( ' r-WV 'S i' I i ' III i f i . 1 ) j VOL. XSIV. HO. 129. UILIinJGTOIT. IF. C. SUNDAY. HAY 30. 1875. ' UHOLI! NO '6.C03. . ! WILMINGTON. N. a: 8UNDAY MAY 30 1875 BYaTELECRAPH. THE FIKE FIEND. St. John's, N. B., May 29. Noon A quarter million dollars fire occur red in this city. The St. Luke's Church, sixty buildings And a nhip on the stocks were hnrued. One hundred families are bomeluas. . tmrBUV W. Va.. May 29. Noon The Riverside Nail Factory has been burnt. Loss $75,000. Eoltokh, Mass., May 29. Noon At the -fire t the French Catholic Church, there were seventy-one dead, twenty-two fatally burned au.4 tweuty seven injured. Of the dad fifty -five were females and sixteen mala. Woroesteb, Mass., Mar 29. Noon The Granite Block on Main street, nearly opposite the City Hall, hats been burnt. Cause, mansard roofs. Lcms over a quarter of a million dol lars. A frame stable, two men, eight horses and a number of wsgoua, were bnrned in New York yestordny. Gbkat Bend, Pa. May 30 Night The business portion of the town, two banks, ten storey the Mabonio Hall and the Postofflce were bnrnod. Loss over $100,000. Inoendiary. ELECT1UCIMS. A dixpatoh from Omaha savs that CoL Mjljs destroyed the ontiit and provisions of the Llaok ilills expedi tion leaving them only enough food to last them to civilization. Gordon, the leader, it prisoner. ; . ? AsUU capsized at Hartford drown ing vJameron of the University crew. Barnum'a fat woman died yesterday at Baltimore. She ' weighed 083 pounds, and was 29 years old. A man and two girls were drowned yesterday at Halifax, N. S., in a cap sized boat. Fifteen indictments are against Chas. L. Lawrence for forging invoices by different vessels. At Great Barrington, Mass.. masked men gagged and hsnd-miffed the Cashier of the National Bank, being unsuccessful at the Bank they robbed the Cashier's house and decamped. At New Yodcyesterday, 100 bbls." whisky, "from the West, were seized in transit. ? EUROPE. CLOSE Or THE STRIKE IN SOUTH WALES. ROYAL ! VISITORS AT BERLIN. THE NEW ARCTIC EXPEDITION. London, May 29 Noon. The strike in South Wales has ended, the men submitting to a reduction. All the morning journals have arti cles on the Arctic expedition, the de parture of which is fixed for four o'clock this afternoon. Paul Boynton landed at Folkestone at 2:30 o'clock this morning, and show ed but slight signs of distress, and was loudly cheered. Berlin, May 23 Noon. The King and Queen of Sweden are here, visit ing. It is thought that their Tisit in dicates Sweden's support of the policy of the three Emperors. A jndioial investigation shows that the offer of Wiesingor to assassinate Bismarck waB marely on the part of an attempt to extort money and the man baa no accomplices. i Munich," May 29 Noon. Johann Klein, an eminent painter, is dead. IIEADQUAKTEltS. FROM THE CHESAPEAKE TO THE GULF. ' Washington, May 29 Night. Col, Foreacre, General Manager of the Virginia ( Midland ltaurond, reports that the steam lifter at Lynchburg, Va., is completed and in perfect oper ation. The palace car, leaving New Orleans to-day, will come