(I r, m (1 ll iiiTFf ML) wit fill ii ll 11 it i. ill ll VOL XXIV. -HO. 145. winmioToiT. it. a. fbibay. mm is. 1875. UHOLE ITO G,0D. i WHiMDiGTON, N. G,! FEIUAY, JUNE 18. 1875. BY( TELEGRAPH. THE UNIVERSITY. ELECTION OF TROFESSORS. Special to the Joitinai.. 1 ' S fHamaH, June 17th. The Trustee of the University of North. ' Caroling elected the following additional Professors to-day: Rot. De- Bernian Hooper, D. D., Ckllege of ) Ancient 1 IiBBguagbs ; Ret.' Charles Phillips, D. .Il, College of Mathe matics ; Rct, A, W. Mangam, College of Literature; Geo. T. Winston, Ad junct Professor la College of Lltera tare; Rer. A. F. Redd, College of Natural Sciences, . , u The question of the Presidency will be settled to-morrow. 8. THE VMUO. nAitAt, ' Jane 17 Noon The steamer Virgo, ashore ut St. Pierre, has gone to pieoea. - Tuesday night the captain of a Tea sel at Canso spoke the schooner Treas urer, the captain of which reported that two dories and four men had been ' absent forty-eight houi. They were probably lost as the weather was very rough. ; : . TUECATJIOLICS. PmLADELpni a, June 17 Night Bishop Woodi was invested with the ;Palinm to-daj by Archbishop liagley. A vast orowd was in attendaooe and the adjacent streets were beautifully deooratoct The' clergy assembled at the old seminary building oorner of 18th and Race. The admission to the Cathedral was by tickets. Bishops Eider, of Natohos; Lynch, of Charles ton; ijuiman, oi Mobile, and Uib bons, of Richmond, participate 1. Three hundred clergy were present. rrilE DEMOCRACY. 0 H 10 DE MOGKATIC , CONVENTION, Columbus, June 17 Noon. All of the counties are represented. A hail storm tore off part of the roof of tho Btate Houao while the Convention was in session, " The compromise reach be tween the more money and the hard money men, to which. Senator Thur man says h? can subscribe. Gov. Allen ' will ' be renominated ananimously. ? . PEJiJSSYLYMIA HEAVY DAMAGES AGAINST soYXHERN a s. LINE. BOARD OF TRADE r Philadelphia, June 17 Night In the collision of the steamship Tona wanda and the schooner H. G. Blais dell the Court decides that the steam ship is wholly to blame and must bear the loss of some $56,000, whioh falls on the Southern Mail 8. S. Co. The Board of Trade adopted a reso lution memorializing Congress to re store the postage to its former status. A resolution favoring early specie pay ments was adopted by a vote of yeas 81, nays 8. .TOECROPS. ; Atcheson, Mo., Jane 17 Night- Vast swaims of locusts are passing North. Their instinct seems to be Northwest.- But few of the peats te- main in town. Reports from five sixths of the State promise immense crops. , .. ; t"v 4 '" It is estimated that the Arkansas Valley will produce two millions oi bushels of wheat, and Northwestern Kansas as much more in rye, barley and oats. Sx. , Louis, June 17 Night Tha wind, rain and hail Btorm greatly'dam- aged the crops in the central portions oi me mate, imports irom ijexiuRwu and LaFayette counties of the appear ' aace of millions of toads. 