o 1 I - 0 I ' . -1 1 I VOL XXIV. HO. 155. WILimTGTON. H. C. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 30, 1875. UH0LS 110- G.913. if... TO ""Vi ! fit 'kvi-fA V lr t j S I j J it wionsaTON. n. a.- WEDKISDAY. JUKE 30. 1875 BY TELEGRAPH. ELECTR1CISMSV Thi Wton bridge works, at Patenon, N. J., have been burned. Lom $100,000. ' t The Standing Committee of the Illinois Episoopal Diocese have voted In favor of the consecration of Rey. Dr. J. L8bipman, Bishop eloct of the Diooeae of Fon Da Lao. This is th first diocese to Uke this action. TEXAS THE XBO'tBEE 8 ON , THE FRONTIER. Galveston, June 29 -Night A special dispatch from Browuvillo says drove of stolen cattle crossed the Arrayo Colorado, on Saturday night. The rtfrnlara ' and rangers are in pur suit " It is reported that 200 well armed Mexicans oroasod at Oalvass ranohe three days ago. A fire si Maokinney destroyed a block of business houses. Loss about $70,000. - THE WEST. TERRIBLE STORM AND MUCH - LOSS OF LIFE AND PROPERTY. Chicago, June 2b Night Reports from numerous points of Wisconsin, Minneta,Michigan, Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri and Southern : Illinois, indi cate that the storm which passed over that section, lasting from Saturday till Monday night in most of the localities, did great damage, killing a considera ble amount of live stock, tearing dowq bouses, barns and fences, inundating whole farms and Injuring crops to some extent. Railroad bridges and culverts were swept away in some E laces, and many persons injured, everal persons have been reported -killed. S THE FEVEli. EPIDEMIC AT KEY WEST. H iw Iowt;f-3ief25--NIghr-Dis-patches received here from J. V. Har ris, Hea'tit Officer at Kex West 1 dated . J aas - 28, teport: 7 One death Iron yellow fever to-day. Dr. Harris dds: "I am sorry to have to inform you of the Drevalenc ,pf this disease as epideiHiJ at,this pla4?, I ! 11 WASHUiaxoN, June 29 Night. A dispart arrived here to-day from Pen; saoola, Fla.. which announoes that the Oerman Barque Yon Moltke arrived at that place yesterday with several cases of yellow fever on board. One death baa ooourred, , She was subjected to itrwt quarantine. , There was noap- Srebeiuion that the fever would reach le Navy Yard or city.-- .ECOTHABli! ' SIX MORE INDICTMENTS IN THE TWEED MATTER. TWO MORE ' RASCALS DEVEL OPED IN THE BEEOHER - .Ik taTBIAL. - Niw York, June 29 -Noon Seven pertobi'Verl poisoned by eating piok lea oontaiaingospperas. One will prob ably die." The, Grand Jury of the Court of General Sessions presented six new in dictments against W. M.Tweed, Peter B..'Cefltiey,;G A, Woodward and others not yet arrested. And new in dictments for obtaining money by false rutenoaK: from the ' City -Treasurer, he amount Involved is $600,000. Joseph Loader, who made affidavit stating that be had seen improper fa miliarity between Rev. H. W. Beechet ana Jars, xuion, at me rofliueuuo ui the latter in the Tear ,1869. was arrest ed last night on i, warrant based on a oomplaint made by OoL : Henry Barton Beaches) wupported by an affidavit con taining the written confession of Jaa. J. Prioe,nis