WL. XXIV. NO. 134. WILHIHGTON, H. C. SATUEDAY. JTIHE 5. 1875. WHOLE HO- G.893. yfhr ilnlin journal WILMINGTON, N. U. SATURDAY, JUNE 5. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. EUItOPE. DREADFUL DISASTER ON TEE TAGUS. RELIGIOUS TROUELEtj IN UEL giuxi. Pobttwal, June 4 Noon. S;x'y persous wre urowued by the capsiz- Pahii. Joua 4 Noon L Renub lique Franonine report that Count Von x erpoueuer, me uerniun Anuai.siiaor at Brussels, ha nmdo freMi reprosrn tations to the Belgian government iu regard to the Catholic prneesHioii. Biii!HBEL, . June 4 No(u Foitv person were arroetnil at St. Nichols fur taking part in au ufiray growing out of interference with a religious proct'Kftion. London, Jnn 4 Noou. Tlie liiljr Telegraph's Berlin dispatch Buys : The Gerraijti government posseases Iwof that thtt rhsra-ex of conspiracy made agauint Duuiu are 'unfounded. Duuin'a arrest was duo to the exoeHwivt bpaI of a Prussian police. The agent aud prisoner will soon bo .released. WISCONSIN, CONSECRATION OF AliUIlELSn .OP IIENNI. -.It Milwaukee, June 4 Noon Arch bishop Ilenui Was coDsecntod yester terday. , The corernouiea were most imposing. , The Cathedral was crowd ed at 9 a. m. The interior of the Ca thedral was beautifully decorated with flowers. Mass began at 10 a. m. Bishop Ilaiss, of LaCrosoe, celebrant, and Bishop Ryan, of bt. Louis, deliv ered the sermon. At the cIoko of mann Bishop Henni appeared in his Arohi epiacopal robes. The bull aud brio I of the Pooe tnnferrina? the rial- bum was read. Monmguor Ron cetti, ablegate, advanced to the foot of the Archbishop's throje, and in a lengthy speech in Latin, deliver ed his mission as dulvgat d by hie holiness. " Arohbiabop Henni then read bis ao oeptaiKw of Ui dignity conferred up on him. B shop Hums then oonf erred the pallium upon Archbishop Henui, who knelt to receive it at the foot of the altar. 'The choir burst forth into a grand alletuia aud the bells of the Cathedral rang, The Archbishop gave the benediction, and the singing of Tc Deum closed the ceremony. In the evening 'there was a grand torchlight prooessiorrf all the Catholic societies in the city. It jiai two miles in length and there were live thousand torohes. After marching through the principal sireets, the prooession halted in front of the Archbishop', when there was a salute of guns and the ringing of the bells of all the Catholic Churches iu the city. Addresses were read to the Papal Ablegate and Archbishops, aud their responses made. These exercises were interpersed with music, and at the oonolusion the procession sep t a ted. Pennsylvania. MORE TROUBLE AND LOSS OF .. A LIFE. IHE COLLIERIES AT POTTS VILLE RESUMED WORK. HMahoset City, June 4 Noon At 8 o'clock P.: M., yesterday, Sheriir Werner telegraphed that his posse hud been fired upon and asked military as sistance. The first disturbance oc curred at King. Tyler & Co.'s colliers, when the sheriff with a posse ordered the rioters to disperse. One of the Chiefs replied that they could not drive them away and tired on the suerm. rue nnng Deeume general and about two hundred shots were fired and the Bhoriff being overpower ed retreated to the town and reorga nized bis forces the citizens volun teering. Eight raiders were wounded and one killed. Several citizens were wounded. The military had arrived and all is quiet. PontiTtLu:, June 4--Noon All the collieries that had boeu compelled lo suspend work by tho raiders resumed this