'The grass hopper and toads, appal the farmers. EUROPE. IMPROVEMENT OF THE TIBER. THF FRENCH UNIVERSIIY. .11 FAILURES. - Rons, Jnne 17- Noon Garibaldi's bill ;or the improvement ot the river Tiber nas passed. ' Pabib, June 17 Noon The Assem bly passed the University Education bill by a majority oi flfty-ionr votes, An amendment of M. mvis was adopted providing that degrees be awarded by Board of Examiners, to consist half of State, and naif oiiree Professors. This is regarded as a viotory for the ultramontanes, as the free Professors are clericals. LditDOH Jnne 17 Noon. The Times says the French University Ed noation bill, , as. amended,, makes chancres ef immense" importanoe. It gives a death blow to a system of ed noational despotism ooder - 'which a secular, and often Scriptural body, has hitherto shaped higher teaching of young men who tilled the pro fessions and mode the laws of the - country, -t,--.--, Maloott M. Hudson & Co., Japan merohanta, No 5 Crosby Oqnare, and Anibal Gonzales A Co., merchants, No. 6Q PalmerBton Building, have failed.' It is believed that their liabil ities are not heavy. Their failure was caused by the suspension of Alex Collie & Co. .. . BUSKER HILL. Bostox. June 17 Night---The day was cloudless; entering trains swarm ed with visitors. Tennis are prohibit ed from the streets. Notwithstanding the crowds, excellent order prevails, with but few arrests. State troops lead the parade. The most hearty shouts were reserved for a Philadel phia regiment clad in grey, the Mary land Fifth, the Charleston Light In fantry, and the New York Seventh. The Maryland Fifth bears its elegant flag, presented to it yet-terday. The parade of soldiers occupied two hours in passing the State House. While the military review was pro ceeding at the State House, the Dem olay Oommandrey of Knights Templar, of Boston, escorted their visiting brethren of the Richmond Commaud ery, to Charlestowa, where they were received by the Coenr de Leou Com mandery, and thence lo thtf"T5dd FeU lows' Hall. Addresses of welcome were made by Hqu. Richard Froth ingham, of the Coeur de Leou (Join mandery, and by Grand Commauder W. B Iaao, which were responded to by ex-Governdr Walker, of Virginia. Speeches were also made by ttuaineut Commauder Patterson, of the Coetir de Leon Commandery, ' and emiuent Commander W. E. Tauuer. A colla tion jloHed the exercises. The goueral display was the most maguinoent ever seen in this city. j ELECTRICISMS. At the meeting of the National Board of Trade in Philadelphia, the Bureau of International Im provements, submitted by the Mobile Board of Ttode, has been indefinitely postponed. The Mississippi Lftvoes, submitted by the Chamber of Com merce of Now Orleans, was indefinite ly postponed. The srentlemen oomnosinir the Amer ican Rirle Team, in Dublin, have been elected honorary members of the prin cipal Club. ; ! , HEADQUARTERS. THE INDIANS. CABINET MOVEMENTS. Washington, June J 7 Night In structions for the guidance of the Sioux Commissioners are nearly com pleted at the Indian Bureau, but the Commissioners of Indian affairs at J nounoe that they will not be given to the press, at least not until after the Commissioners are engaged in their labors, ' They hope to have the nego tiations affected