ttoiln Koiinl WrLMKQTON. N. 0 1 rSIDAT.JUlT2.1873 Tbe Dailt Jockbal, U oldart daily ,ir In North CaroUnK la pLUisbed very, except Monday, at Eight Dollars a year ; Fori Dallabs six iiouthi : SrvxirrT-prvn cent per month or shorter rM. Srved by Carriers tbe dty at iivi5TT-mi eants mw b, or Two poLLABi and Twis- t x-rm cents per quarter. Tbe Weekly JocAal, (Friday) a Htrty-stx -otoran paper, Two Dollam per yw, I1 Doixabs Air. A AL;fourPS"V AUAJUi CveropK Kioht Dollars abd a baip u,n copies, Fiptm Dollabs; twenty AmtaS TWEltTT-FIVK DOLtAM. SrimrufPTfoiia In all cases payable In . mk, and no paper enutluoed after the iraiion J the time paid for. ; . - i;aiTTARcw ihoold he made by Ft uflioe Money Order or Eiprees. If this can not be done, protection again losses by may be aecured by forwarding a draft pavaUetothe orderiUi pTtipietora J the Jouhjiai, or by lending the money t reclstered loUr. Advertising; Batea (per Inch ot iwervt M.i!dHiea of advertising type,) One inch, one Ineertina, Ok Doixab; two Inser Vi.M.s Obb Dollab AKD A half; three insertions, Two Dxaw; four Insertions, Two Doixam a,hb s' br ,nHr Mom Thiuw Doixantc alx toaarttaiai mil Don. AM A.J.D A BALP. twelve iserUous, Xivr Doixau ajtd A ALF, o..s month, Kjoht Doixam; two month, Sim potxABs; tiros nonUis, Twxs- TT-TWO DoLhARS. r 1,1 Contracts for longer perloda and longer Pre made npou liberal term AJdrea. EHUBLBaJKD MAtlKDKRA, Wilmington, N.O. convention. Election, August 6th, 1 870. FOR DEtfOATtSi bbtjkswicx oocbtt. DAVID S. COWAN, V ' ujmaBeaemM , , ' s , Dcrtnr oorjirri. ' , J. N. STALLINGS, WILLIAM FAIUllOR, CmBERLAMD OOPHTT. JOSEPH A. WORTH, NEILL R. BLUE, ttOBKSOH. DUKCAN SINCLAIR. CALVIN A. McEACHERK. BLADEN. J. W. RUSS. OABTKBBT. JAMES RUMLEY. J HOKE N.V. WATTI, We have pnblishecl b J oommentod freely upon the recent ' oonduot of Judge Watts in leaving hia Court, the county in which it wai held, and iu deed bis Judicial District, for the par pose of making a political speech. We publish, editorially, the following ar tide from the Weldon Ncwh ttpoa this matter: - " A journalist who has due regard for the Interests of the publio will not, without good oause, cast any reflaotion upon one ooonpying the poaitioa of Judge. Whatever tends to bring the judiciary into disrespect, tends, also, to beget disrespect tor the lawa and to . max the administration of juatioe. Hence the imperative duty of a Judge to bo demean himself (p hia high office aa to give no cause of reproach, and a corresponding duty on the part of the press and of the publio to sustain him in all that he does aright. Such considerations have heretofore restrained at from commenting on th official conduct of fhe Hon. 8, Watts, Judge of the Sixth Judicial District of North Carolina. We have allowed muoh that was oensnrable in his course of actios to pass without comment, because we did not wish to lessen hia usefulness as a judge by ex citing publio dissatisfaction against him. r Bat hia oondaot ;ai the Jane Term of the Superior Court for this county cannot be aubmitted to, and - we would, be false Ur- o( duty were we to permit it to pas nnnotioea. We beg attention to the following state ment: On Thnraday of the first week I the term, 15th inst. EKas Powell was put upon his tria for the . murder of Isa dora Cohen. The oaae was given to the jury on the afternoon' of Friday, and while they were still in their room, deliberating Ton their verdiot, J udge Watts left on the 7j p. m. train for the purpose of ..attending a politi cal meeting somewhere in Nash coun ty on the next day, and Of making thereat a political speech. Be gave 'instructions to notify him, by tele graph, abould the jury agree. He was accompanied by Mr. Harris, the prosecuting attorney for the Dis trict. And a telegram was tent to hhn on Saturday morning that the jury had agreed. 