f ; ( III i . a I ill 4 VV-V' Jill WHOLE NO 0.003. 70L. XXIV. NO. 141 WILHINGTON. N. C. THURSDAY. 'JUNE 17. 1875. ' WLLMISGTON. N. C. THTJESDAY. JUNE 17, 1875. BY TELEGRAPH THE UNIVERSITY. IT3 OKQANIZATIOX-ELECTION OF PROFESSORS MECIAL TO TUB JOt'KNAL. Raleiuh, June 16th, The Board oi Trustee of the Uui vorsity of North Carolina convened here to-day. Two Frofemiors wtrp elected, John B. Kiraberly wan elected Professor of Agriculture and Applied Sciences, and Ralph Graves, Jr., Professor of Civil EngiuocriiiK. Professor lumber ly is a Northern gentleman, who taught iteuool for many years in tho Eastern portion of the State, and srtw'odoil Rev. Dr. Wheate in the Fucuity of the Uni versity, rescuing after the closn of the war. He resides now in Bun combe county. Eds, Journal HEADQUARTERS. THE CORRUPTION CASE IM PORTANT DECISION. Washington, June 10 Night There are no new developenuuts in Hind's trial for corrupting United States officials. The point is raised that the persons bribed were tempor ary clerks, and not United States officials. In view of tnewaterjroutes through out the South, the following is im portant; Judge Wvlie. in the Eauitv Court, in the first of the Georgetown mill eases, that of. Kay vs. the Chesa peake & Ohio Canal Company, decid ed that the contract of Mr. Jiaj en titled him to as much water as had been coming to his mill before tuu Canal Company uudertook to mako a change; and he made perpetual the injunction restricting the Canal Com pany from diminishing the supply of water to Ray's mill, aud from inter fering with the guaga ; , GOTHAM. RECEPTION OF THE WASHING TON LIGHT INFANTRY. CIVIL. RIGHTS-NEGROES AND THREATRE3. New Yobk, June 1G Noon. At the breakfast given to the Charleston Washington Light Iufantry yesterday. . a letter waa read. from.Gov. Tildeji, expressing regret at his inability to bo present aud welcoming them to the State of New York. This was follow ed by brief addresses from Gen. Wood ward, of the Governor's staff, and from Col. Marshal Lefferits. of the Veteran Corps of the Seventh Regiment. New York, June 16 Night Some three weeks ago vV. W. Tilottson, treasurer of Booth's theatre was charged before Commissioner Daven port with having violated the Civil Rights bill, in refusing to sell a ticket to. Davis, a colored man, and as such not . entitled to a seat in the theatre elsewhere than in portion of the up per part of the house set apart for col ored persons. At the time of Tilott son's arrest his counsel claimed that he had not violated the law, inasmuch as its prohibition of discrimination a to color did not apply to theaCres which wore managed simply as pri vate business speculations, subject to such regulations as to admission as their proprietors might deem proper to impose. Tillottson waived an exam ination and gave bail to await the ac tion of the United States Grand Jury. During the sessions of the Grand Jury, Davis has been before it several times, but failed to impress the jurors that lie had a case that they were war ranted in entertaining and they there fore presented no bill against Tillott- ' son In view of the interest taken in this ease, this action of the Grand Jury is important. EUKOPE. DcBLii ' June 16 Noon. Tho American Rifle Team have arrived aud were received with great entbuwi.ism. Rome, June 16 Noon. The debate on the Public Safety bill continuos. London. June 16 Noon. Alexan