I 1 I VOL XXIV. HO. 127. wiuniiGTOiT. n. c. Friday, hay 28. 1875. WHOLE 170 6,891. jay i i i 7, fthftliuln ?loum;il. WILMINGTON. N. C. : FEIDAT, MAY 28. 1875 BYt TELEGRAPH. THE FIRE FIEM); TWO STEAMBOATS AND TIIKJSE BABQES BURNED. PnrsBCRa, Pa., May t7 Noon The 8tHoil)oata Jurvata hi: J Mollie Ebrt, with three empty barges, lying at MoutuigaheU, vera buruoU to the water's dge this morning. The Ju niata, a Bide-wheW boat, had btwu held here by the U. S. , Marshal, aud . was only released yvaterday. She was valued at about 875,000, but was not insured. The Mollie Elwrt, a atom wheel boat, valued at 45,000, was in sured about one-half of this amount. The total loss is roughly estimated ut 8120.000. Holuston, Mash., May 27. Night A large hotel and livery stable with fourteen houses burned, liosa $100,- 000. HALTlMOltE. CIIURCn CONVENTIONS IN SES SION. YESTERDAY'S RACES. Baltimobk. May 27 Noon The biennial session of th Suod of tin1 Evangelical Lutheran Chur ;h let in hck sion here. There are over one hund red thousand members of the church with seven hundred ministers. The ninety-second Annual Conven tion of the Protestant Epiaoopnl (Juuroh of Maryland is also in session. The question of prayer for the dead will be brought before it. Bishop Bmith, of Kentucky, and Bishop Whittinghnm have failed to tike action In arraigning the Reotois Calvary Church. Baltimore, May 27 Night Second Day First race Eleven started; Springlet Bay final won the first hoat, Bpringlet the second and Vagabond the third; time 1:43. Second race Five started; Preakness won the first heat; Fadladeen the second and Botany Bay the third; time 4:09. Third race Six started; Stock wood won the first heat, Scratch the sec ond and Stanford the third; time 2:44.. Fourth, race Eight started; Audubon won; time 1:47, lMOj, 1:411. THE HUB. EXPLOSION IN A DRUG STORE AND LOSS OF LDE. STOCK COMPANY FOR ' BOSTON POST. THE Boston, May 27 Noon An explo sion in Dow 'a drug store, on Wash ington street, caused the walls to fail. Two dead and three fatally hurt were taken out. Twelve have been sent to the hospital .The street were crowded with people and vehicles. A street oar was thrown on its side by the ex plosion. A horse and buggy was found under the ruins. Adjoining build ings were shattered. The cause of the explosion is unknown. Boston, May 27 Night The Bos tonPost has boon organized in to a Stock Company of three hundred thoutaud dollars of one hundred dollar shares, all paid up. ; Of the victims of the explosion three are dead, fonr seriously injured and twenty-two are slightly injured. HEADQUARTERS. THE PAPAL ENVOYS AT THE CAPITAL. A NICE, LITTLE SUMMER TOUR FOB THE Q. M.-GENERAL. Washington, May 27. Night. Tho Papal Envoys who brought the beretta to Cardinal McCloakey, visited the President and Secretary to-day. The President orders the depart ments closed on Sutu.day for the de coration of the Arlington Federal graves. Oen. Meigs has been detached on special duty to report upon the organ ization of foreign armies, and espe cially regarding the Quartermaster's Department. Meigs will be absent a year. Gen. Ingall has been assigned t x i . i . r - i : .i as uartewaswr weuurm iu we mean time. The President with his family goes to Long Branch on Tuesday. Delano had a general talk with the Blaok Hill Indians, who showed little disposition, to move into the Indian territory. Spotted Tail wanted to known if that territory was so beauti ful, why Wnite men did not go there instead of coming to the Black Hills, a.