r1 I 4 v4vo I 7 1 i IN II V I It III 111 jay VOL. XXIV. NO. 143. WIUnNQTOII. II. C. . WEDNESDAY. JU1?E 16. 1875. 7H0LE HO G.C07. JTEW ADVERTISZMZSTS. . ilaili) licitmnL WILMINGTON. N. C: WEDNESDAY. JUNE 16. 1875. BYITELECRAPH. MISSOUllI. MOUE FRAUDS IN THE INTER NAL REVENUE DEPAKT-, MENT. ft" , 'Louis, Bt. Louisl Jane 15 Noon la dioimenta liav been found Hgtiiunt 'Gtm. Juo. McDonald, vx-UupcrviMor of Internal Ilovenae for this Dirtriot, Col Juo. A. Joyce. Alfred Bevis and Edward Frtier, and they appeared be fore the U. S. District Court yester day. The charge against McDonald And Joyce are marked on the docket, "Criminal, for destroying public re cords," and the charges against Bevis and Frazier is "The removul and con cealment of spirits and failing to efface stamps and brands." Jiulgo Treat fixed the bail of McDonald and Joyce at $10,000, of Frttzit-r at $3,000, and of Bevis $2,500. .-'-NEW 'YORK; THE TWEED CASE UP BEFORE - THE COURT OF APPEALS. THE, ?RISONEiT"tO BE DI3- ' charged: disastrous conflagration. Aliunt, June 15 Noon In the Court of Appeals this morning, Judges Allen and Rapallo read opinions for the reversal of judgmeut of the Su . preme Court in the Tweed case, and orders of Oyer and Terminer and for the prisoners discbarge. All concur. Judge Miller concurs in the result. Judge.Grover Was absent. New Yobk, June 15 Noon The action of the Court of Appeals gives Tweed his freedom. Ithioa, N. I., June 15 Night Bur glars blew open the safe and tired the house of Farrington Bros. & Go. Loss $150,000. The hotel and every place of business is burned. GOTHAM. MORE INDICTMENTS FOR COM t PtlrOIT Yj IN SILK SMUGGLING. TWEED TO BE RE-ARRESTED, New Yobk, June 15 Noon. In the United States Court, yesterday, the Grand Jury presented several new indictments, onarged with complicity in Bilk smuggling frauds, but the Uni ted States District Attorney decline to make public the names of the in--dieted persona until they. have bees arrested. Bench warrants for them may be issued to-day. ----- At the Corinthian race of Alawan haka Yacht Club, yesterday, the Addie Yoorheeswas victor. New Yobk, June 15 Night The Washington Light Artillery of Charles ton is here. Every precaution has been taken to arrest Tweed when he leaves the Pen itentiary unless a $3,000,000 bail in forthcoming, The unfortunate gou tleman will be lodged in Ludlow jjuil for several days. The suits against him are civil and not orimnal. Should he give this bond it is said that there is another action for which he will be .held, requiring another $3,000,000 bail. Tweed has requested that he be taken direct to Ludlow jail, there to await these harsh issues. ELECTK1C1SMS. At Edgefield, Ky., a fire broke out yesterday on the corner ol Filmore street and Bridge avenuq which de stroyed the entire block. The steam mills of Edwards & Go,, eight dwellings, and six million feet of lumber were destroyed by fire at Tar onto.'Ont., yesterday.. Loss $250,000. The statement that the Direotors of the Pennsy vania R. R. Co. had agreed upon the terms of compromise with the Baltimore & Ohio E. R. Co., at a meeting of their Exeoutive Committee yesterday, is without foundation. Among the commercial organizations represented at the National ' Board of Trade. .Philadelphia, at or 'the Mobile Bora of Trade and Wilmington Board of Trade. ) A tornado prevailed yesterday at Quinoy, Illinois, - prostrating many houses. . One person was killed and many hurt. " Patrick Payne, of