f 1 Vrv V7II0JS HO. G.029. VOL. XXIV. HO. 166. UILimiGTOH. II. C. TUESDAY. JULY 13. 1875. 4 ir ilulo Journal. WILiOXaTON. N. a: TUESDAY., JULY 13. 1875 BY TELEGRAPH. EUROPE. LATER FROMTHECARLIST SEAT OF WAR. DEBATE ETA FRENCH ASSEMBLY ' London, July 12. Pall Mall Gazette says, we bare reoeiTed Ih following from a specially well informed oorrea raapondanl of th Herald of yesterday: Geo. Cabrera baa left Biarritx for Bagraea de Bigon having abandoned hi inteution ol going to Madrid. He haa amall faith in tha nltijnate sacoeHS of Goo, JoTollara operatioua agiinat Darragaray ha haa already escaped by an extraordinary march of ninety Kilo metre. Thii agree with Darregaraya avowed intention not to fight azoept in tha basqna province. The Oarlist artiltery now number 120 guns and more are expeoted daily. ' Madbid, July 12. An official des patch aaya Gen. Dalatre haa driven burregaray from Torreoilla guara Bieste and Boltana. The Oarlist re sisted Alfonsiuts atoatly and loat many men, killed and wounded prisoners, they retreated to the valley of Aran in the pierinz. Gen. Delatre ia stil pursuing them and Gan. Alanines Ganpas is making forced marched to join in pursuit. ELECTKICIS.nS. Borne bogus ouyers have been operat ing in New York and Boston, purchas ing in the name of prominent North Carolina houses in Raleigh and Oxford. Mrs. Nelly Algernon Bar tori is a ma. The baby is a boy, and weighs 101 pounds. Long Branch was the plaoe. Atlantic Cotton Mills at Lawrenoe, Maine, employing 1250 operatives, have suspended work for eight weeks. Dorararav ia antivalr nnraned in Spain by the Republicans. It is thought he will seek refuge in Franoh territory. LECTURE. (UrTAm WILLIAM KKNDltlOKSwlllde. liver Lecture at th. Hall of Uie Library A-aooiatlon on WKDMCSDAY KTKltiMQ, at tX o'clock, opou the "boll, Ullmata and Pro ductloo. of Florida, especially her tropical production Ticket admitting lady end f.ntlamaii, flfrr oenta.' . July 1311 BJ lYIuoquito Nets, AL1BGH8TO0K JC3T KEOEIVBD, and for nle low by D. A. SMUH ft OU. July 18. Don't Forget THAT OUB INTIKB STOCK Or COATS, PANTS and VESTS Are offers AT COST. Dress Buits, Business 'Suite, . Alpacca and Linen Coats, Duster all at cost. MUNSON & CO, CITT OLOTHIJR8. July U 1C6 22, ON HAND AMD TO ARRIVE ' 357 BOXES Plug and Twist Tobaccos, DE8IK4BLB STYLES. Old Stock price to oorrttpond By July 13 D. PICOTT. - ! , IB GEORGE MYERS 11 & 13 SOUTH FRONT ST., 1849. Established 1849- ; DIALER IM TUB CHOICEST TEAS, Green and Black, Eneush Breawast, And all th Bert Orade. ""0 . ' Wines & Liquors, CLAKET8, IMPUBTID IN OBIQISAL OASES, DEUOA'J I and BIOH FLA VORED. TABLE CHERRY, FINB OLD BLACKBERRY WIHB. ' OTABP, DUP1CY OO. BRAWDT, . . . (Vlntag 1(48.) " JAMAICA BUM ft HOLLAND OIK, (In original package.) popular "KX.VM R AHS" and "OKU WBT8- ji i an," nntHr w in a large toc or cor . .,. dial and Fancy Manor.. The Uhoineet and dm eiotd itock ar Family tt race rite Id the Star. If AHEAD OF ALL," AND AT LOWER PBIOE8. Fre.h Parched Java, Leguayare, H araoabo and Rio Coffee all frert thl. week. B"E"H A 00. celebrated Plcklei, lone ai d In jar, wire an awnnmenr. or an 'liorwl Brand. BEST BLTTK 1M THE WORLD NKW PROCESS FAMILY FLOUR AIw.t. reliable and the