t o 1 VOL. XXIV. NO. 130. wmniTGTOir. n. c. ttjesday. jtjitei. 1875. 7H0LE HO- G.CD1. - w ft til i i i i i i i V. bf tlnlln journal WILMINGTON. N. a s TUESDAY. J USE L 1875 BY TELEGRAPH. THE FIRE FIEX D. Tqbonto, May 31 Noon Mr. and Mr. Mash, living over Hammond's bat i tore, were burned with it. BPBntprmj, May 81 Noon The total loss by the fire will reach half a million. It originated in a plaining mill on Taylor street GOTHAM. DEDICAITON OF ST. BERNARD'S CHURCH. CONVENTION OP AMERICAN IS ', RAELITE3 IN SESSION. Washwotoic, May 31 Noon. Car dinal MoCloskey was present at the dedioation of St. Bernard's Church. Bishop McQaade, ol Rochester, preach ed the dedication sermon. The annnal Conveutio i of the Board of Delegates of American Israelites as sembled yesterday afternoon, Judge J. P. Joachimsen presiding. The Ex ecutive Committee reported favorably on the condition of the Israelite's. The following officers wero elected for the ensuing year: President lion. J. P. Joaohimsea; Vioa-Prosiil-'nU Hon. Swolf, of Washington, aud PalonoBcn ninger, ol Philadelphia; Treasurer Leopold Bamburger, of New York. HEjlDqUAinEItS. ANOTHER pf PARTY COMES T O RTEP. ' ' " THE ORACLE SPEAKS AT LAST A VTTi lT?rtT TMWLI TT7TT ft m f sm iw jnii ii ii a r.-i aw w-t ja i HAS NOT BEEN DECISION IN THE COURT OF ,v; CLAIMS. THE YELtTpttiA' AT KEY A HITCH IN THE THROUGH MAILS ARRANGEMENTS. WASHraotoWj May 31 Noon The Government will sell half a million of gold on each Thursday in Jane. H. O. Mauher, who three years ago defaulted as Postmaster at Winona, Miss., has been arrested in Charles ton, Mo., and taken to Holly Springs. Grant, in a letter dated yesterday, addressed to ' the President of the Pennsylvania Republican Convention, says: "I am not now nor have I ever been a candidate for rdnbmination. I would not aocept a nomination if it were tendered, unless it should come under euoh oironmstances as to make it an imperative duty." Such oironmstances are not likely to arrive. K West, May 31 Night A dis patch to the Navy Department announ ces one yellowfever death. No other cases have been reported. Washing row, May 81 Night A boy, thought to be Charley Ross, has been found in Berryville, V a. The Court of Claims to-day gave an opinion in the case of the Union Pa cific Railroad Company- The Buit was brought to recover the one half of the Amount earned for government transportation, but now withheld, the government to pay the interest ad vances when the subsidy bonds ma ture. The Court gave judgment for the company in the sum of -9612,000. The Court overruled the motion for a new trial in the Elgee cotton case, in which an award of $366,000 hed been awarded. The -overruling is without prejudice, and the motion f r a new trial can be renewed by the United States if the books of the pur chasing, agent of .the Confederate States oan be produced, showing that Elgee sold Lie cotton to the Confede rate States Government. The evi denoe can be presented to the Chief Justioe of the Court, who will remain in Washington during the greater part of the vacation.' Several additional affidavits were read by tho Assistant Attorney-General, tending to show that Elgee sold his cotton to the Con federate Government, and therefore the claim was improperly allowed. The Court adjourned till Monday, tho 29th of November next. ; There has been a long confab at the Postoffioe Department. . CoL Scott has announced that no ears of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad will be allowed to pass North of Philadel phia,, with or without the United States mail. Notwithstanding this, the Postoffioe Department will give tho Baltimore k Ohio Railroad the Now York mail to-morrow; which action, it is said, will delay it six hours at Phil adelphia. 