without the interfer ence of such outside parties as follow ed the Indians to Washington, and therefore dqem it prudent to withhold, the instructions from the public. The State Department has advices that Portugal has forbiddden the im portation of potatoes from the United States. THE EARTHQUAKE IN NEW ' U ItEJADA. T ranker Detail. ! the Oalamtlf Towaa mat Cities Ilestrored. Details of the terrible earthquake whioh recently visited the Valley of Cuouta, New Grenada, seem to con firm the report published on Saturday morning. The Royal mail steamship Balize, which arrived at Aspinwall on the 4th instant, from Sarinillo, brings the following from an extra of the Ba ranquilla Shipping List of May 29: The steamer Isabal, which arrived yesterday, from the interior, neared our city with her flag at half-mast, in dicating that she was the bearer of un welcome news, and while there were various conjectures as to its import, none had, for a moment, pictured the colossal magnitude of the awful ca lamity which had taken place. The information which has reached us on tho subject is contained in a letter dated in Solozar, seven leagues from Cuouta, the 19th of tie prtsent month; from whioh we extract and translate the following: "At 11:10 A. M. of yesterday, the 18th, a Bevora earthquake visited this city and re 'gioiv In this city c large part of the churches fell. Several houses were destroyed a id some porsons killed. The city of Cuoutuis entirely destroy ed, only a few families being saved. The Botioa Alcmana (German drug store) as set on fire by a ball of fire which was thrown out of the valcano, which constantly belches out lava. This volcano has opened itself in front of Santiago in a ndga called El Alto de la Giraoha, San Cayetano was de stroyed. Santiago, in a larger part. In Gramalote there was great dis traction. Arboleda, Curoutilla and San Cristobal are nearly destroyed, principally the four last. The popula tion of these towns, estimated by per sons well acquainted in that region, are, more or , less, as follows: San Cayetano, 4,000; Santiago, 2,000; Gramalote, 3,000; Arboleda, 5,000; Curoutilla, 5,000; San Cristobal, 16,000. : The section of country above reierrea to embraces tue regions aronnd ' about where Columbia aud Venezuela join the Columbian portion, embracing the State of Santandef. ' It is in some respects the most produc tive part of this republic, and the oof fee of this section is famous' ail the world over. Jan JosedeCuouta,thecily of the moat importance of sny in thut section, was situated on tne boundarv of Republic, latitude 1 7 degrees 80 nortn, longitude rt degrees 10 west. and was founded by Jaun de Marten iu 1343. It was a port of entry, fit an inland town can be called a port,) and here was tho established oustom house. The population of tho city at the time oi the disaster is estimated at abont 1,800. It bad a large com mercial business, and was the great depot for coffee and cocoa for ship ment either through the Venezuelan ports or down the Magdalena to this city. The snocK was ie.it nnarply in Bogota and adjoining feebtions. A gentloman who was at the time in Fa