1 I ; t. ...... Cl-:. .( .,..;( -! ': - ; 4 I , , CV. 110. 154. WnimiGTOlT. IT. C. TUESDAY. JUNE 29. 1875. 7H0LE HO G.017. CIk jOalln Koumal. t ,!WIJ1MINqTOJL .N.,q.:i , TPDAY. JPN8 29.187 , DY TELEGRAPH THE FIRE FIEND. The machine' shop ol 7. B, Crowell A Qo, waa burned, ,o-dT.t Loss esti mated at $60,000. 1 ' ANOTHER HA8I3f BUSH luiTO ETERNITY. Niw Tobk, Jane 28 Noon Last treeing a man who had registered his Buna m John Parmenter, oommitted auiojdo at Incla Hotel He left a Bote stating that hi raal name was A. B. ItTioe, the eldest sou of Bov. Dr. Irine, of Augusta, Ga., and that he oould not lira with hie present unhap py domestic affairs in rMladelphia. u 'rtiiuoAuo. .4.1 h DEFBAUDERB ON A BIG SCALE, Chicago,! June, 28-Noon Alfred, Frederick A.," Charlca1 Edward and George Eoe, who were formerly en gageuin the grocery business, were arrested to-day on a oharge of de frauding Messrs. O. P. Gregory, J. N. GQBiwworth. uAs a ? A; Ellison, ol Richmond, Vs., oat of merchandize amounting to $230,000, of whioh but a mall parVwaa on aoconnt of O. F. pferVtbtjjXhay were hold oyer lo-bottde of from Ufa thousand to ten thousand dollars each. Henry Adams, agent of the fin at Bf&hmond, made the charge. It is stated that the Boe Brothers, about September 1st, 1871, failing to rindioate themselves, sud denly absconded, fleeing to Canada, and that the brother Alfred returned to Chicago and partially settled up the accounts, and that the other- brothers also came to Chicago, when they were hunted down and arrested. " , ,, - THEILORQ 'MAYOR OF; LONDOS 'VtSTTS DUBLIN. MANEUYBES OF THE GERMAN TttS QflSAt EE-OOP IN FRANCE DISASTERS " RETORTED FROli ' BOHEMIA AND MORAVIA, j , .t J-l fl; Utd is am t I .-. ... : BAILING OF THE . PANDORA TO i, THE FROZEN REGIONS. Bulk, J one 28 "Noon -The Crown; Prince, FraAerjck WiUiansv-will assist at th.man4uTre I the Oeraaan irooj jpla4 fleet whioh begin PQ Weudosday ' next ana will continue until Monday, The American squadron will witness the display. ' ' f Lohbow, - June) 28--Noon-A tele- Sram to the Times says that nine hun red persons perished in the flood at . .Toulose alone, and an outbreak of the ' epidemio is feared. It is belieted that twenty-six hoosea have been swept a ,wy the town and, its. eavirons. ' The damage there islestimated at from ' 'twehe to1' fifteen hundred ' million pounds aterling,. ,;;;. ; . .. , The Paris correspondent of the Time males an appeal to British ,'fcIJarfty Jo behalf of .tie sufferers, ! The Daily News' special telegram ays that the lowest estimate of the deaths by, the flood two thousand. , Jl U proposed to bombard and destroy the St. Oypriai quarter of Tooloseto rprarent danger from "the- crumbling walls of houses that yet remain. - Vr The Standard publishes reports of a fearful inundation, in Bohemia and Moravia. Y vi ' liL .v ijjij U Niw Yobk, June 28 Noon The, Herald's1 eablft' special from1 London announces the sailing from Portsmouth yesterday of the steamer Pandora for je.Arotio regions. .., .She goes in ' aoaroh of the .Northwast passage and i.n.for the discovery of ' relics of the " Franklin expedition. The Pandora is Teasel of 400 tons, was fitted out by - f fiatlCAlU&TYauBg," her Ajmmauder, Lady Fianklin an4 .James. Gordon Bennett ; ASha prooeadB- to -Disco, Greenland. Esquimaux Joe is on board. Just before atartinsr Cant. an YooBg reoeived a present of a splendid . . AlJi ! . ... , Barometer irmu mo f nnoe or vyaies, " Who takes a great interest in the ex- rsdiuonV ' ii'iv.'