y iif ihi!i) 3'onni;iL tthhn'qton. n. o j irS3AY. 6, 1875- TbeDAiLT JorKSAL, Uieok', parr la North Carolina, is pubKalied every monJng, except afwday, at Eight Dollars a year ; Fora Daixaks lit wonthi : Stvurrr-rir cents per month or eljo.Ur periods. Served by (.'arrien In th dty at Ttxzsrr-rm cents n tuon h, or Two Doixabs and Twxa t r-Frvs cents per quarter. Th Wimlt Jocbkal, (Friday) a htrtyV-x tohiron paper. Two Pollabs por year; thres eopMa Fitb Dollars akt a half ; (bur eoploa, oktcm Duixa BWCOpi KJ8HT DOIXAKi AFD A BALF ten mples, Fiftksh Dollars; twenty foDMW TwBrTTT-FIVI DoIXAM. Si'BwwPTiaK li all eoa payable In - tun, and tKt pspf r pMtfiulifJ altar Qi , tratim; of the 1 line palH tor. KaMiTTANOM alwHiltl W mads by Vnet nflU Monry Order or Exprf aa. If tbir- cau- ol be protection acaliirt Ih by mail may be secured by lirrti'g draft payable to tbe order of tlie prtajtrietrrs t the JotiusAt, or by aemlliij! the money regWred letter. Adenttng rUls (per Inrli imU solid Urea f advertising typ.) One Wli, one Insertion, Om Pollaiv, two tuner. 1 Umia Obb Uollab ahd a balf; three rnserUona, Two Doi.t.A. its; four Insertions, Two Dollars aku a half; Ave Jnser bona Tbkkr Dullaka; all Insertions, t jbbb Dollars akd a balf; twolve wertiona, FTYB DoLLAJU A If I) A BALF, o month, Eisht Dollar two month, iftk Doif AJta; lire tnonUii, Twee- TT-TWO DoLI.AKS. ' Contracts for longer periods and longer space mads npoo Ulral term Addresa Knoelharq A Saunders, . Wilmington, N. n. Last month hnge miM of ice fell from Mount Blanc, and in the crjftal mafia, perfectly preferred, waa the boily rf John Elackforil, the American aeL ;-, who, three jean ago, undertook the rocnt of tha mountain withimt a gns'J. Tha toe was cut away, and the ben! recovered Anu buried with Chris tian eeremooy. Illl Thb Vioeroy of Egypt is about to as toniah the world again, lie La re wired to build a railroad along the alley of the Nile to the interior of Africa, and as he has plenty of money and thouaauda of serfs at his com mand be will, do doubt, acoompliah bis purpose la a low years African explorer ill be able to trarel in sleeping cars, and to write magnificent description of planes which they will hare pasited throngh in the dark. Mr. Boeohttr says there it nothiug l i the Christian religion but low, Ah 1t. Beoclier inti rpreU'J it recently in his church, iu a paasugo which to tin oomtnon eye of the layui u, looks so b'wtpliemoiis that wc lirnitate to quote it; be would, if brought np for judg ment at the List JT. turu to ("J.nl and iy, "I bave loved Thee; Dowdiitun m if Tbon cmhtl" . The dooriin wniol he preaches could not be presented in a more startling we might venture to aay a more shocking term, says tbe New York Timn, JliDUE KtHH. The lion. John Kerr, of Caswell, as he is best known to the people o( North Carolina, though he is now a resident of the county of Bocklngham and Judge of the Hovonth Judicial Die triot of our State, yesterday concluded in the county of Sampson, bis judicial labors in this the Fourth Judicial Die triot, in the Courts of which he has presided, by an exohange ; with the Hon. A. A. McKoy, daring their recent Spring Terms. - The opportunity afforded our people and members of the bar, by Jndge Kerr's recent riding of this circuit, to know and consider his judicial bear ing and Stirling integrity, his prompt ness and impartiality, and his high Apprehension in every aense of his re sponsible offloe, has enabled as rightly to appreciate and admire him for his eminent qualities as a Judge, whlli we cannot too strongly eulogia the pure and manly virtues