6? i r ( n rr I ii Mint hi rvv r v x-v x vy' I IA ... I !. VOL. XXIV. NO. 129. wnnmGTon. it. c Friday, juneu. 1875. WHOLU 110. CC03. WILMINGTON, N. C. FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1875 GOTHAM 7 ANOTIIER TALE OF IIOttUOR. THE STEAMSHIP VICKSBUBO , SONK AT SEA. TRUE BILLS FOUtfD AGAINST CLAFLIN & CO. FOB SMUG GLING SILKS. New toBt, Juno 10 XigUt Cupt. Cooper, of the stoamer Stuto of Geor gi, which arrived liere this morning, mukea the following statemout: Jane 5th, latitude 46 degrees and 34 minutes Nor h, lougitiulo 47 degrees aud 58 miuutea West, had light breezns from the Worth woet and hazy weather. There were numerous icebergs and large quautilitw of Hoe ice in Bight. At 11:30 A M. discovered a Bhip's boat with sails sot ou oit bow. I made immediately for tier and she proved to be Ixiat No, 1 of the steamir Vieksburg, of Liverpool, belonging to the Dominion line uhd comtnuuded by Capt. Bennet. . There were five men in her and in a very exhausted Btutx, Bad their feet and legs were mueti swollen,. so Imflcb ao that their boats had to be cat from their feet. I at oaoe took them with their boat ou board and put the men into the hos pital under the eurgeoo's charge. Tin y are still Buffering from their grout ex posure to thfe wet and cold but aro n oovering as fast as coul.l be expecti d. Their names are Jumna Crawley, of Loudest taat,kged 25, Thos. O'Brien, . ot Iimrpool,' seaman, aged 25, f Pat rick 1 Grogan, " Joh i Williams aud Jonas Wilkinson. Crawley makes the following statement; We left Quebec, May 27th, with ship's crew of (JO men nil told, aud 8 saloon passengers, 5 gentlemen and 3 ladies, an 1 about 20 in the steerage, of whom 4 were ie " males. The weather was fine uutil 9 o'clock Sunday evening, May 30th, when we fell in with a held of ice and ywaa soon surrounded by it. The ship was stopped until daylight when we , prooea jgaip jitalbat little ioe in sight At Mi T.XKt Monday,- all hands were called to shorten sail; the ship wat stopped amongst heavy ice and headed to the south when wo proceeded at full speed to get clear of the ice. At 12, M., at halt speed, we struck the ioe., Vibe engines were im - mediately! reversed- and the ship Btruck heavily aft oa the port quarter carrying away the fans of the propeller and a hole was knocked through the plates on that quarter through which came a great deal ofjwater. Got a sail over and stopped the hole tL$ so that but little water came in. All hands were employed in heaving the cargo overboard. The second officer and myself were takeu 'from the cargo to dear , sway -. the boats. This was about 6 o'clock ou Tuesday, June 1st. The Captain ordered for ward wells to be sounded and six inches of water was found, the after steerage then being full of water. The main hold wells were then sound ed and five feet and a half of water was found. The Captain called me ou the bridge and told me not to mind the boats, and then culled everybody aft and told them to have no fears as be could take the ship to St Johns, N. F. ' It was then discovered that the fires in the engine room were drowned out, and the Captain then gave orders to launch the boats with ' their respective crews and .told them to mind '.that? the distance from St. " Johns was 120 miles, N. V. I pic oeeded to launch No. 1, which w.is my boat, and it was capsized in lowering, losing my ohronometer, watch, charts, tudder and part of our provision ( She was full of water. O'Biieu and I bailed her partially out, when, Gru gan, Wilkinson and Williams jumped in; we could not hang on to the nhii', 'owing to the sea bn, and