; A VOL. XXIV. 110. 147. WHmUGTOH. U. C. STJUDAY. JTJ1JE 80, 1875. WHOLE 170- 0.011. 1 (Lbftlniln l?loumaI. WILMINGTON. N. 0.: SraDAY, JUSZ 20. 1875- BY TELEGRAPH. MORE FAILURES. &t. JoHira, Jane 19 Noon Ed. Jewett A Co., hT failed. The banks hold a large amount of their paper and other house are interoetsd. Several million dollars are inTohed. THE. COAST SURVEY. ' WASHiNOTOKjunel9-Night.-TheNar-raganaet has oompleted the surrey of the Gulf and Southern coast of Lover California. The Teesel nut be detain ed at Lopes, - in oonsequenoe of the reTolution there. , Commander Dewey reports that the surrey work has been very satisfactory. GOTHAM. BUSINESS DELAYED ON CHANGE. Niw Tom, June 19 Noon Busi ness in the Stock Exchange La delayed somewhat by the presence of the Washington Light Infantry, of Charleston, esoorted by the the Old Guard, of which Geo. MoLean, Presi dent of the Exchange, is President The reoeption of these gentlemen was cordial to the degree of being enthu siastic MISSOURI. THE TIMES IN TROUBLE, BAIN STORM.. i St. 'Lows, June 19 Noon-The Sheriff.upon the suit of Graham & Co., paper dealers, took possession of the Times office. The paper will appear aa usual. , A three hours' rain flooded many parts of the eity.- Damages heavy, NATIONAL BOARD TRADE. OF Phtladrlphia, June J9. Noon la .the National Board of Trae thven tioa among thji tasoluiions Adopted j. was IBs following 1 tj y j rv1 lieaolved, That our National Water Lines should be improved,, but that such improvement should be limited , to oonatruotion of short lines between i great . waters. The resolution was . i amended so as to Delimited to exist .'.''J ing water lines and then adopted. V . .'.THE EAST. Shanghai, June 19 Noon Intelli genoe has been received from Chin Kisng, that a body of native soldiery insulted the United states Clonsul and his wife. Two of the aggressors were arrested and temporarily confined in the British Consulate when a mob of soldiers surrounded the building and endeavored to effect the rescue of their companions. The Europeans were heavily mustered and prepared to defend the Consulate, but the Chi nese authorities sucoeeded in quieting the mob. The British and American Consuls st this city have left for Chin Kiang. The United States man-of-war Palos and British war ship Thalia Will follow them. THE FIRE FIESP. , : IV ,, - Dcblw, June 19 Noon A fire oc curred in the Exoise Bond warehouse, this morning, containing 1,800 pun cheons of whiskey. A series of tre menduous explosions followed, and the flames spread rapidly to the adjoining buildings. The burning liquor flowed through the streets, igniting the whole neighborhood. Seventy buildings in Andre, Mills and Chambers streets are burning. ' A mob roiled out sev eral barrels of whiskey and are help ing themselves. The police ore mus tering and troops have been ordered out to preserve order. The loss is half a million dollars. At 2 o'clock this morning the fire was as fieios as ever. The liquor carries the Are in all lUTBCMUUB. EUHOPE. so ;,,. "New Yobjc, June 17 Noon A special despatch from Rome says the Pope has changed his mind with re- - ,. card to the declaration of New Cardi nals of the Church. No Cardinals will be declared in the inoocsistory whioh will be held in the Vatican on the 25th of June. Bishops only will be reoog . sized on the occasion. r A special