t i An : I It i i . i VOL. XXIV. NO. 133. wnimiGTOiT. IT. C. FRIDAY. JUNE 4. 1875.' 7H0LS 2TO GX37. a? i ili m 4 Ok i1;t!li. .Journal- WILMIXGTON. N. a: FRIDAf JUNE 4, 1873. BY TELEGRAPH. HEADQUARTERS. A LITTLE "IRREGULARITY" IN THE TREASURY. THE BLACK HILLS TREATY A FAILURE A REVENUE OFFICER SHOT , ALABAMA. IN REMOVAL OF POSTMASTERS. Washington, Joue 3 Noon There is an irregularity in the Treasury of $17,000. It it not settled yet whether it in theft or error, : Treasurer 8p tu ner thinks it is a theft The Indians in obnnoil to-lay de termined not (a sign the treaty and will go straight home. Washington, June 3 Night Thp Alabama Claims Comniiesiou hoH been extended six months. A telegram as received at the In terual Reveuue Offloe to-day from Col lector Latham, at Huntsville, Ala., announcing) that Deputy Collector Halman Leatherwood was to-day shot and kilkd by an illicit distiller. The mail service between Washing ton and New York has been given to the Baltimore k Potomw Railroad fur' the present. The Baltimore and Ohio road retains the service for the Went, The $47,000 robbery, from the Troasdry Department, is oonrlrmed. It is stated that Mostly will proba bly be removed as Tostmastor at Tal lauagoe, Ala., and George Parsons appointed in his .place; also the Post master at Eufaala, and probably the Postmaster at Mobile. w - 1 ," TERRIBLE TORNADO 1ST THE west; ' Indianapolis, Jane 3 Noon The iorm oTtantind widely. The country in the vicinity of Fortville is inundat ed. The crops and property through out White Water Valley are damaged to a great extent Travel is suspended in every direction and the loss in that region is estimated at a quarter of a mil lion dflISTS.. ; f i p 1 :f i'"N r-T At Richmond Md!, the tornado damaged Uiee churches and unroofed three howi U Q t . : 'J .- At Louisville the Masonic Widows and Orphan's Home, which was com- Sleted but unoccupied, was levoled. any honss worts Unroofed and three destroyed, a-"--8 -; ELECTJUCISMS. The Mexioan Congress has approved the contract with David Bayle Blair for the extension of. the railroads and telegraphs in Mexioo. The vote to impeaoh the President failed by a vote of 128 to 10. John Powers was oonvioted of man slaughter in the fourth degree for kill ing a lunatio placed in bis charge. He was sentenced yesterday at New York to two years imprisonment. Saunders & Hardenburg, New York bankers, have suspended. ' Ferael Cohen, a well known broker, and the oldest member of the stock board, died suddenly yesterday at Bal timore. ' " Oen. Latrobe has been nominated for Mayor of Baltimore. Specie shipment yesterday from New York nearly r,600,000. E. F. Folger, Superintendent of the Richmond A York River Railroad line of steamers, died yesterday at Balti more, , I K'Vi,:.;,. i THE HUE EIEKD. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE AT DARTEN, GEORGIA. THE FOREST FIP.E3 IN 'NEW Savannah.Ga., June 3 Noon. The fire at Union Island, near Darien, lust night destroyed Hilton A Foster's mill and one hundred thousand leet lum ber, also the wharves and the schoon ers Haute A. f uller and Helen A. Brown. Loss $100,000. No insuranoe, Nnw Yore, June 3 Noon. Coop- er s Drain ripe Works, in Brooklyn, were burned to day. Total loss $25,000. Poet Jabvis, June 8 Noon. The forest fires continue. Half a dozen vu lages have been destroyed and several lives loci. Indianapolis. Ind.. Jane 3. Night, The rain again