I o ,r4 ! VOL XXIV. 110. 149. wnimioToir. n. c weduesday. juiie 23. 1875. V7H0LE 110- 0.012. 1 r1tfimiif Cf pulii mtroal. WILMINGTON, N. C.s WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH, GOTHAM. RELEASE OP "B03J" TWEED. TROUBLE IN TAMMANY HALL. New Tore, June 22 Noon Win, M. Tweed's friends say he is to b re- lensed Irom , tue penitentiary ' this morning. It is expected that he will bo token to the District Attorney's office, thence to the Court of oyer and terminer, where the bail in the crim inal action, under whioh the bench warrant was recently issued, will be gxed. ' If he gives the required bail he will probably be arrowed by the Bheriffoni an order of arreat grauted in a civil suit for $6,000,000. Mr. Tweed's counsel may move in the Supreme Court Chambers to-day for a release of their client, or for a reduc tion of $3,000,000 bail, named in the order of arrest. Yesterday and last night meetings were held in Hibernian Hall and the Cooper Union by, the laborers on cor poration work to protest against the recent redaction of wages. Speeches were made and resolutions were adopted and letters read from Fernan do Wood, saying that, as a tax-payer, he did not approve of the reduction of wages. New Yokk, June 22 Night John Morrisey, who had been directed to appear before the Tammany Hall Committee on discipUn . to answer the charge of treason and conspiracy agaiust the peace and welfare of the party, attended last night aud answer ed a series of questions concerning his political oonree during the winter. The Committee refused to accede to Mr. Morrisey 's request for the admis sion of -members of the press. The investigation was conducted in secret but the proceedings are published in full this morning. Mr. Morrisey de- - fonded himself against the impeach ment and claimed his oause in oppos ing the Coetigan JOill and Civil Justice bill was more in the interest of the Tammany Hall than the opposite oon duot of its managers. In oonolnsion he told the Committee they might as well make up a report for his expul sion as he was not going to resign un til ha was ready. Morrissey then re tired and Augustus Sohell and all the members of the Eleventh Assembly District General Committee, except three, were severally examined. Mr. Sohell and the rest stated a answer to questions asked that there was no dis satisfaction in the Distaict Committee. The Herald Bays the dissatisfaction which has of late been manifesting it self sgainst Tammany Hall, is gradu ally assuming shape. Last Light there assembled in one of the upper parlors of Dolmonioo's, a large number of in fluential Democrats, whose odject was to form an organization whioh it is hoped will supersede the Tammany. To this end it was last night decided to got a representative delegation from each of the city wards with a view to arranging preliminaries for the elec tion of a General Committee. The first object of organization will be to institute a systematic campaign against the Tammany. It is not intended that the General Committee shall bo pro visional but permanent. On Monday next another meeting will be held at whioh about Ave representatives from eaoh ward will be present and it is then expected that important work will be done. . .. Wm, M. Tweed this morning ap peared in the Oonrt House in custody of Deputy Sheriff McQonigle. All the oity newspapers have been represented on Blackwells Island for a week past, and the representatives had many promises made to them that Tweed would leave the penitentiary with their full knowledge. Notwithstanding this he was smuggled off the Island at 10 o'clock last night and brought to the city, where aooording to Deputy Sher iff, he was drove round in a carriage. It was generally expected he