ST J ! J) VOL XXIV. NO. 150. ffnimiGTon. n. c. Thursday. june 24. 1075. T7H01C IIO- 0.013. (' hr Tiiln 'jiounml. WILMINGTON, ' N, Ols THTJE3DAY.JU5E 24. 1875 BY TELEGRAPH. COUJiTEUFKimiS. lYrreBrBO, June 23 Noon A thoroughly organised gang of oonnter leitors, under the lead of Dr. Milton fl. rank, a practicing physician of Allogbaoey City, has fcueu broken op and aeyeral of the ta ruber., inohiding Fra ik. were arrested and $20,000 in counterfeit taonsy was also captured. The attention of the government , waa oalled to the work of these men through letten containing oonaigo meuUftf the epnrioue money; which being unstamped, went to the dead Jetter oflloe. , . , .. . , , ...... GOTHAM. ... TWEED.. Nkw York, June 2.' N-ght Tweed is still in Ludlow Street jail awaiting the procaremeut of three million dol lars bail in the civil suit. His family a id counsel visited him there to-day. The City of ( Mexioo. Sherwood, which sailed henee for Havana, June 22 J, has returned damaged. When 20 miles south from Bandy Hook came in collision with an unknown bark, carrying away lis upper works, staving a hoie in her bow and damaging her stern. Will have to discbarge cargo for repairs. ,,. .:, , . . . , .-. i . t JCTIUCIJSMS. The rectifying establishment of Bevis, Fracer A Co., St., Louis, has been i?4 by orders from Wathlng ton for aoal-paytnent of $14,000 taxes. A Hartford dispatch states that President Cununings, of the Wesleyan University, haa tendered his resigna tion. GoL B, T. Sage, late Superintendent and Chief Engineer of the Atlanta and Riohmond Air Line R. R., was found dead in his bed yesterday morning in Atlanta, Oa. " : v ST. M AMY'S COLLEGE. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES.- Eirt(rr(BTjno Md., June 23 Noon The' commencement exercises of Mt. Bt. Mary's College begun yesterday by a brilliant exhibition of the Juuiors. To-day the graduating class takes leave of the Mount -The trains are loaded down with visitors. Among the late arrivals are Bishops Lynch and Elder and a great number of priests. EiuuTTsnuBO, Ma, June 23. Night The commencement exercises of Mt. St. Mary's College were brought to a close to-day in the pressnoe of a great throng of visitors from all parts of the country. In addition to friends of students there were present of Alumni, Cardinal MoCltwkey, Arch bishops and Bishops, and about sixty Priests; ... . EUROPE. MORE FAILURES. THE CHINESE DIFFICULTY SETTLED. . :. -Lohdow, ' Juno 23 Noon The fol lowing failures have been announced: J. H. Randall & Son, No. 20 King William street, liabilities! $9,000,000; Win. Marshal, of Manchester, liabih tioa $5,000,000. M u It is offloially' announced that the King of Bnrmah has given a satisfac tory explanation of his course of action to Sir Douglass Forsyrhe, the British Envoy. War in now conBidored im possible. - Advices from China say that the dis order in Chin Kiang was caused by the arrest of two native soldiers for in sulting the American Consul and - his wife, and , ia now dying out, China having partially satislieu tue demands for renaration. . .. London, June 23 Night The King of Bnrmah has griuited to Great Brit inn the right to send forces through his dominions to western China, if re quisite for future expedition. Ubbmn, June 23 Night The Uer man Government is preparing a Par liamentary , measure prohibiting pub , lio