. . , n , , . - - - i 1 i i I ( . - t ' --. - ' ' ' VOL. XXIV.. IIO.; 157 uminiGTOiir n. c.. Friday. juIy 2.-1375. 1 t4 fe t t i WHOLE NO- 6X20. - - ;s i " . I i ' r; : i I s v t i , , , - , i r r ? Or ibiln framat WELLINGTON, N ,C.J r FRIDAY. JULY 2. 187k BY T ELE CRAP H.I Washington, July 1 Night Taxa tion of tonnage on ves -els from Belgi um, Bremen and Sweden has been ej ume 1. .Tlt li till A. J About five thpusand new mail con-tfteommetoedt)-day;til.')' Tho Secretary of the Treasury dfr cidos that cheeks, drafts and order drawn in the, Unitad J3tate upn for eigu banMtiqtural a cstump tax. u. SAM BARD kmt&tfVtt&M POST OFFICE. " " ROUTE FOR CHIOAOX). !' 4 Ay;Jtirj Ifi4itram Bard refusod to give up 4he poatofflo this morning aa .Jul. hl. aeitfar reaigaed nor jea suap.ud.nlt f Bard's boud ta1n riotifled the money 4 ordt'r olerk "y' mwd. .Boo4' order aa:. they were no longer responsible aa hi. bondHmn, Jard hen.left th offioo aml (Iy;tk posM.ioii.U Thirty-two oar loads of watermeiona passed through this city to-day en route Iton tba kighlandof Florida to ChidkffO.' A-delegftflotf bfSl Floridani go with them t make- f emanen ar rangbments Jdt trade to and from the Northwest. ' - There were two-deatha Ky, West on Wedeyir from yellbw fever. - At Detroit, Mioh., yesterday, there was a collision between passenger v trains. The engineers and firemen ..... saved their lives by jumping from- ib engines. No first-class passenger - were hurt, but fifteen emigrants vore Seriously wounded. . the St. Louis Time, has been pur-i-. chased by CoL John T. Criah, of In deiwndence, for $ 13,150, ernor of Oalifornia, on the seventh ballot., jj 0Tt fr njlfj . At Yale Obnegfl Gommencemonf the degree of A. B. was oonf erred upon 93' membais of the class of 1875; Ph. B. upon ii, membera- of the. graduating class in thi Jtcientiflo ioboolf LLr D. upon 14 graduates of the law school, and that of M. D. upm 5 graduates of the medical school; one of the latter is a colored man, , A number of honora , ry degree were conferred, including that jof JLL. D.'ttpon Gov.' Tilden, of New York, el the elaw ef 1837. - At Trioitj (Oonn. Oommenoement the degree of A. B. was conferred npon the graduating class and the de gree of A, M.epon H of the alnmni. LoonwdHi tlli!-Oyhttdr OU Works have been turned. v Loss 530, oca.---' : , . Ool. K B.Carling, quartermaster at Fort Banders, has euiclded. Business complications waatheoaase."1 1 EUROPE. TILE FRENCH REPRESENT Itl61i AT THECENTENIAL) 0 , HOSC - FAILURES 1 EX' LONDON. 1)Wh'JulTlN(nltfaf. Lroc'n has resigned the captainoi of the Irish Rifle Teemv j $ H ()1 pABi8,uJnly 1 Noon The Journal publishes a decree appointing special committer for the.purposeoffeuoour aging Fronohmen to participate in the Philadelphia Oentennial Exhibition, aud facilitating theefEorta of thoe who intend duing ao. The oommittee ia composed of members of the Assein bly, merchants and other joersons, at number of whghf 3told:i)latioiia- with the United Btates. LoNiii,'VjTiIy:.4IKoo-e'lfol-lowiDo additional failures have been announced ;J'LtcOta; RaaltyA Oo.'A liabilities $1,250,000; lUlburniershaw & Orfi,' p.W.W.' JJl w."W Tho . advice, deceived to-dst front Fiji reporte'. that thertr U ho dimhni tuonofthe violence of the measles and 'typhoid crej39irthe bbutff The" mortality from the disease is great.iJits1 frobabj ibiat 'nedioal assistance will be sent from Australia to tho ainioted people. . thevoreat 60andxl case. " tiie3bSBag"&&d Fi.i;3aBaNT'KK7Kr''- """" came into Cowrt awff foreman Carpen ter jtated.ribati'therioould not agree upon tbe question o( feet,1 Judge Neil- sorff low tnem-w;ai8Tegatl tua, -da ' -rV Jtujtte J, lor, reopening; aad Botiuit)u back." At 25 tninntes past 1; Jnxljre NeilsoitKmf "00 te "bench, tba conaulUuon having brokew op,-and was foCiSiJ luloJDoUrt by the oonn sel, wbo,irBrxc4BtfeA.wiak clapping of bfmdsfind stamping of feetirhiiy all'took seataHn th-tir UBflntf !aoes and oonversed wiU-oo4aJotier? At 157 f lm Inrv came in and took..thfiir. aaatau loosing Vale and'' exnausted; some of thaeMfid ooaU "and -traveling bip in thflir hands, from whioh. the -audi ence argwd'HheMind come tb an (Hfit (.were prepared wjeavw Oiuii Judge Neilson lequeated the utmost silent beobsefVBd in th'e Court during the proceedffigi Tutoa end BeeohPT, "nl'' boUv onsont. The Clerk w ud the jury who answer- ed nr--?--:""- H low t""V Jr. -Ms NeS...Ca ;lica td' howaa Surry they could r- istii 11 the 1 tkpir number a Loia kid lend hia. . u.t "' u!rputJ question was one of fact or lav. Mr. Carpenter, speaking with a low voioa. stated it wm impossible for Ui. jury o Bgre, and thai he rcgret-1 ed it very much the question of di agreetndut Cavai one of fact. Judge Neilsoa then called attention to the length of the trial, and aaid that waa I.aont6iabmilHflnenU' ,aid he on thoU attentjon-Mttentio&ad been called to the faot that after the argu taeut aud before the charge some pa pers had been banded up to hinu He Lad examined them that evening and denied the motion for the reopening of the case, assuming, for the moment, that the jury would forget that sub ject.. He, would- like ido ft nv tbingVw. lingering iitt' their minds with regard to the matter, and asked thcan U it would be taiuble for them to state to him any questions of law or faot wbioh disturbed them. Carpenter repeated, that it was solely a question of faot laid nd agrwment was poaaible; iftt in mpnti hey t would be no nearer an agreement than they were to-day.; He eald that be spoke for 11 of the jurors when be, said he believed that in agreement was impossible, and that these was only one man believed they conld ever reach a unanimous Conclusion,;' Judge Neilaon spoke to them of the importance of the ease, and 'asked them to give it thoir further Oonaideration,reqnwting them for that purpose to retire again to their rooms and deliberate upon' it. further and ifaimunidste with him about 4 o'clock, r LaterHjndge Nailson naa concluded to lock np the jury to-night,,, " l; The crop prospects throughout the Ooldsboro aeotion ue at present high ly encouraging,'-; '.'