4; : V . - s ' w- ' N VOL XXIV.-UO. 163. V7TTJTTTTGT0IT. IT. C.. THIIESDAY. JULY 15. 1G75. XTHGLZ ilu " C.l 31 , j n in I I 'I 1 i i i Of 5Mn loitrifnl. WILMINGTON, N. a: THURSDAY, JULY 15. 1875 BY TELEGRAPH. JVo6a6itVa. WHDiOTO!," . July 11 -For the South Atlautio and Galf state, Teuneasee and Ubio raiiey ata tionar? to fallioff barometer, stationa tionary to falling barometer, stations, ry to risiug tanipetatnre, southwest to southeast winds ana clear or partly M.m.lw wl.W will nrvail -xeent . - J I ' . ' possibly, light rains in the two last i r....,i;., mrr.i.ji. n.,.i;..a u;,i.iu and eastern atates sUtionsry to fall-1 inff htmntlar annlamuit tn amithfuutt r --- i wiuuo, waxuirr, moot ui (jmwj uwuuj i weacuer. rno iowr wmo nver uu Mississippi, at and blo Cairo, will continue slowly r eing . 1IEADQUAKTE1LS. THE INDIAN FRAUD3-8USriC-. ION IN REGARD TO A CABI NET OFFICER. AfiHlNQTOH, JUly I. rOiehBor Alarsn, in a leiier vo 1110 rtoeiuoui 1 regarding Indian bonds, wherein h itivea full detail. He declares ha has no ooufidenoe in the sevsreity of the Secretary of the Interior or the com missioner on Indian affairs in the proa e oution of the investigation into these frauds, and that the evidence in his both. The Light House Board gives notioe al . . - at. a. I Ol .1 - T..I mat OQ ami aiier uo oia 01 kuij, I 1H75. the Aro of Visibility. Barratia Hm T.a Iiicht. will be lnoreaaud bo J " , 0 ... .. tHat it can be seen around the entire nonzon, 1 . The Beoretary of the Treasury makes . a cU for ten million ooupon bonus I .iiein 1 r.. ELECT1UC1SMS. To the neat International Oolleariate --o ; - r. . 1 Race at Saratoga, Cornell was first, I Columbia seoond, Havard third, Dart- mouth fourth, Yale fifth. Others straggling, uornena time was 10 min- 1 utes S3i seoonds. There was great AnrKnaioiirn TA tha innPTtftli AfAW WftJI I V . Y . ZT i.,:." IC1 1 oarnea use suu iuw immn uiw 1 Grand Stand. Th .4.;nn nf lh flit TTntl I v wjhuuuuii wm j j " 1 sreat crash. Fortunately five or six rare not fully occupied t waskiled, T. E. Har- banker, body Injured. ' of the tooms ware . MriL Ih. Brown tis, oommiaion banker, body injured. Tom Wells, formerly a commission merchant of Atlanta, suioided in that .i . a t A;m.,Hm ujkj uu aouuuu. u iuma. Cardinal MoCloskey sails for Rome on the 11th of August. i1..ni.i.l in Tl.lur1al. 1 VUU..DU.VMU.U V vcunuuiak mm Hlli phia, and are preparing to put up I uentenmai Duuainga. i Africaltaral oa-reaa. Baleioh, July 14. The Agricultural Congress is in full operation. Judge Jonea, of Arkansas, addressed the Congress to-day upon ' the subject of establishing agrioultu ral bureaux, in the several States. He read a telegram from the agent at New Orleans of Rockdale Do-operation Company of England asking a com mittee of conference : Maxwell of Ga., Jones of Ark., Jones of Ga., Edwin JJUUer 01 UB,, oomposeuie oommuieo. duoed resolution requesting delegates to Congress to urge We legislatures Ol their respective States to follow pre- oedent.so wisely established by Geor- gia, in eeiaDUsmog Diaie aeparimenui of agriculture. Dr. Jones of Georgia, explaining the great good that had been aooompliBhed in that State by this deparment. lie claims that two million dollars would be saved to far mers of Georgia this year by its work ings. The resolution was adopted. .rnrtt M ... . m J ' A