r l VOL XXIV. HO. 163. WHIiniGTOIT. IT. C. FEIDAY, JULY 0.-1075. 7H0LE ITO. G.920' v. x , i 07, JJ tip louriKil WILMINGTON. N. a: rEIDAX,'JOLT9, 1875. THE FLOODS. EAST ST. LOUIS UNDER WATER. 8t. Louis, July 8. Noon The floods in the Clinton rirer hare orer flowed the streets of East St. Louis. Miles of the track of the North Mis Boari road are under water. Great damage by the flood, whiqh far stir pauses that of 1841. Cincinnati. July 8 Noon The hoary raius have washed uiue bridges on the Portsmouth Brauoh i f the Ma rietta aud Cincinnati Road. WISCONSIN. THE RADICALS RENOMINATE LUDD1NGTON FOR GOV ERNOR. Madi-on, Jaly 8 Noon The Re publican State Convention nominated for Governor Harrinon Luddingtou, Lieutenant-Governor Geo. H. T. Eaton. The platform is a gradual re-, turn t specie payment, no tuird term, tariff for revenue so adjusted as to bs the least oppressive to the people, tha State to oontrol the railroads withiu her borders and applauds the efforts to punish revenue frauds. - " - TEXAS. , CORTINA UNDER ESCORT FOR BAGDAD. Galvboton, July 8 Night A dis patch from BrownsviIe says that a 'foroe of fifty cavalry aud twenty Cus tom House guards, under command of Col. Parrot, escorted Cortina and the prisoners to Bagdad. They shot and hung a man at Rioo Portegul who had threatened to shoot an ffloer of the Ninth Cavalry near Matamoras. The gunboat Juarez, with the priso ners, sailed yesterday. She had on board arms and ammunition. Per mission was granted to diaoharge her at Brazos and Santiago and bring them through Brownsville. The Mexi can papers claim that the removal of Cortina will permit the authorities of Matamoras to execute the law. M1MESOTA. THE DEMOCRATS IN COUNCLL AT ST. PAUL. A PLATFORM FOR THE PEOPLE. St. Path, July 8 Noon Demo cratic Stita Convedtion Platform: Constitutional Amendments must be accepted in good faith bv all parties; the National Government is limited to delegated powers: the great bulk of the rights of the people must find their safeguard in the States and peo ple themselves; a return to gold and silver as a basis of tne currency oi tne country, with preparative and effect ive- measures to secure resumption; tariff for revenue only, with honest ad miuistration; non protection; no re sumption laws. The nominations are, for Governor, D. L. Buell, Lieutenant Governor, Edward Durant. EUROPE. DORREGARAY REPULSED AND IN FULL RETREAT. WJIiHELM'S PROPOSED VISIT TO EMANUEL. THE LATEST FROM BUDA. pAKiH,Tuly 8 Night. The Assem blv debated the publio power. A Bad ioal moved an amendment making f u ture Assemblies permanent. The amendment was rejected. An amend ment was adopted in effect that should the President die while tne Cnamoers are dissolved, the Senate shall convene and a new election be immediately or dered. The bill then passed to its third reading by a vote of 646 to 7, Madbtd, July 8 Noon.