Wi 0 i ' I M - i VOL X2IV. 110. 152. WIIimiGTOH. 17. C. SATURDAY. JUNE 20. 1875. 7II0LS HO- 0,915. I X I CL br itoiln Journal WILMINGTON. N. 0.: 8ATUB.DAY, JUNE 26. 1875 BY TELEGRAPH T11E FIRE FIEND. Mystic, Conn., Juue 25 Night - A mm an inoenaiary nre occurred nere to day which destroyed the Norwood vvooieo ouuaingsaua aye House. iMsa 91UU.UUU. SOUTH 0AKOL1XA. PAYMENT OF INTEREST ON STATE DEBT. Cuarleton. June 25 Noon The State Treasurer o'ar Joza gives notice that the interest ou the South Caro lina consolidation debt, due July 1st, will te paid on mat day iu UUttrtes- ton. Columbia, and New lork. UOTUAH. ECHOES OP THE B E E 0 H E R TRIAL. OH ! MRS. TILTON 1 1 ' "NwYoBk,Juno25 Noou Mra.Til ton publishes a card and affidavit pro nouncing the upholster 'a story with- .ill f fss.nii1e.Ti ,Vrt im Im.l at. ..1.1 pets taken up and new ones put down daring the tune specified. There n vcr was any impropriety of oonduot or any improper relation botween Heavy Ward Beeoher and mynelf, and all oharges, of adultery or improper con duct or of any attempt upon hia part or mine to have or solicit any improper or indecorous relations or acta, aro utterly and absolutely false, j 'Nw Yowc, June 25 Night The Brooklyn Argus has had an interview with Loader, to-day, he says there isnot an iota of truth in Mrs. Tilton's card, from beginning to end, as far he is concerned. He asserts that he saw more than appeared in the papers, lie never spoke to, or had anything to do with Tilton till a week ago. fie thought they had enough against Beeoher without his testimony, or he would have spoken before. MASSACUUSEITS. ! COLORED MASONS. Boston, June 25. Noon Delegates of the Orand Lodges of Colored Ma sons who have been attending the Cen tennial exercises in this oity of Prince Hal Lodge, made a street parade to day. The Grand Lodges of Massa chusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Georgia, Ohio, Michigan, South Carolina, Ontario, Canada and District of Columbia, were represent ed. Four bands were in the procession which attracted much notice. ELECTIIIC1SMS. , The Democrats of Wisconsin have nominated Shepard Leffler for Gov ernor and E. W. Woodward for Lieut. Governor. Cardinal MoCloskey attended the dosing exercises of St. Joseph's Aoad emy, Maryland, and delivered an ad dress. Miss Carrie Williams, of Balti more, Miss Ella Brentt, of Washing ton and Miss Mary Hughes, of New Orleans, were awarded the highest dis tinctions. Magner and Gordan were hanged at Thomaston, Md., and James Henry Carthy, at Boston, and Purefoy, a ne gro, at Atlanta, yesterday. , Sophie Schidlar, whose stepfather shot her and then shot himself, off the Battery at New York, is dead. ThomaslPalhemns, first assistant en gineer of the revenue cutter Seward, died of yellow fever at Key West. The Beeoher jury were still out at a late honr last night. EUROPE. INUNDATIONIN FRANCE. COUNT VosABMIN. Bkbltn, June 25 Noon The Court to which VonArmin appealed decides that the offooe oonsiots in the reten tion and removal of papers, to Carls bad. Count VonArmin will appeal from the decision of the Eaaimergerisoht, in his case, to the Supreme Tribunal. Paris, June 25 Noon The dam age done by the inundation in the Valleys of Gaarono and Adour are immense. All the bridges at Toulouse destroyed. Assembly voted 20,000 francs for their relief. The devastation caused by the in undations is wide-spread at Toulous. Nearly all the houses in the Cyprian , quarter have been