o WW VOL. XXIV. NO. 146. WILimiGTOIT. IT. C. SATURDAY. JTOE 19. 1875. . 7H0LE NO- G.010. r i n r i J) 1 r i .i.-.-J 4" l)f tlailn -jiotimal WILMINGTON. N. a; r 8ATTODAT. JUffll9.1875. BY TELEGRAPH. THE USIVEHS1TY. . 0 - PRESIDENT OPENING OP - ' tue university. SPKCIAL TO JOURNAL. Raleigh, Juue 13. j, ; The Trustees of the University did ' Dot eleot a President, bat deferred the matter until the 8 1st of Auguttt next. The Executive Committee of the Trustees were appointed to oo-operat j with the Faculty in making all arrange, ments for the opening of the Univer , sitj on the first Monday in September, 8. (JEOlUilA, RAILROAD TAX. 'Atlanta, June 18 Night. The Su ' preme Court reversed the decision of Judge Hopkins, of Fulton Superior . , .. Court, in regard to taxing the W. 6 ' ' A. R. R., Georgia Railroad and Au gusta as Waynesboro R. K, held that tbe Roads were only liable to a tax of . 1 of 1 per cent on net earnings. The Court held that tbe Central Railroad And Southwestern Railroad must pay the tax levied, aud sustained Judge Hopkiu'a decision in regard to those .rfft--- "., : rXKOPE. '. '1"'''. i-i"- ;i ' Versailles, June 18 Noon The ' Bureau of the Left have resolved to of fer no amendment to the Constitutional bills as they eome from the Committee of Thirty, and to take all possible tops to hasten the date of the final dissolution of tbe Assembly. - The Left will move to-morrow that the Publio Powers bill be placed on orders of day. I LOifDon, Juno 18 Noon The Mos- 03W Gazett says: England having de y a dined to enter into intimate relations ; ! with Russia unless the Central Asian '" States are placed under tbe protection of the International law. Russia has , viio reason tn leave the allianoe of the . f r three Emperors and enter into l . IM U UVUUU J TflEFOUBTH ESTATE. "THE EDITORS ON THEIR TRAVELS. tii'iJ;4UA.r.:i- RECEPTION AT SARATOGA. H 'GUESTS OF GOV. TILDEN. j. .:n SabatoOa, June 18 Noon The Ala bams and Tennessee editors reoeived the hospitality of the Tillage at Con gress HalL Got. Tilden has tendered them a reception at Albany. The Ala bama Press Association telegraphed greetings to the Mayor of Boston on . the celebration of the battle of Bunker Hill. HI iTIlE DEMOCRACY. OHIO DEMOCRATIC TION. CONVEN- LI TIMLELI' i RESOLUTION-T RUE , v 1 SOLUTION OF OUR . ...TROUBLES. '. , ' Columbus, June 18 The following - are the leading features of tbe plat form adopted by the Democratic State Convention : Adherence to the prin ciples of the fathers of the Republic ; opposition to aggresions of either upon the f unotions of the co-ordinate powers . of the government or the exeroise of . functions reserved to the people. Pro ' tection to all citizens, regardless of .f anything. One term and twenty-five, thousand salary, for tbe Presidency. No grants of money, credits or lands . " to schemes. Abolition of National banks. Issue of legal tenders to meet ; X the i wants-ot traders and the estab lishment of State bants of discount Vii Aand deposit, tinder State regulations. Half of theoustoms payable In legal tenders. Complete separation of : Church and State" and secular schools. Continued tyranny and cruelty to the Southern States denounced. r HEADQUARTERS. "THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT. EARTHQUAKeTInD CHOLERA. Washhtotoh, June 18 Night ie '' cretarr Robeson has returned. ' ' One quarter million dollars was sent to flew zok to pay luteresi on via- triot Bonds. 