o V, VOL, XXIV. HO. 126. wnimTQTon. it. c. Thursday, hay 27. 1875. WHOLE H0 6.890. IN Clif flailn lottnial WILMINGTON, N. 0.: THURSDAY, MAY 27. 1875, BY TELEGRAPH. ST. LOUIS. THE ASSEMBLY ENGAGED ON THE WILSON CASE St. Louis, May 26. Noon. -Most of the time of the Presbyterian Assembly was taken up yesterday in linteniug to the reading of record h in the Wilaon cane. This was finally fiuishfd, and to-day , Kov. Btaart Robinson will make the argument for the Ltmieville Presbytery ; Iter. J. J. Cooke for the complainant. EU110PE. THE CnURCn WAR IN GEE MANY. A GRAND DAY AT THE DERBY. Bhrmn, May 26 Noon Tho gov ernment forbids the procession in honor of the Pope' jubilee. Viensa, May 26 Noon The bearer of an anonymous letter offering one million florins for the assassiuutiou of Bismarck has been arrostud. Rome, May 26 Noon Tho Top is not seriomly ill. Paris, May 26 Noon The Bishop of Nismer is dead. London, May 26 Night Thre was a dense crowd at the Derby race, inclnding the Prince and Priuceea of of Wales, the Duke and Duohosa of Edinburg, the Marquis and March ioness of Lome and the Duko of Cambridge. The weather was fine. The betting against Galopin was 2 to 1, against Claremout 14 to 1 and against the R 'pentauoe Colt 12 to 1. Galopin won easily by a lungth. Garterly Bell came in fourth followed in the order named by Seymour, Lord Bernera' Punch, Bay of Naples, Balfe, Earl of Dautrey, Gilbert, Woodward, Temple Bar, Fareham, Earlston, GambaU'a Breech Loader and Telesoope. The time of the race was 2:47. LOUISIANA. THE UBIQUITOUS -0IIARLES . WESLEY WARREN. EULCOY ON GENERAL BRECK- v ENRIDGE. New ORtEAN9," Mny 26 Noon Rev. W. E.' Copeland, who recently flo-nrnrl in Mm annnrlnl ease, in Balti more, and who preached in one of the Baptist churches in this city Sunday last, has, it ia reported, left the city, thongb shadowed by the polioft. The friends of the late John C. Breokenridge met at the Ht. Charles ir.. t..i i ,1.ia.,1 a .rnnlii. xiuwi ansa ui u w ouu .v.v.'jv v. .vaca tion eulogizing the ife and charucter of the deceased. ELECTIUCISM8. - President Jewett has called a meet ing of the Erie Directors for concur rence in the refusal of tho Pennsyl vania Coal Company to buy Erio coal lands. Maj. Charles J. Graves, of Rome, Ga., is en route for Egypt to enter the Kedive'fl services as Lieutenant Col. of Engineers. - Major Graves was a Federal graduate but duty oalled him to the South. At Wilkesbarre it is thought quiet will be restored and that mining will be resumed the 1st of June. The heavy rains havo drenched millions" of grass-hoppers near tit. Louis, Mo. Six men while working on a roof at Columbus, Ohio, fell a distance of seventy feet, when three were killed outright and the others were fatally injured. GOTHAM. ERIE TO DEFAULT ON ITS JUNE INTEREST. PRESIDENT JEWETT APPOINT. , ED RECEIVER. New York, May 26 Noon The Tribune says a director of the Erie Railway Company, in conversation with one of its reporters last night, said that the Erie Railway Company will probably default on its Juno in terest, in oonsoquenoe of the failure to obtain expected money from the Del aware, Lackawana and Western, and Delaware and Hudson Companies. In view of this failure thero will prob ably be an application for a receiver on Wednesday, to day, on the grqund of the insolvency, not bankruptcy, of the corporation. This aotion will be taken under the State law, and will be designed to protect all interests con cerned. Mr. Jewett, President of the Erie Railroad, ' was appointed receiver of the company by the Supreme Court this morning. VIKULNIA. INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION OF THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRIS TIAN ASSOCIATION. Richmond, May 26. Night. Tho International Convention of the lonng Men's Christian Association mot here to-day, and was oalled to order by F. D. Taylor of Detroit, Presidont of last Convention. The Convention ad journed until 4 P. M., to await the trains with. Northern