-1 A. v ' 1 o .oTon.:jr. V - M i 1 e.T8I .0 .YA3XU3 -IT I -iHli'I t ,V!ul M JJf:f VOL XXIV. NO. 135. uinnnoToir. n. c. suhday. juite 6. 1875. ..i-.n.i 1 s 1 i-..!-.,..,r'; II II'; I I ' I i i , 7.M,-..7f.'lT J WILMINGTON. X,Ctt.' - SUNDAY. JUNE 6, 1875. . i r. : , BY TELEGRAPH. gotiiam. TIIE SWEDENBOR 3IANS IN SES Si ON.' COUNTY TREASURERS FORE STALLl3$ flkCf IplNGrfi ; f jfEppMfl fars; races, s; ; ?OWERS GRANTED TIIE ERIE Virw Yrmir Jim A nual Conveution i pf , the.' avedeuboi. Kian Church iH iu Bewtioo. The Ireatmrer of Duttrherfs coimty has remitted the amonntiiUH from him to the Comptroller, aud the Attoruey Generat has notified the Treasurer that alt proceedings against hirn have bm-n aiHCoutmui'il. The Treasurer pt, Richpion J county alno Bayslw Iim remitted llnbalnuoe due from h;ro. ' - " ' Nkw YoKi.'Brie SNiglit--Oii the petition f HitgH 4L Jewell,! rciver i of the Erie Railroad Company, Judge , Douohofl,' of tu Birpniaae Court, Tjrs granted an order empowering the re ceiver to pay; Ihe ,te and charges npon the premises add to Vrdik the coal mines referred to in. 1h petition, to perform any lawful contracts and to selj the BecuHie8 wlien So judg ment the interests of all partioN will be pron)tei nerjiBy; AiJ . -i New York, June 5 Night Rev. E. r. Walton, of Georgia, is on the hxw utiye Nati Tin First raoe foraDurse of 8100 three- fourth mile flail), ,wa wpf fcy Jltidge by two lengths; Mate second; Inspira tion third; B. F. Carver fourth; Min- nia Mao fifth, and 8earcher last. u.:.,.i.;fi a;a ni aid limn 1 17i urtiuutuv uiu uub nmi v i1"" The following was the closing pooli Searcher $450; Madge $150; Mate$315; Spindrift 005; Inspiration $125; B.F. Carver $105; Minnie Mao $55. Total $1,565. Second race was for Fordam Handi cap, Bweepstnheejfor 50ach, H.F.; only $10 irdeflltrrecrby"t&e20th of May, with 500 added; seoond boree to reoeiViMli&Al thstkket Cue mile and a quarter with fifty-three nominations. Wild Idle won by two lengths; Spindrift 2nd and Preak ness 3rd. piptfTvy Ot&r, Lelaps, A&tMeoi'ToBie B., Canboo, Sumner f d lAidUbbtiValsd ran;, time; 2:12. The closing pools on the seoond race were Wild Idle, '$250; Preakness, $900; JoewB.!$300t Butritor, P20; the field, $410;. total, $2,980. .. Third raoe was for Withers' stakea, for 3. year olds, $100 each. L,T,,, with $1,000 added; second' horse to reoeiveg'200 out of the stakes of 1 mile. Aristides won by two lengths, Chesapeake the 2nd and KS&dtfiBaia&upi tli :3rd fol lowed by aiftjt.'Wsr wio.BobJWookley, Withers; 'Gladiator attagUa,' filly; Lord Zetland.i Ascension, Invoice, Dartnagan, Matadore,od Joo Cernori The fourth race yas for a purse of JOOOmaidons allowed if three years old, 3 pounds; if four years or up wards, 5 pounds; one mile and three fourth. ' Springbook Won by 2 lengths; Milner seconl; Bigfellow, third; Big Sandy fourth; Dpntybroak fifth; time 3:12. The fifth 'race was fof 'a ptrse of $500. the wiaoar. 'to be sold at auc tion for $1,500; if entered to be sold for $100 allowed five pound; if for $750, seven poundsj; if for $500, ten second; Mattie W.( third; The Hoaxer fourth; and Light Heels 5th; time 3:45. ..J.I.Ujfc i fi tin ' ' ' .' ' JJ.fi V Jill MXXfO THE 47,000 DOLLAR TREASOliY THEFT. ' . ' THE INDIANS RETlfR' TO THE y-Vl. WE8T.i.l'l l i;''!."'