(TtlT r t I' VOL XXIV. NO. 132. V7ILiniTGT0IT. IT. C. THURSDAY. JTJIIE 3. 18751 Y7II0LS HO- 0.8C3. All 1 i M (lljt 'ilaiio Journal WILMINGTON, N. a: . THURSDAY JUNES. 1875, . BY TELEGRAPH" EUROPE. MEMORIAL 1 IN THE BIUTISH PARLIAMENT LOOKINO TO PEACE IN CUBA. LOBDDERBrS OPINION ON THE ' SUBJECT. THE RECENT FAILURES IN LONDON. I ... . KE-ELECTION Of OFFICERS OF THE FRENCH ASSEMBLY. London, June 2 Noon. A depu tation froui the Auti-Slvery Booiuty, comprising Sir T. Bagley, P. Tuylor, Corbett, Peaoe, Kiunards and Evjlyn Ashler, all members of Parliament, yesterday evening presented a memo rial to Lord Derby nrg ng on the government the duty of taking decis ive steps by way of a friendly media tion to bring about an equitable ter mination of the war in Cuba aud the abolition of the slave trade, Mrs Ashley said as the United States had relinquished the idea of annexing Cuba, its gocd offices might be relied on to support this government. Others of the delegation oalltd attention to the atrocities in the Coolie traffic. Lord Derby ' replied that the government Da4 no right to interfere in . the Coolie question. An assertion made, by , ue ,.,me rnorialiets,' that the Cnban war was fast culminating in favor of the insurgents, waa at least premature. He did not think Spain, wool wottld tiew any pro posal M ; mediation JSavorablv. ; bh would doubtless Answer f -'VV. must first finish the,, Carlista, then, we ahull have all onjr Joroerf disposable for finishing the war in Cuba." At the same time, continued Lord Derby, the British government would be very glad to avail itaelf of any prospect that was offered for putting au end to the existing state of things in Cuba. ; The emancipation of slaves would, no doubt, sooner or later be accom plished. The slave owners are aware of this, and are only fighting for a oontinuanoe M.tlie" present system. He believed that emancipation could be accomplished hj itself, but must form pari oPaviwmplete Scheme for the pacification of the Island. The present time, therefore, was not favor able for Englieh , interference-' He believed that the United States bad no desire to annex; Cuba, but, at the same time, tha .American Government and people would receive any attempt on the part of England to interfere be tween Spate and Cuba with consider able suspicion," and be apt to put a wrong construction upon it. A Times' money article says, in re gard to the recent failures, that the ru mora which prevailed for "some days previous to Thursday's announcement may, and probablyjhave been, the sal varion of many who aet to work, vig orously curtailing their liabilities and incressing their cash balanoes. The News characterizes the Times' comparison of present failures to that of Overend, Ourney A Co., as a gross exaggeration. Paris, June 2 Noon. The Duke DeAudifret Fauquier was, on yester day, re-elected President of the As sembly., The- Vice-Presidents and Secretary were also re-elected. .GOTHAM, THE GRAND LODGE OF F. AND A. M.' OF THE STAT3 OF NEW YORK IN SESSION. DEDICATION OF THE NEW TEM PLE. Nkw York, June 2-Night-The Grand Lodge of F. and A. M., of the State of New York, met this afternoon at the new Masonic X omplej Grand Master Elwood E. Thorne. presiding. The proceedings were opened with prayer by Rev. Brother Sohoonmaker. Grand Master Thorno delivered an address la' which he alluded to the elevation of the Prince of Wales to the Grand Master's chair of England; to the ereotion of, the Maaonio temple of Italy, at the dedication of which Manatta Qarahaldi, ' who had been initiated in Tompkins Lodge of New York, officiated. In speaking of the dedication of the new temple he con gratulated the craft on the line build ing they now own and their flourish ing prospects. . He then feelingly al luded to the death of Past Grand Mas ters John H. Anthony, who died in October last. Read, of Pennsylvania; L. H. Sdbtt,"of Pensylvama; Mo Gibbon," vt Maryland, aud Grand Master Wilson,' of Ganuda. Four teen new lodges owere i- instituted