last night swelled the river and caused many disasters, lae whole Northern section of the city was flooded from three to five feet. Tres tle and bridge works were washed away. NEW HAMPSHIRE. EXCITING DEBATE IN THE . HOUSE. CoNConD, June Night. Every member of the House is in his seat. The galleries are packed. There was an excited debate over referring a is puted Senator&hips to the Supreme Court The Democrats threatened to withdrawif the question was pushed. In dilatory motions the Republicans showed about a dozen majority. ' -CANADA, v ' Ottawa. June 8 Night Mr, . Witcher, of the Maine and Fisheries Department, .claims, under treaty, $80,000,000 from the United States. The foreRt fires are doing immense damage. More pines have been de stroyed than the lumberers would PENNSYLVANIA. ; THE TROUBLES IN THE MIXING REGIONS. DIRECTLY CONTRADICTORY DISPAiCnES. THINGS APrROACHIXG A CRISIS PoTTsviLLE, June 3 Noon There is no loiiger any doubt that the back bone of ttie King strike in broken, and unless something eutirely unforeseen occurs, the present week will see a general resumption of mining through out the Schuylkill regioa. After holding out for five mouths and maintaining a bold front to the lastt, the men have ooucluded that there is uo possibility of sucoeHS for them, and are coming to operators all over i he region and offering to work on any term. The Miners Union has suddenly dissolved, Mid its members are coming, not as branches nor in any oiQcial capacity. but a individual members, seeking work. OaTneeday and yesterday colliers had either start ed or lirraiig. d to start, at Mahuary City, Oeibertson, Ashland, Sheuaudo uli, and in the western part of this county, and more will follow to-day. lu every cae the lK(l imnia as pro posed by the Coal Exchange', is made the Ht uiWcl of wages, aud is ac cepted I'V the men. No attempt has liien made to interfere with the work liienJilout the re-opened mines. I he sittiauou is becoming moro crit ical. The citizens of Shenandoah have applied for military aid, there having been odvice of large bodies of miners marching toward town to com pel the suspension of work there, aud that- Deputy Sheriff Heinler, now stationed there with a posse of fifty men. Mill be unable to protect the working miners. Gov. Hartraft has telegraphed from Willianisport to Gen. Sigl'ried directiug him to call out the military in case tho Sheriff is un able to disperse tho mob. The troops iu other locations hive been ordered to hold themselves iu readings at 12 o'clock uoou. The rottsville troops are assembling in their respective arrrories awaiting orders to march. Pottsville, June a Wight An ar rested raider was resoued by the mob which is rapidly increasing. The muitiaarein uniform and ready. lor action. Later The sheriff posse has been fired upon and three wounded. The militia are leaving for the scone. Lebanon, June 3 Noon Tho 8th regiment lias been ordered to assem ble. The drum corps is beating np the men. It is determined that the tlea desiring to work shall not be mo lested. The mob is one thousand strong. ,: . : '-. " EUROPE. MONSTER DEMONSTRATION AT LONDON. London, June 3. Noon. A demon stration of eighty thousand Lave ex pressed their sympathy with the cabi net makers who were imprisoned for endeavoring to induce men on their way to work to join the strike. . A re solution declares the sentence a gross 1 violation of personal rights. The