I 2) VOL. XXIV.-1I0. 1G0. ummroToir. n. a. ued:ie3Day. juiym. 1075. 7n0LS no- 0,01 u'Ik itoilo journal. WILMINGTON. N. a: WEDESDAY. JCLY 14. 1875 A Poisotfisa Case. A. ldy of Lei ingtan gives as through the mail Km explanation of a caso which eioited mob. interest in Lexington, and has also been the subject of some exag geration. It appears that a white ser vant girl implored in the family of Dr. Pinnix infused poison into soup inten ded for two invalid omlclren. Airs. Pinnix tasted the sonp before giving it to the children, detected the facts of its being poisoned, and aaved the chil dren, bnt was herself made violently 111 ana lire enaancea. Bee Has, How ever, recovered. The girl confessed the crime, bat disavowed the intern on of poisoning any but Charlie Pin t nix, a oadet at Bingham s twnool, a home dning vacation, and also the two children The girl was not arrested an has gone to Mparts nnkown. JiaUigd B.IOSABL OBOBLV. W1LSBS MOBBI- CRONLY & MORRIS, AUCTIONEERS, STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKER! WILHIMOTOM, . a f UN BK SEES AT THEIR SALES ROOMS V a plan of the city, on an enlarged aoale. Blank Book with the boundaries of every Let lu U city dtetlnctly defined. inn el vols, peet nS preeont ,of every lot Id the elty. Any Information deeired feralthod apon ap pllOetlOB. lll - ' .. .. m THE PEE DEE HERALD. Published every Wednesday at WADESBOKO, ANSON COUNT?, ' JOSH. T. JAMIS! CO. Hat a large and rapidly toenailing etrcnla. I uob in ine ree ue country in aorta ana strata Uarollna. ' AdTortlaorswIll And H tb beet medium In either of the alitor State tor rsaoblng tat far mere, planter! and inarch ante. The extensive local advertising pat- ronage exhibited in its columns it the I lnH "V fla VlwV W2L!.zSi(u. .hu. t tnr asi tielns. eent free, rwetaiio watt, on appUcattoa I to the underelned, either at Wadeeboro or wumugtoa, , , i t Kd I tor tend Pro or Uj tort LECTURE. CAPTAtH WILUAJf CENDBIOKS will de ll rer s Leotnre at the Hall of the Library Amoolatlon on WEDMC8DAY KVEKINO, at o'clock, ntwn the "noil, Ullmate and Pro ductions of Florida,' eaueclally her tropical torixiaeMonj Tlokeu admitting lady and gentleman, dfty eenta, J . : - July l8-tt Don't' Forget ' j 1, , THAT OUK ENTtfel STOCK Of : j COATS, PANTS and VESTS , AreOflered AT COST '' -f Dres Suite, Business baits, " Alpacca and Linen Coats. Dusters all at cost. MUNSON & CO., CITT CLOTHIEES. jaly 1J ltfl 22i ON HAND A5D TO A It RITE 357 BOXES Plug and Twist Tobaccos, , BKSIBABL BTTLES. Old Stock prices to correspond By "i D.PICOTT. . July U . - 4 -- ' 168 GEORGE MYERS. ' " 11 13 SOUTH FRONT ST., 1849. Established 1849. DEALB&IB T HE- CHOICEST TEAS, 1 ' Gr een and Black. ej.i. wa Jf- -i .nfl:usn urea mast, Vid all the Bert wrades. 'I a Wines" & Liquors, flLAftRTS. IMPOBTED IS ORIGINAL ' - OASES, PELIOA'i B and BICH FLA YOBEO. ; S ; . : , . et . i - ' TABLE SHERRY, FINE OLD BLAOKBEBBt WIDE. OTABD, OUPET A OO. BRANDT, ' "t ' (Vintage IMS.) JAM AIOA BUM A HOLLAND OfH, ; 1 ' (In original package) popular "Wl.tni OBSas" and"ORM WHI8- Jt I K3(" mreuier win a largo aimi. m w ' dial and Fancy Manors, xne vnoiceel - and beet eeleoted etoek of Family Oreeerles la the Stat. "AHEAD OF AIL,", AND AT LOWER PBIOES. , . Freeh Parhed Jera, Ufuarara, Maracabo and Ktotleftee-allfreehthleweek HuF.ea A OU'S. celebrated Pickles, aid In