at . V . - n O i 1 ' r 1 : "V.; .1 I V - 1 li FOL. XXIV. NO. 159. WHimiGTOII. IT. C. 8UIIDAY. JULY 4, 1875. T7H0LE 110. G.D22J 1 I 1 i i)f liailn WILMDiOTON. N. 0. : 8UHDAK.J0LT4.1875. BY TELEGRAPH. i EUROPE. DOIXQ3 IN THE FRENCH AS SEMBLY. ! THE CANADA COPYRIGHT BILL. A SERIOUS REVEliSE FOR THE CAELKT3. HEAVY FAILURES IN OREAT ' BRITAIN. SOME MORE ,8HOOTINO IRELAND. IN Paris, Jaly 3 Noon An important meetiuK of threogronpa of the Left wan held lat-t night; throe hundred and thirty deputies were present. A reso lution was unanimously putted agree ing to abstain from unnoi'ssary dis outmioa, no that all neooesary bills may bo passed by the middle of August, A provision was made for the oommit tne to negotiate with the ministry, Duke D'Audiflret Paaquier and the le.uler of other parliamentary group, with the object of fixing the day for the dissolution of the Assembly. London, July 3 Noon. The Lords have passed the Canada Copyright bill. The steamship Pernoia for Quebeo, takes out fire hundred and sixty Men onite emigrants. The Times' special dispatch from Madrid says : Gen. Jovollar reports the defeat of the united band of Dor regary, Cuouta and Villalain between Vistavelle and Viela Franoa. The Carliats suffered heavy losses and fled in disorder towards Yglesonta. The ouief Yileatian was killed. Gen. Cant ors reports a success in Catalonia. Qen. Lojoa has douated(?) to the Carl iats who attacked Gaoadello and Bex ben. The Madrid government is showing great vigor towards the Carlist sympa thizers, several ol whom have been tbaniBhed. Dispatches from Madrid confirm the report of Qen. Jovellar's viotory over flia nnitA.1 l.nn.Tn VUV UUIWIA VP1IIDI IMUUI UA XSJ 1 I T K i J , vmouu. fuiu uiaiaiu. uen. oiartonz Campas, with the army of Catalonia effected a junotion with Oen. Jovellar yesterday and the oombined forces are now making preparations to attack London, July 8 Night There are heavy failures in several parts of the country caused bv the sunDension of Alexander Collie A Co. . DuBLW, July3 Night The match for the fireman's cup to-day resulted in a tie between Maj. Fulton of the American' team and Mr, Doyle of the Irish Association. The tie will be decided by shooting off at ordinary. The shoodng for all Ireland for a challenge shield took place at Delly mount to-day. The competitors were from members each of the Dublin, Bel fast and New York Clubs. The ranges were 1,000 and 1,100 yards, in each of .which every participant had twenty shots. The shield was won by the Dublin marksmen, the score standing Dublin 569; Amateur New York 658; Belfast 628. - (JOTIIAM. BEECHER AND HIS W-OMEN. ONE OF THE LOADER CONSPIR ATORS ON TRIAL. New York, July ' 3 Noon Ply mouth Lecture Room waa crowded to excess to-day. Beecher's entranoe nr'ovoked loud ovations. Shearman led in prayer, and hoped that Ply- moutn would join mm in piedgin their snrroort to Beecher. and. Go helping, they would never leave him. No verdiot uttered from the press or pubiio would make them leave him, aud ten thousand juries could not make them doubt bis word. iSeecuer then gavel out a hymn, pronounced the benediction, and the audieno dis persed. Mr. Beecher's address was confined wholly