catative says that the movement lasted for three-quarters of a minute. It was also slightly folt in Barranquilla and other places, - - - ' Vital Ntail.Ucn mm mortality Hate. The Board of Health of the District of Columbia have issued a report showing the method adopted by them in cleaning the oit.ea of Washington and Georgetown. In the ooorae of this report valuable tables are pub- iwuea concerning tne rates of mortali ty in a number of important cities. North and South. Aoompilathn,never before made, of the percentage per thousand of population of deaths from all causes during the year 187a. taken from the official reports of the health olfloers oi tue different cities, on re cord in the registrar a offioe, gives ths louowing mortality rates; Charleston, 8. 0., 8U 96 per oent per 1.000 popula tion; Savannah, Ga., 33.38; New Or leaus, 82 76; Newark. . J., 29.16; Troy, N. Y.,29.00; Augusta, Ga.,28 65; New Xork,27.6J;Fall Uiver,Hass.,27.21 Pitkburg, 2468; Cambridge, Mass.. 2156; Norfolk.24.50; Ricbiuond,24.47; Brooklyn, 21.46; Lowell, 11 ass., 2112; Jersey Uity, 23.97; liawrenoe, Mass., 2a. 45; Memphis, Tenn., 22.96; Pater sou, N. J.. 22 30; Detroit, Mich., 21.67; Norwich, Conn., 21.85; Bal i more, 21.14; Boston, 20.83: Cineinati, 20.46; Worchester, Mass., 20.46; Lynn, Mass., 20.4A; Chicago, 20.29; Halt Luke City, 20.03; Wilmington, Del., 19.38; Providence. R. I., 19.90; Alleghany City, Pa.. 19.77; District of Columbia, 19.72; Philadelphia, 19.66; New llaven, 19.50; Han Francisco, 19.25; Milwaukee, 19.09; Portland, 19.09; Salom, Mass., 19.07; Albany, N. v in am- 1 1. !,' n r. ia tui. Qutncy, UL, 18.60; Buffalo, 18.40; Galveston, 1&41; Yonkers, N. Y., 18.35! Springfield. Mass., 18.33; Evansville, Iud., 18.00; Roohester, 17.56; Fort Wayne, Lid., 17.80; Cleve Uud, 16.69; Elmira, 16.42; Utioa, N. Y., 16.42; St. Paul, 16.03; Bangor, Me,, 15.65; Syracuse, N, Y., 15.07; Wueeimg, w. va., 14 ; Bl lxuis, 14.46; DayUm, Ohio, 1109; Oonoord. N. H., 13.15; Hartford. Oonn., 12.86; Toledo, 12.40; Dubnque, Iowa, 12.82; Newport, It L, 12.30; Terre Haute, Iud., 12.20; Peoria, IU., 11.10; Omaha, 11.00; Lansing, Mich., 9.26. The District Board of Health also make an exhibit of the rates of mor tality between the white and negro, population, whioh tells its own story. The whites, in 1871, of the oitiea of WaRliington and Georgetown left this world at the rate of 19.30 per thous and; tue macks, 43.VB per tbousana for the same period. The rate of in crease of the white population by births over deaths was 4.15 per thous and, while the decrease of the colored population by deaths over births was 15.45 per thousand per annum. This fearful mortality among the negroes and dimunition in births may set Henry Wilson k Co., to figuring out how long the freed people, with out any hope of having their numbers swelled by, immigration from abroad, are going to last in this country. Emancipation has brought then not life but death. JTEW ADVIRTI8EMENTS. Notice. r ah now orrcuuNa Mr ex-tiki L Stock of rinr aoors, &o., AT LOW riODKBS. , Call aud Ceomre Bagalni. MORRIS BKAR, Fourth St. near Bona Rridia. .1. Hthn'i ui'jaQU. niuia 1MI 