ioe abreast. O'Brien saw the Captain standing ou the bridge, beckoning the boat back, we having drifted about 150 yards from the ship. We saw the second officer's boat lowered all clear, with nine hands and himself in her; she came found the bow aud pulled to the windward about 60 yards. The ship sunk at about 10 o'clock, Hunting boat No. 2 from her chocks, with thechioj! officer and . about 30 peoplo iu her. She got clear and pulled to the wind ward. O'Brien, alter the ship went down, saw tho Captain and some per sons floating on a bale of hay amongst the wreckage. We tried all we could to pick them up, but owing to the boat being half ' full of water and ice, we were not able to do bo. ) We slnp- ' ped our mast and kept company with the othei boats about two hours and - then lost eight of them to the west- ward. & We decided then to steer clear of ice. Hove boalj to with an par aud bucket as a drag, till daylight on Wed nesday mprniqg. ,J!f6 had in the boat 'about three gallons of writer aud forty pounds of raw beef, fourteen pounds of bread wet with salt water aud a com pass, wbioh did not fall but when the . . . . . . . . dose capsjzea. Agiui we put sail ou the boat and steered South, the wivd blowing from the-northward aud west ward all throughout the scene, and it was bitterly cold. About 4 r. HI hauled the ' boat's head to the northeast till Thursday morning, then tacked to westward till about a p. ,m. and strain laid to with the drag till 9 in the evening, when we took iu the drag and made Bail aud stood to the northeast till Friday morning. At day light tacked to southwest till middny, tacked again to tho nortuonst till but- urday about half past 10, when we sighted the, State of Ooorgiaaud we again put out oars and pulled away dead to windward till she picked us up. I think that forty odd people with the Captain went down with the ship. We had blankets in our boat for the three ladies and tho stewardess which were lost when the boat was capsized. We paw no Indies in the chief's or Beomd oflieer's bouts. The Oram! Jury of the United States Cheuit Court to-day found au indict ment ngaiut Horace 15. Clalliu, of tho well kuotv.i dry goods house of H. B. Clalliu & Co , and Win. II. Taloott, sik buyer of the same firm, for com plicity in the recent silk smuggling hands. There ore three iudiotmeuts against Taleott, chargiug him with re ceiving and ponoealiugsmupgled silks. Three indictments against 11. B. Claf lin & Ci'., the Srt of which contained four couuts charging them with con cealing six eases of smuggled silk goods valued at 830,000, ou the 21st of Apfil, 1873. The second indictment contains sixteen counts, ami . charges thpiu with at various times during the years 1872 and 1873, receiving and roUCealing quantities of valuable talks. The third iudictuient ooutaius twenty eight counts chargiiig them with hav ing received and sold large quantities of silks, well knowing them to have been iuipoitcd into the Uuited States contrary to law. The numea of tho member of the tirm who are also in dicted are as follows : If. B. Clutlin, John Clutliu, Edward E. Ernies, Hor ace J. Fiiirohild, Wm. D. Punn.Pavid ivobuisou and Wm. 1L Talcoit. EXCHANGE OF PKISONER3 IN SPAIN. ANOTHER SUCCESS REPORTED FOR THE CARLISTd. ; TERRLtIC STORM IN FRANCE. Losdon, June 10. Noon. A dis patch to the Standard, says arrange meats have beeu made between tho Carlists and Alfoninls to exchange l.UUU prisoners at una. ihe Daily News reports several Rus- sian mea-of-war at Odessa ordered to Greece, Threr others are expected at Greek ports from tho Baltic. "ARB). Jane 10. Noon