1 : The Treasurer requests that no le , gal tender or fractional currenoy be sent for redemption that will reach the 'treasury between the liotn June ana ' the 1st July, except the remittances by National Banks on account or tbe nve per cent deposits which should be forwarded as usual. This request is made in order that the notes and curr ency on band be reduced to the least possible amount in anticipation of the count to 09 maoe on una ist oi j uiy. The Signal Service Observer at In dianapols reports to-dsy as follows ; At 7:43A. M., a slight earthquake was felt, also in Anderson, Vinoennes, in dinaa nd Colnmbns. Ohio. . A private letter received here brings 'the intelligence that the Asiatic Cho- era has made its appearanoe on the , , .United States steamer Saoo in tbe Asi atio Station, and out of five eases four of them terminated fatally. It is be lieved, however, that the progress of the disoase has been arrested, THE YELLOW FEVER. Nkw Tobk. June 1 Noon. A steamer which arrived here yesterday from Uavaua Drought the information that there were thirty cases of yello there when she left. NATIONAL UOAHD TRADE. OF Philadelphia, June 18 Night At the Katiouul Board of Trade reso lutions favoring postal t legraph and the purchase of the preseut lines at a fair valneation was diaoussed. A motion to indefinitely postpone was carried. Resolutions looking to com mon law as a rule for the government of common carriers notwithstanding special stipulations ou bills of lading was passed. ELECTRICISMS. The ship Champion, from New York to bun a rsncisoo, has been lost. Capt. Merrill and oue sailoa were drowned. A slight earthquake wrs felt through out Illinois ai.d Iudiana. At Siduey, a druggist's shelves were thrown to the floor and the inhabitants fled to the streets. The greater portion of the business Paris of the town of liurrie, Ontario, has been burned. At lost accounts the was still raging. A CALAMITY I 1CEL4AD. ' Village Deatroyed, Thousands Tiaae Homeless, and flanjr Per sons Hilled. London, June 13 About six weeks ago there was a heavy rain of ashes aud cinders along the northern coast of Norway, covering ;the ground sev eral inches deep. In estigation re vealed the fact that these strange ma teria s. cominir from a northwesterly direction Uke immense olouda through the air, were of volcsnio origin. It was at once thought that there must have been an eruption of Mount Hecla in Iceland. A steamer was dispatched from Copenhagen, and that vessel has returned from Reykjavik, with news of an unparalleled disaster. It seems that the outbreak began on Christ mas, and has continued ever since with scarce any interruption. For seven weeks before Christmas the in habitants were terriflod by subterra nean noises like thunder, which ex tended through nearly two-thirds of the island. Early in January followed earthquakes in all directions, and at lust, an old extinct volcano near Va- trapskud, opened, and for four weeks continued to eject immense quantities of liquid fire, lava, ashes, and mud dy fluid mass at boiling heat. The villages and some smaller hamlets and farms within a radius of twenty miles, were destroyed, and over a thousand people had to nee lor their uvea. Alter four weeks this volcano ceased, but at that moment another extinct volcano, nearly a hundred miles away, near Myvatu, sent its burning mass upon the peaceful habitations around. This ... erup tion lasted for several weeks, the vil-1 lage of Myvatu beoame a prey to the firey elements and the whole country ! for more than fifty miles around was devastated. More than eight hundred of the people are reported as having been rendered homeless. Early in March there seemed to be a general upheaval of the earth in