Dover, N. J., had an altercation yesterday evening with eJuo.,Glbneyi who struck him. Fayne stored his house fora revolver, and being in an excited state, shot his wife In thrf abdomen, presumedly by acoi dent,' Sue died in an "our. A dispatch from Washington says: J, M. MpGrew, lor several years Chief Ceik; has been appointed Sixth Au ditor in plaoe of C. 0. Sboate, of . Ala bama, to take effoot on July 1st. Mo Grewjn Jhe meantime is acting Au ditor. ' ' .;. , ,. ' 1 rjSNSYJLVAJilA. THli MINERS' TROUBLES. - WafflfflBiKBit, JunelB Night The miners ?wu; have i been . working at Palne's shaft were met by a large gang this morning and ordered to stay out. A posse was raised and armed which opened a way through the mob, and those who wished entered the shaft. There was great excitement and the least offensive movement from the idles would have drawn a fire from the posse. Later advices state that the miners are disagreeing among themselves and all have returned to work without any onoeBaion from the proprietors. RUSSIA WITHDRAWS FROM THE ALLIANCE. London, Jun 15 Noon A des patch from Paris to the London Standard saja: It is asserted that Russia baa withdrawn from the Alli ance of the-three Emperors, ami oon seqneutly a new Alliauee will be formed In-tween Onrnmuy ami Sweden. llILVDQUAItTliHS. Washington, Juno 15 Night A sensation has been created here by the publication in the St. Petersburg Oalos of au artiolo advocating an alli ance between I'm win and England be cause that between the three Emperors has lost the power of guaiantecing peace since oue member thereof has become suspected of warlike' demgus. ACCIDENT TO EXCURSIONISTS. Sananah, June 15 Night A party of excursioniHts went to Arkwright Inluiid yeflterday and while a nnmlx r were in bathing they were carried out to sea. Frank C. O'Drifccnll, a mer chant of this city, and Ohnrles R. Johnson, a clerk, were drowned. Miss Johnson was rescued in an in - Heusible condition by a steamboat after she had been in the water a half hour. She was kept afloat by her bathing dress. The bodies of the drowned have not yet been resoued. COTTON STATEMENT. Washington, Juno 15 Night The Department ol Agriculture in its cot ton ropo't for June, states that the threatened reduction in area has not ttiken place, nor bos the reduced area of last year been much enlarged. The res orted mcrcaoe is between 1 and 2 percent. The comparison with last year is as follows: North Carolina 102: Month Carolina 100: Georgia 96; Florida 90; Alabama 101; Mississippi lui!: Louisiana 1U1; Texas 1U; Arkan- eas 102, and Tennessee 99. The re port, of the condition is the most fa vorable in tue rive past bouhdhs. with the exception' of that of 1S72. The order of procedure ia this respect is 1872, 1873, 1873, 1871, 1874. Though filhuting was late aud the Roil general y too wet and cold for rapid germin ation, the stand is comparatively good and the recent weather has been more favorable to rapid growth. The crors are also unusually clcaik The comparison with a crop of full vitality and normal growth in all res pects is for the presout month as fol lows: North Carolina 92; South Car olina 97; Georgia 91; Florida 91; Ala bama 101: Mississippi 100; Louisiana 95; Texas 90; Arkansas 90, and Tenn essee 99. I, I S I' or LETYEKS KeinalnlDft- in the I'oatofflce In tills Vltj, June 13. 