speakers denounced the law as made in the interest of privileged classes. The ship Adolphus which arrived at Reval, May 15th, from New Orleans, hud her cargo of ootton on fire, and three hundred bales were badly dam aged. An almost ridiculous use of stoam is found on Duck river, Tennessee, on which placid stream a steamboat, drawing only twelve inches of water, and having a grist mill ou board, wan ders np and down, stoppiug wherever ahe is wanted to grind a bushel or so of corn for the farmers of the territory, Women require more sleep than men, and farmers less than those en gaged in other occupations. Editors, reporters, printers and telegraph ope rators require no sleep at all. Jjaw yers can sleep as much as they choose, as they will thus be kept out of mis chief. Clergymen are allowed to sleep 24 hours, and to put their parishioners to sleep once a week. The Washington Echo says: On Saturday, the 15th lust., iu Swan Quarter, Air. George Jarvis and ins wife were on a visit to some of their neighbors, riding in a cart, when one of the tires came off, and lodging be tween the wheel and cart body, gave the horse a fright, which caused him 'to run a way. In the outset Mrs. Jarvis was thrown from the cart, stun ned and badly brained. In his efforts to escape, the horse ran the cart into a fence and threw Mr. Jarvis out upon the back of his head and shoulders, fracturing his skull and crushing some of his shoulder bones. He survived about half an hour and died seemingly sensible to the last. f'liarlea I.uuib, EaaayUt, Denounced all spirituous liquors ob "Wet Damnation." Poor fellow; ho knew whereof he spake, by sad expo rienoe, and if living, would apply the same to Alcoholic Exoitants, advertis ed as CurenU". But there is one Tonic and Alterative in existence the best the world has ever known which con tains no alcohol. It is Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters. Remember That I AM OFFERING CLOTIIJXG- CUE A PER Than any other Home la the. City. $5 Will Buy a Nice Suit. ALPACA, LINENS and Linen Duck Coods 8old at almost any Fries, DIED. Med, iddenlv, near Rock Point, Pander county, on th. '30th of Muck, leTS. DAVID MulM lKB KhNKTT, aftd tnn ami IS u)t ana na 01 ir. w. t. sareit ana kuu, hi wit, th lUughUr et Ik l.U Uartd Mo- KrlTdoMthtMnrqrmthr TMord th un or bttr cbiui or a nobler nnd m irmUin(n. Srnurt beyond hi er, f uHMMtiUar and nffaetlonnt uiiKMltlona It innMn or una tram wbto and bim lha ki'tl of toattorljr dvotd pnrMta whoa hrsrta ar afHiutad vtth th deep grt. f at inair irrrparaoi torn, i d fleam M ui onj bot and darling aom hxeraatad a Taoaacy ia tlial houaeholtl walch BOfyBpathyafaarTOvIng relatlmor frlanda nr mIa' of tin eaa Oil. NotUthl frier eonflned t adoring paront. He wataianthe pat ofnlara Uelew7 rolatlva and lOTtd bv all moo knew him. a was mi feated th (orrowful haart and atraailng ve of th lain funaral ntoceatlon whioh nl- tnud hla remains U th rr, rtr a mot i m ireMi t aermon rrom mat aool maa and u-1 nl ulnlitor, Rv. Oaorga Pattoraon, by wliuia llttl Davi i, when an Infant, had been baptlxrd i hla oalamltuiia event eoaalngwlth cruhing mddcnnra upon th beieaTd heart of i hoe whoe rrrf eile'fnoe wemed almost to depend npoa th life of thla nebl and dar I ng ehlki. latplle mar tha fhorUalghtrd Mortaie ran fee. j oo pur ana mvi tor esrtb, He who loth all thing well, ha doubt I n a ml graed puriHia to aitmplleb la tak J'ig