bert Call on fbi ynut Huppiie., for the eonnd, "we will make wn prioe. uiU" OEO.MTRK8. July 13. II A 13 South Front at. S1 BOW BILLS gotten up and printed In tue moot attractive style at the , Journal Office ftf WADVf RTLS E Mill. SELLING OFF AT COST! UAVIKO reeolvtd to change my bo.ln.ea I am detlrou. of clneing out mv entire Mock before lb. approaching Kail. I h a therefor. determined to otter mi entire .tuck of DRY G000DS, CL0TH1N&. Notions, Boots, SHOES HATS, Arr cost anil leu th coat, for cah. Ladle, are eapeolally aollolted to glv n an early call, to whom w will otter t great wo "floe, )m. very deitrable Good, to the war of HANDKERCHIEFS, HOSIER?, UNDERGARMENTS, ' LACES, LINEN and COTTON HOUSEKEEP ING GOODS, TABLE DAMASK, DOYLAS, TOWELS, ETC. Wholeial bay en are adrleed of the fact that w bar. the largett and moat desirable Jobbing; took la th city. Thl department of our (took haibaealarg.ly replealehut from th recent Mew York and Philadelphia e&sh aactlonaalea, which enable, a to otter a great variety or Sta ple Dry Good luitabl tar countrj trade, at half to. original oort. I .,, - ' AUaooaiaoldat r.tall will be Mriotly f Kh. Ninety day tim will b allowed on wholeial bill la amount of eat hundred dol lar and upward for etty aooeptano. B. WEILL, Corner Front and Prinoeas Street. July IS, 1878, . . i .., , U NOTICE, Ther will be an el.ollon held at the unal polling plaoe. on the ant Thurtd.yln AnguM, 1KB. in New Han.r.r ooanty, for ih eleoUon of the following ttwuahlp fBetn, Tin - " ' ; WILMINGTON TOWNSHIP 8een Maf Utrate., one Townahlp Olerk, on Oonetabls and thre HcUool (ioumlttee. NETTAND Uiri VEAB TUWNaillFH- Two Magl.tratee, one Ulerk, on Oonetabl and three sonoo uemnutto eca. NEW BANOVBBAND PBSDBR COUN TIES Three Delegtt to the State Conttltu- uonai tonreniion. - 8. H. MANNINO. ; Sheriff of New Banorer Oounty. July 10 lKi-d&wluwlw 1875. Grinding. 1875. NEW irixuja Jnat from tb Ilarvett fielda. , North or Soath. ETery Barrel and Package guaranteed pen. ci. oena yonr oraer io ue uap rear rionr ana rea'i Hominy Mini. IA. ULJJnJLM, July -n3t Proprietor MRS. HENRY WOOD'S NEW BOOKS "pBAAOEB HILDTABD. Price 28 Oentl. Fire TbeuMnd a Tear. Price 38 cent. , The Oiamoni Bracelet, Prloe 'it oenta. The Runaway Match. Price ft oenu. ' The muaglerl Oboit. Price K oenU. A Foggy Sight at Oxford. U oenta, Ulara La.'. Uream. Prloe U cent. Th Nobleman'. Wife. rilue2Boent. Martyn War'. Temptation. U cent. The Lost Bank Net. Frio SO cent, The U annUd Tower. Price 80 oenta. A Lire'. Secret Price AO cent.. , The Myrtry. Prle It ent. - ': Poralt :-' " t"'l, " HEINGBEROER'G . UTtfiotiiua viine store. t A ........ ttMt ! "The Chamber of Peace, V ' "THE CHANGED CROSS," CHRISTIAN BALLADS,'' By Arthur Cleveland Coze, M. A. AT THB , CITY BOOKSTORE. Chromos I Chrbnibd t A fineitocVof beautif 1 CHROMOS and colored LITHOGRAPHS, for aale Cheap at ; ' ; .1.1 M '-.I-; ' OONOLEX1IATES CITY BOOK AND MUSIC STORE For Smithvillol. QTBAMKB BIXIE" will tnn regularly everv dav exceDt Snndar. L arlng Wilmington,.....,..,...,,.,,., IPH SmitbTfll. '.. f AM Commutation ticket nay be pnrohaaed a our emoe. O. O-PABSLKy CO. July I i,,.