e V ' : O' ! ; H i ( II C1 VOL XXIV. -NO. 161. 7nimiGT0IT. IT. C. OTDIIESDAY, JULY 7. 1875. 7E0LS 110. G.C21. .c .mil ft ir1:i k Chili) Journal WILMINQTON, N. C. WDIEMAf, JULY 7. 1875. BYELEGRAPH. yTimTiaia. TERRIBLE ACCIDENT TO A J PLEASURE PARTY. NonroLK, July 6 Noon The Bteam tug Lumberman, while returning last night from Fortress Monroe, wttii a pleasure party of 18 on board, was ruu into offSowell's Poiut by the uteanier Iaac Bell and sank iuiiuediaUily iu 50 foet of water. Bouts were lowered from the Bell and aevml of the sur vivors were picked up. The follow ing is a list of the lout: Mr. Eliza beth Iladgeus, a widow lady and her colored nervaut, Geo. Wilson, Mrs. Jfdse Frfldereci, Mia. Q W. Baker, C ipt. Eil ward Gwk, James 0. Boruui, Harry Bornm, of Norfolk, Miss M. Durum, .f Matthews eouuly aud the engineer of the Lumberman. Capt. Brown of the Lumberman was struck on the hoad nud aeTerely injured by the wheel of the Bell .bnt he had strength enough left to reaeue his wife who had to crawl out through a win dow of the pilot bonne to avoid being carried down by the fast sinking 'wat. Mrs. Brown was severely injured in ternally aud it in foared she will not survive. Boats have been sent down to drag for the bodies. ELECTUIC1SMS. One.dentb, and a few new canes of fever, at Key West on the Fourth. Two passenger trains on the South Hide Railroad, near Fort Rockwsy, collided. Twelve persons were ki led. aud twenty-six wounded. There watt a row at a negro celebra tion near Vicksburg, when several were wounded, and three whose names are unknown, fatally. John Hill, white, whh mortally wounded. Samuol Sweet, of Halifax, who fail ed for a quarter of a million, has gone into bankruptcy. Passenger rates West, via Baltimore, are now withiu a fraction of the old . rates. - - - : ikrd has turned over the Atlsn ta postollica under written and ver bal protests. It is not true that his bondsmen had given him up. The Centennial of Washington's as suming command, was celebrated at Cambridge, on Monday, with great brilliancy. . The race horse Lexington is dead. At Boston, Worth Spates, a lawyer and member of the Maryland Fifth Re giment, delivered a leoture at Music Hall, on a Southerner's impressions of Boston. The hall was orowded. The leoturo was much applauded aud re ceived a vote of thanks at the conclu sion. The tumber of emigrants arriving in New York last month was 14,000 against 2,000 for June, 1871. The tri.il of Ex-Treasurer Parker, charged with fraud agaiust the State, was begun yesterday at Columbia. SOUTH AMERICA. LATER ADVICES IN REGARD TO THE EARTHQUAKE HORRORS. New Yoke. July 6 Noon. Tha latest mail advices from different places in Columbia more than confirm the horrors by the earthquake in May. A letter from Salaza dated May 28th, gavs: Cucuta is in a pitiful sight. Everything is iu ruins; not a house has been Uft standing. ThievvS and rob bers from the surrounding country have swept down on the ill-fated city and hardly a single safe has been saved from the Custom House. Four hundred mules were killed in the streats aud as there is no one to re move them the stench ia becoming frightful. The villages of Han Cris tobal, Farina, Griasimo, Capaoha, SauAutouio. Labatera, San