would be brought to Court to-day, and conse quently large numbers of people gath ered in the immediate vicinity of the Court House for the purpose of get ting sight of him. This morning he went to his offloe in Duane street and spent some time in consultation with his counsel, after which he proceeded ' to the District Attorneys office, accom panied by; his son, Wm. M. Tweed, Jr., and his private Secretary, Foster Sowey. In the Supreme Court Cham bers, one of his counsel, Mr. Willnrd Bartlett, presented to Judge Davis the following order, whioh was signed by him at a special term of the Suprome Court of the State of New York, hold at the Court House in the city of New York, on the 22nd day of June, 1875, present, Hon. Noah Davis, Justice of tue people of the State of New York, in relation of TVm, M. Tweed, plain tiff, in error against Jas. L. Lisoomb, Warden of the Penitentiary of the city of New York, defendant, in error ; the relator, Wm. M. Tweed, having pros ecuted his writ of error to the Court of Appeals from the order or judg ment of this Court, bearing date, the day of March, 1875, whioh order or jndment was duly en tered ' by the clerk of this Court " and Court of Appeals having measured said order or judg ment of this Court, and having direct ed the discharge of the relator, now on reading, and filing the remitteture from the said Court of Appeals, and on motion of Mr. Willard Bartlett, At torney tot the relator. It is ordered that the order and judgment of the Court of Appeals herein be, and the same whioh made the order and judg ment of this Court; and it is further ordered, that the said relator, Wm. M. Tweed, be and is hereby discharged from the custody of the Warden of the Penitentiary of the city of New York, Wm. Walsh, dork in the Court of Oyer and Terminer, before Judge Brady. Mr. Foster Jewey was at the first one of the Tweed party to enter, lie had hardly tukenhis seat, when Tweed entered, in charge of the Deputy Sheriff. He walked rapidly atross the room and took his seat beside his coun sel, - In a very short time the Court room was packed wfth people, and im mense numbers were olamoring for ad mittanoe. After the order had been rotated, Distnot Attorney Philips arose, laud addressing the Uonn, oraved that the defendant, Wm. M. Tweed, be arraigned to plead to an in diotment found against him in 1873. Mr. David Dudley Field, arose, and on behalf of Mr. Tweed, etuled that they were not ready to plead or make motion to quash; tbat Uiey fud only received notice of this iudietment a few days sirjoe, aifd therefore time ought to bo allowed them to examine matters. Mr. Peckhan, on behalf of 'he people, stated that it was evident that fthe defendant in tended to pursue the old tactics aud stand oil all proceedings as long as possible. Mr. Field disclaimed any such in tention, and stat d that in law time ought to be allowed him to examiue the indictment, and further, that if they were forced to enter the rlea, they would demand the right to with draw at any time, that it was a shame, and cruelly wrong to flud an indict ment in 1873, and then two years af terwards call them up without warn ing, to plead to it. The counsel furner stated that if they were forced to plead, by the decision of the Court, he would ask that the right be given them to move to quash the indictment. After the plea was entered a legal war of words followed, which lasted for nearly an hour. Messrs. rnelps & reekuam. on be half of the people, claiming that such a thing was unheard of in law except in special cases, unlike the present one, and there was no reason why this case should be made a' special one, or Bpeoial favor shown to the defendant. At this point Mr. Field arose and demanded to know what