149. SETCM of hORTH CAROLINA, " -bY- EX-GOVERNOR VANCE; Together with an ELCOANT ODK AMD OTHIE FOKM8, By Jamis Babox Hum. Price 78 otnta. roraaleat HEINSBtROKER'S LIt Book and Hualo Store. FAMILY BIBLES. A LAKUK ASSORTMENT Ot FAMIliT ror ui at HEINSBERCER'S Ut Book and Maala Store. Jane 18 ... , , 1-tf GREENSBORO FEMALE COLLEGE. ' GREENSBORO, N. O. t rWIHE FALL 8SSS10N WILL BKOIN ON tho 18th of AngwL I trim red need. Chargoe per WMlon of W worka, board (ei cluaiTH of waahlngend llglM)' tJ3 00 Tuition In regalar Engli.h oounie, $30 00. ( bargee for extrk etndlee, moderate. For eataloguaa oen Utnlng pitrtlualars, apply to T. M..K1NKS, Prnaldent. N. H. n. Wilsom, Freed 't Board of Trnetora. June IT Ht-lm Auction Sale J WILL SKLL, OS Friday, 18th instant, at PUBLIC AUCTION, my Knttr Stood of .GROCERIES, Inoluding Store), Flxturee, Aa. Sale to com mence at to n'olock. H. W, HIIORB, luoe K-2i(144) SIM. Front BUeet NO POSTPOEra-NO HUKBUS. A Southern Drawing, manag-ed bf lligb Toned Untlmea, anal '.. liucoin mendeal by aae - enor of Virginia. TUB MONTPELIEK FRMALB HUMAN It ASSOCIATION. of Virginia, prOoee,rT a . i GRAND CIFT CONCERT At Alexandria, Va , on the 13th or Jnly, 1S71. chartered by the Leglelatnra) of Virginia and Circuit Court of Orauge county, to eaiahllth at Montpeller,the former reeliteuce of President Jamie MtillHon, a houra for the Ol'l, lnttiru and ixwt.ltute LadUeor Virginia. Whole tick et, 20; halree, Sloj quartcra, $i; elghtha or oouiniia, Si So. )aptm priaelcuh).,,,...,,.,,,,.,,,, 100,000 One ohkIi do... DO .000 otieceth do 26 0W Ton caeh do, ....teach)..,, K 1 1 toon caab du..., (eacb).... Vll.y oaeh do (each),... One hundred caeh do... ....(each),.., Twetv tiioiiMiiil oavb, do (each) 10,0110 8, mm 1,000 Ml fo Total, to be dl.tr United aa above , 1,000 0U0 Total rath glrte V5i,17; Ul number of tick et 1(0,000. Keier, uy nermiwlon, to Oo. etan.per.of Virginia) Ki-Oot. Walker, of VU glnie: .Imlge Hugbea, of Virginia; Hon. John W. Johnooii, U. 8. Senator: Hon, T. BeeM Bnweh. U. C, end many other eentlemea of poKitiona no irio, uoKunonug, noeeetiy con ducted aa etated la the eenitlrete of OoTerner Kemuer. IAM8 HAH HOUR, Preed't M. r. H. AaHwlatloa. For Information, plan of drawing and tickets, apply without dly (me the time lallmlusdl, to HKNDKRHON & UO,, A'genta, sy-umee au ointnaamea Anoereoif A Co.. Boutu water sireet, r iiinmgton, n.u. Jtnen 4S;1 BXW ADVZETISiailTl. TO-DAY We ARI 18 RICCE1PT OF ALPACOl SACKS, BERGE SACKS, ALPACCA FROCKS, 8ERQE FROCKS, LINEN DUSTERS, ALFACCA DUSTERS, DRESS SUIT8, ALL 1KLLIBQ CHEAP. MUNSON & CO., CTTY CLOTHIERS. Jane is l-tf A Startlins: Tumble IN THE TRICES OF CLOTHING, at en 'a end Bej'e Alpacca Coate SI BO loll 00 VrktWUnaa Dack Vuata..... I 00 to I B0 WhIUDmk Pant 100 Boya B roa Linen Panta T5 to 1 It Jacket A Panta 100 BaauUral Buluele Salta.......... .10 00 Handeom llreaa Sella at ootuparatlrely low figures. A. DAVID. 