4 A w j t j . j i I j( V ' IS J" ' 1 A : i - i VOL. XXIV. -HO. 162. X7TTJTTIIGT0IT, IT. C. THUEDDAY. , JULY 0. 1075. i ; .1-. thiols no. ac2:i ! Ik ibiln journal. WILMINGTON. N. 0.: . THITSS0A1,JULY8. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH, (iOTHAM. LOADER AND PRICE ON TRIAL. New York, July 7 Night In the Loader and Price trial to-day, Beecher, on the stand, was handed the affidavit of Loader and Prion, and aakrd whether any statements in the affi davits referring to himself and Mrs. Tilton were true. Am wer There ia nothing that is true there alleged, and not a word of truth in the allegations reacting him in the affidavits. - The Jrmouers were held for the Grand ury. Prioe plead gniity and Loader not guilty. ".; , T11E HUB, ACCOUNTS OP THE RECENT SEVERE STORM. Boston, July 7 Night Reports of the damages by the storm last eve ning, are numerous. Deacon Kim bull s house at Littleton was struck by lightning bD(j burned. Loss $30,000. Many buildings were struck and the oooupauts stunned. No deaths are reported. . Wokcbsteb, July 7 Night Re ports of houses struck by lightning, have been received from all parts of the country, three of which were fatal ( ELECT1UCISMS. W. A. Piper has been nominated by the Democrats for Congress in the Firnt California district. JJA fire at Tulare City, CaL, on Tues day, destroyed the entire business por tion of the town. Loss $120,000. The Collector of Customs at Gal veston," baa information that nineteen Mexicans have driven 400 cattle from the American side into Mexican, nine miles below Rio Orande City. Italy will not participate in the A me -ican Centennial on account of the expense. VIBflMA-. THE ISAAC BELL'S ACCOUNT OF THE COLLISION IN HAMP TON ROADS, - . New York, July 7 Night. The steamship Isaac Bell which ran down the tng Lumberman in Hampton Roadf.arrivod here to-day. The entry in her log book in relation to the aoci dent is as follows ; On the 5th, at 9.45 P. M., when abreast of Sewell's Point, we saw tug boat a point and half on our starboard bow, showing both side lights. We gave the usual signal to pass to starboard and kept steering on iu the right direction when, to our surprise, the tug boat signified the in tention of crossing our boat. The or der to atop was at once given and one blast of the whistle was sounded, but the tug again changed its course and before our .ship's way could be checked a collision ensued. We struck the tug on her starboard bow and she sank instantly. Our anchor was at once dropped and three boats were sent to the resoue of the crew. We succeeded io rescuing four men and one wo man, whom we put on board the N. P. Bunks, which came to our assistance, and proceeded on our way. THE LONDONTIMES ON THE SITUATION IN SPAIN. SHOOTING FOR THE BELFAST . : F'4 CUP. LoNDon.July 7 Night The Times, in a leading editorial article, summa rizing the military and political situa tion in Spain, gives a gloomy view of the Alfonsists' cause. It says that the rjoeot minor successes of Jovellar have oeen outweighed by reverses elsewhere. The Carlists seem about to beam a forward march. All the bright hopes that Alfonso brought to Spain have vanished, and his best Oenerals are less active than hereto fore. They have met defeat instead of victory. The JUdr nss not Doon more successful