through to Balti more without a change via Atlanta, Knoxville, Bristol, Lynchburg, and the Virginia Midland Railroad. Like wise the palace oar, leaving iialti more Monday morning, will go to New Orleans by the same route, it being the commencement oi a permanent - line of through cars between the Ches- apeake I3ay to the uuli of Mexico. The President has appointed Chas. P. Linooln, of Mississippi, Consul to Canton, China, ,v DECORATION DAY; ' PHlLADtLfrnA, May 29 Night- Business will be generally suspended Decoration Day, Monday, lor decora' tion. . r" : Wasatngton, May 29 Night All places of business will bo closed. The President and Cabinet are at Arling tot. The managers of the decoration of the Confederate graves, at Arling ton, Tuesday, have concluded to have neither oration, musio nor procession; nothing but flowers and tears. Corn and flour are staple articles; but not more than Johnson's Anodyne Liniment, where known. It is good for children or adulta, for any inter nal soreness of the chest or bowclc, and the best Liniment prepared, under whatever name. Children' b Colored Shos. Jus": rocolred dlreot from th Manufactory tine amnrtmeiit of Ohlldron's Huff. Mrons. and Black Shoos of all slaes, with and without be.ls. aha Of nU Uand-SLwed Boa-Toe and . Machine-Hewed l-ow Quarter Shoos. Ladles Uaiters aud B uppers la great variety M,, PRICE'S,!- Wo. u Market Btteet. DIED. In thl oil r,on the th hilt., of ilroiwy, Mrs KUZ iBKl'H FBKOW. aged 6 yems and t a Irictxln and sfquinUnors of th family are w..tullv invit. d to attend the luneral lhi(Sur.ilv) attTi!0.in,at I o'clock, from the rwiten of Crt. W.J. Penton, corner Front iid Duck street, mil from thence to Uakdal C meter v. MW ADVZRTISEIEiiTi. Damaged BY FRESH WATER. 15,787 YARDS 4-4 Unbleached Sheet Ins Selling 8 Cents Per Yard, Or' 7 Cents Per Piece, Worth 10 Cents. LOOSE NO TIME! MARE NO MISTAKE! BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. msy 30 Our Eastern Hay I. tip top. Bet lu the Market. If juu douIt come sud mi tor yourself. Our Orliftnel Klin Grove Family Flour war-rented-niN oil far Bbl. GRANT k HINTON. ldw may 39 Enquire Within AT THR CITY BOOK STORE For anything you want In our Ono. Although we w'l for 1mm than any other i!, our p A ' are ot toe very lot qunliiy tul If you M'. to t bargain giro us trial. Books and Stationery ' OF ALL KINDS. ALSO Musical lnstnimcnts, Ac,, Ao, At ' Conoley & Yat03. 47 Market Street. mny 80 129 Grain Craaics. Mmi Pea Sweeps. THE NIXON PATTERN.) Th only gen ul no Nixon Pattern Sweep In the nutrkvt. Ouu only ba found at the Old KstaMwhed Hardware House of JOHN UAWrlOTC, hoa. It, 20 aud 21 Market Htreet. may 30 129 Ground Pea Planters. Ruv tour Kweens from OlLKil tt MTJKOHI- 8UN, who hare on hand a large stock of those oM-rtvlesiweeinso well liked by all 1'eannt Krmem. The mattes or standivra enn aim Dauaa sepa- racely. Don "t forgnt the place. may 30 , 9 A Card. Harlne decided to remote to Baltimore and change my bunlnena, I take this method to ten der niy sincere thanks to my friends and 1'alroiid for all past favors. . .. . lUspoctfully, J. E. CHA8TKN. may 30 ' " . 