to church matters, in cluding the miuing history oi rly mouth. Nkw Yobk, July 3 Night. The Congar will case, so long pending befoie the Surrogate, has been decided by the rejection of the will upon the ground that the tes tator, was of unsound mind when she executed the testament. She willed most of her property- to religious or ganizations, including $250,000 to for eign missions. The Mrrine Bank recently lost a mail bag containing $4,000 worth of drafts. The missing mail contained remittances from several eastern cities and Baltimore. ' Edward Connors, one ' of the wit nesses for Loader, in the conspiracy trial, and who was arrested on the ' oltarge of bigamv. was brought up to day on a writ of habeas corpus, when the bail was fixed at $J,uuu, wmon tne prisoner endeavored to nnd. BANK STATEMENT. Loans have decreased 2t millions - specie has increased million ; legal tenders have increased it million deposits have increased 10( million reserve naa inoreased i million. CALIFORNIA. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. Bar Fbanoiboo, July 8 Noon The Democratic Convention adjonrned this evening. The ticket is received throughout the State with a fair de gree of satisfaction, but excites very little enthusiasm. . -The Bulletin of this evening sayi that the Convention waa run by the Central Faciflo li. B. Company. . . The Democratic Congressional Con vention of the Fourth District to-day nominated F, D, Wiggestone for Con gross. TEXAS. LATEST ADVICES FROM THE BORDER. Naw York. July 3 Night A dis patch from New Orleans says that a private dispatch from Brownsville re ports General Cbristo's ability and iutention to prottotthe American oiti- na. The militcty forots at Browns ville have received orders to cross and support Chricto in preserving the peace in oaae suoh measure becomes necessary. ' J ,-- KOItTII CAROLINA. THE COTTON STATES CONGRESS IOUNQ LADY KILLED BY LIGHTNING. Ralkioh. July 3 Night. The sec ond annual session of .the Cotton States Congress couvenes in this city on the 13th inst. A large attendance is ex pected aud every arrangement is being made for the eutertainmont of the guesta. A Misa Todd, near this place, was killed yesterday by lightning. Her neck was broken and shoulder disloca ted. ; ELECTKICISMS. The German Commissioner to the Philadelphia Centennial Exhib tion is preparing to get consent to affix the prices to goods sent there. Despatches from China say that sev eral foreigners have been assaulted in Pekin. The native soldiers who in sulted the American Consul .and bis wife, and made hostile demonstrations against the British Gousulate at Chin Kiang, have been punished and the affair is now settled. Lee's box and lumber oompany, at New York, have been burned loss $100,000. . The Nashville committee on Infor mation and statistics give moat favor able accounts of the crops. The Douth Uarouua xtonk and TruBt Company, at Columbia, has sus pended. The State had $200,000 in the suspended bank. Robert Dale Owen, the celebrated spiritualist, Is insane. coat ho. 0, or tne wrectoa steamer Vickaburg, was picked up in latitude 47, bottom up. She had two life pre servers and a cask of water in her. Two deaths on Friday at Key West from yellow fever. , . , ..r UEAl)(iUAJlTERS.f UNINTERESTING MISCELLANY. THE EXEOUTTVl COMMITTEE OF THE NATIONAL GRANGE IN SESSION. 