dispatch says that the in surrection at Jjs I'az nas been suo , . oessful asrainst the govern meat of President Lerdo DaTejada since the 2nd of June, The military . i Governor and all Federal Mexican , , officials have been made prisoners and the Federal troops stationed t San ", Antonia have fallen baok before the ' Revolutionists. SenorBarra is leader of the Revolution. '' ' ' Madbid, June 19 Noon General .. - llartincB s corps has sucoeeded m erossing the river Ebro notwithsland iDg a heavy fire was kept up upon his forces by the Carlists. By this move ment be has established communica tion with Gen. Jovellar, Commander of the Army of the Centre. Paris. June 19 Night Mr. Fur man, an American spiritualist who proposed to photograph deceased per sons, has been oonvioted of swindling and sentenced to six months imprison ment London, Jnne 19 Night Tenny son's new drama. Queen Mary, is pub lished. The Times, in a review of the drama, declares there is more true fire in it than anythirg whioh has sp- f ooroa since tnaseapeare s time, CUBA. Havana, Jnne 19 Noon A Catatsn regiment attacked two hundred Cu bai siu the Vargas Hills, killing fire and capturing tnirty-six women. 7 BUNKER HILL. SOUTHERN SENTIMENT IN RE GARD TO If. BrEECn OF GEN. FITZUUGH ' LEE. Niw York, June 19 Night-A Boston dispatch says: Gen. Jfitzhugb Lee yesterday, in a conversation on behalf of himself and all the prominent Kentlemen who came to Boston with the Southern military companies, ex pressed the utmost satisfaction and pleasure in view of the reoeption giveu them by the people of Massachusetts, and said be believed this celebration and the attendaut oircumotanoes would do more than almost any other event to bring abont the old fraternal feeling between the North and South. Boston, June 19 Night To-day will about close the after results of the Ct-nUmuiaL The Norfolk Light Blurs visited the Mayor and ieeou s were nude by the latter and Fitzhugh Lee. Host in, June 19 Night At the Mayor's reception to-day, Gen. Fitz hugh Loe spoke as follows: Mr. May or,! have but every few words to say. I came Here not expecting to speak, and I think we have had enough speeches and fully understand eveiy thing, but I unite with these gentle men in thanking you and in thanking the oitizens of Joaton and vicinity through you, for their very cordial and gratifying reception whioh we hare met here. We expected to be the re cipient of some little hospitality at the hands of the gentJomen of Boston, even those who differed most widely with us, but we were not prepared to meet with this enthusiastic and splen did demonstration which we have wit nessed at your hands. We will return to Virginia and we will tell those peo ple that they should come here and see for themselves as we have Been the people of Boston. ; ELECTRIC1SMS. The value of the cargo of the Cham- plain,, wrecked near San Francisco, amounted tosixhundred thousand dol lars. It was insured in New York. At the races at Jackson, Miss., American, won the first heat, and Bo dine second, third and fourth time, 2:2812:28 2:28 and 2:271 A JMfigor , dispatch says that the North American Railway Company has suspended. A private cable telegram says: Jjacy Franklin is dangerously ill in London, and she requests the churches in America to pray for her. A girl was outraged by three young men in the vioinity of Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania. One of the fiends was arrested and has been reoognizedby the girl. He has been committed to jaiL " . The lieport ol tne Texas Peniten tiary Committee sustain the charges of cruel and inhuman punishment At Austin, Texas, Deputy United States Marshals, Allen and Blood, have been indicted and arrested for cor ruptly allowing the counterfeiters to es cape. Forty-five Alabama and Tennewe editors left Hudson, N. Y., Saturday morning for the city of New York. The (secretary of War has returned from Weft Point. Adjutant General Townsend has a month's leave. General , Vincent will still aot. The Ossippee reached Aspinwall on the 25th ult. Affairs in the Isthmus are quiet ' ' " John H. Steven, our Naval Pay master in Japan, has been ordered home, to settle his accounts, which are irregular. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Shirts Made to Order J HAVE HEOK1VKD the Agency for WARDS' SHIRTS and am prepared td make fine White Shirts at S3 St. Beat .Now York Mill at 68. A Fit Guaranteed or No Dale. A large lot of Game Merino TJnderthlrts a1 60 coot each. ' - fnparelleled luilaoements In Beady Made Clothing. A. DAVID. i fane 90 Cooper's Tools, Q? WARRANTED QUALITY. Thelargett and beat assort mont of all brands or the above good and at the loweat prices In tbta cltyn be found at the old eatabUthed Hardware House of " JOHN DAWSON, Jane 21 147 Horse and Cart at Auction, TN FRONT 07 OUR SAI E8 KO'IM, on A ouuy,uueii, ibid, ai iu e ciucx A. at CRONLY Se MORRI9, A uottoneet. Jnne SO ; , . i , ! H1-U Tlifliiipa's , Malacca, Mo-Cfluia and Una. mhe Htralti of Malacca. Indo-Clilna. and X hlna; or, Ten eara' Travel, AdTf ntu'H aud Meaiaenis aoroaa ht J. h'mpwn,F. K. ft. P., author or "IllunfraiUnl of China an.i Its People." Wlthorei 60 II lustra tloni from tha aathoriown photograph and aketchet Vino, i For aale at I1KINJBE BOER'S. "Rais,"0rps and Cliroiiics, gold for Cash, or tj the easy monthly plan. Tot ml at HEmSBERCER'S T.tva Rnnk and Unale 8tAv. June so MMf SEW ADVEEHSXJaSTS. D0Q6WS -IN"- WHITE GOODS EXCHANGE CORN EH. tUDStO i ' lit WILMINGTON, H, O. Is In tiiwn. Leave orders at Cenolat a Tatea. ;uaaw , Hi4tv Blank Books rjriHK UARUKSf and most complete stock In the City. ,' Playing Cards, OMINOKI, then Men, Crib bags Boards, Checker, Ao. STATIONARY M ITJI.Ii and oomplet assortment f Paper mi Knveloue. Initial faner of all' kinds and styles aii tor smo as Conoley & Yates, CITY BOOK STORE. Jnne 20 147 Pleasant Valley Ca- tawba Wines. JJUY AKD tWUT OK DRAUGHT. Sparkling Catawba. Hock and Claret Wlnas. The UrMst and most varied stock of Claret Wlnea ever offered In North Uarollna. - Valuation from S4 60 for a sound table Olaret to 'M for. Uhateaa Mongsaa genatne, boU tlfd at the ChaUao, These gnoile corns to as from the oldest and best knows Importing boose In Mew Terk. They are rtu r AUCTton uuuus. OHAS. D. MTEES k Cp., 6 k 7 North Front Bi Wilmington, N- 0. Jon 30 14T The Finest Old Bran dies and Wines- VERY OLD KYBS WHISKIE8-bet goods l In the trade. Hold by CHA8 D. MYERS & CO., ft i Nona lrt uu Jnne Hl-tf Cuba Molasses. QE HEU8 NKW CROP , t;tlUAULSS3L3, For sale by , 1BJCRC1HN KR CALDIB, BROS. Spirit Casks, Glue, &ci 400 8P1HX1 uA8K5' iw bnisuire, S8 " Bung, KKI Papers svirets, For slo by , EEKOIf NKR A CALDEK BROS. Hay-Rice-Nails-Soap 100 1ALCB UAr turtbUKloe, tno Keg Mall, , 100 Box Soar, , For al by ' ECRCUNKR QALDER BROS. . Corn SacksTo bacco Coffee. 