A 1 1 Xiie tuiairs 01 uiroun wu uuiuu 4i a si ii a a art when its workings had not been alto- gethM satisfactory ittadbeenestab- lisneu, me iaot tunii ii uuum uo yiv- duotive of great good to the Southern States. - An essay waa read from Dr. E, M. l'endleton of Georgia,, pertaining to agricultural colleges and department of agriculture. Col. Johnson of North Carolina reported from a special eom- .:ilaii ai)onAtirio th vABlaKliaHmnt of a State banking system as peculiar- ly advantageous to tne wnoie country and asking Congress to relieve the tax upon State banks aj a matter of justice and right, . Constitution and by-laws were adopted, making the election of om- oers biennial. CoL D. E,v Butler, of Ga.; re-elected President; uoi. J. v, Whitford, of North Carolina, Sooreta- treasurer , liaBUViuw waa aoiouuou au the next place of meeting. A resolution was adopted, urging the importance and the absolutepro priety of producing an, abundanoe of All arilGloa vi yiiuiv ucucoaiij. iuo committee of proper bases to unite the commercial interests of Southern and Western States, said these States should be more closely united togeth ec as strongest ties of commercial in terests existed, by reason ef their di varsity of climate and soil, each pro ducingthe prime artiolesof domestio necessities required by the other. . 7.11 A reaoluuou was adopted, request- iniure the construction of three great Trnnk Line of railwsy from ChiKoto MorristOWtt Tenn., from Bt. IjOUIS thronoh Cumberland Gap to Knoxville, and from Memphis to or near Atlanta Georgia." . . The ouettion of co-operation with the Rockdale society of England was ' referred to the national urange. DIED ib Mount Olive, Wayne eountv. North Caro lina, Uttte "Clyde,1 daaghurof lmkt W. tad Aea a. Mcinuie. Agcu i aioaine. ... weetfcUlyde,se9ar.aortlat1ottght, WMa ang.li. (pun naaoera iromou sigat; She I'wxt im a (1'iw.r. ma bat for a ), that bloonu ta tu. morning, at eve fade Sh.Ve. 'goo. to b.r r-t. laid -neath... aid: She he. (on. to b.r rest, U booom ef oo DIED. , Oa Saturday, Wi laaUnt. Mr. KLIZ a. H., I Jj'i uu ' Lo"1' " 81 nei UI IB. aat a.. ,C 5 " JtTm .b l. Tab -noin.r tn laraei." Another ol the old land. mark aaa pamed away; aoottur link tbat IL. ..'.'.Tr" . " PMI BIIU VV I ". son. w Mr mt, iinj iw m i wh - follow atier. U UrUbt aaauiiia uf b I fh.wa.bora ta tku etiT iu oidert nati "un - aiKi awoeuura nom a Imul y ,i,. - 4Mi,fct im I . I . r. . 1 . I . nuuaaoil rtrtna. la aarly jouth ab.dnHe4 I ' i" u UimI. at Ui. alur of tba Kt. Jame.' Kulacooal huruh, a d tdrougbout her laiigtb.o.d l grimag on earth, u vr a flraa and auaelaUut Btonjbar mi that rhnrrh cUt in (oiid wurka, an buaibla and detaot t'hil.'laa. In all tlia relaiiotitof lira. li. u blanlar.a.rrloiKl,ait'a, a ajutbef, Yia- taiaer, alfiN-Uouata, d.TOtod-aneouraiiliig " mtiwhwii, mui uia aunjriunai. tr.i(thalnK lb. wrak and b prrcnt and rxui(ila, llliulratliiK ta hor daly w alk th. ala torlty of b.r religlou eourlction. Horba Hie oou d bar but one ndiu( Ha vhan th. m. mntu fioaj Ib. Mai4r eama to thl. aged U gun, it iuuuu unr reauy and araitarad, aim mwk.r'sboaom.ab .l.pt Jam, filaawd ikbo. NEW ADYERTHEMENT1. HJ5POBT Of tha CaSltlaa lth rim Ifatloai. al Bask at WllMiMktaa, at ' li mine; toa, im th 1 VMM ml Hartlk Carollaa, at tha cloae ! Baalacaa, jnn.au, 1N7S. , K8UCi.OK8: Uitni and DUeoaott , ir.rdrai'i.....' u...i.sioi rst ie ..U1 17 V;." - "'i virooiauon lXI.WHI I I uto.r H'.ocki, Bo.daand Moritaaws. II 0V7 SS hiu. from appiorad Rowrv. aVuii i,mis ""i1 oruh. ... 