1 But he did not return until Band ay morning, and- as be could not take the verdict on that day the jury were sot released until ' Hon- A few years ao, B. P. Jloore, .the head of tlie bar in North Carolina, and a number of the' leading law yers cf tl-e Cla.' impressed with v. the l-"rci"t-me0: cf " ifciorving j.the i ih, joined in a remonstrance against the course of certain j nd jea of the Su preme Court in exhibiting themselves as political pa 'uui of t.- The imf'.' i .i om'l so indignant iJc: ach a che tba' without not: of I it own t e mo tion, t'.ey at: fenu 1 from the :erc A of tlwJ prw.jssion,. until k Learu.. oould be had, thelawyers whose names appeared to the remonstrance. We have bo remarks io make sow upon such action, or upon the merits of that controversy, and our only purpose in referring to it is to show now abhor rent to the bar and to the public polit ical partisanship in Judge mart' be. and how learned Judges alaink from it.- WbaV tlteo, are we to think of such oonduot on the part of Judge Watta ? It is lamentable indeed to know that Judge Watts should so far forget the duties of bis position, and exhibit so-little tespeet fof jutlld opinion, as to become a open poeti cal partisan Bat that he and the pu lio prosecutor, acting inoonoert,ahould depart from their Court, and tbe oountj, perhaps from the district, to engage as stump orators at a pouiioai meeting,' leaving a jury in session de liberating on the guilt or innooeuoe of a man oharged with murder, is an in atanoe bf official profligacy hot to be endured by the publio, and loudly de mands legislative action and eondign punishment. , -,.r LW are M lawyer, bat we have heard lawyers for whose opinion we entertain high respect, intimate that this oonduot ,may result in the dis ehftrge of the prisoner, end thus end iu allowing the perpetrator of a most oold-blooded murder entirely to es cape. Judge Watts not only loft the county, bat, in alt likelihood, the Dis trict If he voluntarily left the Dia triot, even for five minutes, pi any ap preciable point of time, the Court here was at an end, and the jury oeas ed, in contemplation of law, to exist. and became incapable of further ao- tion in the ease. U is even insisted that i ht loft the oouuty but not the District. For the ides, that the Court of a county can be legally insession when the Judge of the Court has vol ultarily left and gone to anotbef .oouu ty, is ropugqant to Uw and to oommon sense. - fc '"' Should the prisoner in this case (a oape by this offloial misoonduot of Judge Watts, a great crime against pubUe juitioe has been oommitted. For the murder was deliberated and oold-blooded, and perpetrated for the purpose of robbery merely. Not long ago, a man charged wjth munlar in Warren county escaped through Some what similar action ot Judge Watts. He left the jury in session