VP-'n iK Jy VOL XXIV. NO. 131. wiumioTOn. n. c. weduesday. juhe2. i87s. V7H0LE 110- 0.CD5. hfff;iilo 3 oral. WILMINGTON, N. G: WEDNESDAY. J USE 2. 1375. ' . , 1 ! : ,- BY TELEGRAPH. ... T THE RAILROAD WAR AM) THE MAILS. . REVENUE QOLLECTO U WADS WOtfrtf ISVITI3) TO STEP DOWN AND OUT. ANOTHER LNLXL& CONFfiUENOE AND ITS KE6VL1 - THE DEBTfeTATEMENT. THE CONFEDERATE DEAD AT ARLINGTON. WA8HI5WTW,V'June 1. Nodal. Preaitfttut UamU, wliftiiutcrviiiwid yi Chicago few duvH ago, who reported to have fcaid.thatftlle Postmaster Ue i eral had written to " tie tlfrct tbut if the Peunsjflvama ( Uuimiiuy did uot carry the tauils iu the Baltimore .-uud Ohio cart over their tf divisions ho PoBtniaHttir OoiM'ra would with draw all HiO WetiUsru maiis from tho PeqiiBvlvaijia lUilroad. VVUvu burnt saw tbia bUKojuuI suemiugly so au thoritatively taado by Mr. Gurrett, he wrote to the Postmaster General, ask ing him for facta iu tho ae, aud re ceived yesterday tl iolluwiiig reply : WiHiSro, Mny 81k 1873. Hon. T. .A.": Sodrr : Iu reply to yours of the 23th, I would state that I Lave written no latter to the 13. & O. R. R. Qornpanjr jtd tha 8'uok that I would yitbdraw the VVeeteru tusiU from your road. I have writ ton do letter except one trapsmitiug a copy of Mr. Kuea'slettcr of May lDth, iu which I made no statement. I learu from Mr. Garrett, who is here, that the newspaper report of his conversa tion is incorrect. (signed.) Marshall J b well, Post Master General. The Chicago Internal Revenue Col lector, Wadsworth, rec ived a nota from Commissioner Pratt requesting him to tender-li wgation. - The note assigns ucrwnsdn ftrr the request, except that the good of the service de mands such ft 6ep j W udsworth has uot yet given an answer. Wabhington.D.C., June 1 Night i- u r l.. .1.1 Aumucr xuuiau vuuioequuo win uuiu to-day. Speeches were made by lied Cloud, Spotted Tail, Bad Wound aud Secretary Delano. The latter told the Indians that the Government would give them $25,000 for their huuting privileges in .Nebraska, and if they did not accept that they might as well cease talking. After considerable dis cussion among the Indians they agreed to accept the proposition, though the great chiefs oxprwa doubts about get' ting their just rights, and before sign ing any papers hopa to have, another talk with their Great Father, the President Spotted 'fail said tie wanted the $25,00(1 this afternoon. The mouey will be expended in buy ing presents for them. i'nedebt statement issued to-day shows ' a reduction hist month ox $1,189,456. The decrease of the debt since June 80th, ' 1874, is $12.9(M,2G5. Tue balance is, currency, 1,358, 107; coin, $81,207,602. . Special deposits held for the redemption of certificates of deposits $55,545,000. ) The Govern ment disbursements during May g gregated $15,361,783, exclusive of pay ments on accounts of the interest on the principal of the pnblio debt. '- A. J.