destroyed. At Ver ' dnn, in the department of Arriege, over fifty houses have fallen, and many persons drowned. trim ninnuftiiiiHii tut rnuurb uuiuhh that all the crops on the banks of the Tarn and Garronne are ruined. The Garonne in some places is four miles wide. A bridge of seven arches at Tarbes has been carried away. Inundations are general in the de partments of the Anbes, Garronne and Tarbe. If rain continues another day all the wheat crops in those depart ment! will be destroyed. Railways are interrupted in all directions throughout the inundated district. The damage to property and loss of lifrt by the floods in the river Gar ronne are greater than previous reports have indioated. At Toulouse alone the bodies of 100 persons who were drowned were found in bouses which were flooded, but not standing. Many other people perished, and their bodies were carried off in housos that were swept away. London,' June 25 Noon The Times has a report that a rebellion baa broken out in Bermah. HEADQUAHTEUS. DEPARTMENT NEWS. Washington, June 25 Noon The Alabama Claims Commission has ad journed until the 29th of September. A dispatch from Port Royal, Head quarters North Atlantic Station, an nounces the departure of the Plymouth at daylight for the month of the Kio Grande. The Worcester was ordered from that port to Norfolk. Post Masters are liable on their boud for the loss of government prop erty while in their jwssessiou. The Attorney-General decides that the port of tiual destination and not the point first reached where duties be liquidated and ocean damage asoer turned, The Signal Office received dispatch from Cape Henry that a vessel resem bling the Lancaster was signalled off that point and all well. Norfolk, June 25 Noon The United States Steamer Lancaster ar rived in Hampton Roads this after noon and is now at quarantine. ECHOES OF BUSH Ell HILL. RETURN OF THE RICHMOND COMMANDERY. Richmond, Va., June 25 Night The Richmond Commaudery of Kuight Templars returned at 10 o'olock, a. ui. to-day, , fro in their visit to Boston. They were met nt the depot by a large number of the Mosonio fraternity, in cluding many Knights who were una ble to go ou the pilgrimage, who es corted the return ng Knights to the Gubernatorial Mansion, where they were welcomed home by Governor Kemper in a speech full of congratu lations and fraternal expressions, which was received with enthusiastic ap plause bv the vast crowd presi ut. Eminent Commander, Wm. E. fanner lesponded to the Governor, tuaokiug him for the cordial reception, and re ferring in glowiug terms to the pleas ant hours spent in New England. Sir Knight, Rev. Dr. Vanderstill, spoke in terms of high compliment of the grand ovation aocordod the Cora mandery during their absence. He felt that the visit had been prolific of muoh good, and would tend greatly towards healing the differences and removing the asperities of the post. They had buried the tommahawk and had married Virginia to Massachu setts. The returned pilgrims and escort then proceeded to Old Masonic Uiul, where a sumptuous repast was dis cussed, after which the doubtless wearied Knights were allowed to go to ii if, meir respective nomes. An idea of the prevalence of the general good feeling on the parte! the immense gathering of people who turned ont to welcome the Knights may be had from the manner in which they made the welkin ring when Kes sniceh's band, at the head of the col umn, struok up first "Yankee Doo