special favors had been shown, or would be? My client, said he, has for seven months been illegally confined in the peniten tiary, and when, after committing this outrage, an outrage for whioh every one concerned in it shall be held strictly aooountable, and after he is released by a higher power than them selves, it is wrong, it is unjust to ask us to plead to an indictment of whioh we know nothing. The counsel further said that it would not be considered a special favor to issue warrants in a civil suit of $0,000,000, and to fix the bail at the enormous figure of $3,000.- 000, and that snch bail was unheard of. Yes, said Mr. Peckham, and the stealing of $6,000,000 was an unheard of thing until the defendant commit-, ted the thefi The matter was here rested, and Judge Brady said he thought the defonoe should have time to examine the indiotments, but he would not give his decision ntil late in the day. The argument was on an indictment found in November, 1873, charging Tweed with fraudulently ob taining tue signature or mayor nan to a warrant paid Andrew J. Garvey. On this indictment the Court fixed the bail at $3,000. On the indictment found by the Grand Jury, in May last, tho bail was fixed at $1,000. Tweed, accompanied by his oounsel then re paired to the District Attorney's office, where nail was furnished, Alfred 1 Sands becoming his bondsman on the former indictments. On indictment found on February 20th, 1873, charging him with having obtained from the city by fraudulent warrant 44,888 t7, bail was furnished by Mr. Sands in $1,000. Bail furnish ed on old indictments amounting to $11,000, whioh was declared invalid on account of Tweed's sentence, was renewed, Mr. Chas. Devlin becoming the surety. When the bail bonds had been exeou ted, the whole party return ed to the Court ef Oyer and Terminer, and the bonds were approved by Judge Brady. Tweed was then taken in custody again by Deputy Sheriff MoGonigle on on the order of rrrest in the civil suit and conveyed to Ludlow street jail, where he will remain until the three million bail is furnished. MARYLAND. IMPORTANT ARKEST. CATHOLIC CEREMONIES. Baltimobh, June 22 Noon Capt. Thoa. J. Shreves has been committed for barratry of a schooner loaded with corn from Fredricksburg, Va. for New York, taken to Baltimore and sold for $2,300. Tho schooner was taken to Accamao and abandoned. Shreves has been a f ngetive for some time. EMMirrflBTroo, Juno 22 Noon Car dinal MoClosky, accompanied by Bishop Laughlin, of Brooklyn, Mo Neirny, of Albany, Mgr Ronsette and Dr. Maliddi, was received at Mechan ics town last evening by Dr McMurdie, Vioe-President, and Guedrick, Supe rior of the Sisters of Charity of the United States, and escorted to Mt. St. Mary's College. They were received there by the students in line. The College band played "Hail to the Chief," and the distinguished prelates were escorted to quarters. The Col leges were brilliantly illuminated. Eiiuittsbcro, June 22 Night-To-day Mt. St. Mary's College is rilled with the alumni and more are expect ed by the train this evening, while a special train is to be run to the Col lege early to-morrow morning from Baltimore. Cardinal MoCloskey 'cele brated moss in the chapel on the mountain this morning and soon after wards the Ablegate Roneette officiated . This afternoon the College commence ment exercises will begin. ELECT1UC1SMS; -The Maine Democratic State Con vention assembled yesterday at Au gusta, six hundred and thirty-nine dolegates were preceut. Sam'L J, Anderson is the permanent President. EUltOPE. THE POPE. MOODY AND SANKEY AGAIN. Ron, Jnne 22 Noon. The Pope received several deputations yesterday, who came to tender their congratula tions on the anniversary of his coro nation. The Holy