Juan de Urena, Rosario and Sau Cayetano are aomnlutelv destroyed. The store house at Puerto de Los G. ohoB was sacked aud burned by bandits. A letter from Ocana. May 30. says Ten thousaud people were killed at Cnouta in addition to other thousands who were seriously wounded and bruised. Death aud destruction reignr od everywhere. Great numbers of the haciendas have been ' destroyed and hundreds of bouses in the coutnry overturned, leaving the people con signed to poverty. Many of the ' trees were torn up from the roots aud ttinull uills were opened like a melon. Tha cause of the great catastrophe is unknown and the precise place of the first manifestation, borne suppose that the volcano at Sabatera, which was in notion in 1848, is ogam breaking out, while others say that a new volcano Las appeared m the lulls oi uiracna. i A private letter from Buoaramanga, J of May 2-1 says inPiedecnesta the town hall is destroyed, aud in Paneplona the Cathedral is in ruins. A telegram from Hon. Aquilo Parra to President Porez, dated Bnoaram ansa. May 24. says the earthquakes continue. Lost night the Cathedral in Puneplona fell, causing great alarm, There is great devastation throughout the valley of Cucuta. A dispatch to President Perez, from Chinaoota, May 24, says the popula tion of San Jose, Rosario, aud Dave inua have disappeared. The rest of (he depot is in ruins. There are more than 4,000 victims. A despatch from Cocororo, dated May 21, says the situation is assuming a grave aspect, aud sickness ana star vatiou in Paneplona ate increasing. A telegram from Chiquinquira, of Slay 22. says the shocks are repeating, - There ware two last night and one to dy, and there is great alarm among the people. Appeals for help were be ing circulated through all the cities ol uoimnuia, and the most lioerai re' ppouses wen being made. ' EUROPE. QAMBETTA REFUSES TO FIGHT. Madrid, July 6 Night General Loma hat effected a junction wiUi Vjueaada, Paris. July 6 Nieht Gambetta has declined to acoept the challeuse of Uramer da Ca&sagnaoo to Ogbt a duel on account of articles published in the Republic Franoaiae. Ha says he can not hold himself at the disposal of the first eomer among hia political ad versaiiea, as he has other duties and responst lull ties to fulfill towards his party, Franoe aud the Republic ; London, July 6 Night It is de nied that Moody aud Sankey intend opening meetings in Paris. There is no falling off in the number of attend ants at their meetiugs here. Large numbers of persons continue to viait the "inquiry rooms. " t'WHntr Coaventiou. , Hogas, Central Ex. Coil, - Democratic Conserva iv Party, New Hanover Couuty, Wilming ton, N. C, June 30, 1875. At a meeting of the Executive Com mittee of the Democratic-Conservative party of New Hanover county, held this day, it was decided to call a Mass Convention of the party, to be held at the uonrt House, iu Wilmington, bandar evening, Jnly 22. at .8 'clock. The principal business of the Con vention will be the nomination of can didates 'for the Constitutional Con vention and the appointment of an Executive Committee. " 1 W. H. Bkbsard, , diwtd Chairman. Three Attainable niaaslaca. A good