaks in Power and Hand Loom, Ootton and Linen Diaper. Bosom and Pillow Cane Linens, Linen Shoutings, Chamber and Bath Towela, Napkins, Doilies, Stir Linens, CraHlina, Ao. LADIES HOSIERY, OLOVES AND QAUZI3 UNDERWEAR. L'lania Lane Socquoa and Points ; Laoe Shawls 75 ots., a bargaia ; Striped aud Plain Shetland Shawls ; Nottingham for Curtaiut; Machine Needles Sots, each. Sole Agents for FRANK LESLIE'S PAPER PATTERNS. BROWN & RODDICK, ait at j iv MORE PARTICULARS! MI aKEORIMENT Karats IS HOW COMPLETE IN ALL THE DIFFEEENT LINES. My customers have shown their appreciation of my LOW PRICES by their liberal purohaaoa, for whioh I'm thankful. STRANOERS not posted, and desiring the value of their monry, can got it by calling AT M. M. K ATZ'S, r.rulB SOL. BEAR & BRO'S, 20 Market Street. CLOSING OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK OF IXE1Y" GOODS ' AT OUB RETAIL BTOKE I C3reat Bargains I l'A.4 LINEN BHEETIMO froia TO Ota. and $1 11 per yard. i Moseniblque T ot. per yard, SWISS MUSLINS, too Doacn Linen Towel and Napkli Irlsb and Oeman Linen shirtings, . Oambrlo Badkerohlefe, MATTINOS, White and Colored. SO Piece LINEN for Ladle Trarellng Dreeand Boyewear. - Ltrg aisortmentot Panamaand Straw Hat Tor Children and Men. We will commence on Monday to sell th abort and will eontlna dally until the whole stock I closed out. KT Ladle ar respectfully Inrlted to oall and examine our etock, aa w know It will re nte them. . j . In fotnre w Intend to eonfln onr Dunnes to Clothing and Merchant Tailoring. may S3 H2-tr A. FLOATING CITY, AND THE niookado Ilunnors. By Julc Verne. aimie LORRAINE. A Tal of th South Down. By U. U. uiaoamor. OUR DETACHMENT. A Norel. By K King. SELECTED POEMS. IUurtrated. Ta Cent per Number. "THE MAT QUEEN." By Alfred Tenny o. i, - "THE DEATH OP TUB OLD TEAK," Ac All for al at , CONOLEY 4 YATES', City Book and Musio Store, nay 23 va 45, RODDICK 45 Market Street. lit 36 Market St, - " - M-tf Gold Pressed Beef! gQ OASES AL.L81ZKH A Luiary-aDell-eiioy a Nowwlty, W aro Hul Agent for OHAS. D.MYERS A CO., SATKorUiVroiitBt OJJU FASHIONED Hug-txr Loayos, SLIQHTLT CENTENNIAL I Were pnt up (possibly) In 17TS. We hy had them a long time ami. now (again) ofler them for tale. SOLE AGENTS, CHASO. MYERS k CO., B 7 North Front St. Large Spanish Olives, CAPKR8 and 0APU0 lh B OLIVES FARCIES, CHAMPIGNONS, PETIT POIS, Plneet Table Claret, Sautern and Bhln Wine. CHAS 0. MYERS & CO., SAT North Front "t. may S3 Cottage Bedsteads: 500 0OTTAait bkdstads-m w Style. , Just recelred and for sal low ;in lott karoltby . D. A. BMTTD O. may 18 ...-.-. Escaped Convicts. Wo will pay reward or 10 each Tor moh information a will lead O the e.tMrof any eenTlcte escaped from the New Hanover lkiBiu ty Work House lno the Tear Wit. AiUirtws, by letter or telegraph, MATHF.8 .': perlntendontaotNew Hanorer county Work Hons, Wilmington, N. O. may I -