6.TS7 07 Hoai em.u, Kumitur. and aitara.' 1.01 74c I1.1BS 1ft S0I7 IS M.OTI IS rui ana tax, paid ... r fsk tn 1 11 arksi tM in CbMk. aad othat cash' ltcaa,.,. .... 1.TW 1 nui. 01 ouer natwaai Hants... ... Fractional Uurranoy ilnelud'lf dUb al.)... 7 , uai t,TOI Sptoi. (Including gold Treasury aot......... , T.l 1... - ' KfiO 3J.0W ifS"1? .'?.'. neueoipuun rana wun u. . 1 rea. urr(Spr cant, of oirouUtion). ,O0O I uu irom u. a. xreamrar, other "P"ent.rod.mplionfund. xoui.. tm,m 47 tun..i,... . stock. paid ta.r. 28o,ooo aurpiaa rnaa ,., g,sio M S'Si? Jl !.nS'J,,!I0.B,: T-7" Dind.nd. an paid I 1 1 wis! amjIb aaKHMll ' ufvna oarujioaua 01 ovolt 101 ST3 7 I i" to other National faMuX - - Tout nk. I,l Ml 1 .. . - Ami " I - Mw umiivii,,, Ml I I re-discenntod W II aw U I swi4 it 8TATE O. NORTH CAROLINA, CoDBTT o Nbw Habovbb. f 1, A. R. walker I, A. K. Walker, Cashier of the abov named Bunk, do ailcmnly swear tbat the above .lata- mentis tree to tie heat of my knowledge and UUl.V.. a w ar.i.irvB r..i.ia. : I IJUUOWIUVU .JIU U W UVll. U IIIW .11 V I 14th dav Of July. 1ST 5. . .. r.rvrj-m . ' : ; - ' 1 Notary Pnbue. . v";vl.l"l; W. H. MuRART," .. Directors. B E. BUKKU8S, 1 TWoowaKp-Jif Excursion f iAUUUIItilw XiAgUfBiUU J Smlthvllle, July 19, , 0 oieamer u-overnor ( w ortn," l 0IVBB BT TBB FITHIAN SILVER CORNET BAND, 0f Wilmington, complimentary to th. Qider I KnlghtS Of Pythias ! The txolutlT right for Tending rcfroahaent have been M8erT'd by the committee, with hZ'$? FoaWn!, .Elow i bo.ra. w. I. JE wrtt, v d, m accmbeb. COrfly Meal and HaV ! I . .. . .. t ,oo Bushels Corn i : 800 Bushsis Water-ground Meal, 100 Bales Hay, , i . s F0E gAtB BT Krbohnbb & Oaideb Bbob, OIJBA MOLASSES 1 75 HOGSHEADS N.EW SUGAR MOLASSES I Ebbohnsb. A- Gaxdbb Bros. j Four, Sugar, Coffee & Rice. j 1 boo Barrels Floar, I , so Barri Sagar I . to Backs Coffee, I to Barrel Bice, ,T Kerchner & Calder Bros. Spirits," Cask8f ClUO, Etc. I if..,, j ,p j ; t Barrels Qlus, ; Llj ijiU; 19 Toni Hoop Iton I . t-(f HVET8, BUNGS, NAILS, ETO, I rOB SALB BT KSRCHNBB A CaXiDBB BkOB. St. John's Lodge Now l in a "r flHE members of Bt. John's Lodge Bo. 1, ar i hereby noUfled to meet at Bt. John's Hall this --.a..-. . tof. . , , .,. ., ft, -M of or.U,lni 0,Mtton ' T,pl 'f Isrsels Mtmbsrs ar requeetta to provra themselves with white gloves. ' Brethrsn are cordially Invited to partlalpate , order of tbeW.ht. i.,- j-.--,!., .3 . .: i ; J.O.MUND9,Serotary- AT LESS THAN ACTUAL I7E7 YORK COST I or 9 took op Linen Goods! COATS, PANTS and VESTS, White and Drown BUCKS, Etc; MUNSON & CO. crrr cjlotiheiis. J- jcuu jvuivuid, x . . .r,.-. rrjctiaC,.Va., Fr.raraa for Cmnmi:? ar Railaaw. a krdaDdUrrsV f- Attoa. aat kai . . m 1. youui(M tM tivaatraa. EXTRACTS rllOkt TI8TIM0MALB: ."I BMt haaitllv aeamaad ttaraak Acta. lairM th far or aad palrunaf o tk. pablta." wt. a: rKl ana, Prof, ef LaOa, Univaraltt af Va. " t would b wIIIIdi to Mofld. bt aon to Mr. .Hailtb'. ar, aad h.no J rKsaiBiaS lb. n-bool to other parent.," r. H. SMITH, rror. natorai rbiioaohT, uulvar.it of Vs. " I tarl warraatad. tnm .idotUbo.. la ra- eoma.ndlBg It" 1UHM B. BHIMIH, fiofcaasral Law,UBlTraltaf Va. " tn. of tk boat IttaUta km of It elaajln th. Htl.. H. II. HARRIS, Piwfaaaar of Ore., Hlolimond Oollcga. " I know of 110 tnatltnlloa of llko arada iyu- rlorto BethMAoail.mv." . , V Ksv. 4. l. RIiACKWsUji a. at I DO -Lyaohbuii, va. DBanalld, la ay I tlnlon, by any I.Mltif M.U.W. tIKUi. AUaaia.Ua. noa In tba South." 