I 8 ,Tll f r vmoiz no- c.c::; VOL. XXIV. NO. 1SG. wmnnoTon. it. c. Tuesday, jtjiies. i875. in.) i ' t 111 II 111 , 1 I 1 II Jy (Liu lh!hi IcurKi!. WILMINGTON. N. C. : TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1875. BY TELEGRAPH HEADQUARTERS. ARREST OF A SOUTH CAROLINA MURDERER. THE RECENT ROBBERY IN THE TREASURY. Washington, June 7 Night De tectives Surgeaut and MeElfresh, of this city, arrested to-day a o.lored desperado from Soutli Carolina, named Abraham Johnson, alias Dial, churged with the marder ot Dr. E. C. Shell, a wealthy citizeu of Lawreuee, S. C. JohuBou was turned over totheoRicera from that State to bo taken back (or trial. The Secretary of the Treasury to day made a visit of inspection to the cash room of the Treasury D'artmeut aud other rooms where money is handled, with a view of makiiig ho mo alteration in the contraction of the di sks, etc., fo the bettor protection of Government funds. The Secretary gave notice to-day that from aud after this date visitors will not be admitted to the Bureau, of Engraving and Printing, the vaults of the Treasury or to any rooms in the buildiug in which mouey is kept andMudled. The detectives Kive not yet obtaiu a olue to the robbery. There is some talk of the Treasurer offering a reward for the arrest of the thief aud the re covery of the stolen funds, but Secre tary Bristow has not yet decided to do so. The following was received from the Signal Service Observer at Cape May: A box containing the followiug writing on a small piece of paper, was picked up on the beach near this city this evening: "Win, Jones, of York, I'enu syvania. Come out and help us, we are in danger of going under Tell my wife and children good-bye. June 1 6th, night,.'.' THE FIRE FIEND. Hamilton, Ont., June 7 Noon An inoendiary fire here Sunday destroyed Hill't cabinet factory, Herald Bros.' . piano factory, Noutu's tin shop, two storehouses oonuected with Capps' foundry, two dwelling houses and a large quantity of lumber and moulder frames. Loss $50,000, k Ottawa, Out., June 7 Noon A ' l fire at Hull yesterday morning dostroy ' ed Oilman's large steam saw, the eu- gine house only being saved. The loss is estimated at $75,000 insurance 175,000. St. Albans, Vt, June 7 Noon The house of Henry 0. Greene, a far mer, was destroyed by an incendiary ' fire yesterday. While the house was burning Oreene was shot twice by C. " 8. Weeks, a neighbor .wTo subsequent ly committed auioide. Disappointed love and the belief that Oreene had in- ( , fluenoed the object-" of his affections gainst him led to the tragedy. Greene's wounds are slight. ELECflUCISMS. There was a heavy wind and rain storm in the vicinity of Richmond, Va., on, Sunday night, during which a , negro man was instantly killed by lightning, and a woman severely shooked. A dispatoh from Winniepeg says the first sod of the main line of the Cana da & Paoifio Railway, at the Red river ( crossing, was turned on Thursday. Two mennonites were drowned in at tempting to cross the river during the storm.. During the last few day the weather has been the severest of the season. The latest reports ooufirw the destruction of the jjMsnlioppers by cold rain and snow. A negro, named John Simmons, who committed a terrible rape, found tern porary safety yesterday in the An napolis jaiL Madame Rastorcl, wife of a French Communist, has written a letter say ing that her hnsbaud and his compan ions have escaped from New Caledo nia, to show to the yorld the manner in wljion the Communist prisoners were doomed to death by starvation, in New Caledonia. ' ... i jy: - '......'