.-'i:i n v- The following is, a list. of, the Pan , doral' Joffloers: Capt "AUen" Young, . jommftBdet-. Ha waa formerly sailing , master ,o( MoClintook'f exploring iB M thoroughly experit enoe(Mtt4 haamade the longest sledge, ft travel on reoord ! Lieut. Lillington, of the British Navy u Lieut. : Kosele ,tt ufnan'Beynen,' of the Dutch Navy; .'Llanterie,: of 'the , British , Navy; .i ,iAIasaraf- Dm via and MoGahan, the ailorf and interpreter. " There are 25 Lands on board, of whom four are , quartflmasters.' Thomas and Flor- .aOoe,i boatswain Mishill and Esqui ' maux Joe have already visited the , Arotio regions.' t There are no Ameri cans in 4ha ore w. fc 4 i DtJBLnr, June 28-rNoon The Lord t t 1 Mavoi and Ladv Mavorefas of London. i and suite, arrived this morning to wit ness tna lnternauonat shooting matoo. They weie called on by the Lord Ma- a. i jor and corporation of Dublin in state, ' and oonduotea to tne Mansion House, where ; they partook ol lunch, and af terwards attended the review of six thousand troops at Phoonix Park. The Araericad rifle team and party were at w &eemws"sud ware enthusiastically reoatvea. The Weather wasuaiavora svblend the attendance was oonseqaent--IvsmalL This is the first time the Lord Mayor of London has visited Ire land in state. Pa bis, June 28. Noon Antoine Louie Barye, the French sculptor, is K1X0 COTTON. SOME OF THE JUNE RETORTS. MiuirBia, June . 28 Night The oottoa exchange crop report tor June contains the following sggrefrate of 115 responses from W extern Tennes see, Northern Alabama and Arkansas, and the average J J ate of June 22d: 88 report' very favorable weather; 67, modei ately favorable; 110 answer no planting of cotton since May; 15, some are replanting; 5, had planted six per or lit as to them,' 133, cotton ' stands fully satisfactory; 1'2, eight per oent averags as tothem; hi, wry good; S3, good; 8, moderate ooudition ; 138 report frer of gras and weeds and wtll cultivated; 7, partially boolean and not thoroughlyenltivated; 137. that sou area are Jurming freelv; 8, not yet forming well. There are 12 reports or Oiooms ' uattng from tne 18th to the 22d inst. We have only to report a limited complaint of too cool weather at night throughout the small portions of each department. There is some little oomplaint of lies dating from the 15th of May to about the 5th of June, but which subsequent very favorable weather has, in almost every instance, remedied. . ELECTR1C1SMS. A tornado passed over the northern part of the city of Detroit. Mioh.. on Sunday. ; Thirty hbnaea, weft demol ished; four persons are known to have been killed, and many were hurt. v J rank iiinterer, a Uormau. aaod fifty years, who waa oommitted to prison at Philadelphia, on Wednesday last, for an attempted rape on a little girl four years old, committed snioido Sunday night, by banging to a cross bar of his call i , . , , . . ;..! The steamboat tram os the Old Col ony Railroad, ton Suuduy' nf ht,'ian over a waon at the orossiua in Bow- euville, Fall River Bobt. slid Thos. Hyes, Mrs. Hyes, her child, aud John Graham, who were in the wagon, were killed. The driver, Henry Frawley, waa pulled away by the horse, and es caped. j The Treasurer will sell one million gold oh each Thursdsy during July, making, $5,000,000. lLEAl)(BUAliTEllS. THE EXflUBSION OF THE PRESS THE FEVER AT KEY WEST. ! AQUEERSATUIUU'ZATION DE-, j ,. -.CliMUJX., . j, 'J i Wabhinoton, June 28 Noon The: preaa excursionists, of, Washincrton, Baltimore, Alexandria and Richmond, returned from Bawley 'Springs, Vlr ginia. last night, which they visited by invitation of the proprietors of the; Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, who gratuitously furnished the. trans portation. 