5 i i V 1 i - v 1i n ri ITT i i C7 fc - WHOLE ITOv 0,032. 70L. XXIV. -HO. 169. WILIiniGICIT. 17. C. FRIDAY. JULY 16. 1875 JJ . i II hr V I n j I n il n urrn I " ' -v WILMINGTON, N. O.: FEIDAY. JULY 16. 1875 BY TELEGRAPH. RALEIGH. THE COTTON STATES CON . GUESS. r ADDRESS OP COLONEL J. L BKIDQERS. Raleigh, N. C, July 15. The Got tou States Congress adjourned to-day at i o oiocK, alter a harmonious sua interesting session of three days. The business of importance transacted to day was an address, by the appoint ment of the last Congress, from CoL J. L. Bridg-'rt, of North Carolina, on the general snbjeot of agriculture in tbe Southern Jtatos. There was com pelled to be a ohange of agriculture in the States ; population and pros perity were diminishing in quantity and quality, and the loss on produc tion from 1860 to 1870, had been enor mous, while the loss in the area of cultivated land was over seven million Coffee and Cheese jJOABTED JAVA. AND RIO COFFEE. Bapsago and Kldem Oheeae, For salt at Q. H. W. RUNOE, N. IE. Comer market and Second Hts. JunS0 147 KEEP COOL. inr DUI.. MimAa,M am..!, a. at. r iviiiiimi viivaif ai mo NEW ICE HOUSE, Dock, between Water and Front Sts B. H. J. AHREN8, Proprietor, may 14- 9m Wilmibotoh.N. 0. i Jhromoa for tl. Tho grand ohanoa ear oS'ered agenU. W will nail to any addresa, poat paid, 19 baaaiirol Oil Chromos, alae Oil I, mountodon recall of ai. Bell for S la an honr. Try a Ohromoagan. cy, It la the beat paying agen. oy out. aarjrbody lovea and buy. ploturaa. Wa nave work and money for all, aaea and woman, boy. and girls, whole or ipara time, daytime or evening, at noma or travailing. Incloae 1 In a latter. Chromos bl return mail, They aell at .igQt. TIT A "VTri lil I Agentt for the boat If 111 X JJJJ wiling Priae Pack, aaoa la taa world, it ouutatn 18 aheeta nauar. 15 envelopea, Pen, Penholder, Pencil, patent Yard Measure, package or Parfumerr. and a piece of Jewelry. Blngle package with elegant priae, pow paiu, soowuva. -T-TOrp Selling ImltUon Uold Watch, JJXljiTj X la tha market. Thie la a Pure Colli Oliver iiununguaae naicn, cngiisu tun ed Gold plate; ronk Second Dial: Full Jewel lml: KiDanslon Balanoe: Mckel MovemenU beautltally engraved Case.; and la equal in ap. pearanoa lo a Gold Watch that eoeta from Slit ' to ClOO It aell. and trade, readily, for from 29 to $60. - If you wlah a watch tor your ow use, or to make money on, try this. Price I7 nni, w vill Had thla wateh O. O. I. tub. 1ecttoeiamlnatlon.tr voa send BZ with tha order, tha balance of 815 yoa ean pay tha Ei- preee Co. U the watch pro Tea ntiataotory. itt t!AN make splendid pay selling our xLJjIJ cood.. We have other noveltie, whioa are si atapla aa Flour. Band stamp lot oor tlluetratod catalogue. Addreaa F. P. GLUUK, New Bedford. Ma. June 25 wir art OsUlT Acoata. 83 new artl- Vavll elei. and tbe beat family Paper lo America, with twoao.TO unroiuoa, rree. AM. M'FQ CO.,30 Broadway, N. T. tW Dfinir anCIITQ wanUdto aell'ifhe tSUlllV HUtn I O People's Common heutte Medical Adviser," by R. V. Pierce, M. 1). The moot readv selling book out. Exclu sive territory and liberal terms. Address tbe Author at Buffalo, M. Y. w AA AA sfiKAAluveBWdiD Wall Street OlU 10 OOUU often leads to fortune. A.1 naoe book explaining everything, and a copy of the Wall Street Review Qnpt Ppoo JOHN HIOKLlNdAOO , Bank-liUUI IlUU, era and Broken. 