vitung eoul Ilk hi lo that clvrlou mIn nnce rernn i th graT. Let u (nail lheeaf liifiHiin. ilerWe ro-eolatlon from th word of Him who ll, 'HuflVr llttl eklldrea to nam unu nie, for of tuoh U tho King loo of Heaven" Inthleeltr. on th 3 at of May, DANIRI, HH AW, youngt eon of J (met B. and Ann M. Hntt'lin. eg 11 month Hi tolM'un of mi (Taring ! nded, and In "th elhlex land" lilt1 liaani ret with Joaaa, ' He rtiall gtth-r th lamb with hi arm, and rarrj Ihum In hi boeom." "It Itwellwllhtheehlldr It li well; It ha taa'rd of eicknea and pain. Of the png and th groan, aad tho gaip It m'jht 1,-11, It erer will ufler again. I n my dreamt ae an angel It ttandt by ay atda, In ihe garnienta of glory aud love; And I hear ita glml la- to the Ma lor who dlad M id th chor of th bleated bow.M . . SEW ADYlBTISMmTTg. Notice to Depositors. The Board of Director of Wilmington Trnet Company and Having Dank detlr to oloi It eHl a(HMlil a lOHilhle. Depotltor will rluiue pretnt their Pa-Book aud wlthdiaW tUnr money without iutther delay. F. M. KINO, Caahler. Star oopy. 131 St June 4 Carolina Central Railway Co. Orrios Oiwkial guMiTMDat)T. I Wilmington, N.O., June , 1879. Change ofBchednle, On and after Jan sth, lfflB, th train will b run orsr Uil Hallway at follow t EA8TEBN DIVISION. Passenger and Mall Trlnav-Diiy. Lat Wilmington at .T.0o,P.M iu .u)uii4 ajM. ...... ......i;UU A, H Leare Uharlott at .i ...... . . !:00f. M Arrlr at WUmlngton at ..t.OCA M Fust Freight arid rassangar Traln-Dally, (Sunay optd.) Lt Wllmlngtwa M TXtl.H. Arrlr at UharlotU ai. ......10:00 F. M Lea Charlotte at 0.00 A. M Arrive In Wilmington at ,$jU0 t. M WESTERN DIVISION. Iiear Charlotte at T:W A M 11:10 A M U M Arrlr at Huftalofor 8hlbyat .. ouiiaio at M. Arrlr In Charlotte at .... 4:00 FM Connections. Connect at Wilmington with Wilmington A Weldon. tni Wllmlnvtim. llnmhla JU An. gutU Railroad, scaif-wcekly hew York and i n-wocaij nanimore ana woeii rhlladel. t hla Steamer, and the HWer Boau bo ra- ettefllle. ' Uonnecti at Charlotte with tha North nam. Una Railroad, Uharlott and BlaUtTlll Katl road, Charlotte & Atlanta Air Line, and unnriuiui, 1,'o.umoia ana Jugatta Kallroau. Thiitmipiilyingthewhol Went, Morthweat and Southwett with a ehort and cheap Una to the Seaboard aud Europe. s. l. fbimont. Chief Eng1nrand aaporhrtondaat. June i3S-tf mr Paper pabllshlng O. O. Railway ohed nle will pleaes notlo change. Ground Pea Planters. Bny tour Rweooa from OlLEH A MrrunHl. SON, who bar on band a large Rook of too uiu-nyie sweep eo wait lutea by all Peanut Farmei a. . The Blade or Standard ean alas be had tepa- tuiy, iuu i iogci toe piaoe, U ILtS AMUROHIhON. IS may 30. TRONKS, SADDLES AND HARNESS, Trarellng Bag. Satchel, Shawl Btrap, n uil, rpura, aauuie viotne, reataar putn, Oullara, Ha met, Baddlery Hardware, Leather, uceaee, ana an aina or Baauiery Hood CARPENTER A MALLARD No. I South IFront Btiatt, Wilmington, N. O, may w lan-tf Children's Golored Shoes. Just received direct from th Manufactory a fine aaeortmeht of Children' Buff, Bronae and Black Shone of all tilt, with and without hela. Aim OenU Band-Bowed Boa-Toe and Machine-Hewed liow Quarter Shoe. Ladtea Gaiter and Slipper la great T&riaty 0. A. PRICE'S, to.tt Market 8 tree t Grain Wcs, Gromi Pea Sweeps. THE KIXOM FATrEBM. The only genuine Nixon Pattern Sweep In the market Can only be found at th Old Kitaliliabed Hardware Bona of JOHN OAWHON, No. IS, SO and