1 R A. i 1 .i I 1 I i r v f I f . I if. I l i IV , - VOL. XXIV. HO. Cijf tla'tlii Journal WILMINGTON. N. a: TUESDAY. JUNE 22. 1875- , THE FlRC F1EXD. Grand Bafids. June 21 Noon. The business portiou of West Bridge street ud other bualdinirs were burn ed ia tkii place to-day. Loss $150,000. , OOTllAM. .'i' tacht races. !'-'' ' ... . i New York, June 21 Noon At the annual regatta of the Brooklyn Yacht Ulub to-day, the nrat and second boats in each eiaae were aa follows : Sohrs, Madeline, first in; Comet got first prize on aotual time tad by time alloirauoe. First elaae tloopa first boat in and first prise, by allowance, won by the the Undine ; White Wing, aeoond. Second elaae sloop Schemer, first; Sophia, aeoond. Third class sloops Wm. F. Lee, flrat; Victoria, aeoond. IIEAIHJ UAUTEltS. ,;: JiV WARLIKE. THE GOVERNMENT AND THE ;,.. j1; TELEGRAPH. ECBOE3 FROM BUNKER HILL. ,yfimniQTaax, Jane 21 Noon A naval force with steam launches wiJl be ordered to proceed to the month of the Bio Grande to look after onr in . teresta there, tnd corporate with the army in the suppression of Mexiouu .inidaA ' - - ' Soon after the arrival here of the Postmaster General he will invite the presidents of the principal telegraph 1 companies to consult, wit.h him con i oerning the redaction of rates charged the Government, a modification of the present arrangement being desirable. Washikoton, Jnne 21-Night.-The Knights Templar at the banquet given by the De Molay Oommandery on Sa turday evening, the table was laid with the most expensive viands of the sea son. Eminent Commander Jno. M. Clark sat at the head of the table at whioh were seated 330 guest, and the E residing offloer made a speooh of earty weloome. Gov. Walker also spoke, asking all present a hearty wel oome in ease they oame to Biohmond. Alderman Clark extended a weloome of the eity, and Commander Tanner on responding for the Biohmond Oom mandery, gave an account of the cour tesies reoeived on the trip from Balti more to Boston, and extended a hearty invitation to De Molay Ctohftnandery ' to visit Biohmond very soon. This was seoonded by all his Oommandery with lusty cheers. Yesterday both Encampments went to Musio Hall, where a sermon was preached by Rov, W. H. H. Murray, before an audience completely filling the hall, although a ticket was required tor admission. A special oda was sung by the Masonic choir. The Navy Department has advices that the United States steamer Sara t nao ran Upon a sunken rock in Sey mour, pass Johnson Straits.on Sunday morning about 9 o'clock. No one ap pears to have been lost. The news domes by telegraph from Victoria, where Lieut Commander Sanden had arrived in one of the ship's boats for the purpose of chartering a steamer to go to the assistance of thr ship wrecked marines. . ECHOES FROM BUNHEIt 111LL. , MOBE HOSPITALITY-M A 8 S A CHUSETTS AND VIRGINIA. New' York, June 21 Noon. The Boston Dispatch of yesterday says : , Only one of the visiting organizations from the South remains in Boston and that is the Biohmond Oommandery of Knight Templars. They leave to-day, (Monday).. Their reception here has been the grandest of all the great de monstration of weloome made during the past week. . The appropriation for the entertainment of these seventy men was $20,000, and a great deal 1 more has been expended for the same objeot by private citizens. The colla tion given them by St. ) Andrew's Lodge, which has only thirty-eight members, oost $3,000. They were treated to a carriage drive about the suburbs, resting from time to time at the elegant