1 1:1 Washinoton. July 8 Night Hon. Thos. B. Florence, ex-member of Cong gress,formerlyeditorofthewasnuigton Union, is not expeoted to live through the night '!-' -"?f Paymaster Jonn MoManon nas Deen ordered temporarilyt on duty at the Pensaoola navy yard.' t W The papers suspending Gov. Bard as postmaster at Atlanta, and . the reap pointment oi isen uoniey reacaea tne postofQoe department from'( Long Bristow has gone to New York and returns on Tuesday next. He spent the day In examination of the method of conducting business in the oash room oi tne treasury. "i Washinoton, July 3 Night The Executive Committee of the .National Grange continued their session to-day in this city. Dr. Worrall. represent ing the co-operative societies of Ire land, waa introduced to the commit tee and submitted for consideration a proposition' for , fraternal i co-opera tion between tne ratrona oi Husband- rv and the co-operators of England, Dr. Worrall1 has four aapooiatea en route who are daily expeoted, to aid him in effecting his objeot. -A sub committee, consisting of Mr, S. T, Chase, of & ew Hampshire and J. T. Jones, of Arkansas, was appointed to take the Whole Bubjeot under consid eration and report at the next meeting of the committee on Wednesday nexr Thejoommittee also bad under consider ation the removal oi tne neadquarters of the Nafional Grange but reaohed no conclusion. Four cities Nashville, Louisville, Indianapolis and Cincin nati offer special inducements. Cin cinnati is especially anxious to secure tbe headqxiartera-andi proposed to send a delegation of prominent citi zens to Washington to .ooofaf jrifJi the Executive Committee, but the latter notified them that they must submit their proposition in writing, and that no delegation would 4e received. , A proposition looking to the improve mentof the business interesta ol the Order, was referred to a sub-commit tee. The sum of $500 dollars was do nated to-day to the Patrons in Color ado, who are suffering "from the rar. ages of the gfasahppper;rArT?''U? : IMPORTERS Plaint and Co rt-y, tbOBai. Uoaen, ot'ei .Jtetall Mingle Hammock, fS each, aent en receipt of money; For whole ml. prior, addrea. O. W.tiiwili St Boa, 'Oak Hall,"r Beaton, Ma. tiathlAg Butt. Military Uoods and Hegali. L.t , i OF HAMMOCKS. ' may W . 810, 8100,0500,01000 OFTKN realise lmmeniproflt.whenlnTeat ad In Btoek Prlrllrge. Cireumra, eonUln lui lull exulanarion of the rocde of oneratln. audfaoUUou.piiooi of al(toclif dealt in, at NEW YOBK STOCK ' EXCHANGE aent fre. on application to simonson; barreiras a go., ! - - Danker. St Mroken, f Opp. K. Y. Bteek Eicbango. "-d Walt.b, M. 1 ! ,.w..,,I,,w.,,.,w4rV'iF' TiRINTlNG OF r EVERY) IMAG1NA- JL ble deaoriptluD done ia the bet of DIED. Nuar th. R4 Spring, in obi oouatT, OatbtlSth Jom. Mr. MAILT HKOWN.ral M of ik. lata Netll B Brows, In tb TOih jmt of hr c. DMd had omi mamlxr of Puiladaliiha. rmbyttttM Caurok fur ion b.r of jrcan. am mi . apawanaasji KEW ABVEITISEENTS. , IVOTIOE. rR308ar umby WHMd aotto triu-tor hkrboi DJ fifth. Of ths BrttUh