Si Market Street . may 30 120 New Novels. LOVE'S VICTORT. By B. I Farjeon, Author of "Orlf, "Moehna Marvel," "Blade o'-Oran," Ac Paper 25 oU. till, VAIIOIIAN'S HEIR. By Ftank Im Benedict, autbo of "My Daughter Kllnor," "Hi Van Kortland." John Worthmgton't name," Ac Faper, II oo. -TIIHEK rHATIIEBS, By William Black. Author of "A Prlnceajof Tbule." "The Strange Adventure of a Phae tjn,"Aa,Ao. Illaatraied. Paper, SI 00 For tale at HEIN6BERCER'S Live Book and Made Stare. Junes 131 3 If Wilmington IS A LITE TOHV.B INTE BESTS la Eaut Carolina, ber butlnet men will advert) a la THE WASHINGTON ECHO. HarRo and well eetablUhed weckl wa per, circulating axtenaively In thf noaatl o Hvde. Beautort. Famlloo, Pitt, Edgecomb and thou ailjolnlag, Kate Urw. Walt. P. Williio, R. Uaanflia, Late of Tarbora. of Waattlngtoo. Editor and Preprletora. etll BtMaopy. HXW ADVESTISZJIEST1 We Have "Closing Out Sales" Every Day, at which w offer OLOTHINO- At to pilot for the quality than any other Hon la the City. Tha Lowe of Bat for COATS, PANTS AND TESTS, SHIBTS, DRAWERS, Ae MUNSON & CO., CITY CLOTUIElia, JaaeS 111 tf Passenger Department, WllmlngtorTi Weldon, Wilmington Columbia & Augusta R. R WiLMiaovo, M. 0., May SI, mi Excursion Season of 1875, fomnieaclns J ana I at, 183. AFUI.L I.INB OF BOUND TRIP TIOK Uto all Summer Heaurta of luterwtor impurtane la Upper South Oarollua, Weatrrn North Ca ollna, Mlddl and Wettern Virginia, Northera and Eaatern State, Will be oa lale at the Union Depot Tloket Orac. Price Llati, Tim Card" and all naedtul In form a tkio turulabed oa application to th uo dcralanad. A. FOPS, Ueneral Ticket Agent. June t lao-iw Damaged BY FRESH WATER, 15,787 YARDS 4-4 Unbleached Sheeting Belling 8 Cents Per Yard, Or 7 Cents Per Piece. Worth 10 Cents. LOOSE 10 TIME! MAKE NO MISTAKE! BROWN et RODDICK, 40 Market Street. My as rjv-iw COVERED, EXTRA SUGAR-CURED ' PIQHAM8, Breakfast Strips, Bngar-Onred Bhonlders, Extra Meas Mkckeral, Salmon ft George's Bank Oodflsb. at j. . GEO, MTERS, 11 and 13 South Front St, NEW COOKED Families going to tho Bound should la; in a supply. Introduoed sy us and genuine only guaranteed and sold, by GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 South Front St, This Month We added a ratt number of "friend" to the already large Hat for our eholoe New Process Empire Flour. Our lmmenae tale I the beat evldenoe w offer before a trial; and, after ono tiling Ml jom are ounnncea oeyona a aouoi ana wit, tiwey uae it ana no outer. Beet Butter In the World I est Butter In the World I Best Butter In the Word I J net In and only for aal by CEO- MYERS, II ft U south Krout Street, may y H Frankfurter Biery QUAKTS AND PINTS, MAOEVY UNO GK1SENHKJM DEKE BHEIX. BEST LACER IMPORTED, CHAS D. MYERS k CO., e 7 North Front 8t Hock and Rhine Wines, DEIOESHEIMER, BCDESnKIHEB, HOCKHEIMEB, . UIB-FKAU-MJLOH, SAUTBBMB8. CLABET8, SPAKKLINQ CATAWBA AND BUKUCNDV, BR0WM AND PALS BHERBIES, Flnert Kar Old Brandie and Wine, Vlutege IBM to '68. Finest, Barest, Largest, Molt Varied and Coctly Stock of Fin Qoods Srer oftered In North Carolina, CHAS. D.MYEBSACO., Importers and Dealers, tat North front St. m nay 10 Escaped Convicts. ' W will pay a reward of I0 each for such Information a will lead to th capture of any eeavlot anaped from the New Hanorer Conn, ty Work Hoote since the year 1H71. Addrem, by letter or telegraph, MATHES 4k OO., Bu berlntendent ol New Hanorer tioantr Wor NEWSPAPER DIRLCTOaY. " It la vertainiv in weal ml Aiwerl- CU( nailllM .rvi, burial: A', r. sia prwaewi puiatriiy la n.rr ami tan ntertt." iwamw, ruw " Ta.n le m rlwll aage helweea lie cavara."