" Vj m 1 1 j j 1 1 .. ; I f i i I .... , L yw' NTS yJrJrnl v JJ S ! . XU.- VOL XXIV. HO. 111. UILimiGTOlI. 17. C SUNDAY. JUHE 13. 1875. T7H0Li:! 110. C.CCj. Or ibiln .jloimtid. SOUTH A3IESUCA. NZW ADTZRTiaiilZSTS: LED TOEfl OLHOyMS 7T TEUWCLE KAKTHQUAKE AT RALAZAH. a 3 ri E V E H A L CITIES MORE OR LE.-S5 DESriiOYEl). JTJSDAY, JUNE 13. 1375. BY TELEGRAPH. HEADQUARTERS. f EISHOP HAVENS SELECTED AS ONE OF Til? COMAHaSION-r ER8 TO TREAT Willi the siouxs. THE NATIOJfXL'blNK -REDEMPTION AOEN0X TO CLCWE s '" TlttiMfTtlE 25TH OP " JUNE TO 1ST OP .U)iJ,.iU I ' TT7 . . T., - JO XTmi . Amoug the Commipsioners salectthl to treat with the Sinni' Trttfifiu,' for tho alienation of the Blacfc UilKisRishou Havens, of Georgia. He has not j et aooeptod. Wasgtoh, ,Jnne 13-rNigUt The following uotico ,.l)e Witi ixsrjixl iby the National Bank Redumption Agen cy: "lu order to facilitate the ejatu iuation of tlie'eusli upon the retire ment of fhrSresut Treasurer, this Agency will ha eiosqil for rodeuijjtiuus from the 25th day' of June to the lt day of Tuly:Bt, BbthUiay inclusive. Correspondents are specially reqnested not to MDd remittance of bank not for redemption no that they will arrive daring thai, ptrfud, 'but 1 tOj hold op their remittauoe until the lut of Jnly. Remittances of National Bank notes, U. 8. notes and certificates of deKMt for credit for the. live pur cent, will be received as nsnal. . , . , ,,. . ,, . (Signed? '.J A .T.Er?mNER, .: - Treas. U. S. & Redemption Atfent. A telegram to the Treasury Depart ment annoo.noea' that the' iirwt oaae of illicit i distillation ! under i the recent aeizurWa tried yesterday at Evans ville, Ind., Being that of liingham Bros., who .were tried only on one charge; that of rnnning their distillery in the absence of a Btore-kecper. The verdiot was in favor of the Govern ment, and a fine of 81,000 was im posed. By direction of tho President, Col. Yntin 11 PuinaVa Anrm gt ancritifutra has been assigned to duty according to bia commission of Brevet Major General. This assignment makes Col. Barnard theraninj jblHoor . of the Light House Board, of which he is a member. rlir '' A t The Prenwenl nog signed the com mission of Benjamin Oooloy as Post master at Atlanta. fiojjAki a EART AKE". AT T NEW GKE- N AD A. . MOV ARKESt'OP ' COUNTERFEITERS. A, i H " i ! H m, ;' Havana, June 12 Noon News by the way of Bk. Thomas reports a terri ble earthquake, in Nw Grenada.- The ueeirucuoo, was greatest in uie ni' of Ouchita. , It is etatod , that 10,000 lives were lbst. The police arrested to-day, six per sona in the act of preparing counter feit tax receipt and lottery tickets. TI1E VICKSBUUG. TWELVE MORE OP THE PA8 SENGERS AND CREW ' OP " THE ILL-FATED STEAM- ' ER VICKSBURG - RESCUED. MoMTjaii,'tJuiie "12 Koon The following telegram has just be re oeived: !;' 1 ' ,!' St, Johs's, New Focndlaitd. To David Torranoc & Co., Montreal Nine bt the crew and three passen gers of the " VicTisburg were brought bere by an American tisherman. ... Signed, . Staff. Bt. Johns. The government has dispatohed a steamor from Halifax in search of the missing boat. , , .EUROPE. A CRISIS IMMINENT AT ATOMS. THE.gHJU? f NIAGARA GOING TO .ISA., .. ' ! A PORTION OF THE CARGO OP THE BARK RUNER " ;: SAVED. ' London, June 12 Noon The Daily News reports that a crisis is imminent ut Athens which may result fn the ab dication of the King., Five Turkish men 6f"war nave been ordered to cruise the Greek waters. The Russian Minister has advised the King not to