0 . A - Fifty employees ' have been dis charged from tne Pension Office. The President loaves here on Thurs- day. - - Judge Pierrepont has issued a circu lar to officials, whereby it is hoped there will be a modification in the Swindle of having needless witnesses nl other qdirtot charges. 'electiucisms. The " International Young Men's Christian . Association at Richmond, Vs., adjourned line die. The discus siona throughout were only teotional in tne sense of Heavenward. At Cleaveland a man aged 5ft, killed his mother-in-law, aged 80. Weapon, The Presbyterian General Assembly in session at Cleveland. Ohio, adopted an overture, allowing Churches to Ciect temporary elders. EUUOPE. RUSSIA AND ENGLAND ON THE CENTRAL ASIA QUESTION. THE WAR RUMORS EXPLAINED. London, May 81. Noon. It is es timated that Paul Boyuton, in crossing tUe tides aud currents of the channel, paddled thirty-four miles. The Post Bays it his reason to be lievo that there is every likelihood of the governments of Rusaia and Eng lrnid coming to a friendly arrange ment on the question of Central Asia. Parliament by whip has invited the supporters of the government to meet M. biBra'!i this afternoon. An unsigned loiter in the Tiuifs gives a char explanation of the recent warlike rumors. The writer says that a ft w wer k ao the German represen tative at various European courts offi cially complained that France was arm ing with a view to an early resumption of war. Gen. Von Sohweiuez, German Minister in Vienna, dtclared that ow ing to Germany's long suffering, war had not yet broken out. The Czar thereupon telegraphed Emperor Wil liam and entreated him to postpone operations nntil the 1-erlin interviews. He also instructed the .Russian Am bassador at the Court of St. Janus to suggest the co-operatiou of Great Britain in behalf of peace. London, May 31. Night. Settle ments of the Slock Exchange resulted in only three small failures. ST. LOUIS. ITEMS FROM THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. St. Louis, May 31 Noon. On the questii u on the Wilson case the votn sustaining the Louisville Presbytery was ayos 38, nays 07. STATE NEWS. Decoration Day was observed in Newberu on Saturday. The Domocrrta of Wake county Dominate on the 26th inst. Passengers going West on the N. C. R. R. will get supper in Raleigh under the new schedule.' Rev. Father MoNamara, formerly of Raleigh, is about to oommenoe the publioution of a paper in New York under the title of "The Celtic Nation- al." ' ' ' " At the Mecklenburg Centennial the Newberu band played the Mecklen burg Polka, composed specially for the occasion by a member of the baud. The Washington Echo learns from its Pamlico correspondence that the corn and cotton crops of the county have been well nigh destroyed by the recent cold spells. He states that about two-thirds of all the cotton and one-third of all the corn under cultiva tion is a complete loss. The Newbern Times says: The little boys of Morehead City have had lots of fun during the week. A number of porpoises had become more adven turous tnau usual, ana leaving tneir usual haunts, seconded Calico Creek, and enjoying their new location, they frolicked and disported