accomplice, rnce appear ed as a witness against nim making an affidavit that he did not. know Loader previou to 1872, and knew nothing about Tilton's house until recently. He said that .Loader told him that noOro&id4e a good cnanoe to make some money. Judge Morris appeared for Loader and Messrs Traoey and Hill for the oomplainant. Judge Riley o dered both Loader and Price to be looked np for examination. ',; w.X THE INTERNATIONAL v SHOOT "XNQ MATCH - . TEBEIELE i DISASTER AT BUDA TAB 4MERICANS AHEAD SO tlnm.i .tun. OQ.WuM Tnlvnfl. ttanal Rifle Aontest boron to-dttv: the total ,soore at : eight hundred V'ds ranee was. American 837: Irish 838, LaterThe teams are now firing at nine- hundred yards range. Twenty eight out of -ninety shots have been fired by each rifled At 'tMi stage of the shooting the Americans are twelve mints ahead. n v-. t r! f- i LoifDOM, June 29 Noon A furious thandar norm passea over uuatt, Pestb. The lightning was. incessant, The hail fell in such quantities that ths joofs of the bonsee and the sur rounding bills were, covered two feet iUiok with ioA The water fall , was extraordinary. Torrents swept through the streetfc, oL Buda. carrying men. vehicles and evervthing movable, Into the river. ' Iany houses were suddenly nooaea ana destroyed before tneir in mates' oouldi escape. Five hundred of the inhabitants are missing; at leant one hundred were drowned or killed by the falling walla. All railways in the vicinity are interrupts. Dvbun, June 29 Night The shooting at the 900 yards range ia fiaisbed and the result is legally in favor of the Americans. The toUl scores are Americana 329; Irish 292. Later The ahootiug at the 1,000 yards range was remarkably fine on both sides. The contest at the 1.000 yards range was won by the Ameri cans by a score of 303 against 299 for for the Irishmen. The match has been won by the American Riflemen by a total of 967 to 929 for the Irish opponeuts. LIST Or I.ETTKUN temaiaiaa In thai I'oatorf Ice In thla tltjr, Jane S9, IS74. ; A Anderson Anderson, Mrs E A Alwsy, Mrs Francis Audrede, lleury Allen, Holmes Akron. James AultL. B Betsy Bell, Miss Sue Bryan, Miss M E Brown, Miss Mary Best, W Boarduot, John Brown.Heury Bryant, Hanson Blanton. C Anna Coiwotl, Geo W Cole, Miss Fanny E Carroll, Eddie Covingtou, Mrs Lauriua Cupps, J S Coleman, Miles Cooper, Miss Nauoy R Chad wick. D Capt A Drew, Mrs Betsy Davis, Miss A Dudley, Ezekiel Donelson, John Davis, Miss Kate Davis, T M Doar, Willie Devane, Wm Devand, A Davis, care H C Chad wick. EHmry G Everett, Peter Elliot F Mrs S G Floyd. Chas Fisher, D T Fry, 2, Miss Jane Freeland. G Miss Betty Graham, Muts Amy Goodman, David Gardner. G Miss Massie Guthrie, Mrs i'ollie Ganse, S G Gardener. ' H Mrs Lydia Humphrey, Miss Aunie Hanks, Miss Rebecca High smith, Buck Hill, Alex Hicks, Mrs Holland Hill, John Heal, Eliza Eliza beth, care Johu Hull, John Uondnek son, Miss Wauuie Hiues, N A Haven, Smiley Hansen, Mrs Susan E Hersey, Miss Harah Haywood, i J L Johnson. . i . ' K Miss O Kelley, Mrs Louisa Kelley, Miss Norriss King, Samuol King, Miss Nancy King. ? ; t x L Ed word Lavan. M Miss Alice