dle," then "Carry me back to Old Virginia," and lastly, "Dixie" CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. THE EARTHQUAKE POLITICAL TROUBLES SEVERE STORM. New York, Juue 25 Noon The steamer Aoapulco brings dates from Panama np the lhth inst. No further details of the earthquake id the valley of Coneuta had been received. Political troubles was brewing in Panama owing to the imprisonment of Gen. Camargo, who oame on a special mission from Bogota, but advices from Washington state that the United Stites would not look with indiffer ence on any complications that would endanger her interest Railroad transit was having a good effect lor preservation of peace. The MuronaTrfS of Panama have agreed to advance to the government, by way of a loan, the amount of the increased contributions imposed by a deoree of May 21st. A revolution was threatened in the State of Magdelena by Col. Farias who had collected a large force near Rio Hache. Bolivia has sent au einissi ory to Bogota to warn the Columbian government that if it attempts to in- torfore all will combine to resist it. The claims of the United States gov ernment on Honduras for insults to its Consulate flag at Omoa during the bombardment of that port when occu pied by Gen. Streber, have been ami cably settled to the satisfaction of the Uuited States. :r:"":r'": Fifty lives were lost in the harbor of Valparaiso during the Btorm of the 23rd inst. Eight or ten apprentices on the Chillian man-of-war Valdivia were drowned by the upsetting of a boat. Seven Vessels were wreokfid, including the British bark Laura Mc Lennar. Capt. Harris, of the latter, with his wife and seven children, were drowned. A Maracoibo letter of May 29th, giving an account of the earthquake causing the destruction of San Jose De Cuculo, says: On the lGthand 17th there had been earthquake shocks.but on the morning of the 18th everything was serene. At half-past 11 o'clock the earth oommenced shaking with great foroe, and from all sides the peo ple rushed to the streets. For fifteen seconds the movement continued, the city moving like a great ship without ballast. Instantaneously a cloud of fine dust enshrouded the streets and houses, impeding the vision and call ing forth cries of horror. These wera of short duration, however, as the dust soon became so thick as to ' impede respiration.' Many who might have been saved from the ruins of the fall ing buildings fell victims .to suffoca tion. Not longer than two minutes did this terrible affair continue, the wind rapidly carrying away ihe dust cloud. The fearful day 'was fol lowed by a still more horrible night. The survivors had moved to the suburbs of the city, where encamp- monts were established. The rain commenced to fall in torrents, and amid the impenetrable darkness the groans of the wounded filled the air, varied only by sharp detonations pro- ceruiuK irom explosive materials. Amid the ruins the oominsj of the new day showed that not more than three thousand remained alive. Beneath the falling houses lay from 8,000 to 10,000 dead. The letter also reports the destruction at other places as mentioned in the aooount of the earth quake by way ef Panama tome two wees. ago. -, . MARRIED. In 8t. HartholoBt.vr'.Otaroh, rMltaboro, an uie Toamg oi in. m inn.. DT M.ev. H. If. SUV ton, !. U.. Rt Rev. T. B Lmu, I), 1)., ire lent and amlMlnr. HENRY AKMAMt 1.N- WB.IO D KIT IK lil'UlSK,UUMhUr Of J. J Jackeua, trq., .11 of Pltubore- In th'. rltv. .lun. 