morning, being assured of military protection. The oitizons thiuk it will be necessary to retain the troops iu their midst for several days to iusuro the continuance . of the work beguu. Tuere was an alarm occasioned by the discharge of lire arms in the upper end of Mahoney City at midnight and the . troops ,. were got ready for any emergency. The shots were fired by a mob of raiders. At Shenaudoah quiet prevails sinco .the arrival of troops. At Mt. Carmel Willsons, Chemenick & Co.'s colliery was.deatroyod by fire last night, being fired by a mob of 100 persons. At this oolliery the men bad been working two days at a reduced rate of wages. There is much excite ment in the vicinity, St. Club, June 4 Noon One thousand men and boys, beupg iu line again .this morning, aro coming from Glen, Carbon, Heckscherville and adjacent towns. At Wadesville the miners at work in Derring & Co.'smine were driven from work by the strikers. Adjutant Gene ral Latta arrived here from l'hiladol- pbia last night, and was met at the de pot by General Sigfried, and during the night the Generals were closeted together and fully discussed the affairs aud situation. This morning they went by a special train to Shenandoah and Mahoney City, to make necessary ar rangements for the campaign. , St. Claib, June 4. Night Tbo miners who were compelled to quit work, report two soldiers shot by the raidors. ILKAlMiUAKTEKS. rOSTM ASTER GEN ERA L JEWELL WANTS TO SEE FOR 111MSELF, SEIZURE OF ONE OF THE EX UMPRESS' EX-PllESSE-j. Washington,' J une 4 Night Fust niistf r Uuuerui Jewell is about making au extensive Western trip to see fur himself how things are worked. Masterly inactivity still characterizes counsels of the Indians. Standing Ruck buys hi laud has neither wiugs nor U gH. A smuggled lace dress of Empress Eugenie, bought at one of l.er Majes ty ' sale , was seised hero to-day. Va!uo $10,000. There has been' considerable ricitn meut iu the 'Treasury to-day over ru mors that tliu party whocorumitted the large theft on Wednesday had been arrested, but the oiliecrs of the Se cret Service Division, us well mh acting SecreUiiy Couant, deny that auyouo has vet been arrested. KLK(TlUt;lS3IS. The Grand OfiWrs' of the Masonic Loilgt (iu Kestii iu at New York) were lubtuilid veKteniay. 1 here were Uj,- (JHJ persons in procession WYdumluy exoluiive of bands. The New Hampshire JIdii-o nniini moiiHly adopted a resolnsion request uik tlie Suprema Court to g.vo an early iiearing to the ques ioned seats iu the Senate. Duncan Sherman & Go's teller, has deeampwd with 812,000. . Ihe Attorney Ueiierul of tlie btateol New Voik, lias served a fmuial sum mons on tifteeu county treasurers for delinquency in tax returns, i'lie do- I'tiqiicneies aggregate six huiiureu thousand dollars. Ilrorkrnrl !; Itxaiie. The escape of Breckeuridge after the surrender of Loo was quite ro mantic. Accompanied bv Col. V il- sou, of bis staff, he made his way to t-lot Ida, where the two refngt es were joiued by C6l. Taylor Wood, the brother-in-law of Jefferson Davis. .Securing a small skiff, they bodily embarked, near Key West, for Cnba, and succeeded in reiichiiig tho port of Cardenas, noor Huvuua, in safety. From thence Gen. Breckeuridge pro ceeded to Europe, and fiuully took up his residence in Canada, iue last years of his hfe wero quietly Bpeut in Kontucky. 