ry :.V. A J) UEOLS IIO. 0X2 VOL XXIV. HO. 164. UIlinilGTOIT. II. C. BATUBDAY. JULY 10. 1075. 7. -A," lK Ci Vihi 'Journal. WILMINGTON. N. 0.: fATUEDAt, JULY 10. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. OHIO. A STRONG COMMENT ON HON EST RADICAL OFFICIALS. Cincinuati, July 9-Nood A meet ing of the distillers, rvotiflers ud liquor dealers of Ohio, Iudiaua, Illin ois and Kentucky convened here. The rnBolutiouB recommend ckaDgfs ia the gangers from one State tod District t auotuer every thirty days, and store keepers every sixty days. They re quest prompt release of goods seised npou lusafflcient gronnds, and that officersbe held to a more strict account ability pledging themselves to assist the government iu collecting the taxes and in the suppression of frauds. ST. LOUIS. DEATH OF GENERAL FRANK P. BLAIR. St. Louis, July 9 Noon General Frank P. Blair expired at midnight, sourrouuded by his family and a few intimate friends. He has been in a precarious state for several months, but under blood transfusing treatmeut Lad begun to grow stronger, aud was generally supposed to be steadily im- E roving. During the past few days e taken frequeut rides aud yesterday walked down stairs. His death oame suddenly aud will be a painful sur prise to his many friends who bad con fident hopes of his recovery. IIEADlJUAllTEliS. TUB EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE GRANGERS. A LITTLE GOSSIP. Washington, July 9 Noon The Executive Committee of the Grangers agreed to remove their headquarters to Louisville. The vote stood 3 to 2. Also resolved to hold the next National Grange at Louisville on the third Wednesday in November. The head quarters Will be removed to Louisville within a month or six weeks. Washington, July 9 Night The wives and children of the Indian pris oners are at Fort Marion, St. Au gustine. Tbey number 800, and the expense of trwsportation will be $15, 000. The Comptroller of Currency bas called for statements of the condition of National Banks at the,olose of busi ness on June 30th. There is nothing now regarding Chief Clerk Avery and the whisky irand. Should Secretary Bristow receive official notice that the Grand Jury hare presented Avery, he will sus pend him, pending legal proceedings. The Comptroller of currency desires an aooount of counterfeit retired $5 bills of the following banks: The First, Third, and Traders' Banki, Chicago, 111.; First National Bank, Paxton, 111.; and the First National Bank, Can ton, 111. X EUROPE. MORE FLOODS APPREHENDED IN FRANCE. PROGRESS OF THE ALP HON - ? 8I8TS IN SPAIN. Pabis, July 9 Noon More floods are apprehended in the valleys of the beine. jiiarne ana oaone. A dispatch reoeived here states that the Alfonsists have opened communi cations with Yitteria. The war in the centre may, perhaps, be considered fini8hed,and the situation in the North ameliorated. London, July 9 Noon Professor Cairne is dead. London. July 9 Night The Prus ti m spoke the Faraday in latitude 49, longitude 43. She was engaged thirty days with the direot cable which was buoyed in two places and two flaws. The delay in opening trano was sum- o:entlT explained. BkxiFAbt. July 9 Night-Col. Giler Bheve .declines the proposition , for team matches. The Club adheres to its determination that it would shoot but one team match. ' ' " ; " ; ILLINOIS, DESPERATE ATTEMPT TO AN EXPRESS CAB. ROB GALLANT AND SUCCESSFUL DE FENCE OF THE MESSENGER. Cincinnati, July 9 Night A des perate attempt was made to rob Ex- Dress Messeneer Burke at Lomrooint. 