-' ' - ' Wl AIXBOAD BECKIPT3 for aale at the JoUBH ii OwTKS, 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Cartridges Cartridges. JTJ8T BECEITED, a larre klad. Mprircneld Braach 1 IdtoIa of Loading HI" all Henrr Btrl. 8ienoer and Putnl ('rirM ot rry aaeortplioa, and for ai at Miily.Lo? Prices, ' At th Old artablltlMd Hardware Bon tt . . JOHN DAWBON, Inly IS. No.1,) Market 81 ATTENTION ! V. L. irJFAFJTRYl THE OAKTBIDQKS OBDRKBD BT T"UH loamiiT feaT now arrlwad. anil mr in aie bt iub iowat living prior, hf le bt ii July 11' uiL.es a huhohison VICTORY ! VICTORY! VICTORY! My Enemy, Blub Prices. Routed From tie Mtk Eray Battle Low Prices Come Out Victorious ! ULiTHINf-Mne' and Bot.' Olothln. GeuU' lurulahlug Uood., Ont-OeneTal. all other In low prlcM. Selected Second-Hand Spirit Barrels. ftH HEW YOKE and OOUNTKT, la (tor ytOXJ and for tel. low by July 1J-1U OR088ET CO. Come and Buy CLOniHG AT ACTUAL COST. All onr Hommer Stock of Linen., Alpaca, Blue Flannel., Oh.Tlot. Caxlmerea, ptago. nala, Ulao Oloth. Doeakln all at COgT. MUNSON & CO., ClTICLOTinEBS. July -.', lB-tf Smith's Feed Cutter. rpHE BE8T and moet durabl Feed Ontter to tht market Portal low by ,. OILK8 A MUBCHIHON. MT June) : ?rLatest Books. ;fH jg KOSSRMAN'S . PIUBlMl6X.'.By U jalmer NJorth Boyeaen. gLCEBEAKD'8 KEV8, and Other Storlea. By HIM Thackeray, author of "ill Angel," Old Eenitagtoa," dto. Foraaleat Paper, TB cent. HELNSBEBOBB'a Ut Book and atadeBlor. IB Jalyl Bargains Bargains. JEN' CLOTH OAITK&8 Bt 80, worth 2; , jt.n' 10 w yaarwrea onoe. i oo, worm . hi - ..m.-i -. Ladle. Slipper only 91 per pair. CAAKL8S A. PRIOR, ! ' Mo. 31 Market rtreet, lun.M-tf ' ' feign of the Golden Bout Our living and Our Dead ' Prosoectus of 2nd Volume, ' Mawaaaa.K. C, Aaguirt 10, 1ST.' "On Liti8 ad Ova D.t" will hr alter b poblleheil a a Beml-MonUily Mage- me, eonsaining an page n reaamg ma iter, a j per year in auranoo. c ror ue imornauon oi woe wno are not ri miliar wita thl. enterprise, I irate that th ehlef object or the hi aaailne will be to aublleh the hecord that North Oaroilnaend her gallant Dldler. made in th late "War between th Htatw," to gather th material for the ue of the future hleteriaa. aad to perpetnat the memory of thow bravo men, utltaorf and priratea, liTlneor dead, who.hed Imporlahabl glory ipon tbelrnatira Btate. ' In addition to tha Wa Kaooao ow Fort Cabou a, the MagaalM will eon tain .ketone or erery Motion, county, city ana town or tn Stat, written by anmparant and well-inform d peraon. IAmmUm M prt miiumth a Maj pterioiical, i Aw all ( af ear tUUmi Unvm takt tnima cm prxat. The Magailn will take th Viae of th newspaper, having earn title, pnbUahed by a dnrtng tn peat twelve month. 'lb area anaiDer win do ir.raeoj wiwma September sth, 174. ! th Meantime, I r apectrully aak old rabeoriber who desire to ro aew their eabaoriptlon, and all other who with the Magailne, te remit amapUy, a the change and lmprorement require eonilderable Outlay, ana reooy meney I needed. u - 8. D. POOL Addreu, till farther notice; ooa Litih awd una 1ad," Newbein, N. O., or Raleigh, Exchange will pl oopy.r Portland Cement. Aim, Roman, Keene'. aad Parlaa, for walk, itra., foandatlona, ctabl eellar, bridge, renervolrs, Ao. Remit ix oant pottage for practical treaura on wnwa- 8, U M KHCHAMT