delegate!, and when assembled. ovor four hundred delegates were in attendance, repre senting thirty States, Territories and rrovjjiooa. iter devotional exercisoa and temporary buainess, the following pf rmnnent officers were elected: Pres ident, Joseph Hardie, of tSelma, Ala bama; Vice Preeideuts, R. K.Remiug ton, Massachusetts, M. IL Jessup, New York, J. B. Morrow, Nova Sco tia, L. W. Munhall, Indiana, George Hague, Ontario, M. 8. Crosby, Miolii gau, 1) C. English, New Jersey, J, li. O'Bryan, Minnesota, W. T. Mun ford, Virginia; Recording Secretary, J. B. L Graham, Maryland; Assistant Secretaries, H. L. Porter, Mivmaeliu setfe, F. L. Lockhard, Geogia, J. W. Jones, Richmond, Vu. OHIO, FAILURE OF THE FRATERNAL NEGOTIATIONS.-. . Cleveland, May 26 Night In the Presbyterian Generul Assembly a res olution was adopted regretting that the negotiations relating to fraternal oonexpondence with the Southern chuich had fuiled. The Assembly, however, deems it ' inexpedient to press the question through another committee, aud at the same time ex presses unequivocally its confidence in the integrity and christian character of their brtthrou of tho Southern Church. - In the morning session tho reiHrt of Committee on Foreign Missions a received and discussed. The board asks for $015,000 for Foreign Misaiouo for next year. It was agreed to publish the oorres poudunoe between the Commissioners of the Northern aud Southern General Assemblies in the appendix of the minutes.'. HEADQUARTERS. THE PRESIDENT AND THE SIOUX SAVAGES. Washington, - May 26 Night The Sioux Indians visited the President to-day, who made a long speech on the subject of another location for them, lie did not want them to leave their homes, where they wore born, without their consent, but would point out the advantages of entering into an agree ment that he would propose through the Interior Department. The Presi dent alluded to the difficulty of keep ing the whites away from tho Black Hilkt, and said thut each recurring year the difllcnl.y would be greater unless the Indians grant the right to go to that couutry. No speeches wore made by the In dians, except that Spotted Tail, with some show of indignation, denied that he had said the Secretary of the Inte rior was a liar. Attorney-General Pierrepont has is sued a circular that "Hereafter the practice of District Attorneys employ ing BUUBtitues must be discontinued, and no compensation for such services rendered to this department will be sanctioned." PENNSYLVANIA, STATE REPUBLICAN CONVEN TION. HARTRANFT ENDORSED FOR RE-ELECTION, AND GRANT QUIETLY SHELVED. LANCABTEB,May26 Night The R publican btato Convention was called to order by Russel Errett.Cbairman of the State Committee, at 12 o'olook. John Cessna was elected temporary Chairman. After the roll call several commit tees, including one of 13 on resolu tions and platform, were appointed. Hon. E. McPherson is Chairman of the Committee ou Platfoim. Tho Convention was permanently organized by the election of General Henry White, President, C. D. Elli ott, Secretary. The anti-third term resolution re ceived tremendous applause. The Bepubucan Convention adopted resolutions allhming their continued adhesion to the party, and the funda mental principles of their political faith as follows; 1st. The equality of all men before the law, equal justioe to all and spe cial favors to none. 2d. Tho harmony of the National aud State governments both are parts of one system, alike Decennary for the common prosperity, peace and securi ty. 3d. The unity of the nation. We aro one people. The Constitution of the United titatesformB a government, not a leagae. tu. A faithful execution of the laws, an economical Administration of the government, integrity in olUoe, honesty in all the branches of the civil service, and a rigid accountability of public officers. Gth. Protection to home industry, and a home market for home pro ducts. Cth. The right of the laborer to protection and encouragement and the promotion of harmony between labor and capital. 