religiona to proceed. This is aimed at the Catholics. London, June 23 Night Wilson & Armstrong, No: 69 Aldermahburg st, have failed. Their liabilities are one million dollars. , . , THE BLACK HILLS. VAST GOLD MINES. Chicago, June 23 Night The spe cial correspondent of the Inter-Ocean, With the foientifio-expedition in the Black Camp Harney on French creek, sends the following telegram via ,Fort Laramie, dated June 16 : Gold in large qnantities and of good quality has been discovered in Custer's Gulch, French Creek and along this stream for a distance of upwards of seven miles towards its sonrce or Gulch . mine. There are scattered along French creek four different mining parties, numbering twenty-flvo men, who have token up claims on all of which good color has been obtained. There are also several quartz beds which promise rloh returns, but the greatest importance , is attached to Gutoh gold diggings. When gold was discovered the scientists were at camp Turtle and only arrived here yester ; day afternoon, when they were some what astonished ' at the discovery. It ia intended to make this a permanent emp where the command will remain until the return of the supply train um x on Laramie. : . SPOTTED TAIL. PREPARATIONS FOR A GIGAN TIC WAR. Omaha, June 23 Night Advices from Spotted Tail's Agency state that three largo war parties left that vi cinity on the 17th hint., one of each for the Poncaor Pawnee and Khashone reset tations. It is tbonpht among postal men that a g'gantio ludian war is bikhu to ue mauguraieu. lumr mstion has been sent to the Indian Agents. CALIFORNIA. Salt Francisco,' June 23. The Peo ples' Independent State Convention, after adopting long aeries of resolu tions against monopolies, plaoedfonr gentlemen in nomination. Without earning to a vote they adjourned to to morrow. The Peoplea Independent Conven tion nominated Gen. Bidwell, of Butte oounty, for Governor, and Lieut, and Acting Governor Pachioo for Lieut. - Governor. ".' HEAIMJUAUTEKS. PRESIDENTIAL APPOINTMENTS IMPORTANT COURT DECISION. Washington, June 23. Night The Signal Bureau telegraph is working to Fort Sill, Indian Territory. I he President has signed the com mission of MoGrew to be Gth Auditor, vioe SheaU, also Miller as Postmaster at xuscaloosa. - Charles has been appointed as Sur veyor of Customs at Augusta, Oa. lhe Comptroller of Currency has reoeived information of a decisiou re cently rendered by Judge McCaudless in an action of debt brought against the cashier of the Monongahela Na tional Bank of Brownsville, Pa., to re oover a penalty of five hundred dol lars for the refusal of the cashier to permit the Deputy Collector of Inter nal Revenue to examine the checks on file in said Batik. The Court entered judgment for the defendent, holding that the Internal Revenue Collector had no right under section 3177 of the Revised Status to examine the powers claimed by him. Secretary Delano has returned. A new and dangerous counterfeit was discovered at the National Bank Redemption Agency of the five dol lar notes of the first National Bank of Canton, Illinois. This is evidently changed from the plate on whioh the counterfeit on the Traders national Bank of Chicago and ' the First Na tional Bonk of Paxton, Illinois wub printed. Executive Centum jneotiua; Hdqbs, Central Ex. Com., Demooratio Conservative Party, , New Hanover