the whole central portion of the island, new mounds, as it were, rose to the sur face, some to a height of several hund red feet and over a thousand feet in diameter at the base, amid tremen dous shocks of thundering beneath. They split open at the top and vomit ed forth their burning contents upon the surface around them, covering a distance of 200 miles. Ton thousand people are said to have lost nearly all their pos sessions, and the remainder, who live nearer to and along the coasts, some 40,000 in number, are themselves too poor to support such a vast number of needy people. Several hundred persons are also reported to have per ished. The world renowned Geysers have dried up since the terrible erup tion began, and instead oi water, these mysterious funnels emit im mense quantities of hot smoke and ashes, which, during the night, rising several thousand feet into the air, ap pear bke gigantio columns of nameless fire visible for hundreds of miles.. It is said that no historic record of any volcanic eruption anywhere in the world compares with this, either in territorynewly opened craters, or the time of its duration. The Copenha gen Government has issued an appeal for aid to the sufferers. n i ii wttm ii ' ' ' Forney en Breckinridge. John W. Forney writes to his paper from Europe: "The death of John 0. Breckinridge, though not unexpected, was sorrowful in the fact that he was a much younger man. It was my good fortune to know Mr. Breckinridge twenty years ago as intimately as if he had been my broth er. Our . relations were confidential and constant, and I learned to appre ciate his candor, integrity and oour age. Separated, but not alienated, by our oivii war, it is ooisoling to feel that in ail those bitter years 1 never thought of him unkindly, or wrote or Bpoke a narsn word sgsinst him. Like thousands of others, he be came ft sacrifioe to what I have no doubt be always regarded an the great mistake of his section. When the war broke out no American had brighter future thau Breckenridge. The very conservatism of nature would have placed him by common consent in the leadership of his party. He was always a 'favorite. There was nothing in his dispositi m to arouse emuity, and yet his instinctive chivalry induced him to cast his lot with his people and bear all the rustling but dens. It may be said of him that. notwithstanding his expulsion from tbe Senate during bis long residence abroad after the war, no word of hate was ever heard from his lips; and it is gratifying to add that his compara tively early death is mot.rned among those who knew mm in Jjonaon as sin oerely as it is at home." NEW ADVISTISIJLLJJTS. Ice Cream fTADt FROM rUKI CBKAM. rarlbM vutilBg losursaa fur SaBdsr'i dinner, will !! erdet to-day , SstanUy J. a LUM3DEN. IM-lt Jmt 19 . Found. QK THB STREET YESTERDAT, A GOLD liHACKLET, which th owner can kivebr Mllinf at tttUeffloe and tot this tdm UfBMnt' Juns 19 Ut It Dog Collars DOG COLLARS, DOG COLLARS. DOG COLLARS, DiH) UOI.LAKS st th rVIJls, Unraesi nu i runs niore or CARPENTER A MALLARD, Nv Hnuth Front attest, Wilmington, M. O. juiis is I4e-tr SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, J Wilmikoton, June 18, 1875. J mHB SUNDAY KVENINQ PASBENOKR Train IsaTlng Wilmington and ChariotU will1 bed'sooutluuMionandefterthstOU Instant, nuttl furlhar notice. WM. SMITH, D. T AO. ut-n June 19 SKETCHES Of f.0RTH CAROLINA, -bl- EX-GOVEUNOR VANCE; Together with an ELKQANT ODE AMD OTHER POEMS, By Jams Babus Hon. Price 78 osnti. For Ml at ' HEIMSBKROERR'8 Live Book ana Mutle srore. FAMILY BIBLES. A LA HOB AtfSO