1 f ii VOL XXIV. NO. 151. WILimiGTOlf. H. C. FRIDAY. JUNE 25. 1875. WHOLE 110 6.014. t f- - I . . (1U - vC y i 0 IK tlailn Journal. WILMINGTON. N. a: FRIDAY, JUNE 25. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. T11E EAHTIKJUAKE. FURTHER PARTICULARS OF THE TERRIBLE EARTHQUAKE AT NEW GRENADA, Nkw York, June 21 Noon Tie steamship Andes at ttii port from Ma raoaibo, brought farther particulars concerning the recent terrible earth quake which destroyed the town of Ououta in New Grenada. From a per son who had reached Mamcaibo from Cucuta ahortly before the steamer sailed, it was learned that the loos of life and property was much greater than at tint aapposed. Cueuta and all the surrounding Tillages within a radius of 20 miles were completely de stroyed by the severity of the shook. Many serious losses of life and pro perty, also occasioned by rain and by bands of robbers who organized imme diately after the shook had passed away, for the purpose of plundering bouses prostrated. The Custom House aud Coffee warehouses situated in Los Caehas, were first attacked by the band of these marauders, but they were driven off before any serious damage had been done 'jy them, and forces have now been organized in VU9 UOlgUU'J&lUg U1HCBJ .UU towns and sent to the scene of disaster for the purpose of protecting lives and property of those who had escaped the effects of the shock. THE INDIANS. TROUBLE ANTICIPATED. Omaha, Jane 24 Noon Prominent frontiersmen and army officers express the opinion that there will be great trouble with the Sioux, Chevennesand Araphoes this summer and fall. At least five large war parties have left the reservations during the lost two weeks. The cavalry in this department are unable to keep them on the reser vations. Through the limited numbers it will be impossible for the soldiers to guard the Black Hills and attend to the Indians. Washington, Juno 24 Night The Indian Bureau does not credit the re port that all the Sioux are on tbo war path. They believe that neither Spot ted Tail's or Red Cloud's men are en gaged in any warlike demonstrations, and feel confident that if any Sioux are mixed up with the lawless move ments that it is only a few roaming raiders, who are not under the control of these chiefs, and it would hardly be fair to hold the Sioux, as a nation, re sponsible for any raids or depreda tions committed by these lawless bands. EUROPE. ILLNESS OF LADY FRANKLIN. ROYALTY TO VISIT US. London, June v 24 Noon Lady Franklin is hopelessly ill She bade farewell yesterday to the commander of the Pandora, which went in search of relics of the Franklin expedition and on other voyages. It is reported that the Marquis of Lome and his wife, the Princess Louise, intend making a tour to the United States. .The revivalists have closed their meetings in Liverpool. r The expenses exceeded the contributions by 8,000. Paeib, June 24 Noon The river Garonne continues to rise. Several persons were drowned by the inunda tion of the adjacent country. Berlin, June 24 Night The case of Connt VonArmin, was decided by the Kammergericbt to-day. " He was convicted of abstracting, with inteut, State papers of the character of pub lio deeds entrusted to him, and sen tenced t3 nine months' imprisonment, including one month that has has al ready expired. . The Count declares tnat mere was no ground lor ine charge of embezzlement, or offences against public orders. London, June 24 Night The Car list Committee here announce that they have received information of vic tory by their forces over the Alfon sists, in Castile. Nine of the Alfon sists officers are said to have been cap tured. , ".