appetite, vigorous digestion and sound sleep are three blessiugs that imply a good many more, and are attainable by the daily use of Hoatet ter's Stomach Bitters. The stomach that is iuvigorated by that ruling tonio rapidly disposes of thefood!oommitUd to it, aud at the proper tima craves for more with natural earnestness, and tne brain from which pain and despond ency have been banished by that salu tary anodyne and cheering oordiol. enjoys at tne Hour or rest mat tran quil, dreamless repose for which no other boon that Providence can bestow can compensate. Besides these most desirable results, the entire pnysique is strengthened and fortified agaiust the attacks of disease by this splendid vitalizer and protective agent, whioh, take it altogether, is about tne moat desirable, as it ia unquestionably one of the most popular medicines iu ex istence. . , v Toothache proceeds from ague in the face, operating upon the exposed nerve of a decayed tooth. Bab the gum thoroughly with the finger, wet with Johnson Anodyne z,tmment. heat the face well, and lap a flannel wet with the liniment on the faoe, also put a little of the liniment into the cavity of the tooth on cotton. 1 - The svstem . frequently 'get out of order and sUonid be at onoe regoiatea, else other troubles will ensue; when physio is needed take Parson' Pur gative Pill; they are a safe, whole some, and natural medioine. i a - Throw Not People's FatUU , In their teeth, for there are few teeth that have not faults of their own. There is bnt one way to preserve them without spoil or blemish, and that is, by the use of the best dentrifioe in ex istence, fragrant Sozodont, oool, re freshing and agreeable. , . ,. .., , ir. Wb challenge the world to produoe oollar that will keep clean longer' without washing, than the Elm wood. NEWSPAPER DI&iCTOEy.' Southern Illustrated Age ! KALEIQH,' N. G ; ,'31 THE ONLY ILLU8THATEU. WEEKLT in the Couth. Eight pages. Forty col umn., (ontalnlug more reading matter than any weekly publlnbed In tbe Nuathern State.. The first iiomuer oi tne buuiumo iir USTHATKU AO 15 will be lamud oa Natnrday, 28th day f Jane, 1878. The PublMier Intend! making It an Ulna- tratnd record of tbe time. U wllltreatof every toplo, Political, Blutoilcal, Literary, and Ccleniiflo, which la of currfnt Intercut, and elTothe beet llltuuauoniuiM can oeouiaioea, orldnal or foreign. " . JO. HIIUrtlE,l iNLUBinai' u will We printed on new tyoe, and heavy book POnriri Hat of ren'rtbtttora will be found th. namei of many of the belt wrlteis In tbe South. Serial and abort atoriev poesu anu hhuih, and well cocdueU d editorial department, giv ing tbe latent pereoaal, Uterarv eeltlSot po litical rallgioua and eommerclal Intelligence, will I urn If h ever week an amount of leading matter nnaurpauea ny oui.r paper., in exoi- lence and variety. It la Intended to make the south )iKal iLbUttittAiau aui joiw rnd taw tha Hreairla t aeveral eoUma will be pecially devoted to all aabjeota pprtalulng to domeetle and aoolal life. i No family ahoud be without IV Mubaorlptlon prioe only ti par aunom. Feat. agefre. YVWBXm, Editor, - Raleigh, M. O. mstr BtmJ S THE PEE DEE HERAID. w Published every Wednesday at WAPESBOltO, ANSON COUNTY, MOSH. T. JAME8:. CO," : ' X v.' 