in Madrid. He has failed to satisfy the Chnroh and has enraged the JLaberau; hence the Min istry seem ready to try the effect of as muoh religions toleration as will per mit the Protestant to worship is the back streets, but suoh a concession will disgust the clerical and not satisfy the Alfonsists' political supporters. Neither has the King made peace be tween tne warring iscuons. ma prow is muzzled to prevent it from being disloyal, and there are no funds to pay the army or navy. - Belfast, July 7 Night The shoot ing for the 'cup presented by the Mayor and citizens of Belfast took place to-day. Col. Gildersleeve won the cup over 24 opponent. HEADQUARTERS. PRECAUTIONS AGAINST THE FEVER URGED IN AfLAN - ' TIC CITIES. ' LANOSTON AND DOUGLASS CONCOCT A AEW BILL OF RIGHTS. Washington, Jnly 7 Night Prom inent medical and other officers of the Navy who have at various times been iu localities afflicted with the yellow fever, and paid Boma attention to its cause and treatment, express the opin ion that it would be wise aa a timely precaution for all the Southern cities na the Atlantio coast to make and en force stringent sanitary rules, as the early appoaranoe of the fever at Key West, Fla., is an indication that it may extend along the coast this sum mer. At the celebration at Hillsdale, near ashington, on Monday, by the col people, there was a new declaration of inaopenaence vj i roiessor xjangston and Frederick Douglass, oonoernii g tee duty or tneir race, rneir remarks were frequently interrupted by their many listeners. Fred Douglass declared the independence of the colored raoe from pretended white friends, who he aid have injured more thaa they have Helped the black man. iroleesor Ltingston in a similar strain remarked he was there to declare his independ ence for all who were Lis followers. The hour is com 9, he continued, when we must throw off this yoke of oppres sion and stand np for our rights as freemen. The signs of the times de mand that we shall prove our" fitness for all the 4 duties of citizens. The hour is come when we nius manage our own institutions, u we nave col ored churches then give ns colored preachers. If we have colored banks we must have colored bankers, ' If we have colored colleges we demand that we nave our own cffloern. We have played the second fiddle too long, we want, we must have, a change for the better. roomy Cmailm, Hdqm. Centkaii Ex. Com., Democratic Conservative Party, New Hanover County, Wilming ton, N. C June 80. 1875. At a meeting of the Executive Com mittee of the Democratic-Conservative party of New Hanover county, held this day, it was decided to call a Mass Convention of the party, to be held at the Court , House, iu Wilmington, Thursday evening,' July 22, at ,8 o'clock. , , , . , s The principal business of the Con vention will be the nomination of can didates for the Constitutional Con vention and the appointment of an Executive Committee. : ' W. H. Bernard, d&wtd Chairman. Three Attainable Uleanlngv. t , A good appetite, vigorous digestion' and sound sleep are three blessings that imply a good many more, and are attainable by tha daily one of .Hostet- ter's Stomaoh Bitters. ' The stomach that is invigorated bv that ruling tonic rapidly disposes of thefoodjoommitted to it, and at the proper time craves for more with natural earnestness, and the brain from which pain and despond ency have been banished by that salu tary anodyne and oheoring cordial, enjoys at the hour of rest that tran quil, dreamless repose for which no other boon that Providenoe oanbeetofr oan compensate.