1W-8t THE GRAND Family Excursion, Under the aunpioes of the Toung Cathollo Friends Society, which was neeesearily post poned from Hay 26th, will oertalnly take place OO TUKMDAY, JuueSth, TO BMITUVXLL AND KKTVUM BY tfTHAMtR GOV. WOBTH. - The tickets, the number of which Is post lively limited, will be 1 00 each tor gentlemen aud 80 came each for lady or child. No spirituous liquors will be allowed on board. Ice cream, sandwiches, coiiee, tc, will be sorred at city prices. The boat will leare the wharf, foot of Mar ket street promptly at 8 o'clock. Uoa Music hRnbuou eiiiroifiKl tor ttie ocoaoinn. The Uom- ulttee reterru the right ti exclude all objec tionable persons. ' TicktU mar be urocured at the stores of J H, Allen, h, Urowu aud J. U. atcOarltv & Uo. BJinay ao i2-niJOji,a,a,s Carolina Central Hallway Company. Fast Freight and Passenger Trains. Ltar Wilmington at, Arrive at Uharlotta.... LHve (jharlotte at..... Arrive at Wilmington. ; 7 P. M. 10 A. M 4P.M T A. M Tb.ene trains carry Passenger Cars with Blaoping Accommodations. MIXED TRAINS. IjSdre Charlotte at T-S0 A. M Arrive at Buffalo, near ahelby.... 10:50 A. M esve Buflalo., .11:10 A. M Arrive at Charlotte., may 20 .. 8:40 P. M iso- NEW YORK MILLS SHIRTS, Made to Measure at 830 Per Dozen, Delivered. All Warranted Out I.engthwlie the Cloth On Credit to Prompt Payors. MTOSON & CO, CITY CLOTHIKKS. mar 3n IBS-It TROMS, SADDLES AND HARNESS, Traveling Bags, Katohela, Shawl Htrape, Whips, ripors, MKl'Uo cloths, Ketber Dusters, Collars, linmrs, Maddlory Hardware, Leather, Azla Urease, and all kinds of Oaddlery floods. CARPENTER A MALLARD, So. S Houth Trout Street, Wilmington, N.O, may as las-tf NIW ALVZSTISZX2IT1 Eleven Bargain Tables, Off of say of which U boat of Bargains In Clothing CAN BK HAD. Try Us and be Convinced- Alpaca Goods & WMte Duoks, Cheaper than tli where la Uio thy. MUNSON & CO. CITTCLOTTIIEES, SkayW tae-tf COVERED, EXTRA SUGAR-CURED PIG HAMS, Breakfast Strips, (Sugar-Cared Shoulders, ' v Extra Moas Mackeral, Salmon & George's Bank Codfish. A T GEO. MYEIIS, 11 and 13 South Front St. NEW COOKED Families going to the Bound should lay in snpplj. Introdaoed by n and genuine only guaranteed and aold, by GEO. MYEltS, 11 and 13 South Front BU This Month Wa added a rait aumbat of "frlaad" to the already larga Hit foi our ctoloa New Prooett Empire Flour. Our tmmtnat aalea la the beat avldaoe we offer before a trial; and, aftar one naf HI yoa are convinced beyond a doubt and wll, alwaya osa It and ne other. Bast Butter In th Wrld I Beat Butter In the World I Beat Butter In the Word I Just la and only fur eeU b CIO. MYERS. . 