'I Haa a large and rapidly Inereaatng elrcula- Uoo in the fee vn ouuniry in nor 141 na pra Advertiaert will find It the eat median Id either of th. eleter Hf ate far reacblog tka rarmere, pianiera aim niorcuroia. The extensive local advertising pat ronage exhibited in it column is the best evidence of it large and infltten' tial oiraulalion, ' " ' ' tar speoloien roptee, with rat, lot art far. tialng, aent free, poatage paid. tn application to th. undersigned, either at Wadeabifftt, Wilmington. Editor) and f roprletora td-at KEW ADYERTIJEMEXTS. HISSES HASH & KISS KOILCSK'S MOW wLi Til ThhtrTkM Bimm of th. IfUm HiAamlMlMKttUecklBekool vUl .pel ftd BJUtreilui Mrwat4l4 .a aPTlWttoa. Jail I l(i 1M4&S34 Howard Eelief-Fire ; Ei-iino Co. 1 1 f ATTENTION M KM BIRSl Tbt Fontta f JnlTMlabraUaa takl-ig Im tliU yew ua Ui Sis tluuut,oiir lfniw voathlT aimtlaf H h.rby poMpoawl to Mudy, rfvUf k ataal bear. , . 1 - ' JT orJr of th Prkt.nt, ? It , WM. JNU UOHMAHN. , JaljM.' - - - , .-o.awuury. : Lawn: Mowers I ; Lawn Mower ! - Th. Kxeal.lor Uwa Mowrra tr. tk. h4 la ta. aiM'tM, aad ar. fur wis at Baautaetoml trtou by - i. . , . OILXS hUKCH180N. For Smithville! TEAMKH 'DIXfC vllltna' refalarly s anwydaf .ie.pt Haa4y, ' 1. lu( Wllainftea 4PM M nmitaTin..... .............. .. ? a M Oomnutaiiua ttokrta ai.r b. aarekMed at our ufflofc : - U. O. PARSLET A OO. Jolj t IU r , ., , 1 ..r Fifth Ward Independent! Bucket Co. No. j. MEMBERS 1 . r To. n ktnbf kotlflad tkat onr ravalar Mmtht m Ml i n win be bald tut eTenloj at oight () e'olook. - - luuuiur,Tiutii, ' cratary. jatrv--1"" ft V'" 'i ,' lM-t ' Mechanio'i Building and Loan Th'a regular mnnthlv na.tlni of th. Manban- lea' Hiululni and W.n AaanelaMon will be bald at tli. Hibernian Hall tbH ' arealng at t o'dMk. . ,. , , , ,' i -i-'U" ' " O.B.EI.WB, ? ; It (s u BMntary ana Vraaarer. JalyT 161-tt "GOV. WORTH." Q1EAT EXCITEMENT ALU.. THI f LEASUSE-f EEKIiS. FEOPLEI i.fff .,...,.'t ' - TO .. .. ; mithyiiioiand Hctiuriiv OM ITSAMXB UdV. WORTH, . nOKDil NieBTfVLTUtktikJ9y tJoduth.nwi.loei of the "HTHIAM 811.. VKUOOKNRT BAND." 1 For fafther Informattoa apply t ' " ' W.UJWKrT. J A8. W. J A0K8OK, Pre.Went. Viee-rrtrtttent, n.OILUOAN, " T. D. MA0DMBEB, - ' ' TrMaarer. 1 BeereUrv, pajaijf -""-"''"I '" 'W It tout W. HlRaOS, (Late of SpruutA Hlnnn.) Wllatliiteo,S.e ew nauuTvr u . ir.l ' 1 Tarboro ,S.O. musoiT&cuunniQ, M1SSIQH MERCHANTS ?0B THE HALE Or ti- Cotton, ftlce, Lumber, Tobao9 I naval ttiores, una ouwern i n iProduo cfwrjemlly, gwM . NO- 102 CHESTNUT ST.. P. O. JBK ltll4iebl. f K aayaaaaonai ; I. B Gralotfer, fre.idont Back Of New Han. over, wnmiugiou, j u. "'. k e HttrraM, rreaiaent rirat national nana, Wilmington. N O. Jane Onweon, Treaidetit Damon Bank, Wilmington, M u. H B Bor.l.n, PrMldeatf Hank of New Han- over, eeldaboro, M O. ' ' J A Loak, I'reaUeet Bank ft Hw Hanover, Wado.boto.HO. - , w t f. -Jeaa. H Llndea: Preatdent Bank of Oreena bero, Ureeofhoro, M Ot ' t Jion ueo nowaru. aroaro, n v. v ; If Weddetl, Kfq , Tarboro. M 0. Mow. W D tlohniun, Marlon Court Bouee, jaiyi ' , ', , iw-awtr.: THE VERDICT. M v sal of Meal have doubled ilaot 1 bay BSM WHt aKot)WBv"-H.' Woald glv. iu eta. a bubl Morerta It thai! or any other.' P. u -.'