0 Bad aad ahaaMt araparatorv aobool la tatttat., OHARI.IU hfAIOIi. .1 01 King uoorg eoaaty, va- f la aty oaialoa, th. ebaaaaat aad Vart la tk. BUM." OOL. S. I). CRAWFORD, Aaguna eoaaty, va. Tk ckaapoat Saalnary. a4 a goad as th bt, In f. Unlir.1 MatM." ADAM thl r IK, J. A. KNUKLHAKII, WUalogion, itoria uaroiiaa. Fof UaUlogo, addroai ' ' ) tad It W Clinton MALE ACADEMY. ... .. tvi Taa axl aaaioa of this Sshool wfil eon aianra th. Srt Mnnilav la AuinM. 1K7S. and eontiBoa twenty aotk. 1 - - - - - ib tnis sonooi boys can a taoroagniy pra parad for taa Freak raaa Ulaai la aay oollag, ar tor toi tha nmal avikiatlana of Ufa. It alU a the aoattaot alas of tha rrtnalnal to mak. thl achool worthy of patroing., aad not a ptaos, iov aoy v wasw nata ana noa.y Beard nar month from.. ...... l.S)U to all (a TalUoD ' Mmkm . .. aotsat as OonUBgintr. parMMion For forth r partlsaiars, addtaai Wl. MALAMftta OUntan, 8. 0: w- a aaeea w . Wilmington Lodge No.3 1 0, 'Il.f ' tl"f ttt . & t i t r ? i.- ! f. (Till mHl tn.mbsr. of WHmlBgtoa Lodn Mo- lit ar hereby reauestad to most at St. John's rr ... . . : J, ,.rT. Mall tni. I'ntinnt. iMnnii m (.Br. i ui ru. im f!. Jfy OTOOr Ol W S FRK8T0N OUhtMINO, Beor.tary. A Hundred Years i TTOU might wait and nav.r havothppor Unity of baying goods al tho prioas at which I am etooing oat aay stock, it I aotto make room for another Stock, but 1 s sal to elot oat th entire stock to a given atbr of days; and to loanr. tale, on and arts tba IStk Instant goods will bs sold at less than eost tor cash only. Com without further Invitation or delay, a at the prtosa the stock win rapidly dlmlnlnh. ' Kver. artlola la na rA .hofldv a. auction goods in th. xor. vary nspsotraiiy, GEO. LEIBEB, , 29 Market street. July IS, ISIS. Turpentine and C ' Cooper s Tools! A mil tnotilv and larg aaortmant of evsrv kind of Tools used on a Turpentine Farm or around a Btlll or Cooper' Shop. The boat brand, for sal at th low art price.. July is - filLES at ICBCHIS05. STOTTlfST 1 A SUITABLE RBWARD WILtrBB PAID for the Pay-RIol Book of the Journal Of fice, which ha been stolen darlog the lart l.w foiV'n it ewgixhakd a bavbdbb IVotice to tlio In- . a ,;; ; raolitcss. ty- Ton ar hreby resoeotrutlv rcqntatod to eloaayour plaeee of baalneat thl. day ( Thor. darl at t o'clock p.m.. to participate la th lay ing oi me coraermoae ot our npiv M .etats o'clock at iho room of th Wll- ob Ubrary Aasoelatioa' MACKS, t v Becretary. July 18 It SOL. BBAR, ' Prealdsnt. STEAMER JXTNTPElt. CAPTAIN BK1NNIR, carrying th Dolled states Mall for Fsysttrille, and Intermedin offloert, will lsavs our wharf oa Taesdays and Fridays punctually at 1:13 p.m. Vlck tt Mebane, i i r AGENTS. July-Him. Patrons of Husbandry ; waaiBOTOB, , C., Jsiy th, ws. mUB Cap Fear Council, (F.ef tt.)wlU In tn uonrt ' uooM m wumingtoa, b tn third Thoralay .aly a. (th ISth mst) at 1 'loek r ' mkdswitiitfcsW.aB.B. aoo. to gtvi. tBttok.ufot sta()satspr mlla,th0 0 I r r Co sad boahi on th Caps Fear rivr will .f,. w. htoOLAMhYT ; " President