- VII.U1JJIA. DOINQ3' 07, THE Y. M. C. A. AT 0 RICHMOND. Richmond,? May 27. Night. The Delegates to the Young Men's Christian Association held a full meeting in the Baptist Church this morning at 10 o'clock. President Hardee called the Convention to order. Yesterday's proceedings were read and approved. Committees announced: Southerners, On Association, J. M. Fowlo, of North Carolina; Credentials, L. S. Edwards, of Richmond, A.' J. DodnSead, of South Carolina; Devotional Exeroises, J. W.' Wallace, of. Georgia, W. L. Peok,of Texas, James Gordon, of Rich mond;', Executive, BB. Russell, Florida. Rev. Duncan MoGregor, of England,1 waajileoted Honorary Vice President b.i&vera satisfactory ad dresses were, rnado. The afternoon session was occupied by reports. The progress of the Association is very satisfactory in ail its details. . KIMi COTTON, .. ' - - PRESENT STATUS OF THE CROP. Memi-iiis, Mny 27 Noon 1G6 re sponses. 'Planting completed except replanting; 2 loss acreage tliau last year's stand; 95 report good; 71 report eleven per cent, snort, two-nuns oi which will be replanted; the weather is favorable, except too cold; 94 re port material impiovement; 31 mod erate improvement; 3(5 no chago; 6 not so good. Iu Louisiana the average Rtaud is 6 days later than last year. ELECTRICISJIS. The Commissioners of the United States Centennial desire to say that no selections for orators, poets or mar shals have been made. Evarts'conjuieuoed his speech yester day in the Tilton case. The tarred boJy of a mau was found floating iu East river yesterday. Sidney Dilton has been elected President of the Pacific Stcamahip Company. The Washington Eolio says: The total valuation of real and personal property, in Washington Township, for 1874, was $.r(7,32t. while that of lb75 is $012,285, showing an inorease of about $15,000. If the other town ships increase proportionally, the in creased valuation of real and personal property in this oonnty will reach $150,000. ' The Charlotte Observer says: On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week, Mr. Eccles, of the Central Hotel, ftd 500 persons at each meal, aud at each meal on Ihumlay a frac tion ove that number. On Wednes day. Thnrsday and Friday nights he furnished sleeping accomodations for between 350 and 400 guets. The like of this was never before accomplished by any hotel in North Carolina. Not ouly wei e 1,500 people a day fed for three days, but they were fed well. The Raleigh News says: Among the pleasant incidents which relieved the painful accidents at Unarlotte oi some of their suffering, was the prompt and uuremitting attention of the ladies of the place to the wounded. None were more assiduous in attention than Mrs. Stonewall Jackson. One of the wound ed was Mr. Bingham, well known to have boen a Federal soldier, and an artilleryman during the war. This was known to Mrs. 3., yet she sent him a bouquet, accompanied with a kind note inclosing ten dollars, re gretting that her circumstances pre vented a larger donation. She after ward visited the wounded man in person, sitting at his bedside, aud ministering to his wants with the most tender concern. And she has repeated her visits daily, and will probably do so as long as Mr. Bingham remains in Charlotte. Practice versu Theory. The theory of disease accepted by phsicians is, that symptoms are mere ly sympathetic indications of its ex istence, and have in most instances little or nothing to do with fixing its locality. Their practice, however, is diametrioally opposed to their theory, for they administer medicines which affect symptoms only. The remarka ble oures of dyspepsia, sick headache, constipation, rheumatism, general de bility, urinary aud kidney troubles, aud