during the year; expresses his appro val of the greater part oi tne proposed amendments to the constitution and oloeed his address with a list of the decisions given throughout the year. The address was referred to the Speoial Committee. ' i 1 ' ' The annual report of the Grand Secretary was presented, showing that during the year. 4,899 brethren were initiated and 1,165 affiliated. Total number of members May 1st, was 81,893. ' -r r T " r-'-r: , The Gran4 Treasure! reported the receipts of the year at $99,932 and the expenditures $98,401. ' The Trustees of the Hall and Asy lum fund reported the receipts of the year at $303,6117 and the expenditures 1301,492. V ..-, ,. The general statement is as follows: Real estate and buildings, $1,098,682; furniture, $32,791; expenses, $147,172. Total $1,278,646. There is a debt gainst this amount of $540,390. A number of distinguished vhutors were j then introduced and received with I proper honors, among them the Grand ; Mstrs of Nova Scotia, New Jersey ana Vermont. On motion, the Grand Lodge of Wyoming was reorganized. After the appointment of Standing Committees, the Grand Lodge ad journed uutil 7 A. M. to-morrow. Oraud Master Thore to-night was visited by nearly all the distinguished Masous from abroad. Among them the Grand Masters of Mi maud, Illi nois, Kansas, New Jersey, Massaohur setts, llolaTiire aud Ithodo Island, the Deputy Grand Masters of Arkan sas, tne Uraud secretary ot Quebec, K. W. U Blaikie, V. U. W. or Hoot land, Richard 8. Baker, Grand Stew ard of Eughind aud others. Palestine Commandery entertaiun bt Jouu a GoramauJery of rhiladel phia at a grand bamine. The Dedicatory aeremouies of the new Martoiiio temple m this city, be' Rati this forenoon with a procession of Masons, wuicu was probuuly the larg est, most imposing aud most , import ant civic display yet witnessed here. In all directions along Broadway, Fifth Avenue, aud the principal streets near the leading thoroughfares Hugs and Imnt ng were bung to the bra, and everything indicated a gala day. Ah the time for the proces sion to move came on, the streets aud windows, and door-steps of houses on the lino of march-were filled with peo ple. The twenty-six divisions into which the participants in the proces sion had been divided, took np their places iu admirable order, aud with military promptitude, in the various streets, beginning with Ninth and ending with Nineteenth, abutting on Fifth Aveune, the right of each divi sion renting iu each side, on Fifth Avenue. JUNG COTTON, REPORTS OF THE CROPS FOR MAY. Nkw Oiueins. June 2- Night The Committee on Information and Sta- tiatioa, of the New Orleans Cotton Ex change, to whom have been entrusted the duty of compiling the National Cotton Crop Report, made up from the returnB of the various Exchanges for the month of May, report as fol lows: Department of Louisiana Fifty-one letters from thirty-one parishes report an increase in acreage of - 4 per cent. The weather was cool, bnt on the whole,, very favorable. The crop is about aa earjy as last year, and the stand is very good. Labor is about the came in number, bnt more efficient than iu former years, and the present condition of the crop is very favorable. There are no commercial fertilizers iu use. There ia a consider able increase in acreage of corn and small grains. Mississippi Forty-seven letters from twenty-six oounties give an in crease in acreage planted in cotton of 3 per cent. Weather generally fa vorable; more so than lost year. jstand good, notwithstanding the cold Spring, of which there is generally complaint. The crop is said to be earlier by a week or ton days than last year. Labor is more efficient, with no noticable change in numbers. No commercial fertilizers have been used in the State. Nearly all our corres pondents report an increase in acreage planted iu oorn and small grains over last year. , Arkansas Twenty-three counties ihow an increaso acreage of about 3 per cent. The weather has been more favorable than last