o h f lit , I ill J? VOL XXIV. - NO. 140, WILimiGTOIT. IT. C. SATURDAY. JUNE 12. 1875. 7H0LE 110. C.CO!. TGI 1 11 II 14 4 n r ; : : i tf 1 0 lir il.'iiln journal. WILMINGTON. N. 0.1 SATURDAY. JUKE 12. 1875 BY TELEGRAPH. THE VICKSIJUIUJ. MOKE PARTICULARS OF THE DISASTER. Abw Iork, . June U Noon The steamship Yickeburg, fco.uk by ice, was a screw steutaer of tons g-oss burden, and was built iu 1872. Sue belonged to the Liverpool auj Mississippi Steamship Company, of Liverpool, aud hailed from that port. JJuring the winter she plied between New Orleans and Liverpool and iu the summer engaged ui tlw North Amen can trade. The Captain of the State of Goorgi'j, after taking the five men ou bourd ho kept a man at the inttt-t-head all day looking out for the other two boat, all oi which time he waa pacing throng icebergs and rLe ice. - A New iork dinpalcli from Montreal . says that the Agents of the Line give me iouowing information: There were ou board seven cabm aud twouty-livo steeruge passengers, besides the ere, under command of Capt. Benuet, lakt chief oilloer of the Allan steamship Prussian. The cublu passengers on th eVioksburg were Brian MeShaue, of Montreil; ALies Sutherland, supposed io D6 oi tills city; A. tl. Uetts, of King ston; Mr; aud Mrs. Btoom. liev. (J. A. Andrews, from Upper Ctuaita, and Mr. Nt'pont. The vtBsel was valued at $325,000, and is said to be fully in sured. The cargo was worth 85,000 The ninety-two head of cattle snipped by Mr. MeShaue were insured for $14,000. . , tiOTIIAM. SEIZURE OF A YACHT BOUND FOR CUBA. H. B. CLAFLIN & CO. PUBLI3II - ... A CARD, , New York. June 11 Noon The yacht Octivia was seized in Brooklyn yesterday ou suspicion, of preparing to sail with an armed expedition for Cuba. The following it the full card of . H. B. Claflid & Co. , with regard to the indictments found against that firm by the U. 8. Oraud Jury: The U. 8. Grand Jury have indiot ed our firm for;alleged complicity in attempts to defraud the Customs of Revenue at this port. We simply ask our fellow-oitizeus to withold all judg ment in the case, We heve oouducted our business honorably and honestly and we expect to demonstrate our in tegrity and innocence. As there has been no dishonor iu our past, so we intend to protect our future from Btaiu by an unoompromising . defense against any accusations that have been or may be brought against us. Signed. H. B. Olaflin & Co. Yesterday afternoon a benolr war rant was served npou Field, Morris, Feuner & Co., Auctioneers 405 Broome St., requiring them to give bail to the extent of $20,000 aud to appear before the District Attorney on Mouday next, to give answer to the indictment charging them with reoeiving and Bel ling at auction smuggled goods. This firm deny any complicity or even knowledge of the fraud with which they are charged. Each member of tho firm of Clafiin & Co. were also notified yesterday to apppear at the District Attorney's office and give the necessary bail but up to the hour of closn g theomce only one member had done so. JfOltFOLK. A TREASURE TROVE IN HAMr-, TON ROADS. ASAFEI ULL OF GOLD BROUGHT UP FROM THE DEEP. Norfolk, June 11. Night Capt. Brown,of the Sohr. J. C, arrived hero ; to-day in charge of an iron safe of the 1 United States man-of-war Cumber land, which was run into and sunk iu Hampton Roads by the Confederate Ram Virginia in 18G2. Divers have been at work on the deck for ten years, having in view the recovery of this safe. The lucky man had only been at the wreck forty-eight hours when bo found the safe buried in three or four feet of mud; the water at that place is seventy feet deep. By the explosion of a torpedo, the safe was