1S)5. A John Asbfooka. ' ' Tt MihH Mnrv N IUanev. .Tas Brown. Job Berry, Haywood B,8Hel, Frank lieaaley, U J Uawers, Miss li Uryaut. CJas U Cowoll, li li Cook, liU Cavis. D Miss Mary E Davis, Miss Lixzie Duughtry, Miss L'uz Dickerbon, An- uett Danton. . F George Frazier. G Miss Rebecca JuneGorger, Miss Lucy Onion. H Weston llickfl, Tnomas o. r. Hall, MiLrae Ilalley, James Hars ley, Joef b llines, He iry Hawtawt, Miss Mary Jiines, E Howard, Mrs Fannie Hayes, Miss Ann Eliza Hog ward. J W M Johnson, Thomas John son. K James King. L Miss Amanda Loonard.H. Lewis. M Stephen Merideth, Redden Mumford, Mr McLean, LizerMermas, Frank McKay, Lizzie Moore, John M il, Grace McKiuzie, Clara O Mitch ell, Ben McWurd, Mrs Anna McRac, A H Moore. P Miss Emily Peppers, H G Pon alton, L M Bowors. R Miss Fanny Royal, H B Robin son. B rark B Smith, Geo A Skinnor, Havard Sanders, Ibham Swett.Maiiley Smith, Miss Muudy Smith, Samuel B Smith, T J Stearling, W R Stanley. . T-Miss S E Thompkins. U Mrs Mary Ustarn. W Miss Louisa Watkins, Startacy Wooderf, John H Wilder, Mandley Williams, Holly WillianiH, Mrs Mollie Williams, Miss Delia Wilson. Y AjnosYork. Johnson's Anodyne Liniment will give more relief in cases of Chronic Rheumatism, no matter how severe, than any other article known to medi cal men. Used internally and extern ally. . It is often remarked by strangers visiting our State that we show a larger proportion of good horses than any other State in the Union. This, we toll them, is owing to two princi pal reasons: in tue hrst place, we breed from the very best stock: and in the second place, our people use Sheri dan a Cavalry Condition 1'owdcra, whioh in our judgment are of incal culable advantage. - TEMFERAKCE FESTY1AL AND BALL OF THE ' INDEPENDENT ORDER OF GOOD TEftlPLARS Will talii plHO at their HALL on Wdncidar Evening, Jlh lnt. Lmlle who nr Ulml enmttfh to help u out will iilce ed I" their donations erty on ',Vot nrwUy tothn Hall or to Mrp. Dm, t. I,mnb, on Mxtn, ootwoeii rruiuw, uuu vutmmui bu. TluKKirs 26 UKMi'tf. Jutio 13 ltl-lt tiien-lt Vf CAKVN nieoil!y at tha STATE NEWS. Col. M. I. McCorkle baa been nom inated by the Democrats of Catawba oonuty for the Convention. It is thought that the Radicals of Craven county will Dominate Judge Thomas and R. F. Lehman for the Convention. Matthew, the infant child of Rev. Mr. Marshall, of Christ Epiaoopal Church, Raleigh, died at Beaufort on t nuay nig lit. The Tarboro Southerner reoom mends the Rev. J. M. Atkinson. D. 1)., of Raleigh, for a professorship at me university. The Charlotte Observer learns from Cupt. Graham that the season has opened splendidly at the Atlantic Ho- ttil, lioaufort. and the prospeot for large number of guests was never so good before at this time of the sea son. There will be a grand ball at the Atlantic on the night of the iioth. The Rev. James, once connected with the Freedman's Bureau ia this State, and notorious in connection with the drowning of a negro in the Nense river, a bronht out in the re port of Generals Stedman and Faller tou, is dead. The Ilalttmorean publishes a letter from HarriHburg, Va., in regard to a native of Tarboro, where he still has many relatives and friends, which we publish with pleasure: "Rev. Alex ander W. Weddell, Rector of Emanuel Episoopal Church, in this town, has received official notification of his election to the Rectorship of Bt John's Chnroh, Charleston, Kanawha oounty, West Va." He has not yet decided to accept. This is the fourth oall Mr. Weddell has reooived since he has been in our midst, and he has been here only a eonple of