Moore, Miss Bar bara Marohbook, Miss Cora Morrison, Firney Moore, Edward Martin, Frank MeKoy,Hepsey - Mcintosh, - J W Meadows, Stone Monford, Miss Jau MoNeal, Mrs Lilly Martin, John W Morgan, Lewis Merrit, Starky MoCul lough. Col Peter Mallett, Wm Myers, John Mosely, Mrs Nauoy MoColler. .N Lewis Nixon. Mrs Marv Nash. 21 Mrs Sarah E Powell, Herbert R enny. 1 1 R MiftUlarv 3E Rowa, Solomon Ready, 2. . .. . o Mrs- Amelia Sweat, Archibald Skipper, Ellen Smyth, G A Skinner, James W Sutton. Joseph ! Schroder. James Stroder,"Wm HSwindall, Miss Charlotte Hampson, Soot Banders. . T Thaddius S Tyler, Mrs Cornelia Thompson. s ' ? V Gustavo Vanstrong. 1 1 M Mrs Chants Whseldfln. Lumual H Williams, Chas Willis, Mrs Isabella Ward, Joseph H Willis, Lucy J .Wih Hams,- Maeiah Williams, " " - ' - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. U OPEEAi HOUSE Thursday Evening, July I st CONCERT Given by a bomber of tbe Puplli of Froteaaor . 'iamborello, fur th beneti! of Tie Late Memorial ; AffiociatiimJ Dooriopfnat 8 P. M. Concert begin, at 8:30. Ticket SO Cents. Referred seat to be bad at Helnaberger's Bookstore. June 30 , , . i. , I I!,, UB-St TO HOLDERS -or- CITY COUPONS, 4. . Office ol" Treasurer ana Collector, City of Svilmi nqton, n. a, i -;f June aum, mm j , NOT10K It hereby given that THE JOLT O JUPONS 1873 (of Bond of thl. ORy) can. not be promptly paid. i ! ' 1 ' ' 1 In conseqaence of eertal angM andSr ft recont decision oftli Supreme Ooi of tblt j , . State as to the manner of awemment of the Bal and Peraonal Property - In thl. city; and thereby the City Tax Book, not yet having bn placed In powewlon Of the underlined for collection; together with other compllea tlona in regard to our Municipal affair, now pending before theipremo-' CourToF North rolina, the cltyof NVllmai!ton mu.t necee- ij i jj lhi;l-J ,!ii.w xi:i ily crave tome Indulgence from the holders Oily Coupons, uodor eilttlng olrcuniataact.l T. C. SEBVOSS, , .i A. J t 'Jl. . City Trcanurer. IVOTXOE. ' MKMBER8!-Tour, attentioid to called to attend the tegular monthly moating thl. ( Wed nesday) ev.hlng, ttie ?0tli lntthnt, at I o'clock, at your Hall oo Fourth ttreet. f . iPanctual attendant) l desired, m boklness ui iniioruiucu wi.i wo uruugui. uuiore meeting. ;.,,!.' , ; ! By order oftbe Prtdti. ' ' A I .... JOHN . KOCH, 1 1 Reo. Secreta.y. -.' ne30 .'- .166U I'jcRniain niiDnc mt dp tii.UUir.U UFIIUV ana print hstpost tasklovahl ttylo at tba JOURNAL: FFI04 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. School Notice. rpUK VMKKSIUNEU BEQ LKAVR TO kuuoaae to U. etllitni of WtlmlBtas tbt thej will, .boot th. Brt of Octobr in', on as AcAOuny at a oantrai location la tbl elty , la vhlch EngUati, Clna.lrnl nnd nalhemail- cal Branch, tog otfaar with auxlf a Unjuajta, will It oar fully and fflotaatly Unght, TTBto noun cd kerealUr. B. K. BKTAW. J .. . "I JKO CCALHOTJJI.j Macltnta. JuiMlO IW-tt The County School Ex aminers QKNKW hANOVEK COUNTY wUl bolu an ciamluation of apllcii'i lur T.acbora' OorliHcate. la Wilmington, at It. Court Huum, coBm.noIng ThataJay, July lit, 1IP, at 10 o'clock A. M. each day, and eoullnuliig