malarial fevers, wrought by Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters, could never have been accomplished by remedies wliich addressed themselves merely to the removal of any one of the mani fold and complicated symptoms to which those maladies gives rise. Aoting, as the Bitters do, directly upon the stomach and tributary organs. overcoming their irregularities and endowing them with renewed vigor, they control, as it were, the springs of vitality, purifying and giving them fresh impetus, and dispersing all those harraasing symptoms which proceeded from their misdirection or contami nation. Thai-lew l.ainb, Earlt, Denounced all spirituous liquors as "Wet Damnation." Poor fellow; he knew whereof he spake, by sad expe rienoc, and if living, would apply the same to Alcoholic bxcitauts, advertis ed as Curealls. But there is one Tonic and Alterative iu existence the best the world has ever known which con tains no alflshol. It is Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters. Chppped .hands are very common with those who have their hands much in water. A few drops of Joonson'a Anodyne -Liniment rubbed over the hands two or three times a day, will keep them soft and white. Fisher men, sailors, and others will do well to remember this. BEW ALVI RIISEMEHT. Mrs. Ann S. Stephens' New Book. RRRTHA'8 ENGAGEMENT. A New So. clny Novel. By Mr.. nn 8. Stephens. One volume, c'oth, full gilt back, prloe (ITS; or In paper cover, price f 1 CO. Alexander Dumas' New Works. ANN BITE; OR, THK LADY OP TUB PKARf.8. Translated from the French or A!. lander . T'nmax, by Mrs. Martha LhIUIx Johnton, of Philadelphia. Price IB cent. THK MOHIOAN8 OF PARIS. By Airman. der Duniaa, and THK HORROR OF PARIS, m aequui win. momr-ni. oi ran., dv Alex andor Dumas, Translated from the French einrumly tor till- edition. Each In one yolunie. octavo, prioe Seventy-live couU each. t orveie at HKINSBRHORR'S may 28 Live Book and Mutlc Store. MOSQUITO NETS, LAKGK AND SMALL RATTAN CHAIRS and Rocker. WhlNani uii-.'iwi matting, Window Bhadiw, ikfet and Rl'rigratorilor stjmmiia trade. For vale low by D, A. SMITH A DO. may Hi 13 w EUKI NU (JAKUMand VIMITINU UAH OS Sipeolalty at the , NEW ADVERTISES EST3. The Latest Hovelty, stvlio . TUB CROWN Of THK OODDIMS CERES." The only one of the kind for kale. Ladlei and Gentlamea call aod aiaealM It at Conoley &?Yate8. The Baptizing of Infants. Defended troaa the Objections of Anti-Piedo Baptists, Being an auiww to Treatla oa Infant Bar ium by T. H. PrlU hard, D. I)., Factor of the Raleigh Baptlat Cnirok. For aale at the rttr Bek and Mamie Iter. my8s iu WILMINGTON AND WELOOX RAIL ROAD COMPANY. urnue o UaaaBAlHuriaiareaoaav, 1 Wlimiugttm, m. a, May IS, ISIS. ) UBANQB (r tK'HKDULB. On and after Jan lit, P Manager TtnlM tho W. A W. Uailroad will ran ne follows s MAIL TRAIN Dnloa Uepot dally (aioepe Handaya) at... f.MA. at Arrive at Uoldjboro at ,,.,.4S A. M, Kooky Moant at 1 M P. V " Weldoaat ...... 1..0 P. M lav Weldondally at 1S.no A. M Arr eat Rocky Moant IMI A. M. ' UoldeWoat LIS P. M. Union Depot AOS f. M. XPKBHa TRAIN AMD THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN ava Union depoi, dally, at IN P. In, Arrive at Goldaboro at ll.aa P. M. Rocky Monntat ISO A. M " Weldon at SOS A. M Leave Weldon, dally, at t.oo P. M, Arrive at RockyiMonnt at. to 00 P. M, " Ooldaboroat. , 1140 A.M. " Union Depot at... ........ 