Java, with en aortment of all Good Brands: BEST BUTTE IN THB WORLD. KEW PE0CESS r FIMLI FLOUR, Alwav reliable and the beat Call on n foi your Huppllee, for tbs round, "we will make the prices alt.' unu.mir.no, July U, 11 A 13 Booth Front Bt. KEW fDYERTISE?JWTf. SELLIIIC OFF AT COST! H AVISO rceolvrd teeoeage my baalnee l ant iiWrou ot etanr out bit entire Mock before i he aooKtaehlni rail. 1 bee therefore determined lo offer my entire Mock of DRY G000DS, CLOTHING. Notions, Boote, SHOES and HATS, .a . Ar COST and lem than oot, far CAM. - Ladle are rtpeolally tollolted M us so arly call, to whom wo will otter at S groat ao rinoe, bobis Ttr; dee treble Ooodt la the way of HANDKERCHIEFS, HOSIERY, UNDERGARMENT!, LACES, LINEN and COTTON HOUSEKEEP INGGOODS, TABLE DAMASK, DOYLAS, TOWELS, ETC. j Wnolesala buyer art adviaed of th faot that wa hare the largest and moat dealrabi Jobbing stook la tbt city. Tui department sfoer ttdok has boee largely repualeusd from the reoeat YoriaifiiilBdeiphiacsViaottoaBrtoi, hl1!h enable we taoirhr a araat vuUtv af Ata. k " ' T F" uij wiw;ie All Good told at retail will be strictly for eaah. Ninety days Urns will be allowed on wholMal bllli In. amount of oas' sucdrad dor ian and upwardt for city acceptance. B. WEILL, Corner Front and Prineeaa Street. July li, 1178, -.'" There will be an eleotlon held at the ntoal polling nlaoee on the Bret Yhuraday In Anguet, UTS. In Hew H Biuret eounty, for the eleotlen of the following township offloere, via : j tVILMlKOTOMTOirNSHIf-eTe llaa- latratee, one Tewnthlp Clerk, one Uoutiable ana tnree oonooi uommitwe. i raiHRAL POINT. MA80MBOBU. HAB- NKTTAND OAP FSAH TOWNSHiP- Two Magietratee, one Ulerk, on (Jocttable ana inree oouoo (committee eaon. NEW UANOVEB AMD PENBEKOOCN T IBS-Three Uelegatee to the BUte Oonttltu- onM voBTeniwa. ? i s it l I f 1.1 8. H. MANNING, ! - . . . gherln'of NeWUanorer Uoejnty, July 10 . 163-dAwlUwiW 1875. Grinding, 1876; :,iNEW, FLOUXt :( J ast f rem the Haurvest rtetdai North or South. Every Barrel and Package guaranteed perfect Sena; your ordere to (he ra you Cape Fear a" lour and Pea'l Hominy Mill. ALEX. OLDHAM,' JulT-nat -i Preprletor. MRS. HENRY WOOD'S NEW BOOKS FBA50ES HILDTAKD. Price 20 OenU. t Fire Thousand a Year. Price SB oenta. , . , The Diamond Bracelet. Prloe 24 cent, i , TheBnsaway M atoh. 1 Prtoe SB cent. TheamufglertOboet.' Prloe M eeote. : u A Foggy Night at Oiford. a eente. 4 , Vlara Lake'e Oream. Price H eente. The Nobleman' Wife. Price 28 oenta. Martyn Ware'. Temptation. eente. The Lout Bank Note. Prloe 80 cents, i ... The BaunUd Tower. : prloe (0 seats. Jl ! 1 A Ufe'eBeeMt Prlee Wceutt. i ' The Myttery. Prloe IB eente. : i 'f- for aalaat-iu i. tiK.i ! ., HEINCQERCER'G 14TS boss ue masts store. JOlyl .v: 13 "The Chamber of Peace," i.-."'-- r -I ' THE CHANGED CROSS," ; ! ' "CHRISTIAN BALLADS," By Arthur Cleveland Coxe, M. A, ,, AT THB . , .-T '.. j ' CITY DOOK8TORE., Chronios ! Chromos I A fine stock of beautiful CHROM03 and oolored LITHOGRAPHS, for sale Cheap st i. " t -V-i OONOLEIAYATES' ! 1 CITY BOOK AND MUSIC STORE. July ( . For Gmithvillol QTEAKBR. DIXIE' will run regularly ntrv aiv novDi tiauv. j L avlug Wilmington.. t PM BBKUVine ......... .... .. a m t Com matatloa tickets . Btey be purchaied at sw eoioa.,. 