-t. ' ' . OBAHT BIKTON. . .- .JtaVAwU... July 4 i ,i Trunks Repaired. mKlIIK COVBKSD, lift i Httoeas Bef aiftd7 1 h - (Saddles Htpairtd, J , At the Baddlary Btor. f , , - " CARPENTER A MALLARD, No. ( Boutfc frost Btroat, WUmlngtoa, N. O. Jr . I'j.fj j w-tf- - JOhnJDaw8on'9f;. QUT B8TABUIHKO Bard wars, Bjort l without doubt tha largest an4 moit rsUabla Bardwar. KstablUbment In Kattern North Carolina. Prices aaa quality at goods guaran teed ia .very respect, : ';; ', 1 Not. 11, M and 21 MAKKKT 8TRRRT. Pee Dee Courier. ' - , 'S .. ,'3 4' r I;' it.t1 BBTBBHEBCHANT4 OP W1I.MINQ- - ' -v t aware that th Ooojlar la tbaenly. Oa nan- era tl. paMr poMawM la BoekU. aaa tat It circulate! jUnsively In Klchmoad, MeatfoiawWaa4Aat e ' ; , Katataf a4varUs)D liberal ea seaw (barges mad. for ebaoslnf advertlaeatanta f . , - ,i,-i j WMkly. H i A i PuCiaKTT f gylBi Bweat-bT ' Bdltera, I Como and Cuy GMSniEIG AT ACTUAL C03T, A.Q Mr aajftatar Itook of Lineaa. Alnaoa. Bins Flaaaeie, Cbirtotf, Caatlmaioa, Iiao. aalt, BUk CtHPosaUns-bfl at CUT. ntraE0N & cd, ' i city cLOTrriEiia. f i t (A Clean Crcop. : ON TUE$DAT, iVht in, I beia my " Grand Clearing tale of , , , Clothing. la nJert.ebMSOTteTat'y artlcM or inn. . Slo,.k 1 bate UotUlril to MaKKJKtWN prk-aeaml make a nraontrtlua Ibat will In. aura a CLEAN HWEKP la .vary itepartatenl. I guwaiitee a M4 bargala to Meh aad Terj eualooier. CAkU.: 0.0. u. CASH. IN STORE.! " ' IN STORE! . COO BBL8. FLOUR, "- tt .60BozeaD,a Bidet k Bhoulderf, 50 N SraokidBideaAShouldors, 75 Hhda, Mew Crop Cuba Molasses, . 100 Bbls. & & Molasses, , . 30 Rice,,. , . ' t0 Boxes Tobaooo, . 100 ' Lye and rotasb, : , ,, , 75 Bags Coffee, - v W Bbla. Bugar, :M , 100 Caaea Oysters; t f JSD lu ? Kfiklea, H Z . . .. 400 Bpteit Oaakav-; , . - ,i ft 100 Bbla, Glue, , ,,. ; , H 200 Papers Bitets, 20 Tone Hoop Iron. ' Candles, Candy. Matohea, Bnuff, Bhot Caps, Powder, Ac, Ac, Ac ....... tito by J't'ilal-- vf v ; UBOHKBB DaVLUKK BEOH July 4 IM ath Bpon5C3Ms ' TollH aad raacr ArtlolM la treat tariet arteu Lnbln'a kaaua. Kxtraeta aad Ppwdaf A fall linear par. Orau aad McUlelaw aodsai Ubemloala. ' prMi)Ueui oompo altd at all boars, day or aifbU JABiEfl C KltlllDa. JDHlinI9T, Tblrdtra.t,eppoalto City BaU. ' 22 Ilarket1 Street. tt.rPIIlOftlSffiitj w IX ..A f. ' A if- is ;4 it U , ,, . 'WILMINQTONf N q.,,:. At Homo on and After " r'iarTUr.';;fi2Titi- WITHOUT RESERVES f rl p mHK BALAMCB ji F MY STOCK HAS gut to ba wl Iwttbla thtoty days. Ia order to Dress Goods Uiair actual oort. This tala pf otentf greater advantages to th. burcliassr tbaa any that has aver bean mad. hi this olty , as th. stook Is n.w (ad avary fttala U Oasirabi Bold aiaad below coat, as It is, ae fok ittivtrti until paid GEORGE LIEIJEJUt K 29 Market Street. July 4 IBS Smiths Feed Cutter. rn BB BtlTand most durable Feed Uattet to tb. muket. - , ' " Pot sals low by rvWMOSCWlKWJi! June 10 nOSQDpTS- Ni) r BAMB 8,' ' bans. aa4 , Uot. Our aeoand ttoek. Just lacelvad and for atl. low oy D. A, SMITH ft 009. ' ; June ST' " '- r,.-i.v. a ' ,M tf' Latest Books.lJif A NOKSBMAN'S PltiGBIM A8K." By bj.lmer BjorOt Boyseeo. V VlftZ'X. j .,vr.jv'.l iailnVi tjLUBBEABD'B Kbys, bad JOtbsi I tar lea Vt tiss Thackevay. author of MHa Angel, Old Keiulngton," Ao. fgper.TI santa. aat i ... 