1(f( NKW AKD fiEUOND HAND llUU GRAIN SACKS, ' ivu Boxes Tobaoco, - '-.'-' 10 Bage Cioflee. For sale by KEROHNKR A CAUDBK BEOS" June 20 umce fit County CcmmissionErs, New Ilanorar fjoanty. WiLmnaTO, N. Ci June 30th, IS70. PROPOSALS will be reoelvad nntll Frldsv, the 2Bth Inst., to put In good order tits bridge known a Llttl Bridge, over Smith's Creek, and th brldg across Green's Mill Pond, on the Sewbern road. All material to be furnished by the comity. JAM KS WILSON, Chairman Board of County Commissioners. JunstO . i 146t 22i Special Brands Plug Tobacco. "COMPETITION," "WAVERLEY," "ROB ROT," "LONE STAR," So well and favorably known. D. PICOTT- ' turii' mmtution should prssel early application. Catalog ue will be forwarded, Address, FBAN0IS H. SUITE, b BaperlntendenU jJJ-eouJ Jan Alio TUNC S.RIPAI BZW ADVISTISI5I5T8. Cor and Cheese. JJOATI ,1TA AND BIO OOFFEK, ap,l SJif 4 Obeese, FwsaleM V ' O. H. W. RUNOl, If. B. Corner kaarket and Sooend Bte. Jane HI Smith's Feed Cutter. nHl BKBT a4 most d arable Feed Citter X la th rnarkei. For sals lev by QILU MTJCHUON. HI JnneM - flawed Wood.. TJUT FIASOHKO OAK, AIH. FINK, 0., Mwed any desired length. Tard Coraer Front and Hat berry streets, by J. A. IFBINMBB. MI-U JuneW Administrator's Sale JOHN U. EOOH, as AdmlnUtrator or Hsary Bremer, deoeasMt, against Henry Bremer aad ethers Am ion tor the sal of laad, for asset t pay debt, la pursuann of an order of th Super lot Court, made la the abav titled Mass, I will, ea Thurrdey. the Md day of July, at II e'vloe M., at i he Kxehange Oorner. In the City of Wllmlnatoa, exixm to sale to the hlakeat bid der, at publlo anrtlon.lb lot of land and prem ises on I a fturtneast uiterseouoa or rronl ana Dock Street, froetln; at feet ea Front street, ami TI feet en Ifcfcik street. Ttrmt-OM auwter oMh. balance en a credit ft. II and II months, eonred by nromleory note of pnrehaae, and tltla tmmi till per ch as money It paid. nunfl v. auvn, Idmtnletratat B. Bremer. Jen H 14T-lw4w Cheap is the Word. LINEN VESTS, 1. LINEN COATS, $1. ALTACA GOATS, $1 STBirE COATS, $1. CASIMEBE PANTS, $1 PEICE WAY DOWN. For Clothing Call on MUNS0N & CO., CTTT CLOTHIERS, Jane to MT-tf Builders Hardware, JJOORS, BASH AID BLINDS, , rAIBTS,UiU, TABKlSnEB, " QLA8S, V, . j The) attsntte f bnuo an an I eaitea ... i to our well Mlected stock, at rsduoed prtoe. Call and isaln at . NATH'L !JACOBtvS HARDWARE DEPOT. Fish Hooks and Lines, gEWa TWIBD, SCYTHES, Urasa uoocs, uarasa Hues and Bake. Leweet Prlo. NATH'L JACOBI, HARDWARE DEPOT. Bims, Hubs & Spokes, XLES, BPBINOS, U4UKlSttI Ha.ian.lAL0, ON, Ordere by mall promptly Ailed and satisfac tion guaranteed. NATHANIEL JACOBI, HARDWARE DEPOT, NO. O MARKET ST. lune as MT Bacon, Pork. Flour, Sugar, Corn, etc T5 Boxes Smoked Sides snd Sbool den, 60 Boxes D. a Sides, 60 Bbls Pork, 100 Bbls. Refined Bngar, 800 Bbls. Flour all grades. - 8,000 Bushels Prime White Corn. 100 Bags Prime Rio Coffee, 100 Bbls. &H. Syrup, 100 Hhds. and bbls. New Crop Ca. ba Molasses, 800 Bales Prim N. B, Hay, 350 Bales Prime Eastern Hay, 7 ; 400 Bandies Hoop Iron, 200 Beoond Hand Spirit Casks, . 