-Falls, 5iiief Clerk of the De partment of Justice, has resigned. His successor has not yet been appointed. The President will leave lor Long Branoh on Thursday next. The Postmaster General having ad vised the Pennsylvania Ruilroad Com pany that the Department was satis fled with the present arrangements for the postal car service," Mr. Soott re plied yestarday that as the Pennsylva nia Railroad did not desirfl to use Mr. Garrett's car between New York aud Philadelphia, the mails y would here after be transferred at West. Philadel phia to one of their own cars and sent to New York ou the regular trains. The malls were aoiordiugly so trans ferred to-day, occupying about 9 min utes and causing no delay. Mr. Scott has also" offered, if the mails are sent by the Baltimore and Potomac Rail road to carry them ou the limited ex press and thus expedite the transpor tation of the through mails between Washington and New York by over au boar without aaditionlaiomponsatkm.. In this way the mails would go by a continuous strain route oi iuac traius. The Southern Memorial Association to-day decorated ' the graves of the ConfederatfTfiead at Arhugton, 233 iu number. " A large number were pres ent from thiv city aud the adjoining country. oo ;;' ' After prayer by Drv Elliott, of the Asotrasioa 'Epfsoopnl Church, the assemblage , proceeded to the Srouuds where rest the Confedr.it e ead, and proceeded to decorate the graves. Dr. Garnet stated that letters had been received from Richmond, Winchester, nod other plnoes. Mr. C. P. Harmon read that from the Hollywood Memorial Association, nf Richmond, renrrettinff the inability of the Association to attend, and for warding Attebquaulilloral auohor. There was no speech making aud the oaremony was exeediagly impres sive and solemn.' ' TIIE FIRE FIEND. Maxwell, Ont., June 1 Noon The house of Mr: VanMcer, tienr this place, woi recently destroyed by nrr. Three children perished in the flames. Sprinofikld Mass. , Juno 1 Noon The total loss by the recent lira ia about $550,000. Insurance about $450,000.. - KUUOPE. THE QUESTION OF PRIVILEGE IN T:1E BUiriSII COMMON3. SOME EXTENSIVE FAILURES REPORTED. London. June I Night The House of Common resumed the considera tion of the quet-tion of privilege. The uioiiuu otl'vred by the Marquis of Uartiugtoa ou May titli, was taken up. It was to thectlVct that the House B.iout't not eutertaiu any oompltnt v i.h reMteut to the publication of the pf ooeediugs, except lu cases of Willut misrepreseiitatiou. or wheu publioa- tiou is prohibiten), and that strangers shall not be obliged to wituilraw uu ls disorderly or by special direction of the Houbo. Tli is niuUou was re jected. Mr. Ii4eli tlieu moved that .if at teutiou iaealied by any member to the presouoe of strsitgeM, tlte House shall decide by divis.ou whether they with draw; fiirlheriuoni, that the speaker be'T!iiipjv-r'd t ordi r their with diawal whenever he thinks lit. Mr. Disraeli's iiu'tion was unanimously adopted A meeting of theCjuservat ve meni l?rs of I'arliunient was held at the rehidnco of Mr. Disreali to-Jay, wheu au uuderstandiug was anivet at as to tho general po'icy of the Goveruiuent on a quition of pnvileg. No re porie,rs were presi iit. Thrt Aberdeen lion Company has failed. Liabilities X7,")0,(H0; uomin'l a.ets jED.a.tkJO., Tbi total aht4iou of the works is together with tiiat of the Plymouth J run Company, which is one concern .nth the Aberdeen Com pany. This failure involves Facder soii A Co., bill brokers, and Gilead A. Smith. Their liabiliues are placed nt jCliDil.OiW, for the greater part of wh eh tlieir creditors hold swunties. James Dawburu is also involved. Tu! lutter's inbilities are estimutedut JC34.000 and assets 25,000. Mauviu, June 1 Noon It is ra. Hrted that Gen. IVturo has been ar rested for complicity in a Republican conspiracy. London, Juno 1 