1 M a 07 . ' VSYl I - yv Vy V X V VOL XXIV. HO. 153. WILHIHGTOIT. H. C. SUNDAY. JUNE 27. 1875. 7H0LS 110. G.010. til T 1 I 1 , X. I 1 (T 1 I ! W 111 ! I 1 U br tlailn journal. . WILSirSQTON. N. 0.: 8TJNDAY, JUNE 27. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH, Heart-Ucndiug Accident. TWO YOUNG LADIES DROWNED SPICUL TO THK JOURNAL - " Tabboro, June 2Gtli. Miss LTostor, daughter of Wm. M. rippin, and Mina Dora, daughter of John Staton, both about seventeen years of age, were aooideutly drowned this afternoon at 5 o'olock, while bathing in an' ioe pond on the planta tion of the latter gentleman, near this place. The occurrence baa oast a gloom oyer the whole community. W. KAlLliOAD " ACIIDEXT. SFKCIA& TO THK JOURNAL. Charlotte, June, 20. . Long Greek Bridge, on the Carolina Central Railway, nine mile west of this city, gave way while an engine and two oars loaded with wood were crossing, percipitating the engine forty feet below, the can piling in on top. Two oolored men, names un known, were killed.- Thotnaa Smith and Robt. Gadd, engineers, were in jured, bat not lerioasly. The two men who were killed were Bitting in front of the engine. The wounded were brought to this city and "medical aid has been furnished. ' ' ; '-w. ;; COXVESTION. I ROBESON AND BLADEN. GOOD NOMINATIONS. SPECIAL TO JOURNAL.. Lumberton, June 26th. Dr. Duncan Sinclair, of Thompson Township, and Oalvin A. McEachern, of Smith's Township, were nominated to-day by theDemooratio-ConservaUve Convention as delegates to the Consti tutional Convention. Perfect harmony and the utmost good feeling marked the prooaedings of the Convention. The gentlemen nominated are representative and worthy men. Robeson to all right! " " " Mo. .' SPIOUIi TO THH JOURNAL. Abbottibubo, Jane 26th. The Demooratio-Gonsenrative Con vontion for Bladen, which met at Eliaabethtown, unanimously nomi nated J. W. Buss for the Conven tion, , N. EUROPE. ' Paris, June 26 Noon Eighty per sons were drowned in Verdin. Eight hundred houses have fallen in Tou louse. It is said that the loss of life will aggregate one thousand. Madrid, June 26. Noon It is of ficially announced that Fortress Mira vet, on the river Ebso, was stormed by the Alfonsista after a siege of sev eral days. Gen. Campos, thirty-nine officers, five hundred and fifty men, four cannon and a quantity of war ma terial were oaptured. GOTHAM. 4 BEECHER AND TILTON. Nkw York, June 26 Night Neil son adjourned the Court to await the call of the Jury. An afternoon paper says that com- Slaint was made by a citizen to Judge eilson last night concerning the out side communication of parties with the Tilton-Beeoher Jury. The story is thit certain advocates of the plaintiff have been seen to enter the Jury room personating waiters and carrying the food and liquids for the jurymen. Tho fficers in charge of the door to the ury room indignantly deny this report as a base fabrication. The Judge has however direoted the Sergeant to keep a more vigilant watch upon the Jurors, .Another paper says that Mrs. Beeohor dropped to the floor of her residence this morning with an attack of heart disease before she went to Court. M: ELECTltlCISMS. Mortimer Thompson, better known as "Philander Doesticks," died in New York yesterday; aged 45 years. The scaffolding at shaft No. 2, of tho Susquehanna Goal Company, at East Nantiooke, fell this morning, in stantly killing six men. A miner was killed yesterday morn ing at Plymouth, Penn., by the falling of shaft No. 1, of the D. & II. Goal Company. 