- Dorregaray has been repulsed at Barbastro and turned his retreat toward the Sierra O aara. Tne Alfonsists are in hot pur suit. Jovellar officially announces the capture by bis command of Conta Vieja with artillery and a garrison of 2.000 men. LoKDOir, Julr 8 Night The visit of Emperor Wilhelm to Victor Eman uel will not be postponed later than September. . . . The Times has a letter from Buda, , Peatb.oonnrming the destructive obar acter of the recent storm, but reducing the loss of life. The destruction of property on the mountain slopes is fearful. . . Sir Douglass Forsyth was not in struoted by the British Government to demand the passage of troops through , Burmah. The King says that Burmab will protest against the expedition, and to Western China troops must not be sent HEADQUARTERS. , THE BARANAO LOST OFF VAN COUVER'S ISLAND. WASHdQTOK, July 8 Night The following is tne omoiai report oi uapt. Oueen: At 7.20 a. m. the Saranao en tered the discovery passage with the ,t tide favorable and proceeded on her . way. At & 40 while passing through Sevmoor Narrow she oaugut in a wnirl pool, caused by strong counter-currents, became unmanageable, refused to obey the rudder and was carried IwvlilY on a sunken rook, striking with great foroe on her port side about abreast of the foremast careening the shin and startin tha decks forward ; ... hung for a moment, then slapping off , neaaea tor me saoiw ui iuwiot. Wand. The ship filled rspidly and about the time the head struck the shore tha fires wore out Both anchors 4 H were let iro and the hawser fastened to a large trea. Boats were lost except thestaam launcu, winch took no time to et from its cradle. The vessel vent down at 10:5, stern foremost, in 50 or 60 fathoms of water. The steam uanch floated from the cradles and saved the docnments and inonty. J&ECTKICLSMS. The troops from Mazatlan have driven the revolutionists at LaPai to the mouuUiuH. Loader aud Price have been indioted. but Frioe will er- oape aa State's evi dence. Mrs. Tilton before the 3 rand Jury gave testimony denying the ac cusation of Loader and Price. Finn. Geo. Oudvke has aooeoted the Presidency of the New fork Board of Trade at the solicitation of a majority of the members. Formal electio n next week. - t , VHaitflM District. Bolow we give for the benefit of onr readers the appointments of Rev. W. S. Black, Presiding Elder, for his tuird round of quarterly meet ings for the present Conference year of the Wilmingtou District: Clinton, at Goshen, July 18 and 19. Cokeeburg, at BetheL July 25 and IG. Whiteville, at Abbottsburg, August aud 2. Elizabeth! at Bladen Springs, Aug- Utt8aud9. - , . .i . Bladoi) aud C. F. Mission, at Cen ter, August 15 and 18. Topsail, August 22 and). , Magnolia, at Harrell's Store, Aug ust '2J and 30. s , ; , Wilmington, at Front Street. Sep tember 5 and 6. ' Smithville, at Smithville. Septem- bor 12 and 13. Hotel Arrivals. , ' Fcrcell Hocbb J R Davis, Pro prietor Wn D MacKoy, Baltimore; O Godwin, A Alolntyre, Liumberton; M Morrison, Laurel Hill; H B Short, W B Short, Miss Short, Lake Wacca maw;. John Judge and wife, Now VnV. rkanial Rl V.o. Jos H Walker, Norfolk, Va; Geo C Fobes, L J Fobes, Baltimore, Md. DIED. Ia this elty, at noon on th Bib of July, of dyasnter, JACOB BiWKR, In tha ttb year or nis age. Tne aaoeaMd ni a natire or armany, ana a former resident u - Brooklyn, T. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Real Estate and Loan Association. The 28th Monthly Installment of On Dollar par mut w an ona paraDie ta-aay at la. ottlaa of ths Secretary ana n rwam. n . ; o.b. kt.lis. Hoorotary and Treaanrsr. lB-lt JalyS Portland Cement A In. Komxn. Ke.no'. and Prln. lor w.lki. cUtcraii, foundation., rtablo.,- collars, brhlgva, rosnrvolr., Ao. Kemlt all oenta postage tor practical truure on M menia- LbaiNVDiicuiiv.,' . : TS South kt i Now Tors. JulyS ISS-lraaod 875. Grinding. 1875. NEW FJLOUK Jus frna Ikl harvest Fields Cannot bo .urpaned by th. East, Wait. North or bouiu. Kvery varrei ana racsaii. g iaranlead perfect Hand your order, to toe Cap Fear. Flour and Pea! Hominy Mill. July-na3t - fripnetor MRS. HENRY WOOD'S NEW BOOKS FRA.NOES HILDTARD. Fries 28 Cents. CiTO Thouiaud a Year. Price SB cent.. The Diamond Bracelet. Price 85 sent.. The Runaway Match. Price 26 cent. The Smuiigler'. Uhoot Price S9 conta. A Foggy Might at Oxford. 2." cents. Uiara La.'. Oream. Prioeg5cent. Tha Nobleman'. Wife, price 25 eents. Martyn Ware'. Temptation. J5 oenta. Tho Lout Bank Nnto. Price 80 cent Tha Haunted Tower. Price 50 cents. 1 A Lite'. Seoret Price 6u cent.. ; The My.tery. . Prioe 75 soau. - x - , For Ml t HEINSBERCER'S LiTe Book aud ttuine Store. July i 153 "The Chamber of Peace, "THE CHANGED CROSS," "CHRISTIAN BALLADS," By Arthur Cleveland Coxe, M. A. r. - ; t r tv,tBi v . AT TBB CITY BOOKSTORE. Chromos JXhromos! A flnestook of beautiful CHROMOS and colored LITHOGRAPHS, for sale cheap at !..;.;,...'. m ..ii.-..- CjONOaaEX i TATES1 tr : CITY BOOK AND MUSIC STORE. JulyS , ,f, lV For Gmithvillo I VTEAMKB "DIXIF.'t will run regularly eery day efcoept Sunday, 'f ' L arlng Wilmington 4PM " SnxthTiile 1AM , Oom mutation tlekcta nay bo purohasod at our emoe. O. G. PARSLEY A CO. Jaly I ' . ,. , j i.,,.. wi The Charlotte Observer ' i . ' 1 Tbs only morning dally paper publWhrd In the Btate went of Raleigh aa i North or WU. mlngton, offer, nieotal Inducement, to adrer tlatra. JUoiroulaUo , alas and naefulneai hare been largely Inereaad during the year Junt past, and it now reacliee moet 01 the Mer. Shantaof We. tern North Oatollna, tbna oner nig an Banrpawed Bedlnra of oommnnlea tlon Between th. Meroh.nt.of Wilmington and toe people 01 neemw oortn veroiina, vaaasOF srjBsrtairTtos : Daily .............. tWpwranni W.klr.M.....t,.,.w.k.... 110 KT AdrerUauig rery Wjw" aual. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ladies Trunks, , GT3TBr'Ks, Packing Tranka, . Mdiaa aatraeia, - (lent. Satohl.