11 4 U awuth frout avaat. may 30 , IW Hew Books-Just Out The Mountain of the Lor art, with rwrn of Nature and Tradition. By Paul H. Harna, published by K. J. Hal Sk Son. Boaud La Olotb with QUt Edge. Prtoe 1 to. Man and Beast Here and Hereafter. Il lustrated by mora than three baadrad original Aaeodotea. By the er. J. O. Wood, tC A.. F. L. a. Author of "Homes without Hands," "I canna but believe that down haro aoula." Jams Hogg, th CtUlok Hhepexd. Juai reoslved and for salt at HEINOBERQCR'Q Lira Book and Moale Itara. mayM 189 1854. CROS8E At BLACKWELL'8 PICKLES, NUQA BAB OANDY, BHERUH UOJIFKCIIOHB, Ac., ALE, rOBTES, o, H. W. 8HUBE, No. 81 N. Front Street. may SO 1 CALL E1RLY Monday Morning ABD BBOTBK BARGAINS IN GLOTHIHG I am fast disposing of my elegant stock of Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Hemeniber that the Early Bird catches th Worm, A DAVID. may 10 129 Frankfurter Biery QUARTS AND PINTS, MAOBVY UNU GEISBSHKJM DEBE RHSIS. BEST LACER IMPORTED. CHAS 0. UYERS A CO., S A 7 North Front St. Hock and Rhine Wines, DEWE8HEIWER, BUDESHEIMEB, HOCKHEIMEB, LIEB-FBAD-MILCH' 8ADTEBNES, CLARETS, BPAKEMMQ CATAWBA AND BUBUUBDT, BROWN AND f ALB 8BERHIE8, Finest ' are Old Brandies and Wine, Vlutagei m to '08. Finest, Barest, Ijargeat, Most Varied and Cotly stock of Fin Goods erer offered in North Carolina, CHAS. D. MYERS & CO.," ImporUrs and Dealers, SATNortb Front St. may SO 12t w KDniNaOABIDMM4VIBITlpIU fJAaOM anmotalty at th tWUauMi wwriuah 5IW ALVESTISZMOTS. OUR ''Yellow Bird Brand" -A D A GENERAL ASXOBTUEXT -OF OIHIB- Tobacco Goods " rAf ricKs to suit tm ttMis. a r D. PICOTT. io- BtayM To Nayal Store Dealers. Taa ndaratgnad. late Depaty uperrlalng lupeetor, baring lert the employ of the Com pany, tenders bar servioes to aterchanta aud otfeera oagaged In buying and shipping ear' goea. Ho baa bad a practical axperlenoo ot twenty yaars In th Kaval SUr Buelnaas, and will giro atrlol peraoaal atUiutlon to Weights, Uelor, Ooaglng, Order and Storage of all shlp menta anlrnstwl to his ear, fooling assured thai ho will giro fall satisfaction to all who may favor bin with their orders. Orders may b left fbr the present at A. H TanBokkalan'aaffloo. Befer to Mesara. Wll Usra. o Murohlana, Jaiu.a Aadermin o Co , A. H. ranBokk.l.n and others. mayls tf W. D. MAUN. lTotice. North Carolina Bail oad Company, lacunar a Taainpaan' Ornoa, ) Oonraal auore, M. O., Mayta, 1HIS. ( Th TwontyBlxUi Annual Meeting of th Stockholder af th North Carolina fiatlroad Uaaiiany will ba held at Greensboro, M. )., MTbuaday, July th, 1M75, aud th transfer Boek of Stocks will be closed trow May list, IST4, until alter th mealing. J. A. MoCAULET, Becrelary A. 0- R. R. Co. 13-wtjul)g June 4 Bacon. Fork. Sugar and GoiTee 76 fioxea D. 8. Sidoa k Shoulders., 78 Boxes Smoked Bides and Shoul ders, 60 Bbla. Prime Mesa Pork, 100 Bbla. Refined Sugar, 100 Bags Prime Bio Ooffoe, For aale low by WHJilAMS & MUBCmSON. Flour, Bice, Hay and Syrup. 1,000 Bbla. Flotur all grades. 60 Bbla. Whole Kioe, 600 Bales Prime N. B. Hay, lOObOla. B. u. Byrup, For sale low Dy WILLIAMS k MURCHIHON. Hoop Iron Cluo, Spirit Casks Nails and Corn. 600 Bundles Hoop Iron, 100 Bbla. Glue, 800 Second Hand Spirit Casks, 400 Kegs Nails, 6,000 Bushels Prime White Corn. For sale low by j WILLIAMS k MUECII1SOI?. IHaiaMMal noiasMii neiaaeeer 160 Hhds. and Bbl. Ww Crop Onba. , , For sale low by WlIiUAMS A UURCHIHOX, Qtanel Onatno! Unatnet , . liw Ton Buroka Ouano, KM " Ouanap ' For sal low by WILLIAMS 4 MDECHIUON. xaaySO 1 FOR GALE I FOR SALE I 8,000 Bushels Cora. 100 Hhds. Cuba Molasses. 