. . . II 1 St t 4' Hi T-Y - J t V " v -"- , . 1 i . w J .. ,X I. 3 VOL XXIV. NO. 128. wiinniGTOir. it. c. Saturday, may 29. 1875. whole "iioG;s92.;;:r 4 Wl'; !! 9rr-asr s'T . WILMINGTON. N. C: SATURDAY. MAY 29. 1875 BY TELEGRAPH THE HUE FIEM), DESTRUCTION JOF A FRENCH CATHOLIC CHUliCH. HORRIBLE SCENES. SEVENTY-FIVE TEUONS rEllISII IN THE FLAMES. Springfield, May 28 Noon The French Catliolio Ciiuroh at Sout'i Holvoke has been bnruoil. A cuudi on the altar fired the draporr. Most of thone in th body of tho church e- Oaued. while thoe in the gallrry moat ly perished. Borvioeu bad nearly closed, and vesper were being wing There was but one exit from the gal lerv which extended aronnd the build ing. There were 700 worshipers pro- ent, 75 of whom perished, ihe eiloru of the people to get into the ihnrch to rescue mends, luoreasea ino oouiu sion and added to the disaster. Pur sonal violence had to be used ' to keori women from mulling into the rliiine-i to save children. The church was es tablished tteven years ago. The pariah inoluded all the French Catholics in tho vicinity, numbering 2,000. The Church was built in 1870; Waa 100 by CO feet. It was two titoriea and entirely of pine. Tho galleria on the Bides and North end were about 25 feet wide. There were two doors in the North end and vestibule from which two doora opened in the body of the Churuh. . The galleries opened into the vestibule and at the roar end there was: another door by which a few persons escaped. Immediately upon the breaking ontof tho flaniM nil the occupants of the galleries rushed to the east door and crowded so that they fell upon one ouother and choked up the doorways with their bodies piled in all wayi, tome 7 or 8 feet deep and here most of the lives were lost. From this mass Chief Mullin rescued one young woman after taking off two dead bodies from above her. It was almost impossible to faoe the flames and Chief Mullin and others had their olothes almost burn ed from them and wore badly burned themselves About the bands. In the rear of the church was the Priest's residence, which was also destroyed. The walls were pulled down- after the fire was nearly put out. One woman jumped from the highest window down npon the front .steps, 1 breaking an arm, but she is nqt known to have been otherwise lujured". A man, with two children 'itf 'his arms, jumped from a window i and escaped. One poor woman; enveloped in flames, ahrieked out, 't'tr .God's sake, save mel" and ' sua was drugged out by John Lynch. ' - -- The latest dispatch to tho Republi can from Ho)yqkp lays., that -ia not quite certain that all the bodies have been taken- from the ruins. In the haste to get aa many as possible from the building before it fell, many were taken out a short distance, and it is possible that a few more may be taken from the debris. Holyoks, May 23. Night. Fifty bodies have been identified in addition to the 150 or 200, and atonoe removed to their homes. , There are 70 dead, 40 more or less burned and otherwixe injured .'A person Who lost 'his wife and daughter is insane. PHii&rreBtma, Pa., May 28. Night The forest fire is fast approaching the town; and assistance has been sent for. - :Vt ' " : '. -V . -.' , .. Versailles, O., May 28.