0 A. M Mall r rain make eloe eoa-teoUon at Wal don for all points North via Buy Uneaad An quia Oreek r on tea. AT Eiprea Train oonnectt only with Aeqnkl Oreek root. Pwllnmati rata fan; Cars a tttin Tralat. Freight Train will leave Wllnrnrtoet tri weekly at t.OO A. M. ai d ar-lve at 1.40 P. M. JOHH V. DIVINS, Ooaoral Mnpt maySS Uf-U HtarooPV. Galanthe Lodge No. 7, k. of p. BBBTHBBNt Tan art noaatted to atUnd a epflcial avMlng to bo held at OaetlsHaU thl (Friday) evening at l:W o'cleok. A fall attendance Is deal red. Work In tho Third Bank. By order O. O. BERRT GLEAVK, K. of It. 8. may 21-it WILMINQTON, COLUMBIA " " ' AND. AUQUSTA RAILROAD CO. OFII0X OF GRM'Ii SnrERIMTKHDIlTf, Wilmibotos, M. 0., May , ISIS CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ' On and niter Tuesday, Jane lit, the tollow lng icbedule will bo run on thli road t MQUT BXPKBBB AMD PAB8BMUBB TRAIN, (Dally). Leave Wilmington................... 6.2S P. M Leave Florence.. ............ ..1J. A. M Arrive at Columbia. .1B A.TA " Angiuta.. 8.4SA.M Leave Aneiuta t.lS P.M Leave Columbia. 1.15 P. M Iave riorenoe. 1.10 A.M Arrive at Wilmington T.10 A.M PaMenzere eolni Weot beyond Ooln.nbla, will take this Train, leaving (Wilmington aits.ao r.M. THROUGH FBK'GHT TRAIN WITH PAH- BENUER UOACHBB ATTA0HKD, (Daily except Hoxdayt.) Leave Wilmington I BS P. M Leave Florence 100 A M. Arrive at Columbia 10.00 A M. Leave O- Inmbla I.M P M. Leave F'orenoe. 13A.k Arrive at Wilmington I.OSPH. LOCAt, FRB1GHT TRAINS leave Wil mington dally (exoept 8nnday)at i 60 A.M., and arrive at Wilmington at 1 00 P. M. SSTParaengeri for Oharleeton, Oolumbla and A ugunta and beyond, ahould take night Bx oreM train from Wilmington. aV Th oogh Sleeping Care on night train. tor unarieatoa ana Angaeua. JAMBS AMDBRSOM. Gen'l Baperlntendent. may IS - - 131-tf ( , Star copy. ,A:i.,..,..:,,,il,a, For Sale! QNB BARREL OORM .WH18KET-A Mo 1 above proof. By , JHO.W. flOBDOW, Imarance Agent, PrinotM St, between Water and Front, may IS llT.lt Change of Office 1 hereby Inform the ' publlo that I have re moved my offloe from the Bank of Mow Han over Building to that recently vacated byJMr. ThomaeUreimo,on PrinooM itreet, between Water and Front. may-lt JHO.W. QOBDOS. Eastern Hay. at Auction. THIS DAT. (Friday) at 10 o'clock A.M., we will i II In front of oar aalerroonu, 25 Bales Eastern Hay, with iundry other artlclea. OROKLT MORRIS, Anetionoera, may 28 17-It Children' Colored Shoes. Juat received direct from tho Maanfaotare a flue awrtmelit of Children 'a Bur. Bronx and Black Nhooa of All ilaee, with and without heel.. Aim GenU Hand-Sewed Rex-Tee aad Machine-sewed Low guarter Sboee. Ladle. U alter, and Slipper, in great variety at . a A. FBIOBTB, M Market Streot. maytl . 1 NEW ALVEETISEaiEXTS. PUBLIC REPORT or a POLICEMAN t have not entered rood health for several year, put, yet have nut allowed It to Interfere with my labor. Kvery one belonging to the laboring elan know, the hiouovealeooe of be. Ing obliged to labor whea tho body, from de oiuty. aianei reiaaee to penurn nm nuuj I never wax a believer la doeuis with medl olnee: bat havlna h.ard the VRGK11MB epokea of ao highly, wax determined to try It, and akall never regret that determtnatloa. A a tonic (whlcn every ee aeede at eometlme) It eurpaxeee anything I ever heard or. It In vlioratee the whole ay.teia : It I. a greatolean e.r and i utlflcr of the blood. There are many of my acquaintance, who have taken It, aud all nolte in waieeof lueatl.'ectory effect. Kapeclally among the aged olaae of people, It unrru to ui-m the one thing moat ueawui in old age nlihteof calm, await repoee, thereby uengtbenina tho mind a wen aataeaoa One aged lady, who ha. been au Bering through I t. Irom acrolnla, and haa become blTud Irom Ite eflecte, haying tried many rexaedlee with no avoraeie rerun, wax Induced ny irieana to try Ihe Vegatlne. After