cracked, and it was hoisted ou deck. A few pieces of gold coiu dropped out and it is generally believed the safe contains between $60,000 and 8100-, 000 in gold. - It is estimated that moivo than $100,000 have been lost by dilig ent parties iu trying to recover this treasure; The safe and treasure be long to Capt. Brown and O. E. Malt by, of this city, and Herbert Smith, of Detroit, Mich. While Capt. Brown was searching the wreck he came across a petrilied human body in a perfect state. It was unhurt by crabs or fish, and the flesh was extremjly hard. ELECTlllCISJIS. A new order in the Alabama ami Chattanooga Railroad caso appoints Phillip Phillips, of Wellington City, as now Commissioner, with power to investigate all matters exoepted t . Mr. Stanton remains as receiver, with inoreased power. All objections are - withdrawn and the settlement is con firmed and the sale is conditional. District Attorney Bliss.of New York, is in Washington City in consultation over the indictment agaiut Clallin & Co., aud other alleged smugglers. A rniNCE BISHOP FIXED AND IMPRISONED. AMERICAN PROPERTY EMBAR GOED AT SANTANDEK. IN THE BRITISH HOUSE OF COMMONS. . OLLIVIERS DEFENCE OF THE FRENCH WAR MINISTRY. THE C YELITS CLAIM AN PORTANT VICTORY. IM- B.nbmn, June 11 Noon. The tri bunal has bc utenced the Prinoo Bishop, Dr. Fouster, of Uresl.m, to a ti.io of two thousand murks or one hundred aud thirty-three day imprisonment for illegally excommunicating a priest. yANTANDKlf, JllUO 11 NoOU. A U)X containing a number of Proies- taut books consigned to mi Auu rie iu rebident at thin piaeo, has beeu em bargoed at the Custom limine. The act bail been brought to the attention of Mi. Cu:hing, United SiateH Minis tor at Madrid. London. Juno 11. Noun. Iu the limine of Commons Mr. Cross, Secre tary of State for the Home Dopuit meut, introduced bills amending tho labor laws. Tuey provide tuat Ir; aeli es of ooutruet calculated to cause pub lic injury by the work people employ ed iu a public capacity, as iu the mip- ply ot gas and water, shall be dealt with criminally. , All other eases shall be regarded purely as a mutter of civil contract, to be settled by the Couutv Courts. Tho law aguiust Peckoltry is to continue iu force the defendants howover, are to have the ontiou of trial by Justice or by Jury. Iu regard to striken no agreement to do anv- non-criiuiual act iu relation to disputes between tho masters and workmen shall bo punishable as conspiracy. Tho mis were real the urn time. Paris, Juno 11 Nouu M. Olli- vier's book iu defence of tho Ministry, of which he was the head at the break ing out of the Franco-Prussian war, has appeared. It declares that Prus sia, by her insult, really declared the war. . His Ministry cannot be held re sponsible for entering upon the con flict, for the act was unanimously ap proved by the Senate and Legislative body; nor is it respous blo for tho military organization which was the work of years before it cams into power. M. Ollivier claims for his Ministry that, iu a-few months after its organization, it had calmed the publio mind and restored the authority of, the government without employing either corruption or intimidation. Ha publishes a letter from the Lmperor, written after the fail of the Ministry, expressing continued couhilenoe. Iu oouclusiou M. Ollivier tirgea the Bonn pui tiers to help the present govern ment to maintain peace end respect the constitution, aud when the oppor tunity comes for revising tho constitu tion, then claim an appeal to the plebiscite. London, June 1 1 Night Donoasteo won tho Alexandra plate at Ascot; Scamp second; Terro Amour third. i hero was a railroad accident near Bath, killing