111., on the Yandalia Road. The en- fine was out loose and the Engineer illed. Burke barricaded the doors and kept the robbers out till help ar rived. ! Terra Hatjtk, July 9 Night Long Point, where the train was stopped, is is in a dense wood and - there is no house within a mile and a balf of the station. The robbers boarded the en fine, one from each side, and ordered Engineer MilO Ames to start the en trine who, after a moment's hesitation did so, when one of the robbers say ing, "Abe, we'll run the thing our selves, shot tne .Engineer. JJotn fired killing him instantly. The fireman heai ioff this ran to the rear of the train to klarm the train men. While this was Roioironone of the confederates de tached the Express car and engine. - The robbers ran the train two miles, when they demanded admission to the Express oar, which Messenger Burke refused, savins that "he was ready for them and u they entered they were dead men." The robbers commenced firir g into the .car. The Messenger thiik.J that theie were a dozen of them. The train men oame up and the robbers fl?d. ELECTKIC1SMS. Collector Eoorem has seized a new establishment at New Orleans for making illicit rum. The property is valued at $20,000. SJTwo deaths at Key West, on Th art ay, from yellow fever. A bill in equity was filed in the Clerk's office, at Milford, Pa., against the Erie Railway Company for con solidated mortgagee amounting to $30, 000,000, The Court appointed Presi dent JeweW receiver of the bonds. DIED. At hi. teal euce I it Pender county. J tin. tOth.TlMuTHT K1VKNBAMK, In rheSirth year of his age. The deoeaaoa ty not a member of say church, but he wee au of few, nnpretenuV Ing word rtrtotl; hoaMt and truth) ul mall hi .dealing, with hi I. How nien leaving to hlalanilly and friend, th. oomiortiiig aur anoa that tb.tr lam is hi. everlaMlug g m, and that now beiag anient from th. bi1y, be I. piaaent with Ui. Lord We aioura hi. removal I rum u u i aur. afMieilon, hut w. do nut mourn a Uium atw liar, ao hope. We believe that h. la Where the Mint f all agf. tn harmony aiact, Tu.ir Ha.ktor aud brethren transported to greet While lbs anthems of rapture aaceasingly roll, And tba rail, of tb. Lord la tb (.art of tba ' . soul. ' ' . Kix . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD. Tb. abOT. rewe-d will be paid by m. to any pei mm who will arrest aud deliver to Uia United State. Marshal, at tb present term ot tbe District Overt of th. United State., In I'barleHoa. JOHN AMOKCM, (colored.) le lendanl la th. cas or "Tb. United Statu, .a. John Anoium." I hereby authoriae hi. at rwt. OKuUUSS OOfNOK, (Ball.) July 10 W4.H GREAT RUSH FOR, BOOTS AND SHOES AT C. A. Price's, July 10 Sign ol the Ool' .n Boot Harshal's Office, Clip of Wlluatngtva. HOC8 AT AUCTION. Ob Monday next, at 11 .'clook, at th. City Peuud, will be sold at public auction ,FOUK HOGS, Impounded under an ordinance of the olty. J. H. ROBINSON, Uly Marshal. July 10 least IXO'JTIOIS. , Th.r. will b. an .loot Ion held at the anna! polling plaoM oa th. nrst l'bursday In Aagun, U73. iu New Hanover oountr, for th. eleouon of tb. following township officers, via : WILMINGTON TUWN8HUP-8.T.n Mag- iitratea, on. Townahlp Clem, on. Constable and.thre. School uommltlee. - PKOIRAliPOINi', MASOMBOHO, HAR- NK1TAND OAPK JFKAH iOWNOrili'S- Two Magltratta, one viterk, on. tfonsUbl. and three Sclioo Commlttoe .acb. NEW HANOVKK ANO PKNOKK OOUN- TUS-Tbre. Delegate, to tb. Stat. Corutitu- onai uouroniiou. r - t-- 