whioh so pre eminently oharaoteriie him as a a no ble gentleman end sincere ehristiai lie carries with him from this entire District to his home in the Seventh Judioial District, a grade of reverent and affectionate regard and esteem ac corded to few men, , ; This, our estimate of th e Judge and the man, U, we are vail assured, a truthful expression of the sentiments and feelinge of the Bar and the people of this Judioial District . !.;. - I - Tub Bond school celebration in Broomn city on Wednesday last was superb and attractive exhibition of what Mr. Beeoher baa called "the v blossoming of the families." Between . , fifty and eixty thousand children hearty and rosy, well dressed and well mannered, nappy and interested them- elves and giving pleasure to others- were- In line, Moving in divisions through the prinoipal streets, filing in to their respective ohsrehes, and gath ering in, the parka, the scene must have been a beautiful one, proving that Brooklyn ia not naisnsmed tbe ' City of Churches. The whole immense number of children were regaled with ice cream and cakes, and tbe army of little ones returned to their homes ap parently without a mishap ormisad- venture. That was something for the Sunday sohool people lobe worthily proud f, . ; Jl IIOII 'I UUV rALI.. Daufblfi't burl Falfacr-in l aw at Pauper. THE ATLANTIC HOTEL, Thb Trinco de Joinville, who came to this country at the outbreak of tho wr with his nophews young men who took service in the Northern arjny wrote a letter to a frieud from Wi Hard's Hotel on the 6th of October 18t')l, whioh has jutt been published i the Wsshington Aunttay Herald, Iu it he says: "The more I think about it the more I believe that the greatness and perhaps the very eiinteuoe of your country depends on the re-estuh lisbment of the union. That cn be done still,I firmly believe, by the legnl gov erumeut ot your country showing its power, but after that by all oluwos of the community showing the great est consideration and the moitt delicate magnanimity. If the civil war is al lowed to laat, if you don't pave the way back into the Union 'lot the men of the South, then I will become very uneasy, because secession, if once suo oossful, will became epidemic.'! Such are the views of a Prince who ban the reputation also of being a statesman. We regret to say that it is only of late that the philosophy of delicate magnanimity," referred to is beginning to effectually to assert it self.. . ... ,., , .. The Dnke of Murlborough, ilfth in line from the pret Dnke, cinrrie.l la son, lUudoih Henry Churchill, to the daughter of Leonard Jerome, the ro- ired New lork Bpectilutor. lu 1874. before the ninrriugo the Duke's son waile Jerome mortgtge the Union League Ciub, New York, which 'oi'd- ug ho owned, to n cure the bride's dower. B)on aft rwr.l the bail ling can cht on tire and w&e enttrd. Not old Duke MariborougU bun lx cmt a pautwr. Lady Churchill tuny there lore come to uut. net l..tini, Jerome, meantime, is troubled with his head auJ cuuuot attend to busiueM. Ho retired - from the stree. bad'v crnplej on a con Iiroiuise witlt l'-ictij Msil block tears, several jvitta a;;, and oIl Ins tunning uorts uuU big mx-iii-huU't drug. tie lnl been our Lmihul to tjiciiy, ami ntboW'ii the nota ry nud ivns. 11 s fltiiigM.-r, thec. f ire, runr i ltd eul4toufeiy, c.irrjmg her dower in her baud. A few y. i ngij Leon- ant Jeivuie wm piibliMilng a muo Wl ag iohUcsl ncwfimper at ilofbenti-r, New iorfc. 