9? '; lin r yCy a. VOL XXIV. NO. 142; wnnniGTOiT. n. c. Tuesday, juke is. 1875. WHOLE ITO. G.C03 1 i '( !)f .ito.ln journal WILMINGTON. N. 0.: . ! TUESDAY, JUNE 15. 1 875. IIEA1MJUA11TEKS. DEDICATION pP A- NEW OATH OLIO CHURCH. Washtsqton, Jane 14 Noun The Bi. Dornimoo new CaUioho Chureo was dedioated on Sunday. A vast crowd was in attendance. Arohbiahop , Uagley, assisted by lttsuops Uibbons and Becker, attended by a large nnm ber of Prieeta, officiated. Bishop Gib bons, of Biobmond, preaohinl at sight. Wkssmaron, June 14 Night John S. Haines, Attorney General of Miaa isaippi, is here. The 8th ltegimest Cavalry pout, four years on duty in New Mexioo, Las been ordered 10 relieve the Kiutti Regiment in Teas, and the latter to New Mexico. ' Pierrepont has gone to New York. He will be absent a week. It is expected that the London Syn dicate will early next month make another call on tu Treasury Depart ment for an additional u umber of tire new United States bwinlH, the money market beiug farorablolo snob, invest ments.' The Treasury Department is confi dent that the proofs already obtained are sufficient to convict all the crooked whiskey distillers. The action of the government officers entrusted with the prosecution of the alleged offend ers is entirely latiafactory to the De partment. Indictments have already been found against some of the din tillers iu the West. Trials will neces sarily be delayed by tho adjournment of the. Courts, but in the meantime the government 'wilt fully prepare it self to make the prosecutions effective. 7 ' UOTILIM., ": l ii I i J i. i t, 1 , i . ... THE WATER FAMINE. THE CASE OF CLAFLIN & CO. RAILROAD ACCIDENT AND SEV ERAL PERSONS INJURED. Niw Yobk, June 14 Noon The Express train which left Boston at 8 o'clock Saturday morning run off the track. ., Vioe President Wilson was not injured. T Blaiua was hurt inside. Misa Anna Louise Cary, opera singer, had her rjght shoulder buised. Thero Were ntfparsOn killed. 3 New Yobk, June 13 Night There is a water famine in the lower part of the city the maies being stopped. The Croten Engineers are looking in to thematterY . In the U. 8. Oircait Distriot Court to-day members of the firm of Claflin & Co. and Field, Morris, Tanner & Co., together with Col DesAnges and Chas. 8. Lawrence, were arranged to plead to th indictments found against them by the Grand Jury for oomplioity in the silk smuggling frauds. They all plead not gnilty with the exception of Lawrence, whose counsel asked lor time, which was granted. ; 7." .Ay i'. EUROPE. Qcknnstown, June 14 Noon The steamship City of Chester, fiom New York, with the American Rifle Teum on board, arrived here to-day. Bkblin, June 14 Noon Count YanArmin is seriously ill. - ' THE FlltE EIEM). Ov aha,' June 14 Night A dispatch from Fort Russell, Wyoming Terri tory, says that one of the 400 tons of hay piles was discovered to be on fire earlj this morning, and while the com mand was at that fire the commissary store house Was also discovered to bo burning,, but the latter was extin guished with but slight damage. The hay will -prove a totul loss. One of the - cavalry stables was also burned, THE VIc'kSUUIIU. FURTHER PARTICULARS OF THE TERRIBLE DISASTER. ' ' ftr JoHSrt. N. F.' "June 14 Noon Parker .Greenwood, a seaman, made the following statement on the night ot Slay sist: , we got in me scattered ice; we were steaming slow, expecting to get through when., the .sea-ice b truck tfie-VioksSurg's quarter, knock ing a hole and breaking the propeller. Thelce'fcfterwardS