abdicate without securing the rights of nis heir to tua tnrone. xue proua bility if that ttolRh Intervention will be discussed at Athens. ThohuU of the ship Niagara, which went ashcre off Holy Head, is break ing np, the stern having fallen awny. Three hundred bales of cotton Lvue been recovered from the wreck. Of the cargo of ) the. barflne Rnner, from Savannah, for Finland, which stranded in the Gulf of Bothnia, five hundred bales of cotton, slightly dam arad and seven hundred seriously dam- Bired. hava i been recovered. There are two hundred ' balos still on board Pahts. Jnne 12 Noon The Work men's societies of this city have oponod a national subscription to provide for the sending a delegation io me rnna - Marsteafl,' the ' Communist editor who urged the shooting ot tne Aron bishop of Paris, died in Now Galedo nia. IMMENSE LOaS OF UPE AND DESTRUCTION OP PROP : " . E U T P. PANiMA,Jnne 4 Tim rojal ma 1 steuiiibhip BliZ'J, hicU arrived at Aunnwali to-aay from baviuiuo, briugn the following prtiouUra put li h. d in an extra of the li.irrang'uU hhippttig Lit, of M.iy 2ltb, of the ternable enrtUiymlit) m tnu Auues: Tint steamer 1-mbol, which wrivid yesterday from the interior, ueared our city with her ilafj at half . tnnst in dicating that (the was tho bearer f uuweioonie newt auu wUilo tneru were various oonj-eturus hh to its import. cone hail for a moiueut pio'.mej tti tho oolosAiil mngiiitude of the awful onldinity which had Ukeu place. The luiormat!ou which has rescued as on the subject is contained iu a letter dnted BihZ'ir, seven leagues from Cu- outtt, the )th of. .the present mouth, from which wo eiruet ami translate the following: At 11:10, A. M , yesterday, th 18th. a severe earthquake visitiil i this city and region, la thin city a largo part of the church fell aud sev eral houses were' destroyed pud wme iMi'le killed. Tho city o( Cucatilla is entire-ly deitcoyed, only low famuiee being sava. A uer- mau dru store watt set on lire by a bail o( fire which was thrown out of a volcauo, which is oouHtantly belching out lava. This volcauo bus opened it- solf in front of Santiago in a ridgo! called the El Alto do w Oirauha. Sau Cuyetano was destroyed, also a large part of bautmgo. iu Uruiuaiote. Uiere was croat deati uotiou. AiLoleda, Cu- cutta aud Sau CriHtobalo are nearly destroyed. The population iu those towns is estimated by persons well acquainted iu that region, more or less, aa follows: a m uayetona, lour thousand, Santiago, two thousaud, Gramalote, three thousaud, Arboleda, five thousand, Cuoutilla, five thou sand, Sun Crestobale six thousand. The section of country above referred to embraces the regions arouud about where Columbia and Venezuela joiu, tlie Columbian portion embracing the State of Santonder. It is in some respects the most productive part of this Republio, and the ooffoa of this section ia famous the world over. One of the destroyed cities San Joso do Oueuta the ily of the most impor tance of any in that section, was situ ated on the boundary of th Republic, in latitude 7 degrees SO minutes north, lougitudo Ti degrees 10 minutes west, and was founded by J uan de Marten, in 1534. It wjm a port of entry, if an inland town carj be called a f 1111 d here was established a custom house. The population of tho city at the time Of the uiaaster was estimated at aoout 18,000. It had a large commercial business, was a great depot for coffee aud cocoa for shipment either through the Venezuelan ports or down the