der Collier & Co., commission mer chants, have failed; also Shand & Co., East India merchants, of No. 23, Road Lane. ' . Berlin, June 16 Noon. The ses sion of the Frnssian Diet has formally closed. v Bismarck before leaving for the country received the foreign repre sentatives and gave each ouo assuran ces of the peaceful disposition of Germany. Whatever result the pres ent trial of Yon Arnim may hi we it is snre to be ultimately referred to the Supreme Tribunal by appeal, either of defence or prosecution. London, June 16 Noon It is re ported that the liabilities, of Alex. Collie & Co. are $15,000,000. Vienna, June 16 Noon The Pro vincial Court has acquitted Wiesenger of the charge of attempting to defraud his father, General Becked. In the course of the trial Weisenger deolared that he was an adorant of Prinoe Bis marck, and an enemy of the Ultramo tanes. His solo intention was to allure the Jesiut to aoquiese in an offer to assassinate Bismarck, and thereby give the latter reason for more enor gotio proceedings against the Catho lics. Ho hoped that Bismarck or Bchwcinitz, the German Ambassador, would reward him for his teal THE (JIlASSHOlTEiiS. Leavenworth. JuuelO The grss hopjwrs have disappeared from thi rogiou. Tho air for the past four days ban been black with them goiug North. I'ue farmers are preparing to repluut. THE PHESMTElTlANS. Montuel, June 1(5 -Night The Uuioii of tile 1'rebbyteriuu Church aud the Church or Scotland has been (liiiiKiiimnttted. The United Church i to be d.'sigcated the Presbyterian Church ot Canada. INDIANA. BANK KOUBEKY. Indianapolis, June 1( Night During a heavy rum storm yesterday, two men and a wouiuu drove to the Central Bank. The womun engaged ouo of the clerks in conversation at the carriage, aud the two meu euteied the bauk and began talking Willi the Civhier, who wus presently get atwoik figuring out the interest on & large sum which they desired to loan. While the Cutshii-r was tluu engaged the men clipped luto their pookets packages to tho amount of from S,.li to $7,000, aud got oil' with it. No arrents yet. THE HAILUOAD WAll. THE RAILROAD WAR COMPRO MISED. -SPECULATIONS. Baltimore, June 16 Night A special meeting of tho Board of Di rectors of the Baltimore fc Ohio Road to colihider the Iuims of (settlement Hgrned upon by Priideut Scott, aud Vice-President . King, -at tho Fifth Aveuue Hotel on Friday, Juno 11th, was held to-day and adjourned shortly after 12 o'clock, the session lasting about an Lour. The proceedings were strictly private, and will not bo given to tho press, it is stated by omeialN, uutil alter 3 o'clock to-duy, if then. This may be to prevent speculation in stock by outside parties. A number j of reporters representing the papers in Washington, New lork and other cities, are about tho building eagerly waiting for the publicity of the pro ceedings. Official The Directors ol the Ualti more & Ohio Railroad Company, at a special meeting to-day, ratified the basis of settlement as agreed on by President Scott and Vico-President King, mak ng a single amendment which it is expected will meet the ap proval of the Board of Pennsylvania Directors. ' Philadelphia, June 10 Night It is understood that the agreement is for a period of ten years, the Compny to agree upon a moderate rate betwee n all competing points, which will be maintained by both. The contract can only bo terminated by a