and, went to his home in Franklin oounty. The jury oould not agree, and hsdi rected tbe Clerk, by telegram, lo dis charge them. When the prisoner was brought np for trial a second time; his counsel moved for bis discharge, and, this being refused, he appealed to the Supreme Court That Court held that the Clerk oould ,no legally discharge the jury, and that the Judge ought to have been present and directed the disotiaige of ihe prisoner,' Is he io'hkl oaae, be tried again, . One would think that Judge Watts, warned byf this case in his own ex perience, for which he riohly deserved impeachment, would have acted with more caution. N But he. has lost U pruaenoe, an sense 01 propriety) and all regard for the proper "administra tion of publio juatioe, in hia lOtry am bition, and overwhelming desire, to figure aa a stump orator, at iroil-roads political meotinga, t .,V , We are are actuated in what we have written by no partisan spirit, wad we are well satisfied that honest toon of every party will unite with us in eon demnipg such oonduot on the part of a Judge. We have done what duty demandotu, in jnaking a x poMdibe u'atier'sidnow we leave it the hands of those who may have ik. Mn il Jn.1 j i wo yum vi iw piuaua i iituiu auu wuo will not be held guiltless if they fail to apply the remedy. j , aaaas ji jb.jw. MVUSBW Btrlve 4t Iwiet, PrsprUton, Bes- .... etcoMairlnirs, ; This hotel Las been built an ar ranged tor the epeoial -comfort, and convenience or summer boarders. On arrival, each guest will be asked how ne toe aiiuauoa,, ana a m says the hotel ought to have beea plaoed upon me kuou, or xaruer down to ward the village, the looatiow wf the house will be immediately chanced. Corner front rooms, np only one flTaht iqs every guest, uaina, gas, waters closet, hot and cold water, wandry. telegraph, restaurant fire-alarm, bar room, daily paper, coupe, wring n came, grana piano, a clergyman,, and all other modern conveniences in every room. Ataals every nannteif desired, aid oonseauentlv no nannnil i.hi English, French and Qerman diotiou arise furnished to every guest to make up suon a dui ox isrt as be my desire, without regard to the bill aflair after- ward is the offloev a Walter ftf every nationality and color desired. Every waiter ruratsHed With i libretto, but ton-hole bouquet, full-dress suits, bail tablets, and his hair parted in the mid dle. Every rueat will have the beat seat in the dinimr-hall and the best waiter tn theZhottae. r, !Any Rtieel not tretttnir his breakfast red-hot,' ofi er-erjdiiorng 'delay '.'of siztwn aeoonus -aiier irivinir ma nmr f(W.-dinnan wil rUatotiiiUon tba rapt, a ;tne ine aTBt't2B7,vjQ0k TfiflU ine waiiers .wlU. oe, -lown from the At.-- ' !- 1. .A ... uwuuia m eannon, in xroci of tbe w vwm -viuian Wlil DS WB1 earned with delL mnA imimm,' abrin hoop-Buck,, and hawkeys so og t e , carvel rosevood, furnitarn eej(omlly provided. .af that rmrposa, ad pe.-t-fe't's to Ma on its velvet eat pet: and tj wiil be adlowad to ha ye!l in the halls, slide ? nisttirs, fall down -dMert enough tor a t their pookota after dk '-v- "- ' disagr " ban away J fatu 'y in r.ani make , as the .u- ' tit.' t s.. ' 4es: i J ' . .ing ow jx t mi, and la' !ie ain or. r to ' put me on a :t i n," v 1 be ; at ca one at any ac- uitnev-T.' nitiv- 'oreet wa.r, Who bvs to wj. uuosi, Odd Fallows, and Knights of FyUiiaa, and who was never known -eveo to tflU the time of dyr has been -ens- ployed to carry milk punches and hot toddies to ladica rooms, U tie. eve ning. . ". . . ' verf lady will be considered the belle ef tbehousek nnoV row boys will answer' the belle promptly. Should any rewDoy, laii to appear a.t 4 guest a door with a pitoner of ice-water, more towels, a gin sock-tail, and pen, ink J 41.