1I! mill Iiim brother Lw renue mrrird sih'i rs at Lyons, N. Y., wliow niifilent lorhii.fs enluliitHlieU their l.tihliiinds iu Wall htreet. I'or uuny j. din 1,( onur.l J rotue n-prseiit-eil tie" lb f.mteHt lype of lifrt in Amer ica.'1 it is telaUd ttiut he gavt; a purty where every buly iuvittd received a present of a diamond bracelet. He fouiiiled Jerome 1'urk as his partner, T avers, founded the Saratoga iluciug Association and introduced running races iu the Northern Htiites. Only negligence, Bribing from the puruuitof plessure, broke, Jerome in the "street." His duughter whs beautiful, spirited and accomplished, the f reah bloseom of ayonthful race eugraftt d upou a mil dewed stock. There was but one Marl borough respected and he had nu heart. The great Duke of Marlborough sent the news of thu victory of Iltiuhoim to CJaeen Anne by hie aid-do-eamp, Turk, who was the griiiHlfather of Mrs. Oeoige Washing on's first husband, Thus do the generations of sristocrncy and slioddv. the DiciiUtiou of the eighteenth century and the .reckless- liens of the timctoeutu meet in a newt item. A SEASIDK JiESORT, BEAUFORT, TSJ.O. :' SHIPFISG. NEW YORK AHD BOSTON LINES VIA mSngton, N. C. Fast Freight Route to all Points North or South. i . , u w, . i - " T "tnsji 1 1. - 1EAV YOKK. Nev York nnrj VilmiDgton Steamship line! SFrl-WEEKLY, Pailii g fi. m M.W lOIlK, YtiSEHAY st.d SATI LDAY st 8 V. M., and from V II.lMNCi'iON. WE1MDAY and SAH'KDAY. TME AHOVIC KSTAIILlHHMKhT, HO f VOKA I'l.T 1M K"F Tf F.l To THE rrni.M! WVM.w tt to i October 1st. "fH 'ownf VlMK.ti. only he in.terrlwliet nmy tm iini'I t7u ni tJflil. iKB,il erne. Me bic to r. t.ew lilt pitSfant scqualiilsm-e with nil The breaking np of the monastio or ders in Prussia, by the recent eonsti rational amendments, will affect directly about ten thousand persona. The Josuits have already been expel led, and have gone into Belgium, Hoi land and France. Some of them have started a convent in Holland, near the Prussian frontier so near that a re monstrance has been sent to Holland against thsinstltntiotL ; It is evident that the expelled monks will not Ret very far away, so that their presence in Belgium, Holland, and other coun tries is likely to prove a source of trouble to these governments, who will doubt less hear from Biamaxok in the way of protest.. ronyVl -dwtf. We are opposed, says the Winston Sentinel, to the "Do Nothing" policy ' dvooated by the Radical ptrty in re gard to the delegates sent to the Con stitutional Oonuention. We want delegates who will go there to do Bomething, and one thing we want them to do le.to require the Judges to roUta aa they did in the good old daya before lUdioalism tampered with our Constitution. By requiring the Ju&z'T to eliange cirouits we will end $ -9 tloui off like a oomeL BuJLj Lotur wpl be heard of any more '"-'I after, his time is out. TTith, - 'i end in view who in this trill favor the Badical Do a.. .L.Lii From th Bsltim r gun. Prlwt tlrl sunt lb Uenecr cr-tsea. ntMirr Blftlronttae Xbtra.Taria LMItr, . t .; THB DttUOORAOX AMD THB PRBSIDKNOT. WasmNOTON, June 1 The publica tion ot the President's third term let ter baa been followed by publications in oew ioia auu eisewuere, aaserung, on tbe alleged authority of Hon. Mont gomery Blair, that Oen. Grant had al most daily visited Mr. Blair's house in 18(57- bo to consummate negotiations looking to bringing him aa the Ueino cratio nominee for the presidency in 1808. ; These statements were brought to the attention ol the 4 resident to day. He pronounced them entirely untrue, and said that ne Had never eu tered into any negotiations with Mr. Blair with any such object in view, and had never entertained any such Idea. Mr. Blair attention was subsequent