4 ... v. 6 rmtxt A CO. T AILROAD KECEIPTS for sale st the XI) JOVJUAJb VrFlVS. KEW A8YEITISE&UXTS. Cartridges rv Cartridges. TTJ8T BECE1TED, a hrge fnvotoe of Vlt klnda "prlbfteld Breach Load ng Hl , Henry Klfle, Spenoar and Piatoi Cartrtdg vt every deeortpUoa, and for tale at , - EiceeiliiilT Low Prices, , . , At the aid eetahlkUMd Hardware Honee et JOHN DAWSON, Inly 1J. . So.U,atllatBrkatlt ATTENTION ! V. L. INFANTRY! THB UAlTBIDOEa OBDEBXD BT TOVK Company hare now arrived, and are for BIO at the leweaf Urine arteee a e Jttlyll- t UU.KS m MUUOH1SUN VICTORY ! VICTORY! VICTORY! My Eficmy, HIiill Prici EonM Fm Low Prices 'dome Out Victorious l . OI'THINO-Meae' Bad atora Clothlne. OenU' Vurulahlng Oooda, DAVID Oat-tieneralaallolherelalowprleee. t n ! 'I' M ' r Selected Second-Hand Spirit Parrels. AIWTOHRbimIOOUNTBT, la (tor Utll and for sale tow by July ls-lfc , OaR08SET0O. j Come and Ruy CLOgnifJG AT ACTUALC08T. AH snr wamater Stook af JJaeus, Alpaca. Blue FlaaaaU, Ohevlota, Cateimeres, Plagu. nah Black Oletba, Doeiklas all at GOUT, i MUNSON &rCO.. 'OmCIXTTHIEia.1 Jnlyl .r- , intuit lOS-tf Smith's Feed Cutter. THB BEIT and moet durable Feed, Gutter . . i . . , i in the market. '--' r ' A -.. ifteaalatawby ! Qthti if ktTJBOHIaOM. t JnneW ;'. -, .m, 141 awBwMeV WW W W W WeSBafV , MOBBBMAM'a PliiOBIMAOB. By ktjaln PJorth Boy jgLUIBIABOl KEYS, Bad Other Sterlea. ny mum xnacieray, author or f'Hls Angel," "Old Kenetogtoa," As. f aper, IS oenta. for tale at ; . HBtBSBEBQEB'S 1 t Uve Book aad Hiule Store.' BargainsBargainfl. JJXVa CLOTH QAtTEBS hi W, Worth S2) Men'i low Quartered Shoot t SO, wort ' Ladlea ilpperetily si per pair. j , OAABLftS V f BIOK. ' ' No.3S Market atreet, f , " lone 29 tf . Sign ol the Golden Boot V . w i mi '.ifmipl i . ,ii ii ii il in ii i I. i i Our Livinj: ana Our Dead ' . Prosbeoiuaiof and Voturn7 ' .c -awBaji,.OAgne19llli Oca Livma a Ova Dbab" will here alter be publUbedaa a Seml-Monthly Maga tine, oontalnlng u pages of reading matur,at $B per vear tttadVaaoet ' i, c For the lnlormatlon ol thoee who are not fa miliar with thia enterorlae. I tt.ate that (he I chief object of the Macaalne wlllbetoonblUh too Keoura wea mmrvo uaminRine aor g anani aoldlenmade In the late "War between the BtatM," to gather the material rot the ate or the future historian, and to aayweMato the memory or inoae prare men, omoore ana private., living or dead, who abed lmooiehable glory anon their native state. . . . I i an wemn va mm mdhp-w Ftoara Oabouka, the MacaalM will contain tketoke. Ol every eeotion, county, city and town or we State, written by competent and well-Inform ed poropna. SammaHa it prl mimtMtf BUM periodical, teatek all tUuu e eeir etaiMM The Magaeine wiu take tM piaoe or the newepaper, having aame title, bubuahed br m auring uie pan iw.it. nonwe. The Bret number will be avljaued Wndn.ed Beptembe Sth, 187. .la the meantime, I re. pectfully aah old .ubaerlben whedere to re new their eubeorlDtloni. and all othere who wuh the Magailne, ( -Wmtt preeuteiy, as the ohange and improvement require considerable .-.'v-.x-m-i i i- asp. eoow AUUiv1Bl wAla IUI LI17S laVViajWa W m mil TIB ann Oub Daas," alewbem, M. O., or Baleigh, A JJUM .111 SUuLu aI-a Hfn t .e.. Btchangeiwui pieae copy; BUg IB' i J.v.a ,1.. . . i" ii ii,h.i nm'mm : .' 'ni'i' I'M' I Portland' Cements Also. Soman, Keene't knd Parian, forwelkn. elatera, foundation, etablee, cellar, bridge, reeervotn, Jke. - Kemit six otnts poetag for pracucai treaute on eemeni- w. ii. w r. iv d.h l m V i 'nfil .'