Niglit Two hund red houses have been destroyed by fire iu Cabaual, Spain. The Abandare Iron Comuouv. the failure of which has been announced, gave employment to live thousand people. Several additional email fail ures have been annonced. ILLINOIS. CONVENTION OF THE NATIONAL TEMPERANCE ASSOCIATION. . Chicago, June 1 Night. The Con vention of the National Temperance Association began this morning. Among the delegates are Miss Weich mary, of Pniladelphia, and Mrs. Den mar, President of the New Jersey Temperance Uuion. Vice-President Wilson delivered the opening eddrees, after which a letter of greeting, from Schuyler , Colfax, was rend, Hon; Hiram Price, of Davenport, was chosen President, and ilou. Joanna Nye, oi New Hampshire, First Vice-President, with other V ice-f residents, represent ing various States' Unions. Vioe-Pres-ideuts at large were elected as follows; William E. Dodge, Schuyler Colfax, Henry Wilsou, Mrs. Jennie Willing, Rev. Jno. Russell, Tims. B. Hunt aud Mrs, Mrs. Mary Livermore. John N. Steams wus elected Secretary. In the Jiftemoon Bession most of the del egates were present, and listened to the address of welcome, from Rev. A. E. Kittredge, of Chicago. Win A DELPHI A. ARREST OF ALLEGED BOND FORGEKS. . Philadelphia, Juuel Noon. The Pinkerton Agency arrested to-day Jos, II. Gaw, V. J. Stevenson and Peter Kuril, who are charged, in connection with Robert Wishart, who it is re ported is in custody in Now York, with having been implioatsd in forged bonds of tho Chicago & northwestern Railroad, which wore traced to George F. Helt, whose arroit, in connection with the Safeguard Insurance trouble, took plaoa in November last.. The parlies were plaoed in $25,000 bail. A woman is also under arrest for dealing in forged and stolen bond-i three $1,000 bonds, in the name of Mr. (Ettinger, of Raleigh, N. O, being found in her possession. Mr. CunhfTeOiveii and Col. Stewart Sandford, English Commissioners to the Centennial, have arrived here. " (JOIUUI, BEAST BUTLER A DEFENDANT -IN COURT. New York, June 1 Night At the opeuiug of the U. W. Distrct Court to day, before Judge Benedict, in the suit brought by Wra. F. Herbert, ag'iinst Gen. Butler, for a share in a counsel fee af $20,000, paid to Butler by G. B. L.nuur, Judge Benedict si id it whb clear to his mmd that the plaintiff had not thoroughly establish ed his 0;i6e, and he therefore instruct ed the Jury to find a verdict for the defendant, which they did. t . , , , ELECTjiiCISliS. A miil bng wan picked up iu the river at Savannah, yeterday morning, and found to bo through mail from Charleston, S. C, to Jacksonville, Fls. The letters had all been rifled. Monsignore Roucatta, and Dr, TTtmliU initial envovs. lire at Mil- W.iuke i (o participate in the oeremotf of bestowing tne pallium npon Aroi; Bishop Ilonui, which taken phtoe next Thursday, . There are heavy Icrost fires in Sul l vaa and Delaware couuier,N. Y .and sevend villages have boon abaudoned and one life lost. , Chos. W. Sargeant, Secretary of the New Hampshire Uistorioal Hooiety, and cashier of a bank, suicided yes terday. No cuuso but insanity, SOUTH CAUOLDiA. A RADICAL OFFICIAL LEAVES HIS COUNTRY FOR HI3 OWN GOOD. THE WORK OF FUNDIN3 THE STATE DEBT. Charlxstos, Jdbe 1 Noon. O. P. Ijeslie, member of the State LegiaK tu re, is reported to have kbtoonded. to avoid an arrest, on the charge of defrauding the