4 Prominent Virginians, in cluding Hon. L. T. Harris and Judge Kenny, both of Harrisbnrg, gave, Ui4 excursionists a cordial weloome and m informal addresses expressed sentil ments of a strongly patriotic character being desirious of oeasing to talk of tha causes of the late oival war and din ecting their energies in the interest of the entire country. , .. v j Washington, June 28 Night A despatch to the Navy Department re ports one death and two pt throe cases of yellow fever at Key West. ,, The Attorney General has decided a question of naturalization submitted to him by the Department of the State!. The facts are briefly these: Steinkaan ler, a Prussian subject by birth, immi grated to the United States in 1848, and was naturalized In 1854. ' When he returned to Germany, i he- took with him his bod, then aged four years, born in the United States; the son iB now 20 yesra old. ' The "-question at issue arose as to the son owing mili tary Bomoe to uermany. Tne Attor ney General reasons at some length the United States laws and the treaty with Germany on tne subject of naturaliza tion, and also quotes the recent British legal opinions, and comes to the con clusion that the boy has two national ities, one . natural, and the. other .ac quired, i ., !-.; .! i, t , The father returning to Germany and resuming his allegianoe, tha aon partakes of the status of the father. Being a minor and having enjoyed the protection, pi $8 German Govern ment he foi'tne- time boiuaVor until of age, owes military duty, the obli gation being repoiprooa), but when the boy becomes of age he can return to the United 8tatea as an Amerioan oitizenwith aU the rights and privil eges as snob, and would even be eligi ble to the Presidency of the United States. . ' Ajnolle. pt o wa4.. entered in ., the turee No verdict vet In the Beecher- Tilton business ' SOBoaent. ' ' All Dentnfloes had theiv drawbacks, until the salubrious Bark of thr Soap Tree waej brought "from ;the , Chiliun valleys to perfect the fragrant Soiso DONT. the most wholesome, reliable and delightful article for the teeth that a brush was ever dipped into. 1 " ; 1 l n " Farmers add "horse men" are con tinually inquiring what we know of the utility of Sheridan't Caialry Con dition jPowdera, .and in reply, we would say, through the columns of the .TotJitNAL, that we have hoard from hundreds who have - used them with gratifying results; that is also our ex perience. , , If Johnaon'a Anodyne Liniment is half as valuable aa people sty it is, no family should be without it. Certainly no person, .be he lawyer, doctor, min ister, or of any other profession, should start on a journey without it. No sailor, fisherman, or woodsman should be without it Iu foot, it is needed wherever there is an ache, sprain, out, bruise, cough or oold. remaining oases, against liinds r AjlegBd i opmplioitfy, Uae! recent til Unntrarit franrifL i it I i I ' ( s i I i Heltk la CaplutU Who can doubt it, Do we not every day aee the vigorous and clear-headed pushing on to fortune, and the feeble and brain befogged tarrying by the wayf Health give energy, . Whst a , healthy mind conceives, a healthy body is prompt to tXMute. PifllouKioe which deter the invalid al togeher, the vipforoua man aurmounta at a bound. 