Magdaleua to this city. Tho shock was . felt sharply in Bo gota and tho adjacent region. A gentleman who was at tho time in Pacatabava says that the movement lasted for thre-qnarters of a minute. It was slightly felt in Barranquilla. Tho above particulars are all we have been able to obtain for this mail. SOUTH CAROLINA. DEPARTURE OP THE WASHING TON LIGHT INFANTRY TO PARTICIPATE IN THE BUNKER HILL CEL- EB1UTION. CiiABiiEHTON, July 12 Night The departure of the visiting detachment of the Washington Liight Inlautry, with fifty muskets, for Bunker Hill ut noon to-day, on the steamer Charles ton, was tne occasion of a marked pop ular demonstration of patriotic feeling. The State colors given to tho cops by Gov. ' Ohaniborhiine, were presented by Hon. W. D. Porter iu front of tho Unarleston Hotel in presonoe 01 an immense concourse aud uctaohment. They were escorted to the pier amid great enthusiasm. The steamer was covered with a display of bunting. By order of General Vodges, C. S. A. Commanding Post, a light battery of the First Artillery in full uniform, were drawn up at tho head of the pier, aud as the steamermoved out from the dock her parting gun was answered by a national salute of thirty-seven guus from the battery. The visiting corpB include several ex-rebels whose lust visit to New York was as wounded prisoners ai route to Elmira. PENNSYLVANIA; THE LIBEL SUIt"aGAIMST THE TITTSBURU POST DE-. C1DED. PiTTRBrno, June 12 Noon In tho libel suit of W. D. Moore vs. the Pittsburg Post, on trial here for sev eral days, the jury this morning re turned a verdict of 810,000 damages for the plaintiff. Tho cause of the suit was an article published in 'the Post, in February, 1874, wherein Moore, then Chairman of the Demo cratic Couuty Committee, was accused of abandoning his trust as Chairman and being a traitor to his party. ' NEW YORK. THE ALABAMA PRESS ASSOC! A ; TION ON A TOUR. Ohweoo, Juno 12 Night Tho Ala bama Press Association, accompanied by members of tho State Press, the Mayor aad Boroo citizens, had a drive around , tho city this forenoon and afternoon. Tho Southern editors took a special car for the St. Law rence river en route to Montreal NEW AD VXRTISULIS TS. Grass Blades, II AT OTJTTKES, Heap Hooka, Urain urmiea, i Corn Shelter, Aa. A full rtiuent ol the above good and at fory low .rlee, can be found at Uieold eatab llbed Hardware House of JOHN DAWSON, 19, M and II Markot Street. June 136 QRAND TEMPERAKCE FESTYIAL AND BALL OF THK INDEPENDENT ORDER OF GOOD TEMPLARS Will tako ilaoe at their II ALL on Wi-dncaday Evenlns;, letb Inat Lacliea who are kind enough to help aa out will nleaie aend In their donatlona ear IT on Wed- ucKlajr to the Hall or to Mre. Oeo. P. Lamb, on flxtn, Dei ween rnncen iuu tum iu TICK K I S 25 UKNTS. jimo 13 141-lt-toea-lt Handsome Diagonal Goats, BLUE FLANNEL SUITS, GENTS' LEATHER TRUNKS, LADIES TRAVELING TRUNKS, SUITS FOR FAT MEN, SUITS FOR LEAN MEN, SUITS FOR TALL MEN, SUITS FOR SHORT MEN, SUITS FOR EVERYBODY, CHEAP. MUNSON & CO, CITY CLOTHIERS. Jnne 13 Ht-tf WE KEEP lONbTANTLY ON BAND the beat and untapeet line of Oente and LadiM emtom mad BOOTS AND SHOES. We koeu on hand a On lot of OenU and La diea SLIPPERS at rery low price. We can beat the world on J CHILDREN'S SHOES. We keep the beat. Onr Mea'a and Boy'e KIP BROQAN8 w gurrai,tee canmH be excelled In ptlct or lll""ltY' A EVANS & VONOLAHN. JU'13 1- HAY, ami N. B., Corn, Crack Corn, 0m, PrOTonder, Mcata, Canned Uooda, Wator Oround Meal, flour, 4o. o. For mle low by OKANT HINTON. Ml June IS Grain Cradles and Fan Mills. GRANT'S Southern Pattern, 5 Finger Grain CUrt If s, (tho beet la Um market), and Urutit'a ran mine iur uwn Kor tale low by aiXKS A U0BOUIUON. Hi Juno 18 NEW ADVEETISEHESTI. Bacon, Fork. Flour, . .. Corn, etc 75 Boxes Smoked Bides and Bhonl- deri, 60 Boxes D. S. Sidos, 800 Bbla. Flour-all grades. 