- I J endpaper, before tbe guests s hand haa left the bell-knob, wul be branded "Front on the forehead and impris oned for Ufa. Tbs ofBoe olerk has been carefully selected to pleases very body. Tud cn lead in prayer, plsy dW pokr,matcb worsted al tbe vuiage store, shaa lor drinks at any hour, day or night, play billiards, a good wakBer.Aod eao dsuoo the uerman,' maae a lourtn at euoDre, amttse children, meat the IWoher trial Irons nempryi. is good judge of noraes, as a railway ana ateamooai reference la far superior to Appleten's or any .body else's guide, will flirt with any young lady. . and not miud being onU dead 'wbea - "pa Cornea down;" don't mind being damned nay more than Connecticut river; can room forty veovle in the beat' room in the house when the Hotel is lull, H tend to the annunciator, and answer uMtions m Oreek, Hebrew, Cboetaw. rish, or any other polite language at tbe same moment without turning 1 hair. ' ' " Dogs allowed 3 la ny loom in the bouse, including the w(b)ineroom. Gentlemen can drink, smoke, ' I wear, chew, gamble, stare at new arrivals, and indulge in ? ee-y, other innooent amusement common to watering plaees, in ray part of the hotel. " The landlord will always be happy to hear that some other ' hotel is "the best house in tbe oountry " Bpeoial. atten tion given to parties who oan give In formation aa to "how these things are done in Yewrup." The proprietor will take it as a personal affront If any guest on leaving should fail to dis pute hia bill, tell him that he i swindler, hts" house a barn, his table Wretched, bit wines tfle,' and that be; tha eruost was never so im nosed noon In hia life, will nerer stop there again. ana means to warn nis inenas. I Buildefs Hardware, Uookh, lABJI jaP lNDB " "' GLASS, Ac, Ao, Tbs attwttOB of bandwrt n4d(bri 1 oltM o oar wall MlesUd stoek, at radioed "tirloas. ban and siaalna at ; itAUDWABQ DEPOT. Fish Hooks and lines, INK TWIMD, BOTTUBS, . , Ursss Books, esrdss it , .j.ji. ;,ji,S:,,vn to.s1oasaa Baaaa, Uwaat Frloaa, , m i. ..! f-i NATH'L JACOBI, HARDWARE DEPOT. t . ' ! !- 11 I lJ Jitii!- ! 1ft Sims. Hubs & Spokes, XLK8,BWtlNO,f Vj VA&KIAHA MATXHIALJI, AO. mail bnBtui ll&d Sad aetkrtio Hou taaraataad.-" - J - 1 NATHANIEL' JACOBI, NO. O MAitlltKX laaaSQ i 1 1 mi ii . f l i hi I i,m tlO, C100, C500, 01000 6TBS toaiin tnieMpmfltwhaiila'tH a4 In Bik PiltUtKi Virculiuhoonrala- Indtitn axpUnatioa or u node ar utwvutiui. mJ naotatloa ptloaa ar alistoeka daauhn, at U10 EW YORK STOCK EXCHAKQE, NntrtesofLaiWMtiftsW 'ilQUdj SmONSON, BABREIRAS 4 CO., i ; ,-i ,.i -Baakara t Brakari,' Oip. M.T . Mtook Kxohaaa, Wall awn. IHOSQinTOfllETS I " ..... . . : ' ' i noodo Kocs. rfasi raoalTaa aM K lala law by I I j u ri-v-.o D. A.BMITH A'OOU " June IT 'i '. !. in-tf Bacon; 1 Pork, Flour. SuartJfn'ctel 75 Boxes Smoked Sides and Bbonl-J 60 Bbts Pork, ' .f-" 10Bbls.iiflned8ttgr,'-1 800 Bbla. Floor-all gradesj t 8,000 Bushla rmt); Whita Com.' llWBaga ftims Kio Coffee, tr 100 Hhdv mM CMpifJttJ 800 Bale -PttSiteltf Hay; ' ' 850 Bales Prime Eastern Hsyf ;200 Second Hud Spirit Caska, 40is. uraeu 4 1 ' " 260 KtWS Nalbt "'.'' 