resolution of the respective Boards. A special com mittee to bo appointed by each Board, tff whom Bfmlt m referred -all matters of difficulty, if any that may arise, relative to the practical working of tho management and with power to adjust ell complaints between the two Com panies. Tho Pennsylvania Company opens its liuos between Philadelphia and New York and the B. & O. R. R. ou the same terms that they giveother connecting roads at Philadelphia. This agreement, it is believed, will be of a permanent character. It is un derstood that the details of agreement will not bo published. TUe Ktorjr of 1'rion aucceaaiful Col ton Manufacturing In the South. If any argument wera necessary to prove that the manufacture of cotton goods can bo made very profitable in the South, Triou Factory furnishes the premises arid conclusion of such argu ment. This fatory was located mid way between Ronio, Ga., and Chatta nooga, Tenn., and about forty-four miles from each place. These were its only markets, and they only acces sible to it by railroad. From one or tho other Jit drew its supplies of raw material and provisions, aud then hauled back the manufactured goods to market. And Trion enriched its ownora was one of the most profita ble manufacturing investments in the country. When the old factory burned down, several months ago, the proprietors hardly allowed the ruins to oool till they were among them clearing away to make place for a larger aud more extensive struetureThe new factory will be ready for operation in Septem ber, equipped throughout with new and miuh improved machinery, aud ou a more extensive i-culo than of old. This looks like business ; shows that Messrs Marsh & Allgood not only know how to conduct the business, but are possessed of that pnbiio spirit and en terprise necessary to combat obstacles and wrench victory from defeat. To induce them to rebuild on the old ground, the well-to-do farmers of the neighborhood, and others having small savings, invested it in the new enter prise, aud thus were these gontlemen enabled to stand the loss of one fac tory and build another without bor rowing a dollar, aud without going out of their own neighborhood for i'ddi tional capital. This shows that they deserve to succeed; thut they possess the entire confidence cf tnose who know them best. Now, there are, scuttered all over East Tennessee, water powers equal to and better than the ouo utilized at Triou; dozens of them within two miles of railroads. And for that mat ter the difference botween steam and water, as meters, in cost, is only nom inal. There is no reason why a cotton factory at Chattanooga should not bo more profitable than one forty-four miles away, whioh depends largely on Chattanoogo for its market. C'Autta noofa Commercial. iwcnniMff? pAnnc qxiK tjp prints k.mdit fuklonthla itv the VflOS Resolutions oi' Thanks. At e'.eC mwtlng of lh Yuun( I'.lhoilo Kii. ii i so.tiv, th uiklomgnnl, t iwtiiUd r.niitunkw lot lbt puipuM. .ubniitlrd ill fair ! ii g .r. mul'io .ml tomiuliuii., wbiett wt mi u:oii'Uiy Jo ttd: A utiuitt, en ti rec.nt ..