.ALiTS8oaUat.Ksw.York, Jul 8 f T rr . " ,,lS-Smeod RUSH BOOTS AlID SHOES July IS !J Blgaf the Goldoi Boot. Tlie Ciurlottd Obscryer .. ,T K iJUi i .' I" i ' - The only morning dally paper pnnikhrd In the State went of Ralelirh an i North or Wll. Mlngtoa, orrervepecisi .andnecmeDts s ad tor . tleera. it eiroulatio -, alaa aad nerfulaem have been largely Increased during the year jnt pact, and B now reaoha meatai the Mar. chants of Weeoera North Ceellna, tbaeeSer tug an nniprpaeerd medium of oommunlc tloo between the Mercbanteof Wllmliigtonand tne peopio w tiaawp mourn varoiuia.i ;.i tsBBSot tTJBeoarrriosi In' Dally.::. Weekly.. tevwesssaaejaa BS SSper aannav etvaaSae GREAT r Advartlsmi very low. BUT 14. MISCJllASEOirS. Eacon, Pork. Sugar, and Coffee ' 60 Boxes D. & Sides, : ' 60 Boxes Brooked Side! and Sbodr " dan, ! ' 15 Bbla City Mesa rork, 100 Ebla. Reined Bnxy, 100 Bags Prime Bio Cofrea, For sale low by ' " WnXLtUS k MTJSCIIISON. riour-Corrt-tyrup--RloOe I 800 Bblfc Flonr-all gradea. 8,000 Bushels Prim White Corn. 60Bbla.a H. Byrnp, 5 a5Bbls. Rioe, For tale lew by . . -, u , . WUXIAbtS 4 atUBCHUIOt.tt Hay-Hoop lron-Clu-tpl-,4 'V.rit 'Barrels.'" 500 Bales N. R and E. day, , 400 Bundles Hoop Iron, . lOOBhla. Glue, . ' 800 Second Hand Spirit Casks, i .' few sale lew !''; ' ' V- ' : r i WILtUall A MOBUBWOIH MOLASSES--QOAKi--NAtLSSKaT 100 Ends, and bbls. Ifew Crop Co . ba Molasses, ' , ' 300Tona OjanapeQuano, ' 100 Toua Eureka Oaano, s, '800 Keg Nails, . . - JKlOBagaBliOa. , j For eale low by WILLIAMS A htUROHISON. lalyl -. - 1S . IN.STOKE.1 ; ;:;.:! j u.-s IN STORE 1 600 BBLS. FLOUR, i l ; ' W Boxes D, 8. Sides Bhonlders, ' 60 " Smoked Sides A Shoulders, 75 Hhds. New Crop Cuba Molasses, 100 Bbls. a BY Molasses, - y,i 50 Boxes Tobacco, : 100 Lys and Potash, ' 75 Bags Coffee, !..( ( ' -i i ; 50 Bbls. Sugar, ; . 100 Oases Oysters, v 60 i Pioklos, 400 Spirit Casks. 100 Bbls. Glue, , . 200 Papers Rivets, " .20 Tons Hoop Iron, .'. . . Candles, Candy, Matobes, Snuff, Shot Caps, Powder; cl, ko &0. . ..V For sale by ' ' KEBOHNEB et OAtfJEB BBDW Please Remember mEAT WE WILL NOT OPEN OVBSTOBB X 0" ws Ota of July, and bny yoar ,( . j TO-Dlt. Balnrday. the Id Want 1 We bats everything you want lor Bicuretoni, PINle and Bot Paruea. t - t'if Orangbs and ; Lerncn,, Uiareta, HStarne auu euin n um. 1 vnuawoa, mueviia ami uuanimnv, Ale, Potter aad Freak furter liger Beer, ; Pmklee, Uracken, Uheeas, Sardine, Bologna, ana me great luiury ana convenience- . j COLD PEESSED CORN BEEF, j Best Smoking Tobacco la sbmII pocket bags. e3,JeWl Clg0aT ' C11AG D. UYEH3 U North frwait km. ML . .. ... . IN !7T 7T A Glean Sweep. -i ft 11 ' 1r V. s j . '"v J tf ? !A t fH THURSDAf , JTJLf 1st, I begin my Crand Clearing Sale of -..''.:'.'' Clothing. I la nnlar to rflhefc Aril ever article of Buin. mer Stock I have decided to MARK DOWBI price and make a demonstration that will tn ture a uliC AX) avvn&r ia every aepartBwnt. t guarantee a good bargain to each and every euMomer. , . i i CASH. ' O.OrD. CASK. . 1 . i5. i. ; v tl r. Bath Sponges, I Totlet snd Fancy Arttele In great variety. Labia's Soaps. Extract and Powder , a full line of para Drag and . Medicines and ana Uhemicais - Preeoriptfcm eempoaaded at all hoatSy day or algnte , .-..i..- -1 . .' 