Father replied that he was greatly oonsoled in his affliction by tne marvejously unoeaaing devotion aud affection manifested towards the Church throughout theCatholio world. He dismissed, as not worthy of men tion, rumors of a reconciliation be tween the Holy See and the Italian Kingdom. Muuioipal elections wers held yes terday. Garibaldi heads the success ful list. All parties suoDorted him. London, June 22 Noon. There is great excitement at Eton over Moody and Sankey affair. A protest agaiust tne proposed visit naa been signed by 650 boys, and a memorial in favor of it received 800 signatures. The London journals have generally disapproved the proposed visit of the revival preachers to Eton. The Times deprecates the unneces sary agitation, and hope that the Gov ernors, iu considering that only one of their service is contemplated, will not make the institution ridiculous by any interference. If this oounsel is follow ed it is likely that the boys will hear nothing oujtxstionable. At the last moment, Messrs, Moody aud Suu key have boon notified that they will not be permitted to hold their servioea at Eton. Accordingly, they have given up their appointment there, and will go to Windsor and preach in the Town Hall there at 2:30, P. M. Berlin, June 22 Niirht Serious riots, caused by the ultra-mou tones, occurred yesterday in the town of Rhein, East Prussia. The burgomas ter was .stubbed and dangerously wounded. Paris, June 22 Night The As sembly decided at to-day's sitting to pass the publio powers' bill to a sec ond reading. The liepubuque Franoaose (news paper) announces that it will contrib ute one thousand francs to a fond for the purpose of sending delegates to tne flulsdelpni (Jenteunial Expo sition. . - London, Jnne 22 Nieht Emarv Dison's mill at Dawson, Lancaster, has been burned. One.hnndred hands are out of employment. Loss $100,000. AEADCiUAltTEIlS. THE POLITIC EXILES. Washington, June 22. Noon Aot ing Secretary of the Treasury, Oonant, has referred to the Secretary of the State for bis opinion, the telegram from the Collector of Charleston, 8. 0., asking if the exile Uraguyans on board of the brig shall be allowed to land. The Treasury Department will await the opinion of the Secretary of the State before answering the tele gram. Washington, June 22 Night The Chairman of the Land Offloe is taking measures to dispose of the gnat num ber of land patents in his offloe, whioh have been accumulating sinoe the days of President Munroe, and now number more than 300,000. They will be properly classified and sent to the different Land Oflioes throughout the country for delivery to those for whom they are intended. ; A dispatch received by Surgeon General Beale, of the Navy, from Key West, this morning, reports a case of yellow fever in that place. It was at first noticed gesterday morning. The exiles from Uraguay wil be al lowed to land at Charles ton- ' New South Wales has voted 5,000 lor its representatives at the Center nial. NEW YORK. New York, June 22. Night Gov. Tilden has not signed the polioe jus tices bill, and it fails to beoome a law. This is-bue of the bills whioh has cre ated dissension in Tammany Hall. The adherents of John Kelley are urg ing the bill, and a strong influence is oppo ing it finally with suooess, as ap pears above. THE FIRE FIEND. San Feanciboo, June 22 Noon The hoisting apparatus of the Mur ohee mine, Nevada City, caught fire yesterday afternoon. Six men were in the shaft, which is 100 feet deep, one of whom made his escape; two were taken out dead after subduing the flames and the third will probably die. The remaining two were rescued. Un insured. Cincinnati, June 22 Noon The steamboat R. W. Keliinge, lying at the wharf here, last night was struck by lightning and burned to the water'! edge. Insured for $15,000: $10,000 in a Western company. W. E. Tabb & Co. 