7 General Breckeuridge leaves one sou who bears his name, and another, who, curiously enough, was ..christened "Owen Couuty," in bojior of the county which secured the election of his faihcr o Congress in 1853, in the contest with Gov. Letcher. lion. Jell'erMOii Olivia. Tho Galveston News says that the paragraph which has been going the rouuds of the press to the effect that tho Hon. Jefferson Davis has been ten dered the position of tho Presidency of the Agricultural Collego at Bryan, Texas, Is premature at least.- Heemg the paragraph, au old Mississippi friend of Mr. Davis wrote to him on the subject, and in reply Mr. Davis states that ho ha never been apprised of such appointment, but it is inferred I from the tone of his lottcr that he would have aooeptel the position. He speaks very gloomily of tho future of Mississippi; says the majority of negro voters la already ao large auu so rap idly increasing by immigration that lie caunot lorsoo mo uny oi ner aenv- erfneo. In speaking oi Texas ho says: "Texas is the only' Souihern. State which has advanced , in prosperity sinco the war, and as a fiold for one who has sons to launch upon the world, offers the most inviting prospect," Au Old Time clling;Ueq We find iloating around the press, without credit, a humorous description of a "opening Bee among Mr. Adams' Cabinet, No doubt the whole thing is a coinage of some fertile im agination, but it may be said oi it, as has been so ofteu expressed, of other witty things if not true, it is happily conceived. Hear the wag : Mr. Adams held a book iu his hand; from which ho selected tho words. lie said that his administration had called publio attention to Gen. Jackson's want of knowledge in oncography, and thnt.it behooved them all to mind their P's aud Q's, aud that, he had as sembled thorn for the purpose of exer cising them in spelling. Ho then took his Boat aud commenced giving out words, saving. pell " female." Mr. Clav began bv spelling it " fe- mail ;" Southard, fee, male Bar bour, " nhe-male ;" Porter, " phe- mail ;"MoKinuoy, who stood foot, and being a cat s paw for the Cabinet, had put himself there without beiug asked, when Mr. Adams nodded to him, spelt at the top of his voice, "phe- mail. Mr. Cksy had by this time re covered his self-possession, and being very familiar with tho subject, spelt it right, 'ihe next word was "negro, which was ?ivcu to Southard, who. having ones been a schoolmaster and tught Latin to two or three bovs in Virginia, spelt it "ni-ger. The lord of the empty barrels, as Mr. Barbour was popularly called, was at- home with the word, and spoke out with hi. 4 full voice, "nig ger, ' that being the V lrgiuia wny oi pronouncing it. l'or ter spelt it "nigro." Mr. Adams. bnrstiug with his pent-np rngo, throw the book at McKinney's head and dis missed the class; McKinnoy-fioine off. blubbering out that he would bet a copy of the Declaration of Independ ence that Mi. Adams couldn't spell Michilimackinnc or Auabominablo humblebee withhistailcurtailedan-half-auinchormore. A landlord in Munayunk gavo a ton- ant half an hour to got his furniture, 4o., out of the house or else pay two months' back rout."". The tenant Jtuew that this would require lightning-like work; but ho was equal to tho emer gency. J lo caused his chimney to smoke, and then raised an alarm of fire. The firemen were soon on hand; iu less than fifteen minutes all bis household effects wore in the street and $50 worth stolen, - ihe Spaniard and the Unban pa triots have during the last fortnight had several Woody