1 1 JAAIUt C BUI IDS. DBTJOaiST, Third street, oppottte City HalL July 22 Ilarket Street. D.-PIG0TT, lrcni mnii 'It WILMINGTON, N 0, At Home on and After : July 4th. (875. t ISO Wilmington and Ooast Turnpike PROPOSALS FUB OPED IS i TH ttti lire tins of the. main, um of tas Tarnpike Road of Uil OomsAay, aad alto of macadamis ing"" ani eompieUug ; jfnti saa 'aoooidiiit to tpcolfloatmns to bsfurnlbd,,wUI bs contld-i sred by this Compasy.., Propoeals far dslng eKher part orb ranch of the foregoing work " - . . . , will lm be entertained. . . . (Wllmlngtow, W. C, July a, ."- NB-at VEDDIHG CAHDSr i- start UshJoaabl sty is at the 430T1BB tTJP (davidJ AbWtAWtlUlAUtU i niiiii in . priats fries NEWSPAPER DIRtCTORT. APPLETONS' AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. ' New Bevlswel t:41iisu ' ! : Entirely Nwrltten by the ablcat wrltets on rory rabjtet. PrlaUd Irorn new type, and 111 ueuatetf with Beveial Tbouaacd Engia V tag. aad Bap. '. ...., f ' -i' , THB work originally publlh4 ender the ti tle ot TUB KW AMtHlCAM lY(jUP.t. 111 A wuoouiletd In 14, tluP which time the wtdeearealaAiaawBtehtlbaaattalnea la all part the United State, and tiie.igunl de velopment. Which bare taken pleee la wvetf braurh oleeienoe, literature, aud art. hare lu duced th editor, and pehll. hereto eubmlt It M aa esaet and therouah revMoa. aad te wrat a new iNiUlua entitle THK AMEMitiAh CT UMIPXIHS. kw ... x( i v W Ithia the laat ten year the proline of dl. cwvrry in every deparimeM ef knewleds baa made a sew wurk at rolerewca an mMatlv want. ' '' ' ' " ' v . lhe movement of oollili-Jtl almir. baa kept pace with the illwoverlwiur eoietUHi, and their rrivHful appllcaUuei m the laduetrlel and aa. lal arm and th eonveaianoe and reSnemeul of encialhre. Ureal war and eonetdaent rovola ttene have ocearred, la volvlng eaUonal change, of pec. liar moment. The civil war of enrow eeexatty, which we at It height when the latt relume of the old work aiared, baa happily hewn eased, and a aew ouuroe at eommerdal and laduetrial activity be. bern oommmoed. I Arte aoceeekweW our tcgrahlrBi know Irnige hare been made by toe Indefatigable plorertof Afrlra. 1 .'..'.'' ' The gnat poUtloal nvolurlona of th laet de cmle, with the natural reeult of the laie et time, haeebroaght Into pubko view a aturU tuileof new men, whoe name ar In every ene-e mouth, and of wheat Hvee every arte curtoa te know the particular. ral battle have been rmight and tmportaar eteoae mala tal nod, ef which ibedeteileme e yet areecrved only In the uweier.or In the tranetent pub UoaUoaeerUMOay, bn whtoh eeiiht aew to take their place In permanent suit authentic kiatory. ?-... . .. la nieparlBg th preeenl edition for the pro, It bat socordlngly been the aim of the editor t bring down the lnlurmaUo i f th latest poNubl lUiet. and to farntth aa aoca rate aeeeaat af the saoet recent dlaoovertae In enlenoe.ol every freeh pioducttonln literature, and r the tweet invention la tbs practical arm, at well at to give a aootnt ana original record ef Ue progremef political and Burton She work fcat been btgnn after long and oarefat prellmlaary labor, and with Uia rantt ample reamroee for carrying it on to suocete fui tevmlnatlen. ! ' Memo of the original atereotype plates nave bees uatd, but every page ba aew evee, mrrnibg In facta a Dee n printed on aew Ovolotiodla, with the Hue plan and compaai