The French Ultramontane Journals published a telegram from the OarhsU. It states that Gen. Gamundi captured Carmera aud took eight hundred prisoners. A violent storm passed over this oity yesterday. - Much window glass was broken and thousands of chimney t were blown over; many accidents aud traf fic was wholly suspended iu the street The storm extended to the South of Franoe, aud from the Pyrenees oomes the report that houses were prostrated and eleven persons were killed. The damage iu Paris alone is estimated at eleven millions francs. ilEADQUAllTEliS, SOME SMALL ITEMS OF DE PARTMENT GOSSIP. Washington, June 10 Night Sec retary Bristow aud Senator Morton are in accord. The new foroign postage stamp will bear the face of Gen, Titylor copied from the medal voted him by Con gress in 1812. I fhe above item of news reached us by mail last night Jocn. - The Secretary of the Treasury and Commissioner of Customs had a loug cnnsultation to-day regarding the cus toms business iu the frontier ports. Tho Secretary of tho Treasury is not satisfied with the management of affairs at the Lake ports and Commis sioner Johnson will probably retire on tuo 1st of July. . UEOKU1A. A BLACK DEVIL OUTRAGES TWO WHITE GIRLS IN GEORGIA. Atlanta. June 10. Night A negro was arrested jesterdaynt Atlanta for committing a rapo ou two whitegirls i i DeKalb county, Ga., sister', named Johnson, nged 20 and 23. The negro worked upon au adjoining place, and came to the house early iu the night When nobody was at home but the two sisters and their little brother, who tried unsuccessfully' to kill the negro with an axe. The negro lock d the doors, threatened ' the lives of the girls with a pistol, committed the dou ble crimo, and took to the woods bo fore morning. Medical assistance was rendered tho girls. Jordan Jones, tho negro arrested, was , carried baok for identification. ELECTK1CISMS. Tho steamship City of Takeo, from Hong-Kong, brings the following: An attack was made on May the 1st, upon the American Methodist Episcopal Church in Knikiaug, iu consequence of the superstitious belief among the natives that their children were mal treated by the missiona.iies'. The Democratic State Convention to nominate candidates for Governor, Comptroller, and Treasurer, has been called, to meet iu Baltimore on Wed nesday, July 21st. The tug Heffered exploded her ooiler yesterday at Uiilialo, N. I., killiug Capt. Hand, Eugiuenr Day and au unknown hoy. The firetuau was fatuLyhurt. The boat was blown ; to atoms. The body of the Captain wa s blown over a four story building 150 feet across the street. Geu. Duff Green died yestt-rduy at liis nomo, iu faicon, iio. ' Cheney wus yasterday inaugurated Governor of New Hampshire. NEW". YOKK. THE ALABAMA PRESS AT EL MIRA. Elmira, June 10 Noon The New York State Press Association received forty members of the Alabama Presa Association, who were welcomed to the oitv bv Mavor Smith. Alter visiting the public institutions a collation was served ct Eldreilgo Park, WED01H5 CARDS 3W. fcut lMbloublettlf t the jouunAti rriuic. NEW ADVERTISES ENT 3 Found. guME DATs SINCE, near th corner ot lUmett and BTuth (troeU, a SILVER WATCH, which the owner cu bulB titer lvlng for UiU adverttataMiit. Jan U UU The Second Regatta QFTUC CARO UNA TAUHrCLCB WILL uks plan tt I clock, Jan nt YehU win report promptly at Hi e'elork. The Kow- mt Koe win b rcpaatra Immediately after inii. me negaiui ut onoring liu rur the faM 'tb at. W. L. JJCWKt T, June 11 139-lt Finer. Real Estate and Loan Association. mHK fTTR MeNTHLT INSTALI.MINT X ot ox a doll a a ran nkuu ta au and Payable To-day