7th. Cheap transportation and the advancement of closer intoroourse betwoen all parts of the country. 8th. Free banking, a safe and uni form national currency adjusted to the growing wants of the business iuterosts of the oountry, and a steady leduotion of the national debt. 9tb. The public domain being the heritage of the people should be re served for actual settlers exclusively. 10th. The qualification of the bounties of (soldier and a speody settlement of all just claims arising out of the late war, 11th, Honest men in offlco, men with brains enough to know dishon esty when they see it and courage enough to fight it wherever they find it. Tho resolutions also declare against the third -- term but eulogize iu the highest terms the administration A Grunt. In presontmg the name of Hartranft for re-election they declare that it meets with the unanimous wish of hoir constituents who desire to iuk dioute in this manner their approval of hia conduct as the chief magistrate of the State ; arraign the Democrats for failing to redeem the pledges upon whieh they partially attained power in the State, and heartily oommend the efforts of the Government against whiskey frauds. STATE HEWS. The Monroe Enquirer says: Mr. G. W. Flow shows us a beet planted and raised in his' garden last year, meas uring 16 inches in oiroumferenos, and weighing 7 lbs. and 9 ox, Th TTillntvirn TtjkrmrAar TVi- ring the Centennial Celebration, the IT TIT k -1 1 . . uuu. v. a. vrrauam sai lor Dis puoio crai)h surrounded bv his seven anna. This will be a valuable memento of tho occasion. The Monroe Enquirer says: Mr. J, Kindly Griffin, of Olive Branch, has a cow that gave birth to three calves on tho 14th lust. ; all fine, well shaped, and doing well Two are exactly the same color and size, the other a lit tle smaller, . The Raleigh News says: A telegram was received from Charlotte yesterday announcing the faet that Messrs. Williams aud Bingham, of the Raleigh Light Artillery, are doing well, being enabled to walk about their rooms. The Raleigh News sayh: Gov. Brog den yesterday commuted the death soutanes of ltobt. A. Owens, convicted at the Spring term of Lincoln Supe rior Court for murder, to imprison ment. Owens was to have been hung on the 20th of August. The Hillsboro Reoorder says : The fl le rains of Monday morning gave the first opportunity had for setting ont tobacco plants. Complaints of a scar city of plants are general, but we sup pose two thirds of a crop may be planted. The wheat is heading out iiuely, and so far the prospects of a good crop oontiuue good, OaU never promised better, The Charlotte Southern Home says: Wo regret to learn of the death on Saturday morning, about 2 o'clock, of Mrs. Jane M. Swann, aged 94 years, a daughter of George MoKinney, one of the heroes of Molntyre's Branch fight while Cornwallis was in Charlotte, and an estimable old lady. She leaves a very large oircle of relatives and con nections in the oounty. The Raleigh News says: His Ex cellency Gov. Brogden never owned or wore a pistol, a pair of boots or a watch ; he never owned a dog, went fishing or shot at a squirrel. He is by no means homety, aud it is said he has been discarded by sweethearts oftener than any other man of his age, having never been able to get the answer "yes" yet and "dat ish de kind of man our Governor ish." The Charlotte Democrat says: Al though there were thirty or forty thousand people in our streets on Tbursdsy, the 20th, there was not the slightest disorder, and no arrests were necessary of any sort. It was, indeed, the greatest gathering that has ever occurred in this country, and a more orderly one was never known. We are proud of the good conduct of onr Southern people and of the oonduot of all visitors from Northern and West ern States. No gathering in the world ever surpassed the gathering in this city last week in good feeling, good order and good cheer. The Charlotte Observer says: The handsomest