14th, at P.M.. by the Krv. U. M. Payne, Mr IjHAKLK i. H( K- llll. to M1M tJAKOUNB A. I. WILLIAM NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Smithville. gTEAMKK DUIK le.r. ur Urf 8 turUy at 4 P. M Hsturulng, will le.tr. SuiltU vlll. M oii.Ly tl A. M. O. r AKHI.KT Jin 161 tr Jun. J6 Strawberry Ice Cream piNK AIT1.K IOK UKKAM, VkUlll.lM t re.ro. emon !. (cub. All or lha ik. d.llcloua Hron nun b. had at J. O. (.umxlenl Ic Cream Parlora.wy d.jr Partlr. vUblui Ic. Item for 8unda din. n.r will pleaae artier on Saturday. JUDO CD lDJ'll To Owners of Drays, Waons or Carts, OFt It K Tit KAN. & t-OI.I.Erroit, CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. O., June 25th, 1875. ILL PAR I1K1 owning PKATS, CARTS or WAGONS who ar. dalluqa.at In payment thereon of th. aiual monthly lie dm tax, ar. bsri by notified that If the tame I not paid by Monday, lb. SHlh Initant, they will bo roee onte.l Inth. Mayor'. Court, and thereby aub. Jeoted to additional eoat and eetu., T. O. SERVOSS, City Cl.ra and Trewurer. Ito-iw June ii Upton's United States ARMY CAVALRY TACTICS ; ALSO, Infantry Tactics. For Mle by CON OLE Y & YATES. The Green Gate, FROM th. German of X. Wlohort, Mr. A. L. Wlater, , IIEARTS AND HANDS, A itory In .Uteen chapter., by Ohrlntian Hold. Ail tor ule at Conoley & Yates, CITY BOOK STORE. Jnn. 162 OP JN0. W. GORDON. 933,000,000 Aa.eta itaprwwated. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Liverpool A, London & Globe, England liamburg-firomen, - Germany. JuoDiie underwriters, Mobile. Virginia Fire & Marine, Richmond. City, .... Southern Mutual, - " Old North State, Warren toD. l'enn, -' - Thiladelphia. Home, . . Columbus, O. Amazon, Cincinnati, O. Also, Manager for N. C. of the Me tropolitau Life Insurance Company of ew lorn. , urilco on Prince... between front and Water M (reels, WILMINGTON. N. C. THK quoatlon wliloh agitata, the pulillo miuu it: . Howdooitbe RESERVE PLAN of th. METROPOLITAN LIFE INSUR ANCE CO. OP NEW YORK compare wltht he Ordinary Lite aa practised by other Oompanlei. Wo antwer : lit Th. rate, of both are the tame. 2d T he IteBcrtre Policy combine. In one oou traut all the merit, of Ordinary Lira, Term and Endowment InraraBoe, nppo.in( tli.t th. ap tillcant know, bettor than Uie Company, how long he will need insurance ; allowing hiai to o.ooit. hi. own term., Iron ten to tony year. ; and at and of that tlm. if living, paying him la ouh tbn full reeeireun Die policy wtifi aoou mulated profit. ; whll. th. Of dinar clfe get a man Into lnauranoe, withont aflordingklni auy decent way of getting out, exo.t by "aliutiluig off tliln mortal coil." 2j Under the BeserTe Polloy, If, at tha cluee of bla term, th. aesured ahould wlah to eontinn. hi. ln.urauoe, h. can do o at aame rate. 4th The Kenrv. Policy allow, from on. to .lx month, grace on payment of Premium, (ao cording to age of polloy.) 6th The plaa of giving paid npa, a. prae tised by Ordinary Ule to. uoourago. healthy member, to drop out ot th. ttoajptuy, a they lone nothing but Intermit on their premium, and can got Iunuranc. again when luey want It; while the 1.M deeirable member, keep th.lr policies up at all h..wd.,tor fear of not being able to pane another examination ; and tbui winnow, the wheat from the ehafl (end lave the chad In tke bopperj and weamn the Company by cannng an unwarrantable death rale. The Reserve Plan give no paid ape and pre-ervee a.upertor average longovlty. (Ih The Kcerre Plan gain, by lapee. lor