at the offlnc of the TSeoretary anil Treararar. Recrotary and fraaaarr. June 11 ijg.it Newspaper for1 Sale. AKV (loos MAN wUblng to'auf aga ta tha nWRMiirr b lueas. cu with a email eh .,..il. rri im Die I reee. Tj. rixtuie and 'imvl Will of the ''oucord Sua " for full i aitloulaje, addrrea JOHN K. rlAKRlS, Couoord, N. O. June it 13-Iai dlata iar ileaea aopy. The Mystery Of HARK HOLLOW. Kclltfd by Mm. Ira ni 1). K. N. South worth, Aetbor f I be l.ot Helnm," " i ha leaerted Wile," - fair Hay," Now He Woa Her," eta. ' I ha M jeter? or Dark Hollow " le highly mmMUonal, and the ohataoten hava been dr twn with great fi.ri-a aud Tlgor, It ieeUiot ly Bi irl in it lone and eenUnenU, abonodl'ig In it, pathne, and acuta obiervatlnn. The pint h ae aim the rare aaarll of originality, while It i rm'iim-r unuKual interact, and tha whole ia handled hy lie author with rare ability. Price to 78 In cloth. ,luatrHjlftUaiidrorealei HEINSBERGER'S Live Book and Mod Store. June 11 , - j 1S MEN'S Brown and White 'duoksuits EXTREMELY LOW. BOY'S BROWHUIIEH SUITS 02.GOI TRUNKS. BAGS, ftc. o. MUNSON & CO.; OlTTCLOTHlEBd. June 10 lt8-tf WM. UNDERWOOD & CO,, ! OF BOSTON, JJATK FOB A HALF CINTCUT PAST put up the tlneet and " SA.XJOES PACKED IN AMKKIUA. We hare a full line of their gouda oa the way Stuffed Mangoes, binned Peppers, Devilled Ham, Tongue and Other Meats. Tbcr are endorsed by oonsoteaeura In tbti country and In Kurope. Their name ia houne- noma throughout America. Thotr ware. -perlor to any similar goods put up in tail coun try. CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., 5 and 7 North Front Street. June 10 lis DREXEL'S VIENNA COLOGNE. paiuEMcentn.aocenteanJIlper bottle. Hlr Brnehe, a large yarlety. l.ubln'e Toilet Powder and itrcta. TimIIi Bruhe. Powder Pufla. ('aeh mere Boqnt Soap. ; Urgge and Chemicals of every description. For atle low by GKJUCN A FuANNKH, June OrugglsU. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE, Ilexington, virqinia, c AN DI DATES FOB ADMISSION INTO this well-known Institution should present early application, rntfcloguee will be forwarded. '- Address, FHANOIS H. HMITH, t I June 9 Superintendent. 13T-eodt Merchandise Brokerage. , - WITH THE REQUISITE RXPKKIRNOE, acquaintance, knowledge and raeillUas, 1 1 1 lie p my Mrvlces for the purcliaae and sale of all flea rlptlon. of Merchandise in Western, Northern and oar own market. Negotiate cakii and obkimt. Wires vwd freely at my expense lor any Information desired, f rom Importers, Refiners, Millers and Manufacturers, full line of samples exhibited dally.' Itoflse, Molasses, Syrups, Hugar, Flonr, Snap, liacon, lry Salt Meats, Pork. Lard, &ci , i all glares ; Tobacco, Cigars, &a. ; Hplrlt Casks, Olus, Hay, torn, Ac r Safes, Soalesj Ac, 0. h pedal atuatlon glT.n to securing lowest rates of transportation. Examination of samples, correspondence and orders solicited. r Orders left at Office for "Spot" Goods in Bare prompt attention. J AS. T. PETTEWAY, i Commercial llrolcor, NORTH WATER STREET. miytS HI 1m aod Whale Oil Soap, : For preventing and destmylng INSECTS on Plains, Fruit .Trees, Ao. V1.V PAPER, Hvkti's .ll Balsam, Hati Killer, )IiMetWr's Bitters, Vinegar little's. For sale low by UKKKN A FLANNKK, may 80 ltrnggisU, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TRUNKS, SADDLES AND HARNESS, Trarellng Bag., Satchels, Shawl Straus, WDipe, e-pun, aauuir tmui r b.iuw a.u.