-Nighfc, Four children have keen ( burnt to death. The accident Occurred by one endeavoring to light a fire with coal . oil. -- EUROPE. THE COMMITTEE OF THIRTY. AN EARTHQUAKE LEVELS SIX HUNDRED HOUSES. failure' S expected in1 V LONDON! BOYNTON XN THE CHANNEL ......li;.':; again. Pakis, May 28 Noon Tho Com mittee of Thirty decided to consider, 1st, the publio powers; 2ud, the Senate bill, and 3rd, the electoral bill. I London, May 28 Noon The Le vant Herald say. that a series of ter rible earthquakes and shocks occurred at the beginning of Maj in the Prov. inoe of Boronssia, Asia Minor. Six hundred houses were destroyed. Ac counts so far received show that one hundred and sixty-one lives have been lost and one hundred and eighty-seven persons .ipjwed. $ The- total number killed is stiirddtobwrtXr " A Spanish Admiral was killed and four officers were wounded by the Carlist battery at Mount Rico. To-morrow s settlements at the Stock Exohange are awaited with some anx iety. It is feared that the fall in the Erie and Anglo-American telegraph stock will cause some failures. At 8 o'clock this morning Paul Boyn ton had progressed-seven miles in a direct Una fom' the Friaoh ooast, and was making Steadily! fot tho English shores ; The race for , the oak stakos took i place at Epsom lo-day, and was won by Spinaway. Ladylove was second and the sister to Muekat third. There were seven starters. k ,-7, London, May 28, Night. At , the Oak gtttko raoes to-day Spinaway won easilyon a wet track. Lady' Love seoond, Mnpkets sister third. The betting was six to four againbt Spina way, three to one agaiast Lady Love,: and twenty to one against Musket's lister. IIEAIHJUAIITEKS. DECORATION DAY NOT A LEGAL HOLIDAY.. OFFICIAL CHANGES THREAT ENED IN THE SOUTH. WAsirtNOTo-v, May 28 Night. The rostmaHter General telegraphs to his Deputies that Decoration Day is not a Will holiday, Postoflices are to bo conducted as usual. The Inditing had another talk to day. They renew oomplaiuts that agents cheat them. The President signed the oommis siou of Jacob Brown an Cillect;r for ttie Fourth District of 'Florida, mid Thomas Simons as Assistant Attorney General. ' Many changes aro threatened by Pierrepont in the South. His troubls is in finding suitablu Republicans to fill the places. VIKULMA.' THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION CONVENTION. j Richmond, May 28 Night. Throe hmnlred aud thirty-five delegates are registered, representing thirty Slates and Provinces. J. W. Wallaoo, of Georgia, addressed the Couveutiou. Over 8'J,0(M) have boen subscribed fr the Executive Committoe. A sub scription from Miss M. C. Lee, the Geueral's daughter, on behalf of the Washington and Lee University Asso ciation, was reeoived with prolonginl applause. Thongs were tendered by a unanimous rising vote. W. P. Mum- ford, of Virgiuiu, and J. Hardie, of Alabama, are on the Executive Com mittee. Tho Convention meets next year at Toronto. ELECTKICJSMS. Torrents of rain in Kansas bave washed ont the grasshoppers, and it is hoped that the plague is stayed. The Democrats of Norfolk have elected all of the members of the Coun cil. V. The fifth annual regatta of the Geor gia Association opeued at savannah on Thursday. The Palmetto Club of Charleston won the first race in ten minutes and ten seconds ; Carolina ten minutes aud thirteen seconds ; Ver nonn ten minutes and seventeen se oond'?. ; Abraham Jackson, of Albany, en alleged defaulting lawyer, has been indicted on three counts, viz: False pretence, forgery, and embezzlement. He has been bailed in ths sum of $54,000. Darius Wells, inventor of wood type and job printing, died yesterday at Paterson. N. J. Diamonds belonging to the Ristori troupe, valued at $2,000, were found on the person of a colored porter of a sleopi'jg car, at St. Louis, At Detroit, Michigan, Lieutenant- Governor H. n. Holt was cowhided for alleged familiarity with a lady named Mrs. Trott. At the boat raoes at Savannah yes terday it was so rough that only the Eleanor, of Charleston, was able to round the buoy. Time: 2:0:45. The Wave, of the 2d class, won. Time: 0. The ISnrvette won the 3d class, beating the Zephyr 4:3-7. At Kalumore yesterday, in the soiling race, 7 started. There was a dead heat between Century and Cari boo. Time; 3:TOi; on the 2d trial Cariboo won. Time: 3:101. The 