themselves while the tide was in; but they remain ed too lotig, and the tide receding, loft Boveral of them in some deep sloughs or bole, which, while deep enough to float them, was still bounded by shoals that prevented their escape. The boys soon discovered the situation, aad they at once went for the aquatic cusses, and mounting the porpoises, went sail iug around like young Tritons. The sport was immense, and after enjoying themselves hugely, the boys captured two of their suit horses, which, when hauled to tho shore measured some eight feet. - Asheville ha a romance indicating what a loving woman will do for aman however undeserving he may be. An illicit distiller in Yancey county was recently hard pressed by the officers of justice, and started tor Tennessee, takmc witli him ins fem'nine Dartner. dressed in men's clothes. They se cured refuge for the night in a farm house ou the way, where, previous to retiring, the fugitive noticed a saddle hanging on the wall. He told the woman with him that she must arise in the night and steal the saddle, an iujunctiou she attempted to obey. The noiue made in securing the saddle awoke the farmer, when the two straugers attempted to escape. As the woman leaped through a window Bhe was shot at by the - farmer and badly wounded., Still the wounded woman managed to escape to the woods, where she was found a week later m teen miles from the place where she was shot. She was still alive, though in a dangerous condition, and her sex was onl v discovered when she re ceived surgical aid. The coward who had led the woman into danger e.-tenped, which is very much regretted So plucky a.womtn deserved at least a bravo male. Damaged BY FBESH WATEB 15,787 YARDS 4-4 Unbleached Sheeting Selling 8 Cents Per Yard, Or 7 Cent Per Piece, Worth 10 Cents LOOSE NO TIME! MAKE NO MISTAKE BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street may 30 IS 1 WEDDING CARDS auaha.'. hemott taaulonahle style at the journal rrius, HEW ADVZSTISEJEXTS. lira Black M Mb Hi 5. i. o. n. sac WiLxtjr-ro,N. 0.,Bor Mooft.O-1. D. SN. HKKTHKEN I Attend the Keeular Can ell ef roar Tribe, on th. .step of Una Ma at til. 8th ran. Resinees .r UBfMrtaaasb By Older or e.chrrn, W. H. QKkKKM, Cef, jB i us-n Shaken and Flats at Anotion. This rr (Tneedav) st t o'clock. A. M-w will Mil at oer Salae Boom. Caws Shaker susel riala. shipped direct to oloM at aaos at Aeetlea. QBONLY MORRIS, Jun. 1-U AaeltouMrt. St. John's Loixe, A NO. 1. F. n4 JLi M. V Kstirent meetlnf thta (TftSHAT) lug t s o'clock the work la U Entered At renuc I'Pfro.. By order ( the W. at. JAMES. MOBBS, ttatur St. John' I.ll, Jan. 1, UTS. Eastern lay at Auction, Thi dv (Taedey) t 10 o'clock. A. M. at our H.lr. Room, w. will s)l 30 HALEN EtSTEU BAT. CSONLT A MOBBIS. Aaoiioaeere. Jun. I it Mackerel at Anotion. Tbi.davlToMilMlstlt .'.took A. If .. will Mil ml our Hm Boom. 140 Kit Net 1 mackerel. Mow landing Ki "Mary B. D.nt. CRONLT ft MORBIS, Auotloilnan. Juiel iftMt Good Chimney Brick, Toot of Orange Street, FOR 06 PER M. MATH1S A OO. lso-it June 1 Passenger Department. Wilmington & Weldon, Wilmington Columbia It Augusta R. 0. ; Wimmaros, K. a,lty II, una Excursion Season of 1875, coMUMMcmr jbm i tars. A FPLL Una or BOUND TRIP TIOK eU to all Bumm.r KMorta of UWratf at Imiwruuioo la Upper South Oarollna, Wt.tern Morth Ca ollna, Mlddlo and Wtttara Virginia, North.rn and KuUrn State., Will bo oa sale at tt. Union Depot Tteket Office. rrioo Lists, Time Garde and all