TRR year. tb. Ordinary Ul. for TWO ; aud In mutual lnturenra what U a gain to th. tloru punj I. a gam to (he policy bolder. In viow or th. abov. (acta, and knowing from personal can taw that It la almntt unlvereally chonen by th. applicant, lu preference to any other, w. unhtMlnllngly aarert that th Ite wrve Plan I. the one tent adaptrdtotb. want, nt the InturlKg piibllo, and w are ready to hrk Ihe aaMiitiun by teilliic what we know about In-urauoe wherever It la likely to do the mniiig'KNi, Apply to Agent, throughout tba State, or to Jf,0. . OOKDON, Manager, Wilmington, N. O. flood Agent, wanted for Mr. and Flra Com. pantee, In all unoccupied territory, jun. M iro-u WEDDING CARDS 22"S!.?r h.moet iMklooabl. ttTle t th. aootuxAU mat HXW ADVERTISEMENTS. Smith's Feed Cutter. rpHK BEST aud meet duribl. rtd Vattor la th. mar ttt. tot Ml. low by GILES MUHUHlSON. HI "Dog Collars DOQ COLLARS, DOG COLLARS, ' DOG COLLARS, DUO OOM.AES at US nUl., Hvua and Trunk Htor. ot CARPENTER MALLARD. No. I SouU Front SUMt, Wilmington. N. IX Jan. IS 16-tf Coopor'o Tools. QP WAKKANTKl) QUALITY. Th. large and beat aaaorl ment o. all brand, of th. abov. good, and at th. lowe.t price. In thl. city, can b. fonnd al tb. old e.Ubllihod Hard war. llouao of Juo. ft JOHN 1AW80N, 14?.- 22 1 Special Brands Plug Tobacco. "COMPETITION," "WAVERLEY," "ROD ROY," "LONE STAR," Ho well and favorably knows. D. PICOTT. June tw H? Office of CoiiuIyCoiaiiiMcrs, NEW HANOVER COUNTY. Wilmington, M. O., Jun. 21, IHTS. In nur.ii.no. of Mention It of "An Art to Itaimi K.venue," ratified r.biuary 14th, 1K74. ami H.ctlon IT of an ant known a. the" a ohlnery Act." ratllled th. Wild day of March, inio, in. noani or comity lorauiineumer. or New Hanover county met to day at th. Court Houmi, In the city or Wilmlngtoa, forth, par pone named lu aaid acta, and uav. taken ra ce, until Jtloadar, JMh dr Jane, 1ST 9. at which time th. CommlMlonar. will proceed to revlM the tax lleta and valuation reported to them, and roniul.t. tht HU by computing tha tax payable by each Jveiion and allixlng th. now appoelta hla n.m. Tha Matun of th. Board will oonllnue for th. auac. of THttEK WOHkUNO DAYS. Th. Hoard will hear all perran. obleotlns to the valuation ef their pnipwty or to th. amount of tax charged agalnnt them. Th. uoaru naa arignt to rauw valuation, .r pro perty that may be unreasonably low, aud for that yurpoio ar. .mpowered to woimoa and .xamme wiineme.. ai tor the tan lint, are md np nd puoed in the hand, of the Hberlfl', it will be almoat lm ponlbl. to make eorr.otlon.. All faulu miiet be coneiitered the fault, of th. ten Direr. themeeivM, and notloe u) hereby given that alteration, will be made alter the tlm. plrea, exoept In aooordance with th. atrtot let ter or tb. law. IAMB8 W1MON, Chairman Board of County Oominlaeloner.. Junelit 150 St OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ANO TREASURER, City op WnunicmM, N. C., Jniie 24th, 1875. J AN ORDINANCE Coucorning Cows and other oattle run ning nt large. B E IT ORDAINED by the Board of Alder. men of tb. City of Wilmington, X. O., a. fol low.: Section 1. That any cow or o-rii.a CAt-rLI of akd ai.vD, found running at large within th corporate limit, of thl. city, .hall be lm-1 pounded by th. Olty Marnhal, and tb. owner required to pay a fin. of Ten (10) Dollar., be for. the lame nhall b. role. .d. Bection 1 Any ordinance or part, thereof con. dieting herewith, ar. hereby repealMt. The abov. ordinance waa adopted by