State white Land Com mismouer, during Governor 8oott's administration. The proceedinga were directed by the State autbontiee, and bail fixed at $44,000. Leslie ia rhw charged with election frauds and riot lnjr The funding-of the State debt gors on rapidly, the srnouut already fund ed beiug six million dollars, dr about one-half of the entire debt. Tho Academy of Music, iu this city, has been purchased for $42,000, by John E. Owens, the comedian, nnder whoso auspices it will henceforth be conducted. , Ni m fish Slry Eiavlly. Mr, Mullett's official ghost still rites occasionally, though the substance has been pretty effectually put down. There is uo doubt that in many in stances "tho evil that men do lives after them," aud if ad reports are true the Chicago Cuotom House ia nota ble instance. The investigation made by Gen. Holman, nod Mr. Potter. Supervising Architect of the Treasury, snow tnat tne Uovernmeut bat to pay considerable for past mistakes, or worse. The Chicago Custom Honae has reached its present stage of incom pleteness at a cost to the Government of about $2,000,000. The material employed in its construction came from the Buena Vuta quarries. The recant investigation has discovered that while much of the atone from thin source is exoellent, a large portion is brittle, more of it rotten, and some of a different species altogether and wholly unfit for building purposes. Mr. rotter does not think that any portion of the walls of this new structure can be saved, but that all will have to be rated to the ground. This will make the $2,000,000 expended a dead lose, and even should considerable of the ma terial prove fit for use the extra labor of sortiug out and building over will swell the bill larger than tax-payers will like to see. Of coarse it i not necessary to make any charges in con nection with these revelations. The eople will be, apt to fix the responai llity where it belongs, though per haps the investigation nor going for ward will assist them in forming con clusions. Prof. fl. Bechter, of the Forsyth. Go., Female College, hat composed and dedicated a piece of music, called No Third Term Quickstep,' and ded icated it to the New York Ban. The Advertiser publishes a card from Mr. C. A. Dana, editor, thanking Prof. Bechter for the oompliment. - Sensitive bather to bathing atten dant : " Listen : if I am to be drown ed, or nearly so. I want it to be distinct ly understood that I am not to be stood on my head, or rolled on a bar rel, or any such ridioalout exhibitions made of me. If I can't be revived without any of these performances, I prefer to be left alone." DIED. In this city .011 the eMilnt of th lift ult.,of imrmjBia, DANIHLFEKUlm, agtdM jean , leceur4 wnebnm in Onilow county, in this State, but removed to Wilmington ution ault a boy. U wit for t Ions time a merchant of nut city, mil tor wat yrir uerott tne itt war retired from buMnem with an ample eon petency. When war wu declared anlnat Bndaad la 18 2, hi waonef the Brat gallant iplrlU of this state who volunteered for the national defence. (Julftand mobtruie In hit manaeri; flrn, and coniclentoui In ail hi dea lnga with an fellow man, he fommandl tlie reepeetofall wiii knew him in ni long career and attracted t .'Wfnl htm the warm loe of deroted f rlenda. Hie Integrity In all hi bantnoa transaction) elione nut in a remarkable degree, and to pro verbial