100 Boxes and boxes Candles, 00 Boxes live.. St A rf-a 50 Boxes Bcwp, JoOjQjross Matohes, v c? i 1 1 For sale low by " , , MMi IWLLIAMa 4 MUECHISON, f. smosI OsiatVsiMet lB4 Tons OsAsaHeMaor J u i i A A let Bnroka 1 a)-'" ' :ttw7viWAKim'lll" f i JSl-BJ W W I " " 1 w anw at w away as. A P Vf JBS e aw i 1 1. t a.-, i wnuiai abb ski pi untTviiniaT ' v 1 14T c , i . ii j it .... m nut linn mis ';!,1 l&t'ULAKS OF KVJCKY DKSCR1P. Uon rotteu an Intb MataaS! of arrta L. - !" . . JOUBMAX. WFICB. TjRINTImQ of ivebt imagina. THE ATLANTIC I I '- tT1-"-. : f ."I . """"" 1 " -1 1 '--- -jL 11 ii I j! jj H 'ilu'iJ ! ii u y " , -. - in '""V .1 mi , ", 1 m . . ,,.1 , ...J ... Aii ulw TirjJ nih, ummi tosueh - i " ' NO DUST I NO FLIES 1 Balklwr HHHtM sttUd to tbs hon, wbr luwUBiy it eao snjoy Jh Sibils- il .at-.i. ui Uaiii IhSl Mt ft TM lint Dill mi nmanumf nntiim Boatt,taat aaJlluiauS wall aiaaaaad, lot rTb;XiwiMcr'..d" n Wa , rC.' '.'La V. ...... ....".... a. bv caarteaa aMiatanta a a oia li ..i.,.A , .. lata or tba ana by day, antf a hrililaot roort ofTi rilbot at AH tba aaari for aiarel-a and anon meat to ba loOBO at tBlaaa Hattan htnatlt tbat bft B ABMbO rloUK.aafltr tbaaaw raft". STUTVin traatlra to bla aaitat rvvi ar ibaa tba Botal to tba lMal aublte, Btrtet deeoram win MrlldlyaBfo, - . f ,:, - ; , ,1 , Tmms C IXM per day for first week i SET Bpaelal eoatraeta aiada wttb fanlllM and tori. Uhildran and aervanU balf vrlca, maylS -dlw IL .t -.m rws KI8CILLAH I0U8. SOL, BEAR &:BR0'S, 20 Market Street 1 CLOSINQ OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK ....,..) :- OF-1- - ' DRY-GOODS' AT OCB RETAIL BTOKEI Q-reat Bargains! j li-4 LININ 8UIKTIKQ from TO ota. and 1 II par yard. ' :' -' " " afoaaaiblqaaa T eta. par yard, BVIlt atUSLIBS, ' tbo Voim tliisa Towala and Mapkias, , Irlah and Gai man Lilian hhtruns, n i t ) Uaiabrl HadkMohleta, MATTINOS.'Whlte and Colored. 8 riooaa LINEN tor Ladles Travollna Pi ssssf aa4 'Jsaja'wsar S IS" ;i; Largo aaaortmant ol Panama and Straw Bata Sir Children and Man. ..,;'.'.' ' Wo will oeauteaee on Monday to sell tha ni and will oontlnno dally until tbs whole lioloeodoat. ' .T.'! "; KT Ladlea ar faipactfully Invited to call td examine our atook, as wa know It will re- In fotara ws Intend to conBnS our buaineaa to Clothing, and Merchant Tallortnf. ' 'BayBS !- Quarantine Notice. TKT11 rUBTHSStllOTlCB Alt. VB- Ufrem foraf SoaU oTOapsf earwUlaometo at Hit TUIUng Button, near Deep Water Folnt, and await the laipootton of tba Qaas anuna rayalclan. . . , ,,;., I ' I All voanals from Ports whors tallow Paver, dr other InfoeUoue diteaae aiW,, will bo to. ulred h andert atlgld and prolonged Qnar- , AAtessaiSoiboaUet iay aharaoter having atokneat on board on arrlTsl. at aavtoa had stskneas any time during tha voyage, are re quired to cone to the Station for hifpectloh without regard to the Port from vbeaoo they Teaael not lnolndod as above will pro ofed wllheut detention. . .,f -. ;J;(.i.i i Pilots are eipa elally enjoined to auke oara- tl enquiry relative to veaaU), orew, dM., and H not a tinned with the Hate meat of tbs Cap- taia or eommanoar, or if the ytwst It tn a flttby oondltlprt, ttm bliig tha vaeael to the Station for further examination. t ..... PIloM wnrsil Vlolatlnc ' tbs Qaaraatlna Law, are anhjoet to a for fel tire ft their sraaabi fctaaters of vaaaalt to a Arte of two hundred dol- Ki a day for ovary day they violate.