thing of the Centennial occasion was the honor paid Mrs. Stonewall Jackson, by the Raleigh Light Artillery Company and the Raleigh Light Infantry, and by the SteamFire Company of Newborn, and the Citizens Band of the same olaoe. The Raleigh companies both oalled at tue residence of vol John J& crown, on North Trade street, where Mrs. Jackson lives, and gave three eheers for her. In response to these Miss Julia, the only daughter oi the immor tal Stonewall, came ont and presented the companies with a bouquet, after which, upon returning to camp, eaob of the companies fired a salute in honor of the widow of the Christian hero. The Newborn band and fire oompany called also, and gave three eheers lor Mrs. Jackson. They, too, were presented with flowers by Miss Julia, after which the firemen were received by, and shook hands with Mrs. Jackson. They spent a few moments in the par lor, looking at a large portrait of the General, then solemnly departed, many of them wiping away the fast falling tears. The oompliment im plied in this aotion of the companies was a beautiful tribute, not only to one of the greatest soldiers of ancient or modern times, but as well to one of the noblest and most loveable of women to her who was, and who was well worthy to be. the wife of Uen eral Stonewall Jackson. NEW ADVERTISES 518. Gil AND TEMPERANCE FESTIVAL AND BALL -OF- Mt. Olivet Council No. 9, F.of T.f Will tk. plc at our Hall, on Third itretit, on FK1DAY NIOHT, May Slth, and all Say on Saturday, tlic th, for (Jhlldran, Mother, will pleaasto lake their little ene. to Meat. Ladi.i who are kind enough to help out will ineane rend id weir aonaiion. ear 17 on Friday 10 tot nail or to Mr., ueo. r. uino on sixth, between Prlnoewand Ohettaut SU. TICKETS 26 CENTS. may 7 196-gt Ground Pea Sweeps! Grouci Pea Sweeps! dant recelred a large itock of the old ityle Caxt Standaid Steel Blade Uround Pea Sweep. Tie Blade sad Standards aold opnrately when required. For eale at the New Hardwaro Store of GILES MCBOHIsON. may IT IM Du Font's Powder. p HIV LB, 8POKXINQ AND MUSKET, BI.ARTINO AND MINING In Wholo.Ha and gaarter Ken, Cor aal. by O.PAa80CI00. HEW ABVEETISXXE3T8. PUBLIC REPORT . -or a- POLICEMAN. I saw not enjoyed good health for atraral feare Mut. rt eare but allow. It to Interfere with my labor. JCvery one belouflnf to the laboring ela. know iho lnooavenleuoe of be ing obliged to labor when the body, from de- oiiity, oiBMM reniae 10 perform 10 aauy wi. I never ru a believer In kui with medl olnr but baring heard the VKUKIINI euokea or ao highly, waa determined to try It, and (hall never regrst that determination. A. a toat. (wtiloa every one need, at aoae time) it eurpaane anyming 1 ever neaia 01. 11 in- r and rnrtSf r of the blooi. There are many of my aeqaaintanoee who have tak.a It, and all aalte la praiae of IU mtl.'aatory elTeot Kepeclally among the aged claMof people, It ravvii to urn ui. ... loiug um n.ruini in okl age nlghteof ealra, wet repoee, thereby otrengtheiirng the mind a well a. the body. Una aged lady, who hae been .11 Storing through life from eorefula, and ha become bllud frooi It (thou, having tried maay rmelle with ue favorable recall, we Induced by friend, to try the T.getlne. After taking e few bottle., .h obtained uoh great relief that .he eiprenMd a wl.h for her eight, that .he might be aide to look upon tlie man who had eent bar luoh a blew n g. YoarrpetfMl'y, O. P. H. HOOUK, Police Offioer, Station I, Boston, Mam., May , ltril. Heartfelt Prayer St. Paul, Aug. w, 1&4. hi. R. STiVim, Khuj. 1 Dear Hlr-1 ehould be wanting la gratitude. in railed to acknowledge what Hie V.uitir a. doue tor me. 1 waa attacked about eleven moutnuluoe with Bronchltl., which eetlled Into Uon.umptlun. I had night .went and fever ehlllr; wa.dl.tre.ead for breath, and fre quently ilt blood ; wae all emaolated. very weak, and eo low that my friend thought my tee bopelea. I waa edviaed to make a trial of the Vege- tlne, which, under the providence of Und, ua. cured me. That he may blea tlie ue. or your medicine to othere, u be he. to me, and I hat hi. divine grace may attend you, I. the heart felt prayer ol your admiring, bnnibleMrvnnt, P. 8. Mine I. but on among the many cure, jour medloiu ha Dec ted In thl place. Make it Public. Booth Bostoh, Feb. t, 1871. H. K. Htsvbii, Baq, Dear Mir I have board from very many ouroeioftb great tuoeeM of Vni.Tia la eaeee of BerofuW, KbeuiuaUam, Kldner Com plaint, Catarrh and other dl.ea.na or kindred nature. 