.. n ' Mrs. Polly Tarlton died at Prince ton, Johnston county, on Monday last, said to be 111 years old. f ' rhe Radidal nominees Jbi CoavenV tiQn iri Wake ooonty are ;JT whites-so-called. The negro was oompletelv ignored, the selectons 4 The Democrats of Yadkin county nominated John A. Stephenson, Esq., as a candidate to represeut them in the Constitutional Convention. r - . .. x f The Ooldsboro Messenger says: The ofSoial exhibit of expenditures shows tho expenses of this town government, for t'.,e year ending May 6th, 1876, to be $3,827.65 and the receipts $6,86a86. K The Rads of NasB bay homitated I J. J. Sharp fof the Bfate Convention. blhe ejection, pf Dir. Bqnn, the Oemo- cratio nonuiM, is, however, consider ed beyond ft doubt. " Col. R. W. BingleUry, of Wilson, and Mr. James H Bhepbetd; of, Beau fort and Pamlioo,' have been ' nomina ted by the Democrats of their reepeo ave counties for Convention." ' I The Magnolia' Record ssyi . Mr. David Oarr, of Island Creek township, died at the house of hi son; Thomas J. Can, Esq., oa the !6th ult, in the 86th year of his age, Mr. Carr .was a oldiei of tbe war of 1813. ' ' ' 1 TheAsheviUePioEeerjBBysr A'ge tieman who 'has just' ' returned 'from tanocey county aayi the growing crops are far more promising than tbey have been for several years, . and , that the apple trees ate laden with fruit- ..-. f .w ' '.j:-" , t I. .!.. "t I The Magnolia 'Record says The revival at Mount Olive still continues. Sixteen lutve. been received into the Church and there are still new inquir ers:1 Ref. MrDU;'ia, indefatigable in his labors and. is eminently suocoss- . , We )e.n from the Greenville Regis ter, that On the 22d nlt4ia.Mt, IUb I ert Carney, of Pitt oounty wasretan ing trom a vibi to one 01 bib -neign' bora, witft hia. wile and utua boyi the horse' ha wast drivinrf fceoanW fright ened as Mr. Carney was in, the act 4 getting in tne cari, ana ran away tnrow ing Mrs.Clarney nd thelitOs bOy"otit; severely injuring Mrs. O. by a fraotnf s. of the skull, from which she died the, next dsyr The little boy "was also se verely Injured, though not fatally. The Norfolk Virorinian savs: Muoh nas peea sal a pro ana oon in reierence K) iae oiuoa crop oi norm uiroiua. vye present yie following extract from the fetter of an extensive farmer, and from it it will be seen that the prospect at present is anything but favorable. , "Our cotton crops sre the 'spUUeet at this date l ever saw.," It is compelled to be a small growth, as well as In a majority of oases, an inferior one, un less the season, roni- nowrtoalftine most auspioious" fof its development, and lateaH fois jts.matufity J J4m troVoked at the numerous publica- -tipcB giving such favorable reports of the crops oi cotton. , H it is true in the States forlber South', f it. is not so in UiA VtardArinir HtatesL I drmt be- Heve It 1 trbe- Wjfhere4, (lheaixe-' port! Indioate4. ' .'"nn ' The Charlotte Observer says; The reason is not generally known,. Some poti3n BluJ-it " was Seeanse le had aevejteeo out 'Of .t& State tnd didn't llkfldget'so Lrf iroi toeTl6ptns said'be had beefl- to' buby that he hadn't bad time te compile any poetry (er bis speeob, and some said ni tsing and some another. Now, as to this last statement is posratAJJ on true, for we hnow that be had bis toeeoh alreadv . . written. . noetrv .and j all. Some of tht Qovernort