knocked a hole near her bunkers. At 6 A. M., June 1st, we found the vessel sinking fast and we got the boats out. The first boat, with four men, was swamp ed alongside; and our second boat, with twelve men, got stove, but we stopped the- leak- with) a blanket. A quarter of an hour afterwards the ves aelank We tried to save the men who were floating on spars and hay, tut ooold not get near them for the sea and ice. We saw one boat wi h twenty men and another with the first officer and, six , men, Afterwards saw her bottom- lnp with the first officer and, three men on her bottom. The Captain told us we were 120 miles from St. Johns to steer northwest. We saw the Captain on the bridge a moment before the steamer sank. . t St. Johns, , June .15 Night The sealing-sterner Commodore has also gone in search of the missing Vicks burg.' The boats with the survivors of the, Yicksburg disaster which reach ed here Saturday, were brought in by the American sohooner.; Barnham. They report Jjhat , six , boats were lowered from the Vicksburg and that two of them capsized alongside and one cap sized two hours after leaving the ves sel and one, their own, was picked up. The one of the two boats unaccounted for was: no doubt that containing th e fixe men who arrived in New York. The Captain and offloers are said to have behaved well but the seamen toted badly.. The Captain and wo 8 ea Went down with the vessel 1 i nv: lilMtEIl HILL. NORFOLK BLUES AN D RICHMOND KNIGHTS AND THE CENTENNIAL. Norfolk, Juuo 11 Noon. The Norfolk Light Artillery Blues left for Boston this afternoon on the steamer Wei. Lawrence. They were escorted to the steamer by the Battalion of Uuitf d States Marines, headed by the Naval Baud and By the City Guard. The digs of the shipping in port were displayed, and a number of stealers accompanien the Wni. JLawreuoe to Hampton Roads. As the Win. Law rence swung out from the borf they were saluted by the United States re ceiving ship New Hampshire, which was returned by the Blues amidst the wildest euthiihiaMiu. Salutes were ex changed with Gn. Barry, at Fort Monroe. A number of distinguished gentlemeu eojowpumed the Blues, among are Gen. ritzbtieh Lee, Col. Walte-a Taylor, who was Adjutant Ueneral on Gen It. JE. Lee s stuff, M. Glennan, of the Virginian, and others. Richmond, Juue 14 Noon. Rich mond Coniuiaudery, No.-2, Knights Templars, left at 8 P. M., via York River route aud Boston, to participate iu tbe Bunker Hill Centeuuial Cele bration. Tho visiting Kuights num ber niity, but will be joined by others on the route, aud expect t number seventy-five upon their arrival a Bos ton. The Commaudeiy is in charge of that eminent Couimuuder. Wm. E, Tunder, aud will be the guests of De Molay andtheCommaudery of Boston. They will beabseut about ten days. hi i ii hum , MARYLAND. LYNCHING OF THE NEGRO SEMMES AT ANNAPOLIS. HE IS TAKEN OUT OP JAIL BY A MOB AND HUNG. Annapolis, June 14 Noon. A mob, composed principally of residents of Anne Arundel county, in which the re cent outrage upon Miss Jackson was committed by the negro Semnies, came into this city at a very early hour this morning, and proceeding to the jail, demanded the keys from the jailor, with a view of taking Hemmea out and executing him. The jailor was search ed, and the keys having been found, a large number ol visitors went to tue cell of the negro, and finding him chained, dragged him away without releasing him from irons, aud taking him a short distauoe from tho city and near the railroad track, hung him to a