-out. oa andw the .',11-i'Hv. ut tUi. Hocmljr, nrnctt ddl.y Mid rwiM-qu ut kuxi.tr w iixuleuct'd kjr th. mvim-iiUU (louuuiiif of th Uu. Wortb lb rti-i.i i n .learner- aud Ui. .icuraumuu want tli. rrilent. of namwou. aula of kind una and euniwleratiuu on tbat account, fur all till it bttioirr. a. to niaka public acknovlodf-lu-'i'j liieraf'ora AVjoMti, 1 liai th thank, of thin Society arc dm .Bidar. b.ri'b. tfuilemd to aa Oa)alH aid iftio.r of tba rvpnua outlet Kmma Dunn or mi Kimronilr aiding lu ttie.altort toluw tli-i4o W.trlb fitira (ha bvarh. lituslvfJ, I hat weavUnatrlixli, alih ihanki, the kii.dnuw ot t'api. .1. T. Bartiar, ol lb. .(nam tug Jamiw i. Katon, who ramalnml nrar tho ur. Wortb for aa.eral bonra. anil by alVit r.Ttnt.d her from dtutuig further on IUe I fach h'.fiiJrril, That our thanka arj du. and at a lu i- by iirU'la ly tendered to Menaia WliUaw .Muii'iii. n l r the Under I Iba tuavf the . It Mn.cl.i.iu, and U (leorga itarriaa, fciq , for ih, i Waccikiuaw, (which ateamera war ai romlv miner ay to ri-nder any aid to thaaa cuim'iMii.tii that wight b ihuv wary) and toih. iu ilU-l ki'titloiiicii who TOluntaercd their aer tirt'uitu i lie iM'4'a.luH. . ftWi.. That a cui-y rf thea reaolutloii ba imlud hi the star and .loviHAL, of thit city. KKANK H DARBY.) ,UVKt HKII.LT, Com'tte. I M. ALI.KN. NEW ADVEETISEMENT8. GREEKSOOSO FEMALE COLLEGE. tiKFKSSBOKO, N. O. f IIIIK KA I I, HrSHON WILL HKGIN ON - the lMlli of .Angii't. term, rrdnrad. ' hatgi'ii er wtwilon of to ', board (ex clusive of WHuhtnaani ll);ht.)' 7.1 00 Tuition In rcu .r Ki.gli'ti rourae, ?it (Ml. harge. tor evr tiiliri, hkmI rut. For catalogue, oun tallilng tiartiiMiJar. illy to T. M.JONKt, President. N. If. n.WiLSoa, Pread't Board of Trnlcea. Jutui: l-lm Auction Sale J WM.li 8tLL, ON Friday, 18th Instant, at PUBLIC Al't'TIOH, mv Kntlre Ktock of (HtOCEUIES, Iticnillni! Hiortm, Kluturc, n. Halfl to com iim e at III 'cui. k. It. W. 8IIUKK. Imif 17-2i(l) 81 N.rrout SUret The Odd Tiump. A NUTHEK SUPPLY, .MtST RKKIVrT, At T. UEINSliEliQEIVa. THE IflOHNTAlK of IliO I.OVKHS, with POKMi from NAT UUE and TUADIHo:, nr PAUL II, II A Y N E. ' ltuuud beautiful In cloth and Cloth and (lilt Kdi;e, i'rloe l bo. JUST HEOEI V ED, HEIKMSBERCER'S LI to Book and Hntlo 8 tore. June 16 14-tf OUR VAKIETIEa" CBISPMILKBUISCUIT, CORN HILL BUISCUIT FHK8H FAMILY SODA CHAOKEKB, CREAM NUTS, BNT'8 WATKK I JJENI'H BOTTKB t-R0,M' Albert Buscult and Hand Made Butter Crackers, FRKXH GINUEIl HhAPB, HAKKK.S CKIMaON CHOCULATK, WALLACE'S (JKEAM CHOCOLATE, GERMAN SWEET ANU VANILLA OHOOOI.ATK, ENULISI1, FRENCH AND AMKUIOAN AUCES. SPICES aud PICKI.KS, LAGE3T STOCK AND FINEST 8El,KCTION OF FAMILY GROCERIES . IN THE (STATE. CHAS D. MYERS &C0., 9 & 7 Norm Front St. June II H4-tf WHITE SU LPHUB SPRINGS, Catawba County, N. C- rnHH CELEBRATED WATERING X. Place will bo open for N elect Vlritora lat I uiie. The Brhigit nre ailuatrd SB miles Northwentof Charlotte, 60 nil o. We.tof8alla liury, and uil e. from Hickory Station, on the nwuiiii i. i. taiiiuau. The bracing mountain atmo.iibere, with the bealih-rHitoriniii uropertie. of their watera. ruixler tlie.e Suiinga a niont desirable reaort for Invnlida and plcasure-tnektirs Tho Mineral watci. embrace Blue and White 8itlhur and Chalybeate. It la the best and tuoet extensively fitted up Waterlug place la the Sikto .can accommolate 3oOierioiia. Oood BAND UK MUHIO, Ten Pin Alley, Billiard Table, and a aupply of Ice. Omnibus will beat Hickory Htatton, on the Western N. O. Railroad, for paaeengera on the arrival ol every train. Konrd f 38 00 per month of 28 dayK half ir I e fur children and aervunia. and a liberal deduction lor lamillea. . My poatoffioe la White