100 Bbls. Glne, 250 Kegs Nails, 100 Boxes and half boxes Candles, 50 Boxes Lye, 25 Boxes Soda, 25 Boxes Potash; 60 Boxes Candy, 50 Boxes Soap, 50 Boxes Tobacco, 150 Gross Matohes. For sale low by WILLIAMS k MURCHISON. , Uaan! Oaaal tliaatl 16) Tons Quanaps Qoano, 100 " lnrk ' For sale low by WILLIAMS MURCBDJON. . . MT -. June 10 Black Walnut Furni ture. 0 BEAT BARGAINS la Black Walnnt Chamber and Parlor Salt, at ' D. A. SMITH COS, HI tf Jan 13 . ITeT7spapor for Sale. M NY GOOD MAN wishing to rnigag la th AA newspaper Butane, eaa witn a saaaii eaa capital, Mcure the ret, Type, PUtnree and Wood V? Ill of th Oonoord Sun ' . for roll particular, eddreae alOHJi HABBI9, . . , Oonoerd, N.O, J -Ml , ( IM-lm t papers plea copy. NIW ALYEILTISZS1ZHT1 Children! Colored Shoei. J set retved trea rrom the MaearMtory a Sne eesoHaMht ef Children e Bar), Brons aa4 Black Shoes at all slaw, with and wltaoat heele. A 10 Oente Hand-Scwee) Baa-Tee and Machlae-Sevnd Urv Uuarter Shew. Ladtee Ualtrsaa4 Sappers la great variety a iu PRICE'S, . Ba. n Market sweet. CSEENSBOSO FEMUC COLLEGE. UBIENIBOBO, N. O. rspHK FA I L SMS ION WILL BROtM ON -- th ltth ef Aira Ohargee per session of u week, beard (v Inelve ef waahlngead lights) SIS OO. Tuition la regular KaglUfe eourae, lou. Dhargosfur exvn suuiee, eaeuerwa. tor snwogass eon talnlng aarUoalar. apply to T. kl. JONBS. PresMsnt. N. R. D. WlLson, Freedt Board of Trnsteea. Jaaetl MVlm Dog Collars DOG COLLARS. t DOG COLLARS. ' DOO COLLARS, DOO COLLARS at Ue FaOdle), Uaraem and Trunk Store of OARPKNTER MALLARD. Next Umita Front Street, Wilmington. N. II Jinsi ; iss-H SUPERINTENDENT'S OFHCIE, ( WiuuiiaTON, Jane 18, 1870. ) rjlHB STJhDAY BTENIMO PA8BKN0XB Train leaving Wilmington and Charlotte II' b dlsotmtlnued oa and afttr th tot Instant, natil farther none. vni. BMrrn, D. T, O. s-n June efflce OTBoar. of ConntjCoinmiicDcrs, NEW HANOVER COUNTY. BALED PROPOSALS WILL BS BE Q eelved aUI WedaeMlay, tan We Inst, for lurnlshlng Mrtloel Attention to ueeat-ooor near of Kew Haaovor eownty, for one wsr, from th VA day ef June, mi, to the r I iy of Jane, turn. Preposal to aprW ' door poor wtuin the olty of wn L Oh'm Board Of Oouii . Jan ll-lw t i .. . t The ffliliialoiii Coast Turnijllfi 1 MEETINQ OF TBI BCBSOBIBIBS to tha eaplUI stock of "Th Wtlmtngteo and Coast Tnrnptk OosnpatiF 'will b held at th Paresll rJouss, on Batntday, th 9th last, at t o'clock, P. M., fo tbs purpoe f duly organ. lalng said eorporatlou, by th lert'o of a Board ef Dlrtors,;aad the adoption of proper by-law Ibr It management. ; ' ' I WM. A. WRIOKT, T. J.SOTJTHERLABO, J. B. DAVIS, CD. MTEK9, WU. A. CUMMINO, NOBWOOD GILES, - Oom appointed by CorpoMtloa. WiLvinoToa, Jan Uth, ins. Jan IS-lOt " V Rooms for Rent. jElIBABLE CNfURNlBBED BOOMS for rent on Market etreet, over Brown A Bod. dlokl. Apply oa th premise. juua - 184-If Heal Estate at Auction. J. SMBERGER & CO., Auctioneers. TT VIHTfJE OP AND PUBSOANT TO O the provisions of a certain Indenture of mortgage, mane oy wiuiam winis ana uis wife, Kvellna Wlllta, bearing date tne lMh day of September, 186. and duly registered In the trroner offioe. 