-- WAsmilbTqirr ' ffund : 5 Night The detectives are still bliad regarding the $17,00theflfrorrithe T:ea8U.ry. The genUmW.iia the .cash, room express themselves as in a painful state of sus pense. Spiuner is worn out by anxiety. J01MyWnqefjW:oorijrvrutJr!BU to the Department of the South. The IiipiMleJ'at llIntatiar Department this morning to say good bye to the Commissioners, when a shorf interview took lape after which they left, and they ar xpeoted ' to starfc'.for" their' homes to-night; the Cheyenne Indians goiDg t by way of New York, where they will stop for a few days. .The- 'agents -'return with them, 'thdugh it iB Understood that the lestgmiotf'lageut Saville is at the4ipp0Blotrie:Dprimenti, TUU A NOVEL' ' AND'1 INTERESTING .OOO.CASEi: A TA'THER " 'dHARGED " WITH KIDNmiNQOHlS rOWN (,,.0UILDREN..'.'. Baltimore, Md., June C Night. Jaoohjhreiner., ?l Savannah, iQa, was arresMd in this cify yesterday, on a telagram reoeived by the Marshal of Police bf BftltJiaore from; the Chief of Polioe 'of Savannah, charged with kid napping" bWwtr children, agd rer apeotively foiir and . ix years. After investigating the case. Marshal Gray,, of tbfr oitynhftjrM'ea Mr.: Sohro'iuer that he wssno. longer detninod and he was releasetl with Ib f tb.iQXe',:,'h morning the children,' on a writ of habeas oorptis Bued out in this city by ft lav firm of thia City, acting as cgua-. Committee of ttobwetlguoprgian (MI IQitfrfeiltfohL ! , Hi I I I '4eV Clilbf begaif ttvctay. 1 seljor the gandfatber of the children, ho wihhed to detnin them, were im nght before Chief Judge Brown "aiiir, afte r a hearing, were remanded to the cnlv of the father, Mr. Serirriuer.' 4 Ou" leaving the court, the father was again arrested on a warrant isKUl liy a Justice of the Peace, charged with kidnapping his children, aud tbey were again released, after which. protoctd by the city oliieiala, tb lather went to Locust Toiut and uled for Europe with his children ou tho Branuchweig. From the evidence it seems the grand parents, whoreside iu Savannah, were opposed to the father takinsr his children with him to Eiirope.aud through the telegraph and writ of habeas corpus and Baltimore lawyers, attempted Uiflir, delay. The case is novel and important. ' TKXAS. HIE TROUBLES ON THE a o r ?, I CAN FRONTIER. MEX- Galveston. June 5 Nieht A sie- ciatdisputeh to the News from Browns ville,says that General Fivero, who was recently at Monterey, is on his wiiy to this frontier, of which be is to have command. His foro-s iuclude two regiments of cavalrv, with orders to cJii'Ck. raiding upon lexuH. General Cortiua positively refuses to olwy the order directing him to re port iu person at the City of Mexico. He soys he resigned and is now a cit- lzen. ilis friends are circulating a putition to the government to let him (Cortina) remain in authority ou tho Ino Urandu. , .' 5 ; ; U . i The appearance of Texas Stato troops on the Rio Grande produced great excitement among the people on the Mexican Hide.. . , .. - i Resident of ranches above Matnu- tas have organized to resist invasion and have placed sentineln at the cross ings of the river and roads. The cuttle drivers are much alarmed,, : Some prominent oitiaens ;have gone to Mu- tuoKas for beonrity and protection. ' ELECTIHC'ISMS.' ' At Dardanelle. Texas, D. P. Cloyd, one of the editors of the Independent, killed R. W. Wlshart. The alfray was caused by Cloyd's reflecting on Wis- nart, who was a prominent lawyer ana member of the Legislature. . Bv the explosion of the boiler ol an engine on the Cincinnati & Cleaveland