60 Hhds. 8. H. Molasses. 200 Bbls. a H. Molasses. 700 Bbls. Flour. 150 Backs Coffee. 50 Bbls Bngar. 200 Kegs Nails. 100 Bbls. Glue. 20 Bbla. Bungs. 200 Papers Rivets. 800 Spirit Casks. 50 Boxes D. 8. Bides. 25 Boxes D. 8. Shoulders. 60 Boxes Smoked Sides Si Shoulders, 100 Oases Piokles. 100 Cases Lye and Potash. 150 Gases (land 2 Iba.) Oyi 60 Cases (1 and 2 lbs.) Tomatoes. 50 Cases (1 and 2 lbs.) Peaches. 100 Boxes Tobacco. 300 Kegs Rifle, Mining and Blasting Powder. 10,000 feet fuse. 150,000 Gun and Musket Caps. 10 Tons Hoop iron (I, 1J, 1 inch.) 25 Bales Corn Sacks. 80 Bbls Kice, Ac, Ao.,- to. ., . KEHOHNEtt CALDEB BROS may SO VB Tito Virginia BUFFAL0SPR1NGS, Mecklenburg Oounty, Virginia. THE QREAT MEDICINAL WATER OF'THE SOUTH. OPEN 20th MAT, 1875. These waters are poeseseed of extraordinary ouratlre powers In s flections of the KIDNEYS and BLADDfcrl, In all derangement of tbe BILIAKY ORGANS Incident to warm rslas matie region. In DySpe JSla, In Dle nai nsiauliatr to Women, in Chronic. Intermittent and Remit- ent Fevers. " Chronlo Conorr vsrft. in unron u lionorr hoea- Secondary 8yphili s. Cleet anu all diseaee of the C enn al O mane. and In aome forms of QoUtnd Rheuma tiam. Their remarkable )ower aud etneaoy In tae diseases Indicated are ronrhed for by torn of th most distinguished medical men Of the country, both North and South, as well ashy reported eases rrom th most unques tionable souror. Testimonials In Pamphlet form lurnlshed on application. THE WATKH FOHSA1.K. Th water is put np In ease of one dosen hair gallon Bottl i at S4 per eaa. Route tdaSnrlnoa for thslSouthi Br way or the stionmond and Atlanta Air Lin Bailrod to Hoottxbnrg tet In Halifax eount, Vlrglnls, where all trains are met by ortou't ror tne apn ig n mnes auiani THOfcJJi". OOODE, Vt'tdtaHe Proprietor, MISCILLAirE3TJ3. The Wilmington and Coast Turnpike Company. JJOOKS OF BUH8C1UPTION TO TUB Capital Btock of this Oampany bar boon opened by the andenigntd eonstitatlng th. Committee for that purpose, appointed at th recent ateotlng of th Corpora ton named In th. act of Incorporation, and may b found at th several Banks of th city, and at th Pr- ooll Bona. ' M. A. WRIUHT, J K. DAVIS, T. J. BOUTHBRt.aHU, NORWOOD OILKS, . CHAS. D. NY BR9, WH. A. ODMHINU, CommlttM IM-tf maytt IVOTIOK. ATA RKUULAK MEEIlNUOr THE -Hoard of Tftd" bold Monday, May Mlh th following was adoptod i Jb.alwd, That th members of this Board" oloaa their plaoee of baslnoas at o'clock F. M. from Jun 1st to Beptomber 1st, Incite sir, and that they request merchant who are not members to co-operate. J. I. MACKS, Secretary and Treainror. r mayta i.t ru.nAHua M. CROMLY, Auctioneer. BT imONLT A MOKB18. Valuable Ileal Estate at Auction. By virtue of several mortgage from John B. Leggettaml wll, th Mechanics' Building and Loau Association will aell tor cash by Public Auction, at Kxchang Corner, In th city of Wilmington, on TUKHPA Y. June HU,U;g, at II o'clock A. St., that valual.l HOUSE AND LOT, 83 1 6(1, situated upon the south eld of Mulberry, be- tweed