dining Hio weak. All pervoue diwirlug totvacti will proni,tly vrtMiit UntmaelTM for txaml. na'loa. J. H. HM V I ti. H.i reUry of Board of KxatuliiHtH. June 11 IM-at Car-olina Central Railway Co. Orif.ca (iKKUKtL MUfSalBTMIIllKNT, I Wiliuluglon, N. O., duly 1, 18TS. ( Change ofJSchedule, On and aRor July int. 1M7S, tha Ualn will b ruu or lliu Hallway a toUowa : EAmTEKN DIVISION. Passonger and Mall Trains-1'H y Laar. Wilmington at. ....... (S :niC.M Arrlv.ln t'Uilolve at.... 1to Uliar oto at arrive at Wilmington at 530A M i:imP. M TWA M Fast Freight and Passenger Tralne-i"iiy, (Sunday ccited.) , Uan Wilmington at. .. ............ .11.00 A.M. Arrlra at Uliarlwita M , m f. M Uo Charlotto at...-...,...., :..7:tni A. M Arrive lu Wllnilnglonat.... .Io.iki r. M WESTERN DIVISION. Lny Cliarlott at .ISO AM .ll:WAM Arrive at Huflalo tor Hhelbyat, 11 at - Arrive In Chnrlotteat.,,..., 4:(JU f M C6nnections. Conn.cUat Wilmington with WIlnitMalii. M Weldon, ana WUulngtou, lolunibla Au guita Uatlroada, ncail-weoklv VorkauU vri-wreaiy naiiimore ana weekly rbllwUW lihl Ntuuuani. and 4n Uiaa Haata l Kit- ttovlll. .. ..... . , , uonnootaatubarlow with the North Oaro Una Kallroail, Oharlotta and Htateavllla Kall- roan, unarioue - m Atlanta Air Un. ami Ubarlatto, ('o'.umhia and 4ugut Kaliroad. Tha. inpnlying tba whole Wert, North wr lit aad Sattikvnai with a (hurt and; cboap Ira. tu vua oaapuwm aou jvuropo. j t , t ,. t r 8. L, FKEMONT. Chief lagtn.erand Sapriatndei)t. I. June M ssr Pai iai-ir I6T Paper. sublithlDS 0 O. Hallway ached- ul will uleaM notice change.. Administrator's Sale. AT OCR sAuKS KOOMS, on Ttwuday, JulyMlh, 1875, at 1(1 o'clork, A. M., we will tall wlthoat reserve by order of '4 hue. Web)), Administrator entate of O. ('. Tew, deooaiwd. W MDSKETS. Termteuh, ; UHONliT A MORKIS, ' . Auctioneer Jnne ' iM2t htar copy July 4th and Sflth Bargains Bargains. jyTKN'3 CLOTH GAITERS SI CO, worth S3; Alen-f ui Quartered Bhoe 11 SO, worth i a'-i . - j Ladle Sllppora only SI per pair. I CBAKLKH A. PRIUK, ho. it Market troet, 1un29 tf Sign ot the tiolcten Root Notice. ALL PERSONS wbject to the payment of M died tile B A C Tax In keeping with the Rcvenne Act, are hereby notified to come for waid audmy their bemi-Riiisual Tax on July 1st, tor the half year ending Juno 30ih, 1S75, and alto renew I heir License todobueli-em lor Uieentulng half year ending December Diet, 1878. ' GEO. W. BOURIKAUX, June 29 6t ' ltejildter Grand Family EXC U RSI ON SMITHVILLE . AND . BLAGKFISH GROUNDS; , M . ... Under 'the autplcetof the : ON THE Steamer Waccamaw, FRIDAY, JULY 2d, 1875. Every arrange in. nt will be made for the com fort and oonvenlance of the excurlMiili. A tiring baud will be on board, ami tbom) who do not wish tu vli-it tbe lilacktl h Orounns, osn remain at Hmithvllie, where a Han win be gaged for dancing unt I the Steamer returns. The Boat will leave Market Wbaif al 8 o'clock, sharp " . ' ., . " i icketa lor sale at tn several nooi stores Ticket for Ueullemen SI ; Ladies and Chil dren 00 couU 1 i: ' . B.J. WEST, v . . Oomnittt6. JunW , .r 'f V Hast Merchant Tailoring. TN ORDER to dlSose of the balance of my x nanuaome SUMMER STOCK OF PIECE GOODS, I , I- I will caakthem np at greatly reduced prices. I ... They must be told within the next thirty days.' An examination wljl prore thnt tun oftatleg bargains.