'a woolen and flouring mills at Dover, Mason county, Ky., was destroyed by fire this morn ing. Loss $50,000. Insurance, un known. The fire in Georgetown, Ky., on Sunday, destroyed a livery stable and four dwellings. A number of horses iu the stable were burned to death. The loss is estimated at $10,000. KANSAS. TERRIFIC STORM. Kansas Cm, June 22 Noon A most terrifio storm has been going on here for the last forty-four hours. Torrent of rain have fallen accompa nied with high winds and hail Several houses were struok by lightning and a number unroofed. The storm covered nn .fa. nf f.hirr.v miiAH. fnnntlv Hnnt.1i. ward. Five railroad bridges were washed away ana six cars ai The vomito is epidemio at Ooaln ooaleos. SEW ADVE&TISX2ESTS. BOOK AGENTS People's iraw wum Medical Adviser," by It. V. Pleroe, M. 1 l'k Bios ready wiling beak Ml. Kaolu Its territory uJ liberal term. Aildrcae the Author at BaftalOi M.I. w Albemarl Parnate Institute, A i,narlutillle. V. mh Annual lam I eni i,t September, with full remit? end latent u equipment. neaitB.eeotssiDm ty, good fere and thorough Instructions el thle xtlpg. For Oataiit, eoureee . u. RAW Li US', M. A.rtiioipai. iw eT IT tliAHTII.NU." Hew either eei way fascinate and gala the lore and oaeeltoaaof any perwa way caouoaiustaauy iaisitpi, Willi acNvirv!ii ii hi, ii.., py mell, for Ko, together with a marriage guide, Kgrptten Oracle, Dream, Hint to La1lee, weuaiag-ftigni smrt, o. queer voua.- Addree T. WILLIAM a Uo ruDlUUere, rhUadelphia. w. Agent Wanted. The CENTENNIAL C AZ ITT E R of tue I) N l a K U S TATfc) tmuw the giaed reaiMU of 100 feavre of freedom and rregreM. new ana complete. over l.vou page, iiiameumi. ferveeiit our It an omhU wuiktfnm S lOU to f lOOnexm. Art.lreJ.O. McOUBUV A Oo, iut)l1or, i'hiledeipnia, r- w AGENTS VVAN-I CD. Mn or Ma. SM mt lvii for- uhed. lluliHphuuudlMM lil. with do ruli A Iff jrrirvuUr g -. na iiuvn nwn4r Im. Do mt f lly but write t eeo on paaul V. M.KKKD.HTW rrinw'nti. $50 TO $10,000 He bees Invent! In Block T rWllege and paid 900 Tee:t profit. How to Oo It," a book oa Wall 8U, etnl free TimHHIIM)R eV CO.. Baa here Mai Bmkin, Wall St., New Yerk. ""iMPOliTANTTO " lawyers and MERCHANTS, UVI1' UBIilSHICD. TEOWS" LEGAL D1KECT0HY and LAWYERS' RECORD fthe UNITED 8XATE8. By H. JllAmi,EM I'l. HI AN, UonnoUor-et-lw, Praadrat of the United State Uw Annotation . o Tfati work will be tent to an pert of the United State, by mall, oo rebelpt of It, Mend for olronler. JOHH r. TBOW, ruiLitna, 13 UulerliT Flaoe. BAECB, MOO&HISS A OO., Neman St. ow nw I or uuj. Three Points for Consideration. Darlnc the Daet Are vean the TKOITINB ha been etaadlly working luelf Into puhllo fa vor, ana tnoee woo were at urat mom increuu- lou ta rtgara to it merit are bow iu aum ardent friend and upuortra. mere are uiree ewenuai oaeee rar inoee having lueh a horror of patent medlotne, changing their opinio and lending their In fluane toward toe adTaneement of YQK T1NK. lt It la an honttT-prenared modi otn from bark( foot and kerb. IdIt be- eetir aooempliake all tnai m euimea rer , wltuoat leer In any bad efleota la the nitem. Id It preeeni koaeet vonohera la testimonial Irom honest, well-known oltleena, whoa eigne, tare are eiufflolent rnarentee of their earn- eatnem In the matter. Taking Into oonaktera tion the veat quantity of medicine brenght euniplououdy before the pnbllo through the flaming adfertlaement la the newnpaper ooli Bmm.wUh no orooe of merit or cenoln rouoh- er of what It fia dona, w wunid be pardoned for manifesting a tmall degree of pride In pre eenung the following Irom Her J. S. UIOK KKSoM,i. U.,Um popaler end rer-genial paetor