1 itJr:Mf 1 Uva Baoh aa4 Moai. Btora,' nly 1 las Bargains Earijaina.' nBN'S CLOTBQATTXRa t . worth S3; fill il- V '! ''" . nanV iaw Qoartaraaf Bhoea t) 0, worth S3 Ladle blibpsri oafly i pr pair. ! ... . ., t ,1'er laMaV-tf OBAKT.CS PBI0 f '"' v,. uB Market street,4 Signet tli. Oolden Boot hDLANK DltEWi for sale at Uia ' JX '"'i . VovRitAX. OrrrcB Ml. ., .. IT T. till , I .. wfT Ftssei ara c a m omsmkI w Ml Nat If 4iAa aa1 say iiyet tne wa.ly at tne , .' HISCILLA5I0US. Quarantine Ilotice . WJNT1L lVBTBEB KOTlCB ALL VKSV Mia frost Port BoBtk of Cape r.ar wtll com! tp at tha VteHtaf tatloa, aear Deep Water Point, aad a watt tha Bupeettoa af Um Qaar aatlu. rhyaiclaa. r . . . .. . All vassal) fnua Petto abars I.llpw rsvar or other lafecUoua da rase Mists, will be re, talrad la undergo a ilgld and prolonged Qaan aatlaa. '.'-.'. All raawls or boats of aay character having rick neat .a boat 4 arrival, at bavin g bad stekBMi aay tint, duliug the voyacaa ara ra il aired la com. to th. Btatloa (or InayocUea without regard to tli. Port liom whence the cease. Yeeseht not tacluded at above wtll pro eed without daWnUea, . u J 1 Pilots ara Mpeeially endaed to ataka eaW sal eaialry relative la ves aki, orew, aad U aot ) tlrfled with tb. atatemeaU of tbe Oap tala or eoBimander, or ir th. vvaaal U la a fllthy eoadltioa, Ibey wtll bring tb. veeael to Um Itatioa for fartoer axaailnatiMi. ') - h : Pilot, wuralip ftolaUnf tbs ' QaaraaMns Irn at. MbJactbafMfeltaro their branob; Maatars of tsm!s to a In of two bund rod dor ian a day for .very day they violate tb Quarantine tawe aad all Mbar bereans1 ara liabl. for each and .vary aflbaoa. 1, ,...- I, .-.,, All veaaels rnhjaat la vlaltatkm Under abtv. regulations, wiu est a Bag la sba ataut tlggiug, porvtlda. 1. r. w.- ri'naa. , t) uaraillDe l'hy.lola. . Port of wllmliiglou.H. . lthtlle, M. 0.( May It, Hfl V may W m Ulaovt TO HOLDERS - t Ki.J CITY COUPONG. ' l ,l..l !! f I) : Office or TrctiiTcr Collector. CITl'OfvVlXMTliaTON. N. d.'f ' June Jttth, 1875, C MUTIOB li b.reby given that THI JPLT OOUf ovists (of Bond. of this Wtj) aaa- not b proatptly aald.ri- .1 ,u'.v til . tnn t . , , , la eanaoqitnea of certain shangM tnd.rs reosntdscWoa of lb lupren. Ooart of this tats as to th aunaar af asMwattutef tbs . ...... - r Baalaa4rrtoaal frsparty hi tats ettii aad tbaraby tb city Tax Baoki aot'ywtbavlag aaa btbesd Ut paWoa . a and.ralgn3 for ecUoi togeUi with otier eotnplloa ttoas la lfd b aat M aaletaa affair., now aandlBf bafota Ui. aupww. ou;t . Morth (jatna,lbsoltyorWUmlaxtoa atoit bmas tartly erava ioBi.lndalg.ftoa .from the holdari Of City tfoupons.nnder starting alroaatttaaoat, 1. ! ., : ; Jaa ; T. 0. 8EEV0S3, Uty Treasurer. j.iiJ laa-tf ' Eacon, Pork. Sugar, ;:;;!and Cofifee; s 1 60 Botes D. 8. Biea, 1 ' ' ' 4 ' - 50 Bote Smoked Bidet and Shout t t.i-i'dera, ,.t, , xjdis tJity mess rora, , . , r iuu liDis. ttennea duc "100 Dairs Prime IUo Por sale low b; low by 11 WTTJ.TAM3 4 MUROIIISON. Tlour-Corn-$yrup-Rlco, 800 Bbli. Flour all prades.1 ' 6,000 Bushels Prime White Cora, ' it MBbl 8. 