Front ana aeooua suoei. Tskms Cah. maylt 1U tt-Mayl,lO,tO,June4s The ni)UnaT rsueiiilr built lor and Mauled bv the her. J . C Illdon, on, Mevtnth, between Cbeetnut and Mulberry oil. Xrm reoaanabl. H. HAAK, Urooer, . , Corner 7th and Chestnut Streets, may ST . lM-tf Quarantine Hotice TTNTIL FUHTHEB NOTICE ALL VEB' la rrom rort eouia or uap rear win ourae w nt the Visiting Station, near Dep Wstur Plnr,nd await th luspootlon of tks Quars antlns Physloian. All vessels from Fortj nhere Yellow Fever, or otter Infectious dtseas lists, will be re. quired to undergo a rigid and prolonged Quar antine. All vessels or beats of any character havlug tlokntas on board on arrival, or having bad tlokness any Ums daring tli Toyage, are ro fUirsd to eon to to HUtlon for Inspection Without regard to tli Port ftoin wbouo they oome. Veaiels not Inoluded as above will pro j ood without detention. Pilots are especially enjoined to make cara cul enquiry relative to res wis, crew, o., and If not sUMed with the itatonionts of th Cap tain or ommandr, or If th vasl It In a filthy condition, they will bring th vessel to th Station Tot further examination. Pilots wilfully violating the Quarantine Laws are subjest to a forfeiture of their branch; Masters of vessels to a fin of two hundred dol lar a day for every day they violate th guar antlns Laws; and all other person are liable for each and every offence. All veatols subject to visitation under above regulations, will est a Bag In th main-rigging, port-ilde. ,t Li .... i , F. W. POTTER, r Quarantine Physloian, Port of Wilmington, N. C. Smithvll. N. O., May IT, 187S. mayH) 128 tllnovl For Rent or Lease! rriHI LOWER FLOOR OP Nm.il najf ket Street, now oocnpled by ''Wilmington Trust Company and Earing Bank," will be ranted until October 1st, 1879, aud possession given early In June.' ' Or, the whole building, constating of four stories, with large yard and entraaee from Muter's Alley, will be leased from October lit, 1STS, for a term of years. Apply at the Bank. SILAS N. MAKTIN. may2V li-8t Btar copy 3 times. V CIGARS - g CENTS A PIECE ANU UPWARDS. TOBACCOS In plugs and package, and flue Cut. Korsaleat O. II W. RUNOE'8, .. N. E. Corner Market snd Second 8ta. mayta lSl-tf Merchandise Brokerage. WITH TBE REQUISITE EXPERIFNOE, acquaintanoe, knowledge and facilities, I oiler my serrlcee for the puroltas and al of all deai rlptions of Merchandise In Western, Northern and our own market Negotiate oash and OHBDiT Wire nsed freely at my einense for any Information desired. From Importers, Keflners, Millers and Manufacturers, full line of samples exhibited dally. Cofl'ee. Molasses, Syrups, Sugar, flour, Snap, Bacon, Dry 8alt Meats, Pork, Lard, Sic., Ao , all grade ; Tobacco, Cigars, Ac. Spirit Casks, Clue, Hay, Corn, &c; Bles, Hcalts, sc., o Special attention given to securing lowest rates of transportation. Eiamlnatlon of earn pies, correspondence snd ordor soltolted. tr Order left at Office for "Spot" Good will have prompt attention, JA8. X. PETTEWAY, Commercial Broker, NORTH WATER 8TRK T msySB , I4 '" d WEDDING CARDS and!n?.a a.tUrtton.b..rty...ttth.L nm SALE ii.a uiu. SEW ADVZXlISIEiTS. 