residences to which they were invited. They were also splonr i didly , entertained in Newton. The guests are overpowered by all these and other evidences of hospitality, and ,, tbey say that they will go home with revived affection for their sister com monwealth and new interest in our common oountry. . .. """ Their spirit is set forth in an ex- ' tract from the speech of one of their number,, Ex-Governor Walker, when the Oommandery and their hosts made a masonic visit to the scene of War ren's death at Bunker Hill. The Gov ernor said, in cloing remarks: "We come here to eay that we recog nize that the flames of war have fully subsided and glourious emblems of peace are growing for all of u. Cries of "good", and applause. We oome here to say that in honest reality wo desre to extend to you the right hand of fellowship, and in the future to maroh on with you as one people, la boring to accomplish one great objeot, the perpetuation of the American Union in all its purity and sublimity, and in all the grandeur in whioh our fathers fonnded it, and in which it flourished from the first. Applause and cheers. To be brief, we stand here to say to you that we hope the one of Massachusetts and Virginia may always be able in future to say, 'behold how pleasant a thing it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." Applause and cheers. 1 The sentiment here expressed eeom 148, to be shared by all Southerners who have attended the celebration. Pbovu'kntr, B, I.; June 21 Night The Biohmond Commandery cf Knight Templar arrived from Boston this morning and were received by St John's and Calvary Comniaudariee and ware entertained by an elegant oolla tion at Howard Hall, afterwards the three Commanderiee took a special steamer for Bocky Point where a Nar ragansett shore banquet is to be served. Norfolk, June 21 Night The blue and the gray mingled and joined hands this afternoon to weloome home from the Boston Centennial the Nor folk Light Artillery Blues. They were met by a batillion of marines with the marine band, the City Guard, fire department aud a vast conoourse of enthusiastic citizens. Speeches were made by (Jen. t itzhugh Lee, Col. Walter II. Taylor and others, tes tilling to the cordial and spontaneous ovation tbey reoeived at the hands of the Boston people. CA BLNET MOVE HEAT. SERIOUS DIFFICULTY LIKELY TO OCCUR OUT OF THE MEXICAN TROUBLES. WAanmoTON, June 21. Nightr-Robeson has gone to Annapolis to distri bute diplomas. Uriatow has gone to New York. Surgeon Janus Simmons has been relieved from and Assistant Surgeon E, G. McClellan assigned to duty in the Department of the booth. it is reported thnt the steamer Sar- anaok foundered oft California. Gentlemen inofficial position are ap prehensive that unless prompt meas ures be taken with regard to the con tinued raid on the Texas border, the United States and Mexico may be come involved in serious diffloalties. There is no doubt the Mexican gov ernment as it has repeatedly informed our own in reply to frequent protests, is anxious for the removal of all causes that could possibly produce a oonfliot of arms between the two countries. but the border being for from the oap- itol, it cannot exercise its desired oon trol over the Northern States of that Republic Two years ago the Mexican govern ment protested aeainst the invasion of its soil by General McKenzie in- pur suit of Mexican raiders, but our gov ernment could make no amends and did not censure that offioer, consider ing that the put suit was justified by tne circumstances. The army will now aot promptly