. ' ( Mj 1 1' i'0 j -1 ((IT w AC JJ VOL. XXIV. HO. 158. V7ILimiGT0IT. IT. C. SATURDAY. JULY 3. 1075. OTOLE NO- 6,021. Clu j9to 3JrantaL WILILLNQTON. N. a: SATURDAY.' ULY 3. 1875- BY TELEGRAPH. TENNESSEE. THE INTER-8TATE EDUCATION AL ASSOCIATION. Chattanoooga, Jul j 2 Noon The Tennessee Inter-State Educational Contention wu in session here jester' day and to-day. A large delegation of teachers and ednoatora from Ala bama, Missouri, Tennessee, Georgia, Kentnoky and Illinois were present. B. Mallor, of Atlanta, waa elected President' Abl addresses were made by aeTeral members of the Convention. Tli Convention resoWed itself into a permanent Inter-State Association, to meet next June in Memphis, with the officers of ths Convention a per manent offloers of the Association. THE HUB. EXCITEMENT IN INSURANCE CHICLES. THE NEW LICENSE LAW. Bosrox, July 2 Noon. There is laitement in insaranoe circles over the difficulty between the Mail Board of Fin Underwriters and the Boston oompanies whioh lately .withdrew from ths local board, the Manufacturers Fire and Marine having been expelled from the National Board for refusing to open its books for examination by ths anperrisor. All seceding oompa nies have made a like refusal and it is supposed that they will be dealt with In toe same manner. The new lioense law went into effect at Boston yesterday. Eleven hundred licenses have already been granted. EUROPE. THE OPERATIONS AGAINST THE CARLISTS. REVOLT OF THE PEASANTRY IN TRANSYLVANIA. Madrid, July 2 Noon Official de spatches announce that Alfonsoist batteries have opened a heavy cannon ad against Banta Barbara, Oiroaqui, Man Ru, Oilla, Teoata, Artara, and Kstella;18 ahells have fallen within the latter town. The Carliats have abandoned Mans Bo, Ttwnnw Jnlv 3 Vrun A mivial despatch from Vienna to the Stand ard, reports that the peasants of Deva and vicinity, in Transylvania, have re volted against the Noblea end defeat ed a battalion of militia. Many per sons have been killed, including two Judges. Regular troops have been sent to the scene. It is reported that the King of Bur ham baa; refuses to al low the British troops to pass through his territory. The report has .been officially oonfirmed. Lohdob, July 2 Night-The Indian Government is oommunioatisg with the Indian office relative to the aotion necessary to pass troops over Burmah. Sir Douglass Forsythe has left for Bonnah, , CONNECTICUT. DEGREES CONFERRED AT YALE SOME CONCILIATORY AFTER DINNER REMARKS. Niw Bavin, July 2 Noon At the one hundred and seventy-fifth anni versary of Yale College th following degrees were conferred in course: Bachelors of Divinity, 84; Bachelors Tasai 17 TVnte.-a t9 1nAimrA 1st Uft a era w Pi aitawnaa v vm wf. Doctors of Philosophy, 4; Bachelors of Arts. 83: Civil Jngineer, 2; Vj namio Engineers, 2 ; Bachelors of Philosophy, 60. In the after-dinner speeches the most notioable feature was the conciliatory character of the remarks from Alnmni from tne jxortn and South. OoL Lorenzo James. of Montgomery, Ala., spoke feelingly of the oonfliot and its oiose, ana ex tended the hand of fellowship to all, with a heart full of love. Gov. D. B". Chamberlain, of South Carolina, spoke eloquently of that sound char aoter which is Yale's boast and glory. Rousing cheers were given for the Homo, and for Bontn uarouna.