TMEMT OF FAMIlT ,iIBLEe, For sal at HEirjQBERCER'O Uve Book an4 Han star. JnnelS . i4S-tr GREENSBORO FEMALE COLLEGE. OREKNSBOUO, N. O. rHE FAI.Ij BC810N WUX BEGIN ON the 11th of Ansntt 1 srau Ndaoad. unarge per mmiuo or vu wscks, board (i oloslrs of washing and lightsf 78 00. Tuliloii In reaular F.uiilUb eoum. tiS DO. Ubaroea for extra atndlaa, modsrsts. Kur catalogues con taining partlcalars, npplr to i. u.jukei, rresuisat. N. H. D. WlUW, rrMd'l Board of Trmtofs. JunslI 144-lme NO POSTPONEMENT-NO HUMBUG. A Rejwtherw Draw lag-, llliMrMi kr Hlani Twmeel MntUmi, mm uecoraasenaeei my ie t r I Vlrg-lnua. THE MOrPELIKK FEMALE BUUAHB ASHOUATIOM of Virginia, propose, hr a GRAND CIFT CONCERT, At Alexandria, V . on th 15th or Jul, U7(. chartered by the Legislators of Virginia and uiroait court or umog eoantT, to estanltth at MoutoeHer.the forrosr nskleBeoof Pretidsnt James Madison, a honss for to Old.Inflim ana iNwuiute Lais or Virginia, wnol tlok eU, 20; halves, Sli quarters, SB; Igbth or oouponf, S'i 80. uapitai prise loasn . .....a 100,000 One earh do 80.000 8.010 Hueoanh do Tn caiU.do. , ...(each)..,. 10,000 ...(each).... 8,0(10 ...(each).... 1,000 ...(each)..,. 80 ritieen oath do , Flf-T osKh do One hundred cah do. Twety thousand rarh do. ...leach).... SO Total, to be distributed at boTS...... 1.000,000 Total oath gilt 22,178: U U1 number of tlok- sta 100.000. He tor. bv Dermleslon. to Got, (Center, of VlrgluU; Kx-Qot. Walker, of Vir ginia: Jnage nuuues, or Virginia; Hon. loon Bnwen, M. O., and man other gentlemen of rtions no tricas, noaumoug, koeesllvoen ted a stated In the certificate of Governor Kemper. .IAMI8 BAKBOUR. rresa i m. w. h. Asrooiation. For Information, plan of drawlni andUr.keti, apply wilboat delaV (as the time I limited) 10 star. Icumin siihj.. Aienu. f Offlo sdlolnlns Jsmei AD4ron A Co.. 8onih Water Street, Wilmington, h.O. juno 11 f is-iw WHITE SULPHUB SPSINGS. Catawba County, N. TJ. THIS CELEBRATED WATERING Plaoe ui be open for "elect V 11 ton 1st June. The Springs are sttnsted 88 miles Northwest of Charlotte, to mi's west of Sails- tiurf , and 6 mies from Hickory Station, on Ui Ttiern n. j. rkaiinmu. The bracing moantatn atmosphere, with th health-restoring properties ef their waters, render these Sptings a moat deslrsbl resort fur Invalids and pleasure-eeekere The Mineral water em brao Blue anil woir 8ulphur and Obalvbeatsv ll is the best and most extenalrsly fitted up Watering place iq th Stat -ean sooom mo i at WK) parsons. tiood BAM it OF MUHKJ, Ten ?tn Alley, Billiard l'able, and anppl of toe. Omnibus will beat Hickory Station, oath Western N. O. Railroad, for paangr n the arrival t vry train. ' Board SM 80 pr month of 78 dej4 half price for children and servant, ami a Uberal deduction for famines. My puetoffle 1 Whit Sulphtr,N. C. . DR. K. O. ELLIOTT, Proprietor. June IT ' !U-lmeodA3iw. 31 crthandisc Brokerage. WITH THE REQUISITE EXPERIENCE, arquatntance, kaowledge and tarllltie, I direr any services for the purchase and sale of all dov rl tlons of Merchandise la Wstern( Northern and our own market. Negotiate cash aud oasMT. Wire ated freely at my expense lor any Information desired. From Importer. Reiner, Miller and Manufacturers, full 11 d of sample exhibited dally. UotTee, Molasses, Ryrups. hugar, Flour, Soap, Bacon. lrv Salt Meat, Pork, Lrd, Vo , An all grades ; Tobaoco, Olgars, dco. Spirit Cask, GltM, Hay, Corn, Ao. i eUf, Scales, &c.i Ao. Special attention given to securing lowest rates of transportation. 