lleprib- ispan irienda proiess to know, and tnis is; thf .Tsj; Ajrtell.thS Istoxy? JUt bAd been arranged in btatesville (now mind you this is the.,Republican.Ule) ationg the DemcKt; ihaJ,'l as aoon tithe Governor got started to Bos Ma, and as soon a .LleUenai.Qov. ernor Arnxfleld got safely ensoonoed. in tUe Executive Chair," adge1 Mitohell sHould place his .resignation at the disposal oi, tb op Oyerntm who would prooeed to appoint bis liotaMSorw ift .1 odoe, 'certain tntstf Democrat, of fine, legal qualifSoatioua, Somehow or other, aome of the Re publicans ia fitatelviiltti got" nftid of uas alleged conspiracy, and. n.waa.bul the work of a moment to, tosa one of niRht, i.d to "the child of Jie skies," "don't yon go. iiu tjcoeUency was iuat on the eve of leaving, but this telegram held bim as if he had been anchored in Raleigh. He just took off his old linen dnftter. walked back into the executive oClce, threw bis feet up on the table and waited for thai resignation to oome ia It came at laet but-it knocksd Cnrt out cf bis trip, aod knocked that Hurler ILU crowd out of bearir lot of eloquence and poetry. ' His Lxcel lee 7 L.is not yet acted upon the resig bai.on, and if it is in order, we would su.i.tto him to appoint tba man thai r -'a the night ride from btates villa to i'iabury, . ,i . s I .-. 1 11 mmmmm nr naif TT Cosrntr Cwstveattesw 4 ;' r Hdqtis. CsaruihEx. Cok., Democratic Conservative Party, ' : "New Hanover County, Wilming ton. N. a. June 80. 1876. 1 At a meeting of the Executive Oom mittee of the Democratic-Conservative party of New Hanover county, held this day, it was decided to call a Mass Convention of the party, to be held at the Court House, in Wilmington, Thursday evening, July 22, al (8 b'clock.,,. , i The principal bwinees of.theOon vention will be the nomination of can didates .for , the . Constitutional Con vention and the appointment of an Executive Goininittee. t i ' "W.'H. Bbrnirb, j i dlwtd Chairman.' WllMlMflaaiPUU'lct, . i Below we give for the benefit of our readers the . appointments , of Rev. W. B. -' Black, Presiding Elder, for his tnird round of quarterly meet ngs for the present Conferenoo year Of the Wilmington District: Clinton, at Goshen, July 18 and 19. Cokesburg, at Bethel, July 25 and MS. h r i .M'l v f j;j;- .7 ,r." .Whiteville, at Abbottsburg, August J and 2. I Elizabeth, at Bladen Springs, Aug- IlSt 8 and 9. ri'"t ' 1; v r :J . , Bladen and O.lTV Mlssior, at Cen ter, August 15 and ML Topsail, August 22 and 83, r-A j Magnolia, at Hartell's Btore, Aug Ii6t29and8 ... '.. , I Wilmington, at Tront Street, Sep tember S and 8. ,n & ! 1 BmithviJle, at Bmitbville, r Septem ber 12 and 13. ' Toothaohe proceeds from ague iu the face, operating npoh the exposed nerve of a decayed tooth. . Bub the gum thoroughly with the .finger, wet beat the face well, and lap a flannel Wet with the liniment on the faoe, also put a little of .: th, liniment into the oavitjjl pqXha eom H V I The system frequently gets out of oraer ana snouia be at once regulated, else other troubles) swill ensue; when physio is needed, take, farton' pur gative JPill; they are a safe, whole some, and natural medicine, f In their teeth, for ' there are few teeth that have not fault, of .their own. There ia but one way to preserve them without spoil or blemish, and that is, by the use of the beet dentrifloe in ex istence,, fragrant Sotodont, 000V re freshing and agreeable. . , , . 