-(a aranOM LawaV and an other persons are liable fbf taok sad avary oflonoa. !. - AU vaaials snhjeot to fiattatioa aadat above regulations, will sat a Sag in tbe mala rigging, pervade. k ' u i if a h ! Q anrantlne Phyalelan , Port of WUralniloB. II. . kmlthTUa, B. O., May , rsiS. aaraw tSfrUlaovt ,cr.0NLY 6 uor.r.i3, : StcSRAXOSEAijESfATEJSSKEIS 1A B BIBX AT TBint BALKS ROOMB JJ a pla of tAeeHtv oa aa enlarged eoala. Blank atortwth tt eoondarle, of irarV liA b UaaMr dietlnotlT aSni . . V hi u'e'Stj.'1'' overt lot JU? lavsd myoa ap- al UVU1 ... .A LSUEiBI BATOR., OOunty. M.O., at SI M pen-annum, la ad- ba a Urn and rm i.lT - - enlatio la nearly mil Ue ooeatlee Wm an aannttee of Bportaobura. Vnrh Wl . k m 1 1 n 1 i . ' - - - twaat a a 1iiirtT.lm nl , . . 'i v.. oaaej aii adonaad wtU aa entire wa. 4nMl,g, MM ore DMiraM. Tlia Carolina Central butt, belag 11"-, i. iW-d thronah ta Wll.i... MS t-y bM,( the Wntm tanalawC ttai " Teaming nxrtf a iwwuikiitTiiirtijriL rfl Brtui.lil VWtom only av Us attdnritgnM niy b 1 NO MOSQUITOES I'll , Y SlWlWft SBlIF ST. ' alttTF BW MW W BSSJ Si At I SWBl Ul rumi 1 uuu 7. - retarts, aaaUtes plsaaars i ; ' !!--'-!'! v - u at t. bebtaua wt m -u. niAvltTViiattt'iaratkrrVattUa w ioiiw a " T ,1 .1 in ih tullnaii Darartmaat. tba praptlator $l.M per day tot second week. ; tHoarilOBUts. Jbatsl rsouotioa to oany vw- GEO. W. CHARLOTTE, Proprietor. WATKRINQ PUCES. HT. M WHITE SIJOTBOTGS, Mt.:Alry, N. C. 1 " , i " r stoardk? Per Month, t30)l. Per j Waek, f iS.BOt Par ttay, t2 ; 6r.( TTVATEB equal to Greenbrier W kits la ovary ruMflt.andasaertorni aaa. PatMos Vtolt- Inc tha Bprlnga by rail will gut off tbe aero at x wiukod, a. u., i , where auget will eoavor thent OH IM BUtlBRS.- ) I'M MadlaoB Brew Bead will bo la attend l P """1; fWtHTSONS, , ! i-,.:.. - --'fwmrietora. ; april SfWl ' 1 10Mai vvAfir.i GPRirjco Wabtarn North ' Carolina- pnriBBB BPBIbOi are actuate Svs tailae I .. . .-tin t'ttt Tfi i .,-,- from the Tenneeeea Ha , on the bait be of the Crnnnh Broad rter. Ik the YOiT nlaat of the blgliett ran get of mAnntalnf at ot the Mtatlt alppl iWer, k eoantry generally tnowa nd Wuihtully called the BwHaerland of Aeroa. THE HOTEL, AUUUMBlODAXlUnB, are ananrpaawd at nay wMartirg laev-aveanrnier (eaortlato. a.aatryt Taa hatha eoatlatl'ef (eaortlathoi avowtry I targe pool, of a Wear, pnNrirf Jfiiural and MkMtrit rafcY-: teebparatara TOi to 104 degrirM tahianAat.wolohawadr(ailsavtwaUiig to all lnTaUdf.eqoalialag tha olroulaUoa and stimulating tbe Moratory organs, and Will. In moat cam or Ufironi. aa aa-aoma wmv, w "OTti in-anw wni ataPraaepala. Maaralsii BheumaUam, FaralyaHVdyaMptia.iaaraii BuflondarT BTDbllla. HeDbrttio and Calcul Hepbrttio and Calouloai Viaeravra, aoroiaia, uauranw mmm inu naay diaaaaaa peeuHisv to feaanaaa) onaet J)ady and radloal aura. There l aba a iWld ulpbar Spring near the Warm Bprlnn, re oiabHnf very oloaaly la temparataaaaad oalev, tbe Teltow Solpbur Baring of Vir ginia, with a ralphurona odor Inaoh atronger, Tkna Mnrlnaa are eaar of aoeeaa from all Sontbern cltlra b rataern tmt oy an ma naee oi raiiroaua