-.GOTHAM. TWEED'S BOND. BEECHER. THE JURY RETIRED. New Y6rk, June 24 Night Judge Donahue issued an order returnable on Monday for the reduotion of Tweed's three million bond. The oounsel claims that the bail is exces sive and unconstitutional. The Court decided not to open, the Beeoher case for more evidenoe.- Judge Nrilson after instructing the jury upon the nature of evidence, con cluded with a long resume of evidenoe and the jury retired. An unknown man about forty years of age, with brown hair and having three fingers missing from his right hand, hired a boat at Battern, and ac companied by a woman who gave her name as Sophy Schedler, aged 24, rowed to the middle of the river os tensibly with the purpose of visiting some island. When not more than half way aoross, the man took a pistol from bis pocket and fired three times at her, the balls entering the leg, ab domen and arm, he then shot himself iu the breast and died immediately. " Rear Admiral John Decamp died at Philadelphia, yesterday, at the age of M, ' . EJLECTMC1S31S. The College st St. Theresa Tillage, Quebec, together with about nftet'ii bonnes, were destroyed by fire this P. M. Loss not ascertained. Mr. Clement Mauly, of Newborn, is among the distinguished scholarr. in Rhetoric, English Literature aud Composition at the recent Commeuee meut exercises at Georgetown College HEADQUARTERS. BONDS CALLED IN CHICAGO PUBLIC BUILDINGS DE PARTMENT MATTERS. Washington, Juue 24 Night The Secretary of the Treasury has called in $3,000,000 of bonds of the fourth series, dated May 1st, 18(12, upon which the interests ceases on the 24th of September. ' The Postmaster General returns to morrow. Work on the public buildings at Chicago has been stopped ou uceouut of the unfavorable report of tiio com mittee regarding the foundation and material. The Attorney General and the Sec retary of the Treasury have returned. The mails for the Navy Department from the South Atlantic Station have not arrived, though they are hourly expected; therefoie the Deportment has no ofiicial advices of the existence of yellow fever on board the United States vessels in those waters. A private letter received here to day by an oflloer of the navy, from a brother officer at Rio, dated May 2IU. reports that the yellow fever was rag ing at that place, and that the number of deaths daily, was from 15 to 20. During the first half of March 192 deaths were reported. On the United States steamer Lan caster there were several cases. Fleet Surgeon Denby and Assistant Sur geon Fassig died, the former ou the 3d of April at Bahia, Brazil, but the date of the death of the latter is not mentioned. There had been much sickness on board of that vessel. On the Brooklyn several cases of fe ver were reported, and two sailors died in April. She arrived at Rio on the 20th of May, and was then report ed by the Surgeon in good sanitary condition. There were a few oases on the Mo nongahola, but no deaths mentioned when she left Rio. Several officers and seamen remained in the hospital pn shore, but all had recovered except Assistant Surgeon Wa ugh. It was ex pected he would soon start for bonie. MARRIED. On the anh inat., In this city, .t the resi dence at Mr. X K rowler, by the Rev J H Banew, HUNK KOWI.Kii ami MISS ELIZ ABETH V GAKRI80N. all ul this city. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE MYSTERIES of the Court of Naples. With full page tlluatrstions. Br George W M Reynolds. Author of "The Myaterles of the Court of London," "ttoe r"otor," "Carollnejof Brunswick," etc. AH Margaret's Wte A charming novo by Minn Dickons. For tale at HEINSBERCER'S Li to Bonk and Munlc Store June 25 lbl-tf Choice Virginia Hams. o nnn Lbs very ohoiuk vikqinia HA un just received and for sale by Br MiTCHK.Li. & son. June IS 151 It 10 TO 20 PER CENT SAVED -IN BUYING YOUR- CLOTHIM -ritoM- A. DAVID. 