engagements in the District of Cinea Villas. Carl Soburi is applied for as a leo- turer in all direotious. He will btgiu his tour in New England on the first of November. Further particular! of the earth quakes in Asia Minor snow that sev eral villages were destroyed and two thousand persona lost their uvea. The King of Italy has presented the Crown Princess of Germany with a!aet of jewels. The diadem is in the purest Grjk style, after the pattern of the celebrated btaphena, tn the collection of the Maroheae Oampngua, and the earrings according to the same original The libel suit for 1 10,000 brought bv Stephen Grant against the Port- laud Pres. was decided Saturday, The Press asserted that Grant was the biggest liar in the State. What the jury thought may be inferred from the verdiot, whioli was for the defend ant. J. P. Leslie, a member of the South Caroliua Legislature, has been arrest e l ou the charge of defaulting tha Slate while Laud Commissioner du riug Scott's administration. The pro ceedings were directed by the State suthoritiea and Leslie's bail has been fixed at $ t 10,000. He is also charged with olectiou frauds, and is now now rut. An interesting event transpired on d: l. -it- 11? ; : where fifty Winnebago Indiana, hav ing complied with the law in abandon ing their tribal relations and adopting the customs of civilization, made their appearance at the Land Ollloe and proceeded t enter forty acres of land each under tho Homestead act. The land is located uear the Biack River Falls, Wisconsin, aud the Indians will ut once oooupy their new possessions, where they will erect farm-houses, es'ablish schools, and generally oast oil the generio habits of their race. The other day at the Glasgow cen tral police court a young man named Robert Hamilton wao charged before Bailie Young with having attempted to pick the pockets of ladies in Ingram Htreot. From the evidence it appear ed that the prisoner.who had for some time past been a regular attendant at revival meetings, was standing the other evening in a crowd which had collected in Ingram street, and who were engaged singing hymns from the hymnal published by Messrs. Moody and Sanky. While singing at tha top of his voice and apparently with high strung devotional feeling, "Hold the fort, for I am coming," the prisoner was observed to insert his bands into the pockets of five different ladies. The fast lady whom he attempted to rob seized him in the aot, and caused him to be handed over to the police, who took him into custody. He was committed to prison for sixty days. NEW ADVERTISES ENTi. LOST. A Gold CnlT Button. The finder of the urns will It liberally t- WMded by returning it to this Office. Junes 13 1-It Virginia Hams. SMALL LOT OF VgttT BUPEBIOB. For tale low by A DBR033ET & CO. 134-lt 1une 6 Spirit Casks. 350 8P1KIis OASKS' Second Hand Country and New York.. For tale low by DROS8ET A CO. JuneS lU-2t Mosquito Kets, Monqulto Netf, Moiqulto Met., -MoMiulto Nets, M(.S(ulto Net, -For sale by D. June 6 - - . g'j eu ......... 