in protecting American citizens assisted by suoh naval applian ces, as necessity may demand. The steamer Plymouth, Cupt. Bussoll, has been ordered to the mouth of the Bio Grande, wlienoe the orew will proceed in armed launches to the points where their services will be required. The command on the border is entrusted to General Ord in whom the govern ment has entire confidence, both as to discretion and eflioiency. . SOUTH CAROLINA. ARRIVAL OF POLITICAL RE FUGEES. Charleston, June 21 Noon The Uraguayan bark Perig has arrived here. She brought sixteen refugees from the Uraguayan Bepublio, among whom are the four sous of General Flores, who was assasinated in 1868. On the 24th of February lost, these persons, who live in Monteveido, were notified by the Government to leave the State within forty-eight hours, they being suspected of being engaged in a conspiracy to overthrow the Gov ernment, va the aula oi .February they were sent on board the bark Peiig, which was chartered by the Government for the occasion, and sent to Havana in charge of Col; Pedro, Biva Sceuohelli and Col. Ceurtin. The bark reached Havana on the 80th of May, but the Spanish authorities refused to allow the refugees to land. The Perip!aooordingIy Bailed for this pott. The refugees consist of journalists, deputies, one Senator, and several army officers. Tbey will re main here two days, and then go to flew xork by rail, where they will re main for a month. They announce their intention of returning to Monte veido as soon as tlio political storm Bhall have blown over. EUROPE. THE SHOOTING TOUBNAMENT. London, Jnne 21.-Noon A con test took place Saturday at Edinburgh between the riflemen of England, Ire land and Scotland for the internation al challenge thropby. Scotland won by twenty points ahead of England, and 139 ahead of Ireland. The Corinthian from Quebeo for Glasgow, has arrived in Clyde, was in collision with' an ioeburg and lost her bowsprit and figure head. Paris, Jnne 21. Noon There is reason to believe that the government has decided that a general election shall be held this year, and there is no doubt that the Assembly will vote for a final dissolution, as the government assents to it. ,, Loudon, June 22 Night There is an nneasy feeling in the stock market in oonsequence of rumors of further failures. The Carlist Commissioners of this eity announoe that they are in receipt of the intelligence that the Carlists have entered Bustile in strong force and that they have been well received everywhere. KANSAS. CRors prospects; Kansas Citt, June 21. Noon The orop prospect in this State are better than ever belore, and harvest bands are hard to get. The crops will be so large that fears are entertained that not enough men can be obtained to gather them, unrmiGTOiT. it. c. crpzcJuiTE 22. 1875. ILLINOIS. PRICE OF 30AL. Chicago, June 21. Noon Coal dealers have fixed the price on Anhra- cite Coal for 8ummer at 9 60 for nnt range, and $9 for other ranges. . MARYLAND. COMPROMISE -OF TJHE B, . W A R ADVANCE IN RATES. Baltimore, Jane 21 Noon It is learned on good authority that aa tb resun ox toe eonierenoe on Saturday, in Philadelphia, between the Balti more A Ohio and Pennsylvania Bail road, thai Uoxet and freight agents rates on Western bound frieghta will De aavanoea lo-day in rtmadeipbia aud Baltimore and that rates will be further advanoed in a few days. There will be no change in passenger rates lor a aay or two. PENNSYLVANIA. . MARINE DISASTERS. END OF THE STRIKE. PmuDKUU. June 21 Noon The brig Ellen P. Stewart lost overboard May 20th. second