2d race Tom Ochiltree won. Time: 2:43. Charle l.auib, Kowaylst, Denounced all spirituous liquors as Wet Damnation." Toor follow; he knew whereof he spake, by sad expe rieuce, aud if living, would apply the same to Alcoholic Excitants, aavertis ed as Curealls. But there is one Tonic aud Alterative in existence the best the world has ever known which con tains no alcohol. It is Pit. Waleeb's California Vinkgab Bittebs. Chopped hands are very common with those who have their hands much in water. A few drops of-JodtuHm's Anodyne Liniment rubbed over the hands two or throo times a day, will keep them soft and white. Fisher men, sailors, and others will do well to remember this. :- The Timea says Dr. Walpole has lost his beautiful chestnut mare. She died suddenly ia harness, it is sup posed from botu or pin worms. If the Dortor" had used Sheridan't Cav airy (Jond 'dkm Powdors, he would, no doubt, have had his mare to-day they are death to worms. A Fragrant lireatb and Pearly " ; : Teeth Are easily attained, and those who fail to avail themselves of the means, should not complain, when accused of gross neglect. The Bozodont will spocdily eradicate the cause of a foul breath, beautifying and preserving the teoth to the oldest age. Tbe Voice or the Ureat West. Tlie voice of the great West aooords to llostetter's Stomach Bitters the foremost place among specifics for malarial disease, and this opinion is echoed wherever on this continent the Bitters huve been introduced as a rem edy for intermittent and remittent fevers. Those maladies being the pe culiar soourge of vast regions of wef t em and south-western States, it is not surprising that, the Bitters should be the great medicinal staple of suoh lo calities, or, that their inhabitants should regard this article as indispen sable in the household. 'The expe rience of the vestern emigrant proves that it is the very best means of accli mating him to uncustomed air or water; and old residents of fever and aguo regions say that it is the only thing that protects thorn with certainty sgaimst the visitation of miasmatic disease. An equally high estimate is ilaccd upon its virtues as a remedy pr stomach, bowel and bilious oom plaints, and as a general tonio and corrective, - - The Wilson Flaindealer savs: Elder F. U. Wood, of this place, left here a few days sines to attend a meeting of ! the Grand Lodjre of L O. O. T. at liloonungton, Illinois. The Rocky Mount Hail aaya : Han. naford's Mexican and American Com' bi nation Show collapsed finally and for good at this place last Friday. In many respects it was atrood show, but failed because of its total disregard of printer s mk. So be it It may be a lesson to oiners. The Tarboro Southerner saya : It is rumored that rlon. Geo. Howard has offered the stockholders $30,000 for meir interests in tne uncompleted Wil uamston and Tarboro Railroad. Onr friends in that section may yet hear me wuisue 01 a locomotive. me- xarooro soutnerner says, on Saturday hst, a negro boy was discov ered lying on the Tarboro Branon track, between two cross ties, fait asleep. The entire train passed over .'i . ? uuum luuiuuug iuj seriuuH injury. The cow-catcher bruised his head and the brake irons scarred one knee. Travelers should wear the Elmwood collar.. They are easily carried, wear well, look niooly, and do not require wasning. "BaaBMWSBBaBBMMBaaBMBJ HEW ADVERTISEN E5TS. For Rent or Lease ! rxiHE ..owes ruxmor n. si mar. kt Street, now .ocnylet by "Wllmlngti. Trust Uempanv and Having. Bank," will b. rented until October ltt, IKS, and Bouealon given early In.) una. Or, the whole bnlkltng, MDnUtlng of four lor Ion, witli large yr4 and eutrtnoa from M uter'i Alley, will be leneed Iron October tit, 1819, for term ofyeai. Apply at tbe Buk. HI LAS M. M AKTIN, may a