- Besides these 'most desirable results, the entire physique is strengthened and fortified against the attacks of disease by this splendid vitalizer and protective agent, which, take it altogether, is about the most desirable, as it is unquestionably one of the most popular medicines in ex istence. . ' Toothache proceeds from ague in the face, operating upon the exposed nerve of a decayed tooth. Rub. the gnm thorough ly with the ' finger,.' wet with Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. heat the face well, and lap flannel, wet with the liniment on the faoe, also puPa little of the liniment into tha cavity of the tooth on cotton.' -1 " w THE VERDICT. "My al . or Maal hart donbl.4 flnoa I hate UMd WATKB OBOEXD."-H. "Won'd give lo cm. a buibel more for It than for ajy other.' F, -w - - GRANT A HINTON. July 4 16K-. Awti Notice. ALL PKRSON8 mbject to the payment of Schedule BAG Tax In keeping with tha Kerens. Act, are hereby notified to 00 m. for" ward and pay tbelr geml annnal Tax on Jnly lot, tor the half year ending Jane SOth, 187S, and aleo renew their Llcente to dobuflreutur the eatnlng half y.a ending December Slit, W5. OEO. W. BOUBDEADX. , jane 29-6t Register For Smithvillel TEAMKR 'DIXIE" will rod regolaily i , - s every day except Sunday, L aving Wilmington 4PM imithTille t.k T AM Commutation ttokou maybe porebaeed at our offloe. . O. O. PARSLEY ft CO. July I Wl The Charlotte Observer Tbe only morning daily paper pnblkhed In the State weat or Raleigh ant North ot Wll mlngton, offer, .pedal Induoement. to ador. tleera. IU elrenlatlo' , .lie and uiefalnem bare been largely lnoreared daring the year jnrt put, and It now reaches moat oi the Mer. ohtnla of Western Kortb Caiollns, thu. ottev Ing an onrorpaned medium of eommanioa tion between the Mereh.nt.of Wllmingtonand tbe people of Weetern Norlb Uaroltna, Taaas ov euseoaiPTioa : Dally. .......S3 00 per annum. Weekly....... ., Kf Advertlnna reri law. "' ' "i'" ' may 14. ilS-tf Fee Dee Courier. A RE THE MEECHANTi 07 WU.MXU. ton aware are that the Veaiter , It the cfllr pamn oratle paper published la Rock'.L am, and that It ctrenlatet eiUnrirely In Rlcbmoad, MnnfffAmnrv and Amuin MinnttM9 Rats of adrertlalng liberal and no exUa charge, made for Obaaglng adreitlatmenti weekly. DUCKKTT 4 KRVIN, maroh -tf ' ! ' ' ' H idltor..' SIIEjiBYTSSijEE, , k FablUhed weekly, at SHELBY. Olereland County. N.O.,at SI BO per annum, la ad vanoe; baa a large and rapidly Increasing cir culation In nearly all tbe coanUe. Went 01 Mecklenburg, Also, an extensile circulation In the oounUea of Snartanburi. York and Union, 8.0. Haajuat been enlarged from a twenty to a thirty-two ooloma, and ta now adorned wltb an entire new dreM. If fxWtfoi art DemncntU Tb. (proline Oentral Uallvay being now completed through to Wilmington, and Shelby being the Weatern termtuue, the Banner I a moat excellent advertising medi um. Jta(ctaudera4. . , . . DURHAM WEBB ' aVBUrn4Printleto , KEVT ASVERTCIESTS. Ladies Triinlis, , GlATSTKO'KI, '. Packing