th. Board of Aldermen on lb. Mthdayef Jan. ins, and will go into cll.ot on after and Mon day, June S8th IntUnt. T. C- SERVOSS, City Clerk and Treasurer, June 25 lfll-tf TEE MYSTERIES or tho Court ofjNaples. With full page Illu.tratiomi. By George W M Keynolila. Author of "The My.terle. of the Court of London," "UoM Koetor," "Carollnelcf Bruu.wlck," .to. Ait larppfit's Trontes. A charming novol by Ula. Dickon.. . For .ale at HEirjSBERCER'S LIt. Book aud Muaic Store. June 29 IM-tf We Call Attention To our Pure Liuen Coats at only. . . $1 nundBome Black Ashnant Coats $3 60 Hats from. 15 eoots np. Trunks $2 and np. Bags. $1 25 and np. ALL CLOTHING VERY CHEAP, at MUNSON & CO., CITY CLOTHIERS. June St iso-ir Entirely New. Try a iIih of oar Soda Water, with the "Tonic Ryrup." J A IT EN C. iriKNDS. DKtlflcaST, Third etreet, oppoelte City Hall. Prewtrkptlon. oompounded at all hour, day and night. Jun4 u Attention! Attention! All wh. ar.de.lron. of eon ver ting eaah Into boe. preparatory tw leaving the elty for tha iumner will And It to th.lr aovantag. by ealh inaaino. in aiarnei aueei, waer. iney will mid an tinmen, ana w.ii .elected .cock or Boot, and bhoeeat greatly reduced prloea. CHAKI.riSA. PHIUN, tunM-tf No.au MarketKreet The Charlotte ObscrYcr, Tha only morning dally paper publUhrd In the 8 late west of iuletga and North at Wil. mingtoa, otter, apevlal tnduc.rn.nta to ad ver titara. It. elrculatloii, .lie and arfulnae. hava baen largely taoreaeed during Ike rear Juet paM, and it now raaoho. moat el th. tiler, ehanleof Weetern North Carolina, thu.orl.r mg aa amrcrpawd medium of oommnnlca tion between tli. at erchanuor Wllmlagtoaand th. people of W.Mera North Carolina. T.an.cf .uaex ail-rioBt Dally , SS 00 per aunuta. I 19 " Weekly,.... aV Adv.rU.ing very low. uaj 14. 115-tf THE RALEIGH NEWS DAILY AND WEEKLY rUlLlMBD Tj THE NEWS rDBLlHHINU CO. DKVOTBI) TO TIIR HI. ST INI'rKRST. of th. MtaU of North Carollna-to tb. iiucearof th. OinMrvatlv party, the devel opnienterth. hidden wealth of tha Mtate, tb. inviting .migration lata ear mid at, aad ad vancement of th. welfare of onr people lit everything mat nrvw to max. a bum proper mm and Independent. It ADVERTISING COLUMNS will b. found of great advantage, aa both th. Daily ami Weekly oirculae. largely In everv portion or tb. ttUta. Katee moderate. aCPaORIPTlUN RATKSl Dally, Una Tear...... f W " . M on tin ., 4 HO Waeklv-Ona Year I ou JOHN l. CAMCK' N. Kriltnr. JORDAN STONK, woe lat. Ritltor. S. U. WOOU80N. Icol Kdltor. J5 If Wilmington It A LITE TO HER INTRHRHTS la Rm Uarallna, hat bailnaa. men wllladv.rUa.in THE WASHINGTON ECHO, a large and well aetabluibed weekly nwepa Kw, olrnalatlng .ilenelvely In the eoniiHee ydo, Be.utnrt, Pamlico, Pitt, Rdg.eemb. and thoo. atUoluiug. Kate. Lew. Wait. P. Wii.limko, R. Oaua, Lat. of Tarhnro, of Waehlngruu, Rdtloraand Proprietor.. Otll Star copy. Tho Spirit or tho Sou th t. the nl.Utl newnpaper puhllahed In Nock. Ingham and ha. the largeat circulation of any Raper publinlHd In the I'M In. oounlry, be ig read each week by at leant 1,000 raorxa, mult tug It tha kttt 4vfrH$4ng kvrfiam. In loll tie. it M Vf, wlqieiident owd IWIill, I he or sen of no narttr or eliuue. but t. the rhamphia or the Panple'. HighU, being thoroughly da. yoled to the beat Internet. ot all. Subscription, only 'i a year, free of iotage Specimen onplee mailed free on application, ttatna oi aavenuing very naeunaui.. Addreai SPIRIT OP TMRBOUTH, ,aocklugham,N. .