ai iia ru eeetor, but with a far greater pecuniary aspen, dttwre, and with each twnroveeaeut la Its oum aoelUenaahavs beea uggt4 by long . perleuo and enlarged k nowlfdge. . . ' I Th lllnttratlon which are Introduced rarthd Brat time la the pnMnt editien have beea adj dad act for the eake of pictorial effect, bat td glv greater lucidity and force to th eaplaea. Done in the text. They embraeeall baaaeh af sateaoe and of aatsral hletory , and depict lb moot fameua and remarkable feature of scene) ry, architect ura, and art, as wM as the varloiil prootmiiet mechanics and maaufacturea Alt iliough Intended for Inatractloa ratliertliad Smbellltliment. aa peine have been irpared te tnture Uen artletls excellence ; the met of their execution I enormou. and It w believed pat atit preue they wUI and a weloome reception a aa a mirame mature ox toe tiioupttuia, anu wmvui Of We high character. ' '.( h i 1 This work at fold te suhaoriDertoni? , payi nleondellverVafoaohvolamSj Hwlllbeeoe kimii in MvtMn utot mMAvm vnininaa. aapi contaletnr about SflO pagea.fnlly tlluettaead wit) arvevul taooaaud Wood Kngravlnre, aad WM nameroa ootored Uthosraphlo Maps .'4 .'.. to'l ! .. bdit , .,1 pnoe aind ami or minainsij la extra uloth. net foL ... In Library Leather, pet vol.... ..,...... S 00 fa Half Turkey Morocco, per VoU. I 09 la Half Kueale, extra gUt, p voa Ik Wall UnnflAO. anttuua. ellt adiri!. ' VWl. ..,. A.V.'...M..M.ft....... 10 09 In Full Bumla, per vol... ,10 00 Volume now ready Suoeeeding rolemea, nnttl eompMloB will bs hawed ease la two daasneelmaa ass af th AM ERICA I OVOLOP D1A. aiMiwiBS true. IllustrattSiit. etc, wtu be.ant graUs, on applloaOon. j .n j FTBST-OLlsa H CANtABalMw A. 0 1 Bt '.YRabted.''' ' V Addrsstths PatlUhsrs,! s r ; ' ' . ,:b.IJEx6N c6. - , ' 519 and Ml.BroadwsT;N. t. janstt . r .. . , LJew-tf THE EilLtlQH 1TET7S AMD WEEKLY it THE ; NEWS PUBLISHING CO. TE VOTED TO TUB HUT IB f EBES'l's JJ of the State of Morth OaroUtia4o the (uooem of the uoneervaav party, tne ovt apaientertno btddea wealth of the state, the Inviting emigration Into our midst, and ad vaneement of the Welfare OT onr people I averythlBg that serves to make a fljata ptouey., Ool and Indeivendent Its j " ADVERTISING COLU1INS rlllbefosnrl of great advantage as both the Dally and Weekly elroulato largely In every aornoa ef wis stats, juue. mooerato.' : BUPBOBIPTIOK BATES f tH' , Dally One Tear... M ...w4.ts On ' e monui..... ................ a m ' Weeklv-O 5ns Tear ....t.w.t. 1 o Sli. j6bi,AI, STOWB, Aamnlat ftnr WiElwJ t tt a WAi wuiti a ju. ,.WOODSOSLocol Editor Cff Jilmirigton rB AUVE TOBEB INTkBEBTB la ESm L Caroline, he batinee mea will advertlmt. THE WASHINGTON ECHO, a large and weU tabllhed weekly aewrps ir, circulating exuineiveiy wiomiimf vde. Beaufort, Pamlico. PHt. Bdaaoompt aad thorn adjoining. Rates Low. ; . I Walt. P. wittiAaisow, - tt. oxii.u. Late Of TBronro. t. ot wsauingwm. Editor and Proprietor. atBi j tj, araraopy. uia e , : THE. LA1IDIIAEK, t fim ion PUBUBTiKD AT4 W TBI . $ ,j vs v LAAellrtg HwWBpBpeK lit Wsstef S:,J''.llortrt.Orollrirtf;f.a s TT 18 THB ONLY DEMOCRATIC PAI'EB X pabllshed In JredeU Coanty-ons.of the largeet and wealthlert count! et la :n Htaot-' and aa aetalnad a lra meal ctrcwlatloa tbaa aay paper avat heretofore ubllaUod th ft elreulatkm la Alexander, Wllkea,Ashs, Bneghtay, YadklB, Davie aad