79 Broadway, New York. 4w $5pT PEHUkT. Ageut. wanted. olasaa. of working people of both Mies, young and old, make more money at work tor US. in wait own looaiiiiea, norma ' their apare momen's, or all the time, than at any tUlag else. We oft'ar employment that wHl pay handsomely tor every nonr-a wora. wii nartin.iiara. terms. Ao.. tent free. Send os your address at once. Don t delay. How lsthetlrre. Don't look for work or business elsewhere, until you have learned what we nftfer. fcTiNBOB M Oo Portland. Maine. may 28 12-dwlv CLEVELAND MlJiLRAL - SPllINGS. M FORM KB ALLY WILSON'S. Near Shelby, N O., 88- mlleaWttt of Charlotte. Thlt lavortte Watering Place will be open for the uantinn nf antant la! tors on loth June. Pas senger coming OB the Central Railroad will ba metbyhacjM, and conveyaneet aent to Air Line Railroad and other points whenever de sired Cold and Warm Baths. White Bul ,.i,,.r Rod Rnlnhnr and Chalybeate water Italian Band of Musio and other sourest of amusement. , . i.irthar ttnfnrmat'OTi annlv to r , Tf fiuaTAnu, t ii,,. ........ June IB 2S-2M .Tlie Virginia BUFFALO SPRINGS Mecklenburg County, Virginia. WHI, THE GREAT MEDICINAL OF THESOUTH. ' OPEN 20th MAY, 1875. These waters ar poaaewed of extraordinary Ourallve powera In aft'eotlonsof the KIDNEYS and HLaDUKR.In all dersnjemente of the hn.IARY ORGANS InoMeutto warm rnlas- runtia rrglons. In DvaDOiSlk. lo Dl8 m.mam nanullaf to Women, in Chronic. Intermittent and Remit canals, to Ohronlo Conorr hrai. Secondary Syphilis. Cleot In, I all dlMfAsMSOr til Ctftlllt and In BfamA forms of Ooutand Rhsumt . . Thir ramarkable oower and etUoacT In tiie dliteaieilndlted are vouched for by some of the moat ounnguaneo meuioot men r h. Mntrv. both North and Bouth, aa well v. .. Anv..4Aii mm frnm the moat onqnee- Unaabln eouroai- Taatlmonlal In Pamphlet form furnished o application. TB,K W Ai kk v.. i. ntm In easel of one doatn 'kalf gallon BotO a at B per ease. Route a.. ha RAIltn! I 1 waTOf the Klonmond and AtlauU Air Line Railroad to Hoottaburg Depet In HallfM eenntv, Yh-glnla, where all tralna are met by orach for th Sprl Jga II miles auians .jr : ft.'i'. THnra&qr GOOD!. irzi JIlAoxf rtj jem eii ts.j i i f ma m i . iii? wum i uiii.i I THIRD LOT JUST RECEIVED AT -fa- HEINSBERCER'S. Queen Mary ! A DRAMA. By Alfred Tennyson I A eecood lot Juit repaired, aud for aal a HEINSBEBQEB'S Liti Book and Mosio Store. Jutv I j REPORT ' Of Ik CaaeHtlam Ilk first Nauaa. al Bank. f Wllaalagtaa, at Ifli- aelaartaa, aa tha liatt ! Nartk Ckxallaas, M the close of Bnalaeaa, JaaaSO, 1S7S. , RESOU CKS: l.onsand Dtmounta ICl.f8t Is OTerJratte,,...-. - x,7e II V Hood. 'oaeoare Circulation. .. lftu.OM) Ul Utner Block., Boada and Mortgage., 19. 8 It) t iue irom piroTea KcawTt AgeuU. Uu irom oiliw Kmional Bank l.aoe It S.IAT 07 Una from 8 taw Buikiuil Bankara. nuai K.uta, Furalturoaad flxtura. Onrrent upauaof and Uxa) Mid.... 11,)MS 1ft SO 17 IS 4,071 to fremluoi. paid.. on 111. of other Nailonal Hank. Kraotloual (JurreaoT ilncladisiniek- i.) 7 Hpecla (Including gold ... 