mate Joseph Jovoe. of New York, aged 27, also, no date, saw a steamer ashore inside the water quarter shoal. The bark National Eagle reports having seen large quantity of wreck stun on the banki, spars, petroleum bbls., timber, Ac. WiLUSBA&BfL Jnne 21 Niaht The long looked for resumption of work at the Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Coal Company's collieries, at Sugar Notch, Wanamie, Hanover, Nantlooke, Empire, Diamond, Plymouth, Hollin baok, aud others, took place this fore noon at a reduction of ten per oent. from prices formerly paid. The six mouths suspension in this region it now endedr The men of the River- side Coal Company, and individual operators also commenced work this forenoon,; , " V ; EVECTIUCISMS. The steamer Swallow had arrived back at St. John's without seeing an nv- thingof the missimr boats from the got wrecked steamer Vioksbnnr. The stock of Hermann A Exnera. liquor dealers at Louisville has been seized, and tho members of the firm were arrested. , 1 1 Ex-Marshal Hinds, of Alabama, has been acquitted in the first indictment Three more are pending. The Eastern bound train on the At lanta and Great Western whioh left Cincinnati Sunday night, was thrown from the track near Hamilton. The fireman was killed, and the engineer, Jas. Grey, was badly braised. TILE FOURTH ESTATE. Niw York, Jnne 21 Night-The editorial excursionits from Alabama and Tennessee called on Gov. Tildon at his residence in Grammeroy Park to-day. The Gov. Addressed them, expressing his pleasure at bidding them welcome to the North, and the hope and trnst that hereafter there will be more intercourse be tween the two sections, and that we shall stand thoroughly united with the oommon purpose of establishing and perpetuating good government every where. Hon. B. H. Powell, of Union Springs, responded, returning thanks to the Governor for his cordial greet ing and agreeing with him in a re mark that if the people of the two sections had known each other better the devastation of the late war would not have occurred everywhere. He said everywhere in (hi North they had been reoeived with open hearts and opened arms, and they have found that he people of this section of the country entertain for the South most kindly sentiments, which are most oordially reciprocated. They have determined for the future to oo-oper ate with the gontleman of the North in securing and perpetuating onr com mon oountry. The members of the Association were then each introduced to the Governor, when they withdrew. DIED. On th. momln- of the 10th hi .WILUAM, Infant ton or William and Allot L. Ca Ulor. The funeral will Uk plaot at o'clock thli morning from the reddendo of bit father, on Third street, between Cheatnutand Mulv.rrf. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wilmington Lodge No. 319. Emergent meeting tale (TUESDAY) t. M. at 8 o'clock. V PRESTON CUMMINO, BecreuiT. J one 22 148-1 lit Important to Owners of Dogs. ' Office of Treasurer an! Collector, U1TY Of WILMIHOTOli, N. O., ) Jnno tl, 1875.1 jji MANT PKB80M8 do not appear to umleretaod all the requirement ander the Dog Ordinance. ' Motics is nxt.BT oiti that the penillr Of TKN (10) 1XIIXAKS, for not procuring the required dog blgf. will be enforced on and after ThurnUf, the Mil Init. The 'rdlnnno. provide, m follow! "That the owner of any Dog within th eity limit who (ball fill to pay the tax Impuead by Ue bog Ordinance, chall beiubjestto prow cation for violation of Mid Ordinaaoo, and re quired to PA? A flKC notto soeod Ua(lfl) dollira, at lb discretion ef the Mayor." Oy order of the Mayor, T. O. SERVOS!, , City Cletk and Treamrer. Jant n HMw MEW ADVERTISES E5T3. Shirts Hade to Order J HAVE SKUI1TKD th Agency tar WAR DC1 GHIRTG and am prepared to stake In Whit Skirt at It St. Beat York MID at SI. A rit CtaruiHd er Urn !. A large tot of Qno Maria UndenblrU al OOeenuaaoa. ) T'r, paralleled InUaoaminU la Kdy Mad Oothmg, A. DAVID. 