- GOTHAM. " THE JURY8TILL FAIL TO AGREE AND ARE DISCHARGED. CAPTURE OF SMUGGLED DIA MONDS. . MOULTON AGAIN THREATENED, THE TREASURER OF JERSEY CITYJSENT TO THE PENEj TENTIARY. THE TWEED INDICTMENTS, - Bboobxyb. July 2 Noon At 11 a. m. the Jury eame into the court room, wmcn was densely crowaea, and stated they were unable to agree, when they were discharged. The jury stood nine for acquittal and three for conviction. Nw Yobk, Jvif 2 Noon Ten thousand dollars worth of smuggled diamonds were seized last night, xne diamonds were in possession of F. G. Bentmann, Who arrived in last night's steamer from Aspinwail. A steamship yesterday brought a number of ecolesiastios and others driven from Uermanyby tne Jfalk law. There is A report current that Moul- ton will be arrested on the conviction nf Trader snd Price. In answering an enemirr lawyer Shearman said that Moulton is not in Brooklyn to be ar rested; he is consulting witn uenerai Bntlnr. 'v Niw Iobk, July 2-Night.-The Jury left the Court without any excite ment. When asked who the thrte were they replied that they had bound themselves to seorecy in 'the Jury room. New York, July 2 Night-Alex. Hamilton, ex-Treasurer of Jersoy City, plead guilty to embezzlomeut and was sentenced 3 years to the Pent tentiary and $1,000 One, Suit is pend ing against tne bondsmen lor me amount embeueled. Under arrangements with creditors the Grant Locomotive Works, at Paterson, have resumed work. It wilt take two or three months to com plete ten Russian locomotives. Judge Brady denies the motion to grant indictments against Tweed ex cept in two instances where indict ments bad been superseded. 4" , HEAHQUAHTEHS. NOVEL CASE OF CIVIL . . RIGHTS. A WHITE MAN SUES A NEGRO FOR EJECTING HIM. REPORTS FROM THE FEVER AT KEY WEST. Washington, July 2 Night Pro ceedings under the civil rights law have been oommeuoed by a white man against a negro lodging house keeper for ejecting him from a room which the negro's mother , had rented the white man during the landlord's ab sence. The suit is brought under civil rights. A telegram received at tne aavy Department from Key West reports one death and two new cases of yellow lever there to-day. Tne atmospnere and the present indications are nnfa- voarab.e. TEXAS. OORTINAS, THE MEXICAN BAN - ;"i DIT. ;! I? A CRITICAL STATE OF AFFAIRS AT MATAMORAS. Chioaoo. III., July 2 Night Ad vices received by Lieutenant-General Sheridan from Brown ville, Texas, this mornintr.indicate a critical state of af fairs at Matamoras. A oonfliot to-day between the eitizens and Mexioan sol diers is imminent. All the business houses are olosed in Matamoras, and armed citizens are gathering, threat ening to take Oortinas from the sol- aiers, wno, tne vioe-vjonsm utuu., are not strong enough to prevent the rescue. Nw Oblsans, July 2 Night A special despatch to the Galveston News, from -Brownville, Texas, saya an order has been publi-ted that Oor tinas shall be shot in case a attempt is made to rescue him. A Judge,' Caatello, wife of Oortinas, and four teen others are prisoners. A general order " prohibiting the assembling of groups, or nostile , demonstra tion at all publio places, has been issued. 