- Onllara, Haatae, Haildlerv Hardware, leather Asia Grease, and all kinds of Saddlery ttoods CARPENTER A MALLARD, No. I SouUTront lueet, Wilmington. N. O. saay s u NOTICE, I TAKE THIS method of Informing the pa trons of Brock's Exchange aod the public la genera1, that I have Oil day awumel charge af the Billiard Mall ia the above eetab iifhmeni, ana wouia e pieaaxi wsee an lorars M the game and others at any and all times. tteapeotlully, June FRANK PALM RK. 13T It Sid Excursion Tickets VIA Carolina Central Railway rjlHg TKAVEl.tnO PUBLIC are respect iully Informctt thai ROUND TRIP EXCURSION TICKETS good ta return till NOVEMBER 1. 1B70, can now be had at the principal Stations f this Maiiway AT IOWER RATE THAN EVER BEFOMK to Hie following 1K t.luHTriJL al'MMKR KKttlKTN lo Was- rn North Carolina, with the f XtrAOf- amary inauoement of commu tation Ticket; enabling bualneae men to make frequent returns during the aeaaon at a nominal cost. Tickets now on sale to Llnolnton, Cherryvllle, Shelby, Cleveland Springs, Statesvllle.Morganton, Ma rlon, Hickory Tavern, Old Fort, Ashevllle, Catawba Springs. Night trains out of Wilmington yla this line, with elegant M. Car Ai i make the best ronneotlon far all or the abors named points. Any further Information gladly furnished upon application, to . j F. W. CLARK, Ueaeral Tluket Agent, Vllmliigtan, N. 0. 1311m iune 10 iter copy. WILMINGTON AND WELOON RAIL ROAD COMPANY. Owiob of GwatAL SuraaiaTaaoia, 1 Wilmington, P. O., June I, 1811. ) UHANOB OF SOHKDULS. On end after Jane (h, Passenger Trains as the W. W. Railroad will ran as follows t MAD, TRAIN Leate Dnloa Depot dally (except Sundays) at... I.UA.M Arrive at Ooldsboroat U4S A. M. Rocky Mount at IMP. M Weldonat 1.40 P. M Leave Wal don dally at 10.OBA.M Arr a at Rooky Mount 11.41 A.M. Goldaboroat 1.1s P. M Union Depot g.00 P. M. MPBE8S TRAIN ANU TURUUQIi FRKIOHT TRAIN. Laare Union depot, dally, at (30 P.M. Arrive at tioldsboro at lj.H A.M. nocxy aiouniai. imA.n, " Weldon at 6.00 A. M Leave Weldon, dally, at T.tio P. M Arrive at RorkyiMount at. 9M P. M Goldaboroat ll.WA.M, m Dnioa Uepot at 130 A.M. Mall Train makes oloee eonioeUon at Wat don for all points North via Buy Line and Ae S,ala Creek routes. UT Express Train connects only with Acquis Greek rente. lnllmasiB PaiVsew Meta, g trs .me inua. a Freight Trains will leave Wilmington tri weekly at 1.00 A. M. aia am re at i.w p. m. JOHN P. DIVINE, General Han't. Jnnel MJ-tt HUreopy. Flour-Flour-Flonr. fe4 udiu n t uti r vi .no nnn bbls. bell mill flour, 800 ' Bob Whlto " 900 Prlneess Royal " For sale by RKUOBNKB A CAIJ)KK BROS. June to i;uj Molasses Molasses HHD8. CUBA MQLASSES, 1 150 and bbls? S. H.'Molsjees.' " ' For sale by ' KKKOHNEK A CALDUR BKH8. JUDllO , 13S Spirits Casks, Glue & Nails. 200 SPIRIT CASKS. loo bbls (llue. too kegs Nalis. For sale by KIHOHNBR A OAI.DKR BROW. June 10 - 138 Soap, Candy; Candles. &c 100 BOXES SOAP, M Oandv. 79 Oandlea, im Lye and Potash, 100 Oysters. For sale by KKHOMNER A CALDKR BROH- June 10 m MOSaUITO NETS, TAROB AND SMALL RATTAN OHAiKS AJ and Rockers, 'White and Checked Matting, Window hhades, Bafeeaml Refrigerators, torsvHMii TBana. For sale luw by D.A.SMITH A 0(). gaay tt i.,, in Children's Colored Shoes, Just rereWed direct from the Manufactory Ane assortoieht of Children's Butr, llronae and Black Shoes of all sixes, with and without keels. Also Gent Hand-Sewed Box-Toe and Machine-Hewed Low Quarter Shoe. v Ladies Oaltere and Slippers in great variety " a A. PRICE'S, - No. W Market Street NIW ADVERTISEMENTS. Rooms for Rent JJESIK4B1.K VNrCKMSHF.It KUUMS for rent on Market street, over Bman A Rod dick's. Apply on the premises. uuel tal-if Attention I IJ1HK most direct route to the LAROEaT CLOTHING HOUSE IN THE OITY, the most stylish at aud rnosl roawuiable prices leads to