Sulphur, N. C. I)K. E. O. ELLIOTT, Proprietor. June 17 144-lweoddal3ww. HO POSTPONEMENTNO HUMBUS. A Southern Drawing, If! anaared by 1 1 1 ar I. l onod .cntlcinvu, atud Hucummeiided by tlie Uov uor ut Virirlnia. " THE MONTPELIKR FKM ALE HUMANE ASSOCIATION, of VirKlnla, propose, by GRAND GIFT CONCERT At Aloiar.dria, Va , on the 13th or July, 187 chartered by the Legielattire of Virginia and Circuit Court or orange county, to e.iabll.b at Moutpeller, the former residence of President JamcB M.dlson, a house for the OIl,Intlim and institute Ladica of Virginia. Whole tick ets, 20; halves, lo; quartera, 5; eighth, or ooupons, 9'i SO. Capital priieicash) t K0,0fl0 One carh do S0.0M) i me c&sli do 215 OK) Ten cash do... (each).... 10,(KI0 Kltteen cash do ..(each),.., 6,000 Flf.y chnU do (each).-... 1,000 One h ii mired cash do (each).... M Twety thoiumndcai.il do (each).... V0 Total, to be distributed aa above 1,000,000 Total cash gltta 22,178; fetal number of tick et 1(0,000. Refer, by OBrmliwIon, to Uor. Kon uer. of Virffinla:TCx-Oov. Walker, of Vir ginia; Judge Hu gba, of Virginia; Hon. John' w. dounson, u, n nenator; non, j-. neeiw Rnwen. M. airi many other gentlemen of poxitlons No tricks, nobiimliug, VioHcslly coi. (luctcd h statet' in the cenitlratn of Governor Kemtier. fAMMS HARBOUR, Presd't M . H. Asxiclatlon. Fur Inlnrmation, plan of drawing and tlrkMa. apply without delav (aa the time 1. limited), to H KMJKlt.HON &) , Agent.. a" Office mljoltiing Jami a Anderson A to., South Wntcr Street, Wilmington, N.O. June 17 144-lw GBEEN Sc PLANNER, ' Wlioleaale aud Ketall Dealer i s DRTTW.'' v. ,. M KDIUIN KK, PAINTS, OILS, tHKMIOALS, TOILHT AKTIOLES, DTRS, HAIR BU0SHK8, KKROSENK, ALCOHOL, BF.KO. 0. Market Street, Wilmington, N.O. Junell 144-tf NEW ADVEKTISE5ENTS. TO-DAY Wk are ih KsecEipror A L r A C C A BACKS, BERGE SACKS, ALI'ACCA FKOCKS. 8E1W3E FRCXJKS, LINEN DUSTERS, ALPACCA DUSTER8, DRESS SUITS, ALL BELLINO CHEAP. MUNSON & CO., CITX CLOTLU-iaUi. juaal 1 tr FOR SALE. j. Top Bug-firy; pEHrECTLY EW, OF BEST 1ALTI more aianufactute. ALKl WELL BROKEN YOUNG SADUI.E aud Harnea '' HORSE, Apply t ' PR. THOMAS', Corner of Fourth and Market. June 17 Wl' A Startling: Tumble IN THE PIUCES OF CLOTHING. Men', and Boy'l Alpacca Coat., 1 Mtol CO White Linen Duck Coat.... 1 00 to I 60 White w k Pant a I U0 Boya Brown Linen Pante.. 73 to 1 78 " Jacket A Pent 100 Beautirul Bulncl. Sulta.... 10 00 Handsome Dreaa Bull at comparatively low figure. . A. DAVID. lunen HI The Odd Trump. NOVEL. . WalUr'a Ward, a Novel by James Payn. A Floating City and the Blockade Uuoucra, by Julea Verne. The Myaterioui l.land, by Julea Verne. Dora, a beautifully 111 nitrated Poem, by Al fred Tennyaon. Price 10 oeuta. - Look at the Clock,. Poem by Tkomal In goldsby (R. H. Barham ) All foraale at Conoley & Yates, CITY BOOK STORE. The only place In the olty where) tfltt can get the INK and COPYING CKAYOJS." June 18 141 efflcB Of Board of Conuty Commissioners, NEW HANOVER COUNTY. S FA LED PROPOSALS WILL B RK rnlved on til Wednesday, the VSrd lust., lor furnishing Medlual Attention to the out-door poor of New Hanover oountv. for one year, from the Vi day or June, 1H7.1, to the M day of June, 1H16. Propoeal. to apply to the oufe door poor within the city of Wilmington. JAMBS W1UJON, Ch'm Board of County Commlaalonera. June lo lw 144 For Rent' Three desirable rooms FOR RENT. Apply to MRS, L. H. FORE, Red