A 00.,. T Sonth St . Mew Tork. July " ' 1S-tmaod GREAT RUSIP 1 '. FOB , ... , ru:-, BOOTS MID SHOES July 10 Sign ofth Golden Boot. The Charlotte Ob serrer Th only morning daily paper publkihed In w aw m itaioigo an norm at w u minitoa. offer, rneeiat Induc.ment. to dver tlama,' lot elreuletlo v end (wfulneM bar been largely Inorend during the year jnat pan, ana n now reaoue meet el the Mr hnt of W eetern Horth On ollna, thru 0 tier ing aa antci pawed anedlnm of onromnolca tioa net ween the Merehanteof Wilmington aad we peupiv ih rrvvwrn ci wao varvnna. , . - - . ' i- TBiatoT aT3jrarrrrow; ' ;." Dally , .....as Mpertannm WkljM4a BT Advertmni rerr low. i :: may 14. . , llo-tf MISCELLANEOUS. Bacon :rlr. Sugar, and CofTee 60 Boxea D. S. Sldei, ' CO Boxes Smoked Bides and Shoul der, 23 Bbla Citj Mess Fork, 100 Bbla. Refined Bngar, . 100 Bags Frime Rio Coffee, For tale loir br WnJJAMS A MURCmSON. Floup-Corn-8yrup-nioe. 800 Bbla. Flour ail gradea. 6,000 Bnshola Prime Whits Corn. 60Bbla.B.H. Byrup, , 23Bbl,lllxs Pot atl tow by WILLIAM) A MURCHI80N. rlay-Hoop Iron-Cluo-fpl- rlt I Barrels. 500 Bales N. R. and E. Hay, ; 400 Bandies Hoop Iron, 100 Bbla. Olue, 850 Brooud Hand Spirit Casks, Portal low by WILLIAMS A MCROHI80M. M0USSES"GUANO-NAILSSH0T 100 Hhda. and bbla. New Crop On ba Molasses, ; 200 Tons Ojanape Quano, ' 100 Tons Eureka Guano, 800 Kegs Nails, " 200 Bag Shot. ' ' 1 Vor 1 tow by WU4.IAII8 A MDR0HI8ON. July lot IN STORE.! IN STORE! 600 BBLS. FLOUR, 50 Boxes D, 8. Bides A Bbonldors, ,50 Smoked Bides A Shoulders, 75 Hhda. New Crop Cub Molasses, , 100 Bbls. S. H. Molasses, 80 " Rice, ' ; "" ' 50 Boxes Tobaooo, 100 " Lye and Potash, 75 Bags Coffee, l 60Bbls.Bugar, ; 100 Oases Oyatara, , . , i. ' 50 " f Pipkles, ;, , 400 Spirit Casks. ' 100 Bbls. Glue, , n.,.-., ,u I 200 Papers Biteta; " J 20 Tons Hoop Iron, .In. Candles, Candy, Matohes, Snuff, Bhot Caps, Powdor, &a, &o., Ao. for al by KIHOHKIH A OALDKB BBOH US EAT Wl WILL NOT OPBN OTJB STORK n th 5th of July, and bay your , fc , ., - 01 Jnly SUBllfiS ttttrday.th lt iotttnt . We hr on want lor KkOurrJona, Flo-NIc artlea. 1 )T0rn,(w ind) IviMinJ, ! Claret, Sahterne and Bhln Wine., Oatawba, Moeell. and Ch.mpagM, Ale, Potter and FranbfarciT Lgr Beer, Pickloe, Cracker., VheeM, aanlin, Bologna, and th great luury and oonv.nlenoe. t 1 COLD PRESSED CORN BEEF. Beet Smoking Tobacco Io tmall' pocket bag. Ckiolca CIS are, Ac, Ate, As. CHA8 D. HYER8 Ctlj V T Iffth Fretat nu Jniy A Glean Sweep. ; tTVN THURSDAY, JOLT 1t, I begin my , Grand Clearing tale of In order to ehM out evwrr article of 8nm taer Stock 1 have decided to MARK IK) WS nrieaaand make dnmonatration that will Irk. rare a UIjBA b wnnr in every ireiiarnaeni. I guarantee a good bargain to each aud every oiutomor. .,...,.) CASH. 0. 