Vap Fear Ooonoll P at H m a y.A... Bafwatar. $m 'j" T"( JC NEW A3YEXTin?,UNTS. Cartridges , Cartridges. JUST RKCK1VID, a lart Iaot of all kla4 Hprlrft.ld Bnach Lwd'iit Klaa, H.ary Klfl, apaaoar aad rt.wi Cartta1( at arary daaorlpUoa, aa4 for saM at ' Eixiiily Ix? Prices,. at ihs ol ajUtUsaad Hardwar. Wa ot ttrtylJ. r' : Ka 1, 4 It Watkat Bt ATTENTION:! VJ. L. inrAriTRYt TBB OATElOOla ORDKfl't BT TODaV laaapaay bar. ao arriTrd, and ar lor aaU at tha lewaa Mi"S t' r JulylS- . r UlLt-t MUKVIliSVa. VICTOHY ! VICTORY! VICTORY! Mj Enemy, HInU Prices, Rontcti From Lqw Prices, Come Out vicionous ; ! OLIrTHIMU Mmu and Bov Ototblas. O.nU' f arulahlai Uooda, - Oat-GanoralaaJloiluntalowprloaa. : Selected Second-Hand Spirit Barrels. ; ftrji NKW toUKandUOUNTRT, hi at or WW aad (ot sal low by Jalj 18 it, . DbBOBIKT a OU, Gome and Buy : CL07QKT6 AT AtTTWL M8T. b Allow lantuatttoek of UaMal Alpaoaa, Blu. FlaoBaU, Uh.vlots, tiaielm.res, Dlago. aala, Black Cloths, Doeakln-aU at UQST, - MUHS0N & CO , cut GLorniERa ; :, . i Smith's Feed Cutter. fTlHI BEIT and moat dqrabla faod Ottttsr gt,'r-.' it,'1 J !.-:.. in th auirkat t arr.aw arwatoCUSUM. 1.T' June r Latest Ecoka. MOKBRMAN'B FliiORIKAQK. By ajeimer njorta Xoyeeeo. ..rgMetUl . . JJLOIBBARD'8 KT, and OUar Itarlea. ty mis macieraj, autaot or "Misi ASgei," ': ! i j - ' i 1 ( S I ....J A W U II , Old Kensington," & Psper, 70 esnt. For sals at ' HBINSBKUOIBV ! lira Book aad Mual Storo. ' ,;--i.-..i,,ilt' Bargains-Bargainfl. ; TJIN'B CLOTH OAtTEBB l fo, worth S aen-s low unartoroa Shoes 1 so, worth Sli - ' r f-.H Ladles Slippers only II par pair. UtlAttl.CS A. fBXUa, - 3 ' ' No. M Market street. Blgn oUheJlojOaaBootJ Our LlTiiiff and Our Dead ' ProsDeotus of 2nd Volume). i -i t-y.. MawBBu.'ll. August lb,' 1ST. "Oca Livrae abd Ova Tibad" win hero attar be aubllabod m a aeraV-Monthlr Maaa. tine, containing 48 pages of raadlng Blatter, at 93 p yeartn advanoa. For tha information ol tho. who ar not fa miliar with tba onterprlat, I atato tbat th chief object of th Magaaln will b to DBbllah tha Keoord Uiat North Uarolln.and her gallant soldiers made In the late "War bet wean the State.," to gath.r th. material for th. nee of the future historian, and to parpetvat th. memory of those bravo smb. offioar and privates, living or dead, woo abed Imperishable glory opon their native State.- in aoaiuon wimwu hboobd of hobtb Oabolib a. tho Man.lBawill euntaln akatnhea or every section, county, city aud town of too Stato, written by competent aad well-inform d penons, UatatoMv U prv-nUnmUy a BtaU ftriadioai, wMek all cUutu 0 nr eUimm Tb Magaaln will take th Blaeo of the newnap4r, having aame title, published bv me during toe pant twelve month. - , The SratnumborwUI be fl,snsd Wednead Heptember th, IH7S. In the meantime, 1 re spectfullv aak old snbatrlbaw who deal re to re new their subscriptions, and all other, who wtah the Maiatine. to remit mlku an tha rhang and Improvement require aoaiaabi euuay ana reaay auwei i neaai MIIL4 1 U!poo,J Yi lH aT-amlaVai aillAa a.v..A Add rea, till farther; notice, "Ob A I.iviB aWUSJivrvs, a its a tis lll'aj avutjPOs "WD BJ XjIVIVSJ aa Ooa Dbad," Newborn, M.U, or Raleigh, North Uaroiiaa. Exchanges will pleas oopy. ang w lift- Portland Cement ill li j Alto, Koman.TCeene't and Parian, forwalka. cistern., ronndatlona, .tables, cellar, bridge., reMTvolrs, A. . Remit