1 will sell on Saturday, th. Mth day of Jnne, A. D. 187S, at II o'clock, noon, at th door of th Court House of theo iuntyof New Hanover, oy panne auction, tor easn, tne folio wins deeerlbed lot or parcel of land, situ ated In tboelty of Wilmington, oenntyef New Hanover and Stat of North Carolina, that Is to my, beginning at a point on th North side or Ann etreet, owtani ninety-nine reet west from the aoribwest corner or Kigbtn and Ann streets. Umbo running alone the line of Ann etreet Weetwardly thirty-three feet to a lot of grenno, ownea now or late or j noma trwens, tbenoe alone said Owens' Northwardlv. and parallel with Eighth street, one hundred and thirty-two feet to groued of Itaniel l. Price, thenoe Baetwarly with ground of the said Danlsl D. Prloe thirty-three test, thence In a straight line Southwardly and parallel with Kigntn etreet, one nnnareu anu tuirty-two ieei to the plan et beginning. tfamaB) niu ON, Mortgage. lnn1-im i WARM SPRINGS MADISON COUNTY, A Wtitern North Carolina- SnUESB BPBIBOS ars sltuatcl five miles om th Tennessee lins, on th banks of th French Broad river, in tne very miast or tne highest ran gee of mountain east ol tbo Mbsl stpplrlver.Tn a country generally known and truihfully called the Swltserland of America. THE HOTEL AOOOM MODATIOKS ar nnsnrnasMd it an waterlna nlaoo or .ummer resort in the tgintrr. Th Bath eonslat of large pool. 01 a clear, powerful Miwiral and tlutric Water, temperature 102 to W degree. Pahrsnhett.whlch are wonderfully Invigorating to all invalids, equalising the circulation ami stimulating the secretory organs, and will. In most oases of Chronic end dub-Aonte Ootit, Rheumatism, Paralyals, Dyspepsia, Nsnralgta, Secondary Syphilie, Hephrltlo and Calculous Disorders, Scrofala. Cutaneous Diseases and many diseases peculiar to females, effect a speedy and radical oure. There I also a Oold Sulphur Spring near th Warm Springe, re sembllns verv olowlv Iu temperature and color of depeelt. thTltow Sulphur Spring of Vir- ?nia, witn a sutpnurous ouor auucu evrunger. hese Borlnss are easy of aooees from all Southern eltlts by all the line of railroads eon verging Into East Tonnessea, via Augusta, Atlanta and Bnoxvllle, to Morristown, Kaet Tennss.e. Wence to uamneriana uap ana Charlestonrailroad 40 mils to Wolf Uisek thence hv stave 8 miles to the Bnrlnc, an easy and comfortable trip. Excursion Tlckrte are on sal la all tne principal cine to ana irom thee Springs at a (rent redaction on local rat. j Rates of Board, MO Par Month, II 2.00 ft Week, fa Par Day. Children and Colored Servant Hair-Prloe, Apply to Manager for Pamphlet d Circu lars or to Wilmington Druiglet ' J. A 8AMPLF, Oeneral Manager for Warm Springs Oo. , jtmel iWHIlnveed-wlm Mennfi n f OOT1 EN CP ljCilSl4 I .U and prints ItMrf lacueaabl Hyi et the - ej JOUBNAD IfWB JTEW ADVESTISEilllTS. BROWN & 45 1 ' Hars detorailsetl to clear out all their SUMMElt STOCK at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. . Bale to oommenoe on . , MONDAY JUNE 7TII, 1875. t'oms great Bargains will be offered. We do not consider it Deoessary to go Into details, ss the public generally One! Price. , . Call early and soanro s JgOWH & RODDICK, , 45 .narket Street. BARGAINS III SUI.'l DRESS GOODS uscal k Tina beabon, At rery, rtry iowprioe. Will , of those 1 BiSS Ml PACIFIC PERCALS and CAMBRICS AT UNUSUALLY LOW PBICES. ALSO IIAISELES, PW VICSERIA LAWNS; White Goods. ladies' and Gents' Gause Vests, GAUSE FLANNELS.IMAR&EILLE3 I HOUSB-KEEriNO flKATZ'S, jUB W MISCELLANEOUS. 