1'raaaury noton). ... Lf 1-Undcr Noiea. rUnleaiptlon rand wllb U. 8. Traai urer(?i,T cent, or olrealatlou). Uaa from U. a. Treatnrar. Mhar 1,703 W M.BO ,ooo eo taau 6 par eent. rodampilon famd. ToUI.. .,..7M,7M 7 1JABIUTIK8. Capital Stock paid In...... Surplui Flint ( ...... othai undiTkled profits 290,000 0 . t,IO M , 37,763 Tl National Bank Hotoa outatiuiding . 10 ,00-1 00 . ao IndlTldaal deuoalu .abject to clieck. 159.418 11 tmaod certlUcatea or rtapo.lt 108H7S 1. iMisuioiner national liauka - Ia to titatn Uanka and Hu.Vm. . 1,187 If 201 T , , 11 tea it Note, and Bill re-dlcouuUd.,.. - . ! , i Total..,. , 78,TM T STATE O.' NORTH CAROLINA, ()BliTT nw X'aw H imiivii I I, A. K. Walker. Cashier of tha aboa namad Bank, do solemnly awear that the above etata- mentla true to tha bent of mr knowledge and v..u " ' A. K. WALKER. f!aahler. Subscribed and .worn to before me. tha tha tewaayoi ouiy, isio. ; Notary Public. Correct Attest: K. MURRAY. ) W.H. McRART, J Directors. E.B. BUBRUSS, i Corn. Meal and Hay ! ' t ,000 Baiheli Uora 600 Buiheia Water-ground steal, 1100 Bales Hay, Tom sals ir - . . . . . Rerchneb & Caloeb Bros. CUBA MOLASSES 1 i 75 HOGSHEAD3 NEW , " . SUGAB MOLASSES ! vox als ar ' I. L 1,T1m T7t,CT . Flour, Sugar Coffee & Rice. wu oarreia r lour, ,,, ( f .,,, , 90 Barrels sugar, ' CO Sack. Coffee, JO Barrel. Rloa, FOB BALB BT Kerchner &c Calder Bros, i Spirits, Casks Clue, Eta MM Spirit Casks 150 Bairelt Glue, lOTont Hoop Iron, , .. j r,t ,, PITETS, BUNGS, NAILS, Era ! FOB SALS I , - t KjtacHrfER t Oaldbb Bros. ' ' Latest Books. HORSEMAN'S PUtiRIMAGK. By I AJ. Hjalmar Hjorth Boyeean, TJLUR BEARD'S SETS, and Other Sterieei By Miss Thackeray, author or "Mia Angel, "Old KenaiDgton," Ac Paper, 78 cents. .For sale at HEIN8BERQER'S Live Book sod Masle Btore. Jalyl " 188 V. Bath Sponges, Toilet and Fanev Articles la great variety. Lublu't Boai, Bxtraeta and Powder , a full line of pur Drugt and Medloine aad fine cnemioais. ,. , Prescriptions compounded at all hours, day or mania JAMES C. RatmDS. DBUOeiST, Third street, opposite City HalL July m $50 TO $10,000 Baa been lo vested In Stock Prlvllegee and paid 900 ffiVRROFIT. flow to Do A t' t book Oat WU ftt Mat tr rrilMuufngi a- snsm am a . . 1 ajiiaonsiMTiEi ex. MmmwiWTW Brokers. 4 Hs.ll Ht flw rk. 4w Hewspaperifor ;Sale; A NT GOOD MA M wishing to engage la the newspaper ou'ineaa. ean wiu a email easn oapltal, secure tbe t resa, Type, fixtures sod Mooa wuirn sne uoneora sun Por full particulars, addreae JOHN B, HARRIS. Oonoord N. O. June 11 - 1 13-la State papera-pleaa copy. MT, AIRY WBTfE SULPHUR SPRINGE, Mt.IAIry, N. C. OPENS WfA OF MA Yt 1876. Board Per Month, 30 , Per Week, SI2.B0; Per Day, f 2 DO- - - .... i TTTATEB equal to Greenbrier WER In every respect, Std tapertor bb) many. 1 rara Tint ing tha Siirliuis bv rail will (t ofl the ears at .... .jj . :jr A Winston. N. U.. where etagee wul on vay them to the Spiinge. 1 The Madiaoo Brass Band will be lo attead- I anoe during the ooming season.. , y . . r , PmnnAtfiri" ; - - ewsaajwevasa, Turpentine and aaa aaa a UC0I38r STOOIS! A fell e4 ul Iwm assortment ef ererr tied ef Tout aaad on a Terpentine Fun or around 8 till or Cooper1 Boon. Th beet kraada Aw Bale M tbe lowest ttrleee. . filLES KUECHISOJ. 