161- j une 25 CAPITAL STOCK . , - or th ' COTTON MILLS, Wilmington and Welilon Kailroact, Flmt National Hank and Bank w New Hanover at auction, at Kieuange Corner, on Saturday, June Wtb, 175, at 11 o'clock, A. JM. CKONLT MORRIS, -Auctioneer. JnnetS l-2t Flour and Meal, A' KD MIXED FEKO. Car-load order, fill. ed on Hhort notioe. Grain bought at the hlghont mrkt prloe. Addren, ; CHARLOTTE CITY JM ILL, Charlotte, N 0. J une S3 xarw Headquarters Cape Fear Light Artillery. rjlllKJM EMBERS of this Company ar. hereby ordered to assemble at the Armory on Friday at S o'clock P M, fhnrp. By order of the Captain. C. M H AHKISB, 1). . June S8 1B1-It To Depositors. : THE ''WILMINGTON TRTJ8I' COMPANY and Saving. Bank" haa traiist'eri ed to Hit) Kiret National Hank deposit which have not Itnen oaloil for to date, Depositors are requent eil to call there Immediately, .nrrender their pass bouku and receive their money. F, W. KIKii, Cannier. June W i IBI-M YfEDlHKG CARDS lf . v auto. fMatouabl rtyle at the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEIK AND TREASURER, ClTI OF WlLMIMOTOK, S. C, f June 24th, 1875. J AN ORDINANCE ' Ciuceruiug Oows and other cattle run mug st large. B K I r OKOAINKD by the Hoard of Abler. UMBOf UaCltyof WllonagUn.H. VH aa fol low: Section 1, That aay oow or e-raia dattls of aD KikD, foead raualng at large) wtUta the cor orate Umlta sf Ihl. elty, aball be la ' poundrd by the City ktarahat, aad Ua waet rvquirrtl U a Bn ef Tan (K) Uollara.be fore the aaue ahall be telea ed. Section lAay ordlaanee or rti thereof ooa flletiug herewith, are hereby repuled. The abo.e rdinance wai adoptnl by the Koanl of Aldermen on the Mthdeyof June IWo, and will to Into eSecion after end Mon day, Juue KMth lut.nl T. O- 8EKV0S3, City Clerk nod Trvaurer, June ?3 lfll tf Entirely New. Try a claa. of our Soda WaUr. with the "Toitle tiyitto." JAUtX C. nif?IDS. DHI'UUIST, 1 hlid Mreet, opiMMlto City Hall. Prewrintuiiueomoonndtd at all hour, da. and night jaaae U Attention! Attention! All who are da.iroua ef eonverMnr eaeh Into ahova preparatory in leaving the olty for the eumnier will And It to their no vantage by eall- ingaino, i eiaraet aireni, waere tu.y will find an tmmrniie and wed (elected Block of Hoot, and Shoe, at greatly reduced prloe. Iun2t-tf No.M Market ttroet. We Call Attention To our Ture Linen Costs at only. . . $1 Handsome Black Ashnant Coats $3 SO Ilats from 15 oents up. Trunks ...... $2 and up. Bags ....$1 25 and up. ALL CLOTHING VERY CHEAP, at MUNSON & CO, CITY CLOTHIElia Jue m intr Dissolution of Partner ship N OTICB IS HKKKBY QIVKN that the r-aituerahlp lately exl.tlng betwoen William P. Oldham and Preeton Gumming, sudor the ttrm-name aud atyle of Oldbam A Camming. waa diaaolrad on the tl.t day of Juno, 18TS, by mutual oonaenk By tbo term, of tke dleaolu tlon all debts; owing to raid firm are to.be aald to Preston Camming, who If alone authorized to receive and receipt for the ame, and all debts owing by laid una .are to be iroaonted to bim for payment. W. P. OLDHAM, PKKSTON CUM Ml NO. Juno S'Jd, 1875. Additional Notice. fJIHK ODSINKSIt heretororo carried on by the Arm of Oldbam A Uummlng will bo eon. tinned at the tame place, at tbo foot of Dock Street, by Preaton Cummlng under tho Oruv nameofTreaton Cummlng oV Co., wbo, thank ful for the very liberal patronage, respectfully aolloiU a continuance of tbe same. PKKSTON GUMMING. June 2Jd, 1815. June 18. 149-St Bfllce or County Commissioners, NEW HANOVER COUNTY. Wilminotok, H. O., June 28d, 18TJ. In pursuance of Section 18 of "An Art to Maine Kevenue," ratltled Febiuary 14th, 1N74, ami aection 11 or an act mown a.tn"a chlnerv Act," ratified the 21nd dav of March. 