needful In formation farnlehed on application to tne B- (lerdgnea. m. run, wenerai nci.i Agent. Junel UtVlw WARM GPRIMGO MADISON COUNTY, Western Berth Carolina T HS8E SPRIhOd are tltaated nre mile. from tho ToDneaeee line, on the bank, of the French Broed rt.er, la the Tory mldtt of the blglieat rent, of m.ont.in. eaxtol the Mini- at pt rier, in a country generally known and iru Biuuy canea ine naiterriena or America. THE HOTEL. AUUUMMOUATIUNH are unaurpara d at any tiering place or enramer rerort in the oonntry. The B.th. eonMat of Urge pool, of a war, pnwTttt Mineral and tirrtne wattr, umiKKlnrA Wi to 101 aegr.re P.hrenhctt, which are wonrltrfu ly InTlgoratlng to all liiralid., tqnallslng the circulation end stimulating tne wcreioijr org.ni, and will, in moat caie. of Chtonio ai d Sab-Aeate Oout, UUeura.tlam, Paralrali, Drapepsla. Neuralgia, Secondary Syphllli, Hephf itio and Calcnlon. Ilsrr(pr, turofule, Cutaneont Dlaoawa and many dttwaae pecull.r to female., .fleet aiely and radical Cure. There la alao a Hold Sulphur Spring near the Warm Spring., re sembling rerr o'oaely In temperature ana color of depo.it. the T. Hon Snlphar Spring of Vir ginia, with a.nlphuroo. odor much stronger. These Springs are easy ef eocesa from all Southern cltl.a by all the Hoe. of railroad, conrerging Into East Tennesase, via Augusta, Atlanta aud Knoivllle, to atorrlstown, East T.nneaee, thence to Ootaberland Oap and CU.rleaton railroad 40 mil., to Wolf Ureek tlience by stag. 8 miles lo the Spring, an ean and comfortable trip. Eieuraton Tlrk.ta are on sale in all tbe principal eltiee to and from these Spring, at a great redaction on loeel rates. x Rates Of Board, f 40 Per Month, l2.eo Per Week, 2 Per Day. Children and Oolortd Serracta Half-Frloe. Apply to Manager far Pampblete and Circu lars or to Wilmington Druggist , J. A SAM PUP, Qeneral Manager for Warm Springe Oo. Junel lto-dlm-eodT-wiBi Ground Pea Planters. Bny Tour Sweeps from GILES A MUROHI HON, who hare on hand a large Mock of those old-atyle b weeps so wall llkM by all Peanut Farina s. The Blades or Standard can also be had sepa rately.. lon 't forget the place. UILES A MURCHIBON. may 30 A Card. Haying deolded to remore to Baltimore and change my business, I take this method to ten der my sincere thanks to my friends and patrons for all past favors. Respectfully, J. B. CHASTEN, may 30 129-lta TRUNKS, SADDLES AND HARNESS, Traveling Bags, Satchels, Shawl Straps, Whit, Hpurs, baildle Cloths, feather Duster., Collars, Hemes, Saddlery Hardware, leather, Aile Urease, and all kinds of Saddlery Goods. CARPENTER A MALLARD. No. South Troiit Street, Wilmington, M. 0. may no . im-u Children'! Colored Shoes. .Tn.. lAf1 ltlrA. fvjkM li. a Sne a'sortmeut of Ohildren'e Butt, Bronse and black Shooaof all alies, with and without beels. Also Gmts Band-Sewed Boa-Toe and U.KU. I.V.H I it .1 r a Ut . Ladies OatUrs and Slippers In greeA variety . Q A. PRICE'S, -,-ti-w.rk,M,, sj Markrt Street Grain Cradles, Gromid Pea M (TUB NIXON PATTERN. The only genuine Nixon Pattern Sweep In the market. Can only be found at the Old Established Hardware Bouse or JOHN DAWSON, Noe. 1, K and 11 tdarket Street, may 30 IK IIW ADYEETISEXEJm. Eleren Bargain Tables, Off of any one mt watek the keet of Dargaln In Clothing CAN BE HAD. Try Us and bo Convinced. Alpaca Goods & White Ducb, Cbeepe tana elMwbwe la the Ulty. MUNSON & CO., CTTT CLOTHTEE3, aiayM in-tr COVERED, EXTRA SUGAR-CURED PIG HAMS, Breakfast Strips, Bugar-Cnred