.. . CillCAUO, THE WHISKEY QUESTION IN wr.sr. TWENTY-TWO ALDER MANIC POLITICIANS FINED. Chicago. June 7-Noon la tho U. B. District Court, hold before Judge Blodgett, tho question of the Govern ment seizing the books and papers of those persons whose distilleries have peen seized, on the charge of defraud ing the revenue, was argued on Sat' urday. The defendants were repre sented by Hon. Matt. Carpenter, Sid ney Smith, Leonard Swett aud Ed mund Jusseu, and the prosecution by 'District Attorney Wirt, Dexter anil others. The Government clains that these books and papers are part of the personal property of the distilleries, and are therefore liable to seizure and forfeiture. The defence claimed, on , the other hand, that the books and papers are priva1 property and ex empt under the law, they not being compelled to furnish evidence for their own conviction. Mr, Carpenter closed for the defence when the Judge took the matter nndor advisement. Chioaoo, June 7 Noon. -The twen ty-two Aldermen who have beenbe- forejudge Williams during the past week for oontempt of Court, in hav ing viplated an injunction restraining them from oonnting the votes cast at the last municipal election, were this morning each heed S1C0 and costs nud . their counsel were fined each 8300 and ' cost. They immediately took an ap - pew. (U1JA. A FATAL DUKL AT HAVANA BE TWEE N TWO INTIMATE FRIENDS. Havana, Juno 7. Night A duel took i)laee yesterday betweeu Dr. Al gt-ruou Sydney Curtin, of New York, and Salvador Coiitereral, a tobacco merchant of Havana and New York. The combatants hud boon - intimate frieuds for ruuuy years aud lived to gether in Nt-w York. Dr. Curtis ar rived ht re two weeks ago, aud was stoppiug at Couteri'ial's houne. He stales that yesterday morniug he wus awakened by Contereral sluppiug his lace and aicusiPR ti:m ot illicit ooU' nectiou with his wife. This Curtis de nied aud hot words ensued, which re sulted in a challenge to tight and its acceptance. That afternoou both men proceeded in a carnage to Mariano without witnesses, aud u arriving there dismissed the carriage, rive shots were fired by each contestant, beginning at advance of twenty feet ami linns; as they advanced. At the ti.fth discharge Dr. Curtis wm serious ly wounded in th hip aud fell to tie ground, Ltiutiug from pain aud loss of blood. Upon recoveruiKOOUHCiouHUeitK, he says he saw Coutererul reload his revolver and pine.' it at his temple and tire, killing himself. Coutereral's body lias been brought to this city. It is thought he believed his oppoueut dead wieu he killed hirnnolf. Dr. Curtis is OJadiied to his bed by the severity of his wounds, and lis under police sur veilauce. EUROPE. EMIGRATION SCHEME FOR THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. THE MUTINEERS OF THE JEF h ERSON BORDEN. London, Juuo 7 Night Messrs. Odgor and Wieks, delegates appointed by the Fedoral Uniou of Agricultural Laborers, to make an examination of tho Mississippi Valley for the pur pose of ascertaining its suitability for the settlement of emigrants, will leave for