1 make no hesitation In laying that I knew YaoaTina to be the moat reliable reme dy fur Catarrh and General Debility. My wtte nae seen vouoiea wuu uaurro for inny year, and at time very badly. She hae thoroughly tried every rappoeed remedy that w oould hear of, and with nil thl ah baa for aeveral year been gradually growing worm, and the dleeharg from tho head waa eioea.lv. and very eOeMtvo, She waa in thl. condition when the com menoed to take Tmrrin ; t eonht a that he vu Improving on the oecond bottle, she oontlaued taking the Vegettne nntll.he bad uaod from twelve to fifteen bottle. 1 .m now nappy In Iniormliig you and the pabllo (If you etinoMtemak.it public) that eh le entirely cured, and Vogetfn aooompll.heg tho car. alter nothing el.e would. Hone I mei Juetk Bed la any tag that Vegotiu K Ui moot reliable remedy, and weald advla all fafermghn. manlty to Uy It. for 1 believe It at be a floaa, bonfttl, vegetable medlolue, and 1 ahau not hesitate to recommend It. I am, 4c, reepoctfullv, Im O. OARDKfX, tor 401 Broadway. YiouriM sot directly upon the ean of tbeee oomplalnt. It Invigorate, and .trengl li en, the wtiol .yatem, act. upon the aeorellve organ., allay. Inflammation, cleanae and cure, ulceration, curee conatlpatlon, and regu late, the bowel. . Has Entirely Cured Mo. Boaroa, October, 1810. Ma. iTiranii Dear Sir-My daughter, after having a e vere attack of whooping cough, wae left In a feeble tate of health. Being ndvlmd by a friend ah tried the Vauvrins, and after ntfng a rw bottle wa rally restored to beaiuv I have beeu a great (offerer from Hbeuma tl.m. I bar takeu several bottle, of the Vegetlne for thl oomplalut, and am happy to ay It ba entlr.ly eared me. 1 hav rocom mebded the Vegettne to others, with the same good result. It U a great ol.an.er and purl flerof the blood ; It I pleasant to take, and I saa cheerfully recommend It, JAMES MOUSK, M A them Itroet Id by all Druggist sutdl Dealer Erwywaers, may 17 l8-4w The Baptizing of Infants. , Detlued from the Objections of Anti-Paxlo Baptists, Being aa answer to A Treatis on Infant Bap tlim by T. H. Prltcbard, D. D Pastor of tb Kal.lgli Baptist Church. BT B. S. Mason, D. D., Rector or Christ Church, Raleigh, N.U. , For sale at HEINSBERCER'S Uve Book and Mult Store, tnayW IM TRUES, SADDLES AND HARNESS, Traveling Bags, Satchel., Shawl Straps, Whip, Spurs, Saddle Cloths, Feather Duster., Collar., Barnes, Saddlery Hardware, lnther, Ail Grease, and all kinds of Saddlery Ooods. CARPENTER at MALLARD. No. I South .Front Htteet, Wilmington, N. 0. may 16 . l5-tf Great Inducements to Cash Buyers. Iam determined to close oat the . balance of my handsome Stock of READY MADE CLOTHINQ at figures lower than ever before offered in Wilmington.' tut for CMh Only, A. DAVID. may 26 Pine Apples, ' i - STRAWBEURIES, GREEN PEAS, ORANGES, LEMONS, to., at IL W. SHURE'S, 81 North Front Street may to 1M SXW ALVIRTISIMENT. FH SAL OR RENT ! Th HUl aa receuliy built lor andl!i oecapled by tk Hev. J. O. Htdcn, onilliaS Seventh, between Chestnut and Mulberry St. Terms reasonable. H. HAAK, Urocer, Corner 1th and Uheetnat Streets, may ST lus-tf Tho Wilmington and Coast Turnpike Company. TtOOKS OF SUBSCRIPTION TO THK Capital Stock of this Oompany have beeu opened by tb undersigned constituting tho Committee for that purpose, appointed at th recent meeting of th Corporators named la the act of Incorporation, and may be found at th several Bank of tb city, and at the Fur' oell Mouse. 