141 laittM Cooper's Tools. Qf WARRANTED QUALITY. Th largo! aud beet Meorta.nl o all brand of the above good and at the lowert price la this city, ceo be fuind at U eld eetabUthed Hardware How. of Jen II JOHN DAWSON Mora's Malacca, Ms-Cla and - (M Th traltiof Malacca, Imlo-Ohlna, and i.hlnai or, Yen Veer' Travel, Adventure aud wen Abroad ny J. lhaip9ii, r. H. O. H., aatbor of "llloetretlnntor Uhlna and It People." With over SO lllnatratton from tb. eataor owa photograph aud ketolws Ulntn, roreaiea UEIMSBSBOXK'S. Piaiics, Orcaiis and Ctaos.-: gold for Oah, or by th aay mon'hly plan. HEINOBERCER'S Uv Book and Marie Store, Jsnona ltt-tf Smith's Feed Cutter. rpHK BKSTand moat dnrabl Feed Outter la the market . For Ml low by GtLKI A MCHGHISON. 1 JnntM Administrator's Sale TOHS U. KOCH, a AdmlnUtrater of Henry Breer. deoeaaed. acatnat Henry Bremer ea4 other Action lor the al of land, for mtm ta uav 4abta. la nnrau.no. ol aa order of the Ban rior Court, made In the above titled eanae, I will , on Tbnraday, the 31 day of J aly, at 11 o'elook at.. Bt tho Bionaago Oarner. in ueuuvor Wllmtnaton. exnoae to aal to the klateet bid der, at public eaetkm.the lot of land and prem ium on tk MortBeaac uitenecuoa of rrou ana Dock Street, froaUns It feet ea front etreet, nil ltd feet oa Dock street. Ttrma One quarter eaeh.balaneeoB a credit art, ( and il month. Mra4 by jatomunry note or parona, ana uu teeervea mi par ehae Buney I paid. Admluletrator H. Bremer. Jeae 10 tel-tawew Cheap is the Word. LINEN VESTS, $1. LINEN COATS, $1. ALPACA COATS, $2. STRIPE COATS, St CASIMERE PANTS, $2. PEICE WAY D0W1T. For Clothing Call on MUKSON & CO., CITI CLOTH1EBS. Jna to l-tf TRADE MARK. BTERSURE SAUCE. LEA ft PERRINS' OKLE B HATIDf " LXBRATl n RiiKnnNnltil era KXTRAOT w ev . I uTTirur.. m MKDIUAL UttN. I 1 MAN at Madraa, oomroiBBKUBS VO BB TH to hi. brother at I I WOktCKITKO, A Mav, 1861. f "Tafl LKA 4 II "Only Good PERKINS that their unoe I high ly etteemeed in In dia, and la, In my opinion, tb moat palatable a well a Bancs," Aud applicable toj BTEBT VABIE TT Of DISH. toe me wnoie ml Marc that la Worcestershire Sauce. Sold WbeUmle and for Eiportatioa by too Proprietor, LEA A PERRINS, Woroeetst , England; and Retail by Dealer In Baooee gea. rally throegbont the workt ' Alt for let ft Perrlnj' Sauce. At the BREAKFAST TABLE It. Im part the moat axqalelte relleh and aeet to Hot or Oold Mast, Fowl, Finn, Broiled Kidney, Ac At tho DINNER TABLE, hi soap, with Fiih, Hot Joint, Oame, and In all .Oravlei, It give a dellghtfnl flavor. At tb LUNCHEON AND SUPPER TABLES It le deemed lndlapeneabm by thoao familiar with It ctUmabl qnallUea. from Kett Ttrli Kmti. There la no rellih la the world which to to nnlwmlly liked a Lea A Perrln famon Woroeetenhlra Banco. . JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS NEW VOKH Itf-lyd&w Janets 22i Special Brands Plug Tobacco. "COMPETITION," "WAVERLET." ..,. "BOB ROY," "4 "LONE STAR," Bo well and favorably known. D. PICOTT. Jobs M in NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Children's Colored Shoeg. . Jut received direct from the Manafaeeery a In ertm.kt of UblMrM'e Baft. Hronn and Black Sbueeoi all eluw, with and without