years. Episcopalians abroad seem determined that Emanuel shall not hare an able Rector. Mr. Weddell ia a native of North Carolina, or Petersburg, Va.. I do not recollect whioh. He was edu cated at Hampden 8idney College, a., ana nas been in tue ministry about five years. He is yet a young man, and gives promise to a bright future. NEW ADVEHTI8EMENT8. Bfflse orBoard of County Commisoncrs, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, SIT A LED PROPOSALS WILL BC calved until Wcnaadar, tkt r Inat, Anr lurnlihlnir Mrdloal Attantton totbBt-ow loorof New Hauoier oounty. tor on yaw, from the 23tt day of J una, ISIS, to the lid Say ot Mune, 1S78. Prapenali to apply-to tb Mt door lKjor within the elty of Wilmington. . JAMB WlLSOlay . Oh'm Board of County Commiarioiie-a. JanelS-lw 144 For Rentv Three desirable rooms FOR RENT. Apply to - MRS. Ii. H. FORK, Roil OroM, between Front and Second etreeU. June ltt-tt 144 WILMINGTON BDHDINQ ASSOCIATION. rpUE HEOULAR MONTHLY Meetlnf of tha Wllniliiftton Bnlldlng Anoclatlnn will be beldthia (WKumnT) eraning, at o'clock, at old Llhtary Raona, en Front atroeU - Duph will be racetvod during the Say at t lie office ot the WeTa Onano Oonipeny. WALTKHU. MaoHAK, Beoratary and Xteaaarer June 18-lt 144 The Wilmington ani Coast Turnpiie A MEETINQ OF THB 8UB8CR1BKBS to the cajiltal itork of "The Wllmlugton and Coast Turnpike Company will be held at the Puroell Houae.on 8atutdty, tba Mthtnat,at I o'clock, P. M , for the purpoae of duly organ' Icing (aid corporation, by the election of a Hoard of Director, and tho adoption of proper by-laws for tti management. WM. A. WRIGHT, . T. J.SOUTHKRLAHD, J. R. DAVIS. O. D. MTKR8, WM. A. OUMMINQ, 1 ; MORWOOII OILI8, Oom appointed by Corporation. wamnoToB, June low, iws. June ts lot 144 Ileal Estate at Auction. J, STERNBMErTco Anctionecn TIT VIRTUE OF AND PTJRStTANT TO O the prorialona of a eerteln Indenture of mortgage, mane oy winiam wune ana oie wife, Kteltua Willie, bearing data the 19th day of heptember, I8J, a id duly reglatered in the proper oflice, I will eell on Saturday, the Mih day of Jane, A. D. 1878, at llo'eiook, Boon, at the dnor or the Oonrt Boon of tha ounty of New Hanover, by public auction, lor oath, the following described lot or paroel of land, equ ated in the city ol Wilmington, oounty of New Hanover aud state of NoiUt Carolina, that hi 'oaay, beginning at a point on tba North aide of Ann street, diatant ninety-nine feet Weat from the Xorihwaat corner of Klghth and Ann atrreta, thence raiinlug along the line of Ann street Weatwardly ihlrtt three feattoalotof ground, owned now or late lv Thomaa Owena, tlidnoe along aaid Owens' Northwardlv, and parallel witb Eighth street, one hundred and thirty-two teet to ground of Daniel D. Price, thence Eartwar It with grund of the raid Daniel D. Prioe thirty-three leet, thence In a ntralght line Southwardly and psrallel with ElgliTh street, one hanilrod and thirty-two feet to Ilia plane of beginning. JAM ICS WILSON, Mortgagee. Junel-lot 144 Handsome Diagonal Coats, BLUE FLANNEL SUITS, GENTS' LEATHER TRUNKS, LADIES TRAVELING TRUNKS, BUITS FOR FAT MEN, SUITS FOR LEAN MEN, " BUITS FOR TALL MEN, --- sttttm vmi SHOUT MRU. BUITS FOB EVERYBODY, CHEAP. MUNSON & CO., CITIOLOTIUEIIS. JunaU Ml-f NIW ADVEETISENESTS. A Startlini? Tumble IN TBIE riUCES OF CLOTHINa. Men -a and Boy1 Alpaoca Coata SI at toS 06 WhIU Unea Dack Oat t tt to I 50 WkltaDmk Paste IM Boyi Brow a Unen Paste 13 to 1 Tb " " " Jacket A Panta I 00 Baaatlfiil Bualaekt Malta........ .T mm Baadaeae Dreai Salit at oompatatWelj low ftgaree. A. DAVID. tana IS 141 Hew ITovels- TLrjkBKARD'S KKTS, and otkar Storlea. My M ha Taackeray, author of " Mlaa Angel." " Old Kensington,1' Ao. bto, Paper, 16 cents. Alice Lorraine- A Tale or the South Downs, By H D. Hlaokmore, aathor of Oietlook ho. well," Maid of ohor;" o. Iro, Paper, TO oanta. Rape of the Gamp. By 0. Welsh Maaoa. 11 aaUaied. to, Paper, (1. For sale at HEINGBERCER'O Uvt Book and Nude Store. Jane II 141 The Odd Trump NOVKU altar's Ward, Novel by Jamee Payn, A Floatlna Cite and tha Blockade Knnnen. by Julea Verne, Tke Myetertoui Island, by Jnlee Verne. Dora, a beauUfullv llluitrated Poem, bv Al fred Tennyson. Prioe 10 oentev book at the Clock, a Poem by Thomas In- goldaby(R.H. Barham.) All for tale at Conoley & Yates, CITY BOOK STORE. The ouly plaoe in tha elty where yoa can get tha INK and OOPTING CRAYON." Jon IS 141 Black Walnut Furni- .ture. QRKAT BARGAINS la Blaok Walnut Ubamber and Parlor Suite, at D. A. SMITH ft CO S. Jan IS Ml tf Bacon. Fork. Flour, Corn, etc 75 Boxes Smoked Sides and Shoul ders, 50 Boxes D. S. Sides, 800 Bbls. Flour all grades. 8,000 Bushels Prima White Corn. 100 Bbls. Reflnod Snp-ar, 100 Bags Prime Rio Coffee, " Inn in T tr It - xuu Duis. o. xx Dyrop, 100 Hhds. and bbls. New Crop Cu ba Molasses, 800 Bales Prime N. R. Haj, 500 Bandies Hoop Iron, 250 Seoond Hand Spirit Casks, 50Bbls.Rioe, 100 Bbls. Glue, 200 Kegs Nails. 100 Boxes and half boxes Candles, 50 Boxes Lye, 25 Boies Soda, 25 Boxes Potash, 50 Boxes Candy, 50 Boxes Soap, 50 Boxes Tobacoo, 100 Gross Matches, For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. 4aaaI a mm I (.naaol ISO Tone Guanap Guano, : 100 Eureka " For sale low by " WILLIAMS MURCHISON. Jnne II 141 Pay Us i LL YOU OWK P8 IP YOU CAN, IP uoi, all a part. We want our money. CHAS 0. MYERS & CO.. 8 aV r North Mt. Fine Clarets. -r UUiX, 8ANTERNE and Hock WInee, Sparkling Moselle, oatawba, Burgundy and Ueidaieck WInee. Frankfurter Lager Bier. JMPORTED. Don't use Imitation. when yon can jet the genuine. Best Flour. A LL KINDS-Wheat, Rye, Orabama. barrels, Hall Barrel! and Bag. Goods Delivered Free jfLL OVER THE CITY. Caeti buyen preferred. Beet good a, Lowest prioee. CHAS. D. MYERS k CO., 5 and 7 North Front Street June 13 141-M Newspaper for1 Bale. ANY GOOD MAN wlahlnf to engage In the newspaper boalnesa, oan with a amall ewah I. . I .1.. . 1 !... mA tlood Wtllof the Ooncord Sua " . . Por full particulars, eddreaa ' . . . iouH H. HARRIS, Concord. M. O. June 11 iaiHia mate papers pleaae oopy. NIW ADVERTISEMENTS. Grain Cradles and Fan Mills. GRANT'S Snnthera Pattern, B Flngor Grata lYllaa, (the heat la the market), and Urant's Faa MUls tor Urain. for sale low by y GILKS AMl'RCHISOM. June II 141 IRDNKS, SADDLES AND HARNESS, Trarellng Bage. Halchala, Rhawl Ktrapa, Whiie, Suure, ewUdle t'lotha, Pmthvr Duatvre, Uollars, Haatea, Satldlery Hardware, I aather, Aile Ureaaa, and all ktuda of Saddlery Goods. CARPENTER A MALLARD No. I Soutfcront Street, Wilmington. N. eayso u Children's Colored Shoes. Just received direct from the Manafactor a Sue aaeortmeht of tlhlldrea'e Butt. Hronae and Black Shoe of all slsoa, with ami without heela. Also Uenta Hand-Svwixl Iloa-Toeand Machlna-Sewed Lew Quarter SIuhw. I Ad lea Ualtere and Slippers la great variety Q A. PRICE'S, ho. It Market Street, Grass Blades, II AY COTTK&S, Reap Hooka, tirala Uradiee, Oora Shellere, o. A full