7'i At recent Plymouth Church Pray er Meeting, Beeoher announced that he would continue to be Pastor of Plymouth Church, whatever the verd ict might be. Dr. Band, of St. Catharine, near Memphis, was shot while sitting in his office, last Wednesday. The assassin is unknown. Wm. M. Evans, of Pittsburg, has sued the Allegnany Mail, for saying he was living in luxury on money stolen from tho Indians and the Gov ernment. He places damages at $2,- 500. , . - It is stated that a flaw has been dis covered in the direct U, S. cable about 300 miles from the American shore, and the Faraday has out the ca- ble and is now taking out the faulty portion, "' . XOltTIIKKX KlT-KLlLt Indiana polis. Junp'iC Niffht Wm. ICi 'tuer. oolortkl. who wuti arretted iu Rush county for attempting to commit a rape on a white lady, was removed from UashvilJe to Greeutluld for fear of violence, was lyuched last night by a moo aturecunmd. OA LA FORMA. Bah Francisco, June '20 Noon The Captain of the steamship Vasse Detiama, from Ixwer C'aiaforuia, re ports that a revolution at La Paz is iu a full tido f success. Four hundred Federal troops were sent to quell tho movement. The situation is very criticd. The United States ship NarrAgansctt is lying off La 1 z There is a serious revolution iu Souara. Gen. Davulax, commanding the frontier, is said to be o iptured. THE SAKANAC. REHCUE OF THE OFFICERS AND CREW. New York, Juue 2(i Night A let ter from Victoria 15. C, nuy after lauding from the Uarauae, the officers and crew were put ou abort ratious, and huts were built of boughs of trees, hammocks, and a few boats' sails saved from the wreck. At daylight ou tl.e fifth day after landing, her Majesty's steamer Myrmidon came iu sight, uud cheer after cheer wuut up from the worn out sufferers. Ten minutes later the Otter rounded the point, causing fresh exoitemeut. Upon the anpeur- anoe of the Myrmidon the asseuib.y was sounded . and orders issued to break up camp and transfer every thing to tbut ves.se!. An hour later everything saved from tho wreck, to gether with (he officers and crew, were embarked on board the Myrmidon, and a portion of the officers ami men were transferred to the other. The vessels left for Esquimalt and arrived thero safely on the 23rd. . Farmers and "horse men" are con tinually inquiring what we know of the utility of Sheridan Cavalry Con dition Powders, and in reply, we would say, through the columns of tho Journal, that we have heard from hundreds who have used them with gratifying results; that is also our ex perience. If Johnson's Anodme Liniment is half as valuable as people s iy4t is, no family should be without it. Certainly no person, bo be lawyer, doctor, min ister, or of any - other profession, should start on a journey without it. No sailor, fisherman, or woodsman should be without it. In faot, it is needed wherever there is an ache, sprain, out, bruise, cough or cold. Wfulu;ton District. 1 Below we give for the benefit of our readers the appointments of Rev. W. a. Ulnck, rresidiijg JKlder, for his third round of quarterly meet ings for the present Conference year of the Wilmington District: Wilmington, at Fifth street, June 27 and 28. Clinton, at Goshen, July 18 and 19. Gokesburg, at Bethel, July 25 and "26. WhitevilleTaf Abboltsburg.'Atigust land 2. Elizabeth, at Bladen Springs, Aug ust 8 and 9. Bladen and C. F. Mission, at Cen ter, August 15 and 16. Topsail, August 22 and 23. Magnolia, at Ilarrell's Store, Aug ust 29 and 30. Wilmington, at Front Street, Sep tember 5 and 6. Smithville, at Smithvillo, Septem