Shoulders, Extra Mess Mnckeral, Salmon & George's Bank Codfish. GEO. MIER8, 11 and 13 South Front St. HEW COOKED P G Families going to the, Sound should lay in a supply. Introduced ky us and genuine only , guaranteed and sold, by OEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 South Front St This Month We added a rUt number of "frleadt" to the already large list for oar oooloe New Process Empire Flour. Our tniMU. hIm le tao beil ertdenee w. enT.r before ferial; and, after onoe aeing til yea are eaaTineea oeyona a aouoi ana wu, alwaye nee t and no other. t Butter In tho World I t Sutter In the World I Beet Butter In the Word I . , ilnet In aad only tjt aale by , , v ' OIO-MYMs, 11 IS auutU Jfrout aweet aiayW i ITew Books-Just Oat The Mountain of the Lorert, with Poems of Mature and Tradition. By Paul H. Hayne, publlahed by X. J. Hale & Bon. Bound la Cloth with OUt Edges. P riot SI 60. Man anu Beast Bare and Hereafter. Il lustrated by more than three hundred original Anecdotes. By the Rot. J. C. Wood, M. A.. f.L . Author of "Homes without Hands,'' 'I canna but believe that downs hare souls." Jamas Hogg, the Ettrlok Bhsperd. Just received aad for sale al HEINOBERCER'G Litre Book and tfule Store, may SO 1 1854. CROSSE tt DLACKWELL'8 PICKLES, RUGA BAR CANDY, PRENCH OONFEOTIOPS, &0 , 1 ALE, PORTER, 0. n. W. SHUEE, No. SI K Front &ireeL may SO . li CALL EAELY Monday Morning AhO SECURE BARGAINS IN CLOTHING I am fast disposing of my elegant stock of Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Remember that the Early Bird catches the Worm, A. DAVID. may 10 128 Frankfurter Bier, QUARTS AND PINTS, MAORVT CND OKiSENHRIM DCRE RUBIN. BEST LACE R IMPORTED. CHAS D. MYERS A CO., S 7 North Front 8b Hock and Rhino Wines, DKIDI8HEIMBR, EUDKSHEIMER, HOCKBBIHKR, LIEB-FBAC-M1LCH SAUTERNES, CLARETS, BFAKKLINQ CATAWBA AND BUROCNOT, BROWN AND PALI SHERRIES, Finest tare Old Brandies and Wines, Vlutagee ISM to 'S3. Finest, Rarest, Larjest, Most Varied and Oo4ly Stock of Fine Goods em offered In North Carolina, ' ; CHAS. D. MYERS k CO., ' Importers and Dealers, SAT North Front St, ay K) I w RDDINaOAKDNandVlSITINt? CA Klfh) e siieetaitr at tbe rfWUJMlAb WfJUB) MISCILUNECUS. THE GRAND Family Excurcion, TJnder the aacploea of the Young Cathelle rrlends Society, whloh was aeceaaarlly post poned front May SHh, will certainly take place oa TCISDAT, June 8th, TO 8M1TUVILLK AMD KKTUKK BY 8TBAMKR GOV, WORTH. The tloketa, the anmbir of which le poet- lively Umltetl, will be SI W each lor gentlemen and 40 oenta each for lady or child. Mo tBlrltnoaa liquor, will be allowrJ en board. Ice nam, aaodwlohea, eortee, Ac, Will be aerred at city prlo... The boat will Imto th. wharf, foot of Mar k.t street promptly at o'clock. Uoa Music nes Men eng.Ked for in. eooaaion. me Mtm mil tee reewre the rlgbt to eiolude all objeo- uoaanie persnn.. Tickets may be procured at the store, of J, H. Allen, U Brown and J. H. Mellaril r Oo. ma; SO li-mJ0ll,3,,t OU..B "Yellow Bird Brand" A N D A QENERAL' assortment o t OIH1 R Tobacco Goods AT PRICKS TO BUIT THE TIMES. ;" a D. PICOTT. may to The Wilmington .and Ooait Turnpike Company. JJOOKS OF 80B80R1PTI0N TO THE Uapltal Stock of this Company hare been opened by tbe anderelgntd constituting tbe Committee for that purpose, appointed artbe recent meeting of the Corporators named la the set of incorporation, and maybe found at the MTeral Bankt of the elty, and at the Par- oell House. M. A. WEIGHT, J K. DAVII, T. J. IUTBKKLAHD, - BORW00D