- .!. j I !jtr-i-sifi-',. A DAY1D. us- junaira NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Board. jP'iOH or tv (vntlem.B aaa b raratahed llhKAlJt. A lao, two ooalartabl HOOMS can be had by applying to HISS HIIL, Eat side B.oood at roe t, between Market aod Frtnoeaetnieta. jua lM-lt Reduction in Price of ; Gas. QM and after Tharada aext, July lrt, tbe wio. f Gaa will b SI pr l.coo feet to all eon .ummera Th WUnlagtos Oa Light Oe. It. J. JONES, SM'y Jk Traaa. junatt . U4-1W White Dress Suits AT EXTREMELY LOW RATES. Silk Warp Alpaca Sacks. Handsome Worsted, Diagonal Serges, Peerless Shirts, Jean and Liueu Drawors, Lisle and Cause Shirts, at MUNSON & CO, CITICLOTHIEKS. June T lM-tf Patrons of Husbandry WiLMixiToa, N.C.,JulyS6th, 1875. fJHK Cane Fear Oounell, (P. of H.jwlll meet lu tho Uourt Honae la Wilmington, oa th third Thuraday la July neit, (Iht 16th lnat.) at 8 o'clock, P. M. Arrangement, have been made with th w. A W . It. K. Co. to give re turn ticket for ! (8) cent, iwr mile, th 0 J K K Go and linau on the Cape Fear river will Imuw ninuiber. for ono far. CW.MoOI.AMMT, Premdent Cap fear Oounell P ol II T M Moona, Secretary June 27 dAwtf Better Butter rJtHAN our. Is nevor oflerod. Jtl.alwiy.de- lubie to got th BEST BUTTER, and that we alwayahav.- Our fln Table But. tor la lelectod carefully from the brat Dairies In New Tork State, and may be railed on a. tbe v. ry bent Bolter Mid In tbU otty. -CHAS. D. MYERS A CO., Favorite Flour J8 MARINO new friend. It If THE BEST, ' " i MOST RELIABLE, " ' THE TRUEST ever tued by houMkeepera. Sold only hr CHAS. D. MTERS A CO. Juno 27 ; . - lt . -Tanr-i il -T-rtr--T TTitTT-frt iir 22i M AMUFACTURER3 OF IMPREGNABLE CIQABS guarantee thorn to be a good at an " Import- , - . . . . . j. j. . ed tlgar," and none but experte can detect any difference. In bundle of SO for . : ONE DOLLAR. r By D. PICOTT. June 97 IBS John Dawson's U ESTABUSHEO Bardwars Btor without doubt the largest and moat reliable Hardware KHtabUihment In Kartern North Carolina, price, and quality of good, guaran toed In e, very re.ict No. 19, to and 21 MARKET 8TRJCKT. Jure tl - 1" ; The Green Gate. ROMANCE. From the Oerman of Krne.t A Wi. hort. bv Mrs. A. L. Wlsto'. translator of " The Old siamsel's Becrot," " Uold Klle," Hiilda,"eto. Fine ciotn ti 70. It is a cliarmlns storv. toll ol refinement, with a highly attractive plot, and la translated in Mrs. Wmter's puro and perfect .tile. Nevonu eurpiy rtceivon at '. HEINSBERGER'S. Two Second Hand piANOS,ln perfect order, for sale aheap, to u ak room for new ones, at - 1 - ' HEINSBERGER'S Live Book aud Music Store, June 71 163-tf ; . Beautiful Pi RED SHOES, tweet as a nut, and fresh evening's balmy breeae, Lour OltyWatet Uroiiud rtult.