ber 12 and 13. ' MARRIED. On the Altonioon of the 2t;th, In thin cttT, br BdT. Mr fitine, Mr. L. DkUK.nHV JONK8, t.i Mum MAKY E. OLARli, all of thU eltj. No Mrd. Alexandria Conceit LAST CHANCE! OOME FORWARD ! ! CAPITAL PRIZE 8100,000. HAVING iwmir Atice by the Pruldcntuftlw Amociatlun that Hit) drawing will otul ij mke pi&ie on tliu 15Ji July, and being ru quirixt to make flnnl mt iini. ou tlie Bill, we would brs tlioae wbo have eugHged Tickets to the Urttua Ollt Concert t Alexandria, Va., to come lorwaid, claim Ticke'K ami my for tlio bhoic, and all who dealrs to wiuura '1 Ickota Co call at our omen iniioaulately. We have ao tually sold a Ticket to every pormn to wlitm we have explained the grand nrhenir, and proven onr faith In H by socuring two l'lckit for our own account. We are fnity Ratlxllod that the drawing will be honettly eonductvd, and regard It a rare chance, te average la tar more than one caxh gilt to every live I lekefg nrlce of Ticket 2 Ml. 6, S1U anil 20. Time limited. Call earlv, and fur f'lD secure a chance of drawing 8100,(KK)oa8b. . s HENDERSON & CO , Ofilce adjoining Jaa Anderwn & Co., South Water Btrwt. IKI It June iT Virginia Hams. 1000 lbi CHOICK North Carolina ani Virginia Ham, all tl?,s, well cured, tonml ana wem. mtiKt ne raid ta (lloKeaoonngnniunt. (Jill at our otUce and examine for jourtulvi'a. HENDERSON & CO., South Water Street. m it June 86 The Green Gate. ROMANCE. From the Uermau of Ernest Wichert. by Mra. A. L. Wlate'. tranalator nf The Old Maiopet'a Pteret," " Gold Elule," numa, ' etc. r ine ciom 91 70. It la a charnilnir aturv. .nil n ..fln.. ...i with a highly attractive plot, and tatrau.lated 111 mra. wiaur a pine anu periect Btvle. Second tnpply r celvc.l at HEINSBEliQER'S. Two Second Hand plANOH, In perfect order, for nale cheap, to make room lor new ones, at HEIIMSBERCER'S a B Un Book and Knalo Store. JanaJI i lis-tf Board for the Summer AT WRIQHTSVILLE SOUND. FtllMtNtM Oil THANSIKNT. rjTIMlH ileaant rewrt, dutant mllca from ln rsly, at tba Jiinotlnn of the Icnnd and tke oriek, will be in rcn.llnww to a ooaunidai either ruiauaiit or tranmem vwloi. tm Wed urMay, June Dih. kkitdrrcd attractive by a lit-' t fill ruc athl ttuewaiku, located In the mulKtol a well Mttied nuijIilKirtiiwd There are on the rewiaa two large halhuig bouwa ; a Mil bual, eai and aianagd by ao exueri eacrd eailor, Uaiwave iu rwdiueea to eouvey porrona to the bfai li r'artiMi'ick nicking fom the city will Bad thu grove at Wrighlavlile a uat daughilul not. The table will b euiled by lha ra iXurit of the ttound, tbh. cralA elirima, fta. Meale at an hour Tor butiuriw meu te reach the city in time for work. Mxaltcan be had at any time during the day For further particular, enquire of MRS. BOUDINOTT, Cheannt, botweeu l and M. lWiweod , Juno V 4th OF JULY. NOTICE TO EXCURSION PARTIES. PICNIC PARTI EH AND SOUND PARTIES. W hnvo a large utork of Fine Mraina tiemone, 1 Wcaik-vof Ularcu, 1,111)11 cana I, 4,0 and II pound Prcmed Cooked domed Uccf, BwtMt Urangcpaml every thing nice for a hull- day nut up Ui cina and nackagr f r auuh veeaalouM, We bnve reduced urlcci tecoino wllhin range ol all. . Kir Fine Claret, S(l cent pit botllo, 8 -t Bullnrin tho Wir!d, " O laranleid to keen perfectly sweet ami rich- all day In the tun tk no other to the ' Hound. Niw Freth Beef Tongue, Feet and Hocka, Fresh Smoked Heef, Large Haninh A tree. Pickles and Sancea. rrUoi reduced on all tho above, and eavo money by tending to CEO-MYERS. 11 & IB South Front Street. IKS June CORN, HAY AND MOLASSES. 