3 OO - - - - 4 00 - - - 00 A. SMITH & CO. 131 tf M CRONLY, Auctioneer. BY OBONLY A MOUAia. Iron Safes. Furniture and Fix tures of the Wilmington Trust Co. Savings Bank A.T AUCTION- Tbe abore corporation bavlnR cloted Its urttlrfl. wo will on TUKSUAY. Jano Bill, 1' 7ft, at 11 o'clock A. M , aell aoin tlie prerolw. (Market, bei ween Front and Second .treete). tueir entire tnrentory 01 Safes, Furniture & Fixtures, Well worthy ot tlie attention of, and exam aa tlo.o by, those In waut. ' We enumerate : A Fire and Burglar Proof "Margin" Safe, A"Llllie" Sato. OountiT, Black Walnut Tor, with Iron Ball, Two Black walnut t;ountr lieaaa, One Mahogany Stand Lleiik, Black Walnut "Director'." Table, 10 feet, One Hlack Walnut Table, Ight Biaok Walnut Office ('bain, Two Black Walnut Hall Chair., liUck Walnut Hat Rack, Black Walnut Book Uae, One Mirror. Marble Blah Bracket.. A. No. 1 l etter Pr'sn, Black Walnut Rtand, One Superior Eight uayoaienaar uiooa. Carpet Mtting, Oil Cloth, Mai., Spittoon., Baket, Uae Fixture, Cooler, Book., sta tionery, &c. Thia Furniture I. of .unerior make ind flnkh to ordnr, and must aud will be auld to clow without reserve. JuneS 13t-3t5th,StbeVKh Pianos and Crps and Keepalwav. In Mock a large lot rf Piano. and O. K in and I Iirorao, whioh 1 sell for oath or by monthly Installment. At HEIN8 BEBOXK't. The Odd Tiump, ,Int received tb aeoond .nitply of "Tbe Odd Trump," Kveiybody read. ttiU book Jnat now. For .ale at HEINSBERCER'G LWe Book and Mule Store. JaneB 184 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .At .Auction. On Monday nornlng, JuntTlh, M It o'clock I win mii ot ta STOCK OP GROCERIES la th 8 tor of . Irry, Agmt. on Btcond wroot, Ib Ourrto'i Block. Also a Fin rlr, Well-Biok, GOATS, WAGON AND HAKMBS8, Slor Dt Bar Mourn PUturoa Aat Ut 8tor to Rent for baUno of tht roar mp lo uetoiwr im. - B. KAUNWEILKK, AootlonMr. Juna KM Adminlstralor's . Koticc. HaTlnc anallfied an the AilmlnUt'rator unoi theeetateol the late William K. Price, of Wll wingUm, N.U., nolli'. la lieraby glren to all peiauna hxluv claim. au.iiiKt the aald Inlea- tat to preMnt them to the nncitrnlgn.', on or no' ore me mn aay or June, 1H7K, or tin, nolle win ne rieaiiea inem. a ail all iMir- aona Indrbted to the InteataU will plea) make It tlC'UAKD J. JON EN, Aditt'r. 131 d'.twst June B Notice to Depositors. Tbe Boaid of nirector.nf Wilmlntnn Truat Onmpanyand Havlnga Bank dealre to eluee Ife n.raaeeiii aa iHWamie. lHHWIor. will Plraae preevnt their Pane-Book, and withdraw th.tr money without lurther delay. F. M. KINO, Caahler. Jun Ktaroopy. J32 at Ground Pea Planters. Bit our Hwreiia from Oil. KM Jk M1THI1M I. BON, who he on band a large Mock of thoae um-aiyia ow.cpeao wen iikud by all Peanut Farmeia. The Blalc. or Mtamtard can alao be had aeiia- raiely. Don 't foi git the place. UlLEtl d MUHCHISON. may SO ivs TRDM&V SADDLES AND HARNESS, Trarellne Him. katphla. Mhawl tna Whli, hpura, baddlo Cloth., Feather liuaiere, Ool.ara, Uainra, Uaddlery Hardware, Ualher, Axle Ureaae, and all klndaofSiKldlery Oooda. CARPENTER MALLARD, No. I HouthlFront Street. Wllmlniton. N. O. may ts i-tf Children's Colored Shoes. Joat reoelred dlreot from the Manufactory a Hii. u.irtm.ht i.r nl.il. u,.- u UUU, . , aad Bla.-k Hbotiaof all .laee, with and without neeie. Aiao wnu nand-Hcwed Boa-Toe and, Maohlne-M.weit l-uw guarterShoea. uuiioa uaueri ana supper, in great Tarlety at - O. A. TRICE'S, ho. is Market Sfeet. Grain Craillcs, 6roM Pea Sweeps. (TUB NIXON PAT1BBN. The only renolne Nixon Pattern Sweep In the market. Can only be found at tha Old Kltabltahed Hardware Mpuae of JOHN PAWNOR, ' ho. It, 20 and 11 Market Street, may 129 To Naval Store Dealers. The nnderelgned, lata Deputy Super riling loapeotor, baring left the employ of the Com pany, tenders hie aerrloe. to Merohantt ami others angaged In buying and abipplng car- goes. Be