0. D. .nc.K7 3ixASH. h?t 5. V ilJDAVID, Jury 4 s I ' ' tjfl " Toll.t and Vtaoy Article la great variety. Lnblu' boa p.. Kxtracu and Powder , a full line ef pur Drag and , Medlcinee and On unamicau. - - j '. : ' , Preortptlonoompouaddat all boor, day OrnlghU . . v,--,: 1 . m J ARIES Oe SICNDS DHVGaiiT. . Third ittMt, oppoait qity HalU . .; 2 Jnly a ' ," ' i 22 Ilarket Street. Di PIGOTT, TflMcconist, wiLraNOTON,1 isrbia At Home on and After July 4th, 1870. July 1B WUmliigtoh and Ooast Turnpike pKOPOSAIiS rUlt OrENIbO tHH JXN. Ur Ua f tb mala atam of U TSrnelk Boad of tbl Comiuny, and alao ef macadamiz . . ' - . j log and eoniplettai the) m aeoordlngM tpeoiueation to be furnlabd, will b erattd red by thl. Company. Fropoaal for doing Itb.r part orbraacbof th foregoing work wlUalsabaoatertar. Uj0'J - -' 1 WM. A. WRIGHT, ftwaidriv. tWIlmlngtoa, N. 0., Jnly S, 18TB. 163-i We.l.MllfU W .iU Jand prlatai katw4 laakkwaal iri t tn ..- 5SWSFAFZB DIElCTORY. APPLETONS' AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. New Hovl.ed tdltian. Entirely rewritten by the ablert writer, on een .ubtet't. Print Uxl rmm .w lyt. end llluatratwt with Several TkOMl.tl Jtugra- f tug. and THB work originally publKhed under the ti tle of THE NEW A MIC Kill AN i'VUIArA: 1)1 A wu eoninletetl in IMm. .Ino wliU h tlm th wide etreulattou lilh it ba. attained in all parts 01 the Vniud atate. and tli..lgnal de lopm.ntwhth bar taken plaoe in every nranrn or lem. literature, ana an, nave in dunml the editor, and iwbluiher.to.ubmlt It to an eiaot and thorough mUion, and t liwue a n.w einiioa euuue ini.atniMovi' tn.op.vni a. Within tha Uat tea vaar. the prtntrM of duw eovery In every d.aihneat of knowldg k. mad. a a.w vAMk i( relereao an lapuiaiive i,t. The movement of polltlral aflalr. bae kept Pace with th dleroveilM of Mtlinr, and their frnltful amdiratlon totlie InduMrla ful art and the eonvenleuoe ad refinement of Dotal life. Ureal wan and ooneeiraent revolu tion, have occurred. Involving national ehange. or peculiar momenta Tk civ 11 war or ourown ootijitry, which we. tt it height when the iat volume or ttieeid wot t tppeareo, ua. nappuy been endisl, and a new ouume of commercial and Indunrial aotivlly ha. been oommenced. lrn aroeeaion. to our geographical know ledge have been mad. by th iBUnfatlgable.r ploreraof Africa. Th great iiolltloal revolntldti. of th laM da cade, with the natural ranultof the lata, of time, have bransht Into public view a multi tude of new men, who name are In every one mouth, and of whoa live vry on la eurtou. Io know th particulate, urrat battle. cht and luuorUnl .leg. main talned.of wlilohlbed.tail.are a. vet preferred onlv la the new.iter.or in the iran.leut pub' noaiion. or uieday, out wmcn on.m now 10 take their nlaoa In Dermanent and autaautlo hity. - - V . in preparing tn preeeni eauion lur uie pre., II be accordingly been the aim ef the editor to bringdown th Inlormatio o Ui latent powlble date, aad to fiirnl.lt an accu rate aeuouat of the raoet recent dlMovrle.la rlonee.ot .very freeh innduotioula literature, and ef the neweet Invention In the practical arte, a well at to giv a .uoolnt ana original record or Ui pregreMOf puUUoal and hniurl etl event. fbe work hat been b.mn after long and ear ful preliminary labor, and with th Burnt ample reaovrm lor carrying it on to t .aoou- fi Mrmlnatlon. , ' . Nona of th original tarotyp piatu nav. been uatd, but every peg h been printed on new ivpe, forming I fact a nm Oyclopmilia, with I tn aanie plan auu oompaa. a. ii ireie- id ot ureal Minor, bat with a far greater pecuniary oxpen- diture, and with .uoh luprovoment nmeiit in it coin- poaltton a have beea