1 If we would be - suooee fuL Itt us first be healthy. The inU tial step to be taken toward arriving t that oondition, is to rally the faihng energies of tha system. Aa a renovant of decaying vital power, Hoatatter'a Stomach Bitters may be justly recom mended in preferences to all other tonics, since its superiority as an in vigorant is the subject of daily demon stration: Bnt it is far more than a simple reonperant of physical strength j it is a prompt remedy for bodily irreg ularities, particularly of the stomach, bowels and liver, and a reliable preven tive of maladies begotten of miasma, impure water, exposure and exhaus tion, the bad effects of which in inva riably oonatei sots. DIED. In the city of Clmrlottt, tutitrdtr renins, 2titb liift., HOBKKT OUWAI, na w J.ibm I; mid ( oriiull t. MatU, agid I yn, 4 Boulhi uil IS ily. Tl. luuoral iervlcM will Uk.pUM froa 8t Jams' I huroh Ul morrlnf at itn'tlock. NEW ADVERTISEMINT8. St. John's Lodse, NO, 1, TP. an4 A, M. Knergcnt mealing tbii (TUKSDAY) tb Ii( at s o'olook tor wots la Us if.llow Urarw Utitfra. . . . , Uf order of the W. M. :?...'!,$ IAMJtS.O.MONS, geureury. St. Joun'a Hall, June I9 WS. 1M-H Board. JpoUK oKflre' leatleaim oo b.; furntbl wllhMKAUJ. Aluo, two oomlorUbl KOOMS can be had by applying W If I IS HHiL, ' i Jttit tjus 8Ston4 strts between ftfkrket rj Reduction in Price of QN and after Tktvtdav nest, iily lit, tie lnee efGai wlu be Si per 1,000 feet to all eon ammer.. i, , Abe WUnungtOttQsSfclgbtW. ; ia:i,v.W)(tej?.SK. Adniinistrator's Sale. X OVU A.Jt ttOOMs, on Tneidy, lf 20th, 1875. at 10 o'otoek. A.. M we will eell wlthoot reeerre, by order of 'i boe. Webb, Administrator catate of a C. Tew, dee Mud, m numacxa..,,,.., , vr ,: - TeraMeaib. . , , -."I ,1 il' CHONLI.' MOREIS, . : ,'!. if ! m Auotloneer Jnae . .,IM- ; Star eopy July th and totti , ,, Bargains Bargains, i WWBM'8 CLOTH OAITKES t M), wortk 13$ AA - - !. . i . -. i Men'. I ow quartered Hbm (1 09, worth IAdV. sinner. Only I) per pair. v.,:,,,- OrJAKLCS A. PBIOK, I iii t ' No- 31 Market Mreet, (une29 tr nignol Ibetioldeil Hoot t l"h Notice;" - 1 it 'pKHS'lNSllirtj ect'fo "tbe psyMejnC of Moludnto B It V Ts la keepti.g t4H the tr k . e S I'HJ Kerenne Aet, are hereby notlrledto eomefor- t' .ylnuoTi -TJfI1-.-.'--r4 i war d and pay their Semi-annual Tai on July lt, tyr, the half year rmllng Jnne IOht1BTt, and alee rtntw tbejr Llcnj Jodobuinen tor US i liui ii t l1U ! the enaning half tear ending December Slut, 181. , GEO. W. BOUHDEAUX, jane tt RegMer exouR&iow TO BLACKFISH GROUNDS, j.)'. .v rjnder the anjploeof the - . . ; j -,,.., . ON TQI . . a.iiKBMii.-...v'-:. mr.ui ': Steamer ,Waccamaw, ; FRIDAY, JULY 2d, 1875.! Every arrangement will be made for the com fort and ooareulance of the ncur-lonlaw. A airing band will be on board, and tboae who do notwtohto visit the itlackn-b urouoae, ean remain at Smlthvllie, where a Hail will beei, gagml for daaolng nnt I the Steamer return. The Boat will leave Market Wbaif ai 8 o'clock, sharp i tckct. lor sale at the aereral Book Rtore Ticket for Gentlemen SI : Ladle, and Ubll- dren 60 e.nti : P. J. WEST, , . -f .:),,., J. K. WII-BON, ' ' '. 