wan his uoneety thai tale word was eon entered as good as bis bond Kor a'ariv fifty years he wss an enmplary follower of the teaching of the Olvlne Hat ter, and In all the relatione of lite he Illustrate ed the character of the Hue Christian geo tinman. Ripe In years, he has passed away; but though deid in the flesh he live again Iu the realm of Him, who eaith, "1 am the resurrection and the lite." The funeral will take place this morning Irmn his la'e residence on Second street, at It o'oiock. The friends of the family are Invited to atund. . i i In thisoltv.on the tut Inst., CATHtRIM O , wife of W. 11 Day and daughter of Jno. A. 8v ders, Ksq., aged 22 years and todays. The friends ami acqualntaneesof the family are respectfully livited to attend the funsial this, Weiiuesday, the Ind Inst , at 4J oclock, P. M , from the First Fresbytetlan Church, ar d thence to Oakdale Oemetery. JW ADVERTISENENT8. New Novels. LOVE'S TICTOHT, Hy H. I,. Farjeon, Author of "Orlf,-' "Joehna Marvel," "Blade o'-Qrase," e. Paper iU eta. MR. VAI GIIA1VS HEIR. By Fiank Im Benedict, Authe ef 'Mv Daught r Fllnor." "Miss Van Kortlsnd," John Worthlngton't Name," Ac, fever, fl 00. . 'I'llIIF.K FRATIIERS. ' ' ! By William Black. Author pt "A Princess of J lime." " J ie strange Auveniure oi a roav ton," &c, &o. Illustrated. Paper, $1 00 For sale at ' HEirJSBERCER'G Live Book and Music Store. fnn3 131 Mechanio'a Building and Loan Assooiationi rnHK roth MONTHLY MEETING WILL X be held at the Hibernian Hall, (Front trcti mis evening, at e O'cioca. U.8.RM.IS, Secretary and Treasurer. June J 13i-lt Horse Wanted. Any one haviog a HOKSB, and no aee for hiss dating the Sumesef m atbe, can have the tamwe!Uae ear of bj applying at this offloe or addressing . B., r, O. Lock-boa 4T0. J, net JSItf tairnniaJft ninno oti IfCUUir.U UMIlUOand prlnte hamaat taihiouabla etvle at the JOEHNAL rrioi. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Passenger Department. Wilmington & Weldon, Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta R. R WiLKiaeros, N. O., My It, ISTO Excursion Season of 1S75, sMeaclaf Jame lal 1SJ J. AfULt LINK OF KOUND TRIP TICK eU to all Summer kswrls of Interest or taaptirtanoe In Upper touts Caroline, Weatrra MorU Ca ellna, Middle and Western Virginia, Northern and Eastern States, Will be on sale at the Union Iepot Ticket timet. Prlc MU. Tim Cards and all needful Iu forssatlon fiirniahed on application to the uo- ueraigneti. A. POPK.Ueueral Ticket Aeent. June I IM-Sw Ground Pea Planters. Mir toar twsene from fl II, RS A MITHOHr BON, who have oa baud a lame stock of those oM style sweeps so well liked by all Peanut w armo s. The Blade or standard ran also be had srpa- rawiy. wn ro'gi't lae piaee. U1LGS JtMLBUMlSUN. atay SO ins A Card. Ravlirdncided to remove to Baltimore and change oi business, I take th i methud to ten der my sincere thaiika t my filcujs aud INurous tor an past iavora Bespectl'ully, J. B. t'lIASTRN. may SO ia tie TRUCKS, SADDLES AND HARNESS, Traveling lists, batehels. Mhawl Rtrans. Wbu. Hour.. rald Cloths. Feather Duelers. Uoiiars, Uamea, Saddlery Hardware, eaiher, aie urease, auo an amas ot saddlery uooas. OARPCNTER et MALLARD. No. Houthront St eet, Wilmington, N. f!. may so i 110-ir Ohildren'i Colored Shoes, ; Juelrerel red direct from the Ifannfkotnr a tne assortment of Children's Buff, Bronie and Black Sheen of alt sites, with ead without heel. Also Uente Hand-Sowed Boa-Toe and Machine-Sewed Uew tjaarUr she. Ladle Uaiursasidlllppere tu great variety 1 i ' i a A. PRICE'S, he. It Market BUeet, , Grain Mcs, Ground Pea Sweeps. THIS BIXON PATTERN. The only genuine Mum Pattern Sweep In the market. Can only be found at the Old axabusued Hardware House of ' r. JOHN DAWSON, Noa It, M end 11 Market Street. ny IU Damaged BY FRESH WATEB. 