rlganUn "8torliaf ,M as m dtbts of ontrsctlBC will b. paid bf tnt vn,OAp. tainareoBjlgnoe.. t k - ... . AUCI. bpednt a som, Jnlyt-lt ' . Comlii.o4 Como andDuy AT ACTUAL COST. Allonr Mummgr Sock of UnB, Alponv, Btn. rteaueU.Uii.vl0t., Uanlmarta, IMago. nalft. Blank Cloth., DoMUaa-ll at COST. MUNSON1 & CO, ' UITX CLOTHIERS. A Clean Sweep. QN TBCRSUlr, JVlt Ut, I bfRrn rj Grand Clearing Sale of t : Clothing. rr e; ; la ordet to eluo aut aver artlola of 8am. mr Stock ibava dMiU4 W klAUK. IMtWN iwloMand ask. a dsnioiutratloii that will In. ura a lLKAM SWKEP In .Tory dapattoMat. i sauaniaa a coda d arc aia w mob ana svorv oiutomer. CASH. O. O. D. ' ' v CASH. A. DAVID. 'IBS Jut, 4 IN STORE.! 1! " INSTORE! j COO BBL8. FLOUR, 1 ' 50 Boxes D, a Bides & Shoulders, : -60 " Bmoked Sides A Shoulders, ! 75 Ehds. New Crop Cuba Molasses, 100 Bbla. B. II. Molasses, . . , 30 " Bioe, MlxeaTobaeco, .; ', , ; 100 " Lye and Potash, ; ' 75 Bags Coffee, 50 Bbla. ttagar, ' 100 Cases Oyster, 50 " Picklea, ! 40Q Spirit Oaska. v y ' f lOOBbliGlnV1'1 1 200 Papers Rivets, 20 Tons Hoop Iron, Candles, Candy, Matches, Snuff, Shot, oapav'Towaer, c; &o.,' to. f r For Hi by . KKBOBHEB a OAUKK BBOa July 4 -'- ...,, .. ..i : JSt the;w:erdict. "My al- k of Mal hTO doublod ilnoo 1 bar UMd WATIB OROCID." H. "Weald gtro 1. eta. a bubal more for tt Uian lor aay obor.' F. QHAXTBI BIMTUN. July i ue.d&wtf - Bath Sponges, , Toilet and Fancy Article, fn rei variety. Lubln'l Soaia, Kxtract. and Powder , a full lln.of pur Ittug and aledldao. and On Dhemloal. Preecrtptlont oompoandid at all boor, day or nighu ' JAItlEH C. llltlltDS, DBVOeiST," ,- Third atreet, oppoalt tJlty HaU. July 5 22 Market Street. D. - PIGOTT, Totiacconist, :-.ov;rr r ,x ' WILMINGTON, N O., At HomeonT end After tin July 4th, 1875. July 4 IBS WITHOUT- RESERVE. ; THE BaVLaIKCB OF NT STOCK HAQ gut to be eel dwltbln thirty day. In Order U dotbUaU ritJ;C'a a': trlIlbeioldat"Twnty-flr p 0atkw tba AQTBt oot..'Tbial ,preeuU greater Id vantage, to th aurchaaer than any that bat - ' ' -- t -- j vt ben mad ia tbl city, a theatockU . , - , ... , ..... - .-f , . . 4i , n.w and Tr artlola I donrabl. Bold at and below eott, a It la, a foots dcUvrrei anrii paid fw. GEOltGK 11,14211151 20 Market Street. July 4 IN' :Tinnks Eepaired, Uars.eiS.alrfd - I a ')Ti ' t 11." J 'i ' f aaddle Hrpatred, m. tne eaauicry wture et VAHrtn i BvK SM MAlUtKUl j iia BouOi ISronI atreet, rVUmltijgtd, rf. j). jaiy ui-tij i0 BaTABLIIBKD Hardware Bter witkout doubt tb tar goat ea moat roll able iUrdware laUabaaeat'ta aarUrartb taa. rrtwttitwiirjig ttodlntrffyrorpoet. .. . .. j saku,w utuaauti giuiii Jaljli wJ SXW ADVlETISlilOTS. Bacon, Pork.' Gu&ar. andCoffeS' CO Boxee D. & Bides, CO Boxea Bmoked Bides and Bhoul , ders, - 25 Bbla City Mesa Pork, . 10(1 Rhla. lifcflned Bmrar. - 100 B3 Prime Bio Coffee, 'n an a IAW T by ' ' IA13A urjRonisoN. flour-rCorn-Syrup-Rlco. -KX) Bbla. Flonr-aU fradea. . ; 6,000 Bushel Prune White CJom. ' oOBbls, 8. D. Byrop, ; X25Bbl.IUoe,", - foraalalowby . - , WrXLUHS atUKCHIIIUM. - - May-Hoop Iron-Clue-tpl- rlt 1 Barrels. 