8. H. MANKIND, ' -Bberiir of New Banorar County. July 10 ' lB-lAwltaw4w 875. Grinding 1875. NKW FLOUR Just from the Harvest Field. Cannot b. .urpamed by th. East. West. Nortb or South. Krery etarrel and Package guaranteed perfect. Send your orders to the Cap. Fear flour ana Hominy Mill.. ALU.VlUrlAB, JulyD-na3t , frcprtetor. MRS. HENRY WOOD'S NEW BOOKS FKANCKS HlhPYARD. Price 26 Cents. FIt. Thousand a Year., Price 25 cent.. Th. Dlamoul Bracelet. Prle.26o.nu. Th. Kunaway Match. Price 26 ceuU. The Bmajgler' Uhost. Pnoe W eenta. A Foggy Night at Oxford. 29 cent. Clara Late'e Ore am. Price 25 cents. Th. Nobleman'. Wire. Price 28 o.nU. Martyn Ware'. Temptation. 26 oenta. The Loet Bank Note. Price AO cent. The HaunUd Tower. Price SO oonts. A Lite's Secret Price K cents. The Mystery. Price 76 eenti. For aal. at HEINSBERGER'S Litre hook ana nusie store. uly 9 168 "The Chamber of Peace," THE CHANGED CROSS," ' "CHRISTIAN BALLADS," By Arthur Cleveland Coxe, M. A. ... - -.M i ' . ; "? . AT THB ! v - CITY BOOKSTORE. ChrO'ubs! Chromos! A fine stock of beautiful CHROMOS and colored LITHOGRAPHS, for Bale cheap at n , T CONOLET YATES' CITY BOOK ANO MUSIC STORE. July S let For Smithyijle! riTEAMKB "DIXIE" will rnn regularly Ll . .Art ri.v e.nent Sntidaw. L aving Wilmington 4PM " niitbTlil. 7AM Commutation ticket, may be purohaaed at our oflloe. ........ O. G. PAR8LET AGO. JulyT Wl The Charlotte Obseryer The only morning dally paper publlrhed In the Btat. west of Halelgh and forth ot WU. mlngton, otters special inuaoement to aaver ttsera. its olrcalatio all. and uaefiilnea ha., been largely Increased during the year .last part, and it bow reaches most ol the Mer chants of Western North Caiolina, tbnaoflew. Ing an unsurpaMfd medium of oommunlca tlon Mtweenthe Merebantsof Wilmington and the people or western norm uarouna. Tiiaior suasoaimoa i Dally.... Weekly. .........i.....S9 00 per annum, , 1 10 " Advertising vary low. j 14. 118-tf NEW A3YERTISEUENTS. Ladies Trunks, GINTS TRCNKS, PaoAIng Trunk., LMiaa satebeu, Oenta aatobehv-very ehaap. At th. Saddlery store of CARPENTER A MALLARD. No, I Soutt Front B treat, WUmlngtoa. H. C JIJ ie-tf s Dr, J. jF. NEWIILXi QfriKS HIS PEOFESSIONAIi IIS .lea. tolh. eiUMai efWUmlngtoa ami rtdsl. ty. O flow South Zaat eoraar Baoond and Market atrastav. July! JMAt-TbunrrUSmo The Summer Stock of Clothing MUST BE SOLD. Blue Flannel Baits at Cost, . Brown Dock BuiteatCost' BUok Dress Suits at Cost. JJisgonala at Cost " ' Cassimere Business Suits at Cost " COME NOW. MUNSON & CO.; CITT Cl.OrHla.Ka. Jolyi . 7 : , t i , Lawn JHowcrs ! Lawn Mowers I Th Exoelalor Law a Mower, ar. tb. beat la tba but let, aiul are lor aaJ. at autnafaetarert price by , uiuf.s atutictiiaun. July I 161 John Dawson's kill) KTi.ttuaitO 'Hardwars Btors Is w.tbout doubt tb. largest an f aiett r.li.bl. H.rdwar. tftabllthnianl In Kaatera North Carolina. Prior, and quality ot good, gnaraa- Ued In .vary respect. ' , Nob. II, fO andtl MARKKT 8TRFF.T. Pee Dee Courier. . EKTUI MKUCBANT4 Of WILMIMQ tuu .war that th. Urrai Wr I. th.snly Deavv era tie paper pubtlahed la HecklL am, and that U elromlate. .it.nslT.ly In Blchmohd. Montgosaery aad Aaaoa eounUesT JUUaof adTertlsing liberal and ne aiba charges mads tot obanging s4vMtlMaeiits WMkly. s , , DUCKKTI A IBTIH, , tarek l-tr ' ' " '' dltor. Como and Buy All oar Snmmtr Stock of Linens, Alpacas, Bin. Flannels, Chariots, OaMlmerea, JMago. aala, Blaek Cloths, Dossaiaa-aU at COST. MUNSON & CO, rnTirTT.ri,rirrii'T? t July iso-tr Smith's Feed