45. v 45 BROWN & We are still adding to our Eittnnive AsBortmont of , GENERAL DRY GOODS- Boiug fall aware that small profits make quick return, we hare marked oar whole stock eo that any aud cvrry one imu plainly aoe we are In eanitwt and mpan bnsiup. Wo only dvnire thono who are in waut ol anything in our line to give ns a rail lu order to satisfy tlicmiiclyos, ('d are never alraid o( ahowing our gooda, or of eomparlng thr-ni with any. We call particular at tention to the following list : 'J i 1 " 'A .' t I HTRirED SUMMER SUJCSreduord to C2, Ctnts. !-i...n ,,, Black llomauit's slid Oronndirifs fru lrt Ot'Uts. . ! ? Coloretl Stripe and Figured Oreua lines 10 2 3 cents. ; , Orey De Rages 20 Cents. , . Our stock of Lrea Qetnl la large and we offer them m low as lliey enq be bought in any Northern uaikot, ' 'j , OENTH; rmiNIHIllNt. DUPARTMENT. White Drcaa Shirts, CulTrt, Collar, Jean Drawer, Clause UudrveU Brit- Uh Half lloao, Bleaoiiod aud Striped do. j la twt everything that belongs to such Department, , i LINEN" AND DOMESTICS. ' ; tM-.-f l..i-."i-- Bleached and Unbleached Damanks In Power and Band Loom, Cotton and Linen Diapers, Bosom and Pillow Oaae Linens, Liueu Sheetings, Chamber i and Bath Towels, Napkins, Doilies, Stir Lilians, Crashes, Ac, . . ,,u i , LADIES nOSIEIlY, (1LOVES AND QAUZE UNDERWEAR, L'lama Iiaee Saeques and Points j Lace Shawls 78 eta., a bargain i BtrfnCtl and Plain Shetland Shawls ; Nottingham for Curtains; Machine Needles 6 ctS. " each. Sole AgeuU for FBAMK LESLUJ'S PAl'Iilt PAXililiNS.' .U; . BBpWN:& RODDICkJ '45 'Marked StreeClu ' J " ' MORE PARTICULMSI 'MV ASaORTMENT '.1. a s IS HOW! COMPLETE IN ALL THE DIFFERENT; LINES. ! ! " . . , ,.!.!',. il M j My customers have shown thoir appreciation of my LOW PRICES by their liberal purchases, for which I'm thankful. BTllANdEIliJ not postetl, sjuJ.' dosiring (Vie value ot their money, can - M.M.KATZ'S, ' Pr" 11 SOL. BEAR & BRO'S, 20 Blarkct Street. CLOSING OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK or XW,Y GOODS , ,1 - 2 --"--if ! AT OUU RETAIL STOKE I . i -. On ' " -: Gl-reat Bargains I IJ-4 LINEN SUEETINO from 70 Ots. and fl 12 per yard. Mosambliiucs 7 ots. per yard, SWISS MUSLINS, i , SOU Uosen Linen Towels and Napkin, . ; Irish and German Llnn bblrUngs, Cambrlo Uatdkwehitfs, MATTINGS, White and Colored. 80 Pieces LINEN for Ladles Traveling Dressessnd Boys wear. ' '" ' ' Large ataortment of Panama and Straw Hats for Children and Men. -.--,!-.,;- W will commence on Monday to sell tbe above and will continue dally until the whole stock Is closed out. V Ladles are respectfully Invited to call snd examine our stock, as we know It will re pay them; ;...-!.