600 Bales N. R. and E, Hay, 400 Bundles Hoop Iron," , ; 100 Bbla. Glue, 1 . ; ar0 Becood Hand Spirit Oaska. ' . For ml. tow br ; ; 1 f WILLIAMS M0H0H1UON. MOLAXJCXeUANO--WAILSHOT 100 Hhda. and bbla. Hev Crop On ba Molasses, 200 Tons Qaanspe Guano, -, . 100 Tons Eureka Guano, 800 Keg Nails, . 200 Bags Bhot . V. ' For Ml low bv wiiiLiam a ihjrohibon. July 4 ' ' is ' Smith's Feed Cutter. rpHK BIST and SMwt durabl. Fted CJuttw lu th. market. - Foraala low by , QILKS af UUOHIBOW. Jnn. to BOARD. JJR; OABRIEIi BOLHKB Ul tab. 10 or is vfDtleBi.ii to baata frna tlil. data, oitbar wlfliuat ruom. ar with laraa, airy and oonfiirt abl. room., an raatonabla trrma. Menld.Doa on cha.nut.trMt, bd.Ni Third and Fourth atroata. Apply to laly 1 - lM-tf Turnip Seed I Turn p Seed I . .N Crop 1875V, t v , ,. Grow by Landratk A BaM. PhlladolphUb : Alao a larva aaaartnant of Uabbaga Head. For aua oy GSIKir FLAMHER. 1M Jll First National Bank of Wilminirton. Tko Board of Oiraetori of ait Bank bavo declared a dlvldand of Four per Ueat, payabl on tholOUrroaanli 'iv . A. K. WALKtB. Caabler. lH4t Ilorner & OraTes' School, ihll8b6 bo', n. a . ' " fJIHl FALL BESDIOM OF W'OPBNB 7 Catalogue tent on application. , July I . , , m dwaw1m Better Butter ' THAN oari to nerer offered. Tt fe alwayt de- liabl. to get tb !i BEST BUTTEl "J" J; and that we alway. bars. Our One Table But ter Is tetoetei darrttlb front tb beat. PoirlM In Hew Tork State, and may ba rolled on a. - i 4 . i j . i . x t v i i . . 4 i it Km Dm '.m In I.U .U. I ' CHAS. D. MYERS A CO., Favorite Flour S MAKING new frbmda. It I 'HE BEST, "-'- MOST RELIAULK ' ' . . TUB TRUEST erer need by houieieiper. ' out oaxy nr r- ... - r GHA& D. MYERS k CO. - Jane 27 11 'Latest Books. I; J ft , NOttSE-MAH'S v FIUIRIMAQ- aimer UJorth Boyeaen. "- " " I BLUXBBAKU'8 KkYS, and (HbarBbHlea, ny Mir. Yaackoray, antnor pi "ua avngni, Old KoartagtOB, 'C. rpe,1B nm. a ti '.4 ; w,l cor ami at , . , HKIH8BIBQIB ii!Mit u Xha'antf atttolaBtor Jnlyi ... ; jJargains-BargainR. f TBN'B CLOTH OAITBB8 tl 80, WOrtk S3 tn low vaarterea Dooe. ai av, won Ladle, abppirt only 11 pat pilri fl nniRr.n a. PRinit. I ! - Oi ' Jta.Ha Market atreet. Inn 29-tf in ot tbo Uoldea Boot Please;:Keialepil)erv TRAT WB WILL MOTOPCM OVBMTOB on (ba Btb of July, and buy your . ) TO DAY. Saturday, thH inatatit, -We bwril ererythmg you want lor Kxcuntona, nvjl and floqpd raruea. Oranges JtntfT Lemons, Clarata, Bauteraa and Bhtn Wlnea. i row . Uatawbe Maaella andCbanwai Ale. Poiter and JTraakftutot loer Beer Fickle., Uraekara, Ubeea., Sardine a, BotognA, aa4tMroatlnit(y'aoikaDBwnlaBO't- . , ; - Beat liawklag Tobaoooja, maU ockt b4. .... tjktee !, )., e.,o. iiMf a ii fMj n pn 1 'C.r.3 U. Llti. J U CU. f ;vt.i f ! a, f NArtta Fnai "i Southern Illustrated Age I f - - , , RALEIGH, N. 0. TUB ONLT tLLrstHATEU WItKLT In th. ioalb. Klgiit fit. Forty enl uatna t'Mitatiitng morriMlln mattar tban any weekly imbliatiad In tin) .niihirn 8taU Tka Int nMler of tbo SOUTHBHM li, i.UTKATKU AUK will bauautdou BatardBy, ueth 4mf el Jaa, IMS, Tha Fubllaber fcstatide ataing It aa Ulna tratad rrrartlarUi. Vmtm. It llltntor Tr tlc, FaliMeal, HMwIeal, Uterary, and BoUBtiB, vblABi k) ot pumnt laterraki and (ivotha beat tllaUaUun.Uiatoanbaobtauiad, orlKlual or ftiraign, lha aUVTHh.UK ILUTBTBATfctl AfiR 111 txprtnUdon