-d Meal from selected prime whit Baltimore Corn, fresh ground every day. Hay, Oils, Corn. I'rovonder, Flour, Ferris Hams, Shouldrr, Pig Pork. All low down at . GIUNT k HINTON'S. June 27 ' 1M Rooms for Rent." i .... EHIltlPLB UNlFURNUHEU BO i or ronton aiarxet sireei, over urown a at dick's. Apply on th premises. Juno 4 J35-tf MOSQUITO NETS AND FRAMES, Cause and Lao. , Qur bjcoihI stock. Just received and for tale low by D. A. SMITH A COU - Jffl.tf June tf Newspaper for Sale. A TIT OOOU MAN wishing tn engage In the newspaper bn.liifSH, can with a .mall osh 'caiiltal. Mcnre tbe I reiw, Type. Fixtures and Mood Will of tne" ' onooraoun " , , rot foil Vtlculats,rsssi Mi Con ooi ra, n. u. m-lB lima 11 -f t H ' SUt papers bleat eopy. 1 5rw ALVISTISEMESTS. Smith's Feed Cutter. rjtllB BEST and met durable Tted Cutter laths matlnt. Fortolslowky QILKS A MCRCHISON. Wt Junk) Dog Collars DOQ COLLARS, DOQ COLLARS, . DOG COLLARS, IHHJ UUIXARS M in SadUl, Uaraaa and Trauk Star of i CARPENTER MALLARD. No. S Bout Front Btrwat, Ttlmingt. M. iX June 1 H tf For Smithville. STCAMBR DIX1K will lea v our wharf 8a rday at 4 P. Mi Returning, will leave Saalta vllls Monday at! A. M. . O. a PARHLET w K. juutM ? j , isa-tf OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK AND " " TREASURER. ClTT OF WttMINOTON, N. C., ( Juus 24Ui, 1875. AN ORDINANCE Oouoeroiug Cows and other cattle ruu- ning at large, , ., V s ,' JJS IT ORDAINKDby tbe Board of Alder uuiaor theCltyof WHaigU)n,. a fol- fOWl! Bectlon t. That any vow or otuia oimi of ad kind, foind innnlng at large within the corporate limit of Uilaclty, .hall bo lm-' iwundad by the City Marahal, aud th owner required to pay a flue or Ten (10) IHUlart, be. fore the aant thall b rele d. Heel ion a Anyordlnanc or part thereof con. dieting herewith, are hereby repealul Tha above oidluanoe was adopted by th Board of Aldarmen on th 34th day of June IK 8, and will go Into effect on after and Mon day, June ynth IniUut. '' T. C- SERYOSS, ; City Clerk and Tmaaurer, . 181-tf June 28 4th OF JULY. NOTICE TO EXCURSION PARTIES, HO-OTO PARTIES' AND BOUND I r ARTIES. W have a large ttook of I '-' ' Fin HtMita Ltmon; 100 eaae of Olaret. ' loooania, 4,0 and 11 pound PrM4 Oooked, ! .,',. .OornedBeof,,. , Sweet Ornget end everything nice for a ho'l day put Uf In aant aad paokafn for tuoh 1 , . i, ooaalon. j , . ,,, W hav reduced price, to com with l range Of alt...! ' , i I I .' '(:. : -.I Ml,. Iitra Fine Olawwt, a 1. 1 ! i ,, i( I M cent par set Us, Beet Botbtr la the World, ' Quarantoed to kp prfctly tweet and rich- all day lath ttiDtk no other tu th ' . . .. Boand. N.wFre.h Bf Tongues, ' , Flgi feet and Hock., Krth Smoked B.ef, ' Large Bpanlih Alrea, PloklotanS Sauce. : - Price reduced on all the above, and save money by tending to ' , CEO. MYERS. . l 18 South Front Street. June IT Southern Illustrated ! RALEIGH, N. 0. THE ONLY ILLUSTRATED WKEKLT In th South. Kiaht oaM. fortT col umns. Containing mor residing matter than any weekly published In the Huuthern States. The Srst number of the SOUTHERN IL LUSTRATED AUK will be Issued on daturdar 96th ttay of Junm, 1878. Tha Publisher Intends maklnc It an illus trated record oftbe times. It will treat of every toule. Political. Historical. Literary, and Sotentiflo, which Is of currant