tuggeeted by longer -prience and nlargedlinowl(dg. ' j ne muMiraiiou.. wnmu are inixuuuuvu iut wiv OrM tlm In tha preetnt edition bare been ad- ded not for th iak of nlotorlal effaot, but to iiv greater lucidity and force to the eiplana- on. hi tha text. The embrao all branch. of mien o and of nat.ial biatory, audd.tdot th moet famon. and remarkable feature, or acene ry, architecture, and art, a well th varioa. ot necaanie ana maauiaoture. ai louih Intended for Instruction rather than embellishment, no p.ln. bar been .pared to In.ur their artlitlo (inllenc ; th orwt ef tbeit execution I enormou. and It I b.ll.vad thy will Snd a weloome r.oeptioa a an ad mirable feature of the Oyolotdla, and worthy of It high character. Tbl work I uld tn BnbKnibtri only, paya ble on delivery ol .acu tuluae. Illlk. pletedln tixteen larg octavo volume, each mntalelnir about ano oairM.fullv tlluMrated with Mv.rat uiouaana wood Kngravtnge, ana wiui aravtna nam rout colored JJthograuhio A , Prloe and Btvla of Binding,. la extra Oloth, perfoL.....1......M..8oo In Library Leatln .per vol.. ............ an In Half Ttirkey Horooco. per yoL. T il In Hall If Kuaaia, extra gilt, per vol. ... .... S to In Fall Morooeo, antique, gilt aire, nor TOl... .10 fo i nil Mom, pirtt Wla... Voluaee aew ri atr. Suocaedlii volumee. 111 10 0 until eoBPlelloo. wll WlU p laruad one lu two UPUU, eietnn bf the AMRKfCAM OTULOPitCDiA. Hiowlng tvr. Iilurtratioii. te. will bot gratit, on ajiplioatlou, FlBST-ClABS , CANVABSIUd AaBKTB - ' ; Wasikd. Addtwttia Fullaher; ,' . : : "' ix AprLETON iv' co.i ' 1 " ' Sid tod 651 BroadwyN.'.T. ' June II , ,, i , s 10 tt THE RilLEIQH NEWS DAILY AND WEEKLY ! 1 fVBLIiaBO BT ! THE NEWS ' 'PUBLISHING CO. DBVOTED tO THB 8,8T IMKUCSTS of tbe Btate of North Caroliaa-to tl. uoeaar or tn uooMrvMiv party, th a.vei. opment oftb faiddeh weeltk ot tb SUte. the Inviting (migration Into oar Bidet, and ad vanoement of the welfare of our people tn everything that arve to mak a Stat prop- 9 ana inuapeuaeob , tt . ,s, - . " i ADVERTISINa COLUMNS i will b found of great advantage, a bath the Dally and weekly circulate largely la every poruoiwuiguw nate. moaerai BtrpsoBirtroar jUTBi' 0all, On Tear...... ........... .t Month... A. 8 0 Weekly One Year , l 00 rOHJt D. CAMKK0M4 Hdltor 1 . i JORDAN RTflMC, Anoclat Kdltor S. V. WOODSON. Loool Kdltor CuytilMngtQn T rS AUTS TO BBS IDTKKKHTI In KM L OawUna, aer baiin. men will advertlMl. THE WASHINGTON ECHO, a larg nd well eetalilUhed .weekly newrp per, circulating aateaelvely In Ue nouctie. Hyde, Beaulort, Pamlieov Ht, Irtgeoeatb. and tbo adtolaing. Kate. Law. ' I Wax, f . WauAMM 1 1 E. Oaaireaa, lte ef Terbero. ; !. waemaguw), ,, . .1 Kdltor. an Proprletar. v ., , stal4 -.! (" T,-BtatapyT . t THE LANDHARK, STATESVttLE IREDELL CCHHTr. N. i . IS TH1 - . ' Leading llewpperln Wester " ,'' 1 North Carolina. Tt IS THB ONLY DRMOOBATIU PAfKS X peblUhad In Ired.il Oormty en of th Urgee. and wealth leit eonntie la :bt State and ba attained a lrgr local Circulation tha any paper ever heretoror pnbllbd t; tb eeanty. " 1 ";H ' vui ;,.!.? ml ) ; mwi v '!''' j Alleghany, Yadkin, Devi and Iredell, I I rg.r than that of any two paper. In tb Stat son birred ; and I rapidly