ly called to the matter, and he said the publication! alluded to were made without aay authority from him. tie remarked, bow jver, that when in the anmmer of L7 he brought forward lien era I urant name as a suitable per son to be nominated for the presidency a S a - Wx a a r. dv; ine 'iemoorauo paity ne ion thoroughly satisfied that it mot with Ucn. Ufauts approval. Mr. Blair tl.ot tl.n lai lian Tomli.. nim uo nw uuu. .Mniiuat nuts, as is well known, was the bosom friend of ! Oen. Grant, was at this time thoroughly in favor of Oen. Qrant re oeiring the Democratic nomination, Oen. Grant was not at this time in sympathy with the Republican party or with its leaden, tie bad an iu- tense dislike to Mr. ntanton, and bad before this time told President John soil that if Stanton was to remain in tbe cabinet be did not want to stay in Washington, but would like to remove the army Headquarters.- Mr. Blair says he was very much surprised When, alter all this, uen. Grant did . a .1 - 1 a i i L a oonoiuae me oargatn uy wniou ne ne oerne the nominee of the ltepublioan party. ' . MB. BtiAlB ON THB THIRD TKItM. In regard to tbe third-term letter, Mr. Blair says it does not alter tiie situation one particle; that of course General Grant does not want a third term if he cannot got it, but if the chance is presented to him be will clutch it with alacrity. He looks np 3n Grant as by odds the strongest man in the ltepublioan party, and his strength will be much greater if, as is almost certain, the ltepublioan party IV'I)UIWU IU UIO VIOUUUUB Wll A Milt Then, when the Republican Conven tion comes together quarreling will ensue between tbe friends of Biaine, Morton, iJnstow and other aspirants, and the end of it will be that the Con vention will settle down upon Grant aa ine most avauaDie man. "uraut . says Mr. Blair, "is a very able man in his way. He is not a statesmsn and is destitute of culture, but his ability ia. undoubted. I have often talked to Sumner about him, and tried to im press this ppoo him. But Sumner never thought anything or Urant, even long belore his quarrel with him, Mr, Blair says that the President has an extraordinary capacity for diaoov ering the meaner side of men's natures and by taking advantage of this he attaches them to bia fortunes. Naaipsou Nuiniiiuliiiir '.ou veiittoii. The Central Executive Committee of the Democratic party of Hiiu)hou county, met in Clinton ou Buturduy, the I Mil of IHiiV. 1870. ' The following gentlemen were ap pointed to oull the different township meetings for the purpose of electing ilelcgiues to meet in general conven tion at Clinton, to nominate candidates to represent tho county of Bampson in tho Constitutional Convention to meet in Raloigh otr the fitli of September, A. D.. 1H75; These Township Conventions are to be called on or before the lastHatur diy in June next. Vrnnklin Tnwnxliin flnmmittn i l)r J. B Htavy, N. II. I'eunoll, Dr. 1'lOWS. Uhales o. Kerr. Lisbou Township Oommittoo A. J. Johnson, Haywood Boykin, Allen Blackburn. Taylor's Bridge Township Henry Mut hi, V, U, Murphy, 0. 1. James. Turkey Township Committee L. II Carroll, W. S. Matins Dr. Wm. L Thompson. - i , r . llney Grove Township Committee- Amos Kojal, J no, V. Uiddens, V, A Andres. - Uall'8 Township Committee A. B. Parker. G. W. Ifobbs. (). F. Herring, Afcstbrooks Township Committee Win. Duughtery, u. U. Williams, W. H. Bryant. - :t -j i Mingo Township Oommitten Jesse Wilson, Ci. IS. JJuroXoot, 14. A. Draw horn, ......... ,.r o,. a,i...u Hntal. 1 ' . . . . . . . . ... 1 1 V, f ...... . .f tt .... .... . ... unjliiul MTU fir M, . I Hi' bM iilur MiiiNiion UI luu uuuro uuni n I"" "j - "-!