nvertlag Into Baat Tenneawa, Via Augmrta, oontergtag Into atlaota aad KnoiTille. to Morrletown, Beat -Tannsaree. tbanoa be Ctnabertand Gap and Sharle ton railroad 40 mllea to Wolf Oreett keneo bv auia S nllas to tot Bnrtnc, an can and oomfortabla trip. Kx.urnloa TWk.te are on aala in all abeDrtnaliwl eltiaa to nd from I theae Spring at a great red notion, oa loeal Ratea 6f Board, 140 Par Month, 112.60 ParWaaL'ta Por Day, Children and Oolorid' Bervsats'' Haif-Prlos. ' Apply to Manager ftol Paapklets aad Otreu- lars or to Wilmington yrugguta - i,, . '( 'i'" JA' 8AM PL, -. General Msaager (or Varm Springs Co. June I lao-dlm aod-wlat Uerchan disc Brokerage,, WITH TB B BIQTJIBITX XXPXBUMOX, acquaintance, knowledge and facilities, I oBer my Mrrieee fW the purchase and aala of aii Qtwcnpuonu 01 mercnanaiae wraHorn, Northern and' our own market Negotiate oaaa and oaani. Wire, aied freely at my eapenes for any Information desired. , - M anufaotui are, Tali Una of aamplea exhibited Uoflee. Molaama. Bnune. Susnr. Ploor. Beap,. Bacon. irw Bait Meets, Pork, Lard, eVi , eVe- iH Varna : Tobacco. Ulcara. An- BptrltVaake, Glue, Jler, torn, dko. 1 Safes, Scales, dtc.. oU - 1 ' - r- n BTaoee : 1 ooaoea, mcara, pec la I attmlioa glvsa h aeenrthg lowoat reie. n (nuuswaHiom. . i ,10. ...mi -:,- "' , Wiamlnallonof Mmploa,correpooeneeand oniereionoiwa. - - SST Orders left at Office for "Spot" Good, will have prompt attention.,.. ,r- j,.,.. , TA18. T. PETTEWAY, 1 V UBaUm V VAIU aVAJal-0--7ira I libriTr VVATIR STRICT mayBJj,..H .mJ im jihi Uilmead TiiB Wttmiiiiitiai an! Coast " ItoBite TJX A. t-A T j MEBTIKQ OP, J-HB BTJBSCBJBEBSI to thsoapitai suck of ''The Wilmington, and Ooaat Turnpike Oomany ' will be helmet the Puroellfliai ei Batorna; tefli hutat t o-elook.P. ;Vft.r & arpoM of Mj organ lslnf 'kald' ewporatloa, V To election if a" Beard of DtraotortK'aDd the ikWptlo oproper by-laws far fts management !,.(X) "!0"TT8ttTfiJl 1 T .SOTJTMBKLAIID, 3. B. DATia, new ' Vil.nlnton, Um C. Fact Freight Houto to oil Points Horth or Gouth. : WEW ITew York and Wilmington Steamsliip line ! SEMI-WEEKLY, BslbngfroiBMIW IOBK, WEDNE8PAT and BATtJBCAT at 8 P. II., and from WILMlKOiON, WEDKEfiDAT and 8ATTJRDAT. BOSTON AND New York and Wilmington Steamship Compsny, . .; OOBBBCSQia WITH IB ;;. .i. OLD; COLONY RAILROAD AKD 8TEjE3. Daily Between BOSTON and NEW YOIK Bemi-Weekly between NEW YORK and WILMIKGT03. 'w-"eP Bauatolaf traas aaest Fssra," Bblppers arsv relv ncoa tha womntaad mi, r tm ai..... .. ..u Kthufi11 ,,,,U,,, M'1 ro,n'" WllJllSQTOJI, CULCMBIA a AFOTJBTi BAILKOAP. Ii; , . ' wujsisoTgw wblik kailboad, ' . TBB CAHelJMA t'kMTKAji BAILWAT, Through Dill, of Lading glren to acd from all raksti ta . , . " KQBTH and BOUTH CABOUNA, GEOEQIA and ALABAMA. Also to NEW IOBJL BOSTON. FEOVIDTNm! FAT.T. vixvrt ..A v. Eaatern Cities. . - -..i' i--. w" parsntoadastowasby any other route and Urns as sulok. LossM or evereheraas proaipUy paid. , . . . i Mark ail Goods Tia Clyde's Wilmington Line. gaV Per farther tniomatlon apply to either of the nndoralgned Agenta of tas 14aa' ' D. IX O. MINK. . Oeneral Kaatfrn Agent, St Devonahlro street, Bod on. t 1 Bl afaa IV till U UUUIUUIU UlliUAU AltlAUiatUilUUwJlUa.. FAST IJFKEiaHT , ROUTE To all ; points fiorth or Couth. SAIWIJOEE. DiJP Line. . SBMI.WBSW.T. i-8Alti0 Viptf BA.tIM0SB. Tuedy s Friday, at 