tree, where he still hangs. A large number of oitizens and others have visited the place to-day to view his re mains. The mob was well provided with pick men, crow-bars and other luMruuumts for gaining aduission to the- jail, had they met with"- forci ble resistance, ' The negro did not say a word when he was taken. Some of the lychers proposed taking another negro who was in jail awaiting trial for rape, which he committed on a colored woman, but others demurred, and the mob was pacified with taking Semmes. A coroner's inquest will be held upon the remains to-day. Many of the lynchers were painted black and somo wore masked. ELECTltlCLSMS. There was a heavy frost in New York and Pennsylvania last night. Four crews of the College regatta have arrived at Saratoga and are pract'ciug. 7 V" At Philadelphia the Athletics scored 12 to the Washingt ju's 2 iu a match game of bund ball; at Chicago the Bos ton's made 24 to 7 for Chicago, and at Louisville, the Philadelphia's scored 13, the Louisville Eagles 5. Joseph B. Gardiues, a wealthy Bos ton merchant, was fouud dead yester day in the woods near that oity with a revolver by his side. It is supposed he committed suicide. The Fifth Maryland National Guard left Baltimore this morning for Bos ton to attend the Bunker Hill Centen nial. ' Jf. Louis P. Rogers, of Louisville, is dead. The Brilliant Oil Works, in the Alle ghaney Valley, have been burned with forty thousand barrels of oil. The loss is estimated at $50,000. Dispatches from Maine, New Hamp shire aud other States, report consid erable damage from frost. The frost was quite severe throughout New Jer sey. The Governor of Georgia has op pointed a Board of three Directors for the Macon & Brunswick Railroad. A dispatch from St. John's says that the steamer Virgo is a total wreck. The Grand Jury of Louisiana, this morning presented four indictments against State Auditor Chas. Clinton; two for misdemeanors in office, one for extortion under color of offioe, and one for embczzliug $20,000 of State funds. Bail has been fixed at $23,500. The Auditor was served with a capias and paroled by the Sheriff until 3 p.m. oiiur, i. ASSASSINATION OF A NOTO ' RIOU3 DESPERADO. ; ' Cincinnati, June 14 Night Tom Melgehen, a notorioui desperado, made famous by the trngio end of his counsel, Hon. C. L. Vallindinghnm, who lout his life in explaining some points in the trial of Melgehan for tho murder of a man named Myer, was assassinated in his saloon at Hamilton last night. From the appearances of the room and position of the body the supposition is that some one entered the saloon aud called for a drink and while Megehan was serving his cus tomer, he was shot by some one through a wiudow, as a pane of glass iu the window was shattered into fragments, although he was shot with several bulltta iu the right temple and Bide of the face. Megehan had strength enough to get his revolver to defend himself, but fell dead ou reaohing the end of the counter. No due to the murderer, .' ( i THE UIIASSU0PPE1LS, Oxahab, Jane 13 NightImmense clouds of grasshoppers made their ap pearance, flying northward, oves this place about 11 o'clock to-day but none alighted, latj nave appeared tn im mense swarms at Plymouth, Nd., and are destroying everything before them. iney re nying nor toward. NEW YORK. i THE ALABAMA EDITORIAL EX CUBSIONISrS. A NEGRO FIEND. TARTJY JUSTICE, Albxandbia Bat, June 14 Noon. The editorial eioarsionista are still here. They will go on a pio-nio exonr siou among the Thousand Islands to ri uy