Railraad Friday tiftbt: Thomas Lark ing, engineer, was killed and Jos. Lee, a tireinan, mortally and an engineer named Thomas Rauahan severely in-' ared. ' The Superior Court will hear tne New Hampshire Senatorial question Mooduv, allowing two boars to eacn sidd. The Court will receive briefs at anytime before the decision is reached. riLNXSYLVAMA. THE TROUBLES OS THE IN- T" CREASE. - SiiENAsooAH, June 5 Noon Per sons in ambufili attack women. i Mobs ( are sppreuendea everywnore. At a mass meeting of the workingmen it was resolved to continue the strike, money and previsions being guaran teed. An attempt was made to burn Holt's Hotel, coal having been thrown arofind the premises. rorrsviLLE, June 5. NiRht Three more raiders died from wounds in Saturday's skirmish. The , situation is unchanged., ! THE HltE FIEXD ' Machias, Mainb, June 5. Noon. Au incendiary fire here this A. M., de stroyed the Catholic Church, and par sonage,' residences of Nathan Long fellow and Dr. Poal.ody, several small building and barns, and one hundred aud fifty thousand foet of lumber. Loss $25,000. ' 1 EUIIUPE. TWENTY THOUSAND PIOUS PIL- iti'M ...'.uiolttMst SABALLS REPULSED AT BLAN CO. Paris, June 5 Noon- Twenty thousand pilgrims visited the Shrine at Paray Lemorial yesterday, The Archbishops of Paris and New Orleans and other distinguished prelates were present." w '"" ., Madbid, June 5Noon The Car-t lfst General Saballs, with (wo thous and men, attacked Blanco and was re pulsed with a loss of sixty killed, .. . Children's Colored Shoes, Just received direct from the Mftnafiictor. a Hue awortmeut of Children'. Butt', Broar.e and Blstik Slim, ot all ft.e., with and wlttiout lieclH,, AIno OeuU Hiuid Sowed iio-lo and MaoliW-sewpd lvr yuatter Shoe.. Ladies Gaiters and Hlljipcra In great varljty " 1 ' 0. A. PRICE'S, ho. 82 Mark, t SUeet. . Grain Cratllcs, - Grouiitl Pea Sweeps. 1 ; THE NIXON PAT 1 EllN. . M The onlr genuine Nixon Pattern fl weep In the market. Can only bo found at the 0:d Katablibd ,H animate llnnw qt Mob. It, 20 and 111 Market Btreef . may 30 We Have Now in Store' rjlHB BK8T LOT OP,MES'3 AND WO nivn'a eTery day 8HMS, .nch Men. hirt Kl Brogan. and Womra'i Boll' and Pebble Bain and prices low. PerKmi In want of tlnce . . .. .... i Quods, atlQ'csHl orj-qtnll, wlj dowell to call and ee them. ,', 'Alwaya a fo: Mft)lyor JRiit;fvtfM, Mime, aud Clilldrens 8hoe. on Tbanfl. ' " j. 1 ' ' pBtitofss StIiKt. " I EVAAS & YonULAHN. L any 23 MARRIED. In Slih". Towmhlp, Daylla rounty.n lb iu uit.. iit ninua n. utxlv.KM.. Mr.AN- ! MU.l.KK, r K4Utbur(lk, oatmad, to M i MaoiANA,Uu4liteto JiT. K.bU ciiuasia Minnr. DIED. , in ih. Uy, Btlnrdiiy rtniani,M tt MlB- urr w i oio.i, .lEaaic u.. In I ux Ma ol r).u w.j. KltUeA. t'.Btou.nwHjur, The rantrij MrvlcM will kald Uth fMl deni ol Ciit. fan ton, earner M fraal awt km-k itrMU. IUU (iwdf) artumoM. at o'clock, ttauw to UakiUto Cen.tery ' T iriomi. im1 MquaUitan m of u fun 11; IntlillrT,Bkt4rtyrteninM. m M mm- ulu taiVeloah. KAT1R, d. miliar l JuHa n i i ronna rieai, Kfcti b jr, Boata ana m days. 1 he f.n'ral aarTtcM aril) b brM at lh reM deuoe of .laam Flaot, oraar of Proal an4 Or auK errMta, ally o'clock, tbaWSuadav) ni! thfnoe to Oaldalo I'-ame'err. Tb.frlaad an. I ai'qiulntaaocaol tho family ara reaped iiuj uiviKHi iu annua. NEW ADVIRTI85MINT8. OREXIL'S VIENNA COLOCNK. OKUKaSceiiU,60ccnlanulper bottle. H;r llroilie, a lrg arlM. i l.uhln'. I oliet Powder and Extract. Tooth KriKbiM. , t t few.lfr fum. 1'wbmrre ftoqti.t Soap. 1 'rug ail i hcm'calaof eretj daacrlptlou. , Koratla low b OUaBN A FuANNKt, Jusel l)rug(it. PLUG TOBACCO INKCW T09A0OO8; CIOAK3 Ir lot. ami quantltletto aalt r- Ul n and ooiuuiUHra. D. PICOTT. t . i i i . i . . 