1K7S, (he Board of County Oomuiuwioners of Mow Hanover county met to-day at tbe Conrt nouso, in me city or wnmingtoni ror tne pur pose named in said acts, and bare taken a re- cew until ... Monday-, 'JSth alar imnt, 1ST3. at which time the Commlatloners will prooeeil to revlxe tbe Ux Hals and valuation reported to them, and complete the ll.ta by computing the tax payable by each poison and affixing the same oppoalte bis name. Th. seastou or the Board will continue for tho spues of THREE WORKING DAYS. The Hoard will bear all persons objecting to. the valuation of their property or to the' amount of Ux charged against them. The Board has aright to raise valuations ef pro lerty that may be unreasonably low, and for that purpose are empowered to summon and examine witnesses After tbe tax Hats are made up and placed In the hand of tbe Sheriff, it will be almost lm poseltileto make corrections. Alt faults mutt be considered the fault, of tbe tax payers themiwlves, and notice is hereby given tnat no alterations will be made alter the time ex pires, except In accordance with tbe strict let ter of tbe law. JAMBS WILSON, Chairman Board of County Commissioners. JuneSt MOM Pleasant Valley Ca tawba Wines. JJTIY AND BWEKT OH DBACQHT. Sparkling Catawba. Hock and Claret Wines. The largest and mo varied etnek of Claret Wines everollered In North Carolina. Valuation from 04 60 for a sound table Claret to st'24 for Chateau Mongaux genuine, bot tled at the Chateau, These goods eonie to u from the oldest and best know" Importing home in New York. J uoy are NOT AUCTION UOODS. V CHAS. D. MYERS k CO., 6 4 7 North Front St . Wilmington, N- O. june mi hi The Finest Old Bran dies and Wines TTKRY OT.D KYI Wni8KIBSbeet foods V in ins truue. ooia sy CI1A8 D. MYERS tt CO., . T Nartlj traat nt. Juntas Ml-tf HIW ADVEETISIMEST1 Smith's Feed Cutter. T BK BEST and airrt durable Feed Cutter la the market, ror sale tow by (HIES MUKCHIaON. 141 Juno ID Dog Collars 000 COLLARS. DOG COLLARS, DOG COLLARS, IHMJ OOIXARi at tbo aaddlo, Haraeea and Trunk Store of CARPENTER MALLARD. Mo. South Front Street, Wilmington, N. a jane IS les-tf Cooper's Tools, QF WARRANTED QUALITY. The largest aud bast assortment os all brands of the above t .Amis and at tbo lowest prices In this elty, can be found at tho old established Hardware Hoaae of June JOHN DAWSON, 141- 22 1 Special Brands Plug Tobacco., COMPETITION," "WAVERLEY," i "ROB ROY," ... "LONE STAR," Bo well and favorably known. D. PICOTT. Juno SO Blank Books fJtllK IjAHUKHT and most eoiupleta stock la tho City. Playing Cards. JJOMINOIC8, Chess Men, vriDDSgs ooarua, uoecxers, sc. STATIONARY. FUtili and complete swort ment of Paper A aud Rnvelopes, Initial Paper of all kinds and styles All for sale at Conoley & Yates, CITY BOOKSTORE. JnnetO ; - -- - - - 14T Quarantine Notice. TJNTIL FURTHBB KOTICK ALL VKS- ssls from Ports South of C.e Fear will oome to at tbo Visiting Station, near Deep Water Point, and await the Inspection of the (Juar antlne Physician. All Teasals from Porta where Yellow Fever, or other Infectious dbeaso exists, will be re. quired to undergo a rigid and prolonged (Juar- antlne. All vessels or boats of any character having sickness on board on arrival, or having had sickness any time during the voyage, are re quired to oome to the Btatlon for lniectlou without regard to the Port tioin whence they oome. Vessels not Included as above will pro ceed without detention. . Pilots are especially enjoined to make oare sul enquiry relative to vessels, crew, Ac., and If not sstianed with the statements of tbe Cap tain or commander, or If tho "vessel if in a filthy condition, tbsy will bring tbe vessel to the Btatlon for further examination. Pilots wlKully violating tbo