Iredell, lei ricr than that of any two paper In the Stat, com, nineaf ana uv rapmiy miiiihibi mw wr hold la pereythe, Barry, Rowan -and Wettern MeoUenbarg. ' ' " " u' " i .H4tUT i 1 II I :1S V ii'liP I , It him only paper In Wettere Worth 0ro Hnathet employ a h regular eanvmmlng agari, and a) thus hwpt eonetantlv befova M people Voder toil viteiaa lapimyincreaiing oil mtkm It the retail, making tbs liAstHtAKS Thai Beat Advertising Medium i ' Wftatarn MartrY usrol ntt ' I jAddrene. jl fc.it ! rv . -. AB.J ,nrti i mi f.rs , HOsaiJiraiiETs - A MO ,FjAME8,.fJaaM ai)d l,, 0 aeooad ttock. Jort received aad tar sale lew by i-ii rvin j... i t ),r- i i; I ,t D. A. SMITH A COa jijeep IT r ff'l-'' , -niRCULABa OF IVEKY' tiKSOUP j tion gotteu up in the neatest of style ttba Jotjbbal Office. IS 111111,15 Dei re to eU the attention of all who take any interest in tbs prioe of DRY GOODS to the fact that we are allowing ... , , r A DIOCOUWT of 10 Per Ccntl ' i -.. on all SUMMER DRESS GOODS. Asy aftiole that belongs speoiaUy fc Bummer warmuRtbs sold out . LLAMA LACE SHAWLS and SACQUES, : pcsnKn 'Da 'Do. do. d. . . '"" "WHITE AND STRIPED SHETLAND SHAWLS, ' w...tJj .cents White Dress Shirts ' Msde to ordor In any style that may be doaired. fit ouajuktied, A full assortment always on baud, i Also Cuffs, Collars and Underwear. Strjpcil '-Cotton Cheviot Tweed' Shirting Only 20 Cents, 'worth 37i,ery desirable for traveling. iindlt Skirt Sup iwrrteraj, A NEW TIIUVG, i And one of tbs most desirable artiolei that has boon introduced. WI1XTI3 Swiss, Nainsook and Victoria Stripei and Plaids a very large assortment ' S9 Afwaita law frank Leslie's CUT lAPKH FATTKHiMBt r . - - t .- inarhlns "Jeeales BOeaita waMh. . ,1 Terms Cash Only i DB0T71T & E0DDICK, 45 Harket Street. juiye tt i a motoe: .i..iS ill H,i. . ; ,ii .1,1 1 1 V '1 f ! '. tl rl H. ' I - I tl "u i j () .1,' . ). 1 ALL ACCOUNTS ' t " ,', . 'J' ' ; J..i I fit .DUE AND i.i i .' V. (T As this Is' the semi-annual time to balanoe Books, and aa I wlshto oon Unue o soil to tny Knd t-Anions on tmia at lowest poasibla CASH PRICES, I hope they will call and pat cr, . 1 i i :i i j i i. ) i;ct u i ?PST"A88PR0IED STOCK OF ; .j ' v I" 1:1 . i KCZLLAITEOTJS. a va vv HI3ITTI lor andf I ten, out , JL TheHOUbrl reoeiiiiv built fi cocarHed bvtlie Rev. J. O. Hlden Seyentb, between (hestnat and Mulberry u wsaaABi a HiawiHJsavAav. a 'urmt fts.i '"-.'. B. HAAB,Orooer, Corner 7tU and Obettqat BtreeU, xanvw: ui.hi u .(.n-i in.t Qnaranthie notice. TTNTIX fVBTBEB NOTICE ALL. VEB eels frost Ports South efCtpeF.ar will com. to at tbs YadUnt B tat ion, near peep Water Point, and await tbs liiirpecUon or the Qnar. antln Pbyalclan. ' ( All vernali from Port where Tallow Fever, or other Infection dieo 'exist, will be re quired to undergo a rigid aad prolonged Qoar- aatlas. ;!.".. .v'jj-fj :.;.,i. . r,, t i j 'All veswUorBoatiof aay eharaoter having riesasai m koaid.oa artival, ar bavins had IckneM any tima duilng tbs voysge, ars rc qoirsd to oom to th Btatloo for lnspectloa without regard to th Port from whence thsy some, VrnteU not In eluded a sbsvs will pro ceed with! detention. . - - - i . Pilot ars eapaotally snjetaed to make ears tn) enqatry relative to vet.'el, or.wi dtc, aad f not attuned witb th ttatemenU of th 0p Ula Or commander, or tf tb tms1 Is la! a llUiy eoadlttea. thsy will brthg the