the United States in about two weeks. :...; ihree members of the crew of the American schooner Jefferson Borden were brought up at Bow Street Polioe Court to-day. Miller, the Russian Fin, made a statement in which he a' tacked the Beaniausbip of the Cap. tain, end reiterated charges of cruel treatment of the crew by the officers. The Magistrate ruled that sufficient evidence had been adduced to send the prisoners to the United States, which will be done at the expiration of fifteen days. Edward Welby Tugiu, the English architect, is dead, PENNSYLVANIA.'- MORE ABOUT THE MINING TROUBLES. .j ALL QUIET .YESTERDAY. - AsntiAKD, Pa., June 7 Noon This morning a number of miners were ar rested aud arraigned before the Jus tice General, on the oath of Jno. De grsntof Donaldson, for making riotous demonstrations around his premises. Degrant was working at a colliery up on terms to suit himself, but not the M. & L. B. A , and hence the demon stration and threats. Pottsville. June 7--Nicht AH is quiet and the troops have been with drawn from the several points. : NORFOLK. PICKED UP AT SEA BOTTOM UPWARDS. Norfolk, June 7 Night Capt, Chase, of the eohooner S. S. Lewis.re' ports an hermaphrodite brig ashore on Chicamicomico beach. bottom up. Her name was not seen. The beachers have taken charge of her and cloim that they towed her in fivo miles from sea. It is rumored thero that the captain of the brig and one seaman were saved, but it is not known posi tively whether any of tho crew were saved. The beachers were cutting the wreck up yesterday afternoon. DREXEL'S VIENNA COLOGNE. TV ICE 45 cents, 50 cent and 81 per bottle. Hair Brti'he. a largo variety. Ltihin's Toiiet Powder and J'.xtnv U. " Tooth Hrnrti.- ..,...... , Powder Putts. Cashmere Boqtiet Soap. Drugs and llhrniicals of every description. Furs! low !y OKE.EN FuANNKH, June 6 Druuulets. Sweeps--Sweeps. DICK30N COTTpN SWEEPS either with or without stuck. ALABAMA COTTON SWEEPS; MAGNOLIA COTTON OR COUN SWEEPS GROUND PEA 8WEKPS, (Nifon Pattern.) All above for salt) low by UILfc-S & MtTRCHISON. June 6 138 Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, Hymnals,. Testaments, &c, At CITY BOOK STORE. June 8 " .i. - .138 Binding O F every description done neatly and cl At Conoley & Yates. i 47 Market Stroet. Jnno 185 DIED. Nrr Duplin Road, on th rnin(fth .w ...r.i, W m MIU (IIVIIWWI 111 ni-Mof nerly thr nontha, Mn Kl KANOH HKIU.,m1S3i, wlf. of Df. V. N. Mnooll. Do-Md h4 bwn tar a aaahr of vr. k coiuULBt m.abw trf th U111M NEW ABVEBTISI3IOT8. GO BUY T HRK AXES x well and fovvrably uuwu. mwj as tl'ruiuil, NATH'L JACOBI, HARDWARE DEPOT. Iron and Steel, RIM4.HUHS, tfrUla, Ap. , SPOKES, OARKI AO SKA ur.l'T. i.v mail promptl filled and atlifao- uin guarniiuru. NATH'L JACOBI, HARDWARE DEPOT. Fish Hooks and Lines, SHOVKLt. MPADKS, Pltcl rorlit, Hwl, Kke, T'c. t;hhia, Anvil. Vlci, Puok- ut mi i oi tlullsrv, uuiuk I'UWI., utm- i t virloc. NATH'L JACOBI, HARDWARE DEPOT. Doors, Sash and Blinds FAUTOKV PK10K8. Paint, I'll, VM-niiuaa, uuia, o. Baud for price llat. NATHANIEL JACOBI, HARDWARE DEPOT, TVO. 1 MAltKET ST. limes Just Received. 