lw-lt atar copy t Ue. Auction Sale. JY BALK! 4-4 wide MOUNTAIN ISLAND bkoetingt, lightly damaged by water, will be old at my Haletroom, K. B alarkal etrtet, thli morning, Hay 90th, at 11 o'clock. B. KAHMWEILKB, may Wit Auotloaeer. U. . Marshal's Sale. rpas gpANiaa BABQUK "KUMA," BT an order ltiued from tbe UnlUd State Dis trict Court for the Capo rear Dtetrlot of North Carolina, will be lold by me at PublloAao- tlon the let day of Jitae, leTB, at l.o'oloek Doon, with all ber tackle, apparel and faraU tur. on board, abe now Ilea In the Cap. fear Hirer, . ahort dlatano. below th. City of Wil mington. A (teamer will leav. the Dook foot of Prln. oeaa itreet at 10 o'c look A. H. 'on tb. day of an le to convey to aald barque any peraoD. who may doslra to attaud Ui aala. J. B. HILL, U. 8. Marahal. By J. N. YahSOBLEN , may 29-It Utpuly Marahal. Quarantine Notice. TJK'l'lL FUKTallCtt NOTIOB ALL, VB8- nuix from Porte Bouta of Cape rear will eometo at tbe VUitlng Station, near Deep Water Point, and await the Iqapactloa of the Quar. anttne Pbyelolan. All vessel, from Port, where Tallow Fever, or other Infection, dlnese.; eilata, will be . qnlred to undergo a rigid and prolonged Qoar- ntlne. AIlTessel. or beateof any charaeter having alcknta. on board on arrival, or having had aickuen any time daring th. voyage, are re quired to com. to tb Button for laapeotion without regard to the Port tiom wbono they ooine. Veiwel. net inoluded a. above will pro ceed without deteotlon. Pllou are e.peclally enjoined to make eare- ul enquiry relative to vea U, erew, ota.f and it not .tlelied with the atatemeate of the Cap tain or commander, or If the veteel if In s filthy condition, th.y wUl bring lb. veawl to tbe Station for further examination. Pllot wilfully violating the Qaaran'lne Law. are aubjeet to a forfeiture of their branch; Matter, of veaeel to a fine of two hundred dol lar, a day for .very day they violate the Quarantine Law.; and nil other peraon art liable for each and every offence. All veaMile aubjeot to vt.ltatlon nnder above regulation, will aet a flag in tb. main -rigging, port-tide. f -- r t w poTTKK, Quarantine Phytlclan, Port of Wilmington, N. 0. Rmllhvile, N. 0., MaySI, 18T1. nay i 12J tllnovl Mrs. Ann 8. Stephens' New Book. BERTHA'8 INOAGKMBNT. A New o clety Novel. 11 jr Mr. Ann S. Stephen.. On. volume, cloth, full gilt back, prioe II IS; or In paper cover, price $1 00. Alexander Dumas' New Works. ANNR'f TK ; OB, THIS LADY OP TUB PKARI.S. Translated from th. Fr.nch of Aleiander Duma, by Mrs. Martha Lafltt Jolmton, of Philadelphia. Price It cent. THE MOHICANS OF PARIS. By Alexan. dor Oumu, aud THB HOKKOK9 OF PAKIS, a Sequel to "Th. Mohican, of Part.," bv Alei ander Duma. Translated from the French oaprewly tor till, edition. Each tn one volume, octavo, prioe Heventy-Bve cent each. Formleat HEIN8BKKOKR'fl may M Live Book and Muatc Store. FG3 OR RENT ! t-K The HOCHK r.oeiuiy built for ami ft I i l fl coupled by theHev. J. O. Hlden, onililwL Mivuntli, between Cbeatnut and Mulberry Hi. Teimt roacenabl. H. HAAB, Grocer, Corner Tth and Obeitnut Street, may 71 ij,tf Mackerel ! Mackerel t Hi Half Bbli. Noa.1 andw Maokerel, 19 Bbl. and Half Bbl. No. 8 Maokorel. For wle by KJCKCHNEB A OALDEB BB08, PUjtl lid NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Latest Novelty, mm THB CROWN OF THB GODDESS "CERES." Th..nlyooe ofth. klud foraal. Laliea and Oeotlemen call and eiamin. it al ' Conoley & Yates Tho Baptlzliig of Infants. Dafended Iron) th. ObjeotiouB of Anti-?do Baptists, Being aa an.wer to A Traatln on Infant Bap- tliun by T. H. Pritohard, I. D., Piutor aftb.flal.lgh Bapllat ihnrch 1 Foraal. at the ntv Hexik Riaal nmole Htar. mayts 1 PUBLIClPORT . -OF A- POLICEMAN. I kava not en loved nod health for evial year. pat, vet have not