Quarantine Lews are subject to a forfeiture of their branch ; Masters of vessels to a fine of two hundred dol lars a day for every day they violate the Quarantine Laws; and all other persons ars liable for each and every alienee. All vesrcla subject to visitation under above regulations, will set a flag in the main rigging, port-side. ' T. W. POTTKR, Quarantine Physician, Port of Wilmington, N, , Bmlthvlle, H. O., May 8T, IM. may t 12t!lnovl Mm Excorsion Tickets VIA Carolina Central Hallway rpu TRAVJCLIMu PUBLIC! are reapeot lully Informed that ROUND TRIP EXCURSION TICKETS good to return till NOVEMBER 1, 1870, can bow be had at the prlnoll Station. this Kailwav AT LOWER RATES THAN EVER BEFORE "' following l)K DuR'VY CL SUMmTcB KKSOHT8 In Wes- Urn North Carolina, with th Extraor dinary Inducement of a Commu tation Ticket, enabling business men to make frequent returns during the season at a nominal cost. , . , . Tickets nowjon sale to Lincolnton, Cherryvllle, Sholby, Cleveland Springs, Statesvllle.Morganton, Ma rlon; Hickory Tavern; Old Fort, Ashevllle, Catawba Springs. Hlght trains out of Wilmington via this line, with elegant ii Car 1 mske tho beet eennectlon for all of the abov named poinUi. Any further Information gladly furnished upon application to P. W. CLARK, WUmlngton, M. O; Juno 10 138 Im bur eopy. KEWSPAPIR DIK1CTCBI. The Charlotte Miervrr, The only mi.rnlnf dally paper pnhlUUrd In th. State wratel K.lwla al Kurth ot WiU iingtoa, elt.r. .prcial tnilucuient. lo arfver tlUMa. lu cireul.tiun. M.e and uwliilnM have been largely tncrewwd during the year just pant, and It now reache. most ot the Mer ohantaof Weteru North tlaiulliia, thusolter tng aa an.rtrpaiapl meiltnai of eommaatea lk Keteeen Hi. Merehantaof Wilmlngloaaud the vple of Weit.ra horlk t:aroltaa. Tuanaor aonM'airTiou! Illy. ...... on er annum. Weekly 1 10 " " Advertising very low. may 14. tlS-tf THE RALEIGH NEWS DAILY AND WEEKLY rOBLISUBD V THE KEW8 mCLlSlllNO CO. DSVOTBI TO THE RUT IN rFHRHTM or the Htata of North llarollna- U) tht suoceer of tho Uonservativa party, the devel opment of tho hkld.a wealth or the Htate. the Inviting emigration Into oar uaklst, ami ad vanoeueiit of the welfare of our people la everything that esrvee to make a State iiruper ons and Independent Ita ADVERTISING COLUMNS will bo found of great advantage, a hnth the Daily and Weekly circulate largely In ever. portion of the Mate. Kate, moderate. aPPBOHlPTIOM KATE I Dally, One Tear ...i. no " t Months S Ml Weeklv-One Year 1 W JOHN D. ( AMFHcN, Fdllor, JOHDAN NTON K, SMK-late FiHtor, E. O. WOODSON. IammiI Rdttor. If Wilmington '8 A I. IV It TOHF.R INTRrlRMTM in Rat . Carollua, her business men will advertise la THE WASHINGTON ECHO. a large and well established weekly newrpa Kir, olreulatlng aitenalvely In tl.e eountleao vde. Beautort, l'tmllro, Tltt, Ritgeeombs and thuse ailjolning. Hales Low. WALT. r. wiLLlAueos, n. (la.suan, Late of Taruoro, or waiiiugiou. Kdltorsand Proprletiira. ottl Htareopv. The Spirit of tho South Is the elder! newanaper puhllslied In Itork. Ingham and haa the largest circulation or any paper puill.h d In the I'ee Dee country, lie fug read each week by at least g.uou renvm, Disking It the tell adnrniinv mh ma. in rep lies It is rnm, HdetwiMba and frarUtl, Hi or ran of no nartv or clique, but I. the c haniplon of the People'. Kights, being thoroughly de voted to the tissi inierftstsoi an. Huhsorlntlon, only I'i a year, free of postage Bpeclmen ouples niallsd free on application. aiates oi auveriwuig very rwuunauiu. Address SPIRIT OF THIt SOUTH, iltookinghaiu, N. O, uarrk 11 0tf Fee Dee Courier. UK TUB MKKCH ANT4 OF WI1.M1NU tou aware that the Couiler Is tbo only Demn- eratlo paper published In Booklu ant, and