year, and lands have been very well prepared. Owing to the cold spell at the begin ning of this month, plants are very small, bnt the stand being good and the fields clear of grass, the prospects are more favorable than labt year. No fertilizers have been used in this State. Labor, both white end colored, is re ported as better than it ever was. An increase in acreage of corn and small grain is reported. ' Nashville Department, Middle Ten nessee There is a decrease in aoreage of 15 per cent. The weatner is la vorable and stands are better than last season; the crop will be no later than last year; the supply of labor ample and is generally working bet ter; more fertilizers nave been used, and the condition of the crop is favoa able. North Carolinia The aoreage has decreased 7 per ont., and with a com' parative condttion of the weather, the orop will be the same as reported above for. Middle Tennessee, .The Wilmington department area planted in cotton has increased about 5 per cunt. The weather compares favora bly with last year, though planting was delayed somewhat by tne cold spring, There is no appreciable difference in the time of planting. A fair average Btaud has beeu obtained and condition reported in average labor is represent ed as more efficient, and the use of fertilizers has increased about 20 per oont. . Charleston, Department of South Carolina eighty-three replies have been received, showing , an average decrease in - tne area planted in cotton of per cent. The weather is reported somewhat less favorable than last year. The stand and coudi tion is reported good. The amount of labor is about the same. The use of fertilizers has increased 6 to CI per cent. Angusta, Department of Georgia The land planted in cotton is said to be about as that of last year. The weather having been unfavorable for planting but more f a vorable since its completion a good stand has generally been obtained, and the condition ia universally reported good and prom isingt Lubor is plentilul and satisfac tory, and fertilizers have been increas ed about 25 per cent. Savannah, department of Georgia About the same area of cotton planted as that of last year. The wetther has been oold and raining until May and a less favorable staud has been ob tained It is very generally repre sented as good, although backward, and two weeks later in the Southern portion of the State, The middle sec tion ia absmt tha aama last aa The condition is said to be generally good. The nl ant ia until lint haalth showing a great improvement under luo preaeot uuo weawer. ine rise or commercial fertilizers has slightly in creased domeatio mazmraa-wWh Kara however, been extensively need. But uuie oompuunt is maae oi tne labor ia Florida. There is a slight increase in the area of nottnn. Wh in )a . laud and sea island districts, over hut year, xne weatner nas been unfavo rable; stand, fair; average condition, generallv irood. thonirh ih nlmi ia email and backward, owing to the oold S a. V ... ami wei opnng. jjarjor generally is hotter and more efficient than last vear. Yerv little nnmmnrnial furtilia. era are nsed in this State, The in crease In farm manure is noticed. Mobile. DeDtrtmant Alalia ma Tina hundred and twenty-three replies re ceived, covering forty-three oounties, show an average of 3 ner tmnL in. crease in acreage. Some oomplainta oi com nignu are made in tne i ortb em portion of the State, but generally me weaiuer nas Deen muoo more fa Vorable than last vnar. Th .Unitaara good, and in some places perfect. The crop compared wnn last year is about a wee a earner, ljabor la imnt ami efficient. Fertilizers am n,l L a limited extent, and there is a general inorease in tne nse of domeatio ma nures. The nnmlitinn nf th mn ia good audjgeuerally premising. . f : l! . j i i . . . uiioouun oiuy-eigm replies irom nineteen counties show an average de crease in aoraara of alw-int S n nant The weather has been more favorable. lue stands are fair to good and crops about tin days earlier