a.w tyo aad ka boob On It. Hat of oanfrlbator. vlll bo round tko nam, or nut? of tko tbo Moutk. Bwlal and alMHt at n lea. pom and ktoi., and oell oenduotrd editorial departments, ftr In the lataet oerwaal, lltararv, oeteatlHo. no liUeal. rollaiou. and anauiaraiai iDtelUgoDoe, will lurauh anry weak an amount uf readt matter unrarpaaeed by other paen, ha eaeel leoo. and variety. It lutamled to maaa tbo BUH I rJKKN ItiLUBTHAlJCI AUK Jour nal for tb. SrenlUe several column, will b. .poelallv devoted to all aubJooU vortalalua to Tmlr. domaatlo and aMlal lit. t Ho tamlly thou Id bo without It. Mabenrlptlotipriee only tl par annum. Port- tree. - U . .- li. T. J! ULUUUW. JWltor, Yl i v., US tf. oanjl THE PEE DEE HERAID. : - v. . ' . , , Published every Wednesday at g WADESBORO, ANSON COUNT!, v. ' -I ... . , f tJ JOSH.' T- jAMIKaV CO, Bai a larie and ranhfl tneroaalno elreala. tlna la tbo f as 1m oounbty bt Monk and Botitb OaroHaa. , AdTOrtleert will and It tM 40N mediuM la either at tbo stater Htatea lor reaoblug tb. larranra, planter ana martuiami. . . i TM extentm local aavmmna tat- ronapo exhibited in iU colutnt is th6 best evidene qf iti large and influen tial circulation. ;'. ', mr Specimen eotilaa, with rata, tor adve. tlalnf . Mat free, noetatfe oakt, en appUeakloa to the underatda4, either, at, Wadeabore ot i -it JCdltotaand rroprhttoet , - ,,,44-hf T The Charlotte Olncrvej? ' Tb only awrnlni dally paper publtobed ti the State wt of lUlelita and North of Wit ail n (ton, ollkrt apeoiat ladnoamantato adwar tlaaaa.. It olreulaUun, alao, and erfolneM Dare been largely tnaraaaad aurtng tne yeai jun oaat. ana it new ewaaw. aua m vue aie SlwnUef Woatorn North UeibMon, thus offer, la an uhanmaaafid medium of oommuulAa- tWn between tUa Morobantiof Wilmington and ISO peupl of WwMora ortkarkaa. .mw it . ,taaae acaoaifTioi . Daily . M.ti.Mii.i,.jM t pot anamm. .Wwki.;..';..r.r.M.?.ir no - .. ,,mv lM ,,0 iun THE MOTIIAIlII, 1 I iUBUaHW)AXr Lading; Nwappr lrt Wester " "' Hayrttt tornnfc TT IS TBI OHLt DKHUOBAIIU FAi'irB JL pebllabed In Iredell Oonntr-en of tb Gtrreat and wealthlert eonntla. la 'hi Chatt- and ha attained a Urgar loeal elnulatto tkaa ar PP ,vktnTora, wuui nri?l fl-'Wa liw j.;rKStt Alleghany. dkln,Xhvl4 tad Iredell, la t ty.f tban that or ' any two paper, tu Uie Btato ijoro b) rapblly aoqnrrtng a troni lonr rytk, Burry, Hewaav apd Woetari ;V. ii.. ':'! .A Sit Alt Vu.i9'-lV blned : and n koM m foraytk, ItAOKioahttrg. J . 7 ... 1 , ' ' i ... . ,.- T i, It U the only paper tit Wertera HoriQ Oarol Una that mploy a regular eanyawilng t andl.ttia.k.tieonaUnUT bofar tbev aamplh, Under thlaryatem, ranldly-lncreaalnK elrca. Utlon I th reault, Staking lb. bi dm k ' The Beat Advertlalrig Medium I weaxern norin varoi Addraaa, ", ..f .c The Enfield Time a: , D AMI tH. B O MO. Editor; jrep'r O; O. DAVENPORT ASSOOlat Ed. Tauara i-On Tear, It 09 ) Bbt MoatkeyatM unoortne moat uiererTina exonanae mat oomeoto u free the Uld JSwth fltatw atiiinaw, Baltimore, af d. Jed cine frefli th Bret number, it will imrn. dlately take rank, editorially, with the Brat ere la Mm SjomthtforfoUt. (Fa rarnwi. .WW! U RllUiWit M1U BDUIIT In U IKUWII1, portent pabli aueaUona and