8TBAMCR JUNIPER. CAPTALS earrTtng th U ailed Stat ItsO. ft rtyettvUl,admtatdlat offioers, will leevr wharf o TaeedaT. and rrtdajr.pMKtnallyatliUrM. Vlck Mebane, A0OT8. Jotj M la A Hundred Years! YOU night wait andnarar baTathaoppor tanlt; af bajrtag go, da at In. prtcaa at blob I aa closing oat uf ttook. It to kot to mak room rt toolbar ttook, eat k t ! IB oloae out tha antlrt atuok la a giraa anabar of day.; and to tntar tbJa, aa sad aftar tha ISth laatant goods will ba sold at Uaa than coal for eaah aal. Coaia wlthoat fartkar WTltatloa ar aslay, aa at tha pnoat th (took wlU rapldlj dlmlnlak, Erory artlola is new no taoddy or aootloa gooda la tha atora. Vary reapactfall, ( OEa LMBER, ' - Markatatraat. Jaly 18,1178. .Bargains BargainR. - JJKH'l CLOTH QAtTtRI tl 60, worth 9k, i jtaa-a tow uoartered Bboealk).orU i Ladles Bllppart only SI par pair. .; , ' CBARLB A. PRICB, Ko.M Market street. lone K-tf Sign ot too Golden Boot Our LiYin2 and Our Dead Proeokotus of 9nd Volumk. Ov LrvniS ias Ova IMun wlB hara alter ba publtabed aa a BaaaWMeatklT Maga- siue, aoataiBing as pages or reading mataat, at 99 par year lo advaaee. for tbe tnloraaatioa el those who ar not fa miliar with this entajreirtee. I Kate that tha hlef object of the Magastne wlU be ta nnbllah the Reoord that Mottk Carolina and her gailaat soldlart made lo tha lata "War katweea tha Htataa," to gather tas taatatlat tor the asa af us iimn niewnan, ana ao perpetuate m memor of theee bra to aaaa. offloera and prl rates, living ar dead, who ah ad tan perishable giory upon uetr nauve aiata. lo addition se tha Waa Raoeao ar Hoara Oaaouvaaha Maga si as will oeataln kotoaet ot every saouon, eoaoty, eity aaa town or (as Stats, written by enmpatent and well-tnform ad panona, OuuwuUnmt atari, laiaalk a Aaat penadiaal, ea) epeaes ail m$9t tf ear eAkseat aaoiwa hum irneraw aaa. anas. Tha Macasiae will take tha alaea of tha wnpapar, having earns title, pobllshed by au aunng tiie nasi twelve moauta. 8e beVVX W,V'L'lJlmjr??t? tpectfullv ask old sabaorlbars who deal re ta re new their aabaorlptloaa, aad au etfetn who wish tha Ma saline, ta aaaa! Maaatt. as the ohange and improvements raejalra aooakderable outlay, ana ready aauy a S. O. POOL. Address, till further aotiee, Ova Liyi ad Ova Daas," Newborn, If. O., sr Raleigh, norm uarouna. - f Exchanges win pleas oopT. ' aog 18 - IM ESTABLISHED 1844. : tli iMa Journal (WEEKLY) ; t t - ' ' i TEE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAP est paper published dj :: ; nobthcabolina, . Tke Wilmington JooaaaL (Weekly) en en- taring upon lu twenty-olnth annual volume, ha been greatly enlarged and Improved. It k th only thu-ty-tlx eolama paper la the State. , as a riBrr-utas HKxrn and LITCItUBT JOVNIIjIX, IT IK UNEXCIXII. ... Embraoed ta It eoluans it a more eompiete, ompaot, yet oomprekenalve klatery ef tbe world's doipgt, from wank to week, thaa aaa poastbly be f ouad la any otoar Joarosi, , It It last the mw fo (he bom and Ireaide, ; full of rood reading; all the beet Rditortaleef the daily ; all the Congressional, Legislative and Poiltloel aew of the day, Its Ilarket Reports are alwav fall aad aosarat. Th Review of th Markets I aoeeuted by the mercantile 00 m munlty a the true index of the omaero or th city, while It lepor l full and reliable. - ' ' other market ar -71 IMTCnCSTIMC Storiob, Taloo. &c. are gina averv week, making it th beet fern lly paper paouaoea in we oountry. ITS Cmt5lJXaA.X10N 'is- I very large throughout th State and whole Booth. Ia New Hanover, kdgeeombe Onslow, Dopltn, Sam peon. Branewick, Bladea and fclumbustt la eepecmlly large, while ha Halifax. Wllaon. Wbtho. uartovet. Monasaa, Richmond. Anaoa, Cumberland and Moore, sad In sereral eountlee ef Booth Uaroliaa, It circulation is very good. it 1 pubuanea every rnaay aa we wuaw "a TERHC : Oris oopy. for one year.. t3 00 One oopy, for six months... . ... 