taking a few hottlea, aha obtained uoh great relief that ah exireaed a wlh for her eight, that the might b ante to ioox apoa the uaa who had eenl her inch a blereiiig, Yonr. rcmiectfxl'y, O. P. H. HOOGM, Police Officer, Button (, BooToa, Mam., May I, iff I. Heartfelt Prayer A St. Paul, Ang. H,MC4. H. R. Itivmi, Bhv. i Iear 8lr-l xhonld be wanting la gratitude, If I failed io acknowledge what the Vaomxa hex done for me. I wax attacked about eleven month. laoe with Rronclutlx, which entiled into Vonxnmptlon. I had night eweatx and fever ehlllf ; waadtatnmed for breath, and fre quently aplt blood t wa. all emaotated. very weak, and at low that my frlaudx thought my ie hopelea. 1 wee advlaed to make a trial of tho V. re tina, which, ander the providence of God, haa cured me. That he may blew the uae of your medicine toother., ax ke haa to me, and that hi. divine grace may attend yon, le the heart felt prayer of your admiring, bumble aervaut, oanii.niA raixinuiuui P. 8. Mine la but one among the many euro, your medicine hal effected In thl. place. 0. r. Hake it Public. Boots Booyos, Feb. 9, UTI. H. B. Btivixx, Kaj. Dear Srr I bare heard from voir many eoaroee of tho groat tucceee of VaoaTinain cane of soroiuia, itoeumauam, BJuney uom plaint, Catarrh and other dlaeeaee of kindred nature. I make no hesitation In laying that 1 Inww VaonTiaa to be the moet reliable reme dy for Catarrh and General Beblllty. My wile hex been troubled with catarrh for many year, and at ilmea very badly. She ha thoroughly tried every euppoerd remedy that we could hear of, and with all this aha ha for several year been gradually growing worse, and the dlaoharge from the head waa eicee.lv. and very onennve. nne wax in mi eonamen wnen in. com. meneed to take Tnoa-rinn 1 eould a that ah wax Improving on th eecood bottle. She eontlnned Uktnc the Vexetlne wntlieno naa need from twelve to SfWen bottle. I am now happy In Inlormlng you and Ui puuuo (if you ehuoee to make It public) that aha la entirely eared, and Vesetin aeeomDllah! th euro alter nothing ale would. Henoa I feelju.tl- fled In aaylag that Vegetlu hi th moat raliabl aaa adviao all mfferlngha. anky Wtrylt. furl belteva U to be a good, aoamt, mgVtabl medicine, and I ahaU not seaitaxa reemna n. , , , i-"",,rro,ARDKLu Stor 401 Broadway, Vaoxrixi acta directly upon the oaaxei of tneae oompiainte. Jtinvigorateeaua mrengin en. the whole ryetem, act nnoa th aacratlv organx, allay Inflammation, oleanxee and sure ulceration, onrei oonxtlpatlon, and rege latee th bowel. Has Entirely Cured Me. Borrow, October, 1870. Ma. BTsvan i Dear sir My daughter, a nor naving a ae vere attack of whooping cough, wax left In a feeble date of health. Being advlaed by a friend ahe tried the Viomaa, and after uung a few bottlee wax fully reetored to health. I have beea a great .afleier from Kheuma. tl.m. I have taken aeveral bottlee of the Vegetlne for thl complaint, and am happy to aav it haa entirely cured me. t hay recom mended the Vegetlne toother, with th earn Cd reaulta. It I a great cleanaer and pnrl of the blood ; It I pleasant to take, and I oaa aheerruliy reoommena it. JAMES MOK8K, IM Athene Street. Ho A Bjr all Drngglat and Dealers Everywhere may 17 -4w A 6ni Fiilf ElCETSl Will take place under to au.plcc of the louaa; Cau belle rrlend'a Moolety. To Smlthvllle and return per Steamer GOV. WORTH, on X need ay, the wui m.b Ticket for gentleman, St 00 acb; tor lady or coua, cv cent eaco. The boat will leave the wharf, foot of Mar ket etreet, promptly at I o'clock. Uood muxto ha been engaged for the ocoamlon . The Committer reaervea the right to exclude all