Cutter.; rjtHK BEST and most dnrabls Feed Ontter In tli. marK.t. ? For aals low by dllikS ft MURCHIoON, UT Jus. 10 Latest Books. N NORSEMAN'S PIU3B1MAGE. By AX bjalmer Pjorth Boyeaen. , JLOEBEAKD 8 KtTS, and Other Btarhji. Hy Miss Thackeray, author of "Mis. Angel," "Old Kensington," gto. Paper, 70 oenta. For sale at HKINSBKKOZK'I Live Book and Musle Store. ICS Julyl Bargains Bargains. JOSH'S CLOTH OAITER8 $1 W, worth S3; lien's Low Qturtared Shoe, ft B0, worth 3; ,, . . Ladles Slipper, only St per pair. . , CfJAULKH A. PRICK, Mo.SI Market etret, un. 9-tf 1 Blgnot th. Golden Boot , , Oar Living and Our Dead Proeoactuaofand Volume. . TZ'T Mswssaa, H. O., Anguet 10, ISTIi "Ova LrviB. ar Oca Dbad" will berr alter be published as a Semi-Montbly Maga sine, oontaining 48 page, of reading matter, at 83 per vear in advance. ; ror the Inlormatkm ol those wbo are hot fa miliar with this enterprise, I state that the chief object or the Magaalne will be to publish the Keoord that North Carolina and her gallant soldiers made In the tat. "War between th. States," to gather the material for the use of the future historian, and to perpetuate the memory of those brave men, offloer. and privates, Uvingor dead, who shed taspertahable glory upon their native State. Ib addition to the Waa Kaooao a Moara OaaoLMA.tbe Magaalne will contain sketches of every section, eonnty, eity and town of the State, written by competent and well-Inform ad persons, wweiaMiv UpnmimU a Mais ptrvnUaU, in which aS (IdNM V eitisMM skmtd tak intmtt end Jrrtoaj Th. Magaalne win lake (be place ef th. newspaper, having name tltlj published by m. during to. naet twelve moi GJk Th. first number will be iamed Wednesday, B.ptemb.r Sth, 1874. In th. meantime, I re spectfully aak eld sabaeriber wbo desire to re new their subscriptions, and all others who wish the Magaalne, te remit promptly, as th. ohang. and improvement require oatuitUrabls ontlay, and ready apM Is aeeoed. 8.0. POOU AMrem, till further notloe, "Oca Livibs bd Oca 1'bad," jiewbern, . O., or Saleigh, North Oarolina. ' .. , Biohangee will plea, copy. . Bug IS ' 180 Portland Cement. "; - " '. .: , . ,.. ' Also, Soman. Keeoe's aad Parian, for walks, clsUrns, fuondaUon.. Mablea, Milan, brUtee. reservoirs, Ac Remit aix eente paetage lor prHHOM mttu. v. n m-ow- -i- 8. L MERCHANT CO., ... .:. .t TSBonthSt.ilewYork. Jplf S " . leMmaod nilOVY BILLS gotten up and printed In KJ tbs most attractive style at the JOVBNAL OPPIC MISCELLAUrOUS. Bacon, Pcrb Cugar, T r and Coflco' , 60 Boxes D. 8. 8i Jest - 60 Boxes KaioL&d t.dea and Bhoul- '1 c?trV" " 25 i;i.is city VL-M Vofti : s 100 V V. Eeflnea Sugtr, - j ? 100 LV Prime IUo Coffee, i ' For sft'f low by ! : : 3 ; . WILLUia Jt MTJECHlSON. nSur-Csrh-Cyfup-nice. 800 Ella, riour U1 ffrades. i 6,000 Bushels Prime WMte Corn. ,. t 60 Bbls. 8. JX Hjtvto4..l , " aSBblfclUoe, PorsaJ. lawby WILLIAMS MTJBCHMIOM.- awawJa.Baw May-Hoop lron--Clu-tpl-rlt Darrels. v , 600 Bales N. R. and K Hsj, ' 400 Bundles Hoop Iron, . 100 Bbls. G1ul -. a. " 350 Beoood Hand Spirit Cssks, . P or aal. low by , -' ' WrUIAMSdH M0RCBI8ON. MOUSIES-CuTiio-NAIU-SKOT 100 Hhds. and bbls. New Crop Cr 1 ba Molasses, , . , 200 Tons OaanspeGuauo, ' 100 Tone Eureka Guano, , .800 Kegs Nails, , . 200 Bogs shot v ; .., Pot sal. low by ft WILLIAMS A MCK0HI8ON. J sly 4 IDS' IN STORE.! IN .STORE ! 600 BBLS, FLOUR, t ? ; 00 Boxes D, S. Bides k Shoulders, 60 " Sooke4 Bides t Shoulders, : 76 Hhds. New Crop Cuba Molasses, 100 Bbls. U H. UolMses, : ;:, ; ! 