2000 BUHliJUj3 Uokm do naiee nay, 69 bhda Mew Crop Cuba Mol www, 13 blil 8 H Molaaeea. For sale by KKIiCrihVB OAiaBrt RBUH. FLOUR, MEALRICE AND COFFEE. 500 UttU rU)LR ; 200 buMiela Meal, (Water Orouiul), 2t)bbUKio, 16 bagi Uolt'ee. For sale by KKKUHNKU A CALDKK UKU8. SPIRIT CASKS, HOOP IRON, AC. 400 8PIKIT 0A8K8 At lone Hoop Iron", ' ' . """"- 1(10 bliiH Ulna, Hang. KlvoU, Bpantnh Frown, &o. For iwle by KEROHNKK CAI.DICH I1B08. Bacon, Lard & Tobacco BUXRS U 8 SIDES & 8HOUMKK1, nu ooxei f mokou snouiiiera, SO tube Lard, , ' BO boxei Tobacco. For ia!e by KKUOHNRH A CALDKK BKOH- June iil Notice. JI'KCtAL MKET1KU of tho moinberi of St. lieorge mid St. Andrews Society, who are In favor of forming an Athlotlo Club, will be held at Mentrn. Drown A Koddick'a fltore at 8 o'clock Monday Might. juno m 1B3 It Beautiful 8 KKI 8HO8,iweetaia nut, and freah Mround h. lied Mnal (nun mtlemed prime white XHll.linoru vurn, lieaii grumiu vwij uy. nny, Oat, t orn, frovendor, Klour, Kerne Haiua, B boulder e, Fig Vork. All low down at June 27 1W MOSQUITO NETS JSKD FRAMES, Uauae and Lac. Our aoond atook. Jut received and for tale low by D. A. SMITH A GO'S. i.'ki tf June IIT 22i ANU FACT UBERS OF IMPREGNABLE CIGARS " guarantee them to be aa good u an " Iiuujrt ed Llgar,''' and none bat expert can detect any dlllcronce. In bundlejof 10 tor ONE DOLLAR. By D. PICOTT. June 27 13 John Dawson's 0 KHTAIll.I'HH) Hardware Ntore If w thout doubt the largest ani mort reliable Hardware Kutalill.-hincnt Iu eastern North Carolina. Prlco and quality ot goods guaran teed In every rerpect. No. 19, to and 21 MARKET 8TRF.ET, June 27 WEDDING CARDS DP aeaauev xaivnai" njiv m mm JOUKaAli FF1UD NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Grand Family EXCURSION. A OKAND FAMILY KXCUU810N, CN- derilisanaploesor the M AOHIMDT'I AND B1.ACK8M11U M UNION. NO. 1, Will IUI place on MOND A.-5r,JXJIa"Sr BTH TO SMITHVILLE AND FORT CAS WELL AND RETURN ON TKE STEAMER GOV. WORTH. Tb tickets, the nnnber of which It posltbe ly llmiUid. will be l eack. No spirituous llquoura will be allowad en boaid. low OreaiB, Naoawlcbea, Co tie, &e.t will be esrvod at alty prices. The boat will leave the wharf, foot of Mar ket street, promptly al t e'otooa. 0hmi Mualo has besa engagej for the eoeaslo. The toia mlttee reeerve the) right to exclude all objeo tionable persons. Tickets nay be procured at Messrs. J. II. Mcllarity A Oo's store, corner Front aud Dock si reels. June II HO 1U2I-U "White Dress Suits AT EXTREMELY LOW RATES. Silk Wrp Alpaca Sacks, Iluudsome Womtcxl, Diagonal Serges, Potirlosa BLirln, Juaa and Linen Drawtira, Lislo and UartHO Shirts, at MUJNSON & CO., CITY CLOTHIERS. June7 InS-tf Patrons of Husbandry WimmuTow, N. 0., July Jeth, 1MB. rpilK OaiHi Fear Council, ( K. of H.jwlll meet In the Court House Iu Wilmington, on the third Thursday In July next, (the loth Inst.) at S o'clock, P. M. Arrangements have been mxde with the W. A . K. K. Co. to give re turn tickets for six () cents per mile, the O O R K Co ami boats on the Cape Fear river will pa member for one fare. O.W. MoOLAMMT, President Cape Fear Ooanoll P of It T M Moor, Secretary Jens If! dAwtf Better Butter rjrtUAM ours Is never offered. Jt Is always de sirable to got the BEST BUTTER, and that we always have. Our lint Table But ter Is leloeted carol ully from the best Dairies In New York State, and may be relied on aa the very best Bolter sold In this elty. CHAS. D. MYERS ft CO., Favorite Flour T8 MAKING new friends. Ills THE BEST, MOST RELIABLE, THE TRUEST ever ased by housekeepers. Bold only bv CHAS. D. MYERS & CO. JUlie . - .1113 Bacon, Pork, Flour, Sugar, Corn, etc . 