Intareet, and tlve the beat Illustration, the can be obtained, original or foreign. Th SOUTH iBN ILLUSTRATED AOK will b. printed oo new tyo, alia heavy book On'itsllstofoontrlbutors will be found the names of many of the best writers in the Mouth Serial and short stories, poems and .ketones, and well conduetrd editorial departments, giv ing the latest personal, literary, eelentlHo, po litical, religious and eommereial intelligence, will furnish every week an amount or reading matter nnsvrpaastd by other papera, In exoM lene and variety. It te intended to mak tli SOU l HERN ILLUSTRATKD AOE a jour nal for the fireside ; several column will be specially rlwvoted to all subjects oerulnlni to domestlo and toolal life. No fumlly sbouia be witnout it. Habsorlptiob price only SI per annum. Pott- .1 x. i ujjUuuju, nxmor, : ; v . BaUIgS, M.O. ; Jun8 i : . i -. . . "Btf THE LMDHARK, PUBIilSHKU AT 1 ' STATESYILLE UDELL C0D1TI' H. C " IS TUB i i Leading Newspaper In Wester , , . Nortri Caroline. ,: . . T IS THI ONLT DEMOORATIU PAI'KR nublUhed in Iredell' Ooan one ot th larneat and wealthiest eonntiee la :h StaU and haa attained a t..rger local circulation than any paper ever heretofore; published t. th eoaaty.. , ! ... , , ,, ; i. ,,....! .. m w.rn u i ui tun m aivuiiun. n.i.D.Mu. Alleghany, Tadkln, Davie and Iredell, it I riret ... .1 iH ttrn L.u . .1. man mat or an iw naner in we stsn com blnedj and 1 rapidly aoqnlrlng a etroni. loop bold In Forsythe, 8urry, Rowan aud Western Mecklenburg. It Is th only paper la Western North Oara Una that employs a regular canvassing agei' i. and la thus kept constantly befor tbe pnopl Undo this system a rapnlly-laoreaslng olrua. latlon Is the result, making the LAMDnilt ,7 The Best Advertising Medium f. .Western Morth ,rol n. u- 7? ... ..se aaiABASariw c ssai I a rw saw ww n w sr-a or SUOW BILLS gotten up and. printed in the most attractive style at tbe . r , JOURNAL UFFICB. TtLANK DEEDS for sals at the . i ( JD 4 Journal Oxficb. J NEW ADVISTISiriXTS. BROW & 45 MARKET llavs determined to clear out all their NUMM13U STOOK ' '',, t ; ;( ; GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Salo to oommeuoe on ; MONDAY, JUNE TTH, 1875. ! ' . ' ' ' - i . : Sorus great Bargains will be ottered. Wo do not consider il nooeesary to go iulo details, as tho public generally know we do nothing by halves ' One! Price. Gall early and i t I jBROWH & RODDICK, BARGAINS If! SUi.ii.iER DRESS GOODS vXw..; WiATZ'S, , ; AS USUAL AT TIIIS SEASON, ' -f t I .l-Bj t ff "f'r T I I . i i trrjii i : at TWJti erJj owjot)av f m e9 tnaa I PACIFIC PERCALO and CAMDniCG . 1 '".m nmrtoitirrv trttrnVrtpd "iraW f ' ' " " - i " i . t I '" ' ' "'Oil !.'! i ' r -V- 'I.! t White Goods; Ladies' and Gents' Gausa Vests, OAUSE FLANNELS, MARSEILLES . '1 J.i " 1 Jnneto ' ! " ? ' 1 -.' MI8CE1LA1TE0U8. OR RE1TTI ThaHllllMd pk.MH.Llw hiiTil Aw and oooooled bv the Rev.J. O. Hlden.onlEi Seventh, b.twwen Uhaetnut and Malbarry St xermt rasonaoi .i . . i. .. . H. SAAB, Grocer, - ' Corner ftb and Ohestnot BtreeU. may It . ISS-tf . .... w 1 ... mmi uacon, rorii. jtiour, Sugar,; Corn,; etc 75 Boxes Smoked Sidos sud Shoal ders, .. . 