4 - ' j yjt challenge the world to produce i col lac that will keep clean, longer Without washing, than the Elm wood. married: Bt toe Be. Geora. Patterson, In thUoltr July 1st. IX th. rHl3cDca af th. brkla'. motb w.Mr, HiBDlNQJOHKHOMoMtaaALIOJt lX'lI,iyonpgataliwcof aia laUM.X. ' HEW ADYEXTIXEUEMTS ,0 v.r-a ForSmithvilloI STKAHKU OIXE'.wlr).aT. wt oarirruuy ana Mtaaay 1 r. ai. n- ttirnlpg, via lea?. BinlthrUl. on Saturday Mfl Tueadayat T "anijl 'W SniidaV'at i1: n n Pivii.tv jk ri m "'' us BOARD. "V htf TT llf tak. 10 1 Am. r it IS ittleme to board from this date, either wltliont room, or with large, airy and comfort on Oh.matttr.t, betw.on Third and fourth artrteti. Apply tq T.' , turnip Seed ! i ,t-! tr ; A , ., J Turnip Seed I " Sew' Crop 1875.' Grown hy Laadntk ft Balirl. Phllaflelpbla.-: lAiao a large aaaortai.nt 4 uao..( Baaa. ' .1 for aai. b ,..,,-1 'r..-i I Q&IIN ft FIjANHBB. 1 julyl . 16 First national ;Bank otJfeinqna :UwTi aiT"' ! Tb. Board at Dlraetor. of thla Bank hat. B4Hlarl a dlTidaad af rw par in-,P Table M - WE PROPOSE , .,1. ,.' -mi o m . f r," miiAiliit'or'bcK BT00 or j ICoiflct perii. barlni eh or joromjot s4Kt. 94' MUNStN"& CO, .?H ,.VlTr0tOTHItBh luljl n'sitr .a Ua-St-ThnraftBat Room 'for 'Rent BIBaBBj' tjiirPEBiSHIU BO rant .wWarkiVt alreei, Brt aft SS roete baste to 8lisbhry, by from which point be J telegrai Ju. ,-rrw r tij urn i Beautiful A' 1 SKD shoes, met. a t,an4rmfc u .MtilBut Wmj biww, to Olty W.Mr (irouwl ttultod kul troa kImM prln. wblt. HklUaor Vers, rraih fronnd rttj U.f, DM. Oora, IToveailar. Flow, Turrt Hmi, SUoultUth fl fork. Alt low 4ov M . . .. ORASI 4 HJXI0N"& , Jun.rf . . . , . . , IBS II icr ft GraTcs' School; it 4 i.. . ; hillsboro a:a i mil f ALL BK3S10M OF 15TB OP IMS (uurta Headay ta July. kr CktmloartiM unt oa aiiDlle.tloa. July 1 . . 164-dHwAwlB TREASURER'S OFFICE s ' Carolina Central llail- .. way Company, ' V N. Br4 auw.1, N.W VMb Tb. OOCPONS for InUraM oa th. rint Mwtf ngi Bond. OC Uit. (knnpuiy, r.llln. do. July lKin, w 4 1 1 b. itd la hiilo M pra utu at Uit iJlo m aad 4JU J.ij 1st, UliUltt. . Watson maitrbC .. . . ,, Tiurr. . July 1 . .. , . . . , , 1M ASlAwtt Patrons of Husbandry Wilkivow, K.C., JnlyWh, W5. t H B Cap. Vmt OoobcII, (P. af H.)U1 aiMl lu tb. Court Hodm ia WUmlastoa, m tk. third thBtwUy la July Mil, (tk. tSU bMtO at S .Wook, P. al." ARsn(.at.Bt hat. btn m.d. wltk th. W. . K. ft. Oo. to git r. tarn tlck.tl fbr lit () ant4 pr nil., tb.O Q B ft 0. aa4 boat, .a tk. 0p Fmi rivw wm ftm m.mb.rt for boo far. " . U. W. atoOLAMMT, - frnwUBt Vpt Ttu OoBon r Of H T M MouaS. learetatv J i ; I Jan. n . . 