141 lane 13 The Odd Trump KOVBL. altor'i Ward, a Merel by Jamea Paya. A Floatlna Oltr and the Blockade Hunaert. by Juke Verne. Ths M rater to ua laland, by Julee Varna Dora, a beautlfnll llluatrated Poem, br Al fred Teunyeou. Price 10 cents. Look at the Clock, a Poem b Thomaa In goldaby (R. H. Barbara) All for aale at Conoley & Yates, CITY BOOK STORE, The only plaoa ia tho elty where yea can gat the INK and OOPIINO CRAYON." June) IS lal efflee Of Bcarrl of Comity CommLioiicn, NEW HANOVER COUNTY. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL Bel RE oel red no til WednemUy, the nard tuat., for rnlahlng Medlual Attention to the oat-door poor or nam Hanoter county, ror one year, Irom the tad day of June, IKS, to the d day of June, lttia. Prepopala to apply to the) oat door poor within the ally ef Wilmington. JAMEit WILSON, Uh'aa Board of Ooaaty Oemmlealenera. Jane) U ler 144 Tiic WilmlDLlDfl asH Const rnniplic Oomjanj. j MEET IN Q OF THI 8UBSCRIBBBI to too capital auxia of " i ne wiimiogmn ana Coaet Tnrnplke Company ' will be held at the Pureell Houae, en Saturday, ths Stth Inat,, at t o'clock, P. M., for the parpoaa of duly orgaa- lilng aald eorporatlon, by the election of a Board ef Dlreotoreand the aooptloa of proper by-la wa for He management WM. A. WRIGHT, -- T. J.BOTJTHEBLABD, i. R. DAVIS, O. D. MTER8, WM. A. CUMMINO, NORWOOD GILES, Com appointed by Corporation. WiLMiMaToii, June 10th, 1816. June IS lot 144 BUY ONLY THE GENUINE Ftfl R BATv CS STANDARD SCALES. Atao, The most Perfect Alarm Cash Drawer, MILES ALARM TILL CO.'S. Aleoj Herring's lafa'a Coffee and Drug Mllle, Letts Preaeea. . FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES. RAsurAotoaiaa E- & T. FAIRBANKS & CO., BT.JOHN8BURY, VT. raiaoiraL scals wAasHocasr. f AIRBAEKS eV CO., 311 Breadwa, H. Yr PAI H8ANKS CO., IBS Baltimore Bt., Bal- tlmore, Md. f AinBAaxa da Co., 03 Camp Street, New Or- leane. FAiaaanuA Co., S3 Main Street, Buffalo, M. V. PAiBBAnss 4k Co., (US Broadway, Albany, F aibb aicb A Co 801 St Paul 'a at., Montreal, PAiasAHKSACoSlKIng William St., Lon don, Eng. FAinBAMEa, Bbowb 4b Co., i Milk Bt, Boa ton, Maae. FAinBARKacb Ewibo, Haaonlo Hall, Phila delphia, Pa. Faibbabk8, MoBsa 4k Co., ill Lake St., Chi- C4Oe FAtaaaBaa, Moaaa 4k Co., Its Walt at Street, tllnolnnetl, Ohio FAiBBAnae, atones Co, 183 Superior St., Cleeeland, Ohio. FAiBnAmta, Moasa Co., 48 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. FAiBBABKa, Moaaa 4k Co., 5th and Main St. LouuiTllle, FAiBBABKa Co., 101 aad 304 Washington Arenne, St. L'inle. FAianABxe 4k rJt)TcniaoB, Ban Franrleoo, jm . For eale br leadlni Hardware nealera. - June 1 tl-dakw-10w-eod Booms for Bent YIRSIRABLI tTNe-UKHlSHKI) BOOMS JLf for rent ea Market street, erer Brows A Rod. dlck'a. Apply oa the pnmlaea. e IBB-tf i"rriniin npipj jotiri vt HbUUIUU Vt.ii0ti and prlateu kemoM taahleaable style at the JOURBAL FFI0JI VZW ASVEETISIXISTS. Grain Cradles and Fan : Ilills- ft BART'S Soetheni Pattern, I Finger Oral X Cradlee, (the beet la the aaarket), and Uranfa Faa MUla tor Urala. For aale low by OILBS MURCHIBON. ' . 