1L Byrup, vi . ;i .., 0 WU, JKtOB, , lin'Mtnn 1'i Jlt.'A Por aala low by ;, , . , . , wiviiiajaa at atuttvuuiuii. Hay-Hoop lron-Clue-8pN OOOJJales xi. li. and . ilaji ; j, ,'400 Bundles Eoop Iron, , . 100 Bbla. Olne, - - -e- f u 800 Seoond naod Spirit Casks. ' ' '; j j far sal. low br i wi !t' M8USESGlAK3NAnS-tH0T .ji ...'.) ifct!Wl K-t "' 100 Hhds. and bbls. New Crop Oq v ba Molasses,, ,,,. 200Tona OaanapeGnano, S 100 Tone Eureka Gftano, "J ' ' . 800 Keg Naila, ,vttt-)-i it mU ,200 Bags BhotV) 7 tM forsalalowby , ... t,,(1. ? 1 WlLUAJti 4 BTJBOHISON. , Jnlr' L .i -t .x f.rf isa t Better 1- e Sai 1 1 rAB nrslaaawat albtadrrtbi always da . . . ..... . . . t: ........ r iiaoia,togti.tasif-.jl'.rv f,-!. f.--.!.."-' .r. . i i a BTJTTEB, it, ' . v.'f U f",'.Hfl t.i tod that always ha v.. tint fln. Table Bat tor js toleeted oar.fully fron th. b.st Dalrlat Hi N aw Vork State, aod nay ba railed on as th. vrpbWl Badar sold In 'this city 1 " i;t CHA& D, MIEJBS 4 COw tN, Favorite Flour S MAUBqaaw frlaads, t , 1 a X ! , j, JIOT EELIABLE, f atf. i . BJtTBUE3T svar Bead by heusekMpers. t1 .. .i,- - a-x .Bold only hjr . ; , I u. w,.oiu8. D.iiTEiia 4 oa ; Janet! ,.0 tv,i ),niiiu i-i"f- IS3'' 4 .... .- i -i - M. . - - Horner & UnjiTcs,; School, HnXSBQBO', jr. p. s(l j, t j" , t ; . . . . . . . . rrai paix itssioB or ims opbns JL -i t - 1 '.T " toann atoaaay ia uiy. .w; -,1 , 1 ' lay Catalogues sea on imputation. " ' ' ' 1 jnly 1 . , , I.. . in.atwBwiata I I nibna OOTlBB I J and prlut. OOT1BB DP fruits rnoB IMHNt laaaiaaiaai. nvie a. ua JUUlUIAli K1W ADTESTI3ZS2STS. 45 : , it , 1 - - . - . . ; J i i -I Daatre to eall the attention of all who take any interest in the price of DRY GOODS to the fact that we are allowing I ' A DIGCOUNT of 10 Per Cent " - ' ! ';:: p ) k - on all SUMMER DRESS GOODS. : Any article that belongs specially to Bummer wear must be sold out LLAMA LACE SHAWLS aud SACQUES, PUSHER Do. Dei. 1H Do. J t H ,, WHITE AND STRIPED SHETLAND SnAWLO. i.i Cents' White Made to order in any stylo (hat may assortment always on hanif Also Gulfs, i 1-1,1. i- Jf,l !. 'Xt ' U j Striped (V)Uon ;qioviotJwt3c4:ljSIilrtlns Only 20 Oenta, worth 37, IntltoM Hhli t Hu,),Kr(.ra, A NEW, lIlNa.f.; , , Aad one of the moat desirable artiolet that haa been introduootL ;i'i WHITE IJI1U,NIXIXH, r . . ... - - - ' - -f - " ? V ; ' If S i i 4 5; E ' ? Swiss, Nainsook and Victoria Stripe and Piaids a Tery large assortment. . , ar Af et. lor rraalt Laalla's CUT PAfKR PATTKtf Nf. , , u H maclitnwNaadlUa a I'.ata tck). Terms Cash Onlv I t ..V v: BR0WH & BODDICK, 45 Uarket Street. juiy , , , ,. . W(gnnBEl-H i 'i ,'1 ."-. ..:i.- -fat .t'jf- . i-, ALL ACCOUNTS ) '1 .1 f 4 3W r n : I t t bla I ml '-'it 4 U.ifi j i . ..'I. . .. 'a i.'rtA - r As this Is the emUannual time, to tinu to sell to mj kind patboji ok I hop they will call and pai Vt, Mil ft- r V I., -,.( i!,(t h...i t 4 , .. ., (! ..t(-.'''-': !! ,l; jr !i!il v .l i BEST. ASSORTED STOCK OE '!'i.C'-it" ,va;wwl ,al.i DRY G0ODB, ii.t-tU-'-i :.V f , , , M ,.t I II ill", i'li. I i i. i t 1 aMi . r4 .,MI8CEliAlfK0TI8.". 