3C0 BALKS EXTRA EA9TKKN HAT i 150 BALES 8ELE0TED R. T. HAT 8,000 CLINKER BRICK. For wit by a F. MITCHELL A BON. JuneS IIMt Good Board. A GENTLEMAN AND HIS WIFE, or twoalniile a-entlemen. can be ummmo. dtd with good board In a p.etunt part of lb city, a abort dlataoo) from tbe bualneai cen tre. Several dav boarder cad alao be asoommo- datrd Anly at junei-lJJ lw THIS OPFIOS. For Bent. LABOE PLEASANT FRONT BOOM for rent on Market Street Apply to juu I MRS. P. QUINCE. IIS It Grass Blades, H AT OTJTTERS, Reap Honk. Oraln Oradiea, Corn Shelter. eVo. A full aiwrtment ot th above good and M vnrv low price, mn be found at the old estab lished rinruwar Mouse ei JOHN DAWSON, 19, 90 and 21 Market Street. JntioS 185 mHE ANNUAL MEETING of tn CblU dren'i Memorial Aasoclatlon will b he d thl (Tnerday) Afternoon, at Society Ball, In rear of St. James' Church, at B o'clock. A lull and punotual meeting la dealrtd. June 8 lW-it Administrator's Notice. THE UNDKRBfONED, having qualified as Admlnlatiatorof the estate of William Hottndi rf,drceasrd, hereby not'fle all per rons Indebted to ald eatate to make Immedi ate payment ; and all persona having claim ugalnst aald estate to prewnt them to tho un dtrigiid, duly authentloied,onor before the 8th day of June, 1878, or thl nutlc will be pleadod In bar of their recovery. HENRY A. GLAMETER, Admlnttrator, No. I, N. Water Street Marsdiiu Bellamt, Attorney. June 8, W5 188-lw Star copy 1 week. j Southern Illustrated Age! RALEIGH, N. C, THE ONLY ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY In the riouili. Kight pages. Forty col umns. obtaining mora ruling matter than anv weekly imblistieil in the houiliern States. the first number of the SOUTHERN 1L ..UbTliATltU AUK will b Issued on Saturday 3Hh f ot Juno, 18711. The Publisher Intend making It an Illus trated record of tho tiroes. It will treat of every topic, Political, Utttorlcal, Literary, and Scientific, which la of current interest, and g've the beat Illustrations that can be obtained, oriiiitiai or loreign. The MOUTH rRK ILLUSTRATED AGR will be printed on now typo, and heavy book DKuer. On Its list of contributors will b found the nam a of many of the bett writer In the South urlal and Miort atotlea, poem and aketohee, and ell conduct! d editorial departments, giv ing the latrst personal, literary, scientific, po litical religions and aommercial lntelllgenco, will lurulah every week an amount of roading matter nmurpsssed y other papers, In sxel lence and varletv. It Is Intmided to make tha HOD'IHKKN ILLUSTHAIED AGR a Jour nal for the drealde Mvsrat eolumns will bo sii-clHlly i voted trail suhjeols pertaining to acniPiiio aim pkiii in. ,...J,..4 No taiully hon d bo without It. Bntujriptlqu prloo only SI per annum, Post- f'' "it. T. FCLQHUM, Editor, . Raleigh, N. 0. Juno I U6 tf WEDDIHG CARDS S pflt kamott lasalousbl Mvl at th I Ijacobi JOUttJIAL NSW ADVESTISE5EST9. Hdadauarters Capo Fear v Light Artillery. WtLMiauTox, Jan th, ISIS. Attention Members ! A MEETING of your Battery will bo held AA.aaTady ovenlng, June 8th Inst., at I n'olook, at your Armory on Hecoad trot. A full and prompt attendaroe I commanded, a eaanes or importano win do orougni otioro tno wapaij. By ardor of tho Oaptaln. O. M. HARRIS, ' Orderly Sergvaat June I lJt Booms for Rent KSIRABLI CNFURRISIIEU ROOMS for ronton Market itroet, ovor Brown f Rod' dick'. Apply oa tb premise Jane 4 135-tr Musical Instruments piANOS, ORGANS, MKl.ODIANS, UUI tar, Violins, Banjoes with Ingle and double neaus, s iuhw, awvrawjni, narmonicaus, io., AC, Ao. You