11, T. UAL'MAN, ! Oommltire. JantM Merchant Tailorintr. IH ORDKK to dispose or th balanoe or my haudaom . SUMMER STOCK OF PIECE 00008, : . ; u i t " ; j I will make them ap at greatly reduced price. . . : i'; .. -, L !" Tbey mint b aoM wlthla th next thirty days. An axamlsalWu will pro?, that am 6flering bargain.. ' ' ' ' ' I' : I V ' i , , , 1 , A. DAVID, Entirely Hew. i Try a slam of our Soda Water, with the "Tonic Byrup." Third itreet, oppoalt City Hall. Preanrlptlou. com poundtd at all honre, day ana uigut. ., , , i. u NEW AOYERTISEMCNTS. White Dress Suits AT XTRIMCLY LOW RATES. , " Silk Warp Alpaca Sacks, ' Handsoma Wonted, l - . 'UBjl8ergec.' '.' ii. J reerleaa ShirU, s , Jsaaand Linen Drawers, : Lisle aad Qausa Bbirta, at MUNSON & CO., .' CTITCLOTllIEEa. Patrons of Husbandry , WiUHMorroa, N.C., July Mlh, UTS. j rpUS Cap rear CottoeH,(P.'of R.wtn SiMt lu the Court Bone In Wilmington,- on the third Thursday In Joly neit, (the Ulh tnet) at S e'dloek, r. M.; Arrangoawats have bees mail, with the W. A . R. R. Uo. to giro re tara tlokeM for all () eeats per mile, the 0 O B R Co and boat, ea the Cap Fear rtver will pM member, for one far. ' o'.ir. MaUbAMMr, Prauatatt Cap ftt Dot noU P el 11 T M Moon, Secretary Jane IT wtf Better Butter J rplIAM oar hi nerer ottered, t le alwy.d euabl togetth ' . . . BEST IJUTTEK, , f , . . . ( -., ,., .,, sod that w always hare, Our 0a Tabl But ter la loleoted oarefu'tly from th. beat Dalrle. In Mew York Mtate, and may be relied iB ai th v.-ry beet Bu4 e14 In this rlty. CnA8, D. alVERS A CO.f f J -A i V i I M i 'v1 -) 1 1 J t 1 Favorite Flour ,,' , ,4. 18 MAKING new friend. Ill THE BEST, , , , t MOST RELIABLE. THE TRUEST Bold onlj by - : 0UA8, D. M1ERS A CO. June 9TI 153 22i TJANlirAOTUttltUa CUf M - IMPRiXlNABLE CIOARa! guarante them to bo at good at an Imiort ed Ulgaj' and bOiisliit experts can detect auy difference. IhtmhdleeofWfor ONE DOLLAR. S1UI Um HIUUTT June ft John Dawson's , j kl.D KHTABI.18HKD Hard war Store ) I I 1 I Il Ml l with doubt the Jrgt au1 Sibtl T.liwrrf Hardware JCatahllihment In Kutern North Carolina. Price, and quality ol good, guaram taed In etsry teeeet. ' (- fl Krw.19,10 and 21 MARKET BTKKRT. JoneZJ . , lit- Vireinia Hiffiir 1000 ,b cu0101 Morth cr"" ni1 ytrKluia Ham., all alia., well cured, aound and .wart. M ut be mid to eloxe a oonalgnnient Call at our office and examine for roureelve. j HENDERSON A CO., " i .. South WUt Street. f 41 line 17 ' 159-t The Green Gate. A ROMANCK. From th Cerman of Krnott Wiener, bv Mr.. A. L,- Wl.te, tranalato. ol Th Old Aiamael' Secret," Oold Elle," "nuiua,"etu. rineciuinfi fo. It le a eharmtng atory, lull of rSnn ent, with a highly aMnMiUre plot, aad I tranalated In Mra. VViater'a pure and perfect t I. f ,. Seoond aupply received at t - b ... HEINSBEROER'S. -. iTwo Second Handle PIANOS, in perfect order, fbrtal cheap, to make room ror new one., at ' H E I N S B E R C E R ' S Idv Rk and Mut Star. . June 31 . , . . . , , loa-tr Beautiful A' 8 BED SHOES, iweeta. nut, and trnh i aa evening', balmy breexe, le our City Water Ground bolted Steal from .elected prime white Baltimore Corn, freak ground every day. Hay, Oata, Oern. Provender,' Flour, Ferrl. Ham, Bhouldara. Pig Pork.