1 Outside" ' of - Matamoras the people are reported to be arming themselves, arms having been, smug gled out It is reported that a gun boat is coming to the mouth of the Rio Grande to oarry Oortinas to Vera Cruz. - :.. i .n .,-. r? . 1 ELECTKICISM8, ' An official decree has been issued at Havana prohibiting time contracts for gold. . i Gov. .Leslie, oi Kentucky, nas an nounced himself a candidate for the U. S. Senate. . On death at Hey West on Thursday from the fever. ' Private advices from the Black Hills expedition, reoeived yesterday morn ins at ChicaKO.show its investigation, proving that the country is richer in srold that it had been supposed. The eartn down to tne oea oi rooK,in every direction, is filled with particles of the nuartz. whioh shows rich veins, At Atlanta, yesterday, tnree young men, while tnresnmg wneat, were struck by lightning, and instantly killed. .i v c Wllaaiata-tvn District, Below we give for the benefit of our readers the appointments oi liev. W. S. Black, Presiding Elder, for his tnird round of quarterly meet incrs for the present Conference year of the Wilmington District; Clinton, at Goshen, July 18 and 19. Cokesburg nt Bethel, July 25 ui T&. . Whiteville, at Abbotmburg; August I and 2. Elizabeth, at Bladen Springs, Aug ust 8 and 9. "- Bladen and C. F. Mission, at Cen ter, August 15 and 16. - Topsail, August 22 and 23. ' , Magnolia, at Harrell's Store, Aug ust 29 and 30. WUmington, at Front Street, Sep tember 5 and 6. . ! Smithville, at SmithvilleJ t Septem ber 12 and 13. Ui'UjUH M. CRONLY, Auctioneer BT OBOHLT ft MORRIS. j Admnstrator's Sale' TOH5 O. KOOH, ae Administrator of Henry Bremer, deoeaaed, ataluat Henrr Bremer aad othera Aetlon tor the aala of land, for aaaeti to nev debta in purmanoe oi an oraer or tne superior Court, made In the above titled eauae, I will, on Tbaradar. tha 2td day or Julr. at IS o'eloo M at ine czooauge uorner, in loatityer Wilmington, axpoae to aala to the hlgh.t bid' der, at publio auctlon.th. lot of land and prem ise, on the MoriheaM mteraeotton or Front in Dock Street., fronting fts fret on Front .treat, ana iui leet on iroea nreei. ' ' ' Terra. One quarter oaeh.balanea on a credit of 6, 1 and II) month., aaoured by promuwy noioorpuronafOi ana uua raauvea till par chae money la paid. . .inuw n ntnn ' 'Admtnletrator b. Bremer, June 10 l7-laa; T1RINTINQ OF EVERY IMAGINA- X Ua dcacrlption done In the ttof atyl at Uie . . Jouuual ui'fick IRCULAIIS OVi EVERT DESCRIJ J itoa goueu up in me neatest xii iiyw St Uie JOUBHAL UFF1CB. NEW ADVERTISEMENT!. Card of Thanks. Td. andonlrDMl h.rtwltb rtana hi. an. or thank, to th awlim or ta Fir. 1 lar n.nt and tli. el Omm who so klmlly u Mil hurt night In Um HWrrstka ol but