objectionable peraoux. Ticket may ba procured at the atore of.), H. Allen, L. Brown and J H. MoGarlty A Vs. may 10 117-16, 21, 22, 13, 16 TRUNKS, SADDLES AUD. HARNESS, Travellnc Ban. Satchel. Shawl Strap. Whine. Snore, saddle Clothe. Feather Duetera, Oollara, Uamea, Baddlery Hardware, Leather, All urea, ana au xidui oi oauuiery uwua. CARPENTER at MALLARD. Mo. I South Trout Street, Wilmington, ft. a may so ino-u Great Inducements to Cash Bayers. I am determined to close out the balanoe of my handsome" Stock of READY MADECLOTHINQ at figures lower than ever before offered in Wilmington.' . Bat lot Crwta Oaly. A. DAVID. 125 may 20 Pine Apples BTIUWBEURIE3, - f GREEN PEAS, ORANGES, LEMONS) Aoi $M ' H. W. SHUBE'8, ' 81 North Front Street is m MISCELLANEOUS. For SAL OR RENT ! The Hoi'sR rM-eoily built lor ami 'L oocepira by tie Mev J. u. Hklen, ntiiti Heventh, between Chratnut and Mulberry ot. irrma leaxanaDie. H. HA AH, Grocer, Corner Tin and Ohertnnt Street, may 71 int-tf The Wilmington and Coast Turnpike Company. JJOOKS OF SUBSCRIPTION TO THK Capital Stock of thla Company hav ba.n opened by th anderetgned couxtltullng th Oammltte for that purpoee, appointed at the roeant meeting of the Corporator named la the act of Incorporation, and may b lound at th eaveral Bank of th city, and at th Pur oll Houe. M.A. WRI0HT, J R. DAVIS, T. J. SOUTHRRLAND, NORWOOD Oil. KS, VHA8, D. MVKRS, WM.A. OUMMING. Commlfte. IM-tf may tl GRAND TEMPERANCE FESTIVAL AND BALL OF Mt. Olivet Council No, 0, F. of T., Will take plar al our Ball, on Third xtreet, on FRIDAY MUST, May ?tb, and all diiy on Saturday, Uie 2t h, tor Children, Motlwi. will nleaae to take th.lr llttl onee to am n. Ia.II.. who are kind enouxh lo help n. out will pleaee .end Iu their donation, early on Friday to tb Hail or to Mr. Oro, P. I.ainb, no Hlxth, between Prlnaeaand Chextnut Hta. TICKETS U It MIS. mayll ' 1M-It Merchandise Brokerage. WITH TRKRKyUISITK KXPEKIENOK, acquaintance, knowledge and facllltln, I oiler my aervioee fur the piirchaae and asle of all deet rlptionx of Mercliandle la WMtern, Northern and our own market Negotiate oxen and orxiht, Wire ueeil freely at my oxpon tor any Information dexlred. From Importer.. Refiner, Miller and Manufacturer., full Hue of aaniBle exhibited dally. Coffee, Molamex, Syrup. Sugar, Flour, Soap, Bacon, Dry Salt Meata, Pork, Lard, Ac, Ae , all grade ; Tobacco, Ulgara, Ac ; Spirit Cask, Glue, Hay, Corn, Au. I Safe, scaira, sc., so. Special attention given to aecurlng lowtxt rate of tranxportatlon. Examination of aamplo. eorreapondenc and order solloited. r Order. lrt at Offloe for "Spot" Uooilx will hav prompt attention. JAM. T. I'EXTISVVAY, ! " " Commercial Broker, ' I NORTH WAT STRICT mai-SB l1meod r l Haye fliis Da? Eccdrct! ,T A BOTHER SUPPLY OF THOHK HAND eewed, Machine eewed and Cable. Wire box-Too Ix)W.nuartcr Shoaa of varloui at; lex. alao OenU Ooat Strap Tine and Nulll. Sere. Ladle Slipper In great variety, from SI and upward. Mlaaee and Children1 Sboex sepeelalty. . .. . . 0, liaaie nronie Biipnenoniy ai. OHARliES A. PRIOR, No. 81 Market St. , Sign of th Golden Root may t 10S Strawberry Ice Cream piSX APPLK ICS CREAM, Vanilla Ice Cream, Lemon Io Cream. AU of the above dellcloa flavor, can be had at J. C. Lumaden'x Ice Cream Parlor, every day. Partle winning Ice Cream for Sunday din ner will pleaae order on Bntnrday. may m.tf-na-ed Received this Day Th fourth lot of thoeelonf handled Cotton Hoe, Uie beet and cheapeet ever brought to thl market Alao hav a fin aaaortmunt of Farmer' H -de are of vry dewriptlva and at price, that wil gly atl.faotlou, at th Old Kxtabiixbeu Hardware