can alwajr Bud a largo assortment to elect from at HEINSBERCER'S Uv Book and Muslo Stor. Jane 138 Attention ! rjlHB moot direct rout to tho LARGEST CLOTHINO HOUSE IN THE CITY, tho moot stylish at and most roaaonablo price lead to No. IT, Market Street. Clothing mad to .order tn the latest Parisian fashion and Hew York ttyle, and at prloee to nit tho limes. Com ono, com all, and bo SUITED at A. DAVID'N June I 188 Our Fresh Crisp y jILg BISCUIT are only IS cost a pound. OUR FRESH CRISP Family Soda BlMultaro only 12 sent a pound WE HAVE 100 Tina Poek Frean Blsoult, 100 Tina Albort Biscuit, wti b overy-otbor variety of now and old sty lei ta market All fresh And low prioed. " CHAS. D. MYERS A CO., AT North Front St. 138 Juno Champion & Peerless JAUNDRY SOAPS, perfumed and wrapped, 60 aad IS cents a doien block. CHAS. D. MYERS A CO., . 5 A 7 North Front St. Juno 118 According to Agree ment TTI close oar 8 'ore tvery ovonlng during tho wees , eicept sarurday.at 7:30 for tho Sum mer months, and w will thank our patron to tend n their order a early In the day a pot- ible. Respectfully, CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., S and 7 North Front Street. June 6 188 Bacon, Pork. Sugar and Coffee 75 Boxes D. S. Sides & Shoulders, 75 Bozet Smoked Sides and bboul ders. 50 Bbla. rrime Mess Pork, 100 Bbls. Refined Sugar, 100 Bags Prime Rio Coffee, For sale low by WIIiLIAMS & MURCHISOIS. Flour, Kice, Hay and Syrup. 1,000 Bbls. Flour all grades, 50 Bbls. Whole Rioe, . 500 Bales Prime N. R, Hay, 100 Bbls. S. H. Syrup, For sale low by WILLIAMS & MUROHISON. Hoop Iron, Clue, Spirit Cask?, Nails and Corn. 500 Bundles Hoop Iron, 100 Bbls. Olue, 800 Beoond Hand Spirit Cask, 400 Kegs Nails, 6,000 Bushels Prime White Corn. For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Klolaaaea I lHolaaaea I Iriolauiae I ISO Hhds. and Bbls Now Crop Cuba. For aale low by WILLIAMS & MUR0H18ON. Uuanwl Gnanot Gnanot 160 Tons Eureka Ouano, 200 " Ouanap' " For aale low by WILLIAMS A MURCHIHON. KEEP IT BEFORE THE m mm M M aVB ftUHLt mHAT In price for OLorriiMe- Wo are far below the market ALPACA COATS, LINEN COATS, PANXS OF CA8SIMERE AND LINEN, aelllng very low, MUNSON & CO., CITI CLOTHIERS, jantt ut-tr NIW ALVIRTI3EMMTS. Notice to Depositors. Th Board of OlrvoUir of Wilmington Trnt Onmpsnv and Having hank dr.il to clou It. arUlasietlllv a iwalblo. lio.lt.r will nleas prvasnl their Paw-Books and withdraw their money without further delay. P. M. KINU, Cahls. Jun 4 ' Star copy, l.ii Jt fllOMjuIto Keli,. Mosquito Nets, Mosquito Nsts, - - Mosquito Not. - Mosquito Nsta, - - a oo 4 oo 00 Pot al bv D. A. SMITH A CO. Jun a m tf THE GRAND Family Excursion. Vndr tha ausploos of th Young Catholic Prlendt Society, which was necessarily post poned from May aruh, will oarUlnly take place on TUESDAY, Junosth, TO 8M1TUVILLK AND RKTt'HN BY STEAMER GOV. WORTH. Th tlokets, the numlxr of which la posi tlvoljr llmltod, will be SI oo each lor gcntlemeu aud to oenta each fur lady or child. No anlrltuou Honors will be allowed on bord, I os creaiu, aandwlohrs, cotlio, dtc, 111 lie served at oily price. Th boat will loav tli wharf, foot of Mar ket it rent promptly at H o'clock. Gooa Mu.to baslwtn hkkhI for th occasion. Tbs Oom mlttee resvrve th right to acludo all ol jso Uunabl prni. Tlrkst may bo procured at tn More