44wU rr f. iBfittor Bnttfir rjiHAM otoMm.ftrM- Al.alway.d4)- .ir.bl. to gt tb. ! BEST BUTTER, aad that w. alwayt ban. Oar an Tab) But. tar li leLotod tverull from th. beat Dalrta. I as mw orkltatt and. nay U Mfa w tk. t. ry M BalUr mM In tkM etty. ; CHA8. D. MYERS A CO., I ' ...ft . r Favorite Flour ) 4 J W8 MAKING Dwni4wU. It I 4 MOST RELIABLE, ! TILE TRUEST rr natd by keoMkMpm ' Sold only hf CHAS. D. MXER3 ft CO. ' Jan. ST US' CORN, HAY AND MOUSSES. QAAA BUSHELS OOBN, ' J 4UUb..Hay, ' : bo pciia w uraponpaaioiaaw., ; TS bbl8HMolaaM4k . For aal. by ' -' 'i ' , KKECHHIB ft OAVLDEH BB08. rLQUR, MEAL, RICE AND COFFEE. 500 BBU lrlM,u f u bnaheli Meal, (Water Ground), ' ' nvuu nnv. 1 !h bag Oofla. , , A j f. ; f, KftttOKHBR ft QALDBB BBO&V SPIRIT CASKS, HOOP IRC3L AC. . t ... ei .'t f 1 ' ' 1 ' 4C0 BPHUT CASKS, -i, ' . ... .1 lOObkUOlae, , Unit, KlvM, Bpanbh Frown, &. .VotM.by ' , K(.UhUUBBOAJUDBft BK4J8. w wna nuuo uvd. Bacon Lard & Tobacco BOX ICS & B BIDXS ft SHOCLPBBS, t , ...... .. ,,lai... BJ ftOXSBl ftDUUBil BaWaUUiin. --'iwr ,f l-ipt' awl I IW1 KAVaaSl TaktiaUUM ' ' I I - . .. - tar- ' KllUOllNBU ft OAJ4VPH BHu's'ti!, .Latest Books. ;w-)..i..'4 ? -v.- frft ' lump i ft JNOBSBMAM'S. jritBIHAai.uBr. .... ....4iH"i-i M TO lt ?' itTJIBBAHD'B K.lT,Ja'nd''jXM.l8tata, y aViat Thackaray, antkot of 'HIM A gel," J"OUJrilngton,". Fapat.TB 64ntA ' ' FOtal. at .eKii-f ,J,i8BMOWt't .. -.'4 "1 1 .: 1 Uv. Book and Muila Btata.' naa A Glean Swccni AhthtjI CrnWlnl!J&tt of f. sira irrim wv viuajni wuw vtwt uviw vi awn law Saer Btock lh.T HaetdaS ttrMAEKllUWit aaul La af Al A i aUu a M turaaOLKAN S W K KF In .vary 4a pnoea anu win a tuimoiiMrauan iaaa wui iav pnWiT,V ..(arel'I.I, CASH,. .... ui .iO.4k t wMAaiviUSa. A. DAVID. J4 dy 1- - ------ i KA1 al j f n .I i rtt,. aaBT 15 I ' V. wwavt . ... 9 "?4-(r ;?ssr?i' oaeir a.WiB WftMr fJOQ be tp((lftn.- ftlllllSBISBf ami ,t4M V- !- jba r 1 1 aa4 BCUiU b.atoat trioa i HXW ASYZ2TISZ3X5T8.' Smith's Feed-Cnttcr.v mui VIST aa swat iwMbl f4rf Cattet :tk.a.k4s.-H ''; ;-:XClT. ' QILKS ft MUROHlSOH. 1 . t .1, , Ml DOO COLLARS, !" . V j .Vs doo collars, 1 doq collars, DOO 0OU.48M M th. latldl., Uaraaaj aad Trunk Sora af -; . - CAR KMT I MALLARD' 1 Ko. I gnbtk rroat Stmt, Wlunlniton.N. O. iaaalS ,'- .. ' ". - " M-t Tor Snitlivlll6. gTBiHft hlXIV ttittbMkv. oar wharf Bk Uy at 4 P. X. Bataraln, will laav. Baith Vn.Ma4ayattA.M. ' 'l,!S' -' .1'..... 1 . . -t l.r. o.o.rARBUtr 00. . CFflCE CF TKE CITT CLEIX AX9 ,10, TBEASUXEI, f Crrr of WrtuwoToit, ' a J ;; ;v;l;y ; June 24th, 1875., 'J;;;; AN ORDjNANCfi-,,1 Concerning Cows and othor cattle ran , . ning at larga,, ... ; ,i JJ I ORDAIMEDby th. Board of Aldar. iua or to. city ( wniMugxon, n. u.t as roi- Baottoa U That any now r nni sarrui of aid nun, rotad raaniB rl. witbta (h. torpor. t. limit. C Uil. oltj, ahall k lm- poundad by th. Olty Manhal, aod tk. .wwar Hqutr4 ts pay a Bn. af T.a (IS) Doilara, b fur. th. aam. aball b. r.lM rl. . s, , B.otloa I Any or dlnaoe. or part. th.rao( ootv. fllotlng b.r.ttb, ar. b.reby repaalad. , . Th. . .bora ordlpanaa waa adoatad- by th. rtoard of Ald.ra.n oa th. I4thday.f Jan. WIS, aad wm go tat. flo sMat nd Xoa day, Jan. tstk laatant. T. 0 BEBVOSS, I ' Orr Cl4rl aad Tnarr. JUU. ID lfll-tf DargaiiiiBardiiM y pMI CLOTH QAITKKS II SU, worth S3; mod ui uoartma snoot si oo, worm XiOdU. Slipper, only ft par pair. ,;u t .a TjbabLVa.io.": MO.H Markatatnrt, tun.B)-tf Blgno(th.ioldiaoot LL PERSUNS niblMt to th D.Tmant o Al Sohetlola B A O Tai la kaeptug with tk. Baraaia. Aot, ar. hareby aotlOedto oom. for t Ward and pay their SunUanaaal Tax .a July 1. 