and hurting soveral. luere waa a hailstorm here to-day. Paris, June 11 Noon The Carlisle claim ttiHt the victory of their troops over the Alfonsists atCarencra was au important one. They say that C00 of the Alfuusists infantry and JsOO cav alry, together with arms and stores, were captured. UALT1M0HE. MUTUAL DECORATION OF SOL DIERS' GRAVES. Baltimohe, June 11 Noon The graves of tne Confederato dead at Loudan Park were decorated with flowers yesterday under the auspices of tli Society of the Army and Navy of tho Confederate States, in Mary land. The oration was delivered by Col. Robert Stiles, of Virginia. Union soldiers were present, who decorated the Conf jderato monument, and the Confederate soldiors decoratod the monument to the Union dead. TIM FlltE FIEXD. Eliza bethtown, Kr., Juno 11 Noon Fourteen houses were burned here this morning, and severe! persons were injured by jumping from win dows. Loss $25, 0U0. HEADQUAHTEilS. Washington, June 11. A partial list of the lost show s no Southern names. Tho Bteumer hud sixty thou sand bushels wheat aud a proiuiacous cargo. . A ' UUKAT Kl -KI.t X OH KAOU. ClllzoiiKof Harnett llrouirht Ilolore the V. S. Dixtrlct Court Charged with ConfcjJirlnif to Intimidate t. . OITficors, and Discharged upon tho Urouud of Inmif riclent livl-deuce-Tho Whole Thing- a t'aree and an Outrage I The Federal District Court, now in session in this city, was yestwrday en gaged in hearing tne case, commenced tho day before, from Hacuett county, being uie eat-e of McLean, McNeal. Avery and others,' charged with con spiriug to intimidate Deputy Marshal Hodges in July labt at Averaysboro. The evidence disoloaed the fact that both Hodges and his brothel went to a public speaking at the place iu no wise connected with tho duty of tl e ollioo of Deputy M irehal, that bolu were armed with pist )ls and were evidently deposed to shield them selves behind the Marshalship. They behaved in a noisy, rude and insult iug manner towards tht people, and suoceeded in gutting up a political row. The people acted with grout for bearance towards the two men, and the allair was stopped without any se- j rious damftge being done to any one. , After the close of the testimony on tfte part of the United States and the introduction of alont one-fourth of the witnesses for the defendants, the case was bo manifestly improperly brought it. tore the Jrederal Court that Dis trict Attorney Badger stated that he waa willing to a verdict beinsr ren dered declaring the accused not guil ty. Whereupon Judge Brooka said that if the accused bad been convicted upon such testimony he should have set the vordiot aside. And thus were eleven honest cititens of Harnett coun ty, dragged before the Federal Court and necessitated to much expense and ineouvenienoe, only because a United State hireling tees fit to abuse his office and thus trample upon the rights of free men. And of such high-handed outrages as this are the "Ku Klux outrages" of t ie .louth manufactured, to satisfy ine personii spleen oi certain miser able tools of the government and often to pander to that feeling in the North which ttill seeks to oppress us, and we are glad to know that the Federal Courts of justice are putting the heel of condemnation upon all such actions. The gentlemen from Harnett county in attendance upon this case loft for their homes yesterday evening. iUl-rtmn. j; ill let a ABUO IUU JUU Wm. R Cox appeared for the defeud auts. Itakiyh Aew. HZW ADVERTI8ESENT4. Cheap Groceries. TQKSIKING TO CUAHQI BOSINK13, will .ell nij entire .took of QHOUERlKf at lw Uian oot A good cluuio. to bur yourinp- lt. and an f IFTEKN PEH CENT. In jour purrhiM. A full