than last year. The labor ia ennal i laa .rwl more.efficientjriaeoffertiliKertlimited; II I.. m - ma oonauion oi oropsgood. Tne pros- eo is generally very promising. Galveston Denartmant Tavaa On. hundred and twelve replies, received from sixty-nine counties, show an average inorease in acreage this year OVer last Vflar Of 7 twr nant Tha weather has been generally dry and cold. The orop is said to be about two weeks later, nlanta amall an1 hank. ward, bnt In good condition; labor abundant and efficient; fertilisers have been comparatively unused. ELECTIUCISm During a game of Base Ball at Book eve Grounds at Columbus, Ohio, on Tuesday, an old shed fell with a hun dred men and boys. Mostot the party were more or less braised, and several are severely injured. T ne assignee of the People's Sav ing Institution at St. Louis, whioh failed last Winter for several hundred thousand dollars, has sued the Board of Directors. The Southern Presbyterian Assem bly adjourned tine die at midnight of Tuesday. Nothing notable in the closing proceedings. At Indianapolis a heaw rain wash ed away several bridges, and the night trains were delayed. The freight train from Belle Fontain went into a cul vert, and the oonductor, engineer end fireman were drowned. Eight oars are wrecked, ... .'- The Union Paoiflo Railroad has de clared H dividend for six months for the quarter ending June 30th, 1875. NEW HAMPSHIRE. THE LEGISLATURE IN SESSION. DEMOCRATIC OFFICERS A RE ELECTED AND THE RADI CALS WITHDRAW. THEY GO INTO THE LEGISLA TIVE BUSINESS ON THEIR OWN HOOK, Concord, June 3 Night The Leg islature met to-dav amid great excite ment. Twelve Senators who were elected qualified. John Sanborne was elected President of the Senate, re ceiving seven Democratic votesthe Republicans declining to vote. Five Kepubiicans then withdrew in a body. The Senate then completed its organi zation under JJemooratio auspices. The seceding Senators met elsewhere and completed a temporary organisa tion. Tne House is now balloting for Speaker. The entrances to the capitol are guarded by the police. TEXAS.' CIVIL RIGHTSAGAIN DECLAR ED UNCONSTITUTIONAL. - Galveston, June 2 Night In the Civil Rights case in the U. S. District Court yesterday against - manager Greeswalt, of the Opera House, the Judge decided that the demurrer be sustained and the indictment quashed, on the ground of the act being uncon stitutional and the indictment not al leging that the complainant was a citi zen of the United States. It is thought that other oases will be deci ded in a similar manner. HEADQUARTERS. HEAVY SEIZURES" OF WHISKY, Washington, Jane 2 Noon. The aggregete value of distillery property seized yesterday was $125,000. The President had another talk with tne Indiana to-day with no result, Chavrlea Unk, Eaaatylat, Denounced all spirituous liquors as "Wet Damnation." Poor fellow; he knew whereof he spake, bv sad expe rieuoe, and if living, would apply the same to Alcoholic Exoitants, advertis ed as Curealls. But there is one Tonic and Alterative in existence the best the world has ever known whieb con tains no aloohol. It is Db. Walksb's California Vinkoab Bitters. Corn and flour are staple articles: but not more than Johnton't Anodyne Liniment, where known. It is good for children or adults, for any inter nal soreness of the chest or bowels, and the best Liniment prepared, under whatever name, . . DIED. Ia this eilr on W1nalar, th t tact, Mr F. W. MCYEH.anrfalmanaaSS Buntha, Mr. Mtyw iu a aatlr ot Uaaorar, Uar war, and can to this country about tlx ran agn. ha Im a vlfa uil am akUS. MToa Aiaarai vlil taa plaea to day, at I -otoea, rroa au lata tiawaaea aa norta warn t(na, foot ar Malbarry, froaa Ihcae W St. Paui'i Kvaafaiteal Lutbaran vliurea aad tkMo to OakJtl famMarr. Th frtaada and afqnalntanee af th family at napaaMiiUy iBTiua w utraa im innarau SW ASYX2TISXMX5T8. We Have "Clcdngr Out Sales " Ktary Day, at whlofc wa afltr CLOTHING Atlaaipiteaa for th qutllty than nj eihir Hons la th Cltv. Th Lowest of Rate for COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, SHIRTS, DKAWKKS. 