-,V. r. 1mf. A Mtoelel perlo4lcal.'-ntU Prtu. Wh not Subscribe for THE GALAXY FOR 1B7D. rr is ma BIST AMERICAN MAGAZINE. Mo family caa afford to do wttaout It IT GIVES MORS GOOD AN it ATTRAC TIVE BIADINO MATTKK FOR THE MONEY THAN ANT OTHKK FKRI OD10AI. OR BUCK PCRUSHED IN THE UOUNTHY. A New Sarlal br Mr. Annl Fdwanla, UAH, A WOMAN OF FASHION, JUST BEGUN. Aim Story by Prof. H. H. HUYRHEN, A Norseman's Pilgrimage, i o eonunue tercrai aieuuia. In th next No. wilt n roromence.1 JUSTIN MCCARTHY'S NEW SERIAL Dear Lady Disdain. A series of Artlclt. by Prvmlneait Hautb reera. on 'he CONFEDERATE SIDE OF THE WAR Na (Jvailruroralal, will auou be oom menoxt. Interestlns Sketches and Stories Ineaoh No. by tnch writer, an KIOHAKD OH ANT WH1TK, ALBKHT KIlnl'KM, HKNKY JAMKH, Jr., .H' NIL'S HKNK1 HKOWNE, HOHR TKKKY, KM IIAR. K IM B AI.I, and all th HI1 of RHIM.1ANT WHITKllN which Hi Oal.aiT haa atlrarltd to llaeir, and who hare made a tirlKlit mark on our current literature. TIIK Bl IKNI IKIO MIIUEL1.AN V, eaih mouth. I worth Uie prlo th Magailue. (she ueuM ni. .I., ti nn m secure such a monthly vlsltan for the year 18751 Subscribe at Once. Send for our full Froepectua. WI PRE-PAY THE POSTACE It can he had, with either "Harper's Weekly or "Basar,"or "Appleton's Weekly," for SHELDON Sl COMPANY, , New York THE PEE DEE HERALD. Fublished every Wednesday at WADESBORO. ANSON COUNTY, BT JOSH. T. JAMES! A OO. Ha Start and rapidly tncreaalng rtrcnla. tlmi In the Fee Dee ooautry In Worth aad Mouth Carolina. Advertisers will And H the bert meillnm In eltlier f (he t.tw State tor reaching u farmers, planter and merchanta. The exteruive local advtrtiiing pat ronage exhibited in ita column is the best evidence of ita large and influen tial circulation, W Specimen oople, with rate for adrer. tiling, nt fr, pottac paid, m application toth undertlined, either at Wadesboro or WUmlngton. JOBH.T.J1MRH 4 00., , Kdltoraand Proprletiir' fltf The Charlotte Observer, The only morning dally paper pitblUhed In thStit west of Raleigh and North of Wtl. mlngtoa, offer ipeclal Inducements to adver ¬ tisers. Its clrculatio'i, ilse and nsefiilneai hare been largely Increased during the year Jutt past, and It now reaolies most ol the Mor. fMnts of WeiUrn North Carolina, thns offer- lng an nnsDrpaaatd mtdlnm of eommaoloa tion between th Merchant of WUmlngton and th people of Western Norlh Carolina. Tisiisor iDBtcairTion: Dally S3 00 per annum. Weekly........... 1 10 ' T Adrei tUnng rery low. SPECIAL NOTICE. During the Centennial Celebration large edl tlons of this paper will be prlated dally and no such advertiaing medium will so be offered to Its patron. may 14. 115-tf Our Living and OurDcad, "Prosoeotue of 2nd Volume. Niwibbm, V. a, Angnst 10, 187. '"Oca Lnrraa aid Ona 1)ad" will here after be published as a Beml-Monthly Maga. sine, oontalnlng 8 pages of reading matter, at S3 per rear In adranoe. For the Information of those who are not fa miliar with this enterprise, I state that the chief object of th Magailne will be to publish the Record that North Oarollnaand her gallant soldier made In th late "War between tbe State," to gather the material for tbe nte of tbe future historian, and to periwtuate the memory of