aaeoruuanl ot the above goods and at vary low prices, can be round at the old eetab. llshed Hardware House of JOHN DAWhUN, U, Wand II Market Htra-t. Jane lie-' Reduction in Prices. FAMILY BUPrLIES Fresh this week, Imported and Domestic At - GEO. MYERS, Preserved Ginger . AND 8IIAKER PRESERVES atrednoed prices, at Cooked Corned Beef REDUCED PRIUK8. tJXM U J. JM -fcJ-At UKO. MYERS. Best Butter JN THE WORwU at 40 oenU per pound. at , utu. hi s.n.B., Hew Process V EM PI Ml FLOUR. Notwllhutandlng the ad vance In Ptour at redooed prlooa. At , uau. Mtans. Bottled Lager Bier. BEST In the State at reduced prlcea, at UKa MYERS. too C&8RS IMPORTED Ol.aNTJ at reduced prices, aud one hundred thouaaud Hagars, At CEO-MYERS, "11 A II South Front Street. 141 June 13 22 Market Street. 500 PACKAGES PLUG AND FINE CUT TOBACCOS. i : , I Inch, 10 Inch, 11 Inpb and 12 Inch, 4 lo pound, 8 to pound and I to pound. Retailers will please examine onr stock. D. PICOTT. June It 141 Bacon and Lard. 60 BOXES D. B. SIDES A SHOULDERS, SO Smoked " For sale by KJtHUHNKB C'ALDRB BROS. HAY, CORN, RICE AND MEAL. " v 2QQ BALES HAY, a,unu onuneie uorn, , AO bbls Kioe, ' i doO buahele Waur tiround Meal, Pot sale by KKKGHNKK A OALDF.K BROS, , Sugar, Coffee & Flour. 6(J BBL9. REPINED SUGAR, bbde. Demarara . ",. . T jnu oag. i onee, t. 4 lot) bbla. Flour. For sale by KEKi'HNIB OALDEU BROS. Powder and Fuse. 400 KBUS KUrLE M1NINQ and HUst- in rowaer, i . y . 1 10,000 feet Fuse. For tele by KEROHNBR e CAI.DElt; BROR June 13 ... . Ill Good Board. A GENTLEMAN AND HIS WIPE, or AY two alnffle entlamen. can be umnnAf uatea wnn gooa ooara in a pleasant part 01 las. city, k snort distance rrom me business cen tres. . . i Several day boarders can also be accomnKK aatca Aepiy ai June s lM-iw inis urrius. IMPORTERS Hlaln aand oi red By tke Bale Doeen, or at Retail Single Hamniocka, S3 each, sent on receipt of money. For whole eale prices, addreQ. W. SiMMima Sov, "Oak Hall," Boston, Man. Bathing Bulls. Military . Ooa&ts and Regalia. ISS-lm-eo OF : HAMMOCKS. may e . . Du Pont's Powder. 4 RIFLE, SPORTING AND MUSKET, LASTING AND MINING In Whole,H' and Quarter Kegs. ale by Q. PAKSLEY eaUa BROWN & 45 MARKET Ilave dutermlncd to clear out all their ' N U3IMEH HW OOK GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ' - Sulo to oommenoo on " v MONDAY, JUNE. 7TIL7 1875; V Boms great Bargains will to offered. We do not consider it neftsssarj to go into dutaile, as Uia publio gonerallj One Price. Call early b in Gil in BR0OT & RODDICK, MORE PARTICULARS! MY ASSORTMENT OF " i 'T IS NOW IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. My customors Lavo shown their appreciation of my LOW PRICES by their liberal purchases, for, which I'm thankful. BTBANOER3 not posted, Mi4 desiring t)w vulnti of their money, oau ..1 (. t KM; KATZ?S, aprll la MlSCLi,ANUUS. To Naval Store Dealers. The undersigned, late Depnty Supervising Inspector, having left the employ of the Com pany, tenders hie services to Merchants and others gaged la buying and shipping oar goes. He has had a pre; Ileal eiperlonoe ol twenty years in the Naval Store Uuslneea, and will give etrlot peraunal attention to Weights, Color, Gnaglng, Order and Stowage or all ship ments entrostad to hie ova, feeling assured that be will give full .satisfaction to all who may favor him with their orders. Orders may be lrt for the preaant at A. H. VanUokkelen'a office. Refers to Mourns. Wll. Hams Murchtnin, James Anderson ds