Oounty, Wilmin ton, N. Q.June 17, 1875. The members of the Central Execu tive Committee of the Demooratio Conuervativb party of New Hanover oounty (being the Committee as con stituted bofore the county A Pender was established) are requested to meet at tho Star offioe, in this city, Wed nesday Juue 30, at 3 o'clock, P. M. The objeect of the meeting is to call a County Convention to nominate three candidates for the Constitutional Convention W. H. Bernard, Chairman. WilMilugtou District. Below we give for the benefit of our readers the appointments of Rev. W. . S. . Black, Presiding Elder, for his third round of quarterly meet ings for the present Conference year of the Wilmington District: Wilmington, at Fifth Street, June 27 and 28. . - Clinton, at Goshen, July 18 and 19. ; Cokesburg. at Bethel, July 25 and 26. Whiteville, at Abbottsbnrg, August 1 and 2. Elizabeth, at Bladeu Springs, " Aug ust 8 and 9. - , Bladen aod C. F. Mission, at Cen ter, August 15 and 16. Topsail, August 22 and 23. Magnolia, at Harrell's Store, Aug ust 29 and 30. Wilmington, at Front Street, Sep tember 5 and 6. Smithville, at Smithvillo, Septem berl2andl3. The Comnileaarlat of tUo Uody. The stomach is the commissariat of the nhvsioal system. It furnishes the natural sustedance of every organ. If disordered, the whole body languishes; but, however affected, its tone and vigor may always be restored by a a course of Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters. The regularity in its operations whioh this grand tonic alterative es tablishes is the most direct means of obviating physical debility, impurities of the blood and affections of the dis charging organs. We know that if di gestion or the habit of the body is ob structed, the entire physique is weak ened in consequence of insufficient conversion of the food into blood; and it is equally certain that the refuse of the system not being wholly thrown off is sure to contaminate the vital fluid and surcharge the bowels and kidneys with vitiated matter which weakens and inflames them. The Bitters, by strengthening the organs of discharge' enables them to act vig orously, and thus liberates the pent up waste which would otherwise work incalculable injury. Johrwon'a Anodyne Liniment may be used to advautage where any Lini ment is desirable. In cases of severe cramps and pains in the stomach, it is undoubtedly the best article that can be used internally. Habitual constipation leads to the following results: Inflammation of the kidneys, sick and nervous headache, biliousness, dyspepsia, indigestion, piles, loss of appetite and strength; all of which may be avoided by being regular in your habits, and taking, say one of Partton'a I"urgative PilU night ly for four or six weeks. . K1W AD71ETISX3I15TS. NEW HANOVER OOUNTY. WiLXmTO, M. C JaM Xfci, ISIS. Ia parsaaim T lMn IS r "A. Art t IUim ," rtlfU4 r.biwy MU, 114, ml MOM UK u met I mom atm-mm- ln;e, th. Mmi4 of ()Miitv WnWamil N.w ltkiwnr nxntj Mt td a4 tb. Uoart n. ia ik ett at w Italnitiw. IWttiw Pum m1 t bU aota, aai un takM a t- oemuutu ner vmibi r Jam, ists. at vhlrh Ub. Iks OoamtMiMW U1 hmmI to nrM U feu Hat ut nlHlioi NparM tit UtMi, mmi aitot tb twu j mn.u.f Ihm tu pajrabM if Mh ft mm mm RltHi( tk mn. t.pOTil bla a una. Tk Maoaw ik JDova will onuiM mi vo. spaa mt THKXK WOMKIMU UATB. 1h Daard will kr all fnoma bjaotlaf