and attend a hop at the Thousand Inlands House this evening. SvRACtraa, Juue 14 Night On Sat urday at Lafayette, in Ondaga county, a negro named Wm. Henry Mason outraged a young married white woman of the highest respectability, the wife of Newton O. Hoyt of that place. He threatened her fife if she revealed his act, but she made the fact knowu to her husband, who caused Mason's arrest. Oreat popular ex citement followed aud the negro was near being lynched while being con veyed to the penitentiary, where be is now securely lodged. NIW ADTO&TIS1XIXT1 Wilmington Lodge Ho. 319. Reiriilar iuMtln tkla (TBKBDATi t. M . attu'clvck. rHEHTUX UU MM I Nil, oratMy. luu 15 14!i It PIC-HIC IJIUEKE WILL B A riO-NIO AT IU Wilmington Gardens, Thursday Afiaraaan sua Night. 1 . Abmimio tO eU. -June to l-tt ' Handsome Diagonal Coats, BLUE FLANNEL SUITS, " GENTS' LEATHER TRUNKS, LADIES TRAVELING TRUNKS, SUITS FOR FAT MEN. BUR'S FOR LEAN MEN, SUITS FOR TALL MEN, SUITS FOR SHORT MEN, SUITS FOR EVERYBODY, CHEAP. MUNSON & CO., CITY CLOTHIERS. Jons IS Ml-tf WE KEEP QONSTANTLY ON HAND the but aid cutsuptot Hue of QenU and Lad Lei eurtou mad 7 BOOTS AND SHOES. We keep on band a fine lot or QenU tad La dine BL1PPEES etvery low prioea. , We on beat the world on CHILDREN'S SHOES. We keep the beat. Uur Men'i and Boy'. KIP BKOQAN8 we gtivrat toe cannot be excelled In price or uuulltj. EVANS k VONULAHN. Ju: e ; , mi- Dog Ordinance for 1875 OFFICE OF TREASURER AMD COL LECTOR, City op Wilmington, N. C, June 12th, 1876. j T HB DUO OKDINANCBfoe 1878, require! that the eane aboutd so into effect June let. Motice le hereby fiven that all pajtiee own ing or keeping any dona, either male or femalo, are reqnlrcd to reftrtar the earn AT THIS OFFICE, aud procure the required Bedgee, commencing Monday, the 14th lnet.,-ad for lour (4) dy. thereafter. The Urdlnaiiot alao provides tout each pereone ho rail to eomply with the .bore reqalremenie wiH be eahjoot to a penalty ot (tlV tea dollare. T. C. SERVOSS, ' 1 City Clerk and Treasurer. June 11 ' 141-tt LADIES. N O W IS TOUB TIME TO SAVE MONCT In the purchase of " DRY GOODS. Tlil. stock la to be asld In a limited time, not one cent above actual eot will be charged for any article, either large or email, tingle, ot In quantity. Id thin sale yon bare a decided advantage , the Stock la NEW, and eery piece of Good la desirable. There are manyimall lot of broken Packages, Kemnante, G loves, Collar. &o., &c, that w 111 beat much lest than eoet to eloee them out. . , Very rt spectrally, GEORGE LEIDEB, No. 29 Market Street. June 18 ' " j 141 FOR 8ALE Oil RENT I ThelKJUSN r.ueutly built for andV oor-.n ulf d b the Re J. V, Hide . eelL Herenth, between Ohestnnt and Mulberry Mta. Terms reasonable. H. HAAR, Gneef, , Cornet IU aad Vheainat Stfea, ' mayH . t' t u HIW AD VESTISZ3 E5T8. A Startlins: Tumble IN THE TRICES OF CLOTHING. Men's aad Boy's Alpaeca OoaU SI SOW White Llnea Dark CXata I K B0 White Duck reals.. I 00 oys Browa Linen raats tt at 1 T m m m jacket Areata OS Beautiful Btilnele ita... ....... .mm aaadeoaM Dreat Bali at eomparaUrely low Sguraa, A. DAVID. lane IS 141 Hew Hovels- TLCXBKiRD'8 KITS, and athei Star toe. Sy Mlee Thackeray, author T - Mhe Aacel," Old Een.in.toa,1 Ac. Iro, raper, t oeato. Alice Lorraine A Tale or the South Down. By U U. Hlackmore, author ol " Urodock Ho. veil." " Maid or Sker," Ac I to, raper, IB eaate. Eapoof the Gam p. By O. Welsh Mason. 