- -f-v'.,"' Is future we intend to confine our business to Clothing and Merchant Tailoring. ' may!!? ...... , 122-tf Escaped Convicts. We will pay a reward or SI0 each for such Information as will lesd to th capture of any oanvlcts ewaned rrom the New HioverCouiu ty Work House sine th year ltn. A1drf)n, by letter or telegraph, MATHES OU., Su perintendent of New Hanover county Work House, Wilmington, ri. U. may S 108-tf Whale Oil Soap, For prvntlng and destioylng INSECTS on Plants, Fruit Trees, Ao, . FLY PAPER, Hvatt'aLir Balsam, Pain Killer, - Ilostetter's Bitters, , , Vinegar Bitters, For sale low by GREEN A PLANNER, DragglnU. may 16 Congress Water. . iettaer Aperient, Fresh Se'dllts Powder! Brown's Ginger, Florida Water, Combs, tlru'lies, Toilet Snaps, (a large variety) and Fancy Article. For sale by JAMES. O. MUND8, Druggist, Tuira St.. opposite uity xiau. may II 45. . ! -6 t KODDICK ' t . .. , . lw - ' itlt'H i't it -f 1 ( M,t t Hi a in ' it tit H ttfu.ltt 1(1 It..' t I ., i i u 4 ' if , . get it by calling y f 4,.J. t -iHitu . IT AT - iWMarkei m ,, , , , . .... i -1 t ii lii , ;H0 HUIIBUGt .UK !is J , I .. IN IS. hp,. ,j?H-f tttcd X"'t THERE 'IS NO HUMBUQ ABOUT -i i - , ,'t ccti'-;! 1 A !('! ! SELLINQ THIS STOCK - OUT I i V:, I A f 8 ,fr,,.il hi isuti t 1 ' tT77-:, ..; .j...-; i'f.vt 11 " . R"fe Is the most desirable Stock- rr ssorl.T,,,l flcW lnthtelty. Erery article Is to be to J tslledatNew Vork cost at wlielrSahw. It Is a s et iy for any one to see the dlirereuco In prices " hernaud where good are retailed In therego- ' ; larway. Tliere are tliouHmnU of dollars worth ofgoiK'atuat must b sold In - - Hi iBirrr dats"' that ar needed dallr bv over honseltMinflr In! our land that will nerer again have the eaper-t"! tunlty of buying snch goods at as low flgiu-ea. "IiH no time in making your seleetloa If you want mnro fur rnur monev tliun mh ubw bny strain. " Mow Is the tiiuo to get U. a th a sMklstobesoMforeashi ' ' Purchasers will' pleas remember that no gown wm ue ueuvered unui paid, for. i 90 Maslrnt ttrsa I ' nwyM , . ... ., ,.,.,;, m ,.. , ... We Hare Xow In Store TUB BEST LOT" Of ,MEN'8 AMD TTO-av ' mcu' rory dsy UtOES, such as Men"! best " -. ., ' i RIp.Brogsns and Women's Duff and Pebble ! '! BU and prices low. 'Personi In want of these '" ' . ..' v- '.) "I'l Goods, at wt olessle or rots'il, will do well tp,,liw call snd see them. , LrA -.,! b: ,t'3H.ti Always a good snppty of. Gents, Ladles, ( . Misses and Cbtldrens Shoes en hand. 1 ri ' f ' - ' i ( i , ; Paisosss BTitesr. : , - EVAf8 A VosOLAHN. . may 13 ' ' l3 .... , i , i , . i .i tH in T9fl PES DAT. Agents wanted.' Alt it -if ijj LJ pZU clasass of working people of bota " seies, young snd eld, make more money at work tor us. In their own localities, daring tf!l! their spare moments, or all the time, than tU t f anything 1k. We offer employment that v jf , pay handsomeli for terv bontM work Full particulars, terma,Vo.; ssnt free. Send) K- ns rour addrws at once. Don't dela: v. Is tli Hire, Don't look for work or hnsluea eewhera, until yon have learned what vf;'' oftor, -O bTiNsos dt Co., Portlanil. Main. uJ i j msya ' . lS4-dwtYt , f ., MOSQUITO lTETS 3 ' AnOB AND 8MALU KATTAN OHAIBJi t , and Kookers rwhlta and Checked Hatting. Window Hbades, Safes and Uei'rigsratore, for SDMHsa Tavira. For sale low by D,A.S4UTH0O. aj8 .' xa '! a 4 I.H'OI. . 9 lo,' a s

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