-Try ckeap. At the Saddler Blurs of CARPENTER A MALLARD. Mo. Soutk Front Straet, WUmtngtoa. M. C rr. J. F. NEWEXL, QFFKKS His PKOFX8SIUKALi lift. j iem ta tha eitlMBi of WUauBftoa and vtolau ty. Ofloe-Soatk last sons Beoond aad Market stmts. July 8 . IStOt-TkanTrUkSua The Summer Stock of Clothing ; MUST-BE SOLD. Blue Flannel Suits at Cost Crown Duck Suits at Cost Clack Dress Suits at Cost liiugonals at Cost. ' Cosaimere Business 8uitS at Cost. ' i ' OOMU NOW. '. ' . MUNS0N & CO, OITT CLOTHIK1U JnlyS las Wilmington and Coast Turnpike . Company, 1 pROPOSAM FOB Of ENIlta THE EH. ul. line of the mala stats of to. Tarnnlks Hoad of this Company, and alaoof macadanili- Ing and compietlni Uis , asms aoeotdlog to apeelficatlons to be ruraiehed, will be ooneldV oredby'bls Company. Proposals for doing either part or braneh of the fbrgolnf work will alio be eutortaincd. , , - ? i ,' ' WU.A.WBfOHT, Presldeab- IWilmlngtoa, M. C.J.iy 8, l75 ' t2flt t By tlrtns and in pareuance of th. eontalmd ia two mortfasos ssoested to aa nrerally by AloiauUar ralooaet aad William a. raironor, oeariD. ate ui nun aay oi u- :at, and refCtered reapeotlTely in las .eyiiiter'. oraoo or new Hanover aoanty la Book F F F, pace 101, and Dace , ws WM oa Wedneadar. the Ml be Mth day of Jaly Instant, at 11 o'oloes St., a. sionanga uoraer, in tss I or wiiminffTon, .xuoao to aaie to toe man ett bidder at Publio Auction that certain LOT on North Watet Street, woe aide, bf' rutin. V foot aoathwardly from the aMtharm lino of mmnerry etiaei, ana rannini tn.noe awn. North Water .tract natbwaMlW IS feet b M feet deep, at preeent occupied by Otllloaa A Co. Terms ateala. WM, W. l.ANK. - JAN. B. MoFHKRSON. JulyS ISS-5t-8, U,n,Wdt28tk Commissioner's Sale. Inpanuanoe of an order" theSeperlot Oonrt of .M UanoT. eonnty, made In the Msrcaattaa A. Pr lee and wits and there, ex parte a petition iustltnted for tae parpee Hiiinc land ror a paruuoa, i win, oa wi NKHOAY. theSDthday of July luUant,ata o'olock A . M at JCiohani e Corner ia the ettv of Wilmington, expoM to sal to ths highest blddeiatfubllo Auction, that certala, . on ths South side of Dock street, between Menu Water and rroni snoots, adjoining ue Seaman's Bethel oa tha East and the lot of Mr. w". A. Wright on ths West, fronting oa Dock street about tfl feet, aad running back to Pott Alloy about 61 feet. Term, one-third iuh, ono-Uiird ia twelre month, aud balanos In four roars. , , lil'BBOTZ CUTUAB, ' - ,5- i, . ! I i 4 Commlrion.r. July ( ," , iea-6t-8r10, VI, M, 21 AIUtk Lawn Mowers! .U- :1 r i .ii Lawn Mowers! . ... . The Exoeleior Lawn Mower, are the beet la the market, aud are for eels at manufacturer', price, by , GILES MTJRCHISON. , JuiyT ' ...,,.....,. v .... .161 . y Jdhn Dawson's ! Oi,D ESTABLISHIO Hardware Store Is without donbt the largest and mort raliabls 1 Ui-tdwara .alatabaakasinV ta? Eastsra . Eorut Carolina. Prtoo. aad JuaUtJ of goods guaran teed In erery mpect. , ; ; ... , ' ' Mna.t,M and it MAEKET STREET. Please Remember rriBAT wo- yiuA, mot rupx otra btoee X th Ws ft Jul4aod bag yen. & Fonrtli : 01 Jnly SnjjliBS TO-DAY. Saturday, UnMlnitant Ws bars erervthing yoa want tor Exenrrioni, Plo-Slo. d Seund Parttoa. - .. ; ; 1 Oranges and Lemons. i; Cltrets, Baoterns and Rhine Wine., .. ... ! , Catawba, Moe.ll. and Champagne, Ate, rotter ana rrauimrter uiger nrej, -Pieklsa.'Oraokers, sheens, Bardlnes, Bstogna, and th. great luiurj and oonr.nlenoe , . COLD PRESSto CORN BEEf , Belt Imoklng Vobaeos h smalt pocket bags, ',i Chwte Clo-ava. Ao., & j CHASD. UfERS &CO., S As t Merest rronS Ms. -. - its July Fee Dee Courier. : M BE THE IIEBCH AHT4 OP WILMiNO. Wnsware that tbs Cornier Is tbs only Deaua era Uo pat sr published la Rocklu ' am, and that it circulate. .lteneWely la Richmond, bfontgonery and Anion oo untie.? It'' i . Kateiof sdTcrtllr liberal and no eibs shargss mads for changing adrsrttssmaats waskiy. .. V DUCEETT EBTIBi march SHf , t 1;; y UT EiHtora. Pabuehed weekly, at SBKLKT. Clerelaad ueanty. .u., at ai oa per-aoenra, in aa vanoe: hae a large and rawtdl increaslna elr. eolation ta aoarly ail the eoautles WeH mt lieokleobarg. A leo, aa exteBatea eirealatlen la tbs eeantios af Soartanbara-. Yixk and Union, S. U. Ha.Joet beea nTerged from a twenty te a thirty-two column, and ia bow sirs an entire an. orne, ltt poiiUct aiu l aotjaroiinauenirai Hallway fmpleted thronirh M Wllmlnfton, being the Waetern termlnoe, the most excellent adyartieiajjaedt DTJBHAM At WEBB Sdilari aad rroprlstora adorn1 KXW ADVXRTI8X20TS. . Como and Duy OEOffQIDQ . AT ACTUAL COST. ' AH ear Simmer Stock of Linens, Al psoas, Blue Flannel., Ck. riots, Oastlaiens, iilaao. aals, Black Ototbs, Dosskina-all at COST. ' MUNSON & CO, crrrcLonnEns. Jalyt , ISS-tf A Clean Sweep. o N TUUKHDAT, JULY 1st, I ktay Grand Clearing tale of .. Clothing. i la order to does sut every article of Bunt. mr Sto-k I bay d.clded te MAKEIMWh price and atalie a d.mouetrailea that will la. ur.ad.KAN NWKKP la erery tlepartaient, 1 guarantas a good bargain to each aad rry oasowaar. . . ..... , . CASH. 0. 0. D. CASH. A. DAVID. .... u US July IN STORE.! V 1 STORE ! : 600 BBL& FLOUR, CO Boxes D, 8. Bides ft Bhoulders, 60 " Bmokr 4 Bides ft Bhoulders, 75 Bhds. New Crop Cub MoUsses, 100 Bbls. B..H. Molasses, 80 M Rice, 60 Boxes Tobaooo, 100 " , Lye and ToUsh, , 76 Bags Coffee, . AO Bbls. Sugar, 100 Oases Oysters.' ; 60 " Pickles, ,' . 1 , 400 Spirit Casks. 100 Bbls, Glue, i ' ' 200 Pspers Rivets, ; , " ' 20 Tons Hoop Iron, , , ' j ' Candles,' Candy, Matches, SuulT, Shot, ' ' Caps, Powder, Ac, ftc. fto. ,t. i . , -i . ... For sals ir L 4 - EEEOEMBB M OALDEE BRIW '! :ijal. ..- - , . " V Bath Sponges, Tullet aad Vaaey Articles th gr varisty. Lubln's ape, Batcaeta ana rowaer , , a iuii line of purs s Ur rugs and Medtsuias and fins Chemical.. ' Prwwnptiori. ooaiponAdd at all kwars, day rnigBt . ( JAItlGS C. MMDS, tUUIBTf TWrd street, oppoalU City H1L lBlr . - ' .St 22 Harket Street. WILMINGTON, NO, At Home on and After July 4th, 1870 Jiilyl ist WITHOUT RESERVE. mHS BALANCE OF alt STOCK BAB ut to b. sol dwlthln thirty days. Ia order to do this all "1 ' V , -m Dress Goods will bs sold at "Twenty-ore per Cent below" their aoto at tost. That sala prsseaU greater advantages to ths porobassr than taj that bas stat ban made ltt this etty, a. ths Mook is new and STSry artlols Is demrabls Sold at aad ..... ., .... k i below sort, ss ills, n ganto Mirmd awMI fit for. " M i' 1" 3 ' r GEORGE LIEBKIl . aa siarkAi airrsier. Jotyt in Smith's Feed Cotter. ; T HE BBS aad moot dorabls feed Cutter in in, atartet. , f . .... ' , . Eor sals low br i . .. i -;V . SILKS at