- - - " Ut'Fi. f .-.7 r-, i; . ,,: ' ' " KO DUST ! NO FLIES 1 1 SO MOSQUITOES I I ! rnllilnif llonx N sre llai tint )n tlie hf.nn. ulu re gufPt nny t (iiico Jny IhsexMta- la Mn P r r d'l mm Mirrutni'rK v tufTifi' smit n iim ni him. in n yi bokiii. ivii-i nuju eli-o' the inn n dnv. ! in1 rllHii oiitt ol Ti rtftfroresi n'lrt t. B ..... .. . . ... u. ... C. r. J .1 ...1 auirli kokl.IM iiTflaimm Rota, fw-t istiliig anil tl Bat.yd,tor PIC-KICS, FISKIKC PARTIES, MOONLIGHT SAILS, mm' Tlnltlua I'filnl el lnnieniu in Tiruury. , lie chilli!. at V ami UVIOKS aie to M a ItlliB HlSDTunru 01 uio uhuci- ... . . . l I 1. Mna. itj.ii (in I Trniirit r iHinr-nin mTTintorn i i'ici rriniirvu vi "inn ,iiiin I.I...1 h. c... rin n .ik'Bi,l k curim ill t'Oll'e Mini sttirtWe N;rTtit, Willi smp'er room ii CreMnt tmrirnf wwa nrH'lv irM In tho Cullnvy li')rtmii)t, the vroptli ter ' ft-at rt leni -i H 't ie VI m Al'l !Mt IUM .t r., limlrr tliiu;w reijiine, ili n pti-ii nmre si- iHi'ivf to ti'a wli c niaiinn llntn tl Hotel imtn I lie ionrm uudiio. Birict UBCuriuu win lie ilghlly ii f -loni nn. I llie iiimn rt oi Tiyiioiiwunnwiy nuiueu. TiiitMi : $2.f)0 perly for firht week ; $1.C0 per day for second week. mf HneriHl loutrnrta nrnile ltli rumlllea ami ExourslonlBto. Liberal reduction to early till- tun, tliiWrrtii sua aeiTaiit nal' jirlce. GEO: W. CnABLOTTE, Proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS GO m J JACOBll I axe. AND yotTABlt THEN BTJkF. yl)" AVK i tiii:ki:ni t oi ai.iti. N4w Iu aiue.k sud UouaUutly HoelviiiK Ad. ditliiin i , ? Hoes, Miovcls, T. Spades, Whcclbarrovs. IMtcht)rks;li ivii,t. nf,xKtM!TH'K nfir.r.owfl. Yliw. IUmnir,TriHi t'liiiiiip.Ciillaiii.HnmHd, ria siei, 11 r I run, Mima, HiioheH, liudi, VOX. I DPI IIK KM." , , wvi:m. li - K1IIIOI IIINU IIIOKS, I'lllKliTHMVI.K. , TAIII.l: 4 I I I. Kit Y, I IlliVOI.VI UN. f 1AMV 'I WISTIJI'NS, At ... , -r, , ... 1 . j. -" " -a o iimnii uismat lownsnin ixitnmiHee j. kj. am a oomiit Mock t William i, Jus. A. ugutery, lkibeit Williams. . Little Coharie Township Commit tee-Thomas Bullurd, Dr. F. II, llul- lidny, Murdoch White, llutiujcutt a Towuhhip Committee .fa II. Turlitiffton. Bluew Crumnler. Wikv Butler. McDaniels Township Committee- Miles I'. URens, 11. s. Spill, Juo. C. Wriffht. Clinton Township Committee- Owen Holmes, Everett Peterson; II. K. ltoyal. HARDWARE, NATHANIEL J ACOBI'S HARDWARE DEPOT, . INO. MA11H1JT T, BUSINESS CARDS. Five doleirntes from esch townahf p. Delegates elected are requested to meet in Clinton on Saturday, the 3rd or jniy.at iu o'clock A. M..A. v. 1870. V. I. MiutniY, (Jlioirman, John Abhfohd, Hecretarv. The . Dunlin Jlnnord. Favetteville Gasrtte and tlie Ooldaboro Slmscngcr " lr.UB h""11 win jueiuie oopj auu nonce, aiw ui Tlie all-gone feeling , which people sometimes speak of, is caused by want of proper action of the liver and heart. These may be assisted, and the bowels regulated, by J'arsom Purgative Jfilk in small doses, Graham & Nash, ATT011NEYN AT LAW " j ' CHARLOTTE, N. C. PgACl'lOE 1M THK HTAT AND FK1 eral Conrta. and niaku collcciiona snt wliDio In North Carolina. Alau iii'kiiUiiU- rUw or Itrul 1 i-tulo. Agrii-ullHiitl, Miiu-ral and liitmncr trm-ta, sna dinirsi.ie uity Lot con IMtf W1LB1I8 MOBKIS I MISCELLANEOUS. "BUY ONLY THE GENUINE llFAIRSMs R08TON AKD FALL RIVER. New Y.rk iti.d HilmiiiL'loii iSWiMshii) CoiiiDiinv. i COKNEtMlN'O WITH THI CLD CCLGKY RAILROAD AND STEAMERS. Dally Between BOSTON and NEW YORK. Semi-Weekly bt'tween NEW YORK and WILMINGTON. tYetlueadar aud Katutdar Horn each Poru Klilerera itht relv