baa had a practical experience of twenty year. In the Naval Store Bu.lneea, and will glre atrlot peraenal attention to Weights, Color, Uuaglng, Order and Stowage of all hlp- menta entrtuted to hi. cart, feeling aatured that be will glre full tatlarectton to all who may faror him with their order.. ' Order, may be left for the pre.ent at A. H. VanBokkelen'aoffloe. Refer, to M ear.. Wil liam. A Muroblaon, Jamea Aadereon Co., A. H. VanBokkelen and other.. mayrSodlra. W. D. MAHN. miscellaneot;8. buy only the genuine FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES. ' ALSO, ' The most Perfect L lara Cash Drawer, MILKS ALABH TILL CO. 'M. Alao,' Herring. Safe'. Coffee and Drug Mill., Letts Prraaoa. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES. MARDrAOTUKKaS E- & T. FAIRBANKS & CO-, BT.JOHNSBUBT, VT. " TEisorrJl scALa wAaiHooana: EAIHBANKSeVCO., 311 Broadway, ti If FA) ItBANKM A 00., 166 Baltimore St., Bal timore, Md. FAiaBAme A Co., S3 Camp Street, Mew Or- leana. -Faibdark. Co., 13 Main Street, Bufralo, N. Y. FainnanKS A Co , (38 Broadway, Albany, H.Y. Fairbanks A Co , !K8 ttt Fanl '. at., Montreal. FAiRBARia A Co., 34 King William Bt Lou don, Kng. FAiaBAKxa, Bnowa A Co., 2 .Milk St., Boa ton, Maaa. Fairbanks A Kwmo, Mamnlo Ball, Phila delphia, Fa. Faikbauks, Moaax A Co., Ill Lake Bt., Chi cago. FAiaaanH, Moa.a A Co., 189 Wall ot Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Faibbaik., Moasa A Co, 182 Superior Bt, Clereland, Ohio. Faibbankh, Moa.a A Co., 48 Wood Street, Plttabnrgh. FAiRBAKKa, Moaaa A Co., Bib and Main St., Ixiularille. Faiubavko A Co., ins and 304 Wanblngton Arenne, Mt. Loula. Faikba.k. A UDTCHiasoa, San Frauelaco, Oal. For .ale by leading Hardware Dealer.. ' June I l-dAw-luw-od OUR 'Yellow Bird Brand" -AND- ' A GENERAL ASSORTMENT -Or OTHBB- T'obacco Goods AT PRICKS TO SUIT THE TIMES. B T D. PICOTT. law- may M NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "We Have : "Closing Out Sales' Krcry Day, at which we oSer OLOTHINO- At lea. pi Ice. for the quality than any other Houae In the City. The Lowest of Hate, for OOATB, PANTS AND VK8TS, BHIHTS, DKAWKKtJ. Jto. MUNSON & CO. CITT CLOT1ILERB, Jane 3 it. if Piissenger Departinciit, Wilmington & Woldon, Wilmington. J Columbia & Augusta R. R Wujua.iKia, N. 0., May II, ltfS Excursion Kensoii of 1875. :iun.turlMK June) let, IMS. A FULL T.1NR OF KOt'NI) TRIP TICK X eta to all Bummer Hcanrl. of Intrrrator luporunre In Upper South Carolina, Wratrra North Ca ollna, Middle and Weatorn Virginia, Northern and Kaatern State., Will be on aale at tha Union Depot Ticket umee. Frlce Llata, Time Car (la and all needful In formation furnlahed on application to the un deralgued. a. rurB, uenerai ricaei ajuni, Junel Ihii aw Merchandise llrokernge. TTTITH THK KKQIMHITR KXPF-HIKNtlF, fl acquainiaiiae, anowivoge ami I 1 1 1 1 1 ta 1 otler my aerrlcee for the imrchaae and tat. ot all dee. rlptloni of Merchamliae In Wiuteru, Northern and our own market. NcuutlaUi uaan ana oaaniT. wire uaru rrneiy at my expeiiM lor any Information dcairwl. from lmorter., Kunuera, Miner, and Manufacturer., full Hue of aamtile. exhllilicd dally. OoK'ee, Molamea, r)Truie, Sugar. Flour, Soap, Bacon. Dry Ball Meat., Fork, Lard, Ac, Aa , all (rail..: Tobacco, OiKar., An. : Spirit Uaaka, Ulue, Hay, Corn, Ao. Btr.a, Boal.a, Ac, Ae. Special attention glren to aeourlng low.at rate, ol trauaiortatluu. Bxamlnatlon of nmidea, eorreapondenc and order, eol