4o MUNSON & CO, CITY CLOTHIERS, Job I IBS tf The Annual Heeting Of th Udisa Memorial Asanelatloa will be held at I Ifpltfs Hall tbls (ThtirMlar) after- Bnoa.atta'slonk. A full attsBdaao. or all ho fel iBteratted In the cause, Is aarneaUy HKTTIE JAMES, BewaUrr U M. A. Js 1S-U Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Company No. 1, Rssular Btontbl Battlna this (Tharsdav) STealuf at o'olook. at we aspect to traonaot important dbsidmh, a run atuadaooo la da alrad. W.UJIWETT, Jnnst It Hee. Secretary. Produce Exchange. Tbere will be a meetlna of the mamhara af the Pradneo Eiohaog. tills (Thnmlay) at II o'clock M., to eoiitlder the proposed amend ments to the By Lews and Kulet of Trade. Memoes art respectfully notiflwi. Jnw UU Secretary. Passenger Department. Wilmington Weldon. Vrilmlngtona Columbia It Augusta R. R. ' WiunaoTOa, M. 0., May II, 1811. Excursion Season of 1875, tswwsiclaff Jbjsi 1st, lira. A raix mni or rotjkd trip tick. eAs to all Summer Resorts of Interest at Unpurtaaoa la Upper South Carolina, Wottem. North Carolina, MUldlo and Western Virginia, ' northern and Ess tarn States, Will be on sals at the TJnlon Depot Tloket Offleo. Prloe Lists. Time Oardt and all needful In formation furnished on application to the an- aaraignsa. a. rural, uenoraj xioiot feni. Jans 1 le-w . Ground Pea Planters. Buy you Sweeos from GILES MDROHI- 8UN, who bars on band a largo stock of those om-styie swoops so well liked Djr all raanut israpii, The Rlsdes or Standard can also be had sepa rately. Don 't forget the place. uujes a MUKUHISUH. taay 80 lis TRDUKS, SADDLES AND HARNESS, Traveling Bast. Hatchelt. Shawl Btrant. Whlie, Spurs, saddle Cloths, Feather Onttart, Oollara, Barnes, Baildlery Hardware, Leather, sviie urease, ana an sinas oi aaaaiery uooas. CARPENTER A MALLARD. No. I Bon th .Front Street, Wilmington, N.D. Children's Colored Shoes. Jatt recelred direct from tho Mannfaetor lfln.lwwtn.hlnr lhll.ln'a H..- and Blank Shoos of all sites, with and without beele. Also Gents Band-Bowed Boi-Toe and Machine-Mewed Low QnarWr Shoes. Ladles Oalters and BUppert in great yarlety 0. A PRICE'S, No. 8 Mar ka Street Grain Crafllcs, Groid Fca Stops. THE NIXON FAT TERM. The only genuine Ntxoa Pattern Sweep In tne market, uan onij do rouno at ins uio Established Hardware House or JOHN DAWSON, Hot II, 80 and II Market Street. . may It .129 Damaged BY FRESH WATER, 15,787 YARDS i'i Unbleached Sheeting Selling 8 Cents Per Yard, Or 7 Cents Per Piece, . Worth 10 Cents. LOOSE NO TIME I MARE NO MISTAKE I BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. may SO la lw New Hovels. LOVE'S VICTORY. By H. U Farjeon, A uthor of "Orlf, "Joshua MarTOl,""Blado-o'-Orats,"o. Paper 28 CIS. MB. VAUGHAN'S HEIR. By Fiank Lea Benedict, Author of "My Iaugbtr Flltior," "Miss Van Kortlend," ' John Worthlngton't Dasae," eVe. Fapor, $100. TIIHKK rEATUGMS, By William Black, Author of "A Princess of Thnle " "The Strange AdTentures of a Phae ton," &c, 4o. Illustrated. Paper, SI 00 For sale at HEINSBERGER'G Uts Rook and Mnsto Store. Jbbo 111 Horse Wanted. Any one baring a HORSE, and no nas for hint during tho Bummer m nths, can hay ths same well te i oars of hj applying at this offlos or addrosstog B, P, O. Look-Box 410. , . m-tt June I 5117 ADVERTISEMENTS. COVERED, EXTRA SUGAR-CURED v PIG HAL1S, Breakfast Btripa, Sugar-Cured Bhouldera, Extra Maes Mackeral, Salmon k Oeorge's Bank Codfish. GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 South Front 8L HEW COOKED Families going to the Sound should laj ia a supply. Introduoed Vy ns snd genuine only guaranteed and sold, by GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 South Front St. This Month Wa added a vast number of 'friends" to tLe already largo list fur our choloe New Prooets Empire Flour. Our immense sales Is lbs best erld.noe we offer before a trial; and, after once using I'l rue are oonyiacea neyonq a aouot ana wtl, always oat It