MTJECHIBO. ; JuPS t) ; , ;;,;)-... ' 4I II0SQTJITO IIETS Z A MX EEAMEB, Gaaae aad Uos. Our second rtock. Jaet reocired and (br sals lew by ; 'D. : smith A cca ; Iwnetl , ' ,S tf ; latest Books. ; HOESEMANE flUJElMAOK. By Jlmer BJortli Boyeasa. ' ' "t ! JLUEBEARD'S KETI, aad Other Stories. Uy M im Thackeray author ot "lllas Angel," "Old Esasingtoa," Bs. apei,to ssnto. i ' for sala 1 BEIHBBEEOEB'E Mrs Book aad Haste Store. . IM lalyt Bargains Bargains. W WEI'S CLOT B QAITEBS Et SO, wort 9 , MaM I aw' Qnarterid! Eboss II 60, w'ortb , Udl. Slipper. ooy SI aor palf., Ij-ti , OMARM A. PBIOB, , ' No. 8S Market etreet, tnnslS-tt' ' '"Bigaot the Ootdea Boot ;ite7spaper fat Sale. ; BT BOOD MAM wishing tasagaga la tb XA ewspep'r own, can wita a email aaa oaplUl, Mcuro tbs t-rcea, Yypo, glMures Sad Wooo wuincuio" veweora bub." - .a i ; Eat taU lSt- .-n i :; rf ... k WUatJN at. HARRIS, Coaosrd. M. a i" 11 . US-las tats pspsrs fUsaS aopy. i MISCELLANEOUS. B1 W. llNfcv., (Lm or Spranl Hlnan,) Wilmington, i.O. jamm . uiiaama, (Late C'.ohlMr Batik of Haw Manovwr.) , Tirbeto.M.O. nnisoir&cvnimia, C0MM1SS10H WEI . FOE THE BALE OF .. Cotton, Rloa, Lumbar, Tobaocoj Naval ttoroo.and touthorn , Produoo Oonorally, NO- 102 CHESTNUT ST. P., Box ao3. fktlSMlolpaila, raw 1 . asvaaamiasi I. B Oralnror, ProakWat Baas of Msw Han. ever, Wilmington, MO. B Hurr em, Prseldent FUst Matlottal Bank, Wlimlngtra.li U Jamee Uaweon. Pre.ldeiit Dawaoa Bsuk, WHmlnirton.N O. H Borden, President Bank of Hew Baur err. UekUbero, N O. J A Leak, frcekleat Bank at Mew tiaiwver, Wadwooro, NO. Jmn M Lindaay, Prraklsat Bank sf ereeo. boro, Urees.boro, M 0. '. ( Hon Oen. Howard.Tarboro. MO. M Wedded, Ftq .Tarboro. M t). Boa. W 1 Johassa, Martoa Ce.rt Houas, 8 iK JulyT 1 - laS-dAwtf Bacon, Fork. Sugar, and CoiTee; . 60 Boxes D. 8. Bides, j 60 Boxes Bmoked Bides fend Bhoul ders, " aSBblsCitr Measrork, ' . 100 Bbls. Refined Bunr, 100 Bags Trime Rio Coffee, For sale low by ' i . WILLIAMS A MURGHI80N. riour-Corn-8yrup-Rlce. 800 Bbls. Flour all grades, a.000 Bushels Prime White Cora. . 60 Bbls. 8. H. Byrup, ' 25 Bbls. Rice, Eeraaitlowk, : WILLIAM ok MCECHISOM, HayHoop Iron-Clue-ipl- e.T.,uit'. fit" Barrels. V," tm Balsi N. R. and E. Hsj JJA 400 Bundles Hoop Iron, '100 Bbls. Glue, . 1 ? 850 Beoond Hand Spirit Casks. t: Eof sale Vow by J" . u " .1 ' - -1 WILLI AM8 0 MTJEOHWOW. M0USSESeUAK9-NIILSSH0T . 100 Hhds. and bbls. New Crop Oa ba Molasses, ; 1 200 Tons GaonapB auEno, tf 100 Tons Eureka Gaano, ' ' ' 1 ! . ' 800 ILSgB Halls, " ' " : 300 Bags Shot ? "iff 1 Peraal. lowby ",vi- ,:; ' WTLLIAHB a HCBOHISON. - Better Butter ! SIHAM sari Is Mm eSsred. H is always dt sbls te'lrtth' "'-T t ;BE3T BUTTER, ',,: ,. aad that ws alwayt bars. Our las Tabls Eat- terlaieleetadearsfollyfromths bsst Dairies ia Msw fork Btats, and, may bs railed oa as the t7 bsst Buitar sold la tau elty. CHAS. D. MYERS A CO., V Favorite Fiour t.:. S M AE1MQ new frlands. It Is HE BEST, - t - MOST RELIABLE. r.'vvi-i:-; v THE TRUEST srer aasd by honsskespsrs. - - - - ' "! '..T. ! Sold only br ' t. CHAS. D. MTERS A CO. s aaaT . b