1 .Jilt. A. WRIGHT, J K. DAVI.i, T-J.8KUTUIRl.AM), NORWOOD U 1LK8, Oil AH. D. MVKKS, WM. A.CUMMINU. Commute Ivatf may It CORN! CORN! g QQQ BUbHKI.8 CORN. For sal by KKROHNKR A OAl.DKH HK08 Molasses ! Molasses ! Jim HUil. Mw Drop Cuba, BO S. II. Mill TO, UNI Hill.. New Crop Cuba, SOU S. H. Molasses. For sale by KKROHNKR A OAl.DER BROS. Flour! Flour! MO Bill.. Hob White K. our, KI " PrlnneM Rnyal JTIoiir, Ml Hell Mill Plour, loo " lugomar flour, roranMby EERUHNEB A CALDEK HUOM Hackerel ! Mackerel ! US Malf Bbls. V. 1 and Mackerel, 18 Bbls. aud Malf Bbls. Ho 3 Mackerel, rot sale by KBUCBMIH A OAUIKH BHOH. may (? 1. To M Mascrs of Harflware. w. bar marked down to price to suit the preennre of the times. Retail buyers would do (JIKS A MORI HIHON, mayU M North Froqt St. I Hayc this Day BccciyeiT ANOTHER 80PPLT Ot THUMB HAN1 sewed, Msohineeswed and Cable-Wire Hot-Toe Ijow-qnaruir Shoe of v.rloiie ityle. A In Oent Uoat Strap Tlea and Nulll fiers. Ladle Slipper In (rent variety, from (1 and upwards. Ml and Children1. Shoe a specialty. H. a, laaies nrons b upper, oniy i. CHARLES A. PRIOR, No. SI Market St , Sign of th Oold.n BooU may 4 I' Strawberry Ice Cream plHK APPLE IOB CREAM, Vanilla Ioe Cream, Lemoi) lot Cream. AH of tlie above delicious flavors ean be bad at J. O. Lnmsden'i Ioe Cream Parlors every day. Parties wishing Ice Cream for Bnndsy din n.r will plea order on BMnrday. may w 123-tf-na.ed Received this Day The fourth lot of those lone handled Cotton Hoes, th hast nd cheapest ever brouirht to thl. market. Also have a. tine assortment of Farmer' Hardware of every description ana at prices that will Itlve satisfaction, at the Uld B.taoiuuiea narawar nouse or JOHN DAWSON, No. 19, 20 and 11 MarketStroet. may 23 m Field, Cover and Trap Shooting By Oaft. A. H. Booabdvs. With Stsal Portrait and engraving or tu Chsmploa Modal." KsneyMamied eloth S Co. A compendium of many year, of experience, giving biate for tallied marksmen and Instrno lion for yoang sportsmen, describing the MPU tHU Ul RBUI UUkW. Uia". " sorts of waterfowl, breeding and breaking of dogs, and everything of Interest to therixirl manc The author le "champion wing-Miot of America," who knows a gun as Hiram Wood rutt knew ahorse. And be has the same care ful and oomiKitent editor who put Woodrutt's Trotting Horse of America " Into shaie,Chiu. J. Poster, so many year sporting editor of Wilkes' Spirit qf the Timi. For sale at HEINBBERQRR'S. i IU may 21 LOOK AT OUR Blue Flannel Suits, Elegantly mad out of SUPERB fLAN NEL warranted perfect LOOK AT OUR 'f CHEVIOT SUITS . ' AI.LWOOI,,at 18 oir. VT Caxi. asd But. MUNSOK & CO., CITT CLOTHIERS, may 23 128-tf We Have Now in Store PY1HB BK8T LOT Of MEN'S AND Wo men's every day SHOES, inch aa Men's bent Kip Brogans and Women's Baft and Pebble Bala and prioss low. Person In want of these Good, at wholesale or retail, wlU do well to eall aad see them. Alway a good supply of Gents, Ladle, Misses and Children Shoes en hand. faisoaa Stkkmt. IVARS m VOflOLAHN. . may S3 1 VEDDING CARDS SSW SEW ADYERTISEHIMS. 45. 15 BEOWN & We are still adding to our ExtcnsiTo ABsorlmcnt of GSEJERAL DRY GOODS ' Being full aware that small nroflU make quick returns, wo have marked our whole stock so that any ana every one can plainly see we are iu earnest and mean busiuew. We only desire those who are iu want of anything in onr line to give us a call in order to satiafv thcmaclvos. We are never araid of showing our goods, or of comparing thorn with any. We call particular at tention to the following lint : HTRII'ED SUMMER HILKS rodnood to (12, Cents. Black Ileruanies and Grenadines from 18 CtonU. Colored Btripe and Figured Grena iinos 16 2 3 oouta. Grey De Hagoa 20 Cents, Our stock of Dress Goods is largo aud we olTcr them as low as they can be j bonght in any Northorn maiket. GENTN l'-UlfNIHUIINCi UKl'AUTMEIST. White Dross Hhirts, CuIVm, Collars, Joau Drawers, Guuite Uudervosts, Brit ish Half Hose. Bleached and btriucnl do., in fact evurvthinff that bolonos to such a Department. LINEN AND DOMESTICS. Bleached