kMla. AMao O.ute Hand-Bowed Bot-Toe and Machtae-Howed Low Uuarter Shoe. - LAdle Oalter and ailpper la great varltty OL A. PRICE'S, ' ka.H Market Btreea. QICENS80IQ FEMALE COLLEGE. QBBBNSBUKO, N. O. fpHK FALL SESSION WILL BKOIN ON tho lth of Aagwrt. lerme reluoed. Ohargee per toa of to week board (e alaalr of waahlng and lighter1 SIS 90. Tuition la regular kugluh courae, ISM, charge, fur exWa atatlle, mederat. rot catalog ae. cou talnlng partlcalare, apply to T. a. JONES, Prixlrt.nt. N. H n. Wiuow, Freedt Board ef Trnntoea, Jult 144-lm Dog Collars DOQ COLLARS, ' - DOOCOLLAlti, DOO COLLARS, IKHI OOlXABB at the Paddle, liara aad Trank Store of OARPI NTKR A MALLARD. No. I "mitt Front Street, Wilmington. N. U jane ip lee-er WILMINGTON, N. C. I In town. LtBve order al Uenoley t Tatra, ja w . r Hl-lt Tic Wiliniitoii and Coast TarnpikB MEETING OF THB BUBMOUIHEBS lolbapltal Mock of"Tb Wilmington and Ooart Turnpike Oompaay ' will be held at th Pnroell Hona, en Baturday, the leth Imk, at I o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of duly organ ding mid corporation, by the election of a Board of Ulreotora, and th adoption of proper by-law for It management WM. A. WBlOHT, 1 T. J.HOUTHEBLANI), J. a DAVIS, , u- MTER8, j . , WM. A. UCMMIBO, , NORWOOD GIL18, j 1 , Com at'pointrtl by CoreoraUca. witiBToa,juaath,imL i JllieM-m w 144 Rooms for Rent i JJVIIBABLB CNrURNIIHED ROOMS lor rent oa Market street, over Brows A Bod. dick1. Apply on th premleo. Jn.el 115-tf Ileal Estate at Auction J. STERBER & CO., AlctiODCcrs. BY VIRTUE OF AND FUB80ANT TO the provUtkiu of a certain Indenture of ninrtgage, made bf William Willi and hi wife. M.ailna Willi. barrnc date th ISth da of September, law. aid duly regiitered in tho proper otttoe, I will anil en Baturday, th Mih day of Jon. A, 11. WIS, at lle'elook, Boon, at tn.aooroi u uearv tteun or ui otunty or New Hanov.r, by puhllo anotion, tor eaah, the following deecrlbed lot or parcel of land, itu ated la the city of Wilmington, county of Mew Heaover and State of North Carolina, that I o ay, beginning at a point on the North aide of Ann atreet, dl.tant ninety-nine feet Wert from the Nonhweat corner of Kigbth and Abu etneta, thence running along the line of Abb treat Weotwerdly thirty-three feet to a lot of grenna, ownea bow or late oy TDoma uwene. the no. along aald Owene Northwardly, and parallel with Eighth (tract, on hundred and thirty-two feet to ground of lianlel 1). Prica, thence BartwarCIv with ground of th ald Daniel D. Prloe thirty-three lect, thence In a Mralabt line Southwardly and parallel with Eighth etreet, one hundred and thirty-two feet w iu piaoo oi Beginning. JAMES WILSON, Mortgage. Jun 1-10t 144 Cuba Ilolaeses. OC HUOS NEW CROP : CUBA MOLA88E8. For ale by iKJCUOHNEB A CALDEB BROH. Spirit Casks, Glue, &c. 400 "PIBa oabk' loo bbla Olne, ' ' M " Bang., M Paper Blvot, . For eale by KJCAOUNEIt A CALOKU BROS. Hay-Rice-Nails-Soap 1AA BALES HAT, flBbleRlce, tuo Keg Ball, ,,. lot Box Soap, For aale by KBRGUNIK A OAIJJER BROS. Corn Sacks To bacco Coffee. Innn DEW AND AEOOND HAND tVUU ORAIN BAOKS, ' foo Boxee Tobacco, ltn Bage Cottee. ForaaUby KER0UMER A CALDEB BROS June!) 141 LADIES. OW IB TOUR TIM E TO SAVE MONEY In the porcha of DRY GOODS. Tbtf stock If to be Mid la a limited time, not one oent above aotual coat will be charged lor any artJole, either large or small, tingle, or In quantity. . Ia thli eale jou have a deolded advantage, tbe Stock la NEW, and every piece of Good I deelrable. There art many amall lot. of broken Package, Remnant, Gloves, Collar Ae., Ac, that