uion th nrnmi.t n.l ro. i.r ..in.. r .v , li'iiT" 'HblI uit.b, tma n.ute" NO D E L A YS. tii t in at W lin Ti"kn WILWINOTt N.Ct'U'WBIA ArOT'STA FAI1H tV Wll.MlKOlON WM JMM4lirOAI. THKCAKeLiNA tNTKAl, BAIt WAV, ThroMMIiorLadtou NORTn and SOUTH CAROLINA. GEORGIA and ALABAMA. Abo to NEW YORK. BOSTON. rRfiYiti,Krp ttatt iutu ..j .astern Cities. l-ktM ry,pfa."ia",d l0W " bT nj hn TOUte ,nJ a9 " qulck- Lce, or orcliarKf Mark nil Cecils ia Clyde's lVJlmiiigtcii Line. S Kur t urthcr Information i( ly to eiiher ot the uideralgnid A genu of th Lln. WW. P. CLYDE ft CO.,enriil Agnti, hew 1 ork Line, I Cowling Ureen, N. Y. A. D. CAZAUX, Agent. D. D. C. MINK, tleiieml liai-tpm Agent, 29 Deioiirhlre btrixt, Ooiton. Baltimijie M UM km Via WILMIIN GTON, STANDARD SCALES. Tho most Perfect A lam Cash Drawer, MILKS AL.AHM 1IUi W.'.A10, 7 Hcrrlng'i Safo'i Coffee and Dmg ini!a, Lette Pre wen. , j FAlRBANKS'j j;: STAI1 "a lilSCALKS. I ' KAHinrAOTvasfts E- & T. FAIRBANKS & C0-. t ' til'. .IOHNSbUbY, vi-. ' rHim ipL ciAi.1 wABFHouanaf 7 f A I It II ASKS CO., 311 Uruadwari aj. v . FAIltiiANK' CO., tGC Baltimore St., Bal- omoro, biii. FaiShahkh & Co., M (jamp Stroot, Kew Or- HIIX. Faii banhi ft Co., S3 Main Htieet,' fiutt'alo, Faisbamrs ft t'o,98 BroadwaT, Alby, FAianinKK ft Co , f(i Ht Tani 'int., Mnntrval. Faikiiadka Co., 34 King William bt Lou d.in. Kng. Faiiihahkh, JlK'iws ft Co , t Milk bt., Boa ton, Mna. Fau-.bakki ft Kwino, Maronio Hall, Phlla- Oeltiln. !" FAiKHAtiKa, Muaaa ft Co., 1,11 Lake 8t., Chi- riihrtAVKa, MoRxaft Co., 139 Wal ut Stret, ' ( tneinuutt, Ohio Fairbank, VuiiHaftCo, 182 Sniierlor St., t letiMMid, I'hIA Faiiuiankh. ft Co., 48 Wood Street, JMttibargh Fairkakkh, Mokbb ft Co,, 5th and Main 8t., Loalavllle. , . FAiftnAVKk ft Co., SOS and iiC4 Washington A'enue, tit. L"Ui. Faihbauks ft llvxcBiasow, San Francisco, fai. For mle hy leading Hardware Dealera. .-Jiaie 1 M-ilAw-10w-od WARM SPRINGS FAST FREiaHT ROUTE To all Points forth or South. Bret Harte'a fortboominff novel ontrbt to sell like Sherman's Memoirs. Bret says be baa in that novel one of ine sweetest d d fools anybody ever saw. .Boston jtVet. He held the old shirt np by tbe neck before disoardini It forever, bnt he wasn't monrning for the garment. Be only said thnalyr "I wish I hsd all the drinks again that bate gone iWiui .1. Al a 1 ... v Remember That 1 AM Of FKKING C LOTIIIAU CHI AlM Jt Than any other Houm tit tha City. $5 Will Buy a Mco Suit. ALPACA, LINENS and Linen Duck Goods Bold at almost any Prloe, - A. DAVID. Jim 3 . , T ; L Bicrchrtiidiso Brokerage. WITH THKBK(,UTISlTBKXPItlIBNCK, arqualntanou, knowlettg. and tm-llltitu 1 ell't-r ui) rTliw tor the nurohane and aale oi all dcai riitlona of MerchandiM la Weatern, Northern and onr own market Negotlaf! cakh and oaaniT, wire, naeil freely at my VAlipim lor any iniormaiion urvirtii. A ... I .. .... Tl n U .. Ulllu. r iu u. iBipnwip. iwiiiivti.. niiini Mini Manut'aotureri, fall Una of aaniDlei exhlhl'ed daily. Co Hoe. Molaanea, Sr'tipa, Fugar, Flour, Soap, Uacon, lr Bait Meata, Pork, Lrl, iSe.i oln , an sranea : 'loliacoo, cmara, sn. Spirit Caaka, Ultra, Hay, loru, fto. ; H ,1'ea, Boalea, &c, fto. Special attention gWen to teonrlng lowest raiea 01 iranepormiion. Kaamlnatlon of lunplea, eorreepondenca and eruen loiiaiieo.. r Urdora left at Office for Spot" Oooda wm nar prompt anenuoa. JA8. T. PETTEWAY, " Commercial Breker, : NORTH WATER STREET maySt lS4lraMl VEDD1HG CARDS aTO. aaatart taahlonabl. ttrle at tha , JOU1UNAU If ICS, MIOUAII. OHOKLV. CRONLY & MORRIS, AUCTIONEERS, STOCK AND REAL ESTATEBROXERi WILMINGTON, N. 0., CAN BB SF.F.N AT THEIK SAt.FS ROOMS a plan of the eliv.on an enlarged male. Blank Bonk with tlu boirudaxlei of eTerr lot In theolty distinctly definfcd. Aaaensea Taiue,paar ana proaent,oreTery lot In the city. Any information dortrM rnrniMM npon ap- plloauou.. . ,,.