and Unbleached Damaaks iu l'owcr aud Hand Loom, Cotton and Linen Diajwrs, Bosom and Pillow Cane Lluens, Linen Bhootings, Chamber and Bath Towels, NapkitiH, Doilies, Htir IJnona, CraHlies, Ao. LADIEH 110SIEUY, GLOVEH AND GAUZE UNDERWEAR. L'lama Wo Haciiuos and 1'oinU ; Lace Hhawls 70 ota., a bargnia ; Striptvl and Plain Hhetland Hhawln ; Nottinnhnm for Curtains; Mubhino Needlos 5 eta, ' each. Bole Agouts for 1'IUNK LJ&LlE'd PAPEH PATTEUNa, BROWN & RODDICK, may It! MORE PARTICULARS ! MY Ar-t'OBlMEM IS NOW COMPLETE IN ALL THE DIFFEltENT LINES. My customers have shown their appreciation of my LOW PKICES by their liberal purchases, for which I'm thankful. STBANQEUS not postod, and desiring tike value of their monrg, can M. M. K ATZ'S, aprll II SOL. BEAR & BRO'S, 20 Market Street. CLOSINQ OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK OF UltTtT GOODS AT OCR RETAIL 8T0UK ! Great Bargains ! f'J-4 LINEN 8HEKTIJSO from 70 ot. and fl IS per yard. Moiamblquo T ot. per yard, SWISS MUSLINS, UK) Dosen Linen Towels anil Napkins, Irish and Oeiman Linen bblrtluga, . Cambric Hasdkerchlels, MATTINGS, White and Colored. SO Pieces LINEN for Ladles Traveling Dreiae and Boys wear. Large amoitmsntof Pantmaand 8trawHts for Children and Men. . , W will commence on Monday to sOU the abov and will continue dally until tho whole stock I closed out. ST Ladle are respectfully Invited to call and examine our stock, as w kliow It will re pay them. "' In future we Inton I to confine our business to Clothing and Merchant Tailoring. may IB 122-tf A irr.oATirsro cixy, AND THE lJlockatlo ltuunorw. By Jules Verne. ALICE LORRAINE. A Tale of tho South Down. By K. 1. Blaokmore. OUR DETACHMENT. A Novel. By K. King. ' BELKCTED POEMS. Illustrated. T.n Oents per Number. "THE MAY QUEEN." By Alfred Tenny son. . "THE DEATH OF THE OLD YEAR," All for aal at - i CONOLEY & YATES', City Bok and Mosio Store, may S3 123 45. EODDICK 45 Market Street- US got it by calling 36 Market St. HO HUMBUG! THERE IS NO HUMBUQ ABOUT SELLING THIS STOCK OUT AT COST ! Kara Is tlie most desirable A took ever sacrU floeil In this city. Every article Is to b re tailed at New York cost at wholesnle. It la oa.y for any ono to see the dlrlerenoe In price liore and where giwd. are retailed In the regu lar way. There are thon.ands of dollars worth ofgooi'i that must be sold la "81XTT DATS" that are needed dallv bv ever housekeeper In onr land that will never again have the oppor tunity of buying snoh goods at aa low figures. -"Lose no time In making your selections If you want more for your money than you can ever bav aealn." Now Is the time to get It. as the .took 1 to be sold for oash. Purchasers will please remember that no goods will be delivered until paid for. CrEOllOlS LIIEIOISIt. 29 Market Street. may is 124 Dissolution of Copart nership. mHE FIRM or hottendorf ahas- hagen was dissolved on th 2uth Instant by the death of Mr. W. Uottendorf. All iiersons Indebted to th lata firm are earnestly requested to make Immediate pay -ment, and all persons holding claim against the Arm to present them to the undersigned, at th affairs of the concern must be settled. CHRISTIAN HA8UAOEN, V Surviving Partner. Wilmington. May tBth, 11)75. 124-gt Whale Oil Soap, For preventing an J destioylng INSECTS on f Plants, Fruit Treos, &o. FLY PAPER, ' f Hyatt's Life Balsam, i. -I , - Pain Killer, J Ddstetter's Bitters, ' ' i, , Vinegar Bitter. . ,. v , s Forealelowby f OREEN AFLANNKR, . may 26 Druggist. C Ann PER DAY. AgenU wanted. All ' (pD Ul JZiU elaones of working people of both Mies, young and old, make more money a work lor In their own localities, during . . , their spare moment, or all th time, than at anything else. We oft'or employment that . ( will pay handsomely for evert Iwnr" work; Full paVtloalare, terms. 4c, rant froe. Send OS your eddre at ono. Dor 't delay. Now Is the time, Don't look for work or buninea eluewhere, nntll you have learned what we oiler. G.6tin0S Co., Portland, Maine, may 2D M-d4wlj