allowed it to interfere with my labor. Rvery one belonging lo the laboring elaa know, the inconvenience of be ing obliged to labor when the body, from de bility, almoet retune. to periorm it naiiy uut. I never wa a believer In dueluc wlih medl elite.; but having heard the VKUK1INK aooken afm hlvlilv. waa determined to trv It, and .kail never regret that determination. Ae a tonic (wlilntt every onaneeu. at aoneumei it lurpaem. anything I ever beaidor. It In vigorate, tbe whole yetem: Hi a great clean r aud puriller of th. blood. There ar. many or my acquaintance who have taken It, and all uulte In praiw of It mtiaractory effect. Eipeclallv among Ihaaretl clamor people, It linuaru tu them the one tiling muet nneiliul In old aie-nt.ht. of oalm, eweat repow, thereby ureugUieningtbe mlrul a wen aiueoixiy. One aaed Udv. who liu beenauHerlng throuiiU dre from eororula, and baa beooma blind from It atleeU, having tried many remmlie with no lavoraDie raauit, wa iimuocu vy w iry tbe Veietlne. After uklng a I w bottle, alia obtained uoh great relief that aha eiprowod a wuih for her aight, that .he might be able to look upon the man who bad aent her .uch a blBMIIig. Your, ra.pectful'y, O. P. H. HOllOK, Polioa Offloer, Btatlon 6, BowTon, Maaa., May , 1811. Heartfelt Prayer- t. Paul, Aug. M, 18A4. H. B. rVravam, Ihq. I Dear Hlr-1 ahoubl b wanting In gratitude, If I failed to acknowledge wbat the Vaarriaa baa dona for me. 1 wa attacked about eleven month, alnoa with Bronchtti.. which aetllad into OonaumpUon. I had night aweata and fever chllK; waadbrtraaaed for breath, and fre quently .pit blood ; wa. all emaciated, very weak, and n low that my friend thought my oae bopeleee. . . . 1 wa. adviaed to make a trial of th Vcge tlne, wblob, under the providence of Ood, baa cured ana. That he may bleat tb. ue. of your medicine to other, a h baa to me, and that bla divine graee may attend you, I tb heart felt praver of your admiring, hu mble aervaut, BENJAMIN PKTi'lNGILL. P. B.Min I but on among tba many euro your medicine hu offaoted in thl piaoa. Make it Public. Bodtb Bobtoii, Feb. 1, 18IL It, B. Stbvim, Baq. , Dear Sir I have beard from vary many source, of th great auoee. of Yeoman la cae of Borofula, Kheumatltm, Kidney Com plaint, Catarrh and other dlaeaaea of kindred nature. I make no hesitation In caylng that 1 hunt Vbubtihb to be the most reliable reme dy for Catarrh and Oeneral Debility. My Wue na oeen trounieu wuu uaiaria n many year, and at time very badly. Blia ha thoroughly triad every mippowd remedy that w could near of, and with all thl ah ha for aeveral year been gradually growing woree, and the dlwharge from the bead wa axoeMlve end very offensive. She wa in thl. condition whan the com menced to take Vwitui i t oould n that .he was Improving on the aeoond bottle. Bh continued takin the Vegetlne until ah bad naed from twelve to fifteen bottle.. I am now happy In Informing you and the publio (if you ehooM to make it public) that .be It entirely earaii. and VeMtln aceomnllehel th. euro after nothing .1. would. Hence I feel Justi fied In Baying that Vegetiue lathe moat reliable remedy, ami weuia aavue an aunermg nn. manltv to trv It. for 1 bellev it to be a good bonnet, vegetable medicine, and I .hall not hesitate to recommend it. I am, Ac, respectfully. I O. OARDKLL, Store 481 Broadway, Vaoiriai act directly upon the cause of tnaae oomnlainu. itinviKorateaanaatrengin en tk whole tjtUm, acta upon the Mcretive organ, allay Inflammation, cleanse and core ulceration, cure, constipation, and regu late th. bowel. lias Entirely Cured Me. Bmtob, October, 1870. Ma. Btt: Dear Bur My daogbter, aner having a se vere attack of whooping oougb, wa left In a feeble (tat of health. Being advised by a friend .he tried the Vionnwa, and after uaing a few bottle wa fully restored to health. 