Cross, between Front aud Second atreeta. June16- 144 Tim Willi an! Coast Turaie A MEETING OF THB SUBSCRIBBBS io the capital atock of "The Wilmington and Coast Turnpike Company 1 wtll ba held at the Puroell Houee, on Saturday, the tttli Inat., at 3 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of duly organ lalng aaid corporation, by the elect ou of a Board of Directors, and the adoption of proper by-lawa for Ita management. WM. A. WBIOHT, T. J.SOUTHEKLAND, J. B. DAVIS, O. D. HTEU8, WM. A. CUMMINO, NORWOOD OILEH, Com appointed by Corporation. WiLHlifOToa, June 16th, 1K7B. June 16 lot V Ileal Estate at Auction. J. STffiNBERGERKO., Auctioneers. BV VIRTUE OF AND PUB8I7ANT TO the provlBloiis of a certain Indenture of mortgage, made by William Willie and hia wife, Kveiina Will', bearing date the ISthday of September, INe), a-id duly registered In the proper oltice, I will veil on Satarday, the Sola day of June. A, 1). 1X79, at la o'clock, noon, at the door of the Court Houio of the county of New Hanover, by public auction, for cash, the following described lot or parcel of land, situ ated in the city of Wilmington, county of New Hanover and fttate of North Carolina, that la osay, beginning at anoint on the North side of Ann .treet, distant ninety-nine feet West from the Northwest corner or Kighth and Ann atreeta, thence running along the line of Ann atreet Weatwardly thirty-three feat to a lot of ground, ownea now or late by 1 nomas uwena, thence along aaid Owens' Northwardlv, and parallel with Eighth rtreet, one bundred and thirty-two I eet to ground of lianlel l. Price, thence Kastwar ly with gruiind of the said Ijaiilel O. Price thirtv-thrBe teet, thence In a atr.lght line Southwardly and parallel with Kignm atreet, one nnnurou ana uiirty-two reel to the place of beginning. JAMKS W1L80N, Mortgagee. Junelo-lOt 144 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE, LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, c ANDIDATES FOR ADMISSION INTO thla well-known Inatltution should preaeut irly application, i,.,,,-,: Catalogae will be forwarded. Addrcaa, FRANCIS H. SMITH, Superintendent. in-od0t Jun NW ALVERTISEMEST8. Grain Cradles and Fan Mills- OR A NT '8 Houth.rn Pattern, b KlngerUraln CraillM, (the beat In tho maikvt), aud tlianfa Fan M ilia lor drain. For kale low by GILES A MVROHISON. June 11 141 TRUNKS, SADDLES AJiD HARNESS, Traveling Baga. hatchets, Shawl Ktrepe, Wo ii, Mpura, baildle Cloth., Feather Du.iera, Oollara, llamee, tiaildlMV Hardwar, I aath.r, Aile Ureaaa, and all kinds of oa.ldl.ty (Wis. CARPENTER A MALLARD. No. I South JTront hlteet, Wilmington. N. t may W v tf Children' 8 Colored Shoes. Ju.t received direct from the Matiutuctory a flue aaoitneht or Chlldren'e Hull, Mrmii. ami Black Shoe of all sl.ee. with and without heel.. Alao UenU Haml-Htwed IKu- loeaiul Machine-Hewed Low (Quarter Slice.. Ladle Caller, and Hlipiera In gnat variety " o. a. rmcE H, No. 11 Markot Street. Grass Blades, IT AY COTTERS, Reap Hooka, Oraln Oradir, Corn Shelters, An. i ' A full aemrtmcnt ol the above fod and nt very low pricee, can be loimdat the eld estab lished II aril warn House of JOHN DAW.SON, 19, 0 and 21 Market Street. Jose " Wn Reduction in Prices FAMILY BUITL123 Fresh this week, Importeil ami DomeHtio. At GEO. MYEKS. Preserved Ginger AND SUAKEHl'ltESEItVES at reduced prices, at GEO. MYERB. Cooked Corned Beef REDUCED