uouae or JOHN DAWSON, Ho tf. 20 and VI Market Street, may 23 , m Field, Cover and Trap Shooting. By Vatt. A. H. Bosabdcs. With Steel Portrait and engraving of the "Champion Medal." Fancy damped cloth ti 00. A compendium of many yoar. of experience, giving bint, for .killed marksmen and liutruo Uona for young xporremen, dex-rlblog tb haunts and habit, of game bird. Sight and re aort of waterfowl, breeding and breaking of dog., and everything of Intercut to the aiKirtx ruan. The author I "chamiilon wing-ehot of America," who know a gun a. Hiram Wood- I ruff kn.w a horae. And be ba the aame oars- I ful and oompetent editor who put wooururr Trotting Bur, or Amenoa " into wiapo.unaa. J. Fester, ao many year .porting editor of Wllkee' Spirit iff tkt nmet. For aale at may 28 HEINSBXROKR'R. m LOOK AT OUR Blue Flannel Suits. Klesentlv mad out of SUPERB FLAN- aarrantea pen cow . - i ' LOOK AT OUR . . S CHEVIOT SUITS ALE. WOOL, mt 1S Only. , 7 Call aid Boy. MUNSON & CO., crn CLOTHIERS, may 83 128-tf t WellaTeNow in-Store rpHX BKST LOT OF MEN'S ABO WO men's every day SHOES, taoh al Men' beat Rip Brogani and Women'. Buff anil Pebblo Bala and prices low. Peraona In want of tbeat Goods, at whole or retail, wilt do well to oall and xeo them. Always a good supply of Gentx, Ladle, Mlaaee and Children! Shoe en hand. ' PEIX0EB8 BTRIKT. SVAJNS A TokQLAHN. US may a Bacon and 8. H. Molasses. Sr) Box "nuked Sid and Shoulder, . 100 ' D. S. Sldee and Shoulder., aaHbda8.BMola.ee, 40wBbla, B. H.talamn, . SJUOUMIll CALD1K BROS mays IM NEW AD VIETISE2IIX T3. 45. 45 MARKET BROWN & Wo ar still ailJing to ram Hoing fully aware that small profits make quick returns, wo have marked oar whole stock so that au and erurj ouo rau pluiuly seo we are iu saruest and metQ busiuess. We only desire those who are in want of anything in our hue to give us a call in ordr to satisfy tliomiolves. Vo are novcr afraid of showing our goods, or of oouipariug thorn with any. Wo call particular at tention to tho following list s . .. ; ' . BTlUrED 8UMME11 MLK8 reduced to &2 Onts. V t lllack Ilernauies and Grenadines from 18 Gents. . 3 Colored Stripe and Figured Qrena linos 10 3-3 cants. , , Grey De Hugos 20 Gouts. Our stock of Dress Goods is lara-e and we olT.ir them a lnw na 11. a in h bought in any Notthorn maikot. GENTH ITUllNIHIIlNCit DUl'AUTJIENT. viiino L'tvna nuirw, uuut, vxuBni. Joan drawers, uuiizo uuiiorvests, Urit ish llalf Hoso, Bleaohod audStriiwddo., in fuct everything that belongs to suck a Department. t . " f Turn i nn nninimrm 1 - 1 C" ," JIaiihni1 an.l TTnllaii)iu.l llimuti In Linen Dinners, Bosom aud Pillow Csho Linens, Liuon Bheetiugs, Chamber -and Bath Towels, Napkins, Doilies, HUr Linens, Granite. Ao. . -, r v -v. JUAUua nuailiin, tlLiUVlil AMU UAUZIi UNUEUWE.Mt. L'lama Lnivi Hanntina aiul Point. T.iuin Hlianrla 7!t nta l.nvnnln Ut:nA - 1 - , -.- . . . iuvh,,, M 1. 1 '.111 , (MI irmt and rlnin Hhotland Hhawls ; Nottinlism for Ourteins; Msehln Neodlos ftofes., each. Sole Agents for FRANK LESLIE'S PAPER PATTERNS. I 1, BROWN & RODDICK. U1AW IX - MORE METICULMS I MT ifctOMWIKT 13 HOW COIIPLETE " ZJ.,'7t"-. ' I IN ALL THE DIFEERMT 'tMES; . , ! , . ,'t J , J ' tl.'H'(..(-f,,,"- .? Ijll j 'il.! ' I i'i: J f'U't! 'ft ft$ , .. .i. ..li ; I III tf f ,,-f M. - " i:- - p'"-lf r-f. , - .