TranU, t LadlM Mtobeto, - , ,.. Uati aateh.to van akeaav At tbe Baddtery Store el CAR! MTER e MALLARD Mo! I lost rrant StreM, Wualngtea, M. 1 tail rr. T. IT. NEWEXJC. rriM ' his r&ortssiOMAL iu. ttoe. u the oltlaaas at WUmlagtca aad vlenU ty. ODoe-Souta Bast asraer leeond aad atarket'ttreeta,' " ( " """"'." " "r July ;! la-tt-TaarerrUtStma The Summer Stock of i Clothing MUST BE SOLD. Blue Flannel Bnito at Cost, '' Brown Dnck 8uits at Cost ' Blsok Dresa BniU al Goal - liiigonala at Cost J ' " ' ' 1 Cassimere Basineas Baits at Cost come sow. . ; ' . : MUNSON & .C0, ,CITT CLOTHURk, in 'In' THE MYSTERY or : t ... i i . DARK r HOLLOW. 1 -i BOITKO BY .t.i MRS (MMA B, (. N. S0UTHWQ2TH ' t ,t ! ... 1 .,! ,( k ,-.( . j, Th. liTitcrr of Dsrk Holloa." KdIM hi Mr. Kmm l. - M. South irnrth. I. umiiiiu In on. Ui(. daodaelu. tola"., tod ta lxiaml m morooco oigtu, lal fill b.oak prk ai I& ; HEINSBERGER'G uom tutd hum. a ton. " Wilmington and CoastTurnpike PROPOSALS FOB OPrQ THK IN tire line of tbe mala (tea of tha Tarapika Road ef tab) Company, andaleoof macadaalt- - j. ? t I. . - ; 4. Ing and completing tbe name according to t . -', i . rpeolflcattoni to be furauibed, will b enaatd ere4 by Uil Company,, i fropoaal. m doing either part or branch of tha' toregolag work will aUo be entertained. , , Wkt. A, WRtQHT, rrealdent BWIImlngya,,g.rys Ta.;' tWH 3 fvMatan4 M punuanoe ef Ujibewerl iu Ulned la I we norttaxee execateof ta a. aeverally by Alexander f alooner and Wll Hani A. r elf oner, b.arinn date tbe 10th dar ot An. gust, 1811, and registered reepeotlrely la the Keglst.r'.offioe or Mew Haaorer ooanty la Book irr, pace 103, and Date we Will on Wedneadar, tbe xStb day ef July Instant, at 11 o'clock A. It., al Jtxehaage Ooreer, 4a the olty of Wilmington, expoae to aala to the blab eat bidder at t abne Auctlea that oertaln LOT oa North Water street, west side, beginning 180 reel naiawaraiy iron ue aonwera line or Mnlberrr sti Mi. and runnlnc Ibenee alone Worth Water street southwardly 46 feet by feet deep! at preeent eooapled ky QllUcaaA Co. Termaatealo. " T ' i Wat. W. LANK, - - - C, JAH. B.MoPHERROK. JulyS lU-H-8,lS,tS,tb&th Commissioner's Sale. In rursaance ol an order of I he 8 goer lor Court of Bew Hanover county, made In the oe or Charles . Price and wile and others, ex parte a petition Uutllsatd for tbe purpose of attHlnglahd for a iartltlon, I will, on WED NESDAY, the Uttb day ol July instant, at 11 o'clock A. M., at Kxotmige Corner In the city or wiimingum, exuoee to eaie ' io tne nigoe.t bidder at rahtio Auction, that oertaln , LOT Onth. South side ol Dock street, between South water and Front streets, adjoining the Reamau'i Bethel oa tbe Beat and the lot of Mr. W. A, Wright on the West, fronting oa Dock street about SO fact, and running back to fotta' Alley about S6 feet. Terms one.thlrd tub, ona-thlrd In tw.lr. months and balanea Infburyeera, , ! : :,. . '-- DcBRDTZ OTJTfJlft, ' '. i'l - :' ..' Cotamtwtouer. Lawn Mowers ! ..Lawn Mowers ! '; -t . ' : . ' 1 ' i i i ',: t E I. - The Rxoelslor Laern Mower, are tbe best In the market, and are for sale at manufacturer's prices oy I ! ! " i ' - OtLCS ft MCRCH180N. July T 101 mm w. aiireoa, (LateofSprunt & s iAwat n. cowBrMs, jM Uaehier Bank of New Hanorer.) i Tarboto, V. O. i ninsouj WUmlagtoa, N. 0. niNsoN&cunmiiG, FOB THK Of Cotton, Rloe, Lumber, Tobacco, Naval 8torea,Vni Southern J;'! irroduoir tertorany. MX' NO- 102 CHESTNUT ST. P, O. Bex SO30. ' fhtltUlelplMaa P i.B. Grainger, Prealdeat Bank ef Mew Ban over. Wilmington, N O. It E Burreas, Prealdeat First Rational Bank, Wilmington. N C. " James Dawson, President Dawson Bank, Wllmlniton.N O. . K B Uorrt.n, rrealdent Bank of Dew Uaa- orer, Uoldsboro NO.''