that It clroulatui eiUn.Wely lu Klohmond, Montgomery and Anson counties? Kates of advertising liberal and no eitia charges made for changing advertisements weekly. - DUCKKTT A EUVIN, Riarrb 1-tf Rill tors. Southern Illustrated RALEIGH, N. O. TUB ONLY IIXUSTBATKI) W BEKIiY III the Mouth. Klght pKs. forty col umns. Containing more reading matter than any weekly pullluxl lu the Mmiilinrn Hiatus. The nrst numucr or ine aiiuinsnn iu LUHl'HATttD AUK! will be Issued on The Publisher Intends nuking It an Illus trated reooril of the times. It will treat of every topie, Political, Hurtorteal, Uterary, and Mclentina, wuien l or eurren. inusrem, ana give tbe best ltltintratlonathat can beobtalutd, original or foreign. The HMOTHKltN II.LD8THATKD AGR will be printed on new type, and heavy book paiver. On its list of eontrlbutors will bo found the names of many of the best writers In the Mont h, aerial and short stories, poems and aketohes, and well conducted sdttnrtal department, glv Ins the latest Dersonal, literary, sctentltta, no- lltTnal. religions aud eommerelel Intelligence, will turalsb every week an amount of reading matter unsurnasaed bv other papers, In esnel- Innce and variety. It is Intended to make tho MOII'I HKKN ILIiUHTHA'l Kl A(1H a jour nal for the Breside several oolumns will be specially devoted to alt subjvou portalnlug to aomnstio ana social ins. Nn iHmllv should bs without It. Huhsoripllon prloe only 9i per annum. Post- R. T. FULGHUM, Editor, ltalelgh, N. O. June8 lotf A SPLENDID HOLIDAY PRESENT. The Carolina MM JtwM, : AN IL.UUHTRATKU MONTHLY C 1 tholes Literature, will be issued from tin loLrau aiiao Maesauuun Ovvica commencing wth January, 1W5. The first number will b ready for mailing by December letb, and the period, loal will be published each succeeding month thereafter without Interruption. Ho advan tage will be neglected v-iob either talent or eapitl can command to render each issue an agreeable and Instructive compendium ot oboine reading, by popular writers, both home and aliroaa. . The Carolina Household Magazine will be a large as-page, elghty-roui column monthly, hendaomely printed on tinted book paper and beautifully Illustrated, it Is a thoroughly southern enterprise and ItaauoeeM hi already fully assured. The publisher means to make It a llrst-class monthly, that, onee In troduced in ine ramity otrme, is euro to oe eagerly watched for and carefully preserved. Its-POKTHAIT OALLKUY" will prore Ml attractive feature. The January number will contain a iue-ne picture oi EX-GOV. Z. B. VANCE, and blographloal sketch, to be followed In each suuceedtnsj number with tihotnirraiibs ot other prominent statesmen, divines, dec. ,ONLT TWO DOLLAB8 A YKAK and eeoh suhecrlber can mske a choice ot Taaaa most bsaftifol,laiiu Rwuravikos, else of each M x SO Inches, vis: "The Finding of tho ttavlour In the Temple," "The Madon na," or King bear uerytng tne ntorm," tor. warded on receipt of the subscription price. Kltherorthe Kngravlngs is worth double the price asked for the Itagaslne. Any one sending a olnb of 8v will re ceive an eitra eubeeriptmn free. 8in .e copies 20 cents, free by mall. 8i months subsorip- tloa, wunomme nngraving, i. A arm t.Wsnteri If vsrvwhnrs. Addreiej JUbiUtl A. bUKITit, f ubilsher, I dee itoiusnoro. w. u Coffee and Cheese pOAHTED JAVA AND BIO UOFFEB, 8aps.RO and Bldam Obeese, , , u. O. H. W. KUNdB, N.I. Corner Market and Hooond 8U. Inn 10 MI ITEW ADVZETISEMZXTS. LET TI3SM BROWN & 45 mm Have dt'trmincj to HUM31 13 1 at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. 