auiiljr of Fauejr (rucrlt nw. SHURE, tl N. Flout street 140-tl J tins 12 APPLETONS' AMERICAN CYCLOPAEDIA. New Ueviaed Edition. Entirely rewritten by the abloet writer, on every aubjout. Frluted from new type, and llluntrated with Hevaral Tboueand JCngra- TingeaUd Ma THS wnrk orlnlnallT uabllabed under the ti tle otl'MK Nk.W AMKHlOAM UXOUifA; tH4 wm ouinpleted In lBtM, emoe wlilob time the wide circulation wlilob it hue attained la all larmuf the United Statue, and tbeelfnai de- Toiupiueoii wuicn nT utten pieue ui every Ixauub ot eoleiioe, literature, and art, have In duced tbe editor, and pebliiberetoaubanit It to an eiaot and thorough revutton, and te leeue a now edition entitle 'X'UK AMUavlOAM UVi Ul-UPJiOla. W ttbln tbe laat ten year, tbe progrea. of dU corery In eTvrr department of knowledge bae made a new wwk of relervuoo au latpeiatlre ant. , '1 be moretnent of political affklra ha. kept psott with tli dleooTertea of eelenee, aud tbeir fruitful application to tbe lnduetrutl and iu. tul arta ana the convenience and reSnemeni ot aocial UIo. Ureat ware and ooiute jueut rerolu tlona have oouurred, IcTolvIng national cbangea of peculiar moment. Tbe civil war of oar own country, which w at tin height wben tbe laat volume of the Old work appeared, bae bapplly been ended, aud a new oourae of commercial and Industrial autivity baa beou ooruuienoed. Large acoeeeioua to our f eograpbioal kiwiw ledge have boeu made by the indefatigable e ploreravf al'rlca. The grnt politieal revolution, of the laet de cade, with the natural result of the Ue of time, bave brought Into public view a multi tude ot new men, wboa name, are In every one', mouth, and of wboee Uvea every ana la cur loin to know the particular., oreat battlee have been fought and important elegee main tained, of which tbedetailaaieuyet preaurved only In tbe uewapapnraor In tbe tranaieut pub licutioiiBoftheday, but which ought now to tike their place la permanent and autbenUo history. In preparing the preeent edition for the ptena, It tan accoidlngly Wn tbe aim of tbe edltoia to bring down the InformaUo to tbe latent poaelbie date., and to liirnlfb an accu rate account of the inoat receut dlacoverlea lo and of the neweat Invention in tbe practical arta, aa well aa to give a eucolnt ana original recoru oi uie progroaa ot political ana Ui.torl ohI evfnf. i he work baa been brgun after long and careful preliminary labor, and With the moat ample resource tor carrying It on to a eueoete fu, termination. (ioue of the original etereotype plate have been uard, but every page haa been printed on new type, forming In laot a new Uycloptedia, witu tne name piau ana compaa ae it predO' ceeaor, but with a rar greauir pecuniary expen diture, and with auch improvement InlU com position a have betn euggeaod bj longer ex perience ana enisrgru xnowitage, I he llluatratioue whicb are Introduced for the Hut time in the present edition have been ad ded not lor the aake or pictorial etTect. but to give greater lucidity and force to the oxplaaa- tluna in the text. They embrace all brancbr ot'aoieiice and of natural blatory. and deptot the muai mmoua ana remarxaDioieaiuree ornoene ry, arehiteciure, and art, aa well aa the variou nroovaeof mecnanicsand manufacturea. l thoiiKh Intended for Inatrucllon rather than erubellUibnient, no pain, bave been .pared to limure their artlatlo exoellenee i th coat of their execution la enormoua, and It la believed tltry will niid a welcome reoeptlon a. an ad mirable feature of the Cvcloi eeJta. aud worthy oi it. uigu cuaractor, Tbla work I ...Id to Snbacrlber.enlr, paya- dic on aenvery oi eaca volume it win be com pleted In aixteen large octavo volumee, each contaleing about StM) uagea.fully llluetrated with aeveral llum'and Wood Kngravinga, aud with nuraeroua colored Lithographic Mapa Price and Style of Binding. In extra Cloth, per vol fs 00 In Utirary beather, per vol s 00 In Half Turkey Morocco, per vol T 00 In Half Kuaaia. extra silt, ner vol S 00 in run Morocco, antique, gut cages, per vol in wo In Full Honia, per vol 10 00 Volume, now ready. 