. t j v t. J A Leak, Prealdent Bankot New Hanorer, Wadetboro, M O, ;, !.'.' i' -.j ,Hh! .,.;..' deese H Lindsay, President Bank of Oreena. ooro, ureenawro, v; . m - - Hon Qeo. Howard, T arbor, N 0. 1 . . MWeildell.Kra .Tarlioro.HO. - uon, W D tloUuaou, Marlua .Oeart House, JulyV"";,-'""'-"" 4 ' ,' M8-d4wtf ; John Dawson's Ql.D XSTABLISHkD Hardware Store I without doebt tbe largest and moe galtabU Hardware' X.tabUahment m Kaatarxt North, Carolina. 'Trices aad Quality ol goods guaran teed In every rwepect " ; ',' . .. "V ' , Koa. 19, M and U MAJHIH ITBVET. .. Ja'II, . ' - I ' Ua- VtW ADV12TISI2S3TI. Como and Cuy AT ACTUAL CC3T. AU ear BaausMt took at llnaae, Alpaoae, Blue rianaela, Qb.Tlot., Oawlmerea, Plago. aak Black Ulotht, Doeaklne-aU U UOIT. MUNSON & CO. ' CITTCLOTniEIlS. 'Jaly IBMf. A Clean Sweep. fH THCRoDAT, JCLT 1st, I aegla my . Crand Clearing tale of . : j . ; Clothing. . Ja order to cloee out every article ef Buns, moratevk I bare decided to MAKKINiWN pvieeeand make k demooaUmtloo that will la. euro a ULBAM WKRP aa every departasea. If.uantee a goad bargain to each aad every cash. , , , ao.o, . oAsa. 1...,,:, ,4, davu) Julys : ' " . - US' IN STORE.! fit IN; STORE I 'i j J t''' 600 BBIA FLOUB, 1 - " ' , :: 60 n 8moktd8ides4BhouUers, . 75 Hhds. New Crop Cuba Molasses, ' lOOBbls. a TL Molasses, , . , 30 " . Bioa, ;.,- .:t; V 60 Boies Tobaoooi s .100 ' Lyeandrotash, 7B Bags Coffee, ' J , '.. 'ftOlibls.Uagar, .. , , , .'lOOOaaeaOyaterB, 00 Bcirit Casks. 'aOO Papera RiVeta, ! u li ' ' - , m Tons Hoop iron, 1 , ; ' ; Candlea, Candy. Matches, Snuf Shot, ; daps, Powder, eVo., &.o.,to. ' j t Ui fl-fl.'fi tu W.S MH.il.iv:.- & Lfeesmlaby.., ,g i-v;", j v . ... ! KCU0HNB8 OAUa BROl ' Jllly .,:,, ,,,-, (t ,tP; 5v ,;!. tBath Sponge 4 .U1. t Tellet and Paaoy Article, ta great variety. Lubln's aoape, Kxtracu and Powder , a full trae ot para Litags and' Medio! nee aad ana teaataala..i) f i .- s- v Psewsriutlon oompounded at all hours, da weight, . - ikmm tot ,B)i)RaisBi;auiiaT Third street, oppoelte City HalL " . j July 91 22 IlArket Street. D. icoit, I AVali 1. WUsMINQTON, N 0, '' 5 : ! , ,.iri..-; -V . f ' ': !f ' . . . w -,f -..a; i ,. .1 : ' i. : At Home on and After; '-July 4th, 1875. ' July : 1 . 16 WITHOUT RESERVE. nriHB BALANCE OF HI STOCK HAS got to be sol iwitbla thirty days. Xa order to dothif all Dress Goods wlU be sold at "Twenty-ova per Cent below" their aotdal sort.' ThUsalS preeentf greater advantagM to thf purohaaar Uaa any that has ever keoa mad la this olty, as tha Mock I. new and every artlole Is deairable Bold at and below eoet, u R Is, m yseds abNesred miM fid GEOIIGE LIEIiER 20 wiarnec aireec July 4 . Smith's Feed Cutter. fJlUK BI8Tand moat durable Peed Clatter latheaaarket ; - jftgeait lowbj ' " ' " ' ' , G1XRS MURCHISON. Jnn. MI IIOSQUITp , HETfif VO FRAJitS, Qaaaa and Lace. Our seeoad stack. Just received hnd (br sal. low by ! J i i D. Ai BM1TH AVCOU" Junesi If,' . IB-tf v Latest Books. A NORRMAM'8 , FliiOBIMAOE. : By BJaltoer BJorth Boyeaeav4 '7 ' JLCBBIAaP'SKtTS, and Other Starlea. By Mlse Tbadkeray, author of "Haw Angel," "Old Kensington," o. Paper, 70 oenta. . 