-....' ., - - jnlT : : - '' MADISON COUNTY, Quarantine Notice. TJNT1L FUKTHEK 0TICK AU, VES- ihjIb from Port- South of Cape Fear will come to at tbe Vl.-lllug Station, near Deop Water Point, and await tlie Inapectlon of the Quar antine Pliyalctan. : All TotMla from Port where Ta'low Fever, or other Infertlona dheaae oilsts, will be re. qntred to undergo a rigid and prolonged (juar anttna. 7 , . , . All reaaolsor boat of any character haying alckutsi on boaid on arrival, or having had iloknew any tima duilng the voyigu, are rc qaired to come to the Htatlnn for lnapietiin without regml to the Port t-oro whence they come. Vcusola not luoluded aa above will pro ooed without detention. Pilouare eapoclally enjoined tn rnaite care sul enquiry relative to vol els, orew, Ac., and If not i'Mrld with the tatiineata of the Cap tain or commander, or It' tha veis.l if In a filthy condition, they will bring tha swol to ths Station for further examination, Plloti wllfnlly violating tha Quarantine Lawi are mbject to a forfeiture ol thoir branch; Wanton of Teaaelt to a fine of two hundred dol lar! a dy for evory dy thty violate the Quarantine l awa; and. all other rtoni are liable for each ami evory oltence. All veatcla auhject to wlaltallon nndr above regulation, will act a flag In tha main rigging, port-aide, , ' ; , . , I". W. POTTF.B, t ,. Quarantine ThyaiclanV I Port of Wilmington, N. . 1 r Bmilhvlle, N. 0., May T, 18M. may ia tllnovl Western North Carolina- rjlliKSE SPKOS are altuated five milei Iruiu the Tnneaace fine, on the banks of the Frfltich KroAd river, in the very uililut ol tho ui.'Biar, raiuen 01 nmuiiiaina casr ui 1110 mitxia- lippl rtvor, in a country generally known and unmiuny caneu ine .wnsorianu 01 Anu-rica. TMK Hfil'Kli At!OlMM(llATIOiS aro unnurpa-i d HI any wntorlng pla- or mimmr report In the country... The Hath, nonrliit of mrae pool" ot a cirnr, mwrfvl Mineral anil Klretric Water, t"nuiriitnre 102 to lilt Ot gr Kalirtmlii li,hich are woudnrlu ly I'lvlrforating to mi invaima, cqiiaiiaing ine circuiaiion ana timulatlns the nerretory orinne. and. will, lit mnat capa of Chronic and Sub-Acute tiout, Khuiull(m, Paiaiywla. llvsiioinla. NeuralKia. Mfcoodary syphtlii, Hephritio and Calculous ui8( niera, soroiuia. t.uiKiunua lilaeancaand many dl-eaw pecnli-ir tn temalra, cll-ct a rpeiiiv ami radical cure. There la alaoa Hold Hiilplnir Si.rlni! near the Warm Knrliiiia, re- aemtilliiK vurv doaely In lemnorature and colur of di-poalt. tha Vellaw Sulphuv Spring of Vrr ninla, wltli ainlphurona odor much atronger. iiiem) Birinifa are eaay 01 acceaa rrnm ail Southern cltli bv all the llnea of railroad! conv-rijliii Into Kat Tonnewee, via Auiuata. Allan. a and Knoxville, to Morriatown, Kant Taiiiu s-ee, thence tn ;nmoeriana Jan and ChleUn railroad 40 mllri to Waif Ureek theoce by atane 8 milei lo the SnrluK, an eaav and comtiinalile trip. Exourkion 1 trkrta are on aale In all the principal eltiei to and from thoiw Spring! at a great reduction on local rate. . ........ ... Rates of Board, $40 Per Month, SI2.B0 Per Week, $2 Per Day. Children and Colored tfervanta llalf-Prlco. Apply to Manager for Pamphlcta and Circu lar! or to Wilmington Dmtnlita J. A- SAMPLE, General manager lor vyriiu sprlnCo. eou-wlm BALTIMORE. Baltimore and WiImintoii Line,. fEMI-WKKKLT. -SAILING FROM ItALTIMOKE- Tuesday & Friday. at 3 P.M. -ANI FKOM WILMINGTON Wednesday & Saturday. BOSTONANDPROVIDENGE. , Baltimore and Wilmington Lino, Baltimore, Boston and J rovldence Line, Or via Canal Dally to Philadelphia and Clyde's Philadelphia and Providence Line. Semi-Weekly from each Port. PHILADELPHIA. Baltimore and WilminEton line. MMI-WBEKI.T BITWSMI BALTIMORE ANO WILMINGTON. Baltimore and Philadelphia Steamboat Co., Dally via Canal between ,7 . BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA. WESTERN CITIES. BALTIMORE ANI) WILHJNGTOS LINE. Kwthorn Central Railroad AKD TBS Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Shippers may rely npon the prompt and reinlar allln of these Steamari and nnik ii. pauh given to ail ahlpmenta by this route. ftO DECAYS. Dremwi. ana qntck dll. Through Bllli of Lading given to and from all Point! In NORTH and SOUTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA and ALABAMA. otherEferSiJa0' rniLADELIHIA. BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, and prpy p.fd".ar"D,0ed R" '0W " bT MT 0th" Ront tim' " alck- 0' overcharge! Mark all Ocods via llaltlmore and Wilmington Line. y Port nrther Information apply lo eithor of tho undesigned Agent! of the Line. EDWIN FITZCERALD. Agent. Haitunore Llui, W) ftouih 6treei71)itimore. march 18-tf A. D. CAZAUX, Agent. fialtlmoie ana tivv Task Linei WlLMIBOTOH. N. O. isroTiqjs. Carolina Central Railway, GENERAL FREIGHT DEPARTMENT, ) Wu-minqton, March 31st, 1875. ) rpHE ATTENTION OF TH R PUBLIC IS RESPECTFULLY INVITED TO TMie WILMINGTON AND WlUeAST ERN TlTIM TO CHAR LOTTE, STATESVILLE, CREENVILLE, SPARTAN- BURG' VThMIIM Air a- andHorth A r,; I-Tan. H?nVw!itoSla,WBaM"",p',C'Uo" l 1,10 to"'d- Office in Bank of Mow april f-80-ly F. "W. CLARK, Oeneral Freight Agent. Jnne 1 ISO-ill in i IMPORTERS ; ! OF HAMMOCKS. I'IhIii uad :! red. Uy the Hale I'on-n, or at Retail. Single Hammocks, a:) each, tent on receipt of mnnev. Vur wlti.lu. ale price!, addrena (, w wmaowa A Son. 'Oak Hall," Itoaton, Mi. Hathing HulU, Military Uooda and Kegalia. ' lM.lm-rod . Congress Water. Rolfier Aperient, frenh 8idl;ti Powder". Brown'a Ommr. Florida Wnter. Unmha, tru-he., Toilci tiop, (a largo vailcti) and Kaney Artleice. Kornaleby . JAMK8. O. MUMDS, IWogclat, Thirast.tcppoaite ult Han. "aajls ui - New Arrivals. JtliOTIK in Whole ard Half Barrel. Bottled Lager Beer. O H. W. KUt-GK. N. E. Corner of Markot and St-oond 8ta. may 18 119 CORN! CORN! 5 000 BUSHKL8 corm- For aale ly - KEKUHNER ft OALIJKB BROS Molasses ! Molasses ! 7 ai)0 Hilda. New Crop Cnha. W " H. H. Molai ei, KO Bbli. New Crop Cnha, m " 8. U. Molaanea. Kor(ala by K.EHUHHEK A OALDKR PK03. Flour ! Flour ! m Bbli. Bob White F our, ") " Princfm Hcyal Flour. H) Bell Mill Flour, 1W) " Ingoniar Flour. for aale by - ' USOHSJU A UAXJUXK BH08 " LIVERPOOL and LONDON M GLOBE INSURANCE CO.! Assets (Gold) $26,740,160.76. IlAMISURQ (Bremen) INSURANCE CO. Assets (Gold) $2,250,000. MOBILE UNDERWKITEIIS AGENCY. Assets $1,200,000. JNO. W. GORDON, may 16 Agent. 117-lm The Spirit of the South f a the elA-if newipaper publlahed In Rock. Ingham anil ha the largest circulation of an paper published In the Fee !e country, be m Ing read each week by at least S.OOO paovm, V!.Vf 'I.the ' art""-'"V mrdium. Jn i0i tlcs It ft ta, lndrptndnt ug itarUn, the or gan ot no party or clique, but I, tha champion ot the People'! Itlgbta, being tnoronabl da voted tothebntlntereiuol all ' Bubacrlptlon, only S? a year, f'reeef posHee Specimen copies mailed free on appliciuon Bate, of (v,rtllg Ter, reawniue. ' ea vasej muvuu wm 01a neo&Daaa v 8F1RIT OF THE SOUTH. Barca it wwauiguam, n . il tv-n