8ucoeedlna! volume. until completion, will be laaued ence In two moutha. Snee'mnn rage of the AMERICAN OYuI.OPVKol A, howln2 tvne. llluatratioue. etc., will be . ent gratia, ou application. . Fibbt-Olabs Canvassing Wanted. Aobnts Adilrcs. taa Publlabera, D. ArPLETON & CO., ; 649 and 651 Broadway, N. Y. June n 140 tf VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE, LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, Q1NDIOATK.1 foil ADMISSION INTO this well-known Institution' ahould preeent early application. Ctttsliiguea will be rorwar led. Addrcaa, FKANUIS H. SMITH, Superintendent. Juaet l-odot NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MEN'S Brown and White DUCK SUITS s EXTREMELY LOW. B0TS BROWN LINEN SUITS S2.50! TRUNKS. DACS, Ac, &o MUNSON & CO. cmcLOTnrEia. JUM 10 isa-ir Newspaper for Sale. A KT GOOD MANlhliigto.ii(telnth. J i.p.pr Durinrw. c.n wita nill ti-m oitiUl, rorur lta i rew. Tjhi, FUIuim ant) Uool Will l tb." I'onoonl sun " fut fall ittloalan. Mdrau JOHN K HARKIS. Cuiiwtd, N. O. 13-lm Jim II ilo rr. ilctM oopy. The Mystery fr DARK HOl.lOW. KdlUdhv Mra. Era Vf ma l. at. N. South worth. Author of "I b lAWt Helreaa," " l lie Iteaertixt Wile," Ealr nay," now ne won ner,"etn. I he Myeterv of Hark Hollow " la highly Maaatlonal, and he rbaractrra have been drawn with great force and vigor. It Unmet Iv morl in Italone and MiiUrueiitf, ahonnal'ig in til, paiDo., alio arureouaxrvatinn J lie plot baa aim the ram merit of originality, while it poaeeeiMt uuuaual Intorett, and the whole la bandied by be author with rar ability. Price tl : In cloth. Juat received aud lor el at HEIHSBERCER'S Uv Book and Muale Store. Jan U 138 TRDURS, SADDLES AND HARNESS, Traveling Bag. Hatchet., Shawl Strain, Whli, Hpura, baildle I'loMia, Feather Puatera, Uollara, Hamra, Saddlery llardwaro, I eatber, Axle Ureaae, aud all klnda of Saddlery tiooda. CARPENTER t 'MALLARD No. S South ;Kront SUeet, Wilmington, N. (I. may M 5-tf NOTICE, TAKE THIS method of Informing the pa trona of Hrnck'a Fxchange ard lb public enerai, that 1 hare thla dav aiwuniel rbariraofthe Hllllard Mall In the above eatab- llahment, and would be pleaaed to e all lovera of the gam and other at any and all time. Reepectlully, Juael FRANK PALMER. NT It VIA Carolina Central Hallway mm TRAYELlAQ rTJBLIO ar rwpeot- luily mfotmed that ROUND TRIP EXCURSION TICKETS r . , jpj rlurB .. ; :: NOVEMBER 1, 1875, can now be had at th prlnolpat Station f ihla .lailway AT tOWER RATES THAN EVER BEFOftE lo th roiiowing hk l.iuHi rt 1- BLMMlCIt KKSUK'1'8 In Wee- tern North oaroiina, with the Extraor dlnary rv Inducement 01 ra i Commu. tatlori Ticket, enabling kaualneaa men to mane frequent returns during the season at a nominal oost. - Ticket now on Bale to Llncolnton, Cherry vllle, Shelby, Cleveland Springs, Statesvllle.Morganton, Ma rlon, Hickory Tavern, Old Fort, Asheville, Catawba Springs. Night train out or Wilmington via thla line, with elegant SleeDing Car Accommoila- I make the beat ronnectlon for all of the above nanird txilnta. Any farther Information gladly furnished npou application to F. W. CLARK, General Ticket 4 gent, Wilmington, N. O. June 10 138 1m Btarcopy. FlourFlourFloui 300 BBLS BRhh M"'L flodk' !W0 Bob White ' 200 " PrinoeuKoyal 11 For aala by KKIIUHMKB A CALDEB Jan 10 BK(8. Molasses Molasses 75 BUDS. CUBA MOLASSES. . 