-. . My oustomers Lave shown thoir approeiation of my LOW PRICES by their liberal purobases, lor which: I'm thankful. ' STRANGERS not posted, ''and dosiring tho value of their mutu-y, can get it by calling ' , . M. LEATZ'S, SOL. BEAR & BRO'S, : 20 Market Street. CLOSINQ OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK DR Y GOODS AT GOB RETAIL STORK I 1 Oreat Bargains 1 l.4 LINEN HHKKTINCl from TO ot. and 1 U per yard. . - v, Moxamblijuei? eta. por yard, ' 8WW8 MU8L1N8, tno Doten Linen Towel and Napkin, i Irlxh and tioi man Linen bhlrtlngn, Cambric Haidkerchlefa, MATTINGS, White and Colored. SO Piece LINEN (or Ladle. Traveling Drone, and Boy t wear. , targe Sfortmentot Panama and Straw Uat for Children and Men. w4 will commence on Monday to tell the above and will continue dally until tho whole Mock 1 closed out, .. ' r Ladles are reepectfully Invited to call and examine our itock, ax we kuow It will re nay them. i In future we Intend to confine our bualnet. to Clothing and Merchant Tailoring . maylle ; . -, 122-tf A FLOATING CITY, ',. ; i . y AND THE 'Blockade Kunncrs.' ,i 1 ' By Julei Verne. 1 . AMOK LORRAINR. A Tale of the South Down. By R. I. Blackmore. ' OCR VETAOHMENT. Kmg. '; ; BELRCTBO POEMS. Centa per Number. ; ' A Novel. By E. Illuxtrated. Ten r. ' . -A iJ' - f "THE MAY QUEEN." By Alfred Tenny son. ; - ' . " ' .' 1 ., : t .i' w- . THE DEATH OF TUB OLD TEAR," . i', i' l - -4 ('' .' ' I I ".'I !. ' ff-h-'f .'.fS l'H- 1 ,)-.. AUfor irnteat, t,!(w ltw.-i . ' , ; CONOLEY & YATES', ' Oily, Book ami ,Muio Btore. i may B la 45. SilET. EODDIGK our Extendi Assortment of 1 1 DRY GOODS I . J . ' ' 1 ,., .n.i rru.t r r..iil 45 Markfit: Str. ' . w " .T . ll 36 Market ,'Str NO HUMBUG ! THERE IS NO HUMBUQ ABOUT ! SELLINQ THIS STOCK OUT - ..M., ''it-'V -J'--y" MM AT COST ! Here ia the moat desirable Htnok ever .aeri fied in this eli v. Kvery article la to be re. tailed at New York cost at whol.nal. it I car fbr any on to Me the dlftcreuce In price here and where goods ar retailed In the regu lar way. There are thouinncij of dollar! worta of gjr that mast be sold In f " i.-. "81XTY DAYS : hj.'I-- that ar needed dally by v.ry housekeeper In our land that will never again have the oppor tunlty of buying nioh goods at as low figures. 'Lnsa no time in making your telootlon. If you want more for your money than you can ever buy asaJn." Now Is th Urn to act It. a the itock hi to be (old for oasb. . ..., . Purchasers will pleas remember that no good will be delivered until paid for. ' GEOltGE LIEDER, i 29 Market Street. may ss . ' . . '- l il'i'ln' Dissolution of Copart nership. rpHE FIRM OF , H.0TTEN00KF ox HAS hagen was dissolved on tho 20th mslaot by th death of Mr. Hotteadorf. ' I . '. ' All neranna Inriahrerf to th late firm are t earnestly Mquaeted to make Immediate pty" meat, and all person holding claims against ' i the Arm to present them tOYtha. undenlgned, li at the all air. of the coneoxamuK be settled,' ',,i j i CHRISTIAN HASH AO EN, , H 1 ' - ' arvlylng'Prtf.ei-.: H Wllmlniton. May xfltb, W8. v . ,,- Urt v t.i" i Ar fc, Ann pEU DeY.- Agentt wanlM.,A!I ip3 IU JlZU oliuwe.of worklug people of Iwf a T,... q aexea, young and old, make more money at work for ua, in their own localities, tlnrinij their .par moments, or all the time, than at " anything alio. Waoffer, employment that ' 4 a will pay handsomely for eyery hour's work T Full particulars, term. Ao.JSJnt fre. bend i.U u. your addreoa at once. , Doi't delay.. Now- Is the time. Don't look for work or biiRlne-a 1 elsewhere, until you have learned what, vj, , ;(. offer. G. Stinsos Co., Porthuiil, Mlno. 4 jaaym .r., ; . . ;,.rl;Hiavucwji i - i.1 itit-.'recelVod a lutirn ulnf k nf ' thV did xtvle "' Cast mtamiaid tV Rld Oreund fo ; I " Sweep. 'Hi Bladn. aud 8taniiard uld , suparatclT whea roqrtlred.i. i i '' f'u For Sale at Uio New Hardware nrorooi . . . : .! ..19 QlLILi A MUBOMlsON. BMytT . ' 1 'i ', ft it i i A !s -.1 , j I) S; " J i'.l