8!e to ooramenoe on i MONDAY, JUNE 7TH, 1875. Home groat lUrgniuH will le otTorexl. We do not oonsiJer it nooeusrj o go into uVUile, as tbo publio gcnorall One Price. Call flnrly ' . :.BAR6illvI-i BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Stree. BARGAINS III SUMMER DRESS GOODS . AT . No. 3(5 MARKET STEEET AS USUAL AT TUtS SEASON, Mii m At vory, very lowprioos. Will also oixui this week another lot of those donirnbla PACIFIC PERCALS and CAMDRICC AT UNUSUALLY LOW TRICES. ALSO MARSEILLES, PIQUE, TOOMA LAMS, White Goods, Ladies1 and Oents' Gause Vests, tt.in wr imtmbiiiinartrtra nOUSE-KEEriNO M; M. KATZ'S, June 'JU MISCELLANEOUS. OR EE1IT1 The HOUHrs r.oeiiuy built for and Is; i oocuiiIikI hv the Kev. J. ). Illden, oniUt Beventb, between libsstnut and Mulberry tits. Terms reasonable. M. HAAR, Orecer, Corner Ith and Uhestuut Streets, mar ST ln-tr Reduction in Prices FAMILY SUPPLIES Fresh this week, Imported and Domestic, 'At GEO. MYERS, Preserved Ginger AND SHAKER PRESERVES at reduced prices, at GEO. MYERS. Cooked Corned Beef AT HKDt'CEU PRICKS. GENUINE. ' At ....... OKO, MYEES. Best Butter "N THE WOBuU at 40 cents per pound. L At OBO. MYERS. New Process E Mr IKK FLOUR. Notwithstanding the ad- vauoe iu r luur at. rvuuuou itiu.p. At OKO. MYEKS. Bottled Lager Bier. B EST In the Btate at reduced prices, at OK J. UTKaS. 100 c aHF.S IMPOKTED OLANT ) at rrdoced prloea, and one hundred thousand segars, At . CEO.-MYERS. 11 A U South Front Street. June 13 : HI The Piedmont Press. HICKORY, N. Cm Is tbo only paper pnblinlied In Catawba county, and has an extensive circulation among Mercnania, rarm.r im i v.-v. neM men In the Btate. The Pnass Is a live, wide-awake Demooretlo paper, and Is a desira. ble Medium tor advertising in Western North Caroline,. Liberal terms allowed on yearly ad vertisements. 8ulMiptloo 2 In advance. Address MUUKILLA TOMLINSON, SUItors and Proprietors. malODM n-tr CIRCOM RODDICK, cloar out all Uioir H rV O O 1 know we do nothing by L aires. Strictly Cash aud aeonre s I'LL SELL BALANCE OP i i xtt rrr wsxtM nnirn onitn t OO0DU, Aa, to. 36 Market St. MISCELLANEOUS Bacon, Pork. . Flour, Sugar. Corn, etc , 75 Boxes Smoked Bidea and Shoul dera, ' 60 Boxes D. 8. Sides, 50 Bbls Pork, 100 Bbls. Refined Sugar, 800 Bbls. Flour all grades. ' 8,000 Busbols Prime White Corn. 100 Bags Prime Rio Coffee. IIVl 1tt,l H TT Rnr 100 Hhds. and bbls. New Crop Cu ba Molasses, 300 Bales Prime N. R. Hay, 3G0 Bales Prims Eastern Ha, 400 Bandies Hoop Iron,' 200 Second Hand Spirit Casks, 100 Bbls. Glue, 260 Kegs Nails, " 100 Boxes and half boxes Candles, 60 Boxes Lye, 25 Boxes Soda, 25 Boxes Potash, 50 Boxes Candy, 60 Boxes Soap, 50 Boxes Tobacco, : . ; ,150 Gross Matohes. For sale low by -V WILLIAMS A MURCIIISON. Ctnanol Oaaael flnusl 1M Tons Ouanap Quano, 100 " Eureka ' For tale low by WILLIAMS A MURCHISOtf. UT June 90 , UfflCCfllWf COIMiSOT, IVow Ilsuaerer Coatitr. WamxaTO, N. O., June SOth, 1810. PROPOSALS will be reoelvod unUI Friday, the 261 h lust., lo put in good order tho bridge known as Little Bridge, over Smith's Creek, and tbe bridge across Green's mil Pond, on tbe Newb.rn road. All material to be rurniabed by the County. JAMBS WILSON, Chairman Board of County Commissioners. JnneM 144-34 nirni tnr n 1 v.mn BllJLJaJUI liAiVLlUlte Published weekly, at SHELBY, Cleveland County. N.O., at St 60 per annua, la ad vance: has a larre and rapidly Increasing cir culation in nearly ail tbo counties West ot Meokiennurg. Also, an extensive circulation in tUe counties or Spartanburg, York and Union, 8. U. Ha. Just been enlarged from a twenty to a thirty-two column, and b) now adorned with an entire new dress, in snftnet ar. Demoentit. The Carolina Central Hallway being now completed through to Wilmington, and Shelby being the Western terminus, tho flonner ia a most excellent advertising modi- urn. RaUt swdrrats. ... ' PUBHAM WKBB AOiureauuf Ky' : . Ml