aenntrtng a ttronc toon bold in foray the, Sorry, Bowan and Weatars aeurabarg. ..; ( 1 it to th' antf paper In Wwtera WortaOaro. Una that .mploy. a regular canvassing agenij and la thu kept oonrtantlv before tbe people Under thl. ytra a vaitiiny-lnereatlng elrcr latloa Uth remit, making tb lutnoMAaa . . Th Boat Advertising Medium Western Wortr Carol n j a ND FRAMES, 0aN and. Lao. Ou MctbNkvfttM rifT aadjjjJWJa'lbw by - , V : , - D. A.' SMITH' COfST JaaI , . ,,,, , .. , .... W CIRCULARS OF EVERY .pESCBJ P tlon gottau vp hi the neatest of style at tut .; ...k- ' suuiuAXivrriuc. NEW ADVZSTI3ZiIEM3. 45BR0Wflf&RDDDICK;4S Desire to call the attoution of all who take any interest in the price of DRY GOODS to the fact that we are allowing "A DISCOUNT of 10 Per ContJ on all SUMMER DRESS GOODS. Any jtrtiole that belongs specially to' Summer wear mnat be aold out LLAMA LACE SHAWLS and HACQCES, PUSHER Do. Do. Do. Do. f WHITE AND BTRirED SHETLAND SHAWL0. , . - . Cents White Dress Shirts Made to order in any style that may bo doaired. pit ocabahtejid, A full assortment always on hand. , Also Cuffr, Collars and Undorwoor. -Striped Cotton Cheviot Tweed Shirting , Only 20 Genii, worth 37j, very desirable for traveling. LfUllcaj Nklrt Hupport'rw, A NEW THING, And one of the moiit doairablo article that has been introduood. " WHITE MUNLINS, Swiss, Naiuaook and Victoria Stripos and Plaids a very large assortment. A(.u lor rrvnii t,aiia turr paui:k pattkiins. !Tuhtu Needleeb Centeeach. , , Terms Cash Only' BR0WH & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. July ar t!T . ! ALL AQCOUNT8 II ' - 11 ' ' m i 1 DUE: AND" n I tiU-Jt il a-i!.-l tt;- - T As this is the semi-annnai time Unrio tr! Boll to my kind rATJUONa on .t .l'l t i t "I t ' IS' ' I i I ' ' "J '' " '"' ' " :" I hope they will oall and pat vr. ,ltl. .., 1: J. 4 Jo ' "A r I., .1,1.1 .tv4.U I'ti' ' w, , i ttAi la : ci 1 ' '-J J- . : BEST- ASSORTED ' STOCK ' OF u i DRY 'GOODS, ;-v, . ' J'itil. , ' - ....... ' 1 . i .. .1 Li Nq.'; 36 ', .MARKET STREET. July 1 " t .. .... . ua , i rascnLAiTEous. 1 ' ' Tb HUUHrl rtueutly built fof and ft occQDled by tb Rev. J. O. Hlden. oniLi Weventh, between Obtwtnat aud alalbury 8 la. Term reaaonabl. . .. . . , . . ' K. HAAR, Orocer, ' ! , . Uoraw Ith and Uheatnnt BUU. Quarantine Notice HNtlli rOBTHKB KOTI0S Alii VK8 from Port Bout of Cap fear will com to M the V lilting Btatlon, mf p.np Water Point, and await tb laapeotUmaf the Qoar- aatiairbyaiciAB.,,..,!..,,! 10 j m Ji j All teae.1. frufa Port ebere Yallew fever, er other infctlou diaaat iitte, will be re. qulr.d to aadargo a rigid pd prolonged Quar antln."' ' V'7 i 1' b e.?'-rfi. ft fill'" r J All Telt or boat of any character baring Mokneat in board on arrival, bt baring bad ticks, any tlm gntlng th teyage, ar ro qaired.,booa totb Rtatlea, to taipeotlc without regard to tb Fort from Wbano they Mmi Vawl not Included a abovvwlll pro. edltautdteatttm. ' " - 1 ' 'Pilot ax tip olally trijolned o "niake' ear alsnijatr lUv to ., crew, 4c, and If not Mtynd with tb ttatamaat ef the Cap tain' or oommaodtr, or if tb. vm1 U la a flltby condition, tbey will bring th yawt t tb Itatton for farther txamlnatton. m i,i.i .-,.1, t , . 