1, th. kahryar 4jtdlBf June. Wth,187B, and aa rn.f than- Uoanaa to do bnal.at. tor tb. sntuing hair y.ar ending Deoemb.r 9 in, I8TB. GEO. W. BOURDKAUI, , , 7Gran4 Jamily - ExcuRGian BMrriiViLijE; AD 1 . . 4 , BLACKFI8II GROUNDS; i, e. Vada. tk.aejptM.of tba ' 4 ( ON THB Steamer Waccamaw, a- Erer arr.neeraent wffl be made lw th. so in fer and amT.iitano. of th. eiountoulau. A Mrlng band will b. on board, and tboe who do not wiea w vi.it tnajaianiuiili uroann,, oan raaaala a. Snitkailla, waar. a Barf will aeen- gagea ror aaaeing until Uie steamer racurnK . XU. Boat 1U tear. Market Wharf al 8 e'olooa, aaarp kskata lav 4fcj a the ee wal Boo Store iTUtketa for OonUamen SI I Ladle, and OkU- I J-B WEBT. V ut j;B wibSOM, ill ..' .L.-am H. T. BAUHAK. sf i Ai CJomaiitlee. j jv a iHlt- Jcij)OTt?onfi8ija tU) fSTABIJBHtO Hardwar. Btorai le without doubt tha largeet and moet reliable liardvar. EnabUment' biaatara North Oantlna. Frloe. 4 quality .1 goods uarai- adla4fyipatst.U3 -'im,i U ; ! Boat 10, Bf au4 2t MAiKtt BTRIET,' iThe GfeenGato A BUMAN0Xtr4OQ.Ue4ffBni4t Wichevt. b Hra. Ai L. WWat'. W.ra'tef of Tha Old Maaaear. Bmrat,"' QolA Elal. "fluUla,"et. Fin. cloth SltsV , k i It la a eharatltas .loryt mH rf'reBrten ent With a hlvhly aUraottve plot, andl. taanalatod inV ktra. vfletw. pur. aad perfect el )e j (,.,. Baeond eepply i2aiJd a'- Two Beilffiaa? T)IA08, la perfect ardJrbr'aml. eheah'to aM roam or aarw on.,w.,f,T fv-n.a (M ln. nana aa. Bane star.. . JAI-tf fJ..t.44fl 1..4I4IU p.rriau.i.'.)wH.r aii. r M CO Ot4TtA,'DfJlOT0WtM,, 4t.u I h at; grauaata. theat to k. ap goal m mm- Import- djt&ar,'! i .'ii and nona bat expert, oan detMt any F' .Illl.n l - L.t I ...1, .. Jll f HJ I.I ' .'' rej.awvtab4dl, I 'mi: JaaeS awllar, wyryv . - " ' ICS 1 SXW ADVISTISSrLIXT3.. 4 1 d 1 & 1 ) id ril ..f -v:l!,t, Mil I' BROWN t. -,: ui f.-;-; V -(, i . ' j". t. 1 t, u U' v' 4" Have dotormlned to clear out all their 4 SU MMEH NTOCK i-ata h i uU-Mt .!.. )t ; at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. rJ u ft, indilrf jut M rkle to oommence oa AiONDAY JTJE 1TE, 1875. IU,I 10 t.-4- ' i . 80m. great Jlargains will be offered. - ! go into dotaild, as the publio generall One! Price. - ifj..., ju: .B.a.1 . V) Call early ! -BROWif vV RODDICK!, j . JUH. i . .... . , j, , ... I.,.), ..) . j f.SJ hi ,a! 111' 1 ALL ACCOUNTS ARC MADE OUT, I n Itii i k io .-; ; vlt?"v. fs.';-;. '! ... (iv u f vi .:jt x' We!"':? . ; .t, ui "1 'TT'tTTt t- D U E WD: CT As this la the semi-annual time to iiane to Boll to tn; kind pathoks 6 bop they will call and fai cp. .fiii ,m.l'" ii ' j.-i.--'. i -Jj lK,rtr" !:-i'r ..d 44M', .;,,.; '... UN , v' ,;! '!)! - m , i" i BEST ASSORTED STOCK OP :!.! Ml IJo. 86 . MAJRKIIaT STREET?, . MISCiaLASSOTJS. i ' OR REITT! Th. HOU88 reoeutly built tor and oeeaDled brtheBeT. J. O. Hlden.on HeTratb : between Ohaitnut ana Mulberry Ste. xernu reaeenaoie. i Vi ! 1 H. H AAB, Oror er, j . Corper Tth and ObeKnul Street.. ;navB7 '-' las-tf TOHOLDERS ! Il.!v ' ..) 