of the South Baptuh Ubnroh, Boud; Th Tire Haelr saee far ! - Borroa.MarohtUi.llT4. H. K. BTiTant, Kq.i Doer air it i a moon rrom a ten or datf i Ol sTalltud that 1 write to tar that tour VCOBl'IMK-ertntf 1 a patent medicine ka bien of great help to me when nothing elae leemed u arall whioh 1 oonld felT aw. Klther exoeany mental wore or nuiuaal ear bring upon me a nerron exhautlon that dee. rateiy neeti aieep, out a ueeperateiy aenu Might arter night the poor, tired body ue for Meep until the day-dawn la welcomed back, and we begin our work tired out with an almoet frultleai eh after rett. How 1 have fount that a little VBUariMK taken Jurtbetore I retire give me tweet ana immediate tieep, and without any evil etleouof the naual nar cotic. I think two thing would tend to make bralnororker aleen. let A little km work. Id-A IllUe more TKUKXIJiK. lb pre aorlptlon ha helped me. now i have a Daruouiar norror or "natent medielne," but 1 bare a greater horror of being arram to ten tuenraignt out truin. in vau KTiMK be helped me, and 1 own it a p. Your, etc. J. I. DICKIHSOK. Valuable Evidence. The following aneollctted testimonial from Key. U. T. WALRKH. U. D., formerly pastor of Bowiloln Square Ouurth, and at present set tled In Hrovldenoe, K. I., must be esteemed a rsiiaDie eriaeno. Moonesliouidl'allto observe that this test I monial b th result of two yean' experience witn tne ase or vr.us.uft in in nay. Mr Walker' family, who now prouounooi it in. vaioaoi: faovinaiioa, VL I., 64 Transit Street. H. B. BvavaMe, Ksq., 1 feel bound to express with my signature the high value t place upon your VaQaTlMK. My family have need It lor the last two years. In Bevou debility It I Invaluable, and I recommend It to all who may neod an Invigo rating, renovating tonlo. O. T. WALKEB, Formerly Pastor of Bowdoln Square church, Boston. Tfce Beat Bvldesie. The follewlng letter rrom Key. K S. BEST, Paetor M. K. uhurou, Matlck, Mass., will be read with interest by many physicians. Also those suffering rrem the same disease erafltlot d the eon ol th ttev. S. S. Beet ho peison oan doubt tbl testimony, and there la no oonht about the oarative power of VKUK TIME: W atioi, M st . , Jgn. 1, 1(BS. Ma. R. H. Sravaas: Dear Sir We have good reaaoo for regard ing your VKOKTIMB a medicine of the great est value. We feel assured that It ha been The means or saving our sen's lUe. Be It bow seventeen year ol age, for th last two year he ha auttered from neorosi of hit leg, caused by scrofulous atreotlon, and was ao for reduced that nearly all who aaw aim thought hit recov ery Impossible. A council of able pbjtlolan could g ye as hot the lalnteet hope of bis ever rallying, twoof the number declaring that be wa beyond the reach of human .remedies, that oven amputation eould not save him, as he had not vigor enough to endure tb operation, Just then w oummeneod giving him VKOK 11 NK, and from that time to tb present be has been continuously Improving. Be ha lately resumed hie studies, thrown away erntcbe and caae, and walks about oherlully and strong TboiiKh there It tilll soma discharge from the opening where the limb was lanoed, w have the lull est confidence that iu a little lias he will be perleetly cured. He ha taken about three dosen bottle of VBUKriNB, but lately ae bnt little, a he declares that he M too well to be taking med. Cine. Bospeotfully yoars, B. B. Bbbt, Hat.UU.r.BMT. Reliable Evidence, 1st Baltle street, Bbookltm, N. T Nov., 14, 1114. H. R. (tTisvaii. Bj.: Dear Hlr Vrom personal beneBt received by its naa, as well as from personal knowledge of those whose care thereby bay seemed al most miraculous, I en most heartily' and Sin cerely recommend th VKURT1MB tor the oomulalnU for which it I claimed to cure. JAM K8 P. LUDLOW, Lata Prate Calvary Bap. Church, Bscramtn to, Uallforula. Y)gtln far Bale bf all Drarfieta. HIW ADVERTISEMENTS. Children's Colored Shoes, J net received direct from th Manafaotury a Bne eaeurtoMht et t'hll.ir' burl. Bronte and Blank Hhoeeol all stiee, wltk and without heela. Aim Oente Hand-Sowed Boa-Toe and Machine-Sewed Low gaarur Hboee. Ladles Ualter aad Blippor la great variety c pmce- he. tl Market Street QREENSBORQ FEMALE COLLEGE. GHKBNBBOKO, M. O. t fHR FAI L BKION Wll.l. BKOIN ON -- the Ulh of Augwt. 