3 P. M. : -AllDPBOII WrLMrNOTON- Wsydnetday 4V Saturday. ! , . . MOaastfamf WaawtlaaUtiC j BalUmeva Boawa and BrorUeBM Line, ' I " " '! Or via banal Daily it Philadelphia and Clyde's Phnaoalphlaand Protideaoe Line, v-ti' BamkWoekry ftoss eseh Port ; Skippers may rely upon tbs prompt aad rei poa a an anipaaanai af uua routr, , v- --xnTerBn "in ar Lading alToa to aad from all rainta In " -1 1 NORTH and SOUTH CABOLTNl, GEORGIA arid ALABAMA. Also 4o BALTTMOBE. tHTLADKT.rHTA . Other Eastern aOes.'" ilI MboQds BaW lfttar tafbtwatkm appr to althsi t j isroTioEe,; , Cawkat Ctral 'lIMiTajr; rl GENEEAL' i-i'H- IttfOt handll net mhlnanhaawitJi tVnaak aTrrr Ti TTT . T-.;i sA ILMlCTpilA -iOliJjU aiOif and 3 Caroll Inaaraneoftom far obai race, and I rJlBAABJELBrLOtB-all grade, j f Ol B4 ,W.)',1 .-J iuUHiia ;;lMt turn r: SOOSAaSOOFFEE, ' ' j h:A IVii ful 1JI ..-jlV. rM . , ,-. oWp fl. BIBW, '' ! :! ; r,(,M ,4 ,.-h5.TS--!-jf-.r l! 2,000 SACKS UTEBPOOL SALT, j Woa) ti!l;v8if..J.-i li ' tc.'jifji'i''."; i. " -w Ji erf l -.'sH''t r VS..) ''-i'1 60BSLS. SUGAR, t i 4 . BIV,,,tv aid i.J.', . iioj. 60 Cotes Bffiolod EeatV tH' ;" Aa4 a ful stoop ef fiKOCJOUJca, whath we onvwsUn.Wlognr J" flWf"fl' '-i.l rt'i ! t, ,1 iU W 'tnw,c ifif!,,B P! vwrtot lajwtatss THBVAfTBMT!01t OP THE PUBLIC IS t-ttrktJTrv.t tStit'i 'n'n-mi m foot tbat tta Oarollna V .lt.. w. . ISU , , i.T111 T oTar.rtaoa.tnW,Tir rtwiaiouBUi, a Huanoia railaaalnhla. H Tab. Rnatja. all Station on Atlantis', tenntfaee AOhio in. .......-.u aaKailieadeaawaHaeaU orni. l imnia 7. T, T..wit? race, and Nate, u .w. .' - a-aawin eitieo aatatiteeda low aa n ... i,. fi. r YORK. FALL RIVER. l0 O'i-AYt. CosaMUag 'a Wdaiatea - . r'-r T"- WM. P. CLTDE0O.(fteaee! Agents, Sew 1 erh Line, t stowUfg arse, M. f A. D. CAZAUX. Agent. . aan i PHTIAT)T!LPTTT JaltoDrc aM . WiLii-ii!a Its. -z-n. SBBWanaWr BBiaBBB" 'b ; BALTiMOkt wryiiii9Tp Baltimore and PhlladelphU Steeaiiott Oa i' Dairy vUOakMWawg,Y BALTIXOBJI AKD PB1LAOBXPBIA. BAXTIMOItB AKD WIUflilOTOS UM, KortBorB Oeatral Bailroa Balttinoro sad Okie BaJIroad. r"..'' of the' aadsrilgMd Agents af ao Fh-' ' T-.' t i Jlii l;i 4'' J?EEIGHT- DEPAETllOT. i WaitntOTOM, Jlareb 81st, I878, - p as """Tt llfHitUi iasBstl CITIEt-ro Clfi. J i.: v ;.-tv r,i 'I li aad Sorta terminal ar I !,,pfnfe taBMkar lew F. W. Miaeeal freight Agaws, . ! -V. Wka nkUraS ) Jji puBsn, DMMxQt)M1 i3o4t. , 1 - TarnMi ' fA Pas AnmiSB as aMvasSaJ ' ' ; tta large and doll) laereaaing alretiiaune tw the Pee boa country, aad aknt tia Nat a Wilmington, Oolomfcla , ,i . rendeM It aa ena.Unt advetrUwiia ri-iM taobadneMineaiof WilmlnaeaoTT..... . . - r MootnlT and yearly eoatescia ai t-ifi meat liberal Uaaa.. tnnw-i n.'!'-' rebw' i -a .vniiiHaE? X-Z 1 ci. siMMVost Unaaf ea ami IsaVati knSBBsaataBOMrMt, dies I- ' a- i ! ' i t very lew ptWr,.,,, flfIJ ytuv f 'i-'-' ii Vat hs w-M aa' . .. (i. wa aeon ma ei V---I. " i-t-ji i m ' i Oor na n4 Bay's PIP r i e-4 i "" 'uit be ii, : ejaalitav' t" -' j.. i.r c - ' 'ITTAw A-Tcrzn!".:-::''-"' a... la . ".cf iMl-ISJl fyovxt of the day. A. Ue dneoHption jdonn in U'i beat of Mvl. II, l" ' 1' . (riilkttaOaXoMtstt,''1 .-,"u 1 ll i!ii wpi j) n n jini-, "iai i,awa t'?mW Wiv, I , ir ttML. ' A . ' ilii . IT 1 ms awl PiMu,Manv- ''Jan. u in. ' a. tH lA, i r '.ML '. w- - . I Uu. . watv

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