Is th T.lultoa of prxMrty or to tk. .no.ut si Ui diargml flaM l b HiwrU kM right to rata tarnations r im port! tkM may aNawa.kir , and fur uat purpoa an .mpowaras to nauMa aae lamia llM Aflor lb. ti Itota art maO. and kUead ia Ui kaiui r tk. Skaria. It will k. alnoat iai. aiab. rurnotlona, All (aulli aiiut i. oonHlrra Ui. faultt of tk tax parara thoUMlrra. aud iwllo. m it. tbat ao alteration will b aad altar lb tiai as iiirwi, la aooordaiio witlt to ttrlet lk- tor of tk law. JAMBS WIIJIOW, Chairman Board of count tmuatonara. juutti lot at Card of Thanks. Th. Ladia af Wllmlagtoa Lodg Ma. (4, 1. 0. e. T , datirs to ntira tbolr tkaaka to th fbt iowtuf aautad ladia and gaatUBMB for tkir kladot la watrikaUat to Us Fartiral knd Bt.l (itaa by told Udgw Jaa toth: at M Rati, O D Mjrara, B aoioawa. I H Batltk. T Uttnabarger, Mr Inpia, Mr Ohadboarn, Mr BaiiJ Barry, Mr i'korbara and Ml Us man. By order of the Lodf. WILI.II SKIXRKM, K. 9. Ulia ANNA JAMBS, juoe34-lt A. B. S. ISO Latest Publications. TUB MT8TKHIK8 Or TBI OUTJRTOr NAFLkH, br Oaora W. K.Tnulil. aath- or ot "MyaterUa of the Court a London," "Koa FoatSr," Lord Haaondal," UniuUaa of Urunwick,,"'lay Prlo,"o.,ot. . : FRANCIS HILTAHD, B Mr. Hanr Itood. adtho. af xr.rf Lynna," "Flra Tliooaand a lanr," to., a to. . For Ma at ' " '. ' ; ; - "" " " .. HEINSBERQER'G Ut Btok and Motto Btora. ' yanaM - '' 150-tf Entirely Hew. Try a s-latf of so Boda Wator, with to "toiiio oyrup." jAm.i:. c. nivNDB. DKuaeiitT, Third atraet, oppuaito Utty Mall. ProaorlnUona oomiiouBUad at all hour, da and night juaM-tr Prime Virtrinia Hams. About 1000 of very cb.lca old Virginia Uamt Jmt rsoslrtd and ft tola by JonW-lt DtROHETfttO,. Attention ! Attention ! All who are deatrout of oonTtrtlna eaah Into ahoea preparatory to leaving tba eity for the aunt mar will And It to their auvantag by oall- ingaiao. ki narcat street, wnor they will Bud an Immenaa and wail ealoctod ttook of Boutt and Shoe tt graatly rduead prli OkARLiS A. PRIOR, ho. 31 Market ttreet. -1 oiiM tf We Gall Attention To our Fare Linen Coats at only. . . $1 Handsome Black Ashnant Goats $3 CO Hats from 15 eenta up. Trunks 2andnp. Bags..............;... SI 25 and tip. ALL CLOTHING VERY CHEAP, at MUNSON & CO., CITY CLOTHIERS. Jaat 84 IRA n? JUST RECEIVED. . 150 BALES 8RLRUTKD NEW YORK HAY, FOR SALE FROM WHARF, .-By- . v , B. F. MITUIIKLL & BON. ISO-It Jnnt 24 Dissolution of Partner ship N OTIUB 18 HRBRBT G1VRN that tht f artnerahlp lately axtotlog between William P. Oldham and Prettna Gumming, ander tht firm-name and atylt of Oldham Camming, tu dlaeolvtd oa tht Slat day of Jnnt, ISIS, by mutual content. By tht tormt tf thsdlatolu tkm all debt owing to aatd firm ar paid to Preston Cunmlng, who It alone authorised to receive and reoeipt lor tht tamo, and all debit owing by laid Arm art to be presented to blm for payment. W. P. OLDHAM, PRKSTON UUMM1NO June Sid, UTS. Additional Notice. mllB BC8INK88 heretofore carried oa by the Arm of O'dtaam a Oammlrg will bt eon tinned at lha rant place, al the foot of I Kick Street, by Ptenton Camming nrntor the Rrm ameof Preaton Vummlng At O., who, thank' ful for the very liberal patronage, respectfully eollolU a ooutlnuanot of th tame. ... PHR8TON OUMMIRfJ. June 2Sd, 187oC ; , June it. w F.nnMOOAStnMa.n4TMTIIe tJAMWa atpeoinlty at tht ai hi kral urrioa. wUUa KrW ALVISTISIJIZITS. Smith's