8,000 Bushels Prime White Corn. 100 Bbls. Refined Sugar, ' 100 Bags Prime Rio Coffoe, ' 100 Bbls. S. H. Syrup, 100 Hbds. and bbls. New Crop Cu ba Molasses, 800 Bales Prime N. R. Hay, 500 Bundles Hoop Iron, " ' 250 Second Hand Spirit Casks, 50 Bbla. Rioe, 100 Bbls. Glue, 200 Kegs Nails. ' 100 Boxes and half boxes Caudles, 50 Boxes Lye, 25 Boxes Soda, , 25 Boxes Potash, 50 Boxes Candy, 50 Boxes Soap, 50 Boxes Tobacco, 100 Gross Matches. For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. uutnel Uaaaot fiuauot 100 Tone Ouanapx; Ouano, 100 " Sureka " Foraalolowby WILLIAMS A MDBCH1HON. Jono 18 141 Pay Us LL YOU OWE C8 IF TOU CAN, It nut, all a part. 17 want our roeaey. ' CHAS D. MYERS & CO., S & T North front Mt. Fine Clarets. JHINE, BANTEKNK and Hock Wine., Sparkling Moaelle, Catawba, Burgnndy and Heldalack Wine. Frankfurter Lager Bier. JatPOETSD. Don't dm Imitatlonswhen yon caa get the genuine. Best Flour. Lt KINDS-Wheat, Bye, Graham. rrol, Halt barrel, and Bag. Goods Delivered Free LL OVER THK CITT. cub bnyori preferred. Beet g oda, Lowett price. - CHAS. D. MYERS k CO., 5 and 7 North Front Street jUMU 141-iK JTEW AD VERTI3EMINTB. Grand Family EXCURSIOn. A OBAND FAMILY BXCUKSION, UN- dartheaii.nloeiior the MACHINIST' AND BLAUKMMJYU'S VMlOMttUi. S,-1U-Uka place on MoisnDA."sr,jur,"sr ctkc TO 8MITKVILLE AND FORT CAS WELL AND RETURN-ON THE STEAMER GOV. WORTH. : , The ticket, tho number of which I txwltive- ly limited, will da 1 each. no .piriiuoii. iiiuur. win do allowed nn board, lea Cream, Handwlehea, Coltee, die. will be aer?od at city price.. The boat will leaV tbe wharf, foot of Mar ket .treat, promptly at 8 o'olcck. Onoii MukIo ba. been anitHged lor the ooowlon. Tlie t)um mittee reaerre the.rlght to .iclud all olijeo ttonabla peraona. Tickets may be procured at MoMr.T, II. McOarlty A Co' ator, comer Front and Vvct atrevt. Jun 18 - 140 lt42T-lt Reduction in Prices. ; FAMILY SUPPLIES Fresh this week. ' Imported and Domestic At GEO. MYERS, Preserved Ginger AND SHAKER PRESERVES at reduced price., at r . Um, MYERS. Cooked Corned Beef S KKDUCKU PBIOK8. At UKU. MYERS. - Best Butter JN THE WORuO at 40 cento per ponnd. At . ' UKO. MTEH8. New Process E MPIRE FLOUR. otwltbtandlng the ad- yanco in riour at reaucen priom. At UKU. MYERS. Bottled Lager Bier. B EST In tli. State at reduced priced, at 100 c 4SKS IMPORTKU OLANT at rrduced prloea, and one hundred thouaaud Segam, At CEO-MYERS, 11 ft IS South Front Street. Jun IS ; 141 22 Market Street. 500 PACKA0E8 PLUG AND FINE CUT TOBACCOS. Inch, 10 Inch, 11 Inch and 12 look, 4 lo ponnd, 8 to pound and 8 to pound. Retailer, fill pleaio exam In our itock. D. PICOTT. Juno 13 111 BUOVpr & EODDIOK, Have dvterntincd to olear out all their . '. : M U M I1 13 It NT O O 1 !.V GREATLY REDUCED PRICES.' : 1 ; .... , ' - - .' ! 'Balo to oommftice on " MONDAY, JUNE 7TH, 1875. . . I : . . .1 .... -Home great Bargains will bo onVrwl. Wo do not consider it neoossary to go into details, aa tho public generally One Price. Call early aud BROWN & RODDICK, MORE PARTICUmiS! iriMAnfriirnum f m ISHOWCOnPLETE IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. !,-;-.,.