1 have been a great Batterer from ata.uma tiam. I have taken several bottle, of tbe Vegetln for thi. complaint, and am happy to say it haa entirely cured me. I have recom mended the Vegntlne to other., with tbe tame ooo results, it I a great ei.an.er ana purl er of the blood : It 1 ttleasant to take, and I can cheerfully re command it. JAMES MOKBE, U4 Atheii. Street. Bald fcy all Drnaglat. and Dealer ' Everywhere may 17 ' ' ' 128-4w TRUNKS, SADDLES AND HARNESS, Traveling Ban. Batchala. Bhawl 8 trans. Whip, Spun, naddle Cloth., Feather Duiter, Collars, Mame, Saddlery Hardware, Leather, Ail. Urea, and ail kind, of Saddlery (tooda. CARPENTER A MALLARD No. Booth ront BUeat, Wilmington, N. O. may6 i5-tf Great Inducements to Gash Buyers. I am determined to close ont the balanoe of my handsome Stock of READY MADE CLOTHINQ at figures lower than ever before offered in Wilmington.' Hat for Canb Oaly, A. DAVID. 12B may M H0SQUIT0 NETS, T AKOK AND SMALL RATTAN CHAIRS Xj and Mocker., White and Checked Hatting, Window Bhadftt, Bafea and Refrigerator., for SCWMIU TEADB. For aal. low by D.A.SMITH CO. Btaj M ? m - MISCEUANEiUS. WILMINQTON AND WELDON RAIL ROAD COMPANY. Ovnoa or Ounaaar. BurantnTaanaav, Wilmington, B. U-, Mat l. llfll. 5 Q i.rwl i'w3 isLry3f UHANGKOF SCHKUl'LK. Oa and after June 1st, Pasaengnr 1ain ot taa W. at W. Railroad will run aa follow, t ' MAIL TRAIN. Leave TJato Depot aaltv teacapt - Sundays) at l as A. M Arrive at OolJaboro at.. II. A. M Korky Mount at.. IMUf.M Weldonat ... .4 r. M Leave Welilondally at. lu.no A M art eat KorkyvoHut. II 41 A. at Uoldtoroat .s p. M " Union Deput t ut p. M - IXPHISS TRAIN AND THROCUU FRRIOHT TBAIN. Laava Unloa depot, daily, at 1 00 P. k Arrive at Hold.boro at ... '.II. V) P. M " Rocky Mount at.. IttOA.M Weldoa at 0O A. M Leave Weldon, dally, at T.oo P. M Arrive at RookytMouut at. l.onp. M Holdaboroat......... I.MA.M. " Union D.pot at... 4JUA.M Mall Trala makes eloe ooaiactlon at Wel doa for all points North via Buy Lin. and Ae- bib ureea route. V Biprets Train oonnecU only with Aeo.ui. Creek rout. Pnllmaa'a ! Nlewp imm t itra w inis a raum. -w Freight Train will leava Wilmington to weakly at SOU a. at. ai a aiiv at i.tu r, M, aiouH r.ii vinn, tianeral Nnp'l 12f-M may !H Star nuPT, WILMINQTON. COLUMBIA -AND- AUGUSTA RAILROAD CO, OFPIOR OF UKN'l. SCFKUINTJCMIRnT, WimiaaroB, N. O., May , linn CHANGE OF 8CHEDULE On and after Taradav. June 1st. the follow ing schedule will bo run on thl road i NIOHT EXPREB8 AND PASHENdKR TBAIN, (Dally). Leava Wilmington. tM P.M. Leave Floreuoe H U.'JO A M Arrive at Uoluint.la. 4. IB A.14 Au.uta....A D.40A.M' Laav. Augusta 4.10 P.M Leave Columbia, 1.18 P. M Leave Florence 110 A. M Arrive at Wilmington T 10 A. M Paaencera tolna Went bevonn Dolu nbia, will take thl Train, leav lug .Wilmington ate.k P.M. THROUOH IFREtflHT TRA1S, (Dally aa- oept Sundaja.) Leave Wilmington..,.. Leava Florenia. ....... tM U 100AM Arrive at Oolumbia.... a. .,,.,.,.,,,10.00 A M, l eava 0;lumbla 5 BO P M Leave Florence. ,, , , IMIA. Arrive at Wilmington ,.,.,S.0OP.M. LOCAL FKKIGHT TRAINS, with PAS SKNOEH OOACH attached, leave Wilming ton Tuesdays,' Thursday and Saturday! at 4 00 A. M. and arrive at Wllmtnotnn en Mon day, Wednesday, and Friday atllM p. M. BPeeaonfr for Charleston. Oolumbia and Augusta and beyond, should take night Ex press train irom Wilmington. Bv Th ouvh SleflDina Can on nliht train for ObarlesUin and Augufta. JAMES AUDFRSON. . Uen'lHuparlntendent, may Ul-tf , Star oopy. The Wilmington - and Ooast Turnpike Company. JJOOKS OF 8UB80HIPTION TO THE Capital Stock or thl Company have bs.n opened by the nnderaigned constituting th Committee f.r that purpose, appointed at the recent meeting of th. Corporator named In the act of