3r ' Tot sale al ,,i , ' ' ; ' -V;;1' HeinsberosR'b j r.i , Uve Book aad Hurle Btora. Jaly 1 . . , . . , - M Bargains-Bargains. fT 1MB CLOTH GAITERS 1 BO, Worth - Jlen'e low Quartered Sboee tt M, worth a - . (i Ladle. Slipper, only II per pair, fJ , ".' m CHARLKB A. PBtOE, ' ... ' . . s . o. 39 Market etreet, . une9-tf i " Sign ot the Qoldea Boot TtTEDDlNU AND INVITATION YY CARDS printed id tbe neatest and moat twsdsoBMst ityi at Hat ' jouywAX Oppica. ; E AlLKOAD KUCiiirra for sale at tha Juurkax. Uppicx. . 2HSCSUAXI3US.. Quarantine Ho tic 8. TTSTIL PURTBEB BOT1CB ALL VX- sis rtoai Porte Boats ofCapo fear wltleoai. to at Ue VHUng Btatloa, near Deep Water Patai, aad await Ue Inepeotloa of Ue Qaar aattna Phystoiaa. All veeMU from Porte where Tellew Pever, ot other tatectlouj diseaee exhae, will be re. .aired la aadergo a rtgU and prolonged (jiar- anttae. ,,,,, . ., , , . , Alt veasela at boat of aay akaraetar aavtag ackaasa oa board am arrival, at having had 'elokaes any tint daring tbe voyage, are re- qatred to Ma. te th. Btatloa tor iaepeottan wllhoat regard to the Port Iroa whenoe they eome. Vessels not Included M above will prw eeed wltkeut detention. . , ., v. , Pilot, are eepaelany enjetaed to snake eare sl enquiry relative tevw. crew, e , aad If not Mtkfled with the statement. ef the Cap taia ot esenaaaader, ar If the vassal la la a Blthy aondlUoa, they will bring the- veee.1 to the Btatloa fat farther saaasiaatie. ! Plleti wilfully vtolatrng tba Quarantine Law are nbject to a tvrfeltare of then branch Makers ef veeeels to a Ine oftwa hundred dol lars a day for every day they violate the Quarantine Law aad alt ether treuat ere liable lor each and every oflenc.. f AH VMsel. subl.ot to vlslutlon ander above regaUtkme, will set a lag la the nam tigging, portreldOk' ."- "' , " ') Quarantine l'hjr.loiau, ' Port ef Wilmington, M. ,i Bnllkvlle, M. 0., May IT, tele. ayr 1M Blaavl TO HOLDERS -'-or-'- ,. , !., I CITY COUPONS, .M.I MccofTrCdSmrai:. CITY OP WILMTNQTON. N. C,1 , , -; . Juna StJth 187G. ( NOT I OB Is hereby given that Tn JDLt 1 - - ... . ...1... .K COUPONS IHti (of Bond of this City) can. I 1.. not be pronjptlg paid la eonseia.aa ef oertala ebihgee ander a raoeatdeeWaa oflhe iupretne toart of" this . . , sti t r. .-. i '..,. . i lata at to tha manner of aweenaent of (he : , t j i i ''-.l" - ' - . Beau and Peraoaal Property la this cUyabd thereby thf City Tax Book., not, PH having been planed ta tose.sslna ot aha andeHtgned for eoneotloa; With other ceaatflca ttona la regard to aor Manleipal iifalre, 'now pending before the guprsme Court of North Carolina, tte oUy of WUmington, arnsl aaa sari)y srats) some indulgeno .from" lbs feolden . ) . am ' 4 i. -fi., . : r t fi i of Olty Couponx.ander exletlng elrounutanoet. T. a SEBYQSa,- Olav Tr atrrar.' Bacon, Pork. Sugar, I1 Ota nnfTiiA. ' " 60 Botes D. a 8i Jes, - .1 ; CO Boxes Hmoked Bidet and Bbonl ; den, . ',-it j, -. ' y 35 Bbls City Mess Pork, ' 100 Bbla.'Eeflned Sugar, ' 100 Bag Prima Bio Coffee, ' : ' v For sale low by . -'' ; ' WXLLUM9 k MUBGHIBON. Flour-Corn-Syrup-Hloe.' 800 Bbls. Flour all grades. ; -6,000 Bushels Prima White Oom. 60 Bbls. 8. BU Byrup, , t, : , ' 25 Bbls. Bioa, ,,, ,'. i fat sale law Bp -j , ,!.