'Rxamtnarlon of simple, eorrMpondcno and oraers sononea. r Urdert left at Offlo for "Spot" Goods win nsv prompt attention. JAS. T. PETTEWAY, Commercial Xlrolcor, NORTH WATVR tVTRCKT aay III )m sod Du Font's Pot7der. R RIFLE, SPORTING AMD MUSKET, BLASTING AND MIBIHO-In WholsJU and Quarter Keg. ai by O. F ABB LEX m CO. SXW ADVESTISESE5TS TO-DAY ARE III RICCK1PT OF A L P A O O A SACKS, 8EBQE SACKS, ALTAOCA FROCKS, . 8EEGE FROCKS, LINEN DUSTERS, ALFACCA DUSTERS, DRESS SUITS, ALL BELLING OB RAP. MUNSON & CO., CTTT CL0TIIIER3. Jan U let-tf A Startlintr Tumble IN THE PRICES OF CLOTHINQ. MM'iknd Boy ATneecaOoet SI 60 toll CO whit Unen Duck Ooat.... ...... 00 lot 80 WhIUDuck Pania too Bora Broeu Line Pants..... TS to 1 TO .. ' Jacket Pant W Beautiful Butlnes) Salts. WW Bandsom) tnm lulls at ooupMatlvly low Bgurea. A. DAVID. 141 Isns IS The Odd Trump. SOVEU altar's Ward, Hovel by Jams Fnyn. A Floating City and th Blocked Runners, by Jules Verne. Th Mysterious Island, by Jul Varna. Dora, a beautifully Illustrated Form, by Al fred Tennyson. Price 10 cent. Look at th Clock, Poem by Thomas In- goldsby(R.H. Barbara ) All for Hi kt Conoley & Yates, CITY BOOK STORE. Th only plao la th elty wher yea ean gat thM INK and COPTIKO CRAVOH." Jun IS 141 efflee Of Board of County ConmMoucrs, NEW HANOVER COUNTY. StALEI) PROPOSALS WILL BS RE esived en til Wsdneeilay, tk Wrd Inat., Ibr rnlshlng Medloat Attention to Ut out-door poeref new Hanexr eounty. ror on year, from th 23d dsy Of June, 18TB, to th SSd day of Jant, mi. Proposal to apply totku6 door pooy within the elty of Wilmington. WILBUS, Oh'm Board of Count j Commlselouers. jOM 10-IW 144 The WililDitoii ami Coast Tflmpiis MEETIMQ OP THE SOBSORIBIBS to th oapltal Mock of "Th Wilmington and Coast Tamplk Company will b bald at th Purosll House, on Saturday, th Mth Inttat o'clock, F. M., for th purpose ef duly ergsn- Islng said oorporaOon, by lb alectloa of a Board of Dlrsotorsand th adopUon of proptr by-laws for Iti maaagtmant. WM. A. WRIGHT, T. J.SOUTHERLAHD, 4. R. DAVIS. O. D. MTER0, WM. A. OUMMIHO, OR WOOD QTXI8, Com appointed by Corporstion, WiLwiaoTon, Jun 10th, 1871 o. juns i-tot 114 Booms for Bent. JJEB1RABLI TJNFTJRHUHEO ROOMS lor rent oa Market street, over Brown A Rod. dick'. Apply oa th premise, junto 188-tf 310,0100,0500,01000 OFTEN reells Immense prnflts when Invest ed In Stock Prlvlli gea. Olroulars, contain ing rail explanation or the mode or oneratmg. and qaotatioa pi los of all Stocks dealt la, at th NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANOE, nt free ba application to BIMONSON, BARREIRAS k CO., Banker e Brokers, Opp. H.T. Stock Esobange. t Wall St., M. un .U0-eMdlyetwly IMPORTERS riala Oal reel. By UtBal Uoien, or at Retail Slngl Hammocks, SI each, sent on receipt of moaey. For whole avis prteee, address Q. W. BIB-MOW 4k Bon, "Oak Hall," Boston, Mars. Bathing Salt. Military Goods and Regalia. ltt-1m-od. OF HAMMOCKS. Heal Estate at Auction. J. STEB1EEGEH & CO, lactam - . emmmssssmaBssi TT VIRTUE OF AMD PUR8CANT TO O h prevision of a certain Indenture of mortgage, man oy William Willi a4 hi wife. Kvellna Willi. brln daU th 18tk dar of September, 184). a -id dily registered la the Drotier omce. I will sell e Haterda. the Mth day of Jane, A. D. W78, at ll o'elook, aeon, at uie a nor or me uoars hobs or tn euonty or New Hanover, by nubile aaetloa. lor oash, the " ' 1 1 . I . I , . atedla the elty of Wiimrngtow. eounty of Mew Haaeer and State of North Carolina, that I ie say, beginnm a a point a tne worth ahle of Aaa street, dlatant nlnety-nloe feat Wee from th Korthweet comer of Klgbth and Aaa streets, thene rnnnlna along tbe Has el Ann street Westwardly thirty-three