60 Boxes Tobseoo, s h 100 1 Lye sad Potash, v T6 Bags Coffoe, ::; . ,: t ,ROBbls.Bugarl , 100 Cases Ovsters, - 601- ' - .rioklea, -LUli -400 Spirit Casks, . , , . ., 100 Bbls. Glue, . . lull 200 Papers Rivets, , 20 Tons Hoop Iron, Candle. Candy, Matohes, Snuff, Shot, Caps. Powder, 4o., Ac, 4o. , ' KESCHNIB OALUSB BKO" July 4 , Id Please Bememher TEAT WE WILL HOT OPKN OURSTOBI on tb. th of July, and bsy rear 1 1 X i Fourth - oi July j SnupUss TO-DAY. Saturday, the Sd Instant. W. hair. everjlhiBg you want for Ksoaratons, Plo-Nlo. and Sound Parties, Oranges and Lemons. ; CUrata, Sautern. and Hhln. Wines. uaiawoa, mosetteama unampagBe, Ale, Potter and Frankfurter Later Heer, Pickle., Crackers, Cheese, Sardine., Bologna, and tb. great luiary and Mnvenienos . COLD PRESSED CORN BEEF. Best Smoking Tobacoo la small pocket bags, i ( ke)lc Clf avra. 4 a., &c, aVe. GHASD.MYER3i.COM i AT Iiartlk rrent nt, ... 1M Julys A Clean Sweep. o N TMTJEBDAT, JCLT 1st, I begin my Grand Clearing Sale or Clothing. " ; In order te close out everr artlole of Bnm. mer Stock I have decided to MAKK1M)WM prioe. and make a demonrtratlon that will tru lursiuuias stvur is every tiepantnient, I guarantee a good bargain to each and every onstomer. , j,.,,,.; 3- CAS II. r t t -, 0. 0. D, t , f OASH. DAVID. - IM ... ... i ' - ' --' Julys Bath Sponges, j : Toilet and Fancy Articles In" great variety. Lublu's Boat s. Extract, and Powder , a fall line of pure Drugs and Medicine, aud nne Uh.mioal.. Preacriptlou compounded at all hours, oay rnighU JAIOES . atl8. DBUCVKnT. -" TMrd street, opposlU XJIty Halt ' July 4 as 22 Market Street. WnjUNQTON, N 0, ! .-1 - At Home on and After July 4th, 1 070. July 159 Wilmington and Coast Turnpike K " Company, pROP08AL8 fOB OPKSI THE EN. tlr. line of the mala atem ef th. Tarnplk. Road of this Uompaay, and also ef maoadamls- Ing and completing the same eoeorUing to pelnoat(nstob, rutulabel,''wUI b oonsld rsdbybls Oonipany. Propoeall for doing either part or braaeh of the foregoing " work will also be entertained. " - ' s 4,1 : , ., WM. A. WRIGHT, President i OWIlmlngton.K.O., July 8, 1875. if m-8t tfcnniMfi nnooi Di'PWt'laBl, lltUUIi.U vryw and print, fcemoet lasbaanabla style at th. JOURSAL frioai 5IW8PA1IS, DULaCTOSI. AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. New Uevlaed tdluoai. Entirely rewritten by the abM writer, en nry aabjeet. Printed from new lyi, and llltutrated with S.reial lboaaaed Augta vtug. and Mapa. j THB work ortglBally iubllal d an.r th. tl tleofTHE Mltf AMkHlOAN CVU1APAI D1A waa completed In 14, etuce which time the wide oirrvlaUoa whkua rt haaatbattnd 1 all part, of U. Univnl Slates, and theaigaatde ..topra.nu whlrh haire uk.n plar. In .wry kraaek ef aeteBoa, literature, and art. bar. la daiwd taeedtanreand pabltaher. to submit It to aa aiao and thoruugb r..bioii, and to ). a n.w edition entitle THM AMKKlOAM JT- W l tbln the W tea year a tba nrofrem of dla. obvery In ery di itn.nt ef knowktlg. ha. made a aew work ef raiereaee aa ImpMatire Th. more ment of poUUeal a flairs has kept Moewtth IbeatwoTenraorsTHnHw,, iuiit fruitful aptltcatio tetlie Indaatrlat aad aa. fat arks aad the eonreBuMiee and raOaenwat of aoelal life, tireat wars and etmas'iucnk rerolw tBMkaTaOMamd.tovolvngBatuHiale.'iaage. of peeailar aaomeBt. The elil war of ear.wa penatry, which was at Its height when tb. lart ralua. ef the oM work appeared, ha. happily b.a eaded, and a n.w aoaraa of eomwurclal and larluswial aeUrlty baa been oommeaoed, large arceesions