Incorporation, and maybe found at tb. Mveral Bank of tb. city, and at th. Pur cell House. WM.A. WRIOHT, .1 R. DAVIS, T. J.BHTJTHEBtANl), NORWOOD GILES, OHAS.D. MYERS, WM.A. CUMMINO, Committee. lUd-tf may 27 Strawberry Ice Cream piE APPLE ICK CREAM, Vanilla Ice Orekm, Lemon Ioa Cream. AH of tbe above delicious flavor oan b. bad at J, O. Lumsd.n'a lee Cream Parlor .very day. Partla wishing Ice Cream for Snnday din ner will please order on Satmdsy, niay,t2 v ' . lM-tf-na ed Received this Day The fonrth lot of those long bandied Cotton Hoe, the best and cheaneet ever brought to this market. Alao hare a fin. assortment af Farmers' Hardware of .very description and at price, that will give satisfaction, at th. old Established Hardware House or JOHN DAWSON, No. It, SO and 11 Market Street, may 23 123.. LOOK AT OUR Blue Flannel Suits, Elegantly made out of 8UPERB FLAN- hk i warranted perrect. LOOK AT OUR CHEVIOT SUITS ALL WOOL, t SIS Only. V Uall aud But. MUNSON & CO., Cm CliOTHIERS, may 23 tog tr Bacon and 8. H. Molasses. AO Boxet Bm.iked Side, and Khouldera. JOB D.B. Hides and Shoulder., 0(1 Hhds. S. H Molasee, (4Ut Bhls. 8. H. Molasses. For .ale by KEHOHNER A CALDER BROS may 6 liw DissoMoi o! Faitosi. 'HE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE tinting between O. J. Boakowltt and Oaorge Liebor, trading anaer tn name ana style or Boskvwlta ek Lleber, I hereby dissolved by mutual consent. All nartles bavin a clalmt aialnrt th. nnder aigned Arm present to Usorge Lleber, who will settle th same, and all parties Indebted will make payment to Oeo. Ueher, who alone ha the right to collect and pay the debt of tbe firm. O. J. HU3K.OWITB, Q.USBER. may it U1-H - NEW ADVISTI3IMISTS. 45. 45 MARKET BROWN & We(are UU aildiug to our C-SKEML Bting fully awar that small profit mnkq iiuick rotnVns, we ' liave matVoJ ' our wliola atock ao that any ami evrry ono rftu plainly Baa We are In anrnost" " 1 and mean biiaineaH. We onlf dpira tlios who are in watt of anything inour ' ahowinp; our goods, or of comparing tentinn to the followinfr lint : o TKI FED HUMMEIt SILKS tednoM to m tkU." , . , lllok HeruBfjuis and Orenndines from 18 CenH i 4. , m i. '! :t. , ttolortl Blripe and FiRnred Qmhb liws 10 2-3 cents. -.u.-.mI fwt rr Grey De lri 20 Cmtn. " " j v .,.;. i vA .:!:' Onr Stock Of 1tobb (ImnU in lam.i anf bought in any NotUiera market. OENTH PU1INI8IIING UKTAItTiiiilN'r.5 White Drcu HhirU. flnftW. nnlUm Jan nv4tt ' n n rk "YT. i jr-tfm I If II it i i , 1 - w INU Ualf iloflA. It rmnurd ftiul Hfrimwl A, W I" " suoh. Department. , . LINIiN AND Linen j)inlra Ilnanm ami THllnat 1 1aaa and Bath TowbIh, Najikiim, Pol Ilea'. Stir T 4 aF(.lLl IftnTftltiy ar a, a a L lama I.hcb Bncfinea and PoInU Lnfe Hliawlti 75 et.. a ! it rem in Iti-inn.l and Plain Hhetlaud Kbawls Nottinprham for Cnrtuln ; TUnnTiino Neodlfls S cts; "", eaob. Sola AgouU for FllANK LESLIE'S l'Al'EU I'ATTEUNS. BROWN & R0DDICK,:45 Mai-kef "street- "y ltt ::, .... V, ,, . ,. a UB..1 '.. M0EE PAETIGULAKS! v1 1 ill I ml1 r? I'll nil ii ii IM i nut r K I 111 I 'S, II II II II II U U I I 11111' 111 HI llll -j aMI 111 III lill iTllllllil smw.aa.aa aw ; ' M W aiAAlAMAIi V V JUT PJ '. . . - - . i ..... ... IN ALL THE DIFFERENT -O tf AlldliimAM t.,w .ItnwM il.nlM !....!. Lberal purchases, for - vrnich1 I'm thankful. ' S1HANGEU3 not post'od. ksx3"-'n doslring the vahm of (heir money, can got it by calling ' . " ' ' ' ; "' ' x 'l ., . . ii ( ,.- . ' . , r.j i b l 1 ',l f .it'.'V i , piU IB SOL, BEAR & BRO'S, 20 Market Street. CLOSING OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK , 1- ' . ,of ; DRYGOODN . . ! o : 1- t i 1 ' AT OUB ItKTAIL STOKK I Gr-reat ( Bargains ! IA-4 LINEN SHKETINO from 70 ot. nnij II t'i par yard. '' Moxamblquea T ctl. por yard, ' ' ... SWUa MUBL1MS, ! '!