PRICES. At UKO. MYERS. Best Butter rN TUB WORuI) at 40 oeuta per pdtlliit. At UKO. MYERS. New Process 1MPIRE FI.Ot'R. Notwltliataudlng the ad il vano. In Flour at reduced priors. At UKO. MYERS. Bottled Lager Bier. B EST In the State at reduced prices, at UKO. Al YKU8, ioo CASKS IMPORTED CLANTJ atrrduced prices, aud one hundred thousand Segars, At GEO. MYERS. It & 13 South Front Street June 13 I'll 22 Market Street 500 FACKJlG,5,, " J?LUa AND FINE CUT TOBACCOS. Ineh, 10 Inch, 11 In oh and Vi Inch, 4 Io pound, 0 to pound and t to pound. Retaliate will pleaao examine oni atock. D. PICOTT- Jane U 141 Bacon and Lard. gQ BOXES l. S. BIDES A SHOOLDKR8 ou smoaea For eale by KEltOUNElt da CALDKR BROS. HAY, CORN, RICE AND MEAL. 100 BALKB UAV 1,000 biuhela Corn, MhblaHloe, COil bu.hela Water Uronnd Meal. For aale by KEUCHNER A CALDEK BROS. Sugar, Coffee & Flour. 50 BBLS. REFINED BDOAR, hlida. Demarara 1KI bare Cntt'ee, to J bbU Flour. For aale by ""' ' '' ' ---"""-" KhCHMIB A CALDKR BROS, Powder and Fuse. 400 KF,m KIFLK' ,,NlN(l i ing rowner, 10,000 feet Fuse. - "V. . For aale by KEKCHNKtt A CALDEHT BROS June 13 141 Good Board. A OENTLEMAN AND HI8 WIFE, nr two ainitle gentlpmen, can be accommo dtted with good board in a p.easant part ot the city, a euort uiatanoe irom the iiitsinesa cen tres. several day boardera can also be accommo dated Aj ply at June s 133-iw tbi urriUE. IMPORTERS I'lakln nnd rol ored. By the B ale Dor.fii, or At Retnil Mingle Hammocka, 3 each, sent on receipt of money. For whole sale prlora, address (i, W. Simmon A Hon, Oak Mall," Boston, Mas. Bathing Suite. Military tioode and Regalia. l9S-1m-eo OF HAMMOCKS. may Du Pont's Powder. T) RIFLE, 8PORTINQ AND MUSKKT, BLASTING AMD MININO-In Whole.Ha and Quarter Kega. eie by .Q. PAB8LEX M 00, NEW YIILTISIMEMa. let tim BEO WN & 15 MAHKET tlW, Have lUtormincd to clear out sll their NU3IM ErVnTOOK . at GREATLY . REDUCED PRICES. , Hals to commenco ou .' MONDAY, JUNE 7TII, 1875. Homo gret Iargaiui will Iw nfTuml. We ilo uot connljer it oeouasarj to go iuto details, ns tho pnbiio freuernllj know do bottling by lnilvof. One Price. Cull curly B A R 6 BROWN & RODDICK, luilw (I MORE PARTICULARS ! WT .ASSORTMENT OP SPRlGiSMMERGOflBS IS NOW COMPLETE IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. My ctiritomorg bnvo shown tboir appreciation of my LOW PRICES by their liberal purehaHon, for which I'm thankful. BTKANOEIW not posted, and doBiring the value of their mmry, can - AT M. M. KATZ'S, . aprll IS MISCELLANEOUS. WARM SPRINGS MADISON COUNTY, Western North Carolina. rpHESK 8PKIN03 ate lltuated live mllot from the Tennesaee line, on the banks of the French Broad river, In the very midst or the highest raniiea of mountains east oi the MUI alppl river, In a roitntry generally known and truilifully called the Nwluerland of America. 'l'HK HO'IKI. ACCOM MOIATIOS are uiunirpatafd el aiy watering tilace or summer reaort In the auntry. 