to our ireograVhlcal know ledga aa.e been mad. by the llMMfatlgableai ploraraaf Africa. v , . The great political nrolutlon of tb. last da cad., with Ike natural mult of the lat of Ume, bare brought Into public .lew a m.ltt tudeuf aew km, wboe aamae ate la every one's month, and of whoa life. Story one la enrioue to know tb. particulars. rat battle. L.t. bati liMiitil atvl latDOf Uat alegea main taln.d. of which Ibadeteilaere aayat preserved only la the newnpapMior tot the transient peb- tioauon.oi laeuay, aut wnion vnaa. now tn take their flax b permaaent and aulheatlo w prnpanng in pnwin preaa. It haa accordingly been th. aim of the editors to bring down the IntorraaUe tn tit. mteat poailhle dates, aud to rurnib aa accu rate aoeoank ef the must tenent dlasoverM la seleBee.ot evers freab ptodaetkm m Uteretitte. and of the newest invention. In the practical arte, a. well as to give a Mieelnt ana original reoord ef the ptwsrem ef political aad kiahtri oat event. . , - . . ; rbe work has beea began after long and eareml preliminary labor, and w.th the moM ample reeouroes rot carrying It oa v. a aaouaa fst termination. . Nona of the orl.tnal MSredtrb. vlatoS have been used, but .vary pan has beta printed on new type, forming in lam a n.w uy iwpmiiiw. with th. aaaie plan and enmpam It. pretM' bat with a far gri eater peetinlary exfien- Situra, aad with nob Improvement ta iu oon- poeitlon as have beta suggested by Von gel si perleneesnd enlargetlknowledge. 1 he lllutratKMsa whtok are latradaoed ret th. list tim. In th. present edition have been ad ded not for th. aake of pictorial , eftfeet, but to Iv. greater luotdlty and roree to the erpiana lon.ln the teat. The emlraoeall branch.. of sclenoe and of hatural history, aad deplot the most r.mous and ramarsabi. reatnreiier scene ry, arohlteclure, aad art, aa well aa tb. various B tmeses ot mecbanlos and SMaufaetorea. hh louirh Intended for Instruction rather Uiaa mhelllahmeat, no pain, have been spared to Insare their artlett. .aeelleaee tks enat of their exeontlon hi enormous, and It la b.lleved tbeywillSnda weieome raoapttoii as an aa mlrable featare ef the Oyewpatdla, and worthy af its nigh eoaraeter. ' . This work to old te Ittbenrib.r. only, pays, bleee ealivery of Moh volume ltwlllbeoom pletedtn alxtaen targe octave woiaaaea, each oontalelng a boot atw paga,f ally llluatraled with Mvaral tlioneand Wood Kngravtnm, and IU aomeroa.ea4ored LIUiocraphl. Mapa. - ' Prioe) sind Stylet of Binding. ! . In .tire ciloth, parfol.., So 00 In urirarw iatner, per vol .DM. ....... S 00 rvoL..,.., t co for.... .... 8 00 In Half Turkey Morocco, per In Half Knacte. eitra gilt, per la FuU Maroooo, antique, (lit edge., per VOl s eee a a . t a W M In Poll Russia, per vol, .10 OS Volumes now re adv." Snooeedlug volume.. antil completion, will be issued once in two mouUii. , ...ill i m j . .Specimen pares of th. AM ICR 1(1 AN OTULOPiKUJA. Hiowlna tvpe, UlnstratloBS, to., will b.nt gratis, on applloaUon. , ; , Fibst-Class ' CARVAwmto Aobnts f i " ' l'4 Wasted. Addr.Mtbersbllsb.ri, : D. APPLETON 4Ca, j 549 and 551 Broadway,' N. Y.' ' jansia .... - . . UO-tf THE RALEIGH HEWS DAILY AND WEEKLY :. H ' PDBUSBaD BY ' '. ' THE NEWS rUBUSHIKO CO. DBVOTKD TO TH BUT l 1'KRKSTB of the 8Ute of North Carolina, to tbt su ones of the Conservative party, the davel. opmontof the bidden wealth of the State. tb Inviting emlgratioB Into oar midst, and ad Vaaoement of the welfare of onr people Is everything uat serves to mass a State pi i proper- ons and Independent its. . . ADVERTISING COLUMNS will b. found ef treat advantaie. as both tb. Dally and weekly circulate larvelv In .van noruoi on or we state, nates moderate. ... v . ... ... . . t , , '. 