160 and bbla. S. . H. Molaaaea. For aale by KEKOHNEIt & CALDKU BKII8. June 10 13S-. Spirits Casks, Glue & Nails. 200 sprKir ASKa 1IHI DDI Hill, too Icega Nalla. Foraaleby KKRCHMBtt A June 10 UAI.DK It BKOH. 138 Soap, Candy, Candles, 100 B0XSS 80 AP' CO " Uancljr, 1 " VanUlea, 100 Lye and Potaah. 160 ' Oyatera. For aate by KKUOHNKH A CALDKK BHO- June 10 isg IMPORTERS lain and ,:ol fired. By the Bale Doavii, oc at Retail Hingis Hammock, (O eatli, aent en receipt of money. For vhole ale price, adilrea O. W. Sinuous a Bon, 'Oak Hall," Boston, Mar. Bathing Suit. Military CJooda and hegalla. W-lm-eod OF HAMMOCKS. may IW W : N tiAktONand VINliimo CAKUaiolHltTat the wuuaaai urn us. JKEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Rooms for Rent. JJCSIKAlUF INal'KNIsHKD 1UKIM for rent oa Market atreet,0Ter Brown Rod' dxa'e. Apply oa th premix. June IJVtf Attention ! ' rjlllE moat direct rout to the LAKGEST CLOTHING II018E IN TUE CITY, the moat ityllnh at and moal reaaonable price. lead, to No. 17, Market Street. Ulotblug made to order In the latvat I'atinlan lanliluu and New York atyle, and at ptloea to ault th lime. Com oue, ctuua all, and le SCITKI) at A. UAVIO'N 1M lune ( Grass Blades, JJAT CCTTKRS, Keep Itooan, Ural n Uradlea, Corn Hhvller. Aa. ' A lull aioortincnt ot the .hove gowia and at verv low price, tnn he loiiti.lat theolit iwluo- luuied Ilaiilwareiouneol .MIMN IMHBOB, 1!), HO and t .Markol Hlre-t. Jnne8 lan.- XtlmffibtratorN Notice. rnHR VNOKRHIUNKI), having nti.lltlf.l 1 aa Admlulxtiatiir of the ratal of Wllliaiu Hottendi rl. di ream d. hereby tiotllle III per tona Induhted to aald ratat'e to make Inimadl ate payment ; and all ptmona having claim agalnat aald elt preaeut them lo the tin deragned, duly eul limit ichIi il, on or belore Ihe lib ilav ofduue, I his, or thla notice will be leaded In bar of their recovery, HKNKV A, UI.AMKVKU, - --. Admlnatrator, No. I, N. Water Street. MAaanxN Hki.lauv, AUorney. June M, IK7A Star copy 1 week. 18)1 Iw COVERED, EXTRA SUGAR-CURED PIG HAMS, Breakfast Btripn, Sngar-Cnred BIiouldorB, - - Exirs Uoms Maokoral, Salmon Gaorgo'i Bunk CoiKIhIi. A T . GEO. MIEKB, nandl3BonthFront8t. NEW COOKED R Families going to the Bound should lay in a supply. Introduced by us and gruuiuo only guaranteed and sold, by GEO. MYEK3, 11 and 13 South Front Ht. J This Month We added a vat number of "Irleniln" to tlie already large Hat for our choice New Process Empire Flour. Our Immense elf la the best evidonoo w Oflor before a trial; and, after once uamg 111 yog are convinced beyond a doubt and wll, aiwaya ose it and no otiier. Best Butter In the World I Best Butter In the World ! Best Butter In the Word Just In and only fur tale by CEO. MYERS. II & IS South Front Street, may 30 ISO FOR SALE OR RENT ! The HUVHK raoeuily built foranrtfj;; ooeaiiled bv the Iter. J . tl. Kitten, oniiil Murentli, between tiheelnut and Mulberry at. Term reaaonaoie. H. HAAB, (Irocer, Corner Tib and (Jlieatnut Street, may ST iMf Sweeps-Sweeps. DICKSON COTTON SWEEPS either with or without aUicka. ALABAMA COTTON 8WK1CPS i MAGNOLIA COTTON OB COKN SWKKPS GKOUNU PKA SWKKPS, (Niion Paitein.) All above for aala low by (ilLBS 4k MUHCHIMON. Juno A -......,. , . .-,,. -,........,.,, 135 Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, Hymnals, Testaments, &c, At June CITY BOOK STORE. 1M Binding every dracrlptlon done neatly and cheap At Conoley & Yates. 