- march 11 W-tf Fee Bee Courier. RBTHt MKK0HANT4 Ob WIIiNINO. ton aware that th. Cornier I. the only Ie inn era tie paper pnblMied la Kocklt. km, and that It clroulatot eitenelvely In Richmond Montgomery and Anwn oountlee? Kate, of ady.rtl.lng liberal and no extia charge, made fbr ohanglng advettlMment. wkly. OUCKETT AKUV1M, march i-tf Rdl tor. Southern Illustrated Age! RALEIGH, N. 0. THE ONI.T IUUSTRATRI WEHKIT In th. Mouth. Eight page.. Forty wl uuina. Containing more reading matter than any weeklypubllahod In the Hutithnrn Htalca. The Bret nnmber or the SOUTHERN IL LUoTBATKU AUK will be Iwucd on Malnrdaft 3tU dmr ef Jane, 1875, The Publliher Intanda making It aa III ti trated r.oordeftlietlme. It will treat of every topio, Political, Hlntorlcal, Literary, anil Soleutlflo, which U of current lnterent, and give the beat til mtratlon. that can b. obtained, original or foreign. Tha MOUTH fc.KN ILLUSTRATED AUK will b. printed on n.w type, aud heavy book naoer. 6b ltallt of contributor, will be found the name, of many of th. beet writer. In the South. Serial and short atorle., poem, and tketcliea, and well conducted editorial department, glv In. the latent Deraonal. literary, aotentitle, po litical, religlou. ud oouimeroial Intelligence, will furnuih every week an amount of reading matter nneurpaaaVd by oth.r paper., In eioel lence and varioty. It I. Intendod to make the HOU'I HKKN lliLUSTKATKI) AUK a Jour nal for th. flreetd. ; aeveral column, will b. iiaclally devoted to all eubjuot. port.lnlng to dcmeetic ana anciai nie. No family ahould b. without it. Hnbeorlptlon prloe only $'i per annum. Poit- ,gTR. T. FULanUU, Editor, L Raleigh, N. O. JuneS ,( " s tf A SPLEN0I0 HOLIDAY PRESENT. The . Carolina Honscliolcl Magazine, AN ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY c . cholo. Literature, will be leaned from tin Ihlihu bouo Mne.KNaaHOrriua oommeitvliig wdh January, 1KIS. The drat number will b ready for mailing by December loth, and th. ported, leal will b. publlahed each .uooeedlng month thereafter without In term nt Ion. No advnn tage will b. neglected v-ioh either talent or capital can command to render each I nan. an agreeable and Instructive oompendlum ol onoice reading, by popular writer., both home and abroad. The Carolina Household Magazine will be a large its-page, eighty-font column monthly, handaemely printed on tinted btiok paper and beautifully tllunlraled. it hi a thoroughly aouttorn etitcrprlee and Ita.ucceM U already fully .mured. Thepnbllaber mean, to make It a flret-clae. monthly, that, onee in troduced In tho family circle, le aura to b. eagerly watched for and carefully preserved, IUPOHTKAIT OALLKUV" will prove an attractive feature. The January number will contain a llle-like picture of EX-GOV. Z. B. VANCE, and biographical .ketch, to be followed In each .uuceedlng number with nbolograuh. ol other prominent (tateamen, divine., Ac. .ONLY TWO DOLLARS A YEAR and each tuhacrlber can m.k. a choice ot Taaaa moot niAUTirnL.tAaoaKaoRAviaoH, lie of each M z Wl Inchee, vl: "The Flndmi of the Mavlour In the Temple," "The Madon na," or "King i.ear iMrying tn. HUirm," ror. warded en receipt of the .ubacrlptlnn prloe. Either or the Engraving la worth tloobl. the price asked for th. Maga.lne. aVAnyoneaendlngaelub of flv will re celve au eitra aubecnption Iree. Hint, ooplr. m ceDia, rree oy man. nix monine .uoaor:p- uon, witnout ine engraving, .1. Airen ta Wanted Evervwhers. Adilreaa JUtJUH A. JtONlTa, fubiuthar, deoa.tr tnwuirttro, N.v. Coffee and Cheese EOAbTED JAVA AND RIO OOFFEK, ' 1H A Ol.a.U .