80P8OBIPTIOH BATES l " Dally, One Tear ........til W S Months... , 8 00 W.ekly One Tear ..' 1 00 JOHHD. CAMrTR'N. Kditor. . s JORDAN STONK, JlMOslat. Editor , i. . ; , . U. WOODSON, LocolEdlUit jnWilmingtoa , , 18 AlilTE TO HER INTERESTS In East Carolina, her butneai men will advertise Id THE WASHINGTON ECHO, s large and wall established weekly newrpa Eir, circulating extensively in uecouatieso vde. Beaufort, Pamlico, Pitt, Edgecombe and those adjoining. Rates Iow.' J Walt. P. wiLLi.Msoa, , k. ua.aasB, 1AU or Tarooro. or waaniugtoo. Editor, and Proprtemra, , ot ...:,,.... . Star copy. ' , THE LAHDmRK, ' ' Pt'BLISHKD AT , i ' ' STATESYILLE IEEDELLCOUUTI' N. k Loading Mewspapor In Wester Itprth Carolina. JT IS THB ONLY DBMOOB4TIO PAl'lCB published tn Iredell Oountr one et the Mat and w.althlest oonntles in :b State and haa attained a larier looal circulation than any paper ;ever beretofor published 'iv the ... .l-.ut..l. In ,m.Im WIllra Alleghany, Tadkln, Davie aad Iredell, is I rgtr tnan mat or anv two paper, in we aura 70m bined; and Is rapidly acquiring a stron toor hold la retwythe, Surry, Howaa and Western Meoklonbarg f - ; - It hi the only paper In Western Nortb Uaro Una that employe a regular canvassing agen, andls thus kept oonstantlv before tbe people Under this system a rafldly-lncreaelag ircr UUob4s thereealt, making the Uidsaii - , The Boat Advertleing Medium ; Western North tarol nt a ',: " 1 "LANDMARK. ' nOSOUTTO HETS ; Np'FEAESfJadseaa'Ios. Our aaeond stock. aTast reoeived and tor sale low by .th kibwiii otitis. Jan. 17 llBtf CIRCULARS OF EVERY DESCRIP tlon gottea up In the neatest of style st tbe JOTJBHAi. Ovpick. BXW ADVESTISirrSTS. 43101111(111,43 is mm STREET, Deaire to call the attention of all who take any interest is the prioe of DRY GOODS to ibejaet that we ar allowing A DISCOUNT of 10 Per OentI on all SUMMER DRESS GOODS. Anv article that belongs specially to Bnmmer wrar must be sold ont LLAMA LACE SHAWLS aud SAOQUES, ; . . m PUSHER i Da Do. - Do. Do. . , WHITE AND STRirED 8HETLAN D 8n AWLS. 1 Cents' White Dress Shirts . Made to order in any style that may be dosired. pit avABAirnuu, A fall assortment always on hand. Also Cuffs, Collars and Underwear. -; Striped Cotton tlioviot Tweed Shirting: Only 80 Cents, worth S7j, rery desirable for traveling. LndloM rNltIrt . HupportorM,' A I NEW TIItNCJ, And one of the most desirable artlolei that has been Introduced. ' WIlIrrii3 MUHJLillXN, Swiss, Nainsook and Victoria Stripes and riuids a very large assortment ' T Aseata lor Prank l.eelle'e f)WT rAJPKB rATTKHI". 1 ' narklN Neadlea Cent sm!i. - ' Term? Cash Onlv BE0WN & RODDICK, July 4 NCrtiCB. 'I ! Ml. ALL ACCOUNTS ;due and , 5T Aa this la the semi-annual time to balance Books, and aa I wlshto oon tinue to soil to my kind patboms ox tim at lowest possible CASH PRICES, I hope tbey will call and pat tjp, " w rj. . jCA2n , BEST . ASSORTED "STOCK OP DRY GOODS, No. 36 MAEKET STREET. July l . , 1T MIS(TELLA!rE0II8. rrs LUiliW 1 tOUsl rSJlujk lor andfa si dby tkaHev.J. o. Hlden.enll&iJL ThellOUS oooauled Seventh, between Chestnut and Mulberry BU. aermereeetmaoie..... U uiin . ... dm., vnmi, Comer Ttfe and Vhastnut Streets. mav It iss-tr Quarantine Notice. UNTIL fVUTHJSH IS OT ICE ALL VB8 ael from Ports South of Caps Pear will com. to at th. Yuutlng fitatlon. near. Deep Water Point, and await the liiictlon of the Quar. antia. l-hyifcfkrl." 