Co., A. U. VanBokkelen aud others, p - ay29eollm. . W. D. MAHN. Mcrcliaiidlso Brokerage. WITH THE RKgUISITKEXPKRIBNdB, acqnanitauoo, knowledge and facllltioi, I oft'er my aervioee for the piirchaao and snle or alldeetriptlone of Merohandlee In WeaUrn, Northern and oar own market , Negotiate cash and oaainr. Wlrea need fraaly at my ex penee for any Information desired. prom liuportera. Reilnere, Mlllen and Manuractarers,bll, Uue of samples exhibit (d dally. ' Oeflee, Melasaee, wympe. near, Plonfi Soap, Bacon. Ury Salt Meats, Pork, Lard, Ao , An , all grades ; Tobacco, Cigars, &a. ; Spirit Oaska, 01aer Hay, Corn. o. i B tfot, Scales, die, e Special attention given to securing lowest rate, of transportation. ' . , ... , Bxamtnatlon of samples, correspondence ftnd orders sollolted. .. trr Orders left at Ortce for "Bpot" Oeudi will have prompt attention. . f ( .,, JAM. T. PETTE (TAYi Commorcla) Broker, NORTH WATER STREET maySS i ' im im-ood VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, "CANDIDATES FOR ADMIBSION INTO thU wetl-known In.tltuUon should preseut : . , early application. ..r .j.s Catalogneewlllbe.lorwardod. 4i ; r .. Address, FBANOW iPti BMlTlj t ; o ! 1 " : ' Superlnfetid'ant. s" r-ejio. 1 4 U T pi e a., vv' ,, a.. rrl- OR $ ThHl)UH: nmiKl. hull, fnr anrtli oeoaDledbvthebVev,.d. O. Hldan.eniL- Hovantn, between unestnut ana uuioerry ats. Terms reasonable. H. haak, urceer, Corner 1th and Chestnut Streets, may 21 . EODDICK, know we do nothing by naive. t ; ; Strictly CasK and soonre a ' . , -t i ih..'i 45 Market Street.' . . i j : t , . : .; ii" :x ii i i i . ?i r.' ,! it 1 o.'J COMPLETE " i: it',,':, . i, 'i got ithy catling 4 " m, .v. 1 : N'M'i'l -AT . 36 Market St M1SCELLA1TE0U8; WE KEEP ,f f c ONSTANTLV ON HAND the best and clieapeet line of Qente and Ladles eustom made , . BOQT ANSnOEsJ', Jf We keep o hand a fine lot of Qepta and Le ' STJTPPEIIS ' ''f at very low prlr.ee. .' i t Wscan beat the world on . .. i . . . , ., f CHILDREN'S SHOES. . , We keen the beat.' ' Our Man e and Boy's KIP JMtOQANS we guarranlee cannot be 'excelled In price or aualltg. . ; i n ;. .r 7 -' , E7ANS & VONOLAHN. . JuneU ' . , Ml- Dog- Ordinance for 187$ OFFICE OF REB AND CQL- i rGitv op WniUiKOToir, N. C.,i '. rjiua IKHs OUDUUUIca for ISO, requires that the same sbould go Into eflfect June" 1st. , Notice is hereby gWan that all pajtieaown- ' Ingor keeping any dog, either male or female, are required to regtetar'th same AT TtUS OFFICE, and procure the required Badges, oommenojng Monday,. the MtU metAaadfDC four (4) dayathereaiter.. The Ordtnauce also provtilea that each penons who fall to comply with the above requirements will be subject T. U. BiflltVObS, (, j -JDUy Clerk and Treasurer. .. .- 11 -M" June 13 1 1 . UU1 i XaAJDIES. . 1. 5 ,m i, ti-) -iv.m:-;.'i OW IS YOUR TIME TO BAV MONKZ ia the porohaee of ,M i ' f.''.T DRY GOODS. . This stock ii to b sold la a limited Urn,' not one oent above1 actual cost will be charged' . ,-. . a all. ' ( '".' j. ' i for any article, either large or small, single, or In quantlty ,, ,nf,w-;8u-.j 3 ......! - O In thistle yoa have deckled advantage,' the Stock i NK W, ana ivetry pleoe of Goods w desirable. There are) many rmalt lota or broken' Packigee, Bemnanisoiovte, OolUr&e.,'&x,- that U1 Te at much lorn th eeet to ehM , themout.! r t1 A s " ' v " r'A I - , ol j n BICUII U1IJ , ..pi. ? I GEORGE XElBElr, No. 29 Market Street. Ml June 13

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