lotted. r Orders left at Office ror "Hpot" (loodi til bare prompt attention. J AS. T. PETTEWAY, Commercial Ilroltor, NORTH WATER STREET. m-lmeod may IB COVERED, EXTRA SUGAR-CURED PIG HAMS, Breakfast Strips, Bngar-Cnrod Bhouldors, Extra Mass Mockeral, Salmon A Goorge's Bank CodMi. GEO. MYERS, Handl3BonthFrontBt. HEW COOKED Families going to the Sound should lay in a supply. Introduced fey us and genuino only guaranteed and sold, by GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 South Front St. This Month We added a rati number of "friend." to tlie already large Hat for our choice New Process Empire Flour. Our Immenac aale. 1. Mm beat evidence oiler before a trial; and, alter once uaing III yoa are oonrlnced beyond doubt and wll, alway. ue It and no otbur. Best Butter in the World! Best Butter in the World I Beat Butter In the Word t Just In and only for .ale by CEO-MYERS. II A 18 South Front 6 treat, may 30 lit Frankfurter Bier, ' QUARTS AND PINTS, " MAOKVY UKD QEIBEMHK1M DEHE KIIKIM. BEST LAGER IMPORTED. CHAS D. MYERS & CO., B A 7 North Front St, Hock and Rhine Wines, DEIDK8HEIMER, HUDE8HF.IMF.R, HO0K11EIMEH, LIEB-FRAU-MILCH, 8AUTEKME8, CLARETS, , SPAKKLINO CATAWBA AND BURUUNDX, BROWN AMU PALE SHERRIES, Flneat Uare Old Brandlea and Wine., I Vlutage. JHM to 'C8. Flneat, Rarest, Largest, Mo.t Varied and Coetly Stood of Fine Good, erer ottered In North Carolina, CHAS. D. MYERS CO., Importer, and Dealer., ' 8 A! North Front 8 1, may 10 ! Horse Wanted. Any one baring a HORSE, and no uae fo him during tbe Summer month., can bar the tame well taken ear or by applying at tbll oflloe or addrewlng B., P. O. Look-Box 4TO. junel J3Mf , NEW AD VERTISEMEX TS. 45. 45 MARKET BROWN & We are itill adding to our KxtenHWe Ansortw cntof 4 ' mmvM DRY GOODS. Biiing fully aware that small profits mnke quink returns, we have marked our whole sUiok so that any and every one ran plainly, see we arson earnest And moan bnameap. We only tlosiro those who are iu want of anything in oui line to irive us a call in order to antisf themselves. (Ve are never allowing our gixkls, or of oomparing tiution to the following list : STRIPED SUMMER SILKS reduced to fi'JJ Cents. " Itlark Jleruaniea ami Oreuadinos from 18 Cent. " u . : Colored Stripe and Figured Ureua lines 16 2 3 cents. . . . . Orey Da Hugos 20 Cents. Our HtiK-k of Dress Goods is. latere and wo olTor tlimn as low a. lim nkn h i. i.ii.. ii '"'"K"i iu but huiuutu market, , , ,.j OKNTH rrJIINIHIIIlSC. DKPA11TMENT. Whito Drtms Shirts. Cuffs. Collars. Jean Drawers. ObojiB nnrThiirnMa; ihli Half Hose, ltleaciied aud Htriocd such a Department. IJNKN AND Bleached and Unbleached Damasks Linen Diapers, lkmom and l'illow Case and Rath Towels, Napkins, Doilies, BUr liAUiuji iiUHiKUi, ul.uvi;m AN UAUZE UNDERWEAR. L'lama Lnne SiM'qnes and Prtttitu ; Lace Shawls 75 otfl., bargain ; Striped ' id I'lain HLetland Hhawls : Nottinchhm fox Curtains: Maehina Naadlea Knta. an each. Solo Agents for FRANK LESLIE'S rAI'ER rATTEIlNS. ( , ; r. i BROWN & RODDICK, may ill MORE PARTICULARS J MY ASSORTMENT OF SPREailluuiS IS K0W COMPLETE IN ALL THE DIFFERENT, LINES. My customers hnvo shown their appreciation of my LOW rRIOES by Uiei liberal purchases, for which I'm thankful STRANOERS not posted, and desiring tho valito of their money, ean AT M. M. KATZ'S, aprllrt ' -: SOL, BEAR & BRO'S, 20 Market Street. CLOSING OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK ' OT DRYGOODS . AT OUR RETAIL STUUE I Cl-reat Bargains ! 