SOL. BEAR BRO'S, CLOXIRQ OUT THE ENTIIC STOCK Of .1 , , , " : AT OOE BETAIL STOKE I .M Gtreat Baxgains ! . .i. '.. ( " . i-t'i ; ' 14 LINES SHEETIHO fromTS eta, aad l 11 per yard. ) t - ' " Maaaaiblqnes T ela, per yard, ; ' ('! MOTUBf. '?:!. .a j tOS Oosea Ltasa Towels and Bspklaa, ' ' ' Irlsk and German Llnea shlrtingt,' ' !" ' uambrle Baidkerchlefa, M ATTIBGS, If hits and Colored. ' EE Pieee LINEN for Ladles TratellnJ Dreaaee ad Boy. wear. ' " ' . . Larga aeJartatsnt of Paaana aad Straw Hats fosUhlldrasaadatsB. . :::! -; - - j , Ws will eomratnoe on Monday to ssE tbs a dots and wUl eoatraHs dally aatll tha Whole stuck Is aloasd oat, ;c, - " ; ' ; 07" Ladles are nepectfally lartted to call end examine oar stock, m w. know It will l" pay them., (.,- i i In future w Intend to son Ana, sat basin as. to Clothing and Merchant Tailoring.. ' ' ' marts ' l2S-tf llorner & OraTcs' ischool tt i h I; niLLSBORo;;c,,; tn w TBI i PALL BEBBIOB OB -1STB OPINE t 1 ! "(tit fi!'." ; i feurtfc Moadajla July. , ' ( , , .', , SOabk)geestewappUotiea.i' t July I ,, . . IMOwAwf SiHcuLAHa bit Isvekyi descbip- J Hon cotteu up in ths neatest, of gtylt ottna jorjBUAii Imuz. BiLiNK DEEDS for sale at ths i - Jov&eal OrncB. IZW . ADVE2TI!Eri!vT3. 45 MARKET SfntEET, , Desire to call the attention of stl who take' any interest in the price of DRT GOODS to ths fact that ws are allowing A DISCOUNT of 10 Per Cent. on all SUMMER DRESB' GOODS. Bumiuor war must be aokl out. . LLAMA LACE BRAWLS and 8ACQUEH, PUSHER Do. Do. Do. Do. . WHITE AND STRIPED BIIETLAND SnAWLg. at . -- Cents' White Dress Shirts Made to order in any style that may assortment always on hand. Also ChITh, " Striped Colton. Cheviot Tweea Slilrting t ' Only 20 Conts, worth 87J, very desirable for traveling. LiwIi.'M Hlilrt Hupiiorlorw, A N13W TIICVG, ' And one of the most desirable srtiolei that has been introduced. Swiss, Nainsook and Victoria Stripes and rialds a very large assortmout. AaNts far frank I.sslla'e t'lf'T PAfCM PATTkMNB IflarblBB Noodles b Cestts cat. Terms Cash Only : BR0WH & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. 11 J -!... 5T.OE. ALL ACCOUNTS DUE AND t Ef As this ia tha oemi-annual time ' ..... v-u.i -i l, , v'"'' tinue to tell to my kind matrons (in I Lope the will call and pat up. .J (if. S 8.4 li'l BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF DRY GOODS, No. 36 MAEKET STREEJ. MISCIUAITI0U3. lUSIT! S Ths HOUSE raoeuil bam for roHiiiu oeeeDledbTUisKeT. J. O. Hlden SvfanUi, bstwaam Uheetaat and Mulberry tits. B. HAABL, Grooer, ! - ... Corner I th aad Obeetnat Buests. mayir las-tf Quarantine ITotice. TTNTIL f UKTBEB BOTIOE ALL VE8- at I. rrora Ports Boats of Cape'sarwilloomsto at tha Visiting Station, near Deep water Point, aad await ths Impaction ef tbs Qoar. antlna Fbyaiclan. . ir ' Alt rejaels from Ports where TeJlow Peter, or other Infectious ducats siist., wUl bs re quired to andsrgo a rigid and prolonged Qoar- aattna. 