1 1 lao- na . ; i ; . i , i Sweeps-Swfceps. DICKJON COTTON -SWEEPS ... either with or wlthoui itoekaj j , ALlAhU COTTON SWBKP8 ! '. , MAO NOLI COTTON OB COBM 8WEKr QltOtfSU fXA SWEEPS, (NIjwb PattoiB.) All above for aala low by . , QUMIf MUBOHI80N. , Jnnel . . ., MS .. Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, Hymnals, Testaments, &c, .'Hit. si ' : -i m .' v At CITY BOOKSTORE. Janet . - f,r, '130 Binding very dMortpuan dont vtatiy sail elieap . At Conoley & Yateo. 47 Market Street. Junet tSB Rooms for Rent. i -. - . t ... ... JJKSIBABLB TINrCENISnUD ' BOOMS fot tent on Market ltreet, ever Srown St Bad- dlek'a. Apply oa tha aramleea. June t ItVtf CORN, MEAL, RICE AND FLOUR." OAAA BUBHKLS OOBN, 6VVU BOO - . M bbkv too . Water Ground Heal, Kloa, flour. For aalt by ' RBUbRHRR CAU)IB BROS. June t 135 - Bacon. Lard and -Salt. BOXES I). S Bide and thonlder.. , Ml Smoked Side, sad haulden, 60 ' ' Tuba !ard, S,000ackl tlyerriool salt. " " ' ' "' ' " , For .ale by KEKObN(B A CAtOEB BROS, junet ,'; , 135, COFFEE, JUCAR, CANDY AND CAN- 150 ,A0K corTiS' V) hbll Inirar, ....... S hbd. Dnmarara 8 agar, MboxeiOandy, 80 " Candle.' Portal by KXROUNCB OALOBB BROH. 1'JIie t -, H ! , .. . 135 .: TOMATOES, PEACHES,' OYSTERS . AND SARDINES. 25 OASKB 2 and I lb. Tomatoea, a. . ., t and S lb. Peaebaa, lib 1 and I lb. Clyatei . It Bardi'te.. .Forialaby ... ,. KEROBNEB ACALDEB BBOrV Juntt. ! -. Li-.". . V. W 5 Cents a Ride. JKOM and after thia data, Street Oar fare will be 5 CENTS a rldo. F. O. SINQLETART, .a 1, i !" ' Sopsrhitttideiit. .' 185-11 U i. June 8 KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE fPHAT In price for 'j) OLOTHINGr Wa era tar below th marktt 1 a ALtACA COATS. LINEN CQATS, l'ANlS..0r CAflsrMEBE AND X ! " LINE" t,.'-x"'' telling very low, 1 11 - ,)...-...'. 1- MUNSON & CO, ! COT CLOTHIERS, i Junes UB-tf J NEW ALVISTISEaZNTS. Headquarters Cape Fear ; Light Artillery. j WiLaiaoToa, Jan tth, IKS. Attention Hembers ! MBKT1NO of year Battery will b bald O. oalaamay .ning. waa iu ma., at w vwva. juu. saw... j w . fall and prompt attaadti.ee la oaaataatlad, a baalnaaa at laaportaao wlU b brooglit balwr im uoiapuy. : By order f tb Caprala. O. H. HARRIS, I ' : Orderly nrgnant. Jonat ! ' U&it 010,0100,0500, 01000 VrXIN raallaa ! arottawhaa taraat' arottawhea taTwt- i. ulreulara, eontaln W 4 la Stock Prl.il. gea. Olreulara, eonU U.g full etplanattoaaf toe mode ml oparaUi aud quotallea piloa at' all Stock dealt In, U.g full etplanattoa af toe mod f oparatlng, auu Uia NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE, asm fre oa application to BIMONSON, BARREIRAS & CO., hanker. A Broker.. Opp. P. T. Stock Eubange. Wall it., M. Y. Junet JM ODiiljAwly Soda Water. OB OOI.I) BOOA WATER for l by 1 JAMES 0. MUNDS, ' irugiilrt, Third Street. Onnoaltn Olty Hall. PreaorlpUou Oiwipouudud at all boar., day or night. juaa 135- Uusical Instruments- 'i - ' . piANOS, OUOAN8, MBI.OD1AN8, UU1- tart, Tlollna, Banjoe with lngl and doubl bead, Flu tea, Aooordeoo, Uarmonlcau, 3(0., You can alway. Ond a larg aaaurtment to aelect from at HEIUSBERCER'8 Lira Book and Uaalo Storw. janat 135 ( ORDER ( piTt WATEK 0 ROUND MEAL, tdlted. Mm ptloa aieam groasil j don't tak a few bag from Inferior torn lutendaa toba Bracked a a fair asmpl of our ntaal, Batlafactlon guaranteed. uun da union, Jnnat -t-4i.i.it-. ........... ibb-. . V Attention 1 IBB moat direct rout to tba - I . ; LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN THE CITY, tilt Bloat Ityllan Bt tnd molt reawnabl prloe laadt to N. ST, Market Street, filothlug mad to ordtr in tea latnt Par Ulan faab Ion and Mew fork tylt, and at price to anlt tb time, Cat oat, eont all, an4 SU1TBD at r V- ' :!". .... A DAV1IM. Janet --i.-.-, ... .1 .. 1M Our Fresh Crisp TTIL.K BISCUIT r only II tetiC t pound. Aa Arrti vAT-a-pnn ' Mnw-x Family Soda Bleooltar only Vl entat pound r mWehavb Ml 100 Tint Peek Frean Blacolt, tOO Tint AlMrt Bltetit, J ' H f with tvaryothar variety of new and old rtylet In market. ' All ftah tnd low prised. CHAS.D.MtEIiS&CO.; t ATNorthFrontBt. Jont t , 195 Champion & Peerless AUNDRY SOAPS, perfumed and wrapped, M and f5 cent a doaen block.. ' , CHAS. D. MYERS k CO., 5 4 7 North Front St Jantt .: 115 According to Agree- ment TfTBcloae our B ora vry Tning during the week , noept Baturday.at T:30 for th Sum. gaer month, and wa will thank oar patron to aaad tn tielrord.r. at early In th day aipot- ilble. Kcepeotfully, ' CHAS. D. MYERS 4 CO., S and 7 North Front Stret. 185 Jonet Bacon. Forkf Sugar and 'Coffee n - 75 Boxes D. S. Sides k Shonlders, ' : 75 Boxes Smoked Sides and Sboul . -,4 ' , , ders, ... 50 Bbla. Prime Mees Pork, 100 Bbls, IteOned Sngar, ( 100 Bags Prime Rio Coffee, ".For sale low by WILLIAMS 4 MUBCHISON, Flour, Rice, Hay and :r; - Syrup. ; ; ;i,000 Bbla. Flour all grades, 50 Bbla. Whole Rioe, . 600 Bales Prime N. R. Hay, . . 100 Bbla. S. H.6yrnp,. r For sale low by ; WILLIAMS 4 MTJBCHISON. Hoop Iron. Clue. Spirit . Casks. Nails and Corn. s 500 Bundles Hoop Iron, ' 1 ' 100 Bbla. Glue, 800 Seoond Hand Spirit Casks, 400 Kegs Naila, 6,000 Bushels Prima White Corn. For aale low by ' " r. WILLIAMS 4 MURPHISON, mmlavaawa! Irtqluaaaa t nelaaae ISO Hhill and Bbl- NewCrop Cuba, tor aale low by I WIL.lilAUS Ct MUKUUIHUM.' .1 f Oaatio! IM Ton Eureka Ooano, . UO! " Onnap " j For al low by ' WILUAM4 A MUECBI80M.' JW AIYERTI3IMENTS. Notice to Depositors. Tba Boaid of IHrt-eton. of Wtlrnl-i!t.n Tmrt Oominy aud Ma.ingaHavk dr.ir to cluaa lia allaliiaaapaeOll, aa rawibla. Oeiwltor will pl.aa pr.aent th.lr Pajaj-Hook, aud witlidiaw tlieir money wltboat lurUi.r delay. r. M. KINO, Onlir. Juntt Staroopy. I U M TE1KS, SADDLES AUD , HARNESS, TrarallBg Bag.. Datrhela, Bkawl HJtrana, Whl, Sj.ura, baddle t luiha, Fealh.r Uuatara, Dollar a, rtame., swidimy iiaruwara, 1 eatn.r 4UI uraaa, aua an ainua 04 oanuiery noou. CARPENTER 1 MALLARD. No. I South ;rrout Htraet, Wilmington. N. may to iiv-u Spirit Casks. gKQ SPIRITS OA8K8, Baoaad Hand t'nunlry and Ne Tort. For aale low by DsROSSET & (X).. June I !- Mosquito Nets, Moaqult Net, - . Mmqulto Nat, - -MoKjulto Nata, ' a 00 a 00 , A Bt) Momjiillo NU, . : For aalo b 1). A. SMITH A CO. June R tui tf ) ; THE GRAND , Family Excursion. Utdr tba auiploe of the Young Oalbellq Friend. Society, which wa. nereMarlly pt- pond from May th, will eertaluly takt plai on TUESDAY, dun 8th. TO i 8M1TBV1LLR ANI HETURN rlV STEAMIR GOV. WOHTH.' ! r .. ., .i . TUe tloketa, the number of which I poal tlvely limited, will he tl 00 aah lor gentlemen tnd 50 cent each for lady or ohlld, , ai N ntrltnoa lliiuor will be allnweVl 0 board, lo cream, anndwl.lit.. ootle.: Am will lie anrTl at oily price.. , Tb boat will leav tha wharf, foot of Mar ket .treat promptly at o'clock.. noa MuM. ha. bean engaged for tb oouaalou, 'l beUom mltt'fl raaune the right 10 .iclud all objeo- t Inn able proi. watti may o aroouraa at in .torea or 0, . Allen, L. Brown and j. H. Modarlly A Co, may DO 1V-ni:ill,3,S,s M. CRONLY. Auctioneer, i . ,,,bt anhj AMOriais," ,: Valuable Ileal Estate at .0(1".! . 