Tteooa moob itBTDrlM In tb ceneral make op and meoban- toal axoouMoav-Jiwwai.iUi ( ram) eteta. Una of tha neataet and ben edited paper. ; tbe 8tatwriMf(N. O.) iWadMhr. Th beet printed aper ti Morttt Uarollna ' Pee Dee Courier. jriirt k miBOrfASTi owitaf iQ4 too a war. that ti CotnUjf' Wtb. Snfy 'fro era tie paper publlabed la BockiL am, and that' It olroulatet ztnatTly In Richmond Montgomery and Aaaoa ountlm t S ...... ... . rbnieiW aaWtaAif ltbarkl and no xtj rv"J(i " yi '! ' 11 j eharge mada" ftrr changing adTOitlamnti weakly. DOCKETT KBVIM, aaatataa-tt firfrtlf ,fM 811ELBY BAJIiSER, v 1 Pabtlenod weekly, IHIXBT. Clerelanl County. N. O., at 81 80 per annum, tn ad oaMi kaa a mrg and rapidly-laoreoatnf clr euiatioa la nearly oil the eentlee.. ot Meoklenburf. Alao, aa extenalre elreulatloa In the eeiintlw of tfcpartanbnrf, - York and Vnton. a.U, Kanjoat en aiilargeA from a twentr to a thirty-two eolumn, and now adorned with aa entire aft drew. Ill pehtiai aW JleaweratM Tb Carolina Central Hallway bwlng now mplete4 thronfb to WUmlnfton, and Shelby berng the J Weeterh ;trtntnue, the Bmmtr I a moat excellent adrertlalnf atod)- i B Bale. aMdertM.v - j , DCBHAM AWFBB 13 ODIli Xranprand r.reprletor.l Newspaper for Sale. APT GOOD MAN wlrtlag toeni(reln the aewnanar batlneaa. ean with a nnalloatt apltai. tko rare. Tyoor fixture and flood Will ac tbe "uoaeom una " ...j p I, o', f!'1'" OttN B. rTARBIB, ll lata paper, pleaee eopy. -i .! I r I'1' "i1 ' 'tyf BUNK DJ2J2DS fot aala at tha , v t ITEW ADVHTISZMIM3. UAMETiSFttELT, IVatre to call the attention of all wLo OODS to the fact that we are allowing A DIGCOUrJT on all SUMMER DUEBH GOODS. Bamme? weaYTMWtbe twU enf i LLAMA LACE BRAWLS and SACQUE8, ; I'UailER Pa - Do. Do. Do. , i V.i , WHITE AND HTlUl'IiD SHETLAND BHALU. '.; . x t ! " f 4 Cents White Press Shirts - Made to ortlor in anj atylo that may assortmeui aiwaya on nana, aiso utiiis, - , . i Only 20 Cents, worth 87, ftrj dosirabfe tor traTelln;.4 " j ri..;t' ' - ii -A . ; t. n ! iv i , '.imh.;hii Hullo- Hltlrt NHMor;i-H. A NMW, THING, ,) M j ' 'And on of tha moat duairable artiulol that haa been introdnood. Swiss, NalnMwk and Victoria Stripes and PlalJg a very Urge asRortraent. - ' a .'.! I ,t -i f '. i 1 '" " ' t V- Agenta far frank LeaUe'a VVT PAP KM rAT TKHrta. j jnawhlu N4loe a liu ;. ' I i . . . . f. . k , a. Teriiw.CasKOidv-.: 's fh- .'j BROWN & R0DDICK,;45 Market Street. f Jl WTaE.:-::l! .1 , li. t ! '. ' i I J.K I ALL ACCOUNTS i I : t . ; d:u;e; a.n d;;pas't::'d;u.e.-;; i w i .!( t! ' 69; Aa this la the BOml,-aunual, time iinuo to Boll to Jj,in(l patjonij, on k. i, ,1 , j . I hope the Brill eall and lit awtotimw '! t t-wi nlf f im -a tr p n. 4t i. p n 41, t'lyy af y j ajf .-w.4r ,.,iJ ot i-iiirii. r I PEST;;ASpra fo J f.fMt M id fcina.' .-9 , , istrtjtj' 'v4 alittij 4LHMIKET. STREET - -- - - " - . ,7 :oii REirrr1 t Tb HOliaa' rMieuuf- btutt tor a&d(ki, 1 oooupled by tbo Hev.J . U. 11 Wen. 1111 J Reranth, between (Jboitirat and Mulberry Ht. rW eaoan. j.. !tr i ( Coraat TUt Okaataul StrMta. J ' CORK HAY IND MOLAJSEt KM eu naie. nay, i f. W eshhda MawViinpCibaMolaaMa, lt , , I(( bbl. B H Atolawe. .. ,'( '-fJflOBOHKBB a OALOKB BB09. tH li) "i.'UI fi i t s-i f(if.'vW FLCUR, MEAL. IICE AND.COFFEE. l, eiT2 n,,m.!" "a1' t m .wosna), t v ; ''For'ailtfcf -''' t-'K ', t tatBBiO3iiBB A OAJjDBB B&OS. I f J tlii III I vii tri.IT CASXt, KS3P IRCM, JtC. 