15,787 YARDS 4-4 Unbleached 81icetlng Selling 8 Cents Per Yard, Or 7 Cents Per Piece, Worth 10 Cents. LOOSE NO TIME! MAKE NO MISTAKE! BROWN & RODDICK, . 45 Market Street. ay M 12n lw FL3 SALE Tk OR RENT! The Tlf HHHII. Knit, fm mnA aocoitleH K th Maw A t lll.l. a III Hevantb, between Chestnut and Mulberry bis Terms reasonable. H. Ha AH, Qrocer, Corner 7th and Uhettnut Streets. "TT 1M-If Congress Water. 8eltaer Aperient, Fresh Seklilts Powders, Brown's Oinger, Florida Water, Oomtts, Brnehoe, Tollut. Hoeps, ( large variety) and r hvj Aruoin. vormtieDy lAHJtS. 0. MUND8, Ifrogglst, Third St., opposite city Ball rnaylt n7 Escaped Convicts. We will pay a reward of I0 each for soeh Information as will lesd to the capture of any convicts escaped from the New H anover Coin, ty Work Bouse slnoe the year 1871. Address, by letter or telegraph, MATHEs OU., 8u perlntendentsot New Hanover Ciuntj Work House, Wilmington, N. V. may! lOMf To Naval Store Dealers. The anderslgntd, late Deputy Supervising Inspector, having left the employ of the Com pany, tenders his services to Merchants and others engaged In baying and shipping car goes. He bat had a pra tical experienced twenty years In the Havel Store Business, end will give strict personal attention to Weights, Color, Onaging, Order and Stowage of all ship Bents entrusted to his care, feeling assured that he will give full satisfaction to all who may favor him with their ordera. . Orders maybe lert for the present at A. H. VeeBokkelen'eomce Kefere to Messrs. WU. llama & Murchlron, James Anderson A Co., A. H. VanBokkelen end others. may 20-eudtm. W. D. MAHK. merchandise Brokerage. tTTITH THE BKQTJI8ITB EXPERIENCE, I olfer my services for the purchaae and tale of ail aeet riptions oi nercnamuso in weniern, Northern and our own market. Negotiate cash and oatDiT. Wires used freely at my expense tor any Information desired. f rom Importers, Refiners, Millers and Manutacturera.full line of eatDDlee exhibited dally. Cotfee, Molasses, Syrups, Kugar, flour, Roap, Bacon, i'ry Halt Meats, Pork, Lard, &&, , all grades ; Tobacco, Cigars, to. j Spirit Oaski, Glue, Hay, torn, 4c J Sifes, Soaks, &c, Ao. Mpecinl attention given to soonrlng lowest rales of transportation. lamination of simples, correspondence and orders sollolted. tr Orders left at Offloe for "Spot" Goods will have prompt attention. JA8. T. PBTTEWAY, Commercial Broker, NORTH WAT BR STREET. S may to m-lm-etxi NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Eleven Bargain Tables, Off of an one of which the best ef Bargains In Clothing CAN UK HAD. Try Us and be Convinced. Alpaca Goods & White Ducks, Cheaper thna elea whore la the City. MUNSON & CO., CITY GLOTHIEB3, meyM 1 If COVERED, EXTRA SUGAR-CURED PIG HAMS, Break fast. Strips, i Sugar Onrcd BlioulJortt, Extra Uss Mackf ral, Salmon & Oeorge'a Bank Cod flab. AT GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 South Front St. NEW COOKED Familios going to the Bouud should