Feed Cutter. T HB BIST and tooat dtrakla rrd Oatter in la awkai. rot aato tow by OILBS a) MCKOBIkON. HI JuaaB) HEEXSSSZa FELULE CCLLE&E. UKKSXSBUKO, M. U. THR FAIL 8 Mi ION WILX BEQIN ON tlx lata of Aifwk tmtw0 mtaoad. rharfa. par naaalen of waaka, board (a Inatraafwaahtngaadlisht)1 !. Taltloa In ragular BaglMi rvnn, I to. Cbaraaanir tr atadiaa, aaadarato. For oatakignaaoan- H.fLTk Woaoa, Fratdl Baardof l"raauia, jnnaU M4-l Dor Collars DOG COLLARS, DOG COLLARS, DOG COLLARS, DOO COLLARS m tka lUt, Haraati and Trank Mtora of CARPENTER A MALLARD. Ma. S Snatk Front Itrtat, WUmlagtoa, N. (1. Jan It I-tf Cooper's Tools, QF WARRANTED qrjAUTT. TkaUrtaat aud boat atnrlaiant ot aU braadt of Ih. abort goodt and at th lowaat priot la thla city, oan k foaad at lbs old taUbUahod Hard war Hanaa af -Jaat Ft JOHN DAWBON. 141- 22i Special Brands Plug Tobacco. "OOMrETrnoN," "WAVERLET," ROB ROT,H ; . ., "LONE STAR," So wall tad favorably known. D. PICOTT. jaat 10 141 . Blank Books rJIUI LAUtiBBT and moat complate stook ia tat City. Playing Cards, JJOMIN018, Cha Man, Urlbbagt Boardt, Oncokan, At. STATIONARY A FULL and oomplato aaiortmtiit of Paper and Eartlopot, Initial Paper of all kind and ttylea Ail idt nio a Conoloy & Yates, CITY BOOK STORE. 141 ntt Quarantine Notice. fTNTIL PUHTHIR NOTICK ALL VR8- alt from Porta Booth pfCtpt rear will eomtto at the Vlaltlng Station, near Deop Water Point, and await the luapeetlou of the Qaar. antlna Pbytioiaii. , AU vetwli from Ports where Tollow Fever, or other Infectious diaeant eileta, will bt re. quired to undergo a rigid and prolonged taar antlne. AU reaeell or boU of any character having ttokntttta board on arrival, or having had alckneaa any tlmt duiing Uit voyage, are re qairwd to eorae to the Station for inapeeUon without regard to the Port tiom whenoe they otoe. VeoMl not Included at above will pro ceed without detention. PHota art especially enjoined to makt care- till enquiry relative to vol tela, crew, Ac, and If not atinHed with tht atatementt of the Oap tola or commander, or tf the veaatl It In a Blthy condition, they will bring the veaael to the Station for further examination. ' Pilott Wilfully violating tht Quarantine Lana are lubject to a forfeiture of their branch Maatera of veeoala to a One of two hundred dol lar s day for every day they violate the Quarantln l.awn; and all other ptraonl ar llanM for tach and tvery oflenc. All vettolt tubjtct to vlaltatlon under above regulationi, will aet a Bag in the mala rigging, port-tide. r. w. rui in.1 Quarantine Phyaiolea, Port of Wilmington, N. Bmithvlle, M. a, May tt, IMS. may Sv 128 tilnovl WARM SPRINGS 'MADISON COUNTY, Weatern North Carolina. muiBK BPBIMG8 art tltuatod flvt mllet from tht Tenneaaee Hi t,on the bankt of tht Prench Broad rlvwr, In the very mkiet of the bigheat ranget of mountain eaat oi th Mtaait elppl river.Tn n country generally known aud trmhrully called the Slirlnd of Amarioa. TUB MO'l'RL AOOOMMOUATIO8 art neurpaMKd at any watering plno or lummer renorttntha a.nntrr. The Bathe constat of large pool of a clear, powerful Mintrol sad lite trie Wmitr, tompemtare.lirj to litt dagre, which are wondkrruUy Invlsoratlng to all invalid, iaalliteg the circulation and etimulaUng the eeoretory organa, and will, in moat eaaet of Chronic and Sub-Aeuto Uout, Mheumatlam, Parnlyala, Dyapepala, Menrnlgla, Becondary