- Alt low down at GRANT & Um'OS'&. un8T ,,,,,,,,'1 ?IB . IMPORTERS ofwrt y the Bale usaeaf ', at Hetall gle Hamniocki, n eaeki sent on reoeiut of money. For whole- aale prlaea, ddrM (. Af. Hniwow A Hon, "Oak, Hall," Boaton, Man.' Bathing Bulm, MlllUry. Uood. and Hegalla, . f i 4 ,Wo HAnnOGKS. iu, aa . - s Admnst rator's Sale JOHN U. KOCH, a Aititrlnlrtratof bf Henry Bremer, deoeaetd, againat Henry Breaker and other Aetlun lot th. sals or laad, for aaaotatopaydebU. , ,,f ,,.,., I I purVeetico ol at dr of ibt Superior Court, made In the above titled cauee, 1 will, II U IHHIHUJ. UV AU U.I VI VH.J, l I . V wwm M.. at the Exchange Comer. In thCltof Wilmington, expo to aie to me nigruMf oia der. at nubile auction, the lot Of land aud bre' una on the Nortbeut Intersection of Front and Dock Street, fronting 16 feat on frost Itreet, and 10J reel on jiooa atreet. , - ,, , i Term.-One nnarter oaah.balanc On S Oredlt off, IS and IS month., ewjured by proralanry note r purcuaee, ana, uu reaarvea tui pur chaaemoneiuipald.,. . . ' . A JOHN O KOCH. , ,1,1 .- AdmlriLuatot H. Bremer. " ,jl-lww iRodnia for Rent ii TV Kg l HA B LI CNKUKNIiHKD BO B lor rent on Market atreet, over Br n A Ba dick'. Apply on th pteulae. lull 18-tf KXW ADVERTISIJIEST8. SmltirH Feed Cutter. rtllK BEST and iut durable rrd Culler i th market. . ,s for aal low by ' ! ; ' Jun 10 OlbM 4 Ml'KOBlriON. Dog-Collars DOQ COLLARS. ! 1 " ' , " DOO COLLARS, ! 51 i ! DOO COLLARS, XH OOIXARS at th SaUdl, HarMea and Trank SUir of OARPINTKR MALLARD. Ne.1 Rmttfe mat Btrewt, Wlmtmgtoa.N.n. jun IS . Mfrf For Smithville. gTKAttBB IUX1K will leT or .wharf a tarday at F. M. Baturalnf , IU lsv Bmlth- inMayettA.ai. . .,. V:ij'j;! i;, JunJ(.. .. , , y. IShU f ' KEW HANOVER bOUSTY. .'" Wilmisstok, M. 0., Jun lid, 11 V , t pnranaAo nf MeeUoa IS f "An AM to kal ateveau." ratlfled Fcbtuar I4U.ISI anitaaotlon it of a act known a that' a' ehlnery Act," ratlfled th 1ta dty of March Into, the Heard of IJoenty toijlrtueraef , it r Hi lae, i na New llanove ewuaty ma I tdayt aval the Court Houae, In the city of WHmL 10 city or Wllmlnil ion, for the pur poae named In aald aeta, and lav takeu a re- eeaa anttl MendAt,' liHth lr' ! 'jAtielSt j ' - L 'I W .,.,,- ..' at which time th CommlMlonere will pmoeed to revla th tax llaU and raluaikin rnrUid to them, and eomptet tli llu by computing th Ux payable by each piun and afflalng th eani ioalt hie name. The aeaakm of th Board will oeattauo foe Ik H aof 1 , THBKS WOBKIMO DAYS. The Board will hear all nerannii oltiecitinf iu th vaJnailoa of their i pmnerty or to ih awouut of tax cnargnd agalnat them. 1 lie tteard hae right to rata. valoatUaia-er pr party that mar be uureaaoualily low, and 1'or that parpen ar empowered to luremoa aud xamiiie witneearei . , t,. ,, i, After the lax llata ar ma.W ob and planed to ta bbimm or an nrten n, it wui e auaoat iu- Imealbleto make eorrectlon. All taull. mint i eonaklered th ftult. tt th t tyr tbcmaelvea. and notloe la herebr siren that no alteration, will be made after th time ex pire, except In acoordaaa with th rtrUtt 1- teroftbelaw. , ( 1 ".IAMBS WlliSO", r I Chalrmaa Board afiloaiity Vommleakinarh, jniivn - - i - - - nil ni, Treasurer I U', haul noil l.iii I i ,.t.i u. Cm os WrxinKOToit.-N. CL, i i.fjMu aituie iMtfct 1870. is ) 1 1 t n " J ri 1: id M .v -AN ORDINANCE ar OoUfHirnirig 'Cows'a'nd other battle' rah-! " "' ninf ftt largo, ' J ,... j Bm tt ORDAINED hy the Hoard f Aider, men of the City of Wilmington, it. C., foU LL.' '" ' - . I ! .