six osnts postage for practical trostira on eenientr O. 1j Bl KnUnAUT a VI., . U South St, New Tork." Jnly lSS-lmeod GREAT RUSH ; FOR BOOTS A11D SHOES AT C. A. Price's, July 10 ' sign of the Golden Boot The Charlotte Observer : Ti only morning dally paper nubllrhedln the o at w.a of Balalgh and North of WU mlngton, offer. teclal Induoemenlt to adver. titer. It. circulation, ala and assfalnsai bars bsen largely tnereaasd during tb year met oast, and It now reaches most of th Mar. thanta of Western North Carolina, tbnaolter mg an ansorpaMrd medlam ef eommealea tion between the Metcbaatsof Wilmington and toe paopi weatora xiotib uarouna. . ...... E - I J 3 i . " i' ' taaaso strasoaimoBi Dally...'. .,. -...I.. ......W Mper anaum. Wkiy......".''"v,. " r A4vsrttln very low, i:j Ufraf Eacon, Port Sugar, and ColIeD' CO Boxes D. & Bidea, . 60 Boxes Bmoked Sides and Shout ders, , v . . 4 i , , , 25 Bbls City Moss Tork, 100 Bbls. Rtiflned Buge 100 Bags Trims Rio OoJW, - - ' For sale low by vTLLUinj A MURCmSON. Flour-Corrtjrrup-ltlco. 800 Bbla. Fkiurwsll grades. 6,000 Bushels Prims White Cora. . CO Bbls. 8. EL Syrup, ... 25 Bbla. Rice, . ' For salt low by wiuiiaa. a aunuaiwe. Hay-Hoop Iron-Cluo-tpl- " '"..T-" rlt Dsirrels. -" : - ; 600 Balsa N. K and E. Hay, ' , 400 Bundles Hoop Iron, : - 100 Bbls. Glue. 850 Seoond Hand Spirit Casks. , Tift ft Hw f l' 1 I .',V;,f;,..tttmi M0a0ia0 M0UtIl--CUAin-NAILt"IHOT ; 100 ntda.'and bbla. New Crop Cu . .. ba Molasses, '' 200 Tons GaanapsGuauo,. 100 Tons Eureka Gasno, ' " ' i 800 Kegs Nails, ' - , r "V ' 1 ; aooBagasiiot . . t - For sal low by -.---"" 1 ; ----- wlUUMS MeBOHIaOtty Jaly4 las IN STORE.! i:: vi -J.: IN STOREt" 600 BBLS. FLOUR, ' 1 1 60 Boxes D, 8. Bides k Bhouldera, 50 ' M ' Smoked Sides A Shoulders, - 75 Hhds. New Crop Cub Molasses, -100 Bbls. a H. MoIsjsos. ; 'sVSOi.'t'uEios, . - . " I ' COBoxftiTobBooo, r. 'i -.l.'.'t.'. i " r 100 M Lys and Totaah, T5 Bag Coffee, ' ' - 1 , : , . eg Auua. pugar, ; 100 Cases Oystcrs ' 60 Pickleav, ' aOO Spirit Casks. , 1 100 EbW 01ue,.V. 200 Pspen Rivets, 20 Tons Hoop Iron, ril , Candles,' Oandy, Matohec, Snuff, Bhot, Captj Powder, &o., &., Ac 4 " For sal by '"' IjBJWHHlB OAtOBJt MOS) IBS . . .... W J. M Pleaw Hemember rm AT WB WILT, MOf OPKM OtTB STORK j, ea th (to of am, aad bsy yoar : or TO-DAT. latarday, th M lostaat. W. have everythiag you want for Biearatoas, Flo-Mot u waa artlea, Bound ri Oranges and Lemons, Clarats, Baatarn sad BKlhi Win. 7 ' T vatawna, aoaaii ana vnampagna, Ale, Potter and Frankiarter Lager B.er, Pickle, Crackers, Che, Bardln, BotaMna, and the great lutury and eonr.nl.BO. , . , , COLD PRESSED CORN BEEF, ', . Best Smoking Tobacco kjs small pocktt bag. V'i fcaeUw Clgiaiw, Aa,Jtcto. , t CHAS D. MYERS & CO., Ril0taiyiirreat at, July t MS IA Plean BT7ieep. ON TttUBflDAT, JOLT lr, I btn aty Grand Clearing Sale' of Clothing. la orderto eloesent every artiole 6t Bnm- mr atoes inav ooiaa u sutnuva prloe and aaks a demonstration that will in. sura a ULBAN SWBBP ta sverv departaient I gaarant a good bargain bo sash and .ret CASH. , O.U,D, , , . , , OAtli ;;;:;'.rPAviix. , . Bath Sponges, - ' Toilet and Fancy Articles In great variety. Lubin's Soaps, Kitracu and Powder , a full Una of para irrugs and Medicines and nn Chemicals. rroosripdons oompoanded at alt hours, day ornlghU J ABIES C. RlfJKlOB, DHUCtJIST., Third strset.oppoeita City Ball.! 22 Zarket Street. .!