feet to a lot of ground, owned bow or late by Thomas Owe as. thence along said Oweas Nortbvrardlv, and rallel with Eighth street, m hundred and htrtywe feet to ground of lanlel D, Price, thenoe Bastwarly with ground of tne aald IHuilel I) Price thirtvHhre teet. thenoe la a straight line Southwardly and parallel with Eighth street, one handrcd aad thirty-two feet to The plaoe of beginning. . - JAMES W1JL80K, Mertgage. jsn It-lot Ut Black Walnut Furni ture. 0RRAT BARGAINS la Blaok Walaat Vhambar aad far lor Suits, at D. a. surra k cou 141-tf Jnn IS BXW ADVIRTI3IMI5T3. Grain Cradles and Fan Hills. GRANT'S Boelbera Faltera.l FlngorOrala toadies, (the best la the market), aad Ureal Faa Mill tor Orala. For sal low by ' UILKS 4k MVRCHtbON. 141 June 11 Children' i Colored Shoes. Just rx-elrvd dlreel from th Manufantory a Boo asaortmeht o Obll.ln a Mult. Hroase and Blaok Shoes of all sls. with aad wlthunt heel. Ala Ileum Hand-Sewed Bus-Toe and Maeklae-newed lw guarter She. Ladles Gaiter aad Slipper ia great variety a A. PRICE'S, No. 11 Market Stxet Grass Blades, H AT OCTTERS, Reap Hooks, Urate Cradle, Corn Shelter. Ao. A full awottmsnt ol th abov goods and St very low prices, oaa a round at ths old setao lutied Hard wars Moum or , JOHN DAWSON, 19, to and 11 Market Slret. Jun , 18- 22 Ilarket Street 0QQ PACK AGE. VLVQ AND FINE CUT TOBACCOS. I Inch, 10 Inch, 11 Inch aad M Inch, 4 to pound, I to pound and (to pound. Retailers will plsas siamtn our aUiok . D. PICOTT Jun 11 141 Bacon, Pork Flour, Corn, etc. 75 Boxes Smoked Sides and Shoul ders, 50 Boxes P. S. Bides, 800 Bbla. Flonr-Hkll grados 8,000 Bnshnls Prims WUite Cora. 100 Bbla. Refined Soirar, , 100 Bags Prime Rio Co floe, lOOBbls. B. II. Byrrjp, 100 Rbda. and bbls. Ni ew Crop Cu- ba Moli asses, . rime N. R. 800 Bales Prime Day, 600 Bandies Hood Iron. 250 Beoond Hand Spirit Casks, 60 Bbls. Rloe), 100 Bbla. (Hue, . a 200 Kegs Nails, '-.a ' ';; 100 Boxes and half boxes Candles, 60 Boxes Lye, 20 Boxes Soda, ..23 Boxes Potash, : J ; ; : r 60 Boxes Candy, 60 Boxes Soap, 60 Boxes Tobsooo, ' " I " ' 100 Cross Matches. . . "( For sale low by .. , ; WILLIAMS A MURcmHoyrf UnaaiwT Unavaot tJnanal I I IN Tow Ouankp Guano, -L loo urka - -r- - - -For gala low by WILLIAM MTJRCHMOM. . i Ml ... Jan U Bacon and Lard. GO BOXES 0. 8. BIDES 4 SHOULDERS, ou moked." For al by , . . ... IKEROHNER CALDER; BROS. HAT, CORN, RICE AND MEAL. 100 BALM HAT' '" " ' ' ' V bnsbeU Oorn, - . , ; BObblsrUo. . . eotbiuhsls WaUr Ground HeU . v For sal by " " i ' KKBOHRER CALDER BROS. j " Sugar, Coffee & Flour. 5 i BBLS. REFINED 8DOAB, bbds. Demarara " ISO bag CloO'e, 7W bbU. Flour, Feraaiaby EEROMIIRR 4k OALDER BROS. Powder and Fuse. A AA KBUH RIFLE, MINING and Bit A' 1UV in Powder, M,000 rt Fas. . w I t!. For sal by KEROUNER 4b CALDER .BROS- Jun 11 141 . OUR VACBTIBS. CRISP MIL. JIBUI30DIT, CORN HILL DltCUIT. FRESH FAMIXT BODA CRACKERS, CREAM NUTS, BRNT'B WATER I ut BEMT'H BUTTER CaAOEka. Albert Buaoult and Hand Made Butter Cracker,' : , FRKSM OIGKR SNAPS, BAKER'S CRIMSOK CHOCOLATE,' , WALLACI'S UREAM CHOCOLATE, OIRMAH SWEET AHO TAMIIXA CBOCOLATE, , IMSMSB, FRENCH AND AMERI0AM SAUCES, SHCES and PICKLES, ; LAQEST STOCK AND ; FINEST BK LECTION OF k ' FAMILY GrROOERIES IS THB STATE. .. it'v- CHAS D. MYERS & CO., Ac r Nortk rrMl( Hi. i 144-tf ' Jane IT newspaper for Sale,; AWT OOOU MAM wishlnl to aufsoe ra the aempaper bualaess, eaa withe small eash eepltsl, aeoure the I reas, Type, Fixtora and Qood Wlllot th Oonoord Saa n For Tall particulars, enures JOHN R. HARRIS, Conoord. N. O. 1 tie 11 itat pperi pleas anpy US-laa NEW