1 1 1 Pilot Wilfully violating th Qnarantln Law. are tubjecttoaforfelture of their branch) Hatter of vtettl to a an of tw bondred dol lar a day for avery day tby vlelaU th Quarantine Lew.-, and' all 'other peraon. ar iiaoN tor .acu ana every onene. ' j All teaMUtubjMttevldtatloa nnd.r abov regulation., will tt a Sag la tbamauvrtggtng, rwrnuv, , . Quarantine Pbyalclan, . I "! " . jit 1 ton of Wilmington, N. i Bmlthvil. N. a. Ha 17. U7AV . .,... saf " T2tlln0Tt i ,-i r,8 ;t.v.w-mTurr plead w -, ,s...7.i .,') How Crop 1876; "' Qmwa bylAndretkABnlrt, Pbllad.lpbta. Alo a large aarartipt of Uabbag Seed ;U for eat. by - J- ' . 1 y'fiye.rybody's'L Pill, j A Qantla but CortalhOathartlo. Thy aJt wtthtiaTAnrrr on thl tlvir; oo'n ut aw saloaiet t gra purely Vegetable.1 The bert, (qreet, aafeat and mllueet purgative fill, in M laevar ued-ator geueraiir Uian any other Pill ,ln u. for tbe length ef am they bav been before th public Are nioely sugar seated aad battled M l oentl per fill, and take no other. i ... . . One Price. JULY 1ST, m. ARE MADE OUT . ' PAST DUE... ' ' Is, . i S v. , . .'..,. to balance Uooics, mi mm i wLuv b- tims at lowest DOBalble CAB11 rillCEH. 4 1 Ml' atMiii w mMmimm)'1 rvrf- ' 'f"Sf '). i.. u.' 7 r. 1 U -i t 1 1 1; .. ! i" f ' MI3CELLAHE0U3 nil' 4th OF JULY. NOTICE TO EXCURSION, PARTIES; ' . '-I'.t 'i ' . naNio pARTna and. bound PARHE8. i r I . ' .1 Vr. tilt,. W hav a larg stock of -''' l .-i-i 1 fin M.ain Lemonf, lOOcaasfof Olareti, ,' 1,000 can. i,'., sand U pound Preaad Cook i-v, , -i Ooraed Beef, ! " '- Swt Orange. and frery thing nice fbr a holi day put op la aana aad package far neb 1 ! i .' waaloii, .,, ,,V1J, W. bare redact price, to com arlthiaraags of all.-" ' ' ' ,' " ' . , ... Extra Fin, rjlar.i, 1 ' 1 '! ; SO oenta pr bottle, Beat Butter In the World, 1 s . SuaraaUed to kp perfoody rwt aad rich al day In th mn-taka no other to tb ' ' - ' Bound: 4 ' , HtwFratnBeerTonguBt, ''" I 1 1 ' Pig. Feet and Hoe kt, Freeh Bmoked Beef, f , , . ' . , Lara Boanlih Aim Ftokleand8uoe"'i" "' . ..... ; 1 r-t "0!,r? .? hsh Price reduced, on all th above, nd ttra t . t n , i - money by reading to r I V CIO. MYERS, ' II A IS eouth Front Street. . ' is Junett ....... s ...... . ; .. PnblUhed weekly, a SHELBY, Oleveland County. N.U,,at SI to per annum, la ad vance; haa a large and rapidly Increasing eir talatkm in nearly ail tb oonntie. W..t of Mecklanburg, Alao.aneitenaiv olreaiatlon In tb oountie. or Spartanburg, York and Union, S..O- Haejiurt been enlarged from a twenty to thirty -I wo oolumn,, nd It now adorned with to entire nfm dreee.- IH pohttci an Democrats Tbe Carolina Central Kallway being now oempleted through to Wilmington, aad Shelby being tbe Waswrn terminu., the Burner I. a moot excellent advertising medi um, tatu w.atrel.. 1 r if . '!'"-'. PUB HAM WPBR -, , r -, Editor aad Proprietor ' ' " tlty wt ,1-ilmingtoii. , Kbcs at au ctio m. ,; ; ' ' On Mondkt nxt, at H O'clock, at the CUT Pvuod, will b.)ia at pnblle audio : " ' . rqua hogs, .,jj;.rii . Impounded undor an ordinance of the elty. . T-r.y "j.K BOBIXSON.C'iry Harrtal.' . ' PIUNTINQ OF.EVJCRr IMAGEA Lie descrlptioD done in Jba bwt of gtjIaaiUie ' ' 1 JouimAiOrritK

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