Byphllla, Hepbrillo and Oloaioue Diaordera, Borofula, Cutaneoua Dlaeaaea and many dlaeaaea peculiar to remalea, eB'ect a apMdy and radical earn. There ie afeo a Oold Bulphar Spring hw the Warm Hprtag, ro eembllng very oloaely la temperature and color of d.poeit, the Tel Ion Sulphur Spring of Vir ginia, with a ralphuroat odor much atronger. Tbeat Springe are eaay of aoeeaa from all Southern cltlta by all the line of railroad, converging Into Eaat Tennemee, via Angnata. Atlanta and Rnoivllla, to Morrbttown, Real Tenneeree, thence to Uumberland Gap and nbarleaton railroad t mil, to Waif Creek thence bv it are 8 mile, lo the 8 print, an aasv and oomrurtatil trip. Kionralon Ticket art on tela la an tne principal citiae to ana rrom theae Spring! at a great reduction on local rate. Rates of Board, $40 Par Month, 12.130 Par Weak, f 2 Par Day, Children and Colored Servants Half-Prlo. Apply to Manager for Pamphlet and Circa rare or to Wilmington Druggieta. A SAMPLsT, tieneral Manager for Warm SprlngaCo. Juntl lav-dlmsod-wlm imPBPAfrR DIBICTCRY. The CliMitniirObscrver, Tka only moralAf dairy pa' pikllrhrd la tk. Slat woalof K.lvlgh and North l Wll. nla(ton, aSkraiM4al abliK.mlanadf- tMar. lla olrealaUoa. Ma ami naatBli hltt ba.a laxnlv IuummI diutn. th. 111 )m paat, and It now nmfhm wxmt mi th. Mar. ohaatrWMtara North Oniaiina, thaaaakr lag an aaavrpaaml niadtaai of enaiaiauloa ItiMi not m rilli. Marrk.ntaof . lire Uijtwa ami tk paopl of WaeUrn Nor Ik Oaroitna. viaatot tcaacairrioa! Daily.. toparanaanu Wtokry 1 1S S AdvaitaaBf vary tow. marl.. MK-U THE PEE DEE HERAID. Published erery Wednesday at WADESBOUO, ANSON COUNTY, BV JOSH. T. JAM & CO. ' Hat a Iwtt and rapMW rnrtraaalng trrcnla. ttoa In Ik rat ltot euuntry In Monk and Bontk Uaroilna. Adrarthwrt will Ind It th aMnilum In tlthar af th atatar Ktata. lor raaoklag tk. laraxtr. plantor and marohanta, Tka exteruive local adirtlning pat nmaff exhibited in Ut column it Um bt evidctue oilt large and itituen Hat circulation. ' if BpiaiB oopltt, with rat t ndror. tlMng, aaat frao, poataga paid, ia appltaatkon to th nndarnlgnod, akhat at Wadaakor) ar WUmlagtoa. 1 JU8H. T JAMF8 A on., Bdltoraand rroprletor 4A-f THE RALEIGH NEWS DAILY AND WEEKLY rvBLitaan t THE NEWS rCBUSDlNO CO. DBTOTBD TO THB BUT lNriKEBTa of the BUM of North th. taonaafof lb OnnaorTatlr party, th dotal opaaaat of U khldea waaltk of th State, th Inviting emigration into oat totdM, and ad. vaaoamant of th walfar of our iil la tvarythlng tbat torrei to tanks a Beat props an and Indapendant Its , ADYERTTSTNO COLUMNS ill b roanH of graal adrantaga, at bath th Dally and Weakly elronlato Urgaly In trarr portion of tbt Stat. Katot toodarat. BDP80BIPTI02I BATR8 1 . Pally, One Tan , ,tso " Month! I 00 Wek!y-One Year 1 JUHn 1). CAMHRON, Fill tor, V. . aniaw- ji . ruiiw JOttlAN NTONR, ttaonlatt Ritltfrr. m, u. wooDHon. liomi Kiiirnr, COIf Wilmington: j IB AIJVB TO HER INTBKBHTS In Rnal OaniUna, hat burtuea. Men will advertltt la THE WASHINGTON ECHO, a large and well tetabliahtd weekly newrpa per. etreniaung nawnaiTaiy in uinnnuva rJ.da, Ueautort, PainlltHi, Pitt, Kdgemiuib. and thnM ailjolnlng. Kate Low. Wait P. Wiixunaoa, R. Oaona, Lato af Tarboro. of Wnahlngton. Rditoraanil Proprietor, . otM Htaroopy. The Spirit of tho South la the ahVrl newapaner publlahed In Kock- Ingham and baa the largeat olreulatlon of any