pro. porty at ta. Sr. to gaooad MrMt. .W.OCfiHAM. jui a iM-u A Card. Th nanbari af th A pell. Oaraet Baad tak tbla m.ihod of r.tardnr tfa.lr thank, to Qui. J. O. Abbott, CoUotwf tbla Fort, lor eoarto.lea .itcadd trd. ond aln to Capt Harper for towini tha ateaaiM waoea saw wnuo uxiui BUMUuu.rr. , . .i 1.J.WIW. ; , , . ,, , i. . W1LL80H, .... ' ' H.T. BAIMAM, Jaly a-i Coiamlttaa. I'EverybodyV! PiU, A Gentle but Certain Cathartlo Th.y aot with sasTaiaTV on tha LtTar, oon Uln no icalonalt are paral? Vasotabl. The beat, aarett, aaraat and mlldaat pargall? Pill la dm. Tbav ara ated atora gaaarallr than any athet fill In m, far Ua lentthof titie tany u.t. Been boror. tb. pub I in. Ar. Hlct-lj att ooatad and bottled at 19 cent par Bottle. Ak your UiuggiM tpr "EvaBTSoDTV Fiu., aud take no oih.r. J.UI ISS-lia Trunks Bepaired. rjiKi-NKSuoVkkxu, i ; .- Uarncat Hatairrd, HaddioaHapairad, A t the Saddlery SUr. of CARPENTER MALLARD. No. f 8outh Front btreat, Wilmington, N.O. jmy ioi-u Please. Bemember KAT WE WILL MOTOPSN O0BSTOKK oa the ftb or July, and bay your Foirtl oi July . Snral TO DAT; Salarday, tha M Inataat-' Wa bar. everything; yon want lor denntona, rta-Mlo. a ftouna farues. Oranges and Lemons, Clarata, Saaterna and Khtna Wlnea. .Sint) UaUwba, Howlla and Uhampagu., Ala, Potter aad Fran.raiUr Utgor Boar, Piukloe, Oraokera, UbeeM, Marulue., bologna, aud tu graat luxury and ooiiTenlouoa C9LD PRESSED CORN BEEF. Beit Smoking Tobaooo la amall pocket bag. . tholes Clgaxa, Ac, &o., dto. i ; CHAS D. MYERS ft CO., ft ft f Havrtli trwmt Mt. . ... , . m JalyS THE DIYlDEliyf PEOACEETH. Gas.tEailroai ' aiiilanl Jtocls at THIS DAY XSaturday.Jalyld, ehanga Uoraar, at IS e'eleok A. 187S,)atBx at. wa Bill if Share. Capital Stock WlUnlogton eaa Col . j. m . , , wilmlagtoa db Wei- ' don Kailroad Co. ,8 m v i . h wiimlagum Oottoa " -. kllla. 10 flret BaOonalBank. M .. h Hank ot Maw Ban. - UawaoaBaak. CEOMLT A KUKBI4. ulj 8-11 Auctioneer. QUEEN MARY l " IT ALVSIO TKTMB. " J8ETJLT. By the Author of "Vara," H6. tol du P.tlt St. dean," Ac. Paper, aa cti. rpHB LADT SUPERIOR By Xllak t. JL Pollard, Author of Paper, M centa. . , Uopa Peferrad Juat arrWed and for laid at HEirJGDERCER'O $ l.laft HAAS MMi SldWa " 31. 15 WILMINQT0N, COLUMBIA , AUQUSU RAILROAD CO. OFFICE OF QtWU SOTXBINTBUtMT ' , WiUnnoMV, M. O., Jnly 1, 187S. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE - On and altar Bonder, July 4th, tha follow I Ing aohedulejwlll be run aa tbla road I .. . t KIOHT IIPKBSS AH rASSENOEB TBAIN, (Dally). eaeawea r. m Leava Florence ..H.20 A. M Arrlva at Colombia... o.ln A.M Aarnata. -aSA.kl Laava Angueta t.18 P.M. Laava Columbia... 8.18 P. M Leave Florenoa ,, 1 1 A. M Arrive at Wilmington... t.lO A.M raaaengera going wen Deyoeo veia aoia, will Uka this Train, leaving Wilmington at.2B P.K. , Datw reaetis;er Trsvtn Oaniy (except Haadar.) Leave Wilmington ,.. :t AM Arrive at Florenee...,., ..1fciP M Leave Florenoe , 11:48 t M Arrive at Wilmington..., &rf t at Oonnenl. at riorenoawita . s. wain, ror Gharleeton. and with Pieltbt Train with Paa. enger Ooaoh attaohrd for Oolumbta Monday., Wednoalaya and riMaya. i THBOUGH FBBIGHT TBAlH, (Dally as- eept Sunday.) Leave Wilmington........ i n P. " Leave Horenoe 1 40 A M. Arrive at Uolnmbia too A M. Leave O lnmbla.,., AM t M. Leave F'oranee. .. ........... 4A) A. Arrive at Wllmtnftrau IMV.m. LOCAL FBUQHT TRAINS, wllb PAB BBHeEB OOACH tttaebed, leave Wilming ton Tuesday., Thursday, and Saturday, at t SO A. M. and arrive at Wilmington on Mon day, Wr)neda;l and Friday at 8 80 P. M aVPaawBger. lor Gbarleatoo, Vlurobl a.id Angunta and beyond, ahould take night -pre, train from Wilmington. 1 BT Th ongh Sleeping Care oa sight train for Charleston and Augusta. JAMK8 ANDEBSOH. -, ,, - Geo'l Superintendent. nty t - ' ; ; lttf For. Smithville I QITEiMK DIXIE' will leave eat wlarl Friday and 8tuidayat 4 P. M. Be tarning, will leave Sntllhvllle oa Baturday and Tnerdayat T A. M. 'and en Sunday at iM P. M. July ' O.Q.ABBLirOa " '' . 194 TTTEDD1NG "AND INVITATION W CARDS prluted In the matest and - . 1 .1 .int. mt 111. ' - ' IQUBe IjailUDVUJmii .ijro mw Nig Joubsal OrricB, NSW ALVmiSZlSTS. B0ABD. JR3. OABR1EU UOUtXI will Uka 10 or in (imtlenen ta board front tbla data, alther wttltuat ruoata ar with largo, airy and eonfort ablo rooma, oat reamnabla term.. ttoMdaaoa oa Chaanat KrMt, batwaaa Third aad foarta Mraou. Apply aa . H(JUK8 tnlyl tao-tf Turnip Seed I ' " Turnip Seed I ' , New Crop 1875. ' j Orowa by Laadratl A BuHt, Philadelphia. Alao a larga aaaortanot ar waowaga aaao. Fori la by las First ITaticnal Bank of Wilmington. ' JUL lac, 1ST. ' The Board of Dlraetnra or tbla Bank bars declared a dlvldand ol Four per t'aat., payable on Uta lvih luatwit. A. K. WALKiB, Caahlar. Julyl Wa-t WE PROPOSE 310 BBALlia OB ODK , ITO0K Of LOTHINObyialUngat! , Cost ! Actual Cost ! I CamnaeMclna; Twmy. raraon having eaah or prompt eradlt aa. doobtid-aia larlied to Innpect atook and prloaa. 5,1 MUNSON & CO., UITT CLOTH IBRa. ' Julyl . IM-tt-TharaABat llorncr & 0raTes, School, - HHiLsuoRO', k. a THE f ALL BB8BIOM Of 1875 OPBMS fourth Monday in July. f . j : 4 ' svOaUlogueaaentonappUoatlon. ' July 1 , . .tM4IVo)wlB TREASUKEIt'S OFFICE Carolina . Central Kail way Company, - Na. B BrtMtd Mtreot, Ksw Vark. The OOtf PONS for Intareat on tha Flret Mortgage Bond, of till. Company, falling dna J uly lit, IOTA, will ba paid lu oold on preeen. tatloa at tbla offloa oa and after Jiiy let, WaTSOH IIA1THW8,j Traaenrar. 1 IM-dSteCwlt . Julyl TIT-na. u T Patrons of Husbandry WiLMiaoToa, N. 0.,' July aeth, 16TB. ; rjlHB Cap Fear oouhofl, (P. of H.) will meet In the Court Hone. In Wilmington, oa tha third Tnnreday In Jnly nail, (tha iSUi Inat) at S o'olock. P. V. Arrangement, hare been mad. with tha W. ft W. B, B. Oo. to glva ra. turn tlckata for alx (S)oanto par mils,' thai f) B B Oo aad boats on tha Oapa Fear rlrer will paat member for one fare, j -r O.W.MoOLAMMT, . Prealdent Cap Fear Ooaaoll P af H ; T M Mooas, Secretary i , ... ; June n . , , flftwtr Better Butter : 1HAH our. I nerer offered. Tt U alwayt da- . .... . . . , ..... 