or .1. H. Alien, L. Brawn and J. H. MHlarlty 4 Oo. may 80 iifs-m;sii,d,,R M. CRONLY.Auotloneer. BT URONLT A MORRIS. Yaluablo Heal Estate at Auction. Bv virtus of several mortiniie from .lohn R, Leggett and wile, the Meclntnic' Hulidingand Lean Aiwoclatlon will sell for cash hy I'ubllc Auction, at Exchange (Xrnr. In th city of Wilmington, on TUKSDAV, Jun Stli, IMS, at U o'olock A. M., that valuahl HOUSE AND LOT, 33 x 00, dtuatsd upon thaaouth lds of Mulberry, ba- tweed rront ana Boootia streou. Tbbms Osah. may Id lit tt-May l6,3,W,Jun tSti COVERED, EXTRA SUGAR-CURED PIG HAMS, Breakfast Strips, Sugar-Cared Shoulders, Extra Mesa Mack era), Salmon St George's Bank Codfish, AT GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 South Front St. NEW COOKED Families going to the Sound should lay in a supply. Introduced by us and genuine only guaranteed and sold, by GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 South Front St. .This Month W added a vast number of "friend" to the aireauy large list lor our cuoiuo New Process Empire Flour. Our Immense sale I the best evldonoo we otter before a trial; and, after ono using 111 you are convinced beyund a doubt and wtl. always use it ana no omcr. Boat Butter In the World I Best Butter In the World t Beat Butter In the Word I Just In and only for sal by CEO. MYERS, It A 13 South Front Street. . may 30 1W M CRONLY, Auctioneer. BT OHONLT A MORBIB. Iron Safes, furniture and Fix tures of the Wilmington Trust Co. Savings Bank AST .AUCTION. Th abovo corporation bavins elnserl It aft'alra, we will on TUESDAY, Juno hlli, 1-18, at It o'clock A. M , sell npon the premiss (Market, bsiwssn Front and Beouud streets), their entire Inventory of Safes, Furniture & Fixtures, Wsll worthy ot tlis attention of, ami eiamlna- Uoa by, tuoto lu want. W numerate x A. Fir and Burglar Proof "Marvin" Bale, A"Llllla" Bala, Counter, Black Walnut Top, with Iron Kali, Two Black Walnut Uountar Desk, tin Mahogany Btand Oek, Black Walnut "Dlreotnr's" Table, 10 feet, One Black Walnut Table, - tlht Black Walnut Office Chairs, Two Black Walnut Hall Obalrs, Black Walnut Hat Hack, , Black Walnut Book Oase, One Mirror, MarhlsHlab Brackets, a.No. 1 Letter Prrss, Black Walnut Stand, One Buperior Klgbt Day Calendar Clock. Carpet Matting, Oil Cloth, Mud, Spittoons, Bankets, tias fixture, Cooler, Books, Sta tionery, Ac. Thl Purnituro Isef superior make and Sntfh to order, aud must and will bo sold to close without reserve. tunes l3l-3U)Ui,6ti&tn oda Water Jt'K CQLD SODA WATKR for al by iiAMEs) u. munva, I'mgidat, Third Street, Opposite City Hall. Prescription compounded at all bours, day or Bight. - Juas S 1M- TRUNKS. SADDffl AND HARNESS, Tr.mllns Bass. Satchel. Bhawl HtrarjS. Whips, Spun, bauille Cloths, Feather Dusters, Oollara, Hames, Baildlnry Hardware, I eather, Axle urease, ana an anuii oi saauiery itooa. No. I Soutbrout Street, Wilmington, N. fl. I nay xv - so-u NEW AL7ISTIS22IST3. LET THBE3 BROWN & 45 Have determined to dear out all Iheit , HU3IMEU (STOCK at GREATLY REDUCED PIUCU. . " Sale to oommenoa on , MONDAY, JUNE 7TH, 1875. Some groat Harguius will be offered. We do not oonaidsr 11 BWBWtty go into details, as tho publio generally One Price. Call early BROWN & RODDICK, MORE PAKTICULAKS ! MI ASSORTMENT . OB . SPRIIlffllu i IS NOW IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LLNES. My oustomors hare shown thoir appreoiation of my LOW PRICES by theif liberal purchases, for which I'm thankful STRANQEB3 not potted, vn4 desiring the value of their money, can AT M.M. KATZ'S, aprll IS SOL. BEAR & BRO'S, 20 Market Street. CLOSINQ OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK OF JDJtY GOODS AT OUR KKTAIL 8TOUK I Gt-reat Bargains! I J-4 LINEN SHEKTING from TO ot. and 11 11 per yard. Mozambique 7 eta. per yard, SWISS MUSLINS, (00 Doxen Linen Toweli and Napkin, Irisb and (lot man Llnan hhtrtlngs, -uambrle Haidkaroblef, MATTINGS, Wbita and Colored. 50 Pieces LINEN 'for Ladle Traveling Dreffw and Boy wear. Large arsortmont of Panama and Straw HaU for Children and Men. ' Wa will commence on Monday to tell the above and will continue dally until the whole itock I olosed oat 7 Ladle are respectfully Invited to call and examine our stock, a w know it will re pay them. ' ' In future we Intend to confine our business to Clothing and Merchant Tailoring may 11 122-tf To Natal Storo Dealers. Tha undersigned, 1st Deputy Supervising Inspector, having left th employ of the Com pany, tender hi service to Merchants and others ensured In buying and shipping car goes. Ha baa bad a practical siperlenoe of twenty year In tho Naval Store Business, and Will glv strict personal attention to Weight, Color, Oaaglng, Order and B towage of all hlp menlntrsUd to bl care, feeling assured that be will glva full satlil'actlon to all who may favor him with their order. Order may be left for tha present at A. H. VanHdkkel.n'sofllo. Refers to Messrs. Wil. Hams A Murchlson, James Anderson A Co., A. H. Van Bokk.len ana others. mayW-sodlm. W. D.ldAHN. Horse Wanted. Any on. having a HOBS It, and no use fo him during the Bummer m. nths, can have th same well taken ear of by applying at this ofiloa or addressing B., P. O. Lock-Box 470. Juael. Ul-tf CEgSEiS. RODDICK, know we do nothing by Wlret. BtrlcUyCV and sooure"a r 45 narket Ctrcct IL JU.J..U .ti u.U.. ...A u'kll . COEIFIETE get it by calling , i . : 36MarketSt CORN, MEAL, KICE J3 N::3. OnnA BTJ8HEL8 OORV, 800 ' so bbla 600 Water QrOnnd Maal, Blow, riour. For tale b w sUBOHHIB m CAXD1B feKOS. Jnne Bacon. Lard end Calt CQ BOXKS D. S. Ildea and lAsaidtxe, AO - Bmoktd SidaanaUtxtf, 00 Tub Lard, . l.OOOMcks Liverpool Bait. For aale by KEHOkNIB 4 CAXOU MOS. june COFFEE, tUOAR, CAK3T 1X3 CIS- ' oie. ; 150 "ACK M"' v lit oo ddis angar, ' . , ; S bhd Demarara ligar, BO boxat Oandy, , . . ' " SO Candle. , For aala by - KSBCUIISB m OAXDKB SBOe. JuneS MS TOMATOES. PEACKI3, CTSUIl an a iAt:::E3."t 25 0A8K8 a and I Iba. Tomatoes, JO andllbs.Peaha, 1 and I lbs. O yter a. lttS It Sardine. For (alaby KEHOUNEa CALDKB BKOaV junat US The Wilmington . and Gout Tura JJOOKS OF 8UBS0BIFTIOH W IU Capital Stock or this Ooapaay kav. ksaa opened by tha anderstgned evxartttatbag Committee for that tirposa, appotata at tha recent meeting of tha Corporator aaxaad la the act of inoorporation, aad xoay Va fauAaa tha saveral Bank of tb city, aadattk Fw cell Hens. ' '...( HM.A.WBIQHT, , ;' J.B.DATIB, , . v: ; I' T.iJ.BOTJTHKBLAllD, . ; bobwood erLxs, '-t CHAS. D. MYEftSf ' ' WM. A. CUMMIN (I. . .,,: s-i;--.t.-, Cesuii'tsa. maylT mf ?ZXX bltalbtnat and Urttm.f a Corner TU tvad CbMu.at iut.

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