- ..J.i.,M v. v-j J i"" v' 1 'H?;i ftlJi'jBf;,; My otiHtoniors have shown their appreciation of my LOW PRICES by their ' hhoral purcliMon, for which I'm thankful.' STRANGERS not postea, 0l ; ., desiring tlm value ot their mow y, oiui got It by dolling ' 1 ' " ' ' ' ' -AT M. M. KATZS, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Old Trump NOVEL. ' j Waltet't Ward, a Noyol by Jaraei Para. A Floating City ami the Ulockade Runnetn, Dy duiaa verne. The Mysterious Inland, by Julea Verne. lora, a beaugfullT lllu.trated Poem, by Al- red i ennyeon. rrioe iu ceuu. , Look at the Clock, a Poom bj ThomM In goldby(R.H. Bnrham ) , ' All for tnlo at A. . -"...- Conoley & Yates, CITY BOOK STORE. The only place In the olty where you can get the INK and OOPTING CRAYON." June IS 141 Black Walnut Furni- ture. - QRKAT BARGAINS In BlaiTk Walnut fjhamher and Parlor Bnita, at . D. A SMITH k COU ( June 13 , : , 141 tf A Startlint? Tumble IN THE PRICES OF CLOTniNO. Men', and Boyl Alteca Ooatl.'.tl 50 to $J CO White Linen Duck Coats.. ........ J 00 to J W WhlteDiitk Pan'..,;....... ...... , C0 Boyl Brown Linen Panta ' 15 to ITS u Jacket & Panto ' J CO Bountiful Butlnel Suite,. ...... ;. 10 00 Handeomo Drew Bulla at comparatively low figures. v.? ' 1 ' A. DAVID. June 13 ' - 141 New Novels- TLORBEARl)'8 KETS, and other Stories. By Mine Thackeray, author of Mlaa Angi-I," Old Kensiugtoll,,, Sic. vo, Paper, 70 eeuts. A Hiui lrralne- A Tale Or the flonth Down.. Ht h. 1. Blaoknnre. author ol Oredock Wo. well," Maid of Sker;" &0. to, laper, TO oenta. ' ., i . ,i , Wane of the Gamp. By 0. Welsh Mason. It nutrated. 8ro, Paper, $1. , ,r r , ; I ret tate at ' '"' i -': ' HEirJGBERCLZn'Q ' ' Uw Book aud ttusio Store1; ' . know wo do nothing bj halrr. . Strictly CasHv - stwure a 3 f , i t l i ' u. - . ; vi t ' . ;!.:! I t 1 I , 1 f 45 Market Streefe : 'A A .! . :.. f f'L ...i) ,1 K' 1 it' ' 1 niit V't-Sf;iilTrttiM 36 Market St. Tt -( NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I Bacon and Lard. n QQ BOXES U. B. S1US8 SHOULDERS, T ' W Smoked - 1 h . foraaleby - "i n KSROHNEtfo) CALOCR BROS. ' " ' , . it i. -f ,!--fi-. t i.U L-ft It- i ' . ' .: i ; t HAY, CORN, RICE AND MEAL. iooBMUAT'. l. '. i i ,ooo binhfl. Corn, , . BO bbl. Klne, ' J ' 'I 1 MO bushels Water Oround HtaU , ' ' For sale by t j .... KBKOHNKK A CALOKB KOS. Sugar, Coffee & Flour. , 50 BBLS. REFINED SUGAR. S hhde. Pemarara 1W bags Ooflue,, . ,- , too bbls. Flour. I Forsalety ' ' '. ' I KEROHNER OALDEB BROS. Powder and Fuse. i( . . 400 KKliS HUXE' uuiuia nd BlMt . Ing Powder, 10,000 feet Fuse. . For isle by KEROHNKR A CALDER BROS' ' June 13 , ; ., ; -. , , 4 - . . i ,..v Mt Auction Sale. ; SETH. DAVIS, Auctioneer. i . ; , fS MONDAT, JUHE1 14th, at 10 o'clock, A. M,, I sha II offer for sale all the contents ot TOBACCO .STORE, NO. .12, MAR-, L ';; . , KET STREET, an i a I oona toting of Smoking Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, ' ' Snuff Jar., Show Case, Scales, Chain, Writing ' " ' ' ' I ' V i i .ii( ij;:f "U.i .Hl.il Deek and "Indian Girl," to. , , . , tv ";-.n i ii e-tUH'-i, w?irf-. u I. GEO. LTALLy Tohaooonlnt. - ; June 18 ' ' " . 14UW ',. ' , ST. ! GEORGE ASH ST. A" 2 SEWS n rjlHK RKGUIAJl BlOHTHIJillBJCTpp Pi I el eRt. George and St. Andrwoe4etT-,wU! T. Uke ttaoe at the otttoe of W. Gordon, B., , Prlnoiies street, at 8 eelock aaoaday Frght, tuw . ' u i n. 0. BMALLBONETV rt" 'June 13 . . Hi '.) y.i- i i i

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