1'he liatlia oonslst of large pool, ot a dear, powerful Mineral ami Ktectrie Wattr, temperature lii2 to lot degrnee Fahrenlieit.whluh are wonileriuny iuvi-oratnif tnall Invalids, eiiuallalnir tho circulation and stiniiilattng tho secretory organs, and will, fn moat caeca or cnronio ai'ii oiiii-aume iiimi,, Hheumatisin, Faralysls, lypila, ellralgla, Hecondarv Hviihlll., Henhrllio and Calirn'oiia Dlaordcr., Herofula, Otitaiieona Ulaeasea and man illseaMi. ridmillar to femalo. etl'ect a spemly and radical cure. There ut also a tin III Hulnliur Hnrliiu near the Warm Hnrliiira, ro eembllng very closely In tumperature and colur of deposit, Uie Vellow Hulphur Hprlng of Vir ginia, with a tnlphurooa odor much stronger. Th fee BpringB are easy of acoesa from all Southern oltl.a Iiy all the line of rallroaila eonvergiagiiitn Baat Tennflasea, via Augusta. Atlanta aud Knoavlllo, to Morristown, Kast 1'ennea.ee. thence to t'.nmherlatid Oho and Charleston railroad 4fl milea to Welf t!roek- thence hy stage g milea to the Hprlng, an easy, ai.d (omlortahle trio. - Kxourslon 'llcketa are on aalo In all tlio principal clllea 10 and from these Bpringe at a great reauouou uu ioci rates. Rates of Board, $40 Per Month, 1 2.00 Per Week, $2 Per Day, Chlldron and Colored Servants Half-price. A mil? to Manager for Paninblete and Cln u- lara or lo Wilmington uruggiata J. A SAMPLE, General Manager for Warm Springs Co. June t lau-uiuveou-wmi $10, 8100, $500, $1000 FfltN reallJie Immense rrofltswhen invet J ed in Stock Prlvlli gea. Circulars, contaln- inir full nviil&natlnn of the mnilR of ooeratllll. and quotation pilceaof all Stocks dealt in, at ttio NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE, aenc free on application to SIMONSON, BARREIRAS & CO.,' Itunkurs Brokers, Opp. N.T. Stock Kxcbango. 6 Wall at., Julie ti i.wnmi.T" 'j . OR RENT! The HOU8B. r.oeiuly built for and I!"! occuniedbvthe Rev. J, (. lllden, oniLLt Heventh, between Chestnut and Mulberry au. Term, reaeonable. , . . a. ha ah, urooer, Corner 1th and Cuoetnut Sueets. may 2T lno-tf w KIniNOARnNa.ntVljl.'riMU UAHDS atpeotaltrat the rfuutiBi A.ti urriuc mmim RODDICK, Strictly Cash aud nooiir a" il l CI 45 Market Street e i an got it by calling 36 Market St -,..: i MISCELLANEOUS, WE KEEP QUMHTANTLY ON HAND tie beet and cheapett tine of UenU and Ladle eualom made ' BOOTS AND SHOES. .' We keep on hand a One lot of Oenti and Law die. SLIPPERS at very low prlcea. We can beat the world on CHILDREN'S 8H0ES. We keep the best. Our Men's and Boy'a KIP BH0UAN8 we guarraiit.ee cannot be eacelled in price or' yuallty. ... E VANS & VONOLAHN. . June 13 HI Dog Ordinance for 1875 OFFICE OF TREASURER AND COL-- UCT0K, Cm of WmuiNOTON, N.'C, I June 12th, 1876.- f 1HE 1)UU ORDINANCK for 1875, rqulree ' that tho aaaie iliould go Into effect June lat. ' Notice la hereby given that all pajttaa own- . Inu or kceplnu any doua. either male or teniale. are ren,ulred to regtetar the same AT THIS - ' UFFIt'B, and procure the required Badge., commencing mummy, uie inu iiiH.i ana tor " four (4) daya therealter. The Ordinance also . , providua that auch persona who lall to comply . with the above requirementa will be eubjeca to a penalty ot 110) ton dollara. : , T. C, SEHV0S3, , , . City Clerk and Treasurer. 141 -it June 13 LADIES. "JOW IS YOUR XIMB TO SAVS MOMST In the purchase of : ' ' DRY GOODS. Thla stock la to be sold In a limited time, not out cent above actual coat will be charged for any article, either large or small, alngle, or In quantity. - ; ii j j In this aale you have a decided advantage. tho Stock la NEW, and every piece of Good lav desirable. There are many email lota of broken ' Packages, Komnants, Qlovea, (JoUaia&o., &., that will be at much lest than eoal to oke ' . . t . .. . . them out ' ' , '-. ' 1 ) Very Mapectrully, ft. .! GEORGE LEIBER, No. 29 Market Street. June 13 ll