wilt be at much leas than cost to oloee Utm out, Very rpctful1y, ' ' -"""' " GEORGE IEIBER, No. 29 Markot Street. Jon IS 141 AUO tVlii S.RIPAI (UmI KXW ADVESTISI2ZXT3. BROWN & RODDICK, Have tlotflrruinod to oloar out all tlioir h um 3i eu n rr. O O K GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Halo to oommenoe on . MONDAY, JUNE 7TH, 1875. Homo groat Bargains will bo oflTorcHi. We do nol eonsidor it necessary to go Into details, as tho public generally One Price. Call early BR0WN & RODDICK, BARGAINS IN SUMMER DRESS GOODS AT No. 30 MAlRKIST STREET, A8 U8UAL AT THIS BEaflON, I'LL SELL BALANCE QP lie mil mi, ,At Tory, Tory lowprioos. Will lo onon this week another lot, of those dosiraulo PACIFIC PERCALS and CAMBRICS AT UNUSUALLY LOW TWCES. ALSO MARSEILLES, PIQUE, VICTOBJA LAWNS, White Goods. Ladies' and Gents' Gause Vests. OAUSE F(ANNELS,MA118EILLES nOUSE-KEEMNQ M. M. KATZ'S, Jub90 MISCELLANEOUS. FOR'SAILE The HOUS! recently built for anuttMull OocauledbTtkeKer.J. O. HMen. otijliui. Hevenlh, between Cboctnot aud Mulberry Bt. iiimi reaaonaDi. H. HAAB, Grocer, Crnor Hli and Ubeetnut 8 tract, mayfl lue-tf Reduction in Prices- 'family surrnsa Fresh this week, Imported and Domestic, At OEO. MYERS, Preserved Ginger AND SHAKER PRESERVES at red iol price, at GEO. MYERS. Cooked Corned Beef JIT REDUCED F KICKS. 1 . A OENXJIiNrB. At OEO. MYEKS. Best Butter T N THE WOBuD at 40 cent per pound. At OEO. MYKE8. " Hew Process EMPIRE FLOUH. Notwithstanding tbe ad vance In Flour at reduced prior. At OKU. MYERS. Bottled Lager Bier. BEST In the Btate at reduced price., at UKJ. MVKRS. 100 0 ARES IMPORTED CLANTO at rrduced price, and on kunared tnouaana gegara, At GEO. MYERS. 11 A 11 Soulli Front Street. June 13 HI Gr-REEIST 5c rLANNER, Wholesale mad Ketall Dealers DRPOS, ' 7 i"",1"'"":) MEDI0INK3, PAINTS. OILS, ' uUKMfOALS, TOILET ARTIOLKS, DYES, HAIU HUU8UK3. KEROSENE, . ALCOHOL, SEED, AO. ' x Market Street, Wilmington, K. a Junell M-tf WKDDirG(JAltnMandTI8iTINa CAtlBM a epeolaity at tb iOUUMAh UVFiOa. WHOLE NO: 6,912. know wo do notbing by halros. Strictly Cash aud sooure a 45 Market Street- AND HONEY COMB SPREADS, OOOD3, &a, Ao. 36 Market St. MISCELLANZ0U3 Bacon, Pork. Flour. Sugar, Corn, etc 75 Boxes Smoked Sides and Shoul ders, 50 Boxes D. S. Bides, 50 Bbls Pork, 100 Bbls. Refined Sugar, 800 Bbls. Flour-all grades. 1 8,000 Bushels Prime White Corn. 100 Bags Prime Rio Coffee, , 100 Bbls. 8. H. Syrup, 100 Ilhda. and bbls. New Orop Cu ba Molasses, 300 Bales Prime N. B. Hay, 350 Bales Prime Eastern Hay, 400 Bundles Hoop Iron, 200 Seoond Hand Spirit Casks, 100 Bbls. Glue, 250 Kegs Nails, 100 Boxes and half boxes Candles, 60 Boxes Lye, 25 Boxes Soda, 25 Boxes Potash, 50 Boxes Candy, 50 Boxes Soap, 50 Boxes Tobacco, .150 Gross Matches. For sale low by WILLIAMS k MURCHISON. Guano t Guano I Guano t 1K0 Ton Ouanapa Guano, 100 '. Eureka , For aale low by WILLIAM 4 A MUUeBISON, - 1 June 10 The Finest Old Bran dies and Wines VERY OLD RYE WHISEIES-beet goods In the trade. Hold by CHAS 0. MYERS & CO., a North Front in. 147-tf June 20 file Of Boaritf Comity ComiMoiicrs, NEW HANOVER COUNTY. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL Bit BE celved until Wdueday, th XHrd in.t, for lurnuuing atraioal Attcnuon to tiieout-ooor pool or w rtsnoter eounMr. lor one year, from tb 23d dv of June. WS.tethe 33d day of Jnne, 1H16. Propoal to pply to th out door poor wltbln the city or wumininon. 1 j AMR WILSON, . ' Oh'm Board ofOeuaty CommmHoner. Jun l-lw i 144 VEDDIKQ CWD3 bamutl (aaaJenabl (ttle at ti and Dilute i the jyuKNAL trica