1. alrabla to get the , -v'BESTBUTTElC.,.' and that we alwayt bare. Our fine Table But ter la telaeted carefully from the bet Datrlee in New York State, and may be railed oa a the very beat Bolter told In thU city. : CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., Favorito Flour 9 MAKINO new friend., it I ... JJE BEST, : ' j MOST KLIASIi. " ' ' THA TRUEST erer ated by Bouaekeepet. ' j Bold only by ' ' ' ' :l :,r ' flfTAR TV MYERS k CO. j june , . . ... i .. us ' latest Books. piORSEMlM'S ' PILQBIMAOK. BJalmer WJorth Boyesen. . . By TUiUBBBABD'l KkTS, and Otbor BUrles. By Miai Tbackeray, author of "Ml Angel," "Old Eenatngton,'' fto. Fapei, 78 cents. ... For aal at . '.''..'I ' HEIHoBBBOIB'B . Live Book and If ode Store. July r r- W4 "A Glean Sweep. OK THURSDAY, JOLY 1st, 1 begin my Grand Clearing' Sale of i:::;45cfothirig.","; In order to close out every article of Ram. mr Stock I have decided te MAHK DOWN price and mak a demonstration tba will hi. sur. auLBAN SWKBP In every dapartment. I guarantee a good bargain to each aad every customer. ' - - -' - ' CASH.'" : J-'-t'C;0.D.' A. DAVID. Jalyl Reduction in Price of ,1 ':'-!.; 'BAM a " f- ' QK ant after Thtrreaey Beat, July 1st, the price of Qa wi ll be per ljix feat to ail ooo- ummera. -, . n i.(. ... Iha Wilmington Qa Light Oe. 1' .... . i-r,. ... i... v eW.WONBS, ,.',...,,; Bee'yftTroaa. . taaB" Ibt-lw ffcnpiin riirnoo" tJa.IIL.litU UMIUW ana prune, WT!m5& tno. KIW ABYISTISHHNTS. Smith's Feed Cutter. rJIHK BEST aad moat datable Feed Cutter lu tha market. ' ' ' 1 Vor aala low ky ' - ' 'r OILM MUBOHttOW. JoMlS ,', .. , .Ml. OFFICE OF . THE CITY CLERK AND V TREASURER, V " Cmr of WrLMwaroM, N. d,l June 2ilb, 1875. AN ORDINANCE Concerning Cows and other cattle nui , Bing el luge. JJB FT ORDAINED by tha Board oi Alder. men of tha City of Wilmington, 8. 0., a fol fowa; ' Beotton I. That say cow or arana wmi of Ana Kino, found running at larga wltaia tba oaruorata Umlt of thl olty, iball b lm-' pounded by tha Olty Marabai, and tba owner required ta pay a Sn of Tea (ttl' Dollar, ba- fore the aama ahall ba relaa-ad. ,! t . Baettoa lAnr ordlnaaae or parti Ibaraof oon. dieting herewith, ara hereby repealed. Ths above ordinance was adopted by the Board af Aldermen eat Uie Mth day of Jane tms, and will go Into eSaot oa after aud Mon day, June Wta IniUiit. T.' O' 8ERVOSS, . - 5 olty Clerk and Treat, Jane SS , Wl-tf. CORN, ilAY AND MOLASSES. Qnnf) BUBBBI4I OOBNr ou bale Hay, s '' i 8bhd Mew CropCabaBaiamee, . ISbbliSHMolaaM. ,, ;i For aala by . . , . . ) , . BJKBCKBBB OALDBR BROS. , FLOUR, MEAL, RICE AND.COFFEE. ICQQ BBI4 FLOOB. , ; , loo bnahell Meal, (Water round), . . . ttbblaKwe, . , , . ,. , ., HbagiUoOM. , n , . , For aala by -.:. i , . KIBOHBXa a OALDIB BROS. SPIRIT CASKS, HOOP IROM, AC. 0 ton. Hoop Iron, r , ,. . liWbblteiue. ' " ' " Buag. Klrats, Bpanltb Frown, Ae. ' For, ia By j BBOHSIBft CALDEB BBOo.' Bacon, Lard tSj Tobacco BOICS D I BIDES tt BHOUtDHRS, . auDOxeearaoaauaiwnuuera,. ... , . ,, j W:tWaaisit m'ii , r KEBOHSEa CAIiDIBt BBO0- BargaintBarginH. TTKBt CLOTB QATTEBS f go, worth S2) . . . , . . i jaaat ui