-.) Il-il ' 8ecuo r. fist snjr cow bf otssi citn of Attti KtND, found running kt Hrg. wlthla tli corporate Uraltt of thl. elty,: shall be lm- poitmlad by th City Marebal,' nd lh wej required w py a Bnetrf Ten (1 Dollar, bo. for th tame Mtall b rolea ed, .nt '-m -n j Section I ASyerilliianecer 4rtatbeioreoiii. aictlnii herewith, are bertby' repealed." . r'Tiaib.ve erfllnaue "wee adopted) by th Brd f Aldrman a th 24th day of Jnti. urls, aad trill go Into eSaotoa afto an4 Moiv dwyvaaassssa atteat.f!iif c . .i Vd .aid 1 hi. C- 8ERVOSS, i.'j i -J- ' Cltv Clerk and Treanrer, ' ui-tr 4th OF JULY. I li ' V't i': 1. ill ., ) -I'is . I ! i ji .i i i ml PTICE TO EXCURSION PARTIES iI i-i o'lii im 1. i '-nia f'il'. riO-NIO PARTIES AND n BOUND "W Ttii t nr. 'iuM Lm naa M'i ;''! , - ii' I ARTIES. J ii..il, In :i''!: fs"(.i' r,Ji J.!i Vhiumt ' W fast a Urgs tok of k k n, n , fj .,-vly-. . vjM MastaaUiaoTt., UWcafOlaru, ... .J rj (r.' i.',: 1.' i. lOOoan.a.adllpWnirwaae OMkt -' -Corii4 Bf,' .ui'iiM .;) j f iwetOrnte.andvaryth(nl for a holi day put hp In ean. and package for uek j "jUi ooaalori.''"''-i Viil i ' ' W aa redoeed pric.1 td obm wlthla fange i ..tt. :,. . , l "' i i i JUtra Fin Claret,,., , , . , ,-.., ,. ii fn11(,0OSpte Prpol BeSitotterlatl)i1r'rlL r) ) I aoarantMd to keep pwAcUy wt and ricl all day la thf (qnrtak no nth. r to ths New Frh Beef Ungue, j',) !,, ; , i,,tl i c cjKsiii'l Pig. Fet and fiocsit awa?elKv)v4e'flB0lal0& -J&QQ&f&&&tBlffiMk Lrg4pasUh Alrea, Prto. redaood oa all th kbetwTaCwT monerb.Wdingto Cta. MYER3. II A II South Front Street.', BoarfeSuniner ... !?i r. i.: ftfs-x , WEIGHTSVILLE BOtnJD, PEBMANENT OB TKAMSIINT. ' ' S1UI3 pleaaant reaort, alitant S mile frorB e city, ai th'e JunotiorT of the Sonnd anditbe creek, will be In readlnaaa to a-commodat elUier permanent or traoeleAt Viata. Woa neauay, June loth . Hendered attractive by a beautiful grove asd dnewalk.i kaaMoe In the mldatofa well aettled noigbborlHiSdi There are on th premlae two tart bathing fibueo a aatl boat, aal'e and maoafld by an expert no4 aallor, la alw ay La, reai 1 1 naa to caivnf peraona to the beach. ,,.,.,..( 1 , vrrMe pica aming iron lueny win nnu the grove at WrlgbUvllle a mnat delight fti I not. .Th table will be ittPDlled bv the pro - epot. .Th table will be supplied by the pro eimwnf tue Hound, Sah, crmbe, elwlein, Ac. v Meal at an hoar tor butt new men la rtacb the city In time for work. t Meal, ean b had at anytime during theilay For further partaealais, ewjalreof MRS. BOUDINOTT, Cbenut, kotween ti And l. 4 . JuneUT i(M-zweoa j tie .- f- -nOSQUITO HE A MD FRAMES, Qaue and Lao. Oo.r AA auond (took. Jurt received and for Hi low b j D. A. SMITH A GO'S. iu tf JuM.ST . NEW . ABYZSTISEJUZS T3. t;. t in-,' - I I, BROWN & f ? h f J '15 -1 i i fi J . I (' 1 V j :!';"J ' 1 ' Havo determined to H JJ ISLJM 12 XI - K T. OCK " " 1 GREATLY, 1 RUCEI) f BICES.? a i-; j; .i i.f.. ii :i .. 1 Ii .. ,i I : ts 'Sal o aommenoe on , MONDAY, ' J IINE , (TH, 1815. ' li.iHlf,,' ;,U.;:J i;l(y i ijj J.'.if, fti . !i j il fV!"V'.'tf j Borne great Rargaius will be olTerad. I Wa do bo consider II bbobbwt law fro into dnlailav a tlin militin o-niiArAN W , 1 - 'l ,Ui.''v" ) t OneVPrice, ; 4; 111 1.1 A !-L l,i!LL,, i bill ,r:f -, i , i . net jBROWIf & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. 