No. !?, Market Street. Ulothlug made to .order in the latest Parisian fashion and Hew York style, and at prices to suit the times. Coma one, come all, and he SUITED at A. DAVID!. IU lunel Grass Blades, II AT OUTTERS, Reapilooks, drain Oradies, t'orn Mhellen, Ao. A full aaMirUuent ol Ihs above goods and at very low prices, uan be tounl at the eld estab lished H art! war Houee ot v JOHN DAWSON, 18, 10 and U Market Stre't. jnnal 186 - AdmiuistratDr's Koticc. THR ITNDEKHIONED, having mi all tic! as Admlnl.tiator of the estate of William Hottemkrr.di eean-d. herebr liotlltne all it- wine imlehteil to said estate to niaka InmiPdl ate payment ; and all persona haylnn claims a sal list eald estate to present them to the un- di'rsigurd, duly aatheBlloeted,onor before tha ath day of dune. INTO, or this notice will be pleaded In bar ol their recovery. HENRY A. OLAMETKK, Ailmlastralor, No. 1. N. Water Street. Mabsdrr licLLAMr, Attorney. June , 1MB . : . . Star onpy 1 week. ISA W COVERED, EXTRA SUGAR-CURED PIG HAMS, Breakfast Btrips, Bngat-Ourcd Blionldorn, f , .-v. Extra Mea Mtckcral, Balmon & George's . Cauk CoJQhL. GEO. MYEHS, 11 anil 13 8onth Front St. NEW COOKED Families going to the Hound should lay in a supply. Introduced by us and genuiuo only guaranteed and sold, by GEO. MYERS, ' 11 and 13 South Front Bt ' This Month We added a vast number of "friends" to the already large list fur our choice New Process Empire Flour. Our Immense sales Is the best evldonoe we otter before a trial; and, after once using lit yoa are convinced beyond a doubt and wll, always ass it ana no otner. Best Butter in the World! Best Butter In the World 1 Best Butter In the Word ! Just In and only for sale by CEO- MYERS, 11 & 11 South Front Street. may 30 FOR lea a w sw mm OR RENT! The HOUHK recently built forandJ; oconnled by tkeltev. J. ). lllden.uiiJIil Seventh, between (jbestnut and Mulberry Bts. Terms reasonable. H. HAAK, Grocer, Corner 7th and Chestnut Streets. may 71 l0.tf Sweeps-rSweeps. - DICKSON COTTON SWEEPS either with or without stucks. ALABAMA COTTON SWEEPS ; MAGNOLIA COTTON OB CORN SWEEPS GROUND PEA SWEEPS, (Nixon Pattern.) All above for sal low by UILKS dc MORCHlaON. Junal 188 Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, Hymnals, Testaments, &c, At June 1 CITY BOOK STORE. , , 138 Binding yf (very description done neatly snd cheap At Conoley & Yates. . .47 Market Stroet . . . June 13S Good Board. A GENTLEMAN AND HIS WIFE, or two single gentlemen, ean be accommo dated with good board in a p.easant part of the city, a short distance from the buslnesa cen tres. several day boarders can also be acoommo- darail. Aetifv at N June s-ias-iw THIS orriOK. NEW ADYISTISE3IEMS. LET BROWN & 45 Ilavo tlotcrniiucd to clear out all their , N UM 31 13 1 HTOOK .... i at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES 1 . - .... ' Bulfl to oommenw on MONDAY, JUNE 7TH, 1875. - . . Mqt'.- tv ! Home RTf at Bargains will bo olTdrod. We do not consider it aeeessaty to go iuto dctailn, as the juLlio gourrally One Price. ........ .....;..; I - Call early and seonro a . BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. MORE PARTICULARS I M.Y AaaORTMENT OP IS NOW COMPLETE IN ALL THE DIFFEKENT LINES, ; , , 7 ' 'I , t . ' I. .1 " 1 ' ' " , . ... , . I I . ' . i !". ' ; ' !,..v.. fniii liui !.il ;.'il My eustomers linve shown thoir approbation of my LOW FBIOES by their u,w ' , . ; . . ..f a-'l liberal pnrohaiww, for wLloli I'm thankful. ST1UNQER8. not posted, n . , ,1, desiring tha value of their money, oan got - AT ! .' ' M. M. K ATZ'S, AprU IS ' v ! f SOL, BEAR & BRO'S, V 20 Market Street. . I ! I CLOSING OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK ,j " .ax OF' - '- ' Ui DRY GOODN 1 AT OUR RETAIL BTOKK I Great Bargains ! I44 LINEN 8HEBTINU from 711 cts, and 1 11 per yard. , ' MoianinlqueaT eta, per yard, : j SWISS MUSL1NH, im Dozen Linen Towels and Napkins, -'. Irish and Geiman Linen shlrtln.s, ' jf.iid i i " Uambrld Haedkerdiloli, MATTINGS, White and Colored. . 