(. IL i. .i ,i.a . a, us t ' , WILMINGTON, N 0,i At Home on and After I U IS.-,!"' - W July 4th, 1 875 July ,'-'.- - - 10. . WUnLington and Coast Turnpike PROPOSALS f OB OPXNIBQ THB BN. Urellneofth taalV siem , of th TarnplU i -i ' ' . . .( i Road f this Cotbpanf , and also of mapadambx Ing and computing, the lama' according to specifications to b faralsbsdf will b onstd- , t n..-.t jUJ.i'v 1 -r red by thlt Oompaay. Proposals for doing SlUisr part or breach ef th foregoing work i will also bs sntortolned, . I Q ! I Wtt A? WBWlBt, PrJrfeni j Wilmington, K. fj,., JJ 9, !. it WB aIRf lllLAKS OF KVERY DKSCRIPf O Uoft gotteu up tn the neatest of style at tbt -y , JOUBBAIrOrPIOt. V EXCT ADVX2TISII:aT31: SIDIMBIIUS Deaira to call the attention of all who to the fact that ws ar allowing 0QOD3 A DICCOUrJT on atl SUMMER DRESS GOODS. Bummer wear must bs sold out . LLAMA LACE SHAWLS and vi'USllliR Do. Da Do. WHITE AND STRIPED SHETLAND SHAWLS X Cents White Dress Shirts i - BY if 14''. ItVtlMt t Made to order In any style that may be desired. . fit ocabantsto. A full assortment always on hand. Also Cuffs, Collars and Under woar.' " IStrlpM IptoiiChevlot ( -SMrg Only SO Cents, worth 87), Lnllai WUlrt, 8uiportrs, A, . a . - iL- . j : 1.1 - ' ajiu uua tu sua nusi uoairauio aruuiei tuns uaa waaa isuvuuoou, Swiss, Nainsook and Victoria Stripes and I'laids ry largo itefirtaS&t , f-',- i- ',-.. I' .r !-i'Jni'.. ,. -'.,. -.! a ,'l aV Asx-nts l)t Fraak Laolle's tVX PAPER PATTfcUKt. , i - fvfi maoataa Nl t Ceau each. Terniit;CasAi QnlV! f Uh"i "- ! I ,v vn j BEOWU & R0DDICK, 45 narket GtreeU July raflll."!'iP:,-;':PrM ..j.l t w... fct.iiA it n ;, U ' "l I jLJij. jiisaiSBjisiswimi aajSHiiiii i in -IB . vJtiH i'4. Ik ALL ACCOUNTS t . - . .t ' ; .tiiierat ..0 ! U.J!if A-JN U . . , i n i.vi,:i i fc - ,'!. A R K' waraininnttsi 'Ue tinot to sell to my kind fatboks o I bona thev will call and At rv " . . ..:.... 1 B. '-- l...t ( . I i b" r I' J aj 1 .!( . .a'" DKY GOODB," ' sr; ( ti'i ! .lUb.f0W . frti' H,ll i ) t Np.36 MAEkETi STREET. 1 Quarantine "ITotice. ' TTSTIL PtmtBKB B0X1C -AJf. ,.VBB ssis from Fort south of CtpFatwiiloomto at th TlslUni Station, aat Deep Water Point, had await lbs ,inspotloa of th Qnar. antlnt rhytlclta. t:st' fl ft All sssls from Ports ahsrs Tsllow tsver, ether tnfsottODj distsss eilsts, will bs re qatrsd to anderge a rigid and prolonged Qoar aattaa v ii.i ,!' All tesselS or boats of any abaraotat baring HeknsM oa board oa arrival, or having had sicknMS any tlm duilng th voyage, ar re- qauwa iu noma to uie oiaiion or inepaouon Wlthoat regard to tho Port tom whenoe they eom., . . Vtaiels uetltialiuUd as abov will pre- eesd wlth.ut detention... Pilots are ssptclslly njomad ta piak oars- sal enquiry relative to veaals, orw, etc., aad If not sttafled with the state meats ef th Can- tain or eommandsr, or If th vote! hi hi a althy eondltlon, tbsy will bring ths vesssl to tha StaUoa for farther sxamluatton. ,, , Pilots wufally vtolatlng th . Qasnntln Laws ar subject to forfeiture of their braaoa; If asters of vbsmIs to a fine of two hnndxad dol lars s day for svsry day thy violata lbs Qnartntina Laws: and all other , persons ar uaoM tnr aea ana avery onsnoe, ,,,, , j ' All vessels subject to vistteJoa aailer- above NgulaUons, will sst a Hag to the maln-flgglng, poft-rui. at- ''r'-; - v., . Quarantine rhyalelan,' ,.ri sn Port of Wllmlngtoa ,M-. , BmlthvllS, . 