75 Boxea Smoked Sides and SLoul " ders, 50 Boxes D. S. Sides, CO libls Pork, 100 Bbls. lleilned Sngar, 800 Bbls. Flour-all grades. 8,000 Bushels Prime White Corn. 100 Bags Prime Rio Coffee, 100 Bbls. S. H. Syrup, 100 ilhds. and bbls. New Crop Cu ba Molasses, 300 Bales Prime N. R. Hay, 350 Bales Prime Eastern Hay, 400 Bundles Hoop Iron, 200 Second Hand Spirit Casks, 100 Bbls. Qlne, 250 Keffs Nails. 100 Boxes and half boxes Candle, 50 Boxes Lye, 20 Boxea Soda, 25 Boxes Potash, 50 Boxes Candy, CO Boxes Soap, 50 Boxes Tobacco, 150 Qrosa Matches. For salo low by . WILLIAMS ft MURCHISON. liuano! t.nanol, Ciiiano! 160 Tons Gtianap: Uuano, I()0 Eureka For sale low by WILLIAMS A MURCHIHON. 147 June DO Upton's United States ARMY CAVALRY TACTICS ; ALSO, w Infantry Tactics- For aale by CONOLEY & YATES. The Green Gate, FROM the German of E. Wlchrt, Mr. L. Wlstor, HEARTS AND HANDS, A story In Shlun chapters, by Christian neiu. Ailioraaioui Conoley & Yates, CITY BOOK STORE. 1ft2 lone an CAPITAL STOCK of viia . CUT TON MIIXS, Wilmington and Weldon Kailroad, First National Bank and Hank ol Nw Hanover at Anrtaon, a Kxchangs Corner, on Satiirilay, Jan Wltb, 187 , at 11 o'clock. A. 11. JHONLY ft MURRIS, j.-. i Anotloneor.. JUBS8 HJ-lrt NIW ADVERTISEMENTS. Smith's Fcetl ( ultcr. rjtHK BKST and moot durable Feed Culler Iu the market. For sal low by UILE3 AMUKCUItKiN. HI June 10 Dog Collars DOO COLLARS, . DOU COLLARS, DOO COLLARS, IX K OOI.1.AHH at the Swldle, Uarnea aud Trunk 8 tors of CARPENTER A MALLARD. No. I Hnuta Front Street, Wilmington, N. a June 19 IstMf For Smithville. gTEAHKR D1XIK wllUeav our wharf Sa turday at 4 P. M. Heturnlng, will leave Smith fill Monday alt A. M. O. U. PAK81.EV u H. iM-tr June 16 To Owners of Drays, Waps or Carls, ornrG thkam. a. collkctou, CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, ( June 25th, 1875. A LL FAKTIKS owning UKAVS.OAKTS or W AllONS who are delinquent In payment thereon of the a.ual niouthly I loams tat, are hereby notified that lr the same Is not paid by Monday, the with Instant, they will be proee outed la the Mayor's Court, and thereby sub oted to additional eost and eiUM, ' T. C SERVOSS, City Clerk and Treasurer. Junes ifte-iw NEW HANOVER COUNTY. WlMMHOTOlt, H. O., June Md, IH7S. In pursuance Of Heel Ion IS or "An Apt to Hales Revenue, " ratllleil Psbiuary Hih, IHI4, aud Section II of an aet known as Ilia ".i a ohlnery Act," rail II 1 the Mud day of Marrh, 1H7B, ilia Hoard of Uouuty ( oniinlaaldiiera of Mew llanovsr onuiity met to-day at the Court Mouse, in-ine enrol wiiminiion, for in pur- House, In. the city of mim named la said acta, and have taken a rs oess until ma1ar, UStb 4mr ot June, 1N73 at which time the Oomiiilaaloncrs will prooexl to revise the tai Hats and valuation raporwd to them, and comiileto the Hate by ouniputlag the taa payable hv each person and alHtlng ths same pposlta bis name. The semlun of the Board will continue for the space of TUBES WORKING DAYS. The Board will hear all persons objecting to the valuation of their property or to the amount of tat charged against tham. The Board ha a right Ui raise valuations f pro party that maj be unreasonably low, aud lor that purpose are emptiwersd to summon and lamiue witnesses. After tho tai lists are mad up and placed In ma a amis or taa aneriir, it will as almost im- rlbleto make corraetlons. All fault must eon aider ed the faults of the tax payers themselves, and none Is