these brar men, officer, and privet, lirliigor dead, whothsd lmporiibabl glory anon their native State. - In addition to the Wab Kanoan or Norti Oabolisa, the Magailne will contain iketobe of every section, county, city and town of the State, written by competent and well-Inform ed person, Mai main v it pr-munn!y a BtaU ptruxtieal, in wkick all cmusm e ear cifucn. tlumli lain inimit and prid. Th Magailne will take the place of Ui nw.papr, having aame title, pub llshed by me daring tne past twelve month. The first number will be imued Wednesday, September tUi, 1874. In the meantime, I re. pectrully ask old subscribers who desire to re new their tulitorlptlon., and all others who wish the Magaslne, lo rmit promptly, as tlw nhange and Improvements require ctnslCerabls outlay , and rtady wumty Is neerti-d . 8. D. POOU Address, till further notice. "Otjb Livina abd Otis Dsad," Newborn, N. 0,, or Baleith, North Oarollna. . ; . Exohanges will please oopy. ' ' - aug 10 IBS- The Enfield Times. DANIEL BOND, Editor A Proo'r O. O.DAVENPORT Associate Ed. TiBMS : One Tear.Sl 00 ; Six Months, SI 00 One of the most Intererttnf eiehanfe thai eome to a from tbe Old North State mvtrean, Balttmure, Mil. Jodgius from the llrst nnmber, It will Imme diately take rank, editorially, with the first pa pers la the Month Norfolk. ( Fa.) Jimrnal. Shows an aptitude and ability In disnnwlns Important publlo questions, ami evinces tntioh enterprise In th general make p and meohaiv loal execution. BntmtmlU ( Tmn) Slat$. One of the neatett and best edited paptrt th State WUim. (N.O.) PlaindtaUr. The best printed paper In North Oarollna amKa,(N. O.) dean w EDRMO CABlNn4VISITItl eAMSafrlltyttl. HEW ADTIXTISZSmS. 45. Ifl MARKET1 At illillllllJ 1 BEOWN & Ws re still Sliding to our ExtenaWe Assortm entof ' ' mWM DRY GOODS. Deitig fully awaro tUnt nmnll rroflU maka quick returns, we bare mrked ' our whole stock so that any and svory one can plainly soe ws are In earnest T .nd nitmn biuiueHH. We ouly desire thoiie who are in want of anything lo our '-'' line to give as a call ia ordor to satisfy thomseWos. We are never ' afraid of -showing our gotxls, or of comparing tLom with any. W call partioulor at- teution to the followlntf list : ' ,.;, ..,...!! BTlUrED BUMME11 HILK8 reiluoed to C2J Cents.' ... , r fi . Black Ileruanics and Oruuadinrs from 18 0nt. Coltircil Btrijie and Figured Grena iiiieS 18 2 8 cents " '' ' ' Ml Qrey He Ikpos 20 Cents. ' t i . ,v Our atnek of Dtwta fnnr1a ia lurirA an.1 wa nPT.xr Ihnm l., I,. , n - - ... p bought in any Nortliern market. OENTN rCTHNlMIHl Whlto Drees Bhirts. CuiTh. CoIIaw. Joan Drawuri. Oanr.rt TTmlnrrnBra tML' "' iuli Half lloau. )ltaoued and Btrhwddo.. suoh a Department, LINKN AND DOMEaTICH. Bleached and Unbleached Dumimka iu Pnwar ami UtnA Tmm f fVMnn,.ti,r Unen Diaper, llomra and Pillow Cao Llnoos,. lioer, bhetituj'g". Oh amber t and UtU Towels, Nnpkius, Doilies. Btir Linens, Crashes. f liMHUM UOSilSUY, (1LOVEH AND OAUZE UNUEuwEAll. L lama Lace Hiu'iiuch and Point : Lane Hliawla l!i .in a karsain Rin.ut' !' and Tlain HIiiitlHiid Hhawls ; Nottingham for Curtains: Machine Needles 0 eto. . i each. Bole Agents for Fit AN K LEBLIEB rVm rATTEIiNB., , , -, . BROWN & RODDICK, MORE PARTICUMRS I ' MI ASSORTMENT OP ' ' , ' ? '4 - - i, ..';, t . .i. v ' ' 1 (Hiil ill t flTITITTlTn Q'nTTTlrTTI Iffllllls n ATliflS IS HOW COMPLETE IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES My oustomors have ahown thoir appreolatlon of my LOW TRACES by 'tlioir 1 j liberal purohosos, for whioa I'm thankful. STRANGERS not posted, ww!"' dosiring the value of their money, can - AT M. M. EATZ'S, ' aprll IS '' SOL. BEAR & BRO'S 20 Market Street. CLOIINQ OUTTHE ENTIRE STOCK rxi,v GOODS AT OUB RETAIL STOUK I Great Bargains ! 