1 J-4 LINEN SHEKTIJNO from 70 St, and tl 11 per yard. Mocamblquce 7 eta. per yard, ' V' SWISS MUSLIMS, SflO Down Linen Toweli and Mapkln.,' ' , L 77 Irtah and tieman Linen bliirtiaga,'--- .,, . ., , .,. jtmDrto Ktwdkaroblafai MATTINGS, White and Colored. SO Pieces LINEN for Ladle. Traveling Dreeae. and Bor. wear. Large aMortnentot Panama and BtrawHaU fur Children and lien. , We will commence on Monday to aell the abore and will continue dally until the whole atoek la eloeed out, a-Ladle, are reroeetfuIlT tnrlted to call and examine our .took, a. we know It wilt re pay them. '"' ' 1 f; !. In future we Inten I to oonflne our baalneM to Cloililng and Merchant Tailoring. Enquire Within AT THS- ' ''"' ""'' CITY BOOK STORE For anjtlilng jon want In our line. . Although we aell for lca tban any other kouae, our good, are of the rery beat quality. Awl If you wish to get bargain glre iu a trial. Books and Stationery OF ALL KINDS. . ALSO i'' ' ; " ' f 1.1 '!;- ilh.r ii.01 ,-ll'. v Musical Instruments. " . . ,-M v ,i .... -.-i .. ,. . , i ... &o.( &c,t eo. at . . ' Condlcy 4 Yateb.' 47 Market Street , may 80 1 45. RODDICK tfietn with any. We call particular at- ' i- , " " J - e( i do., iu faoi nvnrrthino- thai knlnnm A ., DOMESTICS. in l'owar and narnl Iinm flnllnfi an.t Linona, Linen Sheetings, Chamber ' Linens, Crashes, Ao. .,, 45 Market Street:; :: US i , .i i e J.i.f ; ' -liif i'i4 I , i ; i ; i.. i i - i y '-i V il t. . . got it by calling " , i .!.... i 36 Market St. , .:':.-,. . , ... ( The Virginia L.x BUFFALO SPRUIGS Mecklenburg County, Virginia, THE GREAT MEDICINAL WATER OF'THrSOUTH.; , , ; OPEN 20ra MAY, 1875.' a . ' Tbeae waterl are poaeeaaed Of extraordinary c uratl re powera In alteotion. of Uie KIUAIKY.i and Br,l)lKlt, In all'dcrangnhtenta of the lilLIAKVT OHUAKN Incident to warm ralae- matlo rrglotia, In DyspOjafa, in Dial- oasea poullar to Woman, u Chronic. Intermittent aud Remit tent Fevere, in Chronic Conorr. hoea, Secondary Syphlila. Gleet. and all illaeaaea or the Oenltal OrftmnB, ' andliiaome frrm.of Qoutaud Rheums tlsm, Thrir remarkable power and elltcacy lo toe lUaeaaea Indl.ated are-roiMhed for by aomeof the moat (ILtlnnulihed, medical men of the country, both North and South; a. well ' ' a. by reported cane, rrom the, moat anquee tlonablA aourdfs. Teatlmonlalir in Pamphlet form tnrntahed ou ai'pUcation, TUB WA'i'KBi KOK BALE. , . . The waur laps tap In aaan F onedoatta ; half gallon Dottl at id lr caae.- Route) to theSprlnvs for thefSouth!.By ' war of tU Kioninand and AUauia A'r Llua ,f Railroad to Hco(tburg Depet In Hall rax countr, Virginia, wli.re all trains axe met by ocaclii'j lor the Sprl Jga 1 mile, dl.tant 1 ' THOotASP. 'GOOnr3,' " aii4aa.aa , it aid X'tvmtWot. . a The ' Wilmington "and Coast . , Turnpike, Company. TJOOK9 OF 1 SUBSCRIPTION TO.. THK : Capital Stock or this Oompaay bar been opened by the nuderalgned eonatltutlng tha Committee for that purpose, ' appointed at tha .I I.' . i I,) , i " f I recent meeting of the Corporator, named la the act of Incorporation, and imay(be found at the eererai Bank, of the. city, aad at tha Par- : eel! Heuee. ! ryJ T.iJ.AOUTHXRLAMOa ' . ... .Committee. may 27 t kt M w. V" ' AT? J..: -.M JSffLSi Tor andfH oceapvu ni "VJw.iiMrrT Slav Herentli, oeiwenn Term, readable. R HAAR, Grocer, Comet 7th and (Jhertnut Btreett. may ST, ( . ' I s. .'I (

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