- r.-Ci , WILLL1MS ft MU&CHiaOM. Hay-Hoop Iron-Cluo-tpl-; ! tit Barrett.'4 ;r:,,i 500 Bales N. R. and Hay. 1 , WW J IAAAA.AJW UWV UVU . L , J . iw nuiB. urine, ,f ,850 Beoond Band Spirit Casks. . j. ,. ; for sals low by'' . f " ,WJXtUxfS t JdPROHIBOM MOLA!IEI--OUAK3PIAILt--tH0T 100 Hhda. and bbls. New Crop On 1 :lblaswax,u "'''.'' " 200 Tons OnanapeOnano "f 100 Ton Eureka Onano, " 300 Kegs Nails,' ' 2U0 Bags Hliot mI. 1a Wam 1... i '' 1 IfltLIAMB hUROHISOV. Julys t ' -. 1 1 . Better Butter THAN ours li nm offtred. H li Rlwajri dt .liable ta get tb s " I BEST BUTT12B, ',' aad that we always have. Our Baa Table But- ter i selected earefully from the beet Dalrlee i . . . 1 -: I; ..;.' la Hew York State, and stay be railed on as Ue very beet Bolter sold In this city. ' ' GK&& D. HTEBS CO., : . , j ' 1 , ..- i:j s;: ) ii. u. 1 ; . ' Favorito Flour TS xfAEIBOnewfrlenda. It Is t THE BEST,"'" r-'' WiA t' " . MOST BEUiBLE,; . : XU TEUEST ever need by houMkeeixrs; , Bold only by', --'i.i.-f ' . . k . . .. OHAS. D. UTEBS CO. JaneiT, ,.. . , ,m. llorner & Graves', School, 1 j ' iraisSBOiio', a , . rpHE ran buriom or tin onus burtb, Koaday to .Taly ' 1 ', ,f ' ,: 1 . ' ' ,'. . ipr Uatalogaei Mat oa application. July I " - ia dnwebwlsaa 1 VH fjpaf ttOTSaiai Vt i CI. liJ lr -iu J and prints s hesaoaS tasattaabU style at the ' ' " ' , ....... 1 , ujuiaX) vvmst FZ77 AD7X2LTISZ2MTS. .I - '45 1 1 -.. s ... : , j $ .-. Daaira to eall tba attention of all who GOODS to ha fact that we are allowing A DIGCOUrJT on all BUMMER DRESS GOODS. Any article that belongs specially to Summer war most be sold out 1 ..! LLAMA LACE SHAWLS and BAOQUES, i , , PUSH KB Do. Do, Da Do. ... j ti lS WHITE AND STRITED SHETLAND SHAWLS. - f I " Cents' White Dress Shirts , Made to order In any style' that may be desired, rrr ' ocabantud, A full asaortment always on hand. ' Also Cufls, Collars and Underwear. a! StrlpM'tton Xlipvlot Tweed Shirting i l Only IWCants woxtli 87f, Try desirable for traveling. IiU A NEW TII1NO, . i And ona of the" moat desirable article, that had been Introduced. ' Swiss, Nainsook and Victoria Btripes and Plaids a Tory, large assortment. , .i-i.i ilili'i '4 li n i. .m..:- .4 t " ' . ...- 1 " j WK AfeMts lor aTrastk Laslla'a DVT kAs?KK lATTEBNB 'im Hachla. Nwwdlwa b VejBla eetoh. ' i w m' , ' vy,-'' -vW!'s.ir!:-'f i4 ,.-A Taviyib Pooh flnlTfa , . AVAtaUI VIWU iVUXI '! ' tUwit St , 1. ... I . I " BROW & RODDICK, 45 Market Street F ... UU14 ' ' '-- ! . ., , .. it "I July :.J if Mliiiiifl i I j-iin-l.i jj'i! ml rti a aa i-.:.m ,! fs ' llil l- r ALL ACCOUNTS 1 1 "'- -i'1 - I ! ,, :;iii .1. ft vW D 'Tj;E ad. p "l 1i:a 01 u.ir'i.il vi t 1 ST As this is the semi-annual tuna ta InttM .f "Tt.ff ('. iWli? -fi w, ! 'i Hr t" 1 ' ' ' ; i u . tfhae to sell niy Kind. yATROHs, on xixa at lowest possible CASH PRICES, ,T, Vv"u- Im's. 'i ."i ....... I r,r ' -.s.-a.l hppethey will 04 and fAich J'"' Ul,t ..-'. a if i t n r i l ti'tn ... .. i. a i . .1 ,,. i v .j, f r-- K ) If'tl't' I'l "'l J .!' I J" 1 ui 'v (.-. , 1 w'-uf i ijiiji).'j s ii '. BEST ASSORTED. STOCK OF ,. "f li-l li "J - 1 . ' "- . 1 - DRY GOODS, . I ... 