14-4 LINKN SBSKTINO rrom TO at, mat $1 11 per yard. Mozambique lets, per yard , , SWISS HOSUNS, , , KM Oosen Unen Towel and Napkins, Irish and Osi man Lines Shirtings, Oambrlo Haedkerohlefs, MATTINGS, White and Colored. SO Pieces LINEN for Ladles TraTetlnf Dresses and Boys wear. - '-" ' Large auortmeutof Panama and Straw Hats for Children and Han. We wilt eommenoe on Monday to sell the above and will continue dally until tbe whole stock Is olossd out. ay Ladles are respectfully Invited to call and examine our stock, as we know It will re pay them. ; In future we Into I to confine our builuer toCloihlngaad Merchant Tailoring; mayW , 122-tf inquire Within ' ' AT THE . (;',. CITY BOOK STORE , i ' - - . For anything jou want In our line. Although we sell for less than any other bouw, our goods are of the very best quality. Aud If yon wish to get bargans give us a trial, Books and Stationery r !: OF ALL) KINDS. , ,1 -aLSO. . . ' i Musical Instruments, , 4 " ' &0. &C, AO., St.; : Conblcy Cu Yatcb- 47 Mutkot Street. ; . 40; UlllliJUl) ! , ,;- t n ? ! RODDICK wuw urw wvw mm imut vmu VW ' 1 : u. : v n -. Dl'UAUTM:ElNTf it?f IT in fact evervtliina- that llnnoa lo . . ..imi i 45; Market : Street. 1 ! I got it by colling ' j'i . i "i k it 1 4 - ,!-... ,, ui' , si I'.ul vr..r iata 36MarkctSi.: t , ' V ITnvA "Knxv in Kf ata ' 'jv . . j mwii aaa ,wviv , j fJIHBBKSTLOT OF MEK'S AND W0- ' ' men' every day SHORS, such si Men's beet Kip Brogans and Women' Buff and Pebble' " Bala-and prices low. Persons In want of these . r. Qoodi, at wlolenale or retail, wlU.do weU t eat) and see them. . t ? tu.fv'si Always a good supply of Gente, Ladles, -tiT Misses and Children gfiocs en hand. ' '"'" K' ) il. 1 Paisoisa Btbist. EVANS A VonOLartN. " may 23 4 ami "Yellow Bird Brand" A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Zt'Xit -OF OTHER ""l U m l i uuuuv:u uuuuu ' AT PBICES TO SUIT THE TIMEaf; 3 "it .. D. PICOTT , 4 isa- i i l.u .-..w; : ;. ) may 10 The - Wilmington r and 'Coast ,i;"r Turnpike ",, Company. ;j ,8 JJ00K9 OP , SUB8CBIPTI0M TO THE, 2 7,?' capital Stock of this Oempauy bar bt 1 ; opened by the nndorslgned constituting the 1 A . ,t ' ' : , ' j Committee for that purpose, appointed st the ' !i iU recent meeting of the Corporators named In .. the sot of Incorporation, and maybe found Sr)1),j0 the several Banks of the elty, and at, th Pbb- , oell House. u . -. f .,-.,t 4 r h.i) lutWi, , r ' ;; ..'M.A.WKIQHnr,-ii1 fc'.;K-5;:i ' , . r ' J. H.DATIS, n&i-il II. f .'J T.-,.OTJTHEBLAIDl,,;. , I : NOKWOOD QIXK8, 4 ; (fl j. ..r. CHAS.D.MTEES.1, ,,r:j voamiiiM. OR EE1IT ! . riUSK rsoeuiiy built for and I , dbythKr.J.' V, Itiden, eeiUU- ' ' The HOUBK raoeuiiv built for and M- I , OoouplfdbytheKBV.J.. V, Hideo, eniLS hwui. nevuntn, oetween coeeiuui ana ""'J f ipi f Terms reasonable. . ' M -J ' " . H. H4R, rorr. ,-, ,,,( )V i ' 1 Corner Tth and Chestnut Street. . -i . r o rfwfii A. DAVID. lit- I Uonae, Wilmington, N.O. BUI W have out in three years. June I ( . . eiwujasieu V'.ua, may so 19

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