1.1:1 Hi vlrtna f Mreral mortgage from John K. Migeit ana who, the Mecnaniri ct Hulldingatnl Loau AaaaolaUon. will aetl for sarh by J wlaUonwIil at Eiehanm rn 11 bile Auction, at Ki.hanga Uorner. In tha city of Wllttiihgton, on TUKSrur, June kli, lelfi. at 11 o'eloek A. M.', thai valuable- J HOUSE AND LOT, 83 i CO,1' '', tltuated npon Uieiouth lda of Mulberry, ba twead Frontand Second ttraelt. . - Taaai Uaah. 'i may It lit tt-May 16,M,BH,Ju Mt. COVERED, t -.r"a: h.i,. EXTRA SUGAR-CURED rV .'r t : PIQ HAMS, BreaWaat Strips, . :-n I J Bngar-Ctiretl Shoulders, ' j . .-. . Extra Mess Mackeral, !.':.(! li .1 I I.Tr.lii'l ' I Salmon 4 Goorgo'a Bank. Codflflb. Atr- GEO, MYEBS, ' ( 11 anil li South Front St. I I : it-..t.i NEW COOKED Families going to the i Sound sbotiW lay in supply. ' 1 ' ' i tn- i-.i , -f1. : Introdnoed fcy as and genuine only ; guaranteed and sold, by ., ,., ; 0150, MTER8,' , .11 and 18 South Front St, ThiflTiinth ik Nw Process Empire Flour. : Our ImmenM aale I be bent avlilcnoo wo offer before a trial; and, after once u.ing HI yon are oonvinr.au Deyona a annul aim wn, alwaysvMlltndiitothor. s 6 'l'Oi Best Butter In th World! . ' . Best Butter In the World ! ,! , Best Butter in the Word 1 Just In and only for al by ;...; , OEO.MYCRS. ff U A 18 South Kronl ntreAi .-may SO - 1H9 ' i M. CRONLY," Auctioneer i law rinXxrt . unilfttv - lH Iron Safes, Furniture and Fix tyres Of the Wilmington Trust Co. Savings Bank Lt: : A.xJCTioisra . The abort corporation having eloaed IU allalr, we will on TUKSDAY, Jano 8th, 175, at II o'clock A.- M , anil niKn the tiremlM. ( Market, between Front and B.oond itreata), their entire lnriUry of " ' ' ' ; 8afes, Furniture & Fixtures, Wall worth r ot tha attention f, and. aiamtna- .. uoa oy.tuoa in want. :i ...i. Wa tnunwrato i , hif,, .,-, t A flreand Burglar Froof "Mar.ln" Hare," A"UlH"8afe, . .'. Oouoter, Black Walnnt Top, lth Tron Ball, Two Black walnut counter ue.k rt, One Mahogany Stand rMk, Black Walnut "Director'" Table, Itfectl " One Black Walnut Table, .... .. .,..., i ... Klght Black Walnut Office Ohalra, ; . I Two Black Walnut Hall Chslri, Black walpatttar.tiaek. ...... i,:.,w?.f Blaok Walnot (look Oaa, , ,. , One Mirror, Marble Blab Bracket, A kfn , I mttmw um Hlacll WjilllUt Mtattd. Una rhiperlor Eight Day OalemiaT Ulutik. ......, u.iil.,. nil ninth. Bui. Hniltoona. h. Ifnaaat, uaa r uiuk., vwiu, U wkiVfrfrnttaM ( af ttf iifV make1 and trnlxh to order, and nrast and will ba cold to oloao -iikmit .uar A. ' luaal ' "' i . ,1 wr jwui.i w EDDIItU OAanMautdTISfriNV CBaaB h; wwvauiavy v.f iua , IE W - ADVIBTlSlMiS T3. ' 1 ' j: BEOWN & . llavo duttirmined to N U-JI.I.M: '13 '11 V ' " -'at GREATLY , REDU 11 s111"' MONDAY, "J UNE '7TH; ' Homo grout 'Bargains will' utTolTurml. tfi llitii 1afai1a u liili1tit rraHriAkri&llw mv wvtuH tj mu uhhiiv Kmwwir " i ' .. A.-.. h 1. a -ml I it.l.i !f lit ; .1 ( I ti (I'li'i-r. (11.. ( lU l.l jll'l.ll.Hul One Price. 