and no other. Best Butter In the World I Best Butter In the World ! . Best Butter In the Word ! Just In and only fur sale by CIO-MYIRB. II A 11 south Front oireet. ayM II Frankfurter Bier, QUARTS: AND PINTS, MAOKTT VXO OE1SENHKIM DKBK EHE1M. BEST LACER IMPORTED. CKASO. MTEIS4 CO., et 7 North Front St. Hock and Rhino Wineo, DELDK8BKIMCB, 1 EUDK8HIIMBB, HOOKBEIMIB, UEB-FBAO MILCH SAUTEBNIS, OLABETS, BPAKKLIMQ CATAWBA AND BUBti CNDT, BROWN AND PALI SHEBRIXS, rinest Hart Old Brandies and Wines, ViuUgei M to '08. Finest, Barest, Largest, Mott Varied and Costly Stock of Fin Goods srsr ollered In North Carolina, CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., Importer! and Dealers, . B4I Horth Front St. may to la WARM SPRINGS MADISON COUNTY, Western North Carolina. mUBBK BPBIfcQS are sltoated fire mUes from the Tonneasee line, on the hanks of the French Broad mar, in the vary must or tne highest ranges of mountains sast ot the Missis sippi rlyer.Tn a country generally known aud truihfuIlT nailed the Swliserland of Amertoa. THE HU1BL AUOOMMUUATIUMS are anaarpefs. d at any watering plaoe or summer resort In the country. The Baths consist of largo pools af a ewsr, ptuetful Mitunl ami Kite trie Wmter, temperature 102 to lot degrees ranrenneit.wnion are wonaeriuiiy inngoraung to all Invalids, equalising the circulation and stimulating ths seeretory organs, and will, la mo it oases of Chronic and Hub-Acute tiout, Bheumathrm, Paralysis, Dyanepsla. Neuralgia, Secondary Syphilis, Hepbrltlo and Calculous L'lsoraera. noroiuia. vuianeoos irisensea ana many diseases peculiar to females, slsot a . peeay aad raaieai ears, mere w aiso a uoiu Sulpbar Spring a ear the Warm Springs, re sembling very oloeely In temperature and color or oepoMC, too i.iiow outpour spring oi rir- gtnia, witn a saipnurons ooor mucn nronger. These Springe arc easy of acoeas from all Southern cities by all the lines of railroads converging Into Kast Tennessee, via Augusta, Atlanta aad Knoxvllle. to MorrMown, Bast Tennessee, tbenoa to Cumberland Gap and Charleston railroad 40 miles to Wolf Creek thenoe by stage I miles o the Bprlng, an easy aud comfortable trip. Excursion T Inlets are on sale In all the principal cities .to and from theea Springs at a great reduction on local rates. Rates of Board. t40 Per Months I2.S0 Per Week.ta Per Day. Children and Colored Servants Half-Prioa. Apply to Manager far Pamphlets and Clreu- lart or to Wilmington uru.gisia , , J. A. 8 AM PL V, General Manager rot Warm BprlnnCo. June 1 llo-dlm eoa-wlm THE GRAND Family Excurcion, Under the auspices of tho Toung Catholic Friends Society, whioh was nor eesuily post poned from May 15th, will certainly take place on TUESD AT, June 8th, TO 8M1THVILLK AND BETUBN BY ITXAMBR GOV. WOBTH. Tho tickets, ths number of which Is posi tively limited, will he SI 00 each for gentlemen and M cents each for lady or child. No SDlrltuout Honors wltt bo allowed on board. Ice cream, sandwiches, coflee, Ac, Will he served at olty prices. The boat will leave the wharf, foot of Mar ket street promptly at 8 o'olook. Uooa Muslo has been engaged for the occasion. The Com -mi t tee reserve the right to exclude ail objeo ttonable persons. Ticket may be procured at the stores of J. H. All.n. L. Brown and J. H. McGarity A Co. fjmay 10 llnVm.10) 1,3,1,8 Escaped Convicts. wa will nav a reward Of SI0 each for tnoh Information ae will leed to the capture of any eenvlots escaped front the New Hanover Conn, tv Work House since the year Iffli. Addroas, by letter or telegrsph.MATHES OO., Sa- EirlntendentsofNew Hanover CCBnty Woe ouse, Wilmington, N. O. naif . w . HI ADVXSTIS22H5T3. 