11- ruuaiea. ito, raper, si. Wm sale al HEIFJSBERCER'S Live Book and Maete Store. Jen IS 141 The Odd Trump hovel. : : Walter's Ward, a Norel by J era, raya. A rioating Oity. and the Blockade Runners, by Julee Verne. - The Myeterloue Island, by Jules Verne. Dora, a beautifully Illustrated Poem, by Al- irea leuaysoa. rrioe n oeaie. Look at the Clock, a Poeat by Thumat In- goldsby (H.M. Barham.) All for oelo at Conoley & Yates, CITY BOOK STORE. The only plaoe la the city where yea can pi the IN and OOPrihO CBAYON." jane 141 Black Walnut Furni ture. QB.KAT . BABQAIKIi la Black Walnut L lumber aad Parlor Balta, at' D. A. SMITH k COU June IS . Ml-tf Bacon. Fork. Flour, Corn, etc 75 Boxes Smoked Sides and Shoul ders, 60 Boxes D. 8. Sides, 800 Bbls. Flour-all grades. 8,000 Bushels Prime White Com. 100 Bbls. Refined Sugar, 100 Bags Prime Rio Coffee, lOOBbTs. B.H. Syrnp. 100 Hods, and bbls. New Crop Cu- ba Molasses, 800 Bales Prime N. R, HaJ,"" 600 Bundles Hoop Iron, 260 Second Hand Spirit Casks, ' 60 Bbls. Rioe, 100 Bbls. Glue, 200 Kegs Nails, 100 Boxes and half boxes Candles, 60 Boxes Lye, 25 Boxes Soda, 25 Boxes Potvih, 60 Boxes Candy, 50 Boxes Boap, 60 Boxes Tobaooo, 100 Gross Matches. For sale low by WILLIAMS k MURCHISON. 7 tJuano I Gaan I Oaane I ' 160 Tons Ouauape Quano, 100 Eureka " Pot tale low by WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. jane II 141 Fay Us LL VOO UWI V9 It TOU CAN, IP not, all a pari. We want our money. CHAS D. MYERS it CO., O T Nrth rroail Ma. Fine Clarets. f JHINE, BANTEKNE and Hook WInee, Sparkling Moselle, Catawba, Burgundy and Hsldaleck Wines. Frankfurter Lager Bier. JMPORTtD. Don't nee lmltationswhen you pan get the genuine. ' V Best Flour. ALL KIKDS- Wheat, Bye, Grahams. Carrels, Ball Barrels and Bags. Goods Delivered Free LL OVEB THE CITT. Ca.h bnyert preferred. Beet goods. Lewert prloee. .. CHAS. D. MYERS k 00.,' 5 and 7 North Front Street " jane It 141-lt Newspaper for1 Sale. A HT GOOD MAN wishing to engage In the . neweoeDer blneoe. eaa with a email .eh capital, aecure the I reoo. Type. Plxtaree aad bond Will of the " 1oMord Sua " . ,. , for roll particular., addreee JOMN B. HARBIS, uonoorav in. u June li la-Ua VF' ytvmm wyj. NIW AEVESTI3Z3IEST3. Grain Cradles and Fan niUs- GRANT'S Boathern Patwrn.S rinror Drain CratilM, (the but la the market), and uraat-s ran utile tor Urain. For tale low by GILES A MCRCRItiON. June II 141 TRUNKS, SADDLES AUD HARNESS, Trarellng Bage, Satrhale, Shawl Htrape, Whiie, Spare, baddla Uotha, Peather Oneten, Uollara, Ham... SatltllerT liarilwara, taath.r, Alio Ureaat, and all klads of Saddlery Oomlt. QARPKNTER A MALLARD. No. I Bnutk Jrout Street, Wilmington. N. O. may M ss-tf Children' i Colored Shoes, Juat recelted dlreot rrnm the Manuractory a Sne aamrtateht of Ohlldrea'e Hart, Broaaa aad Blaek abuasof all at.iw, with and without heele. Aha Ueute Hand-Sowml Bus-Toe aud Machine-Mewed Low UuarUr Shoea. Uullee Ualtere aad Slippers in gnat variety a A. PRICE'S, Bo. It Marknt Street Grass Blades, H AT CUTTERS, Rear Hook. Uraln Orailiee, Ooru Shellere. Ac. A full aiuortment ot the above gooits and at very low pncea, van b. louuu al mo old eaten llahed Hardware Houat or JOHN DAWbON, 19, and U Market Btr..t. Jane lay- Reduction in Prices. FAMILY BUrrLIES . Fresh this week, Imported and Domeatio, At GEO. MYERS, Preserved Ginger AND SHAKER PRESERVES at red ueed prloee, at Cooked Corned Beef REDUCED PBIOEf.- f 4 , rj-SffU-M-l. At OKU. MYEUB. Best Butter JH TH WORuO at 40 oentt per pound. At , ubu. minna. Hew Process I iU EMPIRRPtiOVR. NotwttWadlng the ad vanee in Plow at redaoed prteM. ' A. US.U. MTBIU9. ; Bottled Lager Bier. BEST la the Btate at reduoed nrirwe, at . - Ka. M VKKS. too OASES IMPORTED OLA NT J at reduced prloee, and one hundred thousand Began, At i CIO- MYERS. 