lay in a anpply. Introduood ky ns and genuine) only guaranteed and sold, by GEO. MTE113, 11 and 13 South Front St. This Month We added a vast number of friends" to tl o already large list for our choice New Process Empire Flour. Our Immense tales m tn beet evidence we ofl'er befitre atrial) end, attar once using HI yoe are convinced beyond a doubt and wll, always se it end no othur. j Stat Butter In thw World I . Best Butter In the World t . Best Butter In the Word Juat Id and only fj sale by . t ., CEO. MYERS. ' mayM 1W 1854. CROSSE & DLACKWELL'S PICKLES, NOOA BAB CANOY, ERKCH CONFECTIONS, &o , ALE, PORTER, Ao. : - n, w. snuRB, No. tl N. Front S'reeL may 10 - lfl) CALL EARLY Monday Morning lhl SEUTJHK BARGAINS IN CLOTHING I am fart disposing of my elegant stock of Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Heme ruber that the Early Bird catches the worm, A. DAVID. may M , 11M - f ' Frankfurter Bier, QUARTS AND PINTS, MAORVY UNO OKJSBNHEIM DKBK KHElJf BEST LACER IMPORTED, CHAS 0. MYERS A CO., B at 7 North Front 8t. Hock and Rhine Wines, i -. - DEIDBSHSIMFR, UTJDESHEIHKB, HOCKI1SIMKR, , MtB-FKAU-MlU'Il 8ACTBBNK8. CLARETS, 8PAKKMNQ CATAWBA AND Bl'BOUNDV, BROWN AND I'AI.B SHERRIES, Finest bare Old Brandies and Wines, VlutageslfMto'fin. Finest, Rarest, Largest, Most Varied and Costly Stock of Fine Goods ever ottered in North Carolina, ; ' ' CHAS. D. MYERS CO., Importers and Dealers, 6 7 North Front St. may to J2 Carolina Central Hallway Company. Fast Frelghtand Passenger Trains. Leave Wilmington at 7 P.M. Arrive at Charlotte 10 A. M. Leave Charlotte at P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 7 AM. These trains carry Passenger Care with Sleeping Accommodations. MIXED TRAINS. ',' -VV, . Leave Charlotte at ..... 1-10 A. M. Arrive at Bullalo, near bbelby.... 10:30 A. M- . eave Buflalo 11:10 A. M. Arrive at Charlotte .J; 40 P. M. may 30 lh NEW ADVESTIS2HIiT3. 45. 15 MARKET BROWN & ; We are still ail ding to oar Extensive Assortmentof GHOSH AL. DRY GOODS. " Being fully aware tliut amall nrollts make qaick returns, we Late marked " our wliole etock ao that auy ant ery one cau plainly see we are In earnest ' and nieiu bnainca. Wu only desire those who are in want of anything in onr - line to give us a call in order to satisfy theroaelTes, (Ve are neer airaid of ,,; , showing onr gtxhls, or of oompariug thorn with uy. We call particular at tention to the) followitio; lint : " " HTHIPED 8UMMEU SILKS retlucod to (52, Ctrnts. Ulaok Hornanira suil Orrnmlinos from 18 Cont. 1 (lorcl Htj-ipe and Figured Orena linos 10 2 3 cents. ., i Orpy De lJiigi's 20 Ootita. m Our stock of Dri'HM Ouods is lariro and wo oiTcr thorn aa low aa th un k bought in any Northern mmker. (JENTM FUKNIWIIINOOKPAltTJIENT. WiliU Dm.. Kliirla tit, (Tu rll,.. T.,.. n . .. . . TTJ 4. T1-J4 . Ish Half Hobc, Uleschcd and Striped do., such Department. LINEN AND Blesohod aud ITtihluaiihtul l)amaaka Linen Diapers, lJoaom and I'illow Cane Linous, Linen Sheetings, Chamber J " and Bath Towela, Napkina, Doilies. Stir Linens, Crushes, Ao. . j. ,i ( JUAUlKHiloSllfiHY, ULOVES AND O A.TJZE UNDERWEAR. . -L L'lama Lsoa Bacques and Points j Looe Shawls 75 ota., a bargain : Strined " ' and Plain Hhotlaud Shawla j Notttnglmm for Curtains; Machine Noedlos Oots. each. 8oo AgouU for FRANK LESLIE'S PAPER PATTERNS. , - " BROWN & RODDICK, MORE PARTICULARS J MV ASSORTMENT OP srnft! IS NOW COIIPLETE , IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. My castornors have shown thoir appreciation of my LOW PRICES by thefc'. i ; ; r ii i l.'l I . t.