hereby given that no alterations will be 'mail after the tlm as pire. xopt In eeoordenoe with th striot let ter oiue law. JAMES WIIJION, Ohalrmaa Board of County Commissioner. June T 180 OFFICE OFlME Clt OilllC AND TREASURER, Cm OF WlLMINOTOM, N. C.J June 21th, 1875. ( AN ORDINANCE Oouoerning Cows and otbor oattlo run- ping at large. JJ IT OHUAINEDby UieBoardof Aldor. msn of th City of W llnlDgton, K. C, a fol- fowii flection 1. That any now or oriisa oarrLi or AMD bird, round running at largo wlUiln th eorporaU limit of this elty, shall bo tm-1 poundsd by th City Manbal, and th ownr required to pay a fin of Ten (10) Dollar, be. for th tarn shall b relea-ad. flection 2 Any ordinance or parts thereof oon. dieting herewith, ar hereby repealed. Th above ordlnano was adopted by th Board of Aldermen on th Mth day of June im, and will go into effeot on alter and Mon day, June IHtb Inttant. T. C- SERVOSS, City Clerk and Troasurer, 1111-tr Jun28 Attention ! Attention ! All who are desirous of converting oash Into shoes preparatory to leaving the city ror tne summer will find it to their au vantage by eall Inv at No. ri Market suoet. where thev will flml an Irnmens and wed (elected stock of Boot aud Shoes at greatly reduced prloea. VMAHI'C A. PKIOK, InnM-tf ' Ho. 3 Market street JttorcliandlMo Iirokerage. WITH TH It RKQTJIBITB RXPERIENOE, acquaintance, knowledge and facilities, 1 otlbr my aervloes for the purchase ami Ml of all deei rlptlons of Merchandise In Western, Northern and our own market. Negotiate cash and ORimr. Wires used freely at my expense for any Information desired. rrom Importers, Manners, Miners ami Manufacturers, full Una of samples exhibited dally. Uotreo, oiasa, nyrans, sugar, riour, Soap, Bacon, inry Salt Meata, Pork, Lard, &c, 6to., all grade; Tobacco, Ulgars, &o; Spirit Uasks, Olue, Hay, Corn, o. ; 8f, Bcalea, dec, &n. Hpeclal attention given to securing lowest rales of transportation. . Rxamlnatlon of (amnios, correnpondenc and Order solloitod. r Orders left at Office for "Bwot" Ooods will hav proaipt attention. JAH. T. PETTEWAY, Commerclul Broker, NORTH WATER STREET may Iff l'il 1m od WANTED. 2G) iiig-i QIRIiS to learn Pantaloon and Vestmsk. g-mnst b neat ana qaici sewers, rata while learning. JAB. McOORMIOK, Merchant Tailor, over 8ol. Bear A Bro.'i, Wilmington, n. u. Jan 83 v 14l-8t w.t-na Entirely Hew. Try a glass or oar Boda Water, With the ionic nyrup." JAfflKH C'a mUNIM. OUtaS19Tt Third street, opposlt City Hall. Prescription oompounded at all honrs, day ami night. J" " Boomslfor Rent TK8IBABI.K TJNfCBNISHEU BO 8 lor rent on Market street, over Brian A Bp dick's. Atply, oa th pramlee. Jun , "" iw-w NEW ADVERTISISEM3. LET ' THBHa BROWN & 45 MARKET Have dotorminod to clear out all thoir W IS 31 Jt 13 It H rSL?- O J I at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Siilo to oorumouoo on MOjNDAY, JUNE 7TH, 1875. Some grout ltargnina will bo ofTored. We do not consider it neooasary to go luto dotuilH, as tbo jmlilio gonurallj One! Price. Call early B M G il l EI . BROWN &. RODDICK. 45 Market Street. un W l;lfl BARGAINS III SUMMER DRESS GOODS AT No. 06 -2VLAHK35T STREET. AS USUAL AT TniS SEASON, At very, Tory low-price;. Will also otien this week another lot of tboae desirable PACIFIC PERCALS and CAMBRICG - AT UNUSUALLY LOW riUCES. ALSO pin r I A X Y U JL' White Goods, Ladies' and Gents Gauso Vests, CAUSE FLANNELSJUAKSEILLES AND HONEY COMB SPREADS, nOUSE-KEEriNO GOODH, Ao., Ao. ' MrMrKATZ'S, 36 Market St. June) MISCELLANEOUS. FOKSALE OR RENT! krK Th HOllHK rsneiiily built for endi:UjI oonuplnlbytktltev.J. O. llldon, onitliaa. Meventn, ostween tiueainui ana naiuerry bis. Terms reasoiieuis. rt. tliiit, urocor, Corner Hb and Uhestnut guests, may 27 lno-tf SOL. BEAR & BRO'S, 20 Market Street. CLOSING OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK OF IJLtY GOODS AT OCR HK'f AIL STOIIK I Gi-reat Bargains ! 