1. ! sv.-"e ."J' At; . All reasels from Ports where Yellow Fever, or other Infectious dueaa. exiet, will b. re quired to undergo a rigid and prolonged Qnar antine. . t ' ;'' ' ' i All veawls of boats Of any oharacter having sickMss on board en. arrival, or having bad sickness any time daring tha voyage, are re quired to oom. to the Station tor inspection without regard to the Port from whence they some. V emeli not tool ruled as above will pro ceed without detention. - ; Pilots are espaolally snjolnsd to auks car. nil enquiry relative to ves.eU, crsw, Ao., and If not Ktiefled with tb. statements of the Cap Uia or eommaader, ar If tha vewsl is in a lllthy condition, they will bring tbs Veaael to the Station for further eumiDatlon. Pilots : wilfully violating tba Qnaranttns t.awi are subject to a forfeitar. ot their branch j Masters of teasel, to a fin. of two hundred dol lar a day for every day they violate lbs Quarantine Laws: and all other persons are iiaoie tor eaco ana every onence, , -. , i,, i..T All vessols subject to vlsltatton atoder above regulations, will est a flag in th. main-rigging, porvsiu..,.. P.W; POTTER, It . u H Qaarantln. Phvsiolan, " ' .Port of Wilmington, N, i . Smithvlle, N. C-, May IT, 1S7S. may f , s .-v ; I j ,;s ,tal Hlnovl ..n. . M .1 ' ' t i. ... ' Turnip Seed ! ; ' W: 'l: "y ' Turn p 8eed J " ; '''"'v'KaVCropirixi'W -' 1 Grown 4)V TAndretb A Bulst, Philadelphia. Alee a large aaaortm.at of Cabbage Seed, rsaieei.. v ij ...' GREEN e TLAliC KK, Everybody's" A Centle but Certaln Cathartlc- ' They act with e.BTAiHTT on the Liver.tXJn tain1 no' calomel '; are purely Vegetable. Trie bwM, Barert, sareM ami nnldft purgtlve pill la pee. Thee I. are need mors generally than any other Pill In nsa, for the length ef time they have been before the public. Are nicely sugar .coated and bottled at 28 osnts per Bottle. Ask vonr Drnisiat for "Kvinvannv'." VriLt., and take ao uiner. Julyl lOe-lat One Price. 45Harket Street !l JULY 1ST, 1875. ARE MADE OUT. 1 past due. MI3CIUAJTCQTJS 4th OF JULY. NOTICE TO EXCURSION PARTIES; PIO-NIO PAETD33 AND BOUND PARTIES. f .... Ws havs a largs stock of . Fins Mssina Lsmons, lOOoasMof Olarots, tflOO cans i, 4,1 and 14 ponnd pressed (looks ,.! .', ti ;-i Corned Beef, ' Sweet Oranges and everything nice for a holi day put op In oaas and paekagat far soab . , eooaalona, , , .. We hsvsrednced price to ooms within range of all. " Extra Fin. Claret, ' " 80 osnts par boUls, Best Butter la the World, ' 1 Qoarantesd to keep perfectly sweat and rich all day laths sua take bo other to tbs ' . ' .' Bound . , Mew Presh Beef Tongues, ' , .-. t . Pigs Pest and Hocks, Fresh Smoked Beeft , , , i . - a ljuge Spanish Alree Plokie and Sauoet. ' Prices reduced on all tbe above, and save money by sending to , ? 1 ,, , v. CIO. MYERS. 11 A U South Front Street. 1 Jans IT . Better Butter ! rjrtHAM oars la never offered. It Is always de sirabls to et the ' ' , . j ;V t: EST BUTTER, ! . - and that ws always have. Our flns Table But ter Is iel.oted oarefully from th best Dairies ,; : ' 1 - ' In New fork State, an4 may b relied oa as .... ) ,1, A - ' " the eery ben BuUer sold In this city. v t i f CHAa-D. MTEE3 A CO.,' J -.a Favorito Plciir MAYING hew friends. It aV " " , ' , ' . V I ..! I.i . ft ! ' '" DTE JEST...,. t U'aav MOoT UELIAELE, TJIJS TRUEST ever used by kousekesper. Bold only by . CIIA3. D. MTEH3 A CO. nne n tj