11 & 18 South Front Street, j . 141 June 1J 22 Ilarket Street.: 500 PACKAGES PLUO AND FINE CUT TOBACCOa . . .1 , : . .. ..i... Inch, 10 Inch, II Inoh and 13 Inch, 4 lo poond, B to pound and 0 to pound. ' 7 i ':. ' ' Retailers will pleats tsamlne our .lock . ' D. PICOTT. June II 141 Bacon and Lard. 68 BOXES t 8. BIDES A BHOULDEHU, Biuoked "i Pot sale by L' KEROUNER A 0ALDEK BROB HAY, CORN, RICE AND MEAL. 2QQ BALES BAT, , k)Uu Dusneie uora, ,.. M bbl. Kloe, MM buahela Water Ground Meal. , Poraateby KBHOHNER A OALDBR BROB. Sugar, Coffee & Flour. 50 BBLS. REPINED SDOAtt. 5 bhds. Demarara M ISO bate Onftee, 100 bbla, flour, s -4---- Poteaiaby "i'i, . ' ........ .. . , RXUCHNEB A C ALDER BRUM. S- .,la,'' iftv"' . V J , Powder and- Fuse. 400 KKU KlrLE' M1NINQ ui mm tag Powder, ,i . .. 10,000 feet Pose. V ... . Pot tale by - -; KEROUNER A CALDEUt BRUR- ' June 13 141- Good Board. AQENTLEMAN AND HIs'wiPE, Or two einale gentlemen, can be accommo dated with good board In a p.easant part of the eny, a snort aistance irom tue nuainees cen tre.. -; . . . 1 ii Meverei day boarders can alee ba aeoomibo- dated June S-131-lw in 10 urriurw FUlal Col red. By the Bale Dosen, or at Retail , IMPORTERS OF Bingle Mammocks, S3 aacn, sen. on rvoeipi Of money. Por wbolo aale prices, addremO. W. BmMOa A Son, Oak Mall," Boston, Man. Bathing Salle. Military tioods and Regalia. ' ' llS-lm- HAMMOCKS. ny a. Du Font's Powder." T RIPLE, BPORTIMO AND MDSEKU', MLA8TIMQAND MININU-Ia Whole.Ua and tiuaruw Kegs. ; u , 1 1 i - ? ' rAitsLkitivtf, ' 5EW ADVESTISESEXTS. let ?ssm BROWN & RODDICK, : 15 1URKET SniEET, Have determined to eloat onl all their N UIMKR NTOCK - r -1 ., . . .... ' ' " GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. : Sale to oommenoe on MONDAY, JUNE 7TH, ,1875. . : , -; Borne great Bargaius will be olTcreJ. go into details, as the public generally One Pricer Call early B0WN & RODDICK, MORE PARTICULARS! r'Ts. .s" " r. I ) :?t : s ' ' '" r " I I.T'-n I'.. ii J. -i vl i t ..7; ' -i t---'f li '.n L.m ,m .fh:i si 4' MY4 ASSORTMENT oF'";: f-". i..f , ; . ;..., ..; .rr : ' . 7:i"I 5"!'-- ln t , :';.7;'- .,-.:. j : ;f 1 ' r w"'f ?iVf R.Jliwa.MifJ IS HOW COMPLETE V'"'1 IV IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES.' , r 4" ,i,:;:7 .771 .1:1 "."x iir!": "iS-? .JEM. - 7!r .1 - : 7 v f,i -.. e.i '. V'lt'iun us r-w lutt ItM j ; f - j J'-tohU'i V-f,U .(! 1:?!JU t.r.f.n?.,J ' in tft r'Ha'l ff'i. f ct -'A J I tHitDt tc.-t ( j i. ., , . .- a ... 1 Ai.-i r rtrt Vthtmha' t .il. : aij cupujmvfn nave ayown uiuir ai'preotauoo, 01 mj iJ i iixsjiuij uj tumr liberal purobasos, for wblob I'm thankful 'fiTIUNQERS 'not posted; and m desiring the value at their ofy, can got it by calling . 1 .f j, !. J . ! . .a Arl mm mm ri ni l iiii 11 . .1 j i 1 j i-anrilW't ";" '! :"' '.;(! a7 1 j . i . ... ..... ., , 1 ifnaaaaBBwa-aBB-samBaaawanaawamaasea 1 ft Bm'-eWjPpiv, OTfTV 2 MISCELLANEOUS BUY ONL1 THE GENUINE ; ; !' ' . FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES. The most Perfect Alarm Cash Drawer. MILKS ALARM TILL CO.'B. Alao, Herring's lafe't Coffee and Prog Mills, Lolls Presses. . , , . . 7 FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES. ' ' "' MASOVAOTOtSal ' v''.'' '' E- & T. FAIRBANKS & CO., ! ' BT. JOHH BTJRT, VI'. '( 7 " t ramoirAL ioalb wAMHovsar., mam nuAsas s aw.t Drwiuwa, aj, y ' '1 FAIRBANKS A 00.. 