144 LINEN SHEETING from 70 oU. and II U per yard. Moianiblqoe 1 ct. per yard, .... SWISS M08I.1N8, :,mLM, WO Doxen Linen Towels and Napkins, Irish and Gei man Linen hhlrtlngs, Uambrlo llaidkerchlals, MATTINGS, White and. Colored. SO Piece LINEN for Ladles Traveling Dresses and Boys wear. Large assortment of Panama and Straw Hats for Children and Hart, W will commence on Monday to sell the abov and will continue dally until the whole stock I cloned out. T Ladle are respectfully Invltod to call and examine our stock, as w know It will r- nay them. In future we Intend toconfino our business to Clothing and Merchant Tailoring majrSS 122-tf 10 TO 20 PER CENT SAVED . IN B UYINO YOUR CLOTIUOG -FROM A. DAYTD. Juni8 GIOGOMSB RODDICK, Sflllfflf , know we do nothing tj Lalvea. Strictly Cash aud secure a I'LL SELL BALANCE OF I A V A w AlAAA AJAA 1 1 Al SV MISCELLANEOUS Tho Virginia BUFFALOSPRUIGS, Mecklenburg County, Virginia. THE GREAT MEDICINAL WATER OF'THE SOUTH. OrEN 2Wb MAT, 1875. These waters ar poesesssd of axtraordlnary euratl v power In alt'eotlon of the K I UN E V S and BI.AOUKK, in all derangemenU of th BILIARY OROANH Incident to warm rata matlo region. In DyopoaOlO, ' Dl eaaea peoullaf to Women. Chron 10. Intermittent and Remit tent Fevers. Chronlo Gonorr hoea. Secondary Syphllle. Cleet ami all d laeaaes of th 'O e n 1 1 I O rv a n and In some forms of Ooutand Rheuma tism, Their remarkable power and attloaoy iu tne dlaeases Indicated are vouched for br anmeofthe most dlstlnsiiisbed medical men of the oountry, both North and South, a wall asby reported eases from the moat unques tionable sources. Testimonial In Pamphlet form furnished on application. THK WATKB fOKHALK. The water Is put op In ease of on doaaa half gallon BottDs at ad per case. Route totheSprlnve for thelSouthi fy way ol the Klonuiond and Atlanta Air IJn RallroiMl to Hoottauurg Depot In Ualiraa oountv, Virginia, whr all trains ar mat by eracu ror in npn iga is asiiae sinmi . . THOMAJir GOODB, i rat-Ja-iU r-ropritor. WHITE SULPHUR BPMNQS. - Catawba County, N. O. mmS (JELEBRATKD WATKRIMQ I Place will b opeu for Select Vlai tors 1st .fuhe. The Hprlng are slluatad 86 mile North went of Charlotte, W mliee West of Salis bury, and 6 mtiea from Hickory Station, on the Wentern N. O. Railroad. The bracing mountain atmosphere, with th bealth-restorfng properties of their waters, render these 8plings a moat desirabl resort for Invalid and pleasur-sekers The Mineral waters embrao Blue and Whit gnluhnr and (Jhalybeate. It Is the beat and most extensively ttd up Watering plao la the State -can aocommo lat SOOpsrson. ()ood BAND OK MUS1U, Tea Pin Alley, Billiard i'eble, and a surply of lo. Omnibus will beat Hickory Station, on th Western N. O. Railroad, for passengers on th arrival ot every train. Board M 00 per month of 28 days half price for children and servant, and a liberal deduction for families. ' My postoffio I WhlU Bnlpbur, N. C. ' DH. B. O. ELLIOTT, -. Proprtetor. Jone IT 144-1meodA3tw. Coffee and Cheese JOABTKD JAVA AND BIO COrriS, Bapesgo and Kldam Oheeae, Portal at . O. H. W. RPNGB, N. E. Corner Market and Seoond '

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