1 '- . - All Vssssia or boats of any eh ar acter baring Ickn.a on board on airlral, or baying bad ilokness any tlms doting tbs roysgs, are re quired to oome to tbe Station (or Inspection wlthont regard to tbs Port from whence they oome. Vesiels not Included as abors will gro oesd without detention. , ... , ( Pilot. are especially enjoined to make care ful enquiry rslatir tovouels, cr.w, dto., aad If not tUfted with tbs itat.mrmU of ths Osp tsia or oomaiander, at if tbs ratssl at la a filthy ooadltloa, they wiU bring the reesel to the Station for further .uualnaUoa. .. i . . i ' Pilots WUfolly violating tha Quarantine Laws are subject to a forfeiture of their branch; Masters of reaael. to a Ins of two hundred dol lars a day for 'a vary day they riolato ths Quarantine Law: aad all other persons are naois iuc eacn ana erery oncnoe. , , "AH veswts nbjsot to yisltatloB under aboro regulation., will sat a Sag la tbs aasla-rlgging, porv.iuc. . , , - '. S- r. W. POTTEB, . ) 1 ,.) ! ' Quarantine Phrnlctan, Port of Wllmlngtoa,M. '. Bnltbvlls. K. 0., May 17, U7A. aiay as XX tltnorl Turnip Seed I " ' ' i' Turn p Seed I r.f ' New Crop 1875b ' ' ? , Orowra by LandretH Bulet, Philadelphia, , A1m a large aeeortaent ofoabbage Seed. leramieoy. GRBKN' PLANNER. .... kjuiri'' 'Everybody's" PiU, A QentlE but CsrtEln CEthErtlc ' They act with saaTArair os tbs Liter, son tain as calomel i are purely Vegetable. The beet, sorert, aafoat and nilUloKt purratwe Pllt la aeev.Tbe are aeed amrs teuorally thaa any other Pill, ia . ue, for tbe length of time tbey hate been before the pnbllo. Are aieely sugar coated and bottled at 3S oenta par Bottle. Ask year Drngviat far "Etstodt's" Piu., and take ao ethar. Jnlll 1S8-UB ALU Any article that belongs specially to be desired, rrr guaranteed! A full Collars and TJndorwear. 1 One Price. IDS !l JULY 1ST, 1875. ARE MADE OUT, ; PAST DUE. to balanoo Books, and as I wiskto oon- ' .; " ' ttmb at lowest possible CASH PRICES, MI8CELLAIIE0U8 Upton's United States ARMY CAVALRY TACTICS ; . .ALSO,' .. ". .. Infantry Tactics. For wla by . CONOLEY A YATES. The Green Gate, FROM ths German of E. WJchert, Mrs2i. U. Wlater, ""' HEARTS AND HANDS, A Itorr In sixteen chanter., h flhrktlan Bold. AUforsalost Conoloy & Yatco, CITY BOOK STORE. .... ... .. :: 163 JuneJC 4th OF JULY notice TO EXCURSION PARTIES; PIC-NIC PARTIES AND SOUND . PARTIES. ' Ws hare a largo stock of . '' rineM.alnaL.moni, 100 case, of Olsrots, lMOoan. a.t.Sand llpsund Pressed Cooks , Ooraed Beef, . Sweet Orange.and srsrythlng alos for a holl- day put up In osn and package for luch i ,' ooesslons. . . Ws bare reduced prioe. to oom. within range ofaU. Extra Pins Glsrst, :,.;,"" ...: v ,; SO oents par bottle, Beit Butter la tba World, ,,-',. Tt Guaranteed to keep perfectly tweet and rich all day la ths sua take ao other to tba ... Boaad, ' ' " Kew Freab Beef Tongues, ; . s i r Pig. Peet and Hocks, Presh Smoked Beef, ,. ' , '".) ' ' 'Largo Spanish Aires' piekje. an4 Saaeea. r;,,; m ;.... i Prkoas ladaood on all ths a bo re, and at re money by tending to ' ",u ceb- MYERS. 11 48 IS SonUi Front Street. 'J O . , . I " ' 1 Jaas- yEDDina zi?ms?vA?r l, '-kM-l"tjuVAL MICE

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