1 erase reduced. Charges ir aossloa or l weeks, boanl (ex elusive of washing and lights)1 Tt Oo. Tultloi. In regular Kngllah eoitrae, i on. tikargesrur extra etaalies, moderate. Fur Catalogues ooa -talulng partlouuus, apvly to T.M.JONRH, PrueMoM. M. H. IV Wiuoi, Freed Board ef Trnstoes, June IT Hl-lnie Dog Collars DOQ COLLARS, DOa COLLAIW. DOU COLLARS, r0i (KH.t.ARI at th fatldle. Harness aad Trunk store or CARPENTER MALLARD, No. I South Front Street, Wilmington, N. O Jnne is I4n-tf mm S0TUNKS,RfPAIRt WILMINGTON, H. C. Is In tows. Leave orders at Uonolty A Taler. June bv . hi -ate Tbc Wilmiiistoii anil Coast TurnDilcc MKETINU OF THB BOBSUHIHBBM to the capital stock of'Th Wilmington and (Joast Tarnplk Company ' will be held at th Paroell House, on Saturday, the ttb Inst., at I o'olook, P. M., for tint purpoa of duly Organ ising aald eorporatlon, by th (Uct'on of a Board of Dtreetortand Ut adoption ef proper by-law for It management WM. A.. WRIGHT, T.J.BOUTHRHliAMD, T. B. DAVIS. 0. D. MTBKB, WM. A. CUMMINQ, NORWOOD fJII.B8, Com appolnwd by CorporaUun. WiLMiaeToa, June 16th, U7 tfune re-UK 144 Booms for Bent flKBIRABLl PNsTJRNI8IIF.il ROOMS for rmt on Market street, over Brown A Uod. dlck't. Apply oa tht premleet. jnne isj-w l.cal Estate at Auction. J. STERNBERGER & CO,, Anctionccrs. BY VIKTUIC OP AND PDRHCANT TO the provision of e eertaln Indenture of mortgage, mane by William Willis and hi wife. Nveiina Willi, bearim date the Idlh day V. nviwiiivH i imrj 'n uiiij ,wipmji.u ih .i iu S roper effloe, I will sell on Saturday, the Wth ay of Jane, A. 1). U7B, at II o'olook, noon, at W U .. ,uU .. .1 I - ..l-l .1 . 1. uieoooroi tne ueure noute or tne ooumy ot New Hanover, by public auotlon, for oaab, the Allowing described lot or paroolof lend, situ ated In th elty of WilmlngtOB, county of New Hanover and Btate of North Carolina, that Is to say, beginning at a point on th North lil of Ann street, distant ninety-nine feet West rrom tne worm west corner or Kignrn ami Ann treat, thence running along the line of Ann street Westwardly Utirty-Uaree feet to a lot of 6rouna, ownea now or late ny i nomas uwens. nence along aald Owens' Northwardly, ami Sarauei witn Eigntn street, one nunaren ana ilrty-two feet to ground of IHinlel I. Price. Uienie BsMwari'lv with ground ot the said I'anlel I). Price tliirty-tliree teet, thence in a straliibt line Southwardly and parallel with ignia street, ons nanuroa ana tuiriy-iwo teet to tne piaoe or oeginmng. JAMES W1L80H, MortAge. Jnnale-m 14 Cuba Holasses. BHDS NEW CROP r CUBA MOLASSES. 85 Por tale by tfcUCHUHNKB CAUIBB BROS. Spirit Casks. Glue, &c. BPIBU' UASK8, t(M bbl Olne, . . i " M " Bungs, . K) Paper stivets, v Por tale by . x KRRUHNEK A OAL.DKK BROS. Hay-Bice-Nails-Soap 100 BALK8 HAT 40 bois nrce, ' m Kega Nail, 1(10 Boxee Soap, Por sale by ' . . ... RBUtiaNEK A OALOER BROS. Corn Sacks To bacco Coffee. Innn mrw and rroond band tUUU URAIN SACKS, ' KM Box Tobaceo, ISO Bags Coffee. . for tale by KBROHNKB A CALDKR BHOtt- June M 14T -jkOW IS TOUR TIME TO SAVE MONET In tb purchase of DRY GOODS. This stock 1 to be tekl In a limited time, not on cent abov actual oott will b charged for any article, either larg or small, single, or In quantity. In this tale yoa have a decMcd advantase, the Stock It KEW, and every piece of Ooodi I desirable. There are many small lot of broken Package, KcmnanU,fllove, Oolrarto.,&o., tbat will bo at muoh lost than oott to clos them Out " ' ' ' Vary reepeotfulry, GEORGE LEIBER, . Ko. 29 Markot Street JuaolS 11 1 V I KIW AL VESTISIUIa TS. LET TIISI!3 BROWN & 15MAIHT Have tloterminthl to oloar out all their NUMM 13 It NTOCK .