1 ' t III II 1H V in I si'iiii ...... li.. 1: i I- ) ' 'if- K . Mil, Hi I 1itU.1l ,v iuiiti;Mr.t.m , , , , ,. ' j iK'lltli.'nloil (lii1J.'H ''!' '. -! '' . 'i - BROWN & RODDICK, .l,i..H Ji 1 nr. 11 fl y-nil ly ...IH r..M.ii...r.i uu 1 IT - T'VT' V I IK I 4-f.au V V-B-J t V. '.Mil V ,1! .1 njl .1 - MMIM V)!i1jii1 ,( nMfmm Ui. 1.. v.i.,'.l..f. '..ii i OT',ASS'OimiENT.i!Dfi,,auii id Wilt Jrt..fi s'lt'.H (it II il l ",Ylll.I!llii:5HIU .-,tj-.'ili-4J Jt jj im.fl Kit ilii!l'i'(l'i .tl J4IIIMHIjj'il.l mill 1U T.') ' V'.u ' hi .ll.lll.) Mil l - ! I'll uil t) luilil I -in; ifltn"! v.l I" MI at umu ouimu !- l. I mil .tiinil U JiiiIJ .niil.t ri'Mil5j ,. ,. .i i (A III U.'itinil t11lilil .'!! Il'illiil. fiiiiiliiili.;4 iit iitiii(liiliiiii(i M mil'ili titl lll'il JiillJIKttil "I fjil. fill ... lil 1 1 il. i.l l'.i .1 My onstomers bats shown their tppMdstion of my LOW PRICES U mtt ' , Hi ...i,,..!.,,..,,-! 1 ...;..,...l.tadi, .J ' OHhulutUTotJum-tim.lUin I -I'lfdllUMl-l 'nil liberal pnraliaaeaj Sot which lta, tliankull STItANOIERa trot postei, jsaii "ill ' " t ui t-u ,ji Mil I mU Inn lia ,'himmm Jnitrii(ia Aifl lo aowniqis InlfUuM deniring tM (UQt il nmmM get t j oal fcjfl lM W(lJ ,t) 1Io(ij baM ; j ;; n.i-K.t,, T ; : .Imt.la.lHi.m.IuiUiril lo " I i 4..i ,ii l.iiil ill . : 1 1 i Imum lulu .'iliit.iil I .I,,...,, i'tti nil! i. niiiMnnini lulilJini V j trill V ' WW""""1" ''". ATT ; V ' "l j ' -; i in., . i. , .lii,. . 1 1. u iuvi.!ir,l. lif.lil nM I ui mil liiuliilm luiultMl VrIiiLuH JUlT ill r,...l ' Jiull , ' ' ' '- ' ,V itt ,fillf't aprll It , i .! 1 SOLi'BEIlR-EBBO'S (' 'i i Imtl i .liilll l iIlil)..iM ... ' i r.m II .liilll 1 illMMilM ... 7..HHH Mil I lilij - S.ll.iili (JIiiHIliI M'4 KtiM ,ti rf.nti il'jff i'ill I-nit 71! ,.!i.im! ) .il CiDSINOr OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK T i . i, .1 i..(.Kinm iii.li i... -in .l 'ii" ,' hi ui,.i mil.! ,! h',ii itii.'iililn flCliiO :liinrl ""a ...ii DHYGOODJf i l.iHi lum .ili.lin r, il'. iJ ..iii-'.l " "" I ! otTB itM:iit,''iitoV:,,1-t ! (li .1); li u !. ii. .".in..', il twM i;l " - li t!l .1lf III ,1 14-4 WNKKSidjcjiAIM ffll'V"!- Sl la per yard.,.;, j ',','.(, ,u , MoianiblqueaT ol. per yard, Y' ! ,1-iH-ti mi i.i.i " .... i J I'MiJl'.l ti too Down Moan Towel atd Wiipkla,.ii!. . ) .m ilru and Oeitaan Mnn bhlrtltg," -''"II 'lll i'okhibrlHavoTterl!lilo1V IIAtVlria!t','WMi wj'oioMof,? " , SO .Fleoet XINBN to tadlom .Vaaeallrig X)taead B'oyiroar.'i'i"' V i ,; Ur g'aiwrttnnt of Panama ta' Straw Halif for jldron and Meo,riji , j'.,, . We HfJI cowHienQ. 0". Monday to ;aU th abov and wllliCoutlPM dally imtU tba. ythola lock l eloaad (OUt.n, i ,iij iT ) K-mi.ti i t- Udtet ; are . rMiiautfnlly I IniitaoV a rail and a)nt out ttooki a i ;, know it ina paythMid r.iu I.-.U l !ti" i' I'1 I""' " In tuture w ntp I taoonfloo our i uin to Clothing Bfwl Merchant JTatlorlng, i , 1 1 lilSIlt IllilK '.'' rr O Montav roornlnn, JanJth,at lOo'olook,: t .will ef lout the .,,. ( ,i',,lt r,.-,,nlU I STOCK. OF tGROCERlKS lit tfae Stort W B.''t)eVy,, Airoht;,on Second ! !.! ,tre(vln unmeiuiooav. '' (.' M i Alo a Ftnt Tir,'Wen-to1re;'lJ ""'' GOATS, WAGON ANrrrTBltJTESS, I'lvoii j; stotw'awl'Bar Norai Fliturt ; Ant tho Stotaio Beat rbMaae bflttie'ye' " lo .t") UP w ivofofr iriiii tfi tx'w , , B.,KAaKWltIWbVA(tlonaj.Jft; iaStB'.t- ,,'M;,.' Anyone baking aHU&SS, tna!fil'il f1 hlmUaitng thBaB)aea,tt tojiiawbavwtbe jaun tl toMnl cat sf try pplylng tatl.tb.kj oftjei ar.Mdreatog( imlj tiniun Until) . i aB.t M'ViUWi-rwrrn- rwai- r Ji-b m-tt I 1 -t v. ft.. ti;..1 ; t.iAiT a s iitu A .: l a.1 A.i lufl T'li't'H .