1 1 I 1 i .... ii tuHj.. (.in. hi '"a i in j-.iii.oa mi in Wif K'.ifi 'i'iiii; A -iwnl 1. ' ' ' fAS tIStJALvAt THIS BABON, FLi BELL BaKaNO tifc1'' in i.uii r imi wiiiiw (0i tMM 1 I ttVty,,ferj lowiprJoo "". Will ' y 1 y t ' of those! PACIFIC PERCALS iand CAHBRICG ! l, "fit tJJTpSALLT .: 'i.i'i Hi Ii hiteiiobiis QAU8B FLANNELS; MARSEILLES i t r!..f,!,)lj i;S 1t :. v " I - ' j ('i-JUSix s',nVt Tthwtn -jloi'W J i , MISCXUAgEQUa.; ' The IIOIk ri!mPf3Kt Lr ooeapled bvthe Be. J tlTllldeTi SeventU, between Ohfaut ud MuUierry a Trmreamabl.r 4 " 7C a it) jol "J1 ' i ". U. HAAB, (irooer, Cornor 7th and Cheathut Street. .'ataygi n'. -j "i -t:' -- insult Bacbn; ;;P6rfc ; Houi.; i 1 Buztiti CornV etc fl 75 Tjozos Smoked Hides and Sbo'dl uert "J' '-- ohm ' (OBozm'R & iBldee, 8 fawai 1 1)0 Bbla Perk, ;ii 1,, ntiv.ii it iU 8UU UDls, i iour all Rraoes, ' ., , 8,000 Bushels' Priiie White Corn. " 1 100 Baga Prime Bio Coffee, " I '.j lOOBblal tt. H.) Srrufc. j j. . t ; , 1 ,100 Hbds. and bbla. Now Prop Cu . , fja Molasses, ,,. . ,u ' JtoflBalea Primefo. li,Hay,',da " 800 Balea Prime Eastern Hay, a 1 an 400 Bandies Hoop Iron, ,v: rn ui im 200 Seoond Ila&d apirCatdui,: , ,iO0BbU.,Qlue, 1 , 100 Bozea and half boxe' Caodla?,' I. U.in J0X6e LtJQfl JB-0 lU Boxes Soda, -h ril.)t c j 25 Boxes roteah, ., , , iiJ" 60 Boxes Candr.' 'rtw,'H, ' ' "SOBoxeaSoap, '1 i i i. ; WBoxeaTobaooov v i; l iii Jjii prose, Matohestai' jAm . "For sale low by tuif ' i,i'v r;""i It!itlJ IO v ,' ii ii ti4il Utkill 'i nsr-lS m,l!UsyTLl4AMS. A MVRCaiSfl ' m'lk'At 6siMV''toWar' 1 !'' I mtt-.j uj I'iIHhI wi i.iwJi ,o.,tta Barskafa,," Ti,i;i, m-K,.s 'j(t f .osalslpWwy U tn'.i i JonsBO 1-,-iliy i , a-., t y( .uni-itjUTj Tn finipw 'nf lim' ! ' ill 'lii.C Al'ii... il '-.' i wdiwuujl sili Tfrsr: "'.? !rs W- JPBTIM JatlXBAXBCABir S rt WAOtWl whs r jdeHnqiient ftupayi Jnt Uroon,oi b uul, amntUU Bm t4 hereby notlflod that if th earn la not pal(l hj Monday, th tstli 'Ihttaht.' Oiey'tillT te'pfose-' uted In th Mayor'. Ooart, and, thereby aub- toted to additional coat and txpenaa, T. O. BERVOSS, City Clark and Trcaanrer. low-lw junta aa LI Mi RODDICK, plear out all their i -, 4 i i . .ft , 1 ,1 K ii', r a knnwleH Jlnnlliin l t4 I -' lj-uvm,u J -URJlin .ctu i,,Uf Strictly Cash 1 1 ... I'll IN SURER DRESS' GOODS i aliMiotHiB liilu'weol another lol ni desintbie -,, , .ti j.u MpOW rRICES. " ALSO lm ,ut: AND HONIY COMB SPREADS, :aadoDB,'4o.7&o. t'i to n) l;!fii:1 ew t "'.t:i.Hr n..-.t,w .It-Ma-. mil J .. il , .,(, j.i iiun iicUt ,,, , . n, ,':. i rr,,., ,,r!i ijJIlRJ IrilUiJl- Him rvt .,iw SOL' DEAR & ;BR0'S, 20" Mftrlriti StnVt: IS &SlfHliJi;,!vf,.,!fn'''. t . ,,iirA .f''t ill cm d L.a ff . ' I f, ,yh.) OF J ".xjf Ul V'lv.S Ti? Uihtl Ui'u uhjiU Vt II .Y tifiCT "Gr'reatj'sBfetrgalnai! . 'JTyoliol 0;!t 1 in rtmw.ill aw v.nn. (..,.,. i..ii.4H I A-4 LIUBN BBKBTIMO froa la ota. and 11 n petyardw w , ,0. Ji -m , t 1 mMMBjl 1),j(sls V piriW Irtdaemd senaaa Lma ahlrttnga, Cambria Bwaasrohlsf, . MATTrMt3l,.WbUSnd Colored. ."- I 'lU'. 'Mm.iMSlmbfai 'trailing 0rMei mTJsoslrsat,' ' 'm".'t t Largs aenrtmeat of Panama aad BtrawHat for Children and M.n.';', ,-.m ';,; i. . . We will Oomatea- ow Monday to U th abOT and will continue dan until th whole Hook i olod out T lAdle ar reipctfully lafitad, to call aad examlo on Mock, a we knew It will rr paythem.';.' ...I'V. ' la fatur w Intend tocontln our buflner. tOCIethlnff-and Merehaat Tailoring. mayxtiK'. , t . - ' ltm-tt s iu:,i.ll;-ii.a.iu;.iii;: :Uptoh's United Stdtes AttMl (JAVALRf 'TAOTto ill i-j .-J ..oi; iJ l' (Il ?., l.i,:j.,llO i-J , . WO, ', v.,A cf :::inialltrj'i;Tactps.1 VVfAl VAAUA w a, j. n r Fa TheGrfesnGate; rt fl T"'T ''"!' in fr-t h .' it ,H I.,1'",' - 1 -fA albry I txei oha-amr.; bj ChrUtlaa Ueid. AUIorealeat Conolcy & Yates. CITY BOOK STORE. janM los ..- w ew r . ,jBfv. iT i: f- . t w

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