4 RENT ! ThallOUHK raaiitl I....U torn and ooeanied bv th Rev.. U. Hlden. onill Seventh, between UhastBut and at ul berry Bis. itimi roaeuuauia. ,v ' - ... ''H.MAA,f Grocer,4"' !m Corner Uh and tlheatnnt Btraeta. : BM.lt , r lKLIf laa-tf ; TT CSSMy HAVHD MOUSSES nrraitvrJs ikitiw '"-J .V- I bales Hav. ( t . e hlid. Hew Drop Ctib MOl saws, I 1 IB bbls B H Molasses. Por sal. by J . . KBBOUMBB VALDBU II BOS. FLflUR.- Mcit, RICC ARSaXOFrVt. BB14 Louit;t r , r v.',.. bnabelt Meal. rtTaiar Qrounair."!' " SDDOienioe, , lb bags uooW I' -. j Por sale by ,1.1. . MBOBBBB A (ALOE It BBOB. ,"!,' .'. jll WW U-W SPIRIT CASKS, KC3P IROM, AC. jAAarmiT iiiim I",- : t so tons Hoep Iran, ' . -MSbblsOloe. j..rS f 14.' I ; i Bangs. iUveti, 8pnlb frown, &. , I I Por sal. by ' r , f.K MUB0HBBB ft QALDBB BB08. Eacon, Lard & Tobacco A B0XBBD I aiOBS ft BKOtLDIBg, T to boxes Smoked Shoulders, . " MtnbtUurd, t j ,,. v " it S. : , OOboaeaTobaMa, t fill t. f4t:3 f- kir Por M. by KBBOHBBB ft CALDEB BROS-' , k.-',f. i TV ra at titi ft RB . fJAjiaUIL. HOLMKS will Uks 10 or JUA II aeatlantan ta beard froaa ' this date, either without roonue with large, airy and oonl'ort able roentfc rewoaable ternSs. Jteeldenn. a Chesaat street, between- Third and Pourta streatA Apply ta ' -1 . "JOHB L. HOX.MK8. ')aty-. ' vi " ; iM.tr,,, turnip weed ' t A ii. i Turn d 8eed I ... :) a New Crop 1875. ,. OrtWB by fndreth ft Bulnt, Philadelphia. Also a larga aswrtca.at of (jabbage bead. 1 1 i 'ratesftfLAKicR;'1 1 July 1, 11. t'l'r 1 us TJIUNTINOiQf TCVEUT IMAGLNA- 4. tie doscrlptioa dona ia' tlie.ostof Bi.jfm a tuo duuiuiAii vrrms. vjf-ai!iia II !M ' si Dress ihlrtt be desired, rrr ocaiuntmd. A fall Collars and Underwear, . tery desirable fop travolfu g. V7 1 1 ..t t . 4 One Price. i. - , .,. in.--. t 1 WiY 1ST, 1875. r'i. U r f . ARB MADE OUT, j ; :'v; ,! t j ie,isv.v." t. . . -c I I i ' alanpe Pooka, and a I wiahto eon- .I xmi al lowest possibls CASH PBI0E8, iailJ ,v t fl ui.,'1 '-v.it ih' :'r" 1? ' litHi'l i!'-'i:'Lii.';ji! .1 ttlSCEl.tA5E0TJ8J Upton's United Statest 4 AEMTCAVAltTACTICai:"" ti fW'i 'iUOa4 , li hi' ..'- 3 JlnfantTd The Green Gate.1 FlV""" of B. lb..f. Mr, aV.. t.A.tor7 ,n ""te" ehaptora, by Chrlstlaa Held. All for ale at al.. i. b ' A.r ; V o n u 1 uy t , , i axco, Cmr B00II BT0KB.i June; , J83 4thOF-JUl;y. i f ' Iff r ':ii tf.i i NOTICE TO EXCURJ13N PARTIEJ; H0-NIQ PARTIES AND BOtTND5 t !....-f 1 .W JL I I v - -- PARTIES, 'r"cs;f I We aave a iarga 'stoek'ef ' 'lv0, '' Ut0 flaw atattaatiaaaul0 fooeaseaof piarrta,; v,l- "-cr-'t if! i,000()ans4,SaadHpoaPraad Oeoka ' I -i v..0oo, t a? Sweet Oranges and avarythbig nice for a boll- v 1 day pat up In eanl and paokagos for aaoh juv i.v.soaaaaata'i-;-' fM-x-VT ' rVeoavaredaeed prloM to earn within ranga orally !:y.,.;vt Bxtra Plna Claret, ' I ,,.fv I'i'U 7 . P .?W"WB SVM,. At f- 1 -t Qaaranteed to keep perfectly tweet and rich- all day lanhe sun take no btu.r to tha I.,,..-.,, fv,s t saMurva. t 'tctwiW New Fraah Baaf lagaaayA (r 01 - FUn Pebt aad BaoKa. Ft-b.mokBarf,:; -: Ploklei and Sauoee. . if!Mli: Prloet ladaoed, on all thi above, aad bit ' I " r V . , , . . f ill "t 1 ' ' money j sending t,r -A m , P -,,.. 1 d -;: ' ' CEO. ilYERSv' ; ! . .. i if ft 11 Booth front Itraafc',' SI10VV IJfLLS gotten up and prluteJ In the most atUacl Ive style at the JUVKNAL OFFICB

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