vnanaraei pooeifi ou,wuria a I ..r . . i fi t x . sj( Ladle, sllpperi only SI P5(Plr' I OBABLBS a. pbiob, ,L He. It Market etroet, ' Blgn of Uie Uoldoa Boot lunt 39-tf AM, PBBSON8 tuhjaot to the payment or Schedule B ft O fas to keeping with the Berenue Act, ee hereby noil fled to eom for ward and pay tb.lt aaml-annual Tax on July lit, tor the half year ending Jan 0ih, 187, and alto renew their IJeenie todobuatiatator the enaulag half year ending: December klrt, 1875. QBO.-W. BOUBDEADX, j ! junatt-St ,.. ,.vi Beglttar Board for the Summer AT " " " ' PBBMABEBT OB TKANB1BNT. ' THIS ploaaaut resort, distant 8 mllo front tiielty,ktth Jo notion oftbe Senndandtbe creek, will be In readlnea to aroommodata alther permanent or transient visitors on Wed nesday, June Mta . Hendered attractive by a beautlrnl grove and tne walk, located hi the miustora wen semaa neignoornoou. mere are en the premiae two large batuing nouses j a sail boat, est and managed by an eipert anoed sailor, la always In readiness to convey persons to the beach. Partis plck-nloklng from the elty will And the grove at Wrlghisvllie a most delightful spot. Th table will be .applied by the pro duot of the Bound, Ash, crabs, shrimps, fto. ' Meals at an boar for b urines men to reaoh the ollr In time tot work.- MeaUoan ba bad at any time during the flay - for further particulars, enquire of - ; ALtUa, UUUJJiatiT,. : Cheenut, between td and M. 188-Iweod , Junefl John Damon's QLD ESTABLISHED Hardware Store ia without doubt th largest and baott reliable Hardware 'Xstablltliment In eastern North Carolina. Price and quality ot good guaran teed veryrepeot.- -i Vl Noa. It, M and St MARKET 8TBBBT. ijenez? ,- ,..,,vi .-. i' . AnbrAOTlTBEBS PV ' II '. '.hi.,. i t TTUPR171 v ATit.TS nrnATta 1 . -.'-i ... - ,t -. ... , !i It f ! " guarantee them to be aa good, at an H Import ed Cigar," and none but experts can detect any dlnerenoe. In bundle of t for1 W , ONE POLLAB. , j D. PICOTT. June TT Entirely, jrew. i Html Trv a alas ef onr Soda Water, with the "Tonlo Syrup." ; i i" ' . ' ' i'j JAMES ft jnUISDS, DHIJOOIST. , Third street, oppo.lt City HIL " , Prescriptions eomponnded at all hour; dy and night. JM-K.., LANK DEEDS for tale at tbo : L jourhal urrica. NEW AD VIHTISEUZX T3. Mil atiMa BROWN & 45 '. Hare determined to oloar ont all tboir I , - ....St' ' GKEATLY; REDUCED PRICES. Sale to oommenoe on 'i i- MONDAY, JUNE 7TH, 1875. Some groat Bargains will be offered. We do not consider it necessary to go into details, as tho publio genorallj One! Price. Call early BROWir & RODDICK, NOTICE. ALL ACCOUNTS ft. ui i I . :.f DUE AN DP W As this U the aemi-annoal time , li(HSlj-.(',.!li.HM tinne to soil to my. kind fatbobb on M.H kJ-n.