vessel to tbs BUtton for farther examlostloa. . , Pllou wilfully i TjoUUng tb t Qaaraatlns Law are labjecttoaforfeltuTe of tbelr branch; Masters af veaesls to s Bn of two hundred dol lar a day for every day; they violate tbs Quarantine twr. and ail other psroonl kr iiaoie tor eaon ana every onense. ... .... ... .. . .,i.,liir.il? All vemel (abject to vlsltatlOB under above, regulation, will sst s Bag In thsmatn-rlgglpg, pervnue. , ). . f . w. POTTKB, ! " , 4 W Hi - r Quarantine Phydolan', ; v Port of Wilmington. N.- . Bmlthvlle, K. O., May 17, ltfll - i . may W 12tllnov1 i. . ..j' il I'.i ill M U null- in -i, m ii II Turnip Seed J , .4, n.t,v, ! ' ' Turn p Seed !' "'New Drop 1875. j Grown by Lsndr.th de Bultt, Philadelphia. Aim a large ateortraeat ef UkbSagt hees. For talc by OBEEN FLAKSKR. : : Jttlf MEveiody;PilI,; A Cent I btit dertalri pathrtlo- They act with csbvaistt on th Liver, eon tain no calomel f are purely ' Vegetable.' Th beat, laraet, Mfeet and mlldeet partatlva PHI In . ute. Thev ar used more generally than anv ether PiH In he. fee the lensth of time they have been before the public. Are nicely tugar seated aad bottled at us ernta pur Bottle. t Atk your Droggtm for "EvBsv boot's Pill, and taks BO other. July I lR-lm vn U ' lUHijIIVH, " . One Price. t its JULY ffl.m ARE MADE OUT, J PA ST DUE. '1 - vr ..a !t r.-r At t - - . 1-' ril ' ' L . -. DRY GOODS, MISCEIXANXOtJS 4th OF JULY. NOTICE TO EXCUXSISM PARTIES, PIO-NIO PARTLES ' AND BOUND - PARTIES. - ' l .-. -. ) r, j. j,. ... ., ., ,.-. I .Wshavsslsjisatoekor- . ... f Us Mttlna Lemoni, lOOCBeetofOlaret, fOOoana,4,Sandi4ponnd Praned Cook Corned Beef, ' - 1 Sweet Orange and very thing nlos for a boll . eytMtnplaaasaadxuMluujesfsrsawm W bsvs reduced prioe to com within raage of all. , . Extra Fin Claret, '."V- ' " " - " ' " 80eenUperbOttls, Beit Butter's tbs World, " ' ' ' Ouaranteed to ksap perfectly sweat sad rloa all day la tbs saataka ae other to tbs . - Sound. , , New Freeh Beef Tongue, " ' ' - 11 . - ... ,i. B-gpetaJi-aUoks, fresb Imoksd Bsef, j . ..... Large Bpanleh Alree Pickle snd Bkuoo. " ' ; - I. fl f-. ( ".J ,...! Prices reduoed n all the above, aad saws .. , .., i ,. , , .., money bj sending to . ... 4 .1 QEO MYERS. 11 II South front Street. .. ,. . WS. June si ia,1 , . i ':.' ',.; t PublUhed weekly, at SHELBY, Cleveland Oounty, M. U., at St M pet annum, la ad vance; hat s large and rapidly lnoreaniug oir enlatlott In nearly ail the ooaniiee West of Mecklenburg. vAlno.aaextenalva circulation In the eonntle of Spartanburg, York aad Union, S.O., Bavjutt beea enlarged from a twenty to a thlrty.lwo column, and le now adorned with an entire after dree. ' lit poMtet art Dtmoenti. The Carolina Ctntral Kitilway being now cvmpleterl tlirmiKb to Wilmington, and Shelby being the Weetern terminua, tba Bmtr to a moet excellent advertising modi- "-'nuRHAMciWEBB Editor and PrcprieMtnt I VI I Ull'l I BwS BS BT - j..,;t t . .. CUP ! Wltrolnstom; HOGS AT AUCTION.. On Honday next, at 11 o'clock, at the UltF PeafcdVwUl beeold at publus auction . iv , v ,.:,1 POP HOQ8r i Impounded under an ordlnanoe of th city. J. tt B0BIN8ON,Cliy aarehal. Jury k . tnlir ;. v'i'wn s V . . .1 .. m . v t ,. i f ' - PRINTING- OF, KVFRY IMAOINA Ue description 'done In Uie Uatof itjle at the Joubsaj. Opfics. 1 ' ll(Ht

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