'i i a) ton Booa Iianv j 1 1 'T .r.-ij t: i i t"'BunM. Rek'tpaatah roW&c? -wl6f Sale ay-' ': A.i..i ; aUBUtiENB9 A AJJXJi BBOBL Bacon, Lard & Tobacco ' Mx"atokd1biraidw1'i ct u i Mtil r".-tiuk twiJ fl i:i'f 'ttWttlraeoa:1 l , .UiuiJji . jj.j.jfi ti....! at i; UJft EBBOMSBB a CAXDKB;i$08- fEvenljpdyW'Pm AOentle but Certain Cathartic. rneyf aet with ekaf Aiktr on th LiterJ Sone tain' no'iealomor; '' are purely41 Vegetable. The bert, eoren, aareat and mikU pargatw III 4n um . Xhe ar ured moY. generally than any other fit In nra, far tbe letiftb of time th.r bar. been before tbo piibliei Are ninety liigv coated nd bottled at ent per I ,Bottf.,,. ...... if.. J.T , A.k your IMrugJftai . Iw . JSylMTBuDT a Fit6.au4taJaBOohr i ; .-. ) Jalji ,.") ,nll'fi isv-fi (iil J VMm 1 7 ITorGmithilloii T StB AMlCf: MDlirf' trill ittiPi ;:. .t r'. ...... .iJM rdday.aaA Batwdaw ab' r, aUrX tnrangwllVteLreu.iTurlij rfa KsArdky inid I hj. i-lt ai ) nil J ') 1 a- j;" ', ."""J.a . AtX'' "V1 loaday a f J i It Ute.ili n.ii -a u,n t ifj'-i Uij , take any intercat in the prioa of DRY " ' of 10 Per Cent Any artiole that belongs aneoiallv to , , ' ' - - aifii. i lo dtwired. pn octaASTRitB, ; A full uoiiura aa( uaaorwoar, I . f i -i , j ft i One Price, .1 . I 1 JUIV 1ST, 1X7j. ; (t M 4 M ) . k i'l i . jt i'l t4'i! ' ARE MADE OUT. j 1 ' 4 1 'V L 'JH :'J - tj,'ua.)-.'i. jiKiJ !tl b baltnee Roolu and aa X wiihto ooti- tiki at lowest poaalble CASI1 TRICES,' i f ,t ti" ' vmiiitf J. ' jJlj ,.( ! ' " i'' S f !d u Uiw t ! Hp. !r4 -il l.trxj.j u i LaLlP I .. , . ,. . , K?..'i UV4 4ix'J l trt -!! .., (i .HUuiHJi i-pM iK'otl uvJ .ii'! -,..;!iji..5j;'i.l 'li r4-;wt tji!. .'-1 wwfl iiii i'xvi aw tl, ,U e 3'tirj ,,n&,JlUiClXLA;QTia4 e : . , . .. Uptba's TJnitett Statci ARMI CAVALEY TACXICS j1"'' .rut t en tft . t! Infantry, Tffctids.1 rr?s as CONOLET YATE8.V" ' 4Tne Green Gate, ' .N , .T. ... .V.' i-S"'i 't'll TTOOIW the Oerman of B. WloherL, Mr. A. I. Wltri-!?i3 itomt tit - iv 'miABre' Aim iHtos: ' , . A torjr In tlxteen ahaptora, parlatlaa Bei. All fbraaleat t - sW r rr' Conolcy. & Yatcsr i,ui i OITY BOOK BT01tE.1M Jun,.,i 1 i . awaawwamw- . . . bldMtf JAEliE&;!Il(lV;B(JuND it liuastia oi "AiUUSerf i,f ;i t.U!ta'.4,iijJa iia v li It u.'t ' lOaaaaof01rta,'!S'!l llOoveaua,t,'aal U poaad Fnm4 Oaokw ..... CSotatat Boef,j kWili'wU ; -Sweet prangea$d Trythlhg nips tot a JtoH i day nut up In can and package, for tuoh "" oooaiiona. -We bay reduced ptloet to oom Within range of all. tiiu j u v.-.i.j'i .. BstradnnoOtait,V ,i.4-iiK.M ni'X t'.'tU IrtiU W.'ff WWnmannoMO, Bwrt Battm ia tM Hoy'iJi.". IwiJwt . ' Oaaranteed'to keep perfect) tweet and rlchr- " all day lnth lun-UM no other ib the .'iiyx'.i-l til . IMaii: , . KwFMakBerdaneai0K c!) m uiT .i2iKJInSMiaa,&ak, . , ."-"go BpaniaixAlre FloklwtaBaoee''.'' 6.'S6l, W'tU. UorV:ndi.rr iri taoiJdt3BKrJ.4iCE.Qt.MX5s vfaitf 4f Ma" A ? 8" 'ff"iaP SIIOW BlttS goium up and niiiitoJ ta the mostaUradiWtiytoattU r . tVij -j-vf WJ4 ' JoOBSAIt OFFIO x J I , ll r