47 Market Street. June 6 138 Good Board. A GENTLEMAN AND HIS WirK, or two alnela eenllcrnen. can be aocommo dated with gol board in a p.eaeant part of the elty, a abort duianee from the buainoa cen tres several day boarder can alio be accommo dated. Apply at June 13J-1W anis vvviva. NEW ADVEETISIjTE1T3. let mm BROWN & RODDICK, 45 MALtKET KfUEET; . Ilavo tlotormineil to oloar out all Uioir GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Hale to MONDAY, JUNE 7TIJ, . 1875. Homo groat I!nr'uii) will lio olTorod. Wo do not coniiilcr it oooeuarj to git into ilotnilH, as tli rmlilio gt'iitrallj know wo do nothing by halves. One Price. Call ourly BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street Julio 0 UU MORE PARTICULARS ! MY ASSORTMENX OF SP1GIHIRH , ; i w IS K0W IN ALL THE DIPFEEENJ?. LINES. My cntomors hnve n!iown their npprooiation of my LOW rBICE9 by their liberal purchases, for whioh I'm thankful. : STRANGERS not posted, anJ desiring tho value of thrtr money, eaa got it by calling M:M. KATZ'S, 36 Market St. aprll It SOL. BEAR & BRITS, 20 Market Street. CLOSfNQ OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK OF DBYGOODis AT OUR RETAIL 8TOHK I Q-reat Bargains ! I J-4 LINKN 8HKKTINU frou 70 Ota. and tl IS per yard, Moaaniblqoe T eta. per yard, SWISS MUSLINS, " 100 Down Linen Towela aud Napkin, Irlab and Uoi man Linen Hlilrtlnge, (Jembrlc Hutrdkerchlels, MA1TINQS, White and Colored. 30 Piece LINEN for Ladle Traveling Dreesea and Boy wear. Large apuortment of Panama and Straw lUta for Children and Men. We will commence on Monday to aell the above and will continue dally until the whole atock hi closed out. y Ladle are reapeotfully Invited to call and examine our atock, a we know It will re pay them. In future we Inton l to confine our bualner to Clothing aud Merchant Tailoring. may -a Jl WM. UNDERWOOD & CO,, OF BOSTON, J-JAVK KOK A HALIr CKNTUUY PAST put ap the linnet PIOKLES tnd s. SAUCES PACIiKU IN AMKUIOA. We havtal'uU lino of thulr good on the way Stuffod Mangoes, :. Stalled loppers, ... , ,v; Deri I led Ham, Tongue and Other Meats. Thev are endoraed by ooimolaamtr th thl rountryand In JCompe. Their nam, I houae hould tlironuhoiit America. Tlwlr wares. o erlor to any aluillar gooda put up lu thla eoun- try. VU.&H. If. JUIJblttt ft. W., 5 and 7 North, Front Street.,, Juneioj 13S gipjGumee at oommcnoo oa : Strictly Cash oud aoouro a i COMPLETE Bacon, Forki Sugar and Coffee. 75 Boxes D. B. Bides k Shonldors, ; 75 Doxos Smoked Sides and Shoul ders, 50 Bbls. Prime Mess Pork, KM) Bbls. Keflned Sugar, 100 Bags I'rimo Bio Coffee, ' i For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCIHSON, Flour, llice, Hay Syrup. and 1,000 Bbls. Flour all grades, CO Bbls. Whole Kioe, 500 Dalos Primo N. R. Hay, 100 Bbls. S. H. Syrup, Forsalolow by WILLIAMS Jr. MUBOHISON. Hoop Iron, Clue, Spirit Casks Nails and Corn. 500 Bundles Hoop Iron, , 100 Bbls. Glue, 300 Second Hand Spirit Casks, . 400 Kegs Nails, 6,000 BubLoIs Prime White Corn. For sale low by -. . WILLIAMS & MTOCHISON. ITIoIaeaoal Itlolsaaeaf Flolateaes I ISO Hlxle. and Bbl. New Crop Cuba, for aale low by WILLIAMS Ss MTJKCHISOy. Uuano! Gnanot Guaaol . .-. r., :,. 1M1 Ton Kureka Guano, , 101 ' (lnnap " ' for sale low by WILLIAMS MUBCHIBOW. The Wilmington and -Coast ; Turnpike Company TVIOK3 OF 8UB8CHIPTION TO. THS JJ ! .! capital Stock. of thla Oompaajr have been opened by the aoderalgned eontUtntlng the Committee for that pnrpoae, appointed at tot reoent meeting of the Corporator named Im tbe act of Incorporation, and may be' foand at ' the several Bank of the city, and at tha Pir ceUUeoae, .. k i v. i ,: .., .;: 'i ' j 1 WM.A.WRIQeTP,", " j ' -r J.K,DAVI8, ' " 'i T..I.80UTJIIiKLAllD, ' WORWOOD GILES, 1 ' OUAS.'D. UTK8,'' WM. A. CUMMINa. .1 ... - . ' ' CouBlftew. - may 27 I'M.

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