60 Boxes D. S. Sides, MBblsPork, ' - 100 Bbls. Refined Bngar, ' 1 l ' . 800 Bbls. Flonr all grades. ' ' ' 8,000 Bushels Prime White Corn. ! 100 Bags Prime Rio Coffee, 100 Bbls. 8. H. Byrnp, - !'' 100 Hhds. and bbls. New Crop Co---" bs Molasses,' 1 . "' 800 Bales Prima N. R. Har, -860 Bales Prime Em torn Hay, " 400 Bandies Hoop Iron, ' r 200 Seeond Hand Spirit Casks, ! 100 Bbls. Glne, i 250 Kegs Nails,' ' .'. ' 100 Boxes snd half boxes Candlss, 60 Boxes Lye, ! " ' " " ' 26 Boxes Sods,' ' ' !J..v-."- 26 Boxes Potash, ! ; , ' 60 Boxes Candy, ' 1 : , V ou coxes ooap, 60 Boxes Tobacoo,'1 -150 Grou Matches. 1 I1..1 , 1 : JToi sale low by ; i U-i - i ' ,i j -,..v-. i.... ,. I A w WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. Uumtl Goanel UuftHwl. V i ISO Tont GdanSpt Quano", , , . . . I r.tc -.tr .... .'i ' ' ;100 " Eureka ' . . j FQrtallowbi,t , ) yj.j i WILLIAMS t MUBOHIBON.H . MT June 10 To Owners of Drays, Wanons or Carts. ot ricc TBEAS. & ' collector, crrr op wilmlnoton, n. o., . . ..a. , i, , jane 25th, 1875. ( A LL PARTIES owning DRAT8, QARTS or WAGONS who aire, delinquent la 'payment thereon ot the usual njon,thly license tax, are hereby aoUfied that If th tame It not paid by MoiKl.y, the nth InsUati 1key wlU e prose- euted In the Mayor's Oowtwnd thereby tab onal cost and expsnn, t ., toted to additional I City Clerk and Treasurer, June t . US-1W RODDICK, KfllET, Strictly Cash secure a 45 Market Stree l . I . U J f, v 1 I'LIi BELL BALANCE OF It ' ii- tt. i- i . . . ,i . . mi uiwu auia wees aoocner 101, taiLf Vttfilam i s -. ,n tint i ti u t AND HONEY COMB SPREADS', u J '-''Ui ft ! i i n S'l , t'.'!. -i '.) t;t"-i '.(u:t -i l-4-..w wdi f..Jw n ! i : BISCXLLAbTZOVS, ! SOL-BEAR - ti BRO'S, 20 Market Street. i i r.' i t- t : .-' i vn ;u CLOSIKO OUT THE ENTIRE STCSK " . ' 1 1 n I .i OF i ,( J ., . . . .it "f f . U ! DRY GrOODS i v vil i i i i .)'. ;"! ti ttc t , ATO0BRHTAIL STOKSH l iJ GFreat jBargalnia J,' i !! LIMN 8HJCCTINQ from TO ets. ami SI I. pr yard,, ).ui v. ii, MosamhhittM J eta, per yard, , iltn1 j , tiJ .. SWISS MUSLINS, u l h i 800 Do sen LI nan Towels and Napkins, ; 1 1 Irish and Oei man Linen bblrtinga, . . ! Uambrto Eaadkrhiri, MATTINGS, Whlta and Colored.; u SO) Pieces UNIN for Ldlt Trayellnf Dresses and Boy. wear. ,:v , J(l Large astortnent of Panama and Straw Hat for Children and Men. . , . , ,. Ws will commence on Monday to tell the abwv and will oontlnoe dally nnUl the whole stock te closed, oat' t : I.. , j.; ssr Ladle are respectfully Invited toeall, . and examine our stock, a we know It will re pay them. ' ' ' 1 i-1- In future we Intend to confln our baal boss i tOCIothlDg and MerehantTallortag., if may a . . . , . , lli to lit ' Upton's Unite.d'jBtates ; "ARMT CA V ALRt AOTICS ; (.i f:ilif ,80s' fant .For .tale by r; , ;ini iv,l v'i 1 1 (NOL)irr!YATESri',U! I uiiifl'.7tji .i 'a:ii.fcu,,j ,i TSROM the Oerman of .K. Wichert, Mrf.A. BOM the Ge h. Wister, As kha and mm i M A atorv In sixteen ahabtars. bV MirlttU I C C nOlV ! ts YfltCS-' ' CITt BOOK 6TOEJ1 Jans st .)

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