0SRE1IT1 i- The HOUBK rMseutly built for andt"'.3 ooeapled by the Iter J . (l. Hldeu, oniUIiad. Serentb, between Chestnut and Mulberry St. Terms reaeooable. H. HAAB, Orcoer, ' Corner 1th and Chestnut Streets, mar 9 . .. : lo-lf Reduction in Prices.; FAMILY SUITLIES " Fresh this week, i Imported snd Domestic. At GEO. MIEBS, ' Preserved Ginger AND SHAKER PRESERVES at rad ioed prloei, at - UKU. alliilio. Cooked Corned Beef jfT REDUCED PRICKS. ' At QKO, MYEKS. Best Butter TN TH8 WOBuD at 0 eenU per pound. , At QKO. MTEBS. Hew. Process TflMPlUK FI.OUB. Notwithstanding th ad- ranee in jruiui at reaooeu prices. At , QKO. MYEKS. Bottled Lager Bier. Tl EST In th Btat at reduoed pri oes, at YKHS. 100 OtSKS IMPORTED CLiNTO at reduced price, and on hnodrsd thousand Segars, . . At , CEO MYERS, .. . II A j South Front Street. )wia HI aivELEisr as flanneb, Wheloaal amd Retail Dealers OBTJOS. mLr9 . MEDIOIMKS, FAINTS', OILS, uHEMIOAIJ, TOILRT ARTIOLKa, KEHOSENK, aLOOHOL, SKBT, a Market Street, Wilmington. N. O. junell - 144-tlT WFIinHa OAFnNandVISg'riNU sjAiilpeoi'T " " 4bu,AU OIFJCX RODDICK, know we do nothing by halve. Strictly Cash ill bell balanou op 1 slio open this week anothor lot desirable , AMD FANCY LAMB SPREADS, GOODS, 'Ac, to. ' ' ; s ' iMarketSt MISCELLANEOUS WHITE SULPHUR SPBINGS. Catawba County, C rTlHI OEI.EBKATKD WATBKIMQ 1 Place will be open for Select Visitors 1st June, The Springs ere situated ; M miles Northwest of Charlotte, DO miles Wst or Sails bury, and ( mle. from Hickory Station, on th WeternN. O. Railroad. The bracing mountain ttejosphers, with th health-restoring properties of their waters, render these Hpllugs a most desirable resort for Invalids and pleasure-eeehar. . The Mineral waters embrace Blue snd Whit Sulphur and Chalybeate It I the best and most extensively fitted up Watering plae la the State -can accommoiate 800 persons. uoou OAtii) vr musjiu, I en ria Alley, Billiard Table, and a supply of ice. Omnibus will beat Hickory- Station, on th Western N. (J. Kallroad, for passengers on th arrlral et erery train. Board SM 00 per mootb of dajr-half price for children and servants, and a liberal dedustioa for famlllee. My postofjo 1 Whlt Sulphur, K. 0. ; DH. X. O. ELLIOTT, ; , ; . Proprietor. l-lmod3tw. June IT Merchandise Brokerage. WITH THIBEQTjrSITE EXPERIENCE, acqualiitanoe, kaowlwlga and facilities, I oiler my mrrtoes for the purchase and sale of all description of Merchandl la, Western, northern and our own market. Negotiate) oaiu and oaamri Wire need frMly at my expense for any Information desired. From Importers, Refiners, ' Miller and Manufacturers, full Uo of samnle exhibited dally. Coffee,' Molasses, Syrup, Sugar, Flour, Soap, Bacon, lry gelt Meats, Pork, Lard, 4o., Ski , all grade! Tobacoo, Cigar, &c ; Spirit Casks, Ulua, Uay, 0orn Sif. ; Safe, Scales, Sic, Stn. Special attention given to Mooring lowest rate, of transportation. Examination of simple., correspondence and Orders solicited. f Orders left at Offlc for Bpot" Good will have promnt attention. JAM. T. PETTEWAY, OommfirGial Broker, NORTH WATER 8TREET may 2B ' m 1m eod 010. G100, C500, C1CC3 0PTKM realtne Immens prnfltewhen invest ed in Stock Prlvllt ges. Circulars, contain ing full explanation of the mode of operating, and quotation m ices of ail Stook dealt in, at the . NEW YCX 'nzt'' EXCHASSE, sent free on application to ; ., . SIMONSON, BARREIRAS k CO., ' i. ' ' ' Bankers A Hrokers, Oi'P. N, T. Stock Exchange. Wall t., M. lune 1;ts-aiHy&ly Du Pont's Powder. T RIFLE, SPOBTNQ AND HTJbKET, htASTINO AND MiatNOJB'rThJlejHa and Quarter Kegs. , . , k