taper punnanra in too rnim mniif, na n. md each week bv a least ROW) rnnVLS, m.klnc it the tori mrti$imi avuMwm. J n aoll- tloa It ia fr, mirxatiral ami irtu, I h or can of no irtv or oilnoe, but I the rhamplnh of the Peoiilet Hlghta, being thoroughly dt- voi.a to in boat luurmnaoi au. Bubaorlptlon, onlyll a year, free of pontage Specimen eoplea mailed free on application. - liaiee 01 aaveriwuig vary r.awuaui.. Addraat SPIRIT Of THB BOUTH, Rockingham, N. O.? march 11 SO-tf Southern Illustrated ! RALEIGH, N. 0. THB ONLY UitUSTKATBO JrVCERLf In the Month. Btsht nauea, Purtv onl- amna. CoDtainins more read lug matter than anvweeklvDublUheil in the M,,uth.rn Htatoe. The Aral number of the BOUTHKBM llr k.U8TUATBl AUa will bt Imu.d on tuurdar VStm amy ! Jane, 1898. Tht Publlaher Intends making It an tllua trated record ofth tlmee. llwllltreatof tverv toplo, PtliUcal, lllstnrioal, Llwrary, and Sol.nttSo, which la of currant lntaroat, and give the beat llluatratlonttliat can beobtnlned, original or rnraign. 1fl,e SOUTH kKN II.LU8TUATKI) AOR will be printed on new type, and heavy book m'iUi Hat of eontribntort will bt found the namce of manv of the beat wntera In the Mouth. Sxrial and alinrt storiea. Doema and akotchna, and arall oondnctod elllorlal douartments. air ing the laraat personal, literary, snlantlHfl, iiO llt'cal. rellglooa and commercial Intelligence, will rnrnlDh every week an amount of reading matter unsurpassed by other papere, in .Hel lene, and variety. It la Intended to make the BOnTMKKN ILLUSTRATED AB a Jonr nal for the Sreaid i ttveral eolumn will be tpoclally devoted to all tubjeott petttlnlng to (lorneatto and aoclal life. No tamlly should bt witnout it. Mubsorlptlon prloe only S per annum, Pott age free. It, i, X VIMU.VM., iiiuiror, Raleigh, N. O. Junei us tf Pee Dee Courier. -7 A BB THB MEUGHAMTJ OP W1LM1NO- ton awar that the Com lor It tht only Demo cratic paper published la Bocklu am, and tbat It clronlatet extensively In Richmond, Montgomery and Anson eonntlee T -1 ' Uatt.ef advertising liberal and no titoa charge, mads for changing advtitistmenti wtelily. DUCKBTT EK71N, marekl-tf Rdltort. SHELBY BANJNER, ; Publlahed weekly, at RHBLRT, Cleveland Oouaty. SI 60 per annum, In ad vance: has a larse and rapidly increasing cir culation in nearly ail the oonntlea West of Mecklenburg. Also, an extensive circulation in the eountiee of SDartonburs. York and Union, 8. 0. HJuet been enlarged from a twenty to a thirty-two eolumn, and Is now adorned with aa entire nsw drw. In pohltcM ar Drmoerotit The Carolina Central Railway bain now enmpletod through to Wilmington, and Shelby being the Weetern termluua, the Ummir ia a moat axoeuena navonmiug meur um. Bate, madarnia, DURHAM AWBBII , Bditors and Proprietor M-t CoffeeCand Cheese. t)OA8TRD JAVA ANU BIO OUFPBR, It - - - w . v Bapaago and Bidam Oheeae, , , 4 . Ftrtalta, o. . W. H0NOj7 N. B. Cornet Market and second Bts. June) 11 SXW ADYEETISEHIMS. BEOWN & 45 MARKET WET, Have determined to clear out all their H li 31 3X 13 It NTOOK GEEATLY REDUCED PRICES V . Bale to commenoe on - 1 u 4 i MONDAY; JUNE 7TH, 1875. . Borne great Bargains will be olToroil. We do not consider it necessary to go into details, as tho.publio generally One! Price. ; '.JIM J, .!t, Uli I - " - - i ; - ' - Oall early and secure a ; ' BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Harket