00 Pieces LINEN for Ladles Traveling Dresses and Boy wear. ' ' Large assortment of Panama and Straw Hate for Children and lien. ' . - , , We will commence on Monday to sell the above and will continue dally until the whole stook tt oload out tr tadles are respectfully Invited W call and examine our stock, as we know it will re pay them. , . . 0 : In future we Intent to confine your business toClothlndend Merchant Tailoring, go ay 11 ra-tr , To j Naral Store Dealers. The nnderslgned, late Deputy Supervising Inspantnr, having left the employ of the Com J pany, tender his services to Mr reliant, and others engaged in buying and ililpplng car goes. W ha had a practical t xperlonoe oi twenty year la the Naval Star Business, and wftl give strict persoaal attention to Weights, Color, Uueging, Order and btowagc of all ihlpr ! menu tntraated to hi oar, feeling sutured that be will give full tatisfaotlon to all who I may favor bias with their ardors. -J. Orders may be left fbr the present- at A. Hi Van Hnkkelen's office. Helen ta M assra Wtk. Hams A Murchlran, James Anderson A Co.., A, H. VanBokkelon and ethers. 1 v , ' mayiftodlm ' W, P. WARN, ( Horse Wantedvr; Any One having a HOUSE, and no use fo btm during the Summer in- ntha, can have the earns well taten oare of by applying at this oftloe or addresslug - B., P. O. Look-Bo m jnnal 131-tf iCECOMSB 1 ! RODDICK, know we do notaing bj lalTes, ' 4 Strictly Cash ' .'.'Vi 1 Vi ..vi'iil w ;ii it by ealling ' 1 ' ' ' t ,.S I I"'. 'Ml. - :!.:' . i 1 , ., I. . . 1 -.1. .. I ' m m m m m I m A 1, , l.l.l,..-J KJ.tJ .'-i t '.!!! .1 ... Ill .JIJll"-' Bacon, Pork. Sugar ') I B ' ' and Coffee. . . 75 Box'ts D. S. Sides k Bhonldera, U 75 Boxes Smoked Bides and Shoul-, , ' ! ' ders, ' M" 60 Bbls. Prime Mess Pork -1 m , 100 Bbls. Koflaed Bngmfv---- lOQBags Prime Bio. Cofles, ? ' For sale low by . , k ..,.. j WHiLlAMS A MinJCBpJl, , 1,000 Bbls, Flonr all grade. f (,.:t v .; 1 50 Bbls. Whole Rice. . ., H v 600 Bales Prime N. B. Hay ; V , 10O Bbls. B. IL fljtvtp, " bmJ 1 'ft ' For sale low by . t-lu I''W-. r. WILLIAMS A MURCIIISON. 1 i Hoop Iron ; luo7;'fpiflt :- Casksj Nails and Corfi. . 600 Bundles Hoop Iron i-S.f- J- ' ' 100 Bbls, Glue, ,. .-r hmi,H 800 Second Hand Bpirit CJaiks, 1 400 Kegs Nails, - ritfi . 6,000 Bushels Trime White Corn." For sale low by , .'':! ( : WILUAM3& UUBCniBO. ; ITIolAaaea ! molAaaew I lUelAS, I , ISO HhdA and UbU. Nw Crop gab. . : For sale low by ', ' , , , , . . WILLIAMS ot MUBOBTSOJI. ; ' Ciaanot Cstan !,. Uasi r y , . lid) Ton Eureka 6uaaov i t i i 5. ' ; too ' Gnanapr " . ''" , 1 t ... , , , H-t. i For sale wby .,"i ' l' 1 f , , ; , i WILLIAMS MTJtoBClT. ' - , 1 '"'' The j - Wiimingtoii" 'tadOoa ;; ::: " jTurnpiko v Oopipany-i ; f BOOKS 09 SUBSOBiPTlON''TO TH ' 1 I . fcv;.. . I , j,, ,..-, capita) Stock oft this Company aava beam ! ii . "'.' opened by1 the nndordgned eonstlfstlng the Oonunlttee for that pnrpose, arpolntod at the recent meotlng ot the Corpora ton. oanaad Im the act of Ineorporetion, ad. jasy be foand at , - . ih ureraj Banks at tha atty, and at h Far IHH'M ) iit ! 1 'J.lSJAfiB,'' T.J. B'lUTH CRLAB I, OB WOOD GILES, OHAS. D. MYIBS, WM. A. C0MMINO, Committee. may JI 1HI I ' 1