- , It. iiuoiiu jjiuuuaaoH, tor wuiou i m tnanum. oiitAnuii.ua not posied, ana dosiring the value of their tonney, can got - AT MJ-KATZ'S, aiirll IS SOL, BEAK & BRO'S, 20 Market Street. CLOSING OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK '. OF IJR,Y GOODS ATOUKREXAIL STOKKI Gl-reat Bargains ! 14-4 MNEN 8HEEXI0 from 70 ots. and 1 1J per yard. Moiamblquea 7 eta. per yard ,' SWISS MUSLIN'S, too Do ten Ltnen Towels and Napkins, Irish and Geiniaa Linen HblrtlDfS, Uambric Hasdkerchlers, MAtTtKOS, White and Colored. SO rieoes LINEN for Ladlos Traveling Dresses and Boys wear. Large assortment of Panama and Etraw Hate for Children and Men. We will eonmenoe on Monday to tell the abovf and wUl continue daily antll the whole stook Is olosed oaL VT UJtes are respectfully Invited to call and examine our stook, as we know it will re pay them, In fulure we intend to confine our business to Clothing and Merchant Tailoring. maylD ., 122-tf Enquire Within - ' AX TBS . ' "' CITY BOOK STORE ' Fbr anything you want In our line. Although we sell for tesa than any ether houm, eur gnpda are of tbe vary best quality. And if you wfch to get bargatia give us a trial. Books and Stationery : OF ALL KINDS.; , . . r Musical Instruments, &c, Ac, &o., at Conolcy & Yatco. 47 Market Street. - may N 129 4G. STREET, RODDICK iu faot everything that belongs to . T , DOMESTICS. .v- in l'nwnr anil Itaml Tjnm fUUnn anil ?'' 45 Market Street ; rr SllilWioi ;f. j,.. ,.),.' ,. K-M-f( -i-.V- jf'-Jll bt-Jlii tWflWp ! c' J .' . H.i! '.jllj . .;. -f !'.: i mo ii ; .. . iJ ,.t'J ' i ..;) u f ' 1 u'-i ..l I . ' A. I M (t .J .1 !t it by oolling , . .. j i -r.a B.'H' 36 Market StiS t ' u f ,ltw WeilavoNowln Store . . si;- i t ;. - rpHBBKSTIiOT Of MEK'i AKD WO- I men's evory day SHOES, tuoli u Hsalbaft " "l Kip Brojans and Wumtn'i Baff and Fsbbla ' Bala and prices low. Persons la want of thaw Goods, at wl olasale or reUll, will ao well to ' r t call and aee tbeai, ... .. Always a good supply af Goats, Ladled, tn1 Misses and Chlldrana Shoe an hand.' - SaiamMSMml Ti''iiM"Jt-i4 B7AMB & VosGTJaHir. may n IMPORTERS Flail a mast Ce)l " 1 recti B lbs Bala, ,r Dossn. or at Ratall. N Ingle Haasaieoka. Mi rc.Y each, asnt on roelp of saoney. for wboisH ' v"'' saleprloea, addreseOki ; W.Sivmou 8o, ' J " "Oak Hall," Boston, Z: Maw. Bathing Bulla. Military UooJa aai ttta. begalia. , . , . laMsMoef " n :! j 1 .. - 'rtt OF HAMMOCKS. may SW O (JH "Yellow Bird Brand" ' -A H D- ' ' A GENERAL AXS8STMENT -Or OTHIB 1 .;! i i Tobacco GoodG AT PRICES TO 8TJIT TH TIMES. . ,, - a D.PICOTT.1 we- i i ,s may 10 The Wilmington and Coast ! ' Turnpike Company. - ? BOOKS OF 8UB80UIFTI0K' TO TU 'J Li capital Stock of this Company bare baen ' -r--: v l:t .mrt.tri i opened by the undersigned eonetitotlng ih . Committee rot that purpose appointed at the . - o recent meeting of the Corporators aamed ta sr.nl.-j tbs act of incorporation, aad aayba fowndal f 'd the several Banks ef the city, and at tie ir- '--i '' eeil Boom. ' l Un;rflt uf -.lUirmtttt . Norwood erx.fcs; l'J"- 'i CHAS, D. MYBBS, WM.A.CCMMrjfO, Oommirtaa. m-tr may 17 f ir. iii fi i --I'M ; o ' ,iJ h .i'.t J .o

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