-i'j"" l I' -a a t m t it v it .vt T "( RODDICK; ' 1 ni.'.!t v V ' Mlil. .f i. :; !',.. it IfREET, .1 j '.' I'd. I oltar out all thnir h a1, o o is:.,,; ll'!tl'Mt;i l.lfil f lKt. ill I ts '! Sl.i't .(! u '111 eb "prices: r.iliT Whitl twt A. IIKA A.LNil I SjM 1 I J3u)o to rxmtiofl.on A .r.u ...!.. xitH ..iniih-w i..r :M'i A.i.tiitl 1 U.H.H .iluimn , ti "U do not ooawitlei.it Bcoestftry.- Iriiiisr tana A, nMiinrv li liaftfat l.i.' ' tv nu vv uvataiUgS uni 1 1 li .l 1 BtnctlyCash---- ,tti lit ikiu li. Wll: 'cnrfy'a'nd socurp, A,fMl v, lt,a Ah,i y,rr rt i IttuV. !niU()!M rtiHot iiwni4 Imul si tut; oil tijjUoilJ iviH dill T' nf.f't l.iil-.ii. 'i n i t il'i ,'t;'i wo lo j'.i'ii - ..... .1 . I .tnM.w,u.lt .. 45 illarket Street. Hill t -1 J . AaV-tL AawalaanH ' mm W rraarv . r A aay.a-WMBi SJl'MaW! AJAji.1I .'Iiii1H r 1 llll M.,f,,,.l),,)lo,f)1(,r,l,xii,,h..i.M..IT HI iti-d Ii;ii.nt Mid 1'ifttHuon Im woiiJ "it .t'ltywn tt.ilit'M iitw ).ni Ti.,n Mmm rsi' A"W ariw a" II I Mtllll" till 1111111 V I 111 I II III till :' ui riJId'UJS OtI iinn fiw ri aa mill nirii)'mimli' vfliWtlirlld til HiT.v.H tilJ in muod sul ol JohlaiU i.lril J"". in-Tvn lo u .I'jiilMi'J Iwwiliul, -: 1 l I ..It... l.iilljta m.il il " Inn niltyKKk .im fuw " v- H"',r":ii,"', I., . .1 ii. 5? ..- I .. ).. .. I IKlW HUM ll(nu ll!l ,7.""! " v,rn" BUFFALOSF !Jlli!PSF: I tlilii:Hll III UUI lull Mncklnnbura County. VLralnltU.. ..u T T'T.. ill ,r "i'rri-T nr'"i i j p-i irjiMim Ttt DREaT MEilClNU ATtR '" I g tifni'i ,' luiiiita'xl ci'imi va ...ii , Cf'THEiX.UTH.iiJ.t.l im!J ('rtratiTe powr.Ulaeciunaaf tb;iUlDiB Vak o.l and Hl.aTiliHH, In all dorangnnient of tho,.,,. BIIIABT OOABB l(lMeti0tU'wirM aA.Wil sracju0!!? Chr9riW( Intermittent r4rl?ernlt'i,mir tent Fevers. J" Chronic Conorr. hoes. SaMsorxfarV 'vahlUs'"94ewiiJa an. I all iliwa... or the Genital Ortr1t, ANilln aomo form, of Gout and RheurYia'"11 tism, Tbeir rwiiitikaJila unwftt anil afnoacy ill Qliu dlKoaitt. I n.l I. li Uiu dlmaitt. fndlrUiil are Touched for by mUv reportad inaaaa ifroat Mib ,anoMntuen..lj Uoaahlii miirnrii. TnMiinoidiil. In Pamnhlet, , r.)rbiinrhetoniiiirtlOTHBWA,l;it)iiill "W.8watr'pnlfttti'lt',ea1ii,o to tho Springs for thelSouths Br , , ot .Uo ,aaaju.l anil AAtlaaiAlraABi.L4 BatlroK.il to NcottHburg peit In .Balifas . cimliitw,. VI rnlnlM whar tit train at W ji '"" t in kh t7aa4at iiii ! 'HfOpilt'Oi1 i 4iL r,ir,i'i,t rt Iff". i''''"l 't.'iiiailmjcait ITia v Wilmingtoft .ii ni Coast Uaijlttj j flloclr,, of, , tllUlM floAO(!f t,:rV,hl wv I ... T.. ..... . . open aV by, lh: i nderalK iitlUtiar 'Ba J ot eonttMual pr4ei''aTl)0ttl hl ractnt meeting of the Corporator named tai 1 th orsl, ttr clw-iaod,! JtWHuvZ otUiltasowi tmi UJ i iMMaotivua (!,,;.) Mill HknA-iW-VfuaiBtUiy. tw imij hum 'jH j- UA4fVtB.tt IflaoUuhlB , ij ii i,1V'l,)'TOPS8laiNlj'Jl im nti i' jHii 9 iPAVQWGRWtS.1aiaion.a ..i ,.,hL ,gHAJ,MYrB,)L ol aitiai Wa Wiji P'eiWW.M olfcltt .. .Committee.. , nlyb Jiwitimal laoilafiiiHi.A ittr Xnn mil TKihi'iii'.t yll nnntlintt.ai"f two tfMl Trie 110 Sbkitb,btwen tpf rVttulr!7f "h WlAerkeonabUe . . i.!.fl..i occaptm rui svav.w Corner 1th and Cuennut I and UUettnut btrt. ' nay ST Ut-tC 11 1-. IT rrtt 1 (1 llllltt

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