-W" Bapeagu enu r.iu.iu For (ale at 0. H. W. RUNOE, N. E, Corset market etui Second St.. JuneW Ul NEW ADVZETISIII3tT3. LET THEM TTr-TTnvT t 15 SUIT Have dt'toruiiiwtl tu olou out all their N U IS l i IS W O O I t GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Hale to oommouoo on MONDAY, JUNE iTH, 1875. Home grout Bargninn will tto tiirorixl. We do not consider it neoeaaary to go into dotailH, aa the pulilio goner all One! Price. Call early CAR Gil in BROWN & RODDICK, Mine . ' - "' - " - - BARGAINS IN SUMMER DRESS GOODS No. 3G MA.KKIST STREET, AS USUAL AT THIS HEASON, SIIR Will Ml, At very, Yery lowlprioee. Will also onon (Siia week another lot of thoue dealrabie r PACIFIC PERCALS and C AMBRICO AT UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES, ALSO MARSEILLES, PIQUE, VIMIA IAI7NS, White Goods. Ladies' and Gents' Gause Vests, GAUSE FLANNEL8,MAIWEILLES HOUSE-KEEPINa M. M. K ATZ'S, June MISCELLANEOUS, FR SALE OR RENT ! The HOUbK rtuemlv built for and I;; ooonnled b the Iter. J . O. Hlden.oniiU Heveuth, between Obwitnut and Mulberry HIA l.rm. reaaonaoie. H. HAAK, flmeer, Corner 7th and Ulteetnut 8 treat., mar 37 IM-tf Reduction in Prices. FAMILY SUPPLIES Fresh this week, Imported and Domestic, At GEO. MIEIIS, Preserved Ginger AND SHAKER PRESERVES atreduoed price., at GEO. MYERS. Cooked Corned Beef tiriJJM UiJNTiJ. At OKU. MYKHH. Best Butter JN THK WOIU1) at 40 oenta per pound. At UKU. Mi Alio. Hew Process E MPIRK RI,OUK. Hotwllhitandlng the ad- valine iu riour ai reaacea prioee. At (iko. MYKK8. Bottled Lager Bier. BEST In the 8tat at reduced nrl eee, at OEJ. MYKB8. 100 08 KB IMPOHTKD CLANT I atr'dnoed prloe., and one hundred thousand Seg-ars, .CEO. MYERS, 11 & 13 South Front Street. HI Jnne 1.1 CAPITAL STOCK or THI '.-" OOTTOIf atlLIU, Wilmington and Weklon Railroad, Firet National Bank and Bnnk ot Mew Hanover at auction, at Exchange Uoroer, on Saturday. Jane 2sth, lelS, at II O'olock, A. M. VEOMLf A MORRIS, tr Auctioneers. Jane IS , w EDDINU fJABDNn V IN.TINO liAttltM a epeolaltv at the 40UatMAl UFriOJB. CSBGuM TiTTTAfrrr know we do nothing by halyee. Strictly Cash' and aooure a, I 45 Market Street- yjn I - 1.-1 ..I AT I'LL SELL BALANCE OF AND HONEY COMB BritEADS, OOOD3, Ao., 4o. 36 Market St. 1IISCELLAHX0U8 Bacon, Pork. Flour, Sugar, Corn, etc 75 Boxes Smoked Sides and Bhoul dera, 50 Boxes D. S. Sides, SOBblsPork, 100 Bbls. Refined Sugar, 800 Bbls. Flour-all grades. 8,000 Bushels Prime White Corn. 100 Bags Prime Kio Coffee, 100 Bbls. 8. H. Syrup, 100 Hhds. and bbls. New Crop Ca bs Molasses. .100 Bales Prims N. R. Hay, 850 Bales Prime Eastern flay, ' 400 Bundles Hoop Iron, 200 Second Hand Spirit Casks, 100 Bbls. Glue, 260 Kegs Nails, 100 Boxes and half boxes Candles, 60 Boxes Lye, 25 -Boxes Soda, 25 Boxes Potash, CO Boxes Candy. 50 Boxes Soap, 50 Boxes Tobaooo, 150 Groos Matches. For sale low by , . WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. (Juan I uane) I Quul 1(0 Ton. Guanapj Qaano, , ' 100 " Kureka ' . For tale low by WILLIAMS e MTJUCBISOH. 147 JniieHO 10 TO 20 PI (JIT SAVED -IN B UYINO YO UR -FROM. A. DAVID. T lot- June 23 To Depositors. J THB "WILMINGTON TRC8 1 COMPANY and Having. Bank" ha. tranefened Xm the Flrat National ttank depo.it. whloh have at been oaled for to date, bepoeitor. are requa d to call there Immediately, aarreadar their OM.book. and reoelT. their jjn.j. JoaeSB lot-