0, May tt, 18TB. " - ' ..may ttmii'-i''-tiium mm. A -J . 1 w Turnp 89a ! - New Crop 1873. J 1! Hi' Grown by Landrtth A Bulst, Philadelphia. Aim a large assortment of Cab bag Meed, For sale by ,1 , .1 f. 1 1 i - ' (1BIEN PLANNER. Juiyl,, , IBS "Everybods" Pill, A Oentle but Certain Cathartic They act with csbtaimtt on th Liver, son tain no calomel : ar purely Vegetable. The best, snreet. safsst and mildest purgative Pill In use. Tbev are used more generally than any other Pill in. u4, fee the length of time they bay been before th poblle. Afe nloely sugar .ooated and bottled at ! ocnt per bAk' your Drnsl o! VEvbAVBODT'S" Pill, and tak ho other. ,,T,. ,,.,. ! HOSQlJJTftvnilTS; SeWstoek. Vttst tsoelved and for sal law by 'JunS take any Interest in the prioe of DRY v i 1 . 1 j . JL ! t i of 10 PorCcnt Any , artkle , tost bsloxg ipscially to -. SACQUES, Do. - very desirable for traveling. i , . . .ii 11 i L.. I. i. i - . , .s-rWWw a, - ' ..... sviU ii Vwa r:0ne;J!rice, ,4 ..... t.. ' '.-Att.v.ni .fns!4 Vnw lv 9 hi tMi 4iU tiflSSa I-. r--t irAA" a?-r 1 to ,AS ( i-t " B'li'iV""' ARE MADE OUT. r AVa v. k- -k4 'i.-wV iv " , 'awm -IA hJ wit 4t 4i tA krw to JjrIhoc" JJtcsJ' witJop ttmti at ldwesl "poBsibte OAStt rrJCD. JtvW- trM ,'. V w - .... iA iWt a ...ilat. ( Hi iailJ" rtw STOGK-OF: o im Ri "fat " " .V'; .a 1 X "Ji i;- i J'1 ' UISCELtANEOTJa 4th OF JULY.-- ).:, ,,vj W V- w 1 5 NOTICE TO EXCUXSlii 1-AkTIES, PIO-NIO F ARTIES AND? SOUND ii m pAirnEa1 1 Ws havaa largfitoekef , wjn-f t'':'"i ' " " Pins Msslna Lemons, 100cssaOlaralaM'i ' 1,000 oant 2, i,t and It poaod prM4 Osaka t "" ' OoroodBsef, .. BwostOrangesanilsverythlngnloeror a holl 0 day put up la. oans aad Bsskajai foswaea a " ! Ffmp-rtM Ws hav ledaced prices to corns within range of aU,;i of fcijii U law tiwit a - BxtrsFlne Clarotn ft anir fta I N eents per botl. Best Batter In the World. Qaarantoad to ktop perfsatly swoHSSd rlohi all day in th sun taks no other to the . New Fresh Beef Tonguoaj itewl t".- w . ' Pigs Fset and Bocka. Fresh Smoked Beef, , r . -- n ..iJ Si saBpsaiSh' Aires PloklatandSauoes. , , ' Prices redaoed on all ths abov. and save. 1 v U'-r luUl t! money by tending to , , ' ... t a a 1 .tf if 4iii godta Front Btreet. . PubUrtsd weekly, U teBt",WClevSand County, N. C.,at SI M per annum, In vanoe; has a largo and rapidly" tnortaelng cir culation In nearly all the oeanwe. W- of Meoklenbnrt. fAlioi aneitenT eirculauuo In the counties of, Bpartanburir, To?k and Union, Ba O, JBa Jast been enlarged trow a twenty to a thlrty-lwo ooliimu,, snd l now adorned with as eaoraaea arav' -In are Democrat Tbs Carolina Central Knllway . being now eom ptotod Shrongh to WllaMii.tou," and Shelby being the Weetern terminus ti 4 Aoaaeraaaioet exoellaii advsttiewg sumw r- mtBJTifM tVKBB' 1 Kditortanq rrwMWmn A ;;iIaTsliarCZ:c; HOC3 AT AL'STJC::. . On Monday nest, at IS o'Hnrlt, t iL . C.'T 1 fanad, aUI be sold at puUno auotiuo, 4il. -ay itfhwaPOTJB hoj." Impounded nndes aa erdlpaaei cthAew. j ' "J. H. ROBIBSON.CUy Jr.ralJrt J jBlyMiJ ,f-'r. POINTING OP EVJaatX lie. descriptloA Ume lottha btor tj y.a,ftu.uw"y k ;iHi a-i J' 1

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