141 June 11 IBUISKS, SADDLES AND HARNESS. TrareHag Bage. Batehela, Shawl Btrape, Whla, Spare, noddle I'loihn, Pealhw Iuetere, Oullara, Haaeea, Saddlery Hanlwara, leather, Aale Oraaae, and all hlnda of Saddlery (toode. OARPINTER A MALLARD, Me. I SnnUront Street, Wilmington, M. O. maytS Mf Children' i Colored Shoei. J eat revolted direct from the Manaractory a tne aawrtmehl of tlhlldrea e Buff. Kronie and Black S knee of all alane, with anil without heela. A lao UenU Haml-Smod Boa-Tee and Maclilne-Hewed Lew guarter Khoee. Ladles (.latter end Slipper la great variety " a A. PMCEH, he. IU Markat Street Grass Blades, H AT CUTTERS, Reap Honka, Grain Uradlea, lorn Shellere, oka. A full aeeurtment ol the above gonde and al err low price, can be found at the old eetab llahed Hardware Honae of JOHN DAWSON, i It, W and n Mai kut Strati. June lao 22 Harket Street SjQQ PACKAGES rLUO AND FINE CUT TODAOOOH. Inch, 10 Inch, II luck and U Inch, , 4 lo pound, I to pound and (to pound. Retailera will pleaee examine ear atock. D. PICOTT June It Bacon. Pork Flour, Corn, etc 75 Boxes Brooked Bides and Shoal ders, 60 Boxes D, & Sides, 800 Bbls. Flour ell (Trades. 8,000 Bushels Prime White Com. 100 Bbls. Reflnod Sugar, 100 Bags Prime Bio Coffee, 100Bbta.au. Syrap, 100 Hilda, and bbls, New Crop Cu- ' ba Molasses, 300 Bales JTrirae N. K Bay, 600 Bandies Hoop Iron, 250 Beoond Hand Spirit Casks, 60 Bbls. Bioe, 100 Bbls. Olne, 200 Kegs Nails, 100 Boxes and half boxes Candles, 60 Boxes Ly, - 26 Boxes Soda, 26 Boxes Potash,. - r 60 Boxes Candy, ,. "60 Boxes Soap, 60 Boxes Tobaooo, 100 Gross Matohes. For. sale low by , , , WILLIAMS A MUKCniBON, 180 Tons Ouanape Quano, 109 Eurtka . JTor sale low by WILLIAMS m HURCHISON. 141 Jans is Bacon and Lard. nf BOXES I). S. BIDES A BRODLDERS, SU Smoked for sale by : (JUCRUUHEK A C ALDER. BROS. HAY, CORN, RICE AMD MM.. 2QQ BALES HAT, tjmni nuaneie uorn, SO bbU Rloe, -too baahela Water Ground Meal. Tot aale by KEROUHER A OALUEU BROS. Sugar, Coffee & Flour. 5Q BBLS. REFIXED SUGAR. hhde. Demarars ; ' ISO bageOoflee, im bble. Flour. , . . , for sale by KERCH WEB m OALDEtt BROS. Powder and Fuse. 400 KKUS HI,LE' minin and BUat log Powder, t 10,000 feat Few. For sale by KE ROHM EE A CALDEBt BROS June 13 141 OTTH VAJRIETIES. , CRISP MILK BUISOUIT CORNHILL BISCUIT.' FRKSU FA MILT 80DA ORAOKXRS. OBEAM NUTS. : - BENT'S ' WATER ' I P1TS.V K '; BENX'H BVTTEB J"- ' Albert Buseuit and Hand Made Butter Crackers, FRESH QIMOEH ShAPS, 1 BAKER'S CRIMSON CHOCOLATE, WALLACE'S UBEAM CHOCOLATE, QERMAM SWEET ANU VAKILLA , . . - " ; CHOCOLATE,.. '. " .1 IMQI ISH, FRENCH AMD "aMERIOAM SAUCES, SPICES and PICKLES,. . , LAOESI STOCK. AND- " FINEST SEuECTlON OF : A f'T FAMILY OBOOERIES 1 IMTHM STATE. ' ' ' COD. L1YEES aC0.v Y T Nrtk rreMt Bt. Jane It ' ' 144-tf 5XW AD VXETISI2TES T3. LBS BROWN & 45 Uavs dctormiucd to oloar out all their j HXJt MUX IS It. STOCK OBEATLY REDUCED PBICES. h :;.-. :.M't t Halo to oommenoo on MONDAY, JUNE 7TH, 1875. Home great Kargaina will ba offered. We da not consider it necessary to go into details, as tho public generally : I One Price. Call early ; B JB0WH & BODDICR 45 Market Street. MORE PARTICULARS ! MX ASSORTMENT "OF" :;. ; : -; is now couplete m IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. My ouatomors have shown their appreciation of my LOW PRICES by tholr - liberal purchases, for which I'm thankful STRANGERS not posted, and desiring the value of their money, oan MiLKATZ'S, Sprit ll , . . . . 