- at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ; ; . Biile to oomraeuoa on MONDAY, JUNE 7TH, 1875. Boms great Bargaiua will lie oiTore,J. We do not consider it nooessary lo go into dotails, as tho publio gonorally One Price. Call early BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. BARGAINS IN SUMMER DRESS GOODS sua. tuj. suts, Nds r36"MABKET STEEET. , AS USUAL AT THIS SEASON, At vary, very lpw'priaec. Will ftlso opoo this weok auother lot! t i.-. ; of those desirable PACIFIC PERCALS and CAMBRICG AT UNUSUALLY LOW ritlCES. ALSO UABSEILtES, PIQUE, VICTOBIA LAW, , White Goods, Ladies' and Gents' Gause Vests, ; GAUSE FLANNELS.tMABSEILLES HOUBE-KEEriNO M. M. KATZ'S, J nn 20 MISCELLANEOUS. FOR ALE OR. RENT ! jk TheJIOUSK rtnemly fiuilt for andTimL. oooanled by the Hev. J . O. Klden. onitliss Seventh, between Vlieslnut and Mulberry St. IfTBIIiaMUMUll. H. HAAK, Grocer, Corner Ttb and Uheetnut Streets, mat ST v.. HW-tf Reduction in Prices FAMILY SUITLIE3 Fresh this week, ' Imported aud Domestio, i At GEO. MYEItS, Preserved Ginger ; AND SHAKER PRESERVES atreduoed jirloet, at Cooked Corned Beef jSjX EKPUCKII PBIOK8. ! At QGO. MTEE8. Best Butter r M THB WOKuD at 40 cent per pound, i At ' GEO. MYIB8. Hew Process MPIBR VXOTJK. Hotwithrrtandlng th ad vance is rioui at reauoeu prioes. At . OKU. MYEB8. Bottled Lager Bier. BIST ta th State at reduced prices, at i UKJ. MTKE8. 100 CASES IMPORTED CLANTO atreduoed prices, and one hundred thousand Began, CEO. MYERS. . II & M South Front Street Jnne IS 1 ' 1 OBEBN 56 FLANNER, Whaleaatle auatl BelaJI Dettlera ia . DRDOS. HEDIOIKES, PAINTN. " "H. , U11KM1UAU). TUILKTSKTIULISS,, DTK.8, HAIR BrlUBHKS, KEROSENE, ALCOHOL, SEED, a Market Street, Wilmington, N. 0. JuneU , . . 144-tf Wroomo tjAwnNaneiriSTiii (iAttAral aiueolKl'y at Ui iiuuiuiAfa or nas. GSOGOMS RODDICK, know we do nothing by halves. Strictly Cash aud loonre a AT I'LL BELL BALANCE OP AND IIONET COMB SPREADS, GOODS, Ac, &o. ' 36 Market St. MISCELLANEOUS Bacon, Pork, Flour, Sugar, Corn, etc 75 Boxes Smoked Sides and Shoul ders, CO Boxes D. & Sides. COBblsPork, 100 Bbls. Roflned Smrar. ' 800 Bbls. nonr-allgrades. 8,000 Bushols I'rime White Corn. 100 Bags Prime Rio Coffee. 100 Bbls. S. U. Syrup, 100 llhd. and bbls. New Crop Cu ba Molasses, 3(30 Bales Prime N. R, Hay, 'M0 Bales Prime Eastern liar. 00 Bundles Uoop Iron,' 200 Scoond Hand Spirit Casks. 100 Bbls. Glue, 2(50 Kegs Nails, 100 Boxes and half boxes Candles, CO Boxes Lye, 25 Boxos Soda, 25 Boxes Polish, 00 Boxes Candy, 50 Boxes Soap, ;-1 - CO Boxes Tobaooo, - ? - -150 Gross Matohos. For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. ' Ouaawl Gnaaot Onanel IM Tom Guauape Guano, loo Eureka , for Ml low by WILLIAMS 6 MCBCUISON. June 10 147 The Finest Old Bran ; dies and Wines - CHAS D. MYERS & CO., ft T Ifwrtli front stt. Jnne 20 MT-tf ' UfficB ol County Comiifciciicrs, flaw lianarer CwMMtr. WamKOTow, N. C.,Jun aoth, ws. PPS-' be "'TOd nntll rrldav, . JJih '""v 0 Pttt ln SOM orrter the bridge known at Little Brldire, over Hniitht Creek, and the bridge acroat Green'e Mill Fornl. on the Mewbern road. All material to be turniahed by the (Jounty. . , UAMKS WILSON, Chairman Board Of County Commissioners. . Juneel) uajsjj rEDOino criv katot laaalouabl iyi at t i jutuAL rncs .. I i r

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