166 Baltimore St.'. Bal timore. M1. ' f Aiaaanu Ac Co., S3 Clamp Street, Mew Or leans. . . 1. ...,. FaubahmA Co., (3 Main Street. Buflklo, !!.. ' - . , 7 FAiaaaaKS A Co . m Broadway, Albsay, N . Y. raiBBSKKS A Co V 300 St Pant nt.VMnntrnal. lAtnaaaaeA Oo,M Klnf iWMIiaat Lon don, Kng. .1 . ' rAiBaKs"Baow Co., J JMUlt St., Bne toa, Mess. ' ' " i j raiB Kwrao, Meson lo Hall, PtUa- rAiaBAiw,lfo& 0o;i ili Lake St?,rjbl . oaaxfc ' ' ''i''.' 1 fAiBAAKKt, Moans A Do., IS Wall at 8 true t, . Olnclnnatl,OIlo. : . ... FAiaaAMKs, Moasa St Oo, 18S SnperU 8b, Ulerelaad, Ohio. i ' fAiBSABB, Moasa A.Oo., tttVW Street, Pltutmrgh. ' ' . ' tAiRBABKe, Meats Co., stb ana Main riiaAns&Co., tot and, 304 Wellington AeeaM.wt.-oale.i'. Faibbabks .Hcrcmaso, San frnslco, For sale ffiMdWl Hardwar AnalmiC ,' 'Jnaalu t, 1 a t law-19w-eoa aeie-t latkl atle style at the a i J m. mm 1 a wvf4 i:9?4 MX GXOGIMS 1 "'11' ,- '-' i :n .tAi-.itl Kxr' We do not oonsider it oeoessarjr U 1 1 know we do nothing by halres, i Strictly Cash: and somite a k ' . 1 1 t.i, i i.! i .').. .4 45 Market Street 0 eoi mmcd nnnnv:; UDnuuuiii) ,tt f J.f AT.iLJLi..ti!j:K.iA .1 l- 7 '..7.,.,..i ... I .. . , ... ... . r '17- " LU " I h i i tn Jrit.,0 J: 1 I I r. WARM GPRITJCQ M ?i MADISON COUM u.lU Wstttrn, Nprth OarotlniiV THF81C SetHHOn are sltua'toi ire piles ' .. t - J, ---.. mlf from the Tennesaae line, on the banks of the , French road rtror, In the very inltM or the' blithest ranaee or mountains eaiitot the Missis- f alpil rlrer, in a country generally known and' tru'rifullr called tha Hwflserland of Aaierloa. TDK HOTKL AOUUMMOUATIUAS are' unsurpafsrd il a'r watering nlaoa steamBMtt resort In th p,aaUw Xa,Bath( oonurt of large pools ot a clear, powerful Mineral and Klrdrio Wttrr. temperature lull to lot degreet Kahronlielt.wlilch arn wondtrl'uilf Inrliroratlng to all hi ralkls, equalising the elroulatloo and slimnlating the secretory organs, and will. In most easee of Ohronuj and Sua-Aoata Uoata Uheumntlsm, Paralysis, I)yii!ela.Neuralgla, Henondary Syphilis, Hephrltie and Oalomioae' Ulsonlers, Scrofula, Cutaneous llteoaaes and. many dlnesses peculiar to females, eneet a' speedy aad radloal cure. There la also a Void, HulpliurtJpring near the Warm Springs, re semblinc very closely la temperature aad eoloe ; ot Ueponit, tin Vellon Hulpbiir Spring of Vir ginia, with a ralpliuroue odor mdeh etrongerj These Springs are easy of. aooese from all Southern cities by all the llnea of railroad conrerglni lnW Icaat TennflSMO, via Angnntay. Atlanta aud Kituiville, to Morrtstown, Eaut Tennmee, tbene to Unmberland Clap anoV Charleatun-Tailroad 40 mllrs to Waif ,l)reek-, thence by stage mlloS to the Spring, aa easy' and eomtortalile trip. . Excursion Xlckrts ara on le In nil the principal elites to and from these Springs at ay great reduction 0 )oea rates, , . -,,, ." Siii .'!' k-l! B -rtf .vf". f Rates of Board, $ 40 Per IVUnth,, ( $12.00 Per, Week', $2 P r Dfy. Oalldrea and Colored Serrajitt 1Ualf-P'lo Apply to Managerfor Pamphlets and vireu lars or to WllmlngUm Drujglsts v1-' ,KM,. t f.., ... jAt SAMpLia General Mge for Wrm SprlanCau OFTfcN realliie Immense prnfltswbett futraMl ed In BtookPrldl' gmt Clretlkr,pnntitiiv tug full explanation of the mode of DMruug, ami queutuun pfraaew iiounu oaait aa key Yc.k.'k.'ttcx'Exc:;i;:c! sensfreAaD applUatuntaiw t .f0 h Wis BIMONSON, BABBEIBAS '& 0.,'m On. S.'t. Stock Exchange. Wall e&, hi -janes-r rjj: ta-Hiiyi , sJAsAls asuooni'Tt tiie ' '' '

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