GILES. , : CHAS.D. MYERS, WMUA.0TJMM1NO, t Committee Its-tf OR IlEITT ! TheHMUaw rsoeutly built tor andfi'J aocanied by the Rev. J . U. Hlden, onitll Serenth, between Chestnut and Mulberry all x.rms reaeonaoie. H. HAAR, Grocer, Corner Tth and Chestnut Streets. may - Mo-tf Bacon. Fork. Sugar and Coffee 75 Boxes D. 8. Bides k Shoulders, 70 Boxes Smoked Sides sod Shoul ders, 50 Bbls. Prime Mess Fork, 100 Bbls. Reflnod Sugar, 100 Bags Prime Bio Coffee, For sals low by WIIiLIAMS k MURCmSON. Flour, llico, Hay and Syrup. 1,000 Bbls, Flour all grades. 50 Bbls. Whole Rica, 500 Bales Prime N. R. Hay, ' 100 Bbls. 8. H. Syrup, For sale low by WILLIAMS i MURCIIldON. Hoop Iron, Clue, Spirit Casks, Nails and corn. 500 Bundles Hoop Iron, 100 Bbls. Glna, 800 Seoond Hand Spirit Casks, 400 Kegs Nails, 6,000 Bushels Prime White Corn. For sale low by WILLIAMS t MUBCHISON. Moletaee. ! lUolmaseo ! ITIolsaeaee I 100 Hhda and Bbls. Mew Crop Cuba. tot sal. low by WILLIAMS A MOROHIBON. Oaaael Gamnat Ouanel IN) Tons Eureka Ouano, auO Guanape ' For aale low by WILLIAMS A MURCHIBON. may W l Carolina Central llailway ; Company."""" 5n Fast Freight and Passenger Trains. Leave Wilmington at 7 P.M. Arrive ar Charlotte 10 A. M. Leare Charlotte at , 4 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington t A, M. These trains carry Passenger Care with Bleeping Accommodations. MIXED TRAINS. Leave Charlotte at M0 A.M. Arrive at Huftaio, near Hbslby... .10:30 A M- eave Buflalo...... 11:10 A. M. Arrive (at Charlotte..., .f :40 V. M. may 30 1- Enquire Within, AT THE . CITY BOOK STORE For anything you want In our line. Although we sell for less than any other hones, our goods are of the very beat quality. And If you wfch to get bargans give us a trial. Books and Stationery OP ALL KINDS. .AXSO-,.,-, Musical Instruments, &a., &c, &e.. at Conolcy & Yates. 47 Market Street may 10 - ----" HI ADVZHTISIH23T3. 45. MET BROWN & We art still adding to onr Extensive Assortment of 6SISnL DRY GOODS. Being fully aware that small profits malt a qniok returns, we havs marked our whole stock so that any ami every one can plainly see we ara in earnest and mean bnsineas. We only desire those who art in want of anything In our line to giro us a oall in order to satisfy themselves. We are never afraid of showing our goods, or of comparing them with any. We oall particular at tention to the following list : STUIi'ED SUMMER SILKS reduoed to G2 Cents. Black Ilernanies and Orcnadines from 18 Cent. Colored Stripe and Figured Orena linos ,6 2-3 cents. Grey De lingua !10 Gents. Our stock of Dress Goods is large and we oflor them as low al they ean be bought in any Northern market. aiaHTH I UHNINIIINU DKrArtTMEIST. White Dress Shirts, OiitTa, Collars, Jean Drawers, Gauze TJndervests, Brit ish Half liose, Bleached and Striped do., in fact everything that belongs to such a Department LINEN AND DOMESTICS, Bleached and Unbleached Damasks in Power and Hand Loom, Cotton and Linen Diapers, Bosom aud I'illow Case Linens, Linon Sheetings, Chamber and Bath Towels, Napkins, Doilies, Stir Linens, Crashes, Ao. LADIES UOSIEUY, GLOVES AND QAUZE UNDERWEAR, L'lama Lace Baorinos and Points ; Lace Shawls 75 ots., bargain ; Striped and Plain Shetland Shawls ; Nottingham for Curtains; Machine Needles Sots, each. Sole Agent- for FRANK LESLIE'S PAPER PATTERNS. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Harket 8treeJ: MORE MY ASSORT MEN noioMlEH IS HOW COMPLETE IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. My oustomers have shown their appreciation of my LOW FRICE3 by their liberal purchases, for which I'm thankful, STRANGERS not postoJ, and desiring the Oalue of their money, oan get it by calling M.M.-KATZ'S, aprll II am mim SOL. BEAR & BRO'S, 20 Market Street. CL0SIN0 OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK OF DR Y GOODS AT OUB RETAIL STOHK! Great Bargains! IA-4 LINEMSUBKTIMU from 70 oU. and 1 11 per yard. . Moianiblques 1 cts. per yard, SWISS MUSLINS, 00 Ooien Linen Towels and Napkins, Irish and German Linen blrttns, Cambrto Hatdkeroblels, MATTINGS, White and Colored. SO Pieces LINEN (or Ladle Traveling Dresses and Boys wear. Large assortment of Panama and Straw Hats for Cblldrea and Men. We will eommenoe on Monday to sell tbe above and will oontlnue dally until tbe whole stock Is olosed out. , , y Ladles are, respectfully Invited to call and examine oar stock, as we know tt will re pay tb.m. , " In fnture we Intenl to confine our buslners to Clothing and Merchant Tailoring, nay SI . 122-tf SHEJBY BINDER. Pnbtiihed weekly, at 8HKLBT. Cleveland County. N.O.. at SI SO per annum, In ad vance; has a large and rapidly Increasing clr colstton in nearly ail Uie eopntles West of Mecklenburg. Also, an extensive olronlatlon in Uie eodnttee of Hpartanborc, York aad Union, 8.O. HaJust been eularged from a iwenvy w uun.j-.wu whi u-...vw sxlorned with an entire nrw dreaa. Itt foUHct nmAM.tu The (iKriilln. Central Ballwav being now cmpleted through to Wilmington, and Shelby being the Western terminus, the Banntr is a most excellent advertising medi um. Aale I hukUthU. DUBHAM &WKBB Elitors and Proprietors 11 - ' 4C. RODDICK .... 36MarketSi . s PARTICULARS We Haro Now In Store i fJlHK BKST LOT or MEN'S AND WO- v mon's every day SHOES, such as M.n's best ' Kip Brogans and Women's BolT and Pebble? Bala and pnoes low. Person la want of these . , , , Qooda, at wtolesale or retail, will da well te ' oall and see them. ' - ,, i . . ' Always a good supply of Gents, Ladles, - '' Mlsse and Children. Shoe ea hand. Psisoiss Itbibt. EVANS VohQLAHN. lS may 23 IMPORTERS Plata sts C1-red.-By the Bale, ' Uostn, or at Heuil. ', Single Hammocks, S3 each, sent on reeeipt of money. For whole sale prices, address Q. , OF w.bimmohs a sow, "Oak Hall," Beetoa, ' Mass. Bathing Suits, Military Goods and Bsgalla. mim-eod HAMMOCKS. may'Jtf Congress Water. Seltser Aperient, Presh Sedllta Powders, Brown'e Olnger, Florida Water, Oomba. Brushee, Toilet Ho. p., (a large variety) and Fanoy Artloles. For sale by Aina.a. u. uovii "SK ' Third St., opposite i uuy nail. may 14 , in For Rent or Lease! rjTIHE LOWSK PLOOBOP N.8tMSMT-', ket Street, now occupied by "Wilmington Trust Company end Saving Bank," will b . rented until October 1st, WIS, aad pMstttlOB) ,, given early in June. ,U , ,.,,, , Or, the whole building, oouslatlng ef font' stories, with large yard and entranes from M nter'a Alley, will be leased from October 1st, 1818, for a term of years. ' Apply at the Bank. -- --- t SILAS N.M.ABTIK. may is s' 1-st Star oopy 1 times. .... . Escaped Convict3. ' We will pay a reward of SIS eafbr eo Information a will lead to th. cap tareof any oenvtct. ewaped from the New HT.rCo. ty Work Hou .Inc. the v.r W I. by letter orlelegr.ph, MATMBS OO.. So pSrlnten.lnntsol N.w Hanover wanty Wot House, Wilmington, N. O. y lnMf . may ... , .. . . i V..J''I I ' ) .'''.'"J 1 -ft ' t

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