1 .11 V I Ji It t rt ' V.AT 9'TY -OOURprJS. ..Offlce of teasilrcr ami Collector, i ' CITT OF WILMTNQTON.' . 0., N.'N. 0.J , 1875. , t - 4-' Juno 29th, MoriOBIi hereby gtvm that THE OUtTFOKB IStS (of Bond, of thta Olty) eaa. iiotbwPeinptlFnald. ?:fT ,-.-5 '.nr ': tit j .,. ..! ... I ..- : ! t;,W 'iWl la rwkMqv.nt of oertalh ebangot andoc j 4i. ai.i i.'i-J t- I'll. ' rdowt dealaln f th. lupren. Court of thin I ... t ,. i ... , h - i ! ... .' .' A ;. Stat. a. to the ubtiDeT of aMHiaeut of tUe I -m'i ,!.. " i-.' ". Baal a4 FtrSMal Fnrpertr In this' eltr, and baea plAo4 ta poaaMatoa of th. aadwalgned r . , , .,. ,l.!- ! V'-'il-'"' I. for oelliUor; tegethar With other' compile. I !: tt...-" - . - Hint la r. grd to Miy M unledbai aflalrt, now I " r .1 ., i i I j,' a il p.ndlnFbfor th. guprema Court of Bprth -i'M. ito.m i.- " ' '' ;' OkroUnalth. olty f Witmiugton atatS ateatf- r,.' f,.-,-, ,r. r.l-.i li'M - aariiy erav. tom. tadulgeno. trom tb. npWm of Ouy bori"ndereilting olrdunutancei. I iirt I. l.' ill li"J '.! Ii'-' & U. Si ;T.,a SERVOSS,i Mil f.o C - , i.l I i.ii li i tU'l .'!l.T" ' eru 4mt wi; nne 25tilJ 1875;:.., ft ' '"'-il " ..!. JJJ llJH W IX AB TIES 4wKUt PILAT8, 0 ABTB ot V.fiOllB.tth. af dttlln'au'int 'l pV btaMvf rkatual Ubnthiy, tiok'n. tot, are baraAy attSad ttlat tTUi.l'nn 4 W tiot lh Hpedsri.mrta iiuiuat,)tisywm:b. ri.we tiuW la 'utmXtfu't qeaw,' sndJUiaby tub-' tl,v,Lttl WtT. C I UlM City Clark and Tre""'w. JuaaM RODDICK, I We do not consider it necessary to know we do nothing' by halves. Strictly Cash- aad secure a I 't?-t ' fl-J 45 Market Street. (,..''!.. 'IU PAST "D TT E. jbalanoa Books, and as I wishto eon- timb at lowest possible 0AfcH TRICES, ! i '"' r DRY GOODS, r ..... . , 1 1 - t MISCELLANEOUS Upton's United States ! ARMY CAVALRY TACTICS i I' 1 ALSO, j Infantry Tactics. J For aale by I CONOLEY ft YATES. The Green Gate, FROM tha Oerman of E. Wlohert, Mr.. A. Ii. WlaUr, f - ' HEARTS AND HANDS, A rtorv In .Ixtoen oh.Dteri. bv Chrlitlan Held. Ail tor aal. at Conoley & Yates, l.'Iiii : 3.11.26 . CITY BOOK STORE'1 15 4th 0 JULY. ti'JB S't;' K3TICE TO EXCURSI39I PARTIES; , r i IlaSlO-PARTIES AND SOUND' lJ irrtiU r-wt i-l . .. ' ,,.el,:l PABima.-ir v. ; , ,; ,.-,,( nl ii'.JH 4-M-T ?1!ii "TV' " - , !w h.T. a larg. ttock of . t ,1UJ. f J ' - Fin. af.alDaL.mona. .. lOpoaeaVofOlarkti; ' " ' " " ; '''' J00 eaa. I, t, and M paunit pven.d Oootd let prangaaaadaorythbig nlo. for a k.lb J ay put up la oan. and paokage. far .u.kl. -t '"4,-i"i "kulllrinni. k '-' We hrr.rbducMl price! to oom. wllhlnrange ofall. V '1... -i ,.-.114 EitaBflBSCtartt,'') i vj.-tt.-v a Ml fii -.a (uli td ' ont.paraXto, i1 Brt Batter In tt.K.rJd, -.,; ,J a I, :A .! i tlaarantead to keep perfectly iweet and llch- . t All day ta tha tun-tak. no other, to the , , ' a.M't Son Bomad. "i,,J- V y wtr.awBWToBgttia,'1' -' t f;1"; U ' fi Iji t' i,li FipTaataadHaoka, , I UH(I01IMI.UII1 . Fickle, and Baooe 0 trloe. reduced an (lie above, and aar. . 1 1 rn!j.vf ;-1"fi. Ill Viv fe'teT""?.: io v,ri.-k vl fiu- rf..l.iriuC?0 BTM ' IjiVLlLreiitUinupaud priutodia Uie most attractive style at the

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