-! too Doien LIn.n Towel and Napkin,' ' ', ' Irlah and Os'inau Llii.n hhlrllugs, . - Cambric Haadkarolilalt, MATTINGS, White a4 i!olorL- SO Ptaaa. LINEN far. Ladle Travalliig Dreaaeaand Boy wear. ; Largs amort mentol Panama and Straw 11, it for Children and Men. , . , W. will oomm.no. on Monday to sell th. above and will continue dally until the whole stock la elod oat. ' f Ladle are respectfully Invited to fall and examine oar stock, a. we know H will re pay them. - ;" "" ,' ' .' In future we Inton I to oonfine our btieiiieiM to Clothing and Merchant Tailoring. , mays . s i - j)K-ir A FLOATING CITY, - 'AND THE llloeliudo ItuiinorsJ. - ' By Jnle Verne. ALICE LORRAINE. A. Tale of Uio South Down.. By K D. lllackmore. OUR DETACHMENT. A Novel. By K. SELECTED POEMS. Iilurtratod. Tea Oeuta perNumbec ,. v - ' '' j-.i "THE HAT QUEEN." , By Alfred Tenny- nn. . . -. "THE DEATH OF THE OLD TEAK." Ao. . MM :jrjkmnm:'niM VI fl 71 I ii iTY alii II Hi in tNI, Mm a, iy V V WA,V-JU,W H (V I . f ii,;; ill (i . ; ' i . I - s I , Ji . r, .'-T! ..' J jAllfor Mia at -..ip.i-,: ,;-t, CONOLEY & YATES', City Book and Music Store. Baai S - Ui - 45 EOBMCK Eitenaive Aanurtroeat of !..f. DRY GOODS them witJt aay . Ws) oall inrtiwvJia v- 1 l , . , ; j .U -r-U 4ttaivin, anuriTj V UUI'I TH in, UI. tit , ttxk . mUp,iUii tt.4 wtM OJIUIIBMiUB JwkUBlW W1VUKB 9p I .t,, u,ni t DOMESTICS. , I I T.I . T.i...... tlk... : . il Iiliwnrt, Craslnia, .to. ' . ! ) u ,i,-1 .'t.t ar v ....... . ... -1 i-a s ? -.18 I-ri.t.'i SIJtWBtlWIJAJ v . . i k . V i- i i '. -j! f -., ii.-.it f ni.tdii. ::.. ill ftr'A u.rv. l?:r TS NOW COMPLETE 1 t A , .in n.t,.L. ri It v .1 ,?! ,mif. " ; : f t. (.JJ t,! tii.!fl'j;s4 V' j L f V S ITT tl fl TWII t .A.i V i .:.- , ,j J". .1 tii4?if."i ' !' J Mtit J ai.J.V',. t'm 11 w-i ts-yf mn NO 4 HUMBUG! Vr" r-.0-r--j'"t, f-. --vl'-j bUi -1 1 THERE IS NO HUMBUQ ABOUT -2 I SELLING THIS STOCK OUT ! l v "r AT COST! J t iii i '? 'j - a i"U iJ -a 1 Jf ? 1.t!" mort ''""'fftl'ie Stock . v.r munl-i r tailed at New York eut at wholes.!. . Jt la ' ;1 hrrjLTi?. iwarar.' There Srrt thoZmntortfiZSE:' , o:oo.'.tliat mud Resold in S"" W0lUl -"iM ififi h,f'imDAVat '-' If Ta f: It' our land that will never airaiu 1jo the onno. . a uiZJ OT ,unn ' ' " low flJ. res.' " ' p"ro1;"' " Ple Wm'emriar tnatfncir ' goods WUI be dellveroU until paid. fer ,t I i ,. I j ,11 ii, L. . -OEOIiaiS.LIlCUlJB.; s "y - , r.i if,;- l a MW't.,1 jaj'.'T.ir Wfl Wo Ilaye NoTr-inSt0rc ' rjd . at WvV4rt..L... (J1HB U1SSX tUT, OP, MEN'S 'ANtt ?' U meu,..Terydai8HOE9,aoh.M MeiHibii' , Kj'i.'Tlrogariaiid Women'. Balf and P$bble Bal-a,nd prioe low. ' Pornon. In want of these"' ' , j Oood. at w olwsle d'r retail win do" well' to . ' , H 5.i; r i .'1 .. - '- f'1 call and aoe thoui. , , . . - . v . , . .. n .uli4iuut ijS'a.-'!. .ii... , , ,A'W"JI . 00i,m'Pij! of GentUdiej,Aj,l M lines and ghildrMM Shoes an handJ .JJ 1 c-h iJl ' j io ib i v'-PaMcraBBrfrak'' may 23 1 IO A: '7" f(l 4911 P,K 0iJ 4geBtB,wiiitcd1i All', t' i'' HJJ IU ij)6U clajwrncl working penple of hotb . t sea, young and old,Tmaka'av monayat t work for us, In Ihala. -awo.ltwalH'ea, iturins llieir spare moments, or all the time, than at. . any thing, also, 1Wo,,otr s amplotaioat- that.! Wi.l pry handsomely tor .veiyjionr'a work.. Pull lartlQaUm. .rm,to.. amk fr.. r-, -3 u your adUrws at onoa. iiont deisvi Now ' , I tl.. ... , uon-k look- for work or bu.lnesa " 1 oBar,- BTIKgosr 4 CO., fortiami. Mnino. . , -"'. ,V-Aiia Wmi JA asaukwiv'"" GrciiFca Swccis! ) GroiilPeaSwiis!'5 "-j f:r,;;:; Juat ifeoelved a lMres((k of the oM avvra ' it Cast Stamlaul Stel BlaUo (iiuund rem Sweeps The Blules and Btandard. Bold separably wlian reunlml. For rwle at Uio New Hardware Store of CULM AMUKOlllBON. may 81 . . m . r a

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