Street. ' u' - - las BARGAINS III SDR DRESS GOODS at- ; ;i r "-: ;;,! No. 8G MARKET STBBlfiT. "AB tJ8UALrAT Tma SEiBON, . ,- ..." , ., ',. I ' , ' -.! ' At Tory, Tory low'prioos. Will of those mil mil PACIFIC PERCALS and CAMBRICS ' AT UNUSUALLY j i Ay WJLlj piniTR White Goods, ladies' and Gents' Gause Vests, OAUSE FLANNELS,MARSEILLES HOUBE-KEEriNQ M. M. KATZ'S, UISCSLLANEOUS. LO ThslKIUSK raoHiuiv built for amlTM'L OoeopledbvtheUev.J. U. Illden, oniiil Seventh, between thaeluut aud Mulberry Hit. xerraa reasooauia. H. 11AAK, Urocer, Corner Ttb aud Uhestnut Streets. mmiV t , Ita-tf Reduction in Prices FAMILY SUPPLIES fresh this week, Imported aod Domestic At GEO. MYERS, Preserved Ginger AND SHAKER PRESERVES atreduoed prloe., at Cooked Corned Beef a T REDUCED PBIOBB.'"'"' - - -At OKU, MYEE8. Best Butter TN THE WOBuU attOcenU per pound. At GEO. MYERS. New Process EMPIRE FLOUR. Kotwlthstandlng tht ad vance In Flout at reduced nrloes. At OKU. MYEHS. Bottled Lager Bier. BB8T la tht State at reduced nrl oes, at . .. OJCa. MTERS CASKS IMPORTED CLANTt) at rednced prim, and on hundred thousand Brgare, At CEO. MYERS. It A It South Front Street. 141 Jnnt 13 The Piedmont Press : HICKORY, N C. '' It the only paper published In Catawba county, and haaanexUineiveotroulatlou among Merchants, Farmer,, and all ClaMct of bual. ne. men In the Btate. 1'he Pawe it a live, wide-awake Democratic paper, and Is a desira ble medium for advertising in Weetern North Carolina. Liberal torma allowtd on yearly ad vertisement. Unburn lotion SI in advance. ' ..Lima. MIIRH.11.1. T(IMI.INH(1V- " . - Editor, aud Proprietors. . - . w . r bihvu sa ll-M RODDICK, know we do nothing by halves. Strictly Caslv t 1 il TLL'BEli BALANCE OP 1 1 " 1 i.'-V'M ;.; ;l! i.f j iU'A I also open this week another lot , desirable . LOW TWCEli ALSO lAVAVJUAn AJALMAIM AND HONEY COMB SPREADS, O00DH, 4o., Ao. 36 Market St. MISCELLANEOUS , Bacon, Pork, Flour, Sugar, Corn, etc 75 Boxes Smoked Sides and Shoul ders, ;,, . ; , ,:- .. , CO Boxes D. 8. Sides, 60 Bbls Pork, 100 Bbls, Refined Sugar, . : 800 Bbla, Flour-4ill grades.' ' 8,000 Bushels rrime White Corn , 100 Bags Trime Rio CoflTee, 100 Bbls. aH. Syrup, ' 100 Uhds. and bbla. New Crop Oa ba Molasses, i . -; i . . . . . a i 800 Bales Prime N. R. Hay, . . , ( 350 Bales Prime Eastern Hay, 400 Bundles Hoop Iron, ' 200 Second Hand Spirit Oaska, ! -100 Bbls. Glue, . , . 200 Kegs Nails, . ,, 100 Boxes and half boxes Candles, 50 Boxes Lye, 25 Boxes Soda, ' ' ' ' 25 Boxes PoUsh, . . , . . . CO Boxes Candy, ., 50 Boxes Soap, ; 60 Boxes Tobaooo, ' 150 Gross Matches. '" ' ! For sale low by , ." " , ' V WILLIAMS ft MURCIIISON, Uuanol Otimnel . 110 Ton. Quanapi 6uano, -W0 Kurtka ' For tale low by V . .I. WDUiLAMS A MrjBCHJJJON. Jan. 0 MI The Finest Old Bran dies and Wines ; VERY OLD RYB WHI8KI3beat goods in the trade. Sold by CHAS D. MYERS C; CO., A At f North Frwnt BS r . i-tr. Jnn an lice oi County OMisrs,- f New Hanover Caoauy WlLaiMaTOW, H. C., Jon 201 h, tSTIV.' PROPOSALS will be reoeived Until FrWav, the STith Inst., to put In good ordnr the bridge known a Little Bridge, over Smith t Creek, and the bridge across (ItHn'i Mill Pond, on the Newborn road. All material to be furnished by the county. , ;. JAM KS WILION, Ohalrman Board of County Oammiaaioiwr, June to ' ViEDOir.G CrtPiDSaprtoto b.t ,0, 00 h r j jj