45. BEOWN & We are still adding to our Bsing fully aware that small profits nnr whula atnnh an lliat an an.1 15 MARKET fflET, . wv " y vuv vmu yuuuij bow ww sww in Twrnaw and mean business. We only desire those who are in want of earthing in out lina t (ri' va na a nail In .i.l.v . r i. nr. ... l i . s v mj waif Mjvuiaci.Tva. ri 9 sr. sorer sursuu of showing our goods, or of comparing them with any. W call particular al- tontion to the following list : STK II ED HUMMER BILKS reduced to P2 Cents. Rlaok Ilernanies and Grenadines from 18 CenK Colored Strije end Figured Orena lines 18 2-3 cents. Grey De Bages 20 Cents. Olir Stock of Drwaa Oomta ia larim an.1 mm nfr I,AM U Ik I.. bought iu any Northern market. , GENT8 IUUNIHIIINCI OlOJPAnTMlCNT. Tt 1. i A tnt 1 . a"i MS Afm n. , wit is i, 5;. UUHt vmui J'" drawers, Qauie Underrests, Brit. isn Half Hose, llloanhrul and Htritwul An In tmut, aalhl, k.t t iuoh a Department. ... . , LINEN AND IllAAUhMf xttul lTnl.tshAlAlisa.1 l.am.aksi Linen Diapers, Ooaem and Tillow Case Linens, Linen Sheetings. Chamber and Bath Towels, Napkins, Doilies, Btir Linens, Crashes, Ac AiAiitM uucuxiiti, ttiiUVlVI AHU UAUZK UND Kit WEAR. Llsms Ian Hssnnas sml Points . T.mnm Uhal Ts; ... . w.. j . a.i . and Plain Hhntlatiil Hliawla KnMi,inl,.m . , ......... n , ..ut. .u, wi.avw.ua, 1UM1IIIUW nvOulOB U QbSU sad!. Sole Agouta for FRANK LESLIE'S PAPE1. PATTERNS. BROWir & E0DDICK, MORE PARTIGULAKS J MI ASSORTMENT OF IS HOW C0IIPIETE IN ALL THE DIFFEEENT LINES. My customers hare shown their appreciation of my LOW rHI0E3 by their iberal purohases, for which I'm thankful. STRANGERS not posted, and desiring the value of their money, can ; at MiM.KATZ'S,36JMarketSi aprll tl SOL. BEAR & BRO'S, 20 Market Street. CLOSINQ OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK ' OF DRYGOOD8 . AT OUB RETAIL STOHK 1 Great Bargains ! LININ SHKITINQ from TO ts. and 1 11 pet yard. v Mosamblques I ots. per yard, 8WI88 HUSUNS, 100 Ooaen Linen Towels and Napkins, Irian ana GSiman Linen oblrtlngl, ' MATTINGS, White and Colored. 80 Pleeee LINEN for Ladles Travelln Dremes and Boys wear. ' Largs atsortnvsntof Panama and Straw Hats for Children and Men. Wa will commenoe on Monday to sell ths abovs and will eontinue dally until ths whole stock I oloeed out. r Ladles ars respeotfully Invited to oall and .xsmlns oar stook, as we know It will re pay them. ; In future we lnten 1 to oonflne ear buslnesi to Clot hi eg and Merohant Tailoring. may n iw-H Enquire Within AT THB CITY BOOK STORE For anything yoa want In our line. , Althonch we sell for less than any othsr amiss, our sonde are of the vorv best Quality. Aud If yoa whh to get bargens give as a trial. Books and Stationery OF ALL KINDS. , ' -ALSO- !; , .. Musical Instruments, Ae., fte., ao at Conolcy & Yates. 47 Market Street majW .m 45. RODDICK Extensive Assortm sntol G00D0 make quick returns, we hate marked Kl.tt ... I L " wuw mm sww mm iusj csui iw - t DOMESTICS. V 1 Ie.ea TT.M.l T sAA f,. n, . r..i.i " ar..jii.. m ... 45 Ilarket Streefc got it by calling - BBS We Hare Now in Store?, fJUU BKBT LOT Of MEN'S AND WO men'i every day SHOES, gosh SI Hsnl best Kip Brogaos and Womsn1! Baff aad Fobble Bals-andprioeelow. Persons la want of these . Goods, at wboleeale or retail, will de well ts oall and see them. , Always a good supply of Seats, Ladlet, 1 t Misses and Chlldrena Shoes on bead. BIOsMSTas;a'''':-'f:'.'''';''' TANS VokQLABN. ay S3 O U JR "TTtl nj J mm x viww ana urana A N D A GENERAL ASSORTMENT -or 0THBJ Tobacco Coodc AT FEICES TO SUIT THI TIMES. ir- I ... i la i'.'-i D. PICOTT. .,.! I8- may 10 The WilmingtoQ and Ooatt Turnpike Company. ,V" JJ00K8 OF 8UB80EIFTION TO THI Capital Stook of this Oompaay kave beea opened by the uaderilgned constituting the Committee for that purpose, appointed at the 1 reoent meeting of the Corporator! named la ,t the act of inoorporatlan , sod ssaybs found at , t .t ths ssveral Banks of the olty, and at the Fax- yj r, OSll HOOSe. -t i u r,( v: I i' II. A. WBVIGHT, i. r,!:, ' J.B.0ATIS. tf , u si T.mI. SOTJTHKBLAtD, :- ,1 NORWOOD GILES, . , , , ,u 0HA8.D. MYEBS, WM. A. OTJHMINQ, . J may SI ISMT " i onnnrrr yL be HOUa reoeuuy buiit for and, pledbytkeKev.J. V. Hiden.enX Ths Heveuth, between Cheeinai and Malbwty mm, AV.ni. reasvBBOi. B. naan, rs". Comer 7th and Vhestant bit". mTT .... . . 1M c - 7 . : t i . ' .Ilk UW : t i il jIOl!