ADVIRTISI2ES.TS. LET OTBEII BROWN & 45 Dave dutermlnod to clour out all their HUMMEH HTOOK at - -': GREATLY REDUCED PRICEJ. Hule to oommenoe on MONDAY, JUNE iTH, 1875; Some great Bargains will be ofTorod. We do not oonsider it oeoossary to go into dotails, as the publio generally One Price. Cull early ' : i.. . B YR 6 ...j ,,.,. - i BROWN & RODDICK, Tun 8 MORE MY ASSORTMENT OF IS NOW COMPLETE IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. , . . '- .,1 ..,-, . My onstomers hare shown their appreciation of my LOW PRICES by their liberal purchases, for whloh Ha' thunkful." STRANGERS not poetod, and desiring ths value of (heir money y can MJLKATZ'S, aprll II MISCELLANEOUS. V 0RBE1IT! iVk TheHOUHa' rtoauUr built for tndTMiL joaptfd by th Ror. J . Hlden, oniUiat oona Serenth, between Ubestnut and Mulberry Sta. TrmreanaDi. i H. HA AH. Grocer. Corner Tth and Ubestnut Streets mar 31 lse-tr Beduction in Prices o'7AMILY SUPPLIES Fresh this week, , t , j , ; Imported and Domestic. ; At " GEO. MYERS, i Preserved Ginger AND SHAKER PRESERVES atiadueed ftlou, at Cooked Corned Beef A T REDUCED F RIOHS. ' - ' At ' ; GEO. mti:R8. v ; Best Butter ' TH THE WORp at40 eenU perponnd.y . ''.At. OEO. MTBRS. i ITew Process! i 1nrlRE FLOUR. Notwithstanding thsed- JU vanoe in flour at red noon prices. - , ...At .i I-'-. -- - OKO. MYERS. Bottled Lager Bier. BEST lath BUt at radnoedprioea, at . . ,; , .,, ..Olfo.,M?KR8. 100 ASKS IMPORTED CLANTJ at rrdsoad T prloBS, and one handred thoasand Sefars, loss At 'CEO. MYERS, 11 4b U South Front Street. JnnU . 141 , Whleal tuvd ftatatl LTealera DBUOS. ' , , , ., f t MEDIOlkfes, t WUEMtOALS. TOILRT ARTIOLETT KEROSENE," ALCOHOL, BEII), au, Market Street, Wllmlnf ton, N. O. Junsll 144-tf WFDniKIQ CARONand VINTlNj 4JAHJM apolly at th JuUevMAI, orriOK. CmCOMSS RODDICK, itmm know we do nothing by halres. Strictly Cash aad seoure a ill EJ i -1.; ;--.! 45 Market Street l.'UI ! get it by calling PARTICULARS f AT -' V -fit 'H J H- 36 Market St. 1IISCELLANE0TJS, ; WE KEEP SON8TANTLY ON HAND Ui bast and apeat line of Oent and Ladlek ettstom mad BOOTS AND SHOES. W keep oa band a fin lot of Gents and La dles - ' SLXFPHRS at vry low price. ',. :. -.J-i W can beat Ui world on CHILDREN'S 8HOES. W keep the bert. - ' Our Mob's and Bat' KIF BBOOAN8 we (jiurraotBS oannoi b eioelled la prlo or qHaJitr.. EVANS & VONOLAHN. nu 11 ; 141 Dog Ordinancefor 1875 OFFICE OF TREASURER AND COL . . LtCIOK, . Cm ov WrLiiinoTON, N. 0., i , , June 12th, 1875. J rjlUK DUG ORJ)ISACE for 1818, require that id tame enouia Ft into wtw rnna in. Notice la hereby glren that all patties own ing or keeping any dogs, itb male or female, are required to register th .same AT THIS OFFH'.K, and proenre the required Badge, oommenoiug Monday, tne mid. mat., ana tor four (4) deya thereafter. The Ordinance also provide that snob, person who fail to eomply with th abor requirements will b subject to a penalty of (lu) ten dollar. t. a SERVOSS, City Clerk and Treasurer. 141-tf panels ' LlADIES.1 'nil!; t'l :. -i-- .';''' TOW 18 YOUR TIME TO SAVE MONKT In th purohas of DRY GOODS. Thi steok 1 to k mid In a limited time, not on cent kbor actual ooat will b charged far any artiol. ilber Urge or email, single, or in quantity (-'i'i',i "3 hfn : it . . . Ia tbii sal you bay a decided adrantag, thai Stock I KEir; and treTy pleoe of Goods I deslrsbl. Then ar many n&all lota of broken i j ' -j ., ... . i i. ,,, v ,'. Paoktgei, Bmnanta,OloTM, Collars Ao., Ac, ihataUt beat much mm thaa coat to clos tbtmwrt. -J J- Try rrapeotfully, GEORGE LEIBEE, No. 29 Market ZimX . . 141 Jun 13