-.J ., 'r:'.;--v. "'i tit-- i Ihopethey wiIloanandmr;p., ! fm-n- - - . , Twla! BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF DRY GOODS, No1 36 MAJRJKET STJIEET, - J'llyl , , ' ': m 'I MI3C1X1AIiT:0U8. Th HOuiwM. iwill3it lor 4todt(! Hnlbt k. tWalia. I il UM. m 111 vawsiLraaraA ar J was ivovt V siiutrn ) was enkawaawmavmaw Sevantii, between Chestnut bad atalbarty Bt. i ; ' H. HAAR, Onxier, j , ' Comer tUt and Uutnnt BUeeta. mavST inctf TO HOLDERS 1 ,, -OF- tut : .u I., i CITYCOUPOnS. J.f.Wt:Xit !.. :W(M'l '".i'l''!. ( t.i; i Offlraof Treasurer ana Collcclor, : : 'CIXI OF WILMINGTON, N. C, 7 .' , 4 JuneiKrth, 1875. " X KOTIOB U hereby given that THE JULY OUTJf ONS 1878 (of Bond of thl Olty) can. not b promptly paid.' " ; In conaeqienc of certain obanget under a recent daelalon of tb Supremo Court of thl State a to th manner of sant of th Real and Personal Property la thl elty; snd thereby the City Tax Book not yet bating been placed. In poesearion of the undersigned for collection) together with ether compile tlon In regard to ear Municipal affair, now pndny before the gupremo Court of North .... i .. - , ... . . - ! .... S Oarolln, the city ot Wilmington muit neces- ' ' f aarlly crave lome Indulgence from th holder of City Coupom.under xWtlng' clroumttaaca, n. nnnnnna City Treasnrer.' 185-tf June 80 Owners of Drays, Wanons ar Carts. OFTICE IBEA8. , & ' COL.LECTOB, GITYOIWlLlLLNaTON.N.a,, Jnnn 5.ilh 1S75. l f . tli PABTISJ ownlnf PBATS.OAlltB or WAGONS who; are dcllnqoeat IB piyment thereon of th ntual monthly lloenee tax! are hereby notiied that IT the tame la not paid by Monday, the Mta inttant, tbeywill. be proea ented tat tho oTayor' Cent, and' thereby 'tub cted to, additional coat and expense, , Uriaua,RYOsd.i:iiI City Clerk and Treasurer. JomM ' lae-iw WUOUii-iAiib EODDIOK, know we do nothing by halres. Strictly Cash and sooure s 1 45 Market Street. I! JULY 1ST, 1875. ARC MADE OUT, A ST DUE. to balance Books and as I wisuto oon- j Tiub at lowest possible OASn PRICES, ! . -l .i ,1. . fi ' M rZ -.. - . s(At2, MISCELLANEOUS Upton's United States ARMY CAVALRY TACTICS ; , - ALSO, .v Infantry Tactics. For Mia by CONOLEY YATES. The Green Gate, FROM the German of I. Wlobart, Mr. A. L. Witter, ' s ... ' HEABTS AND HANDS, 1 A itorv In sixteen ohantim. h Christian nuiu. All i All for sal at Conoloy & Yatco, CITY BOOK STORE. Jon SS 4th OF JULY. NOTICE TO' EXCURSION PARTIES; riONIC PARTIES AND SOUND -jvu PARTIES.) y.x.&.l '; -, . , - -i . i , -W hv a larga atook of . . Fine Mesln Lemon, 109 cane of Olarets, 1,000 can 3, 4, t and 14 pound P rested Cocked ty.H: . Corned Beef, . ... v Sweet Orange aad everything nlot for a boll- day put up in oan and packages for such occasions. We bar reduced price to oome within range of all. Extra Pine Olaret, ' '' s ' ' 1 I it :.k ;...'. , , ? ,i -i SO cent per bottle, Beit Butter In th World, .' O oar an toed to keep perfectly sweet and rich all day Intb ran take no other to the U.a ... ,. . sound.' - - ifwPrlh Bof Tongue, ' ' ' ' I . il ' - . PlM Feet nd Hock. Irrech Bmoked Beef, , . . , , , , , Large Bpem.b Aires Ploklet and Baucea.' ' 1 ' j ' - : : r . . ' ( , . Price reduoed on all the above, and tare money by (ending to, c , j -1 ,. . tirt.i 'i;,i.;;-t ' CEO KtYEMs U e It leuth rroot Btreek ira JnnT SUOW BILLS gotten up and printed la tho' most attractive style at tha JOUBHAL OFPICB.

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