1 . . hill , ': v--- HI8C1LLAHE0TJ8. " rr"N -v the HOuJl' teMP'Iujh lot andfMN eoeuuted bv tke Uv. J. U. Hlden.onJliLl. Seventh, between Chestnut And Mulberry Bta. awsaereeeenaeie. j. "i mi i H. HAAK, Orooer, i 1 ' rjorner ita ana uneetnat Street. aaarST IMa If j ua-tf CG2N, HAT AND MOUttES, 200? BUSBILB CUUM, bale. Har. , 68 hhds New Oron Cuba Mol.wei. Tlbeuauilolaaeee. ,.- -for sals by . ..1 . , ' KIBCUMIB OALDKB a BUB. FLOUR, MEAL. RICe AN0.C0FFEE. 605 BBLS TLVV&, . . -- - bushel. Meal. (Water Ground 1. 1 noil nice. , ! labagtuaflb. . , for sale by . KBKOHKKB d CAX.DKK BB08. . SPIRIT CASKS, HOOP IRON, AC. SPIRIT CASKS, t' torn Hood Iron. . " iwt eei. wiue, . Buag. tuvets, SpanUh Frown, asa.' foraaieby ' I liiJUtOCQIJtB A CALDKB BROS. Bacon,Lard & Tobacco SjQ BOXI8 D SIDKS'o, SUOULUKRS, so boxes BaMked Shoulderi, ' (0 tubi Lard, . ,t. !,-,.. .: T-r: ? M boxes Tobaooo. ; . , . .,,) . t -m ;-1 '. For sals by I r- 1 : , " I ' " ' KEaOilXKR OALDKB BROS-"' BOARD. TTRS. dABKlKL HOLMES will, take 10 or ... ..., . U gentlemen to board rrdB this date, either wlfliou t rooms er -with large, airy and oomtort able room., en reasonable terms, Mealdenoe on Chesnat street, between Third and fourth streets. Apply to, tj ;. . JOHN h. HOLMES, fuiyl ,1 i - ' ' lo.tf Turnip Seed I , . i ' - Turn pSwed! 1 :" ' 1 fcew Crop I87& ' ; Orowa by Lendreth A Bulat. Philadelphia. Also a large aeaortment of Oabbags Bead t " : for saie by , . OREXMetPtANHER.' Julyl . , nULNTlNG 1)? . KVJERY mAQINAi X 1 Lie duscriptloa done in the . best of savleatthA " ' Joussai. Upcick. , i .m . ra . . 1. , - . . ... iT, 1 iti. take any interest in tho prioe of DRY , r of 10 Per Oonti One Price. 1 1 JULY 1ST, 1875. - :; i (5 I ARE MADE OUT. jFI, , ! a s.t du e. bai anoe Books,'nl as I wUhto oon- 1 .v a .......... Upton's United Statca V ARMY CAVALRI TACTICS j ' r 1 -' 1 ' - ' " Infantry Tactics. , . rorialsbr w, t ? !. .-vi if.;-h t-i. j ' . C0N0LEY 4 YATES. ' ' "" i The Green Gate; ; : : FROM the Oeraiaa of JB. Wlohert, Mr.. A, " t. WUrter, . , ; . if.'; ...'. i ; ' J I I HEARTS AND HANDS, , A 'star In eaM h..4S 'ka. m,.UIM j r au iot ssue as , 1 i.i Conolcy & Yatco, 1 . . CITY BOOK STORE. 161 Jan. 3C 4th OF JULY: NOTICE TO EXCURSION PARTIES; " PiaNIO 1 PARTIES AND SOUND ; '" ' PARTIES..! : ' !;;' WlhavSi large stock of '' ' Has Heslna Lemons, ; 10O eases of Olarote, i ; 1,000 cans a, M and 14 pound Pressed Ueoka , ;, j Corned Beef, , Sweet Oranges and everything nice for a bell- day put np la eanl and paokage for such W. har. reduced prkxs to oonu witlila range '. of all. r , i- ."... v-r Extra Pins Claret, . . . ; , .. ; ... s. 5 i so cents per bottle, " - t. n '.' f Beit Butter In the World, , . v , Ouaranteed to keep perfectly eweet and rich-. . all day in th. ana take na ether 'to tho ' ' ; j ,.!,,, Boand,. , , V N.w Fresh Beef Tongue., , ,,,, , ,n ' ' . . ' . Pig. Poet and pocks, . , Freeh Smoked Beef, ' i .. ut'A 1 ' targe 8ianh Aires' ''l, Plokioe ud Sauoea, . j 1 u ! , - ' Prices redaoed on an the' above; and says -;' monybj esndlngto' 1 ri ' :.' i' '"! i p iwK v ; V (iwo ""1AUgouUl ProntStrt.' ''Jordan -:- -. . iM "i"'i SHOW BILLS gotten np and printed Jo tha most attractive style at U. 1 .- ' .' , ' JotKlfAI. Opwcb l . .1 I ii. , 1

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