5 : MI8CILLANE0U8. GALE ORBEOT! The HOUBaT recently built for and 5 oooouled b the Rot. J . O. Hlden, onJIU Herenth, between Ubeatnut and Mulberry Hie. Term, reaaonaoie, . H. HAAR, Grocer, Corner 7th and Oheetnut Street. mayZT ,, : . ; lwS-tf Seduction in Prices. FAMILY SUPPLIES n Fresh this week, , , Imported and Domestic. At GEO. MYERS, Preserved Ginger ' , AND SHAKER PRESERVES atreduoad prloea,at GEO. MYERS. Cooked Corned Beef T REDUCED PRICES. r , GrairTjTNE.1 i At - GEO. MYERS. Best Butter TN THE WORpD at 40 cents per pound. At ' GEO, MYKI18. Hew Process E MPIRR FLOUR- Kotwlihutandlng the ad vance in jriour at reauoea nrien. At OEa MTERS. Bottled Lager Bier. BEST in the Btate at reduced prloee. at , OKv. MVKRS. OASES IMPORTED CLAKTO atraduced prlcee, and one hundred thoueand Hvgnra, At OEO. MYERS. , 11 A 11 South Front street. . , . ;, 141 June IS Wbeieeaile'suaifi Hetatli DetUera ' ' .11.,.,, :' ,-" .'' DRUGS, PAINTS ""' MEDICISES, AllOj ' ' ' " viUO, uuniuiui. iuii.traniiui.c9d , - lTE8r HAIR BRUSHES, " KEROSEME,, ' ii ( ALCOHOL, . , i SEED. e0, . . v . Market Street, Wilmington, N.O. k Junell ,r,..; ;.:i to. . M4-tf ' w FDnif CABONMelVllliTINO (JAftlf a a epeoiaitY at the eiwUttJiAii urnuii CIOCOMSH RODDICK, It know we do nothing by halves. Strictly Cash: and soonre a got it by calling . 36 Market St, , MISCELLANEOUS, WE KEEP QORSTAMTLT OS HAND the beat and obeapeet Una of Oent and Ladlea tuatom mads BOOTS AND SHOES. We keep oa hand s fine lot of UenU and Lev dies at rery low prices. v We can beat the world on ' CHILDREN'S SHOES. We keep the beat. . ( . Our Mun'a and Bor'e KIP BBOOAN8 we anarrantee cannot be eicelled in price or qualltr, June 11 til- Dog: Ordinancefor 1876 OFFICE OF TREASURER AND COL- LIU I UK, Cm oi? WaiuuOTOH, N, 0., J , Jnne 12th, 1875. j : r liu. wvr vwtnaflva iu loin, raniii.aai that the tame abonld go Into effect June let. " Tit. lit 1.1 ,.U IT VT . 1.7 V a.lu Notice i. hereby giren tuat an paatua own ing or keeping enr dora, either male er female, are required te regletar the eama AT THIS OFFIOR, aed procure the required Badge., oommenoing Mondajr, tne I4in mat,, ana lor four (4) day. thereafter. The Orilinanoe alaa proTUioe tnai euen pernna who ran 10 oornpiy with the abore requirement, will be aubjeot to a penalty or ($10) ten dollar.. " " T. V. BERVOSS,' ' " , ' City Clerk and Treaiurer. jnne It ;j , Ml-U 1 LADIES. N OW IS YOUR TIME TO SAVB MONET In the purchase of v . DRY GOODS. - Tbl. stock Is tabs told la a limited tlaae,' not one oent abore actual coat will be charges' for any article, either large or .mail, tingle, or . hi:, ,X- 'J -:' atyj , 4 t..:,.;.Vj .mi l:,tt , Ia thlf .ale yon bare a deeldod adTantage the Stock Is SEW, arid ever piece ef Goods la desirable. There are many amen for of broken f aokaget, Remnant, Qlores, Cellar. Ac", Ao.,' ) ,j s"ifl js f-.ttt 1 j u:'tt V ii'i that will be at much leaa than eoat to, olaae . ;,'':l H" -f- - them eut. .,...:. .' - -ri' X" n ,Tery reapeolfuny, ; , i J GEbnoi3 ' LEIBEIl No. 29 Market Street. ui June IS

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