1 00 Three copies, for one Tear. 5 60 Four eopies, for one year 7 00 Five oopies, for one year 8 60 Ten eopies, for cue year..... ...15 00 Twenty eopies, for qne yew. .7. .25 00 Bar- xo OTery gwmar- i . vuvsvr Tsar one copy wUlbeant free for aa year, , . Addrer junrjAL; aritsklatTtaa, sr. C. ilIRCDLARS Otf KttRT DESCllIP. J Uqb gotteu op to the neateRt of style atiue iquba. urricE. Three Points for Consideration. Iiariag the peat Ive yeara the VKUKTlriE has baso atead any waraiBg iiaeii nw paiuic tut, and tboae no were at eras moa. inorw hiua la rtgard tu iu amita era aow anlast friaaoa andeappertere, - Ihere are tares eaaaauai eaae rur baviug aerh a aeerut of aateat awdieinea, ehangiag their erdaloa and lending their tu- aaiive toward the advanoaaaeBt ef YkU 1 i k K. lat-jttoaa kenstty-prBarad mall erne from barka, roots and kerbs, td-lt heu eetly aoeempilahea all that ta elalaaed for It, witlioat lnavuig any bad .ft acta ta toe eystesa. d it prMMiua hooeat Toahera la teatrmoniala irom kuaeat, !!- dowb oiuasna, waoaa agaa. turoe are a . o"t gnarntie ef their earn. aatuue ia t .a matuar. Taking into eaneMera- Uua the Ht quantity ef auedietaa oreugm ouifptcuouxr bafure Hi pebllO threagh the aaiuing auvarueements ia taa nowaiapaa Biuna,with no prooa of mem or genuine vouon- ere of what It hat done, we would be pardoned for manifesting a small dogree of Dcuie ia pre iatnf the following from Uv. J. M. DIO- k.hao.'ij u. it., we popular ana ew-pnuai paator of the Booth Baptiah Uhurch, Boawai Tko Turok Baery aaea lew atwaa. BoeTOS, Marah IU. laid. H. a. STBTSaa, Esq.: . . laar air It a as saaoh treat aaanae or aaty aa ef gratltade that 1 write to say that your VetGKTlNK-eveair ka aataat sseaieaae has stea af great help ta me whoa Buthing Olsa ape meg le avau waion i mNwuiw. kither axoeaave mental work or uuueaal ears brlnge apea me a aarvoaa eahattUoa thai dee. aeaatelv Beads sleep. I teiy aeaasaeeB. out as aoaewawy usnos it. h Ight after eight tha poor, tired bed aok, and we begin oar work tired oat with aa almost fruitless ehasa after real, tion I have roust taataltttie VKUariKJC taken juatbalore I retire gtvea me tweet and Immediate sleep, and without any evil eft ecu of tbe usual oar. oetlea. I think two things would tend to make braiktoworkere sleep, let A little km work. td-A tiltle more VfcUKTlN. Ihk ure- aoriuoa aaa aeipea me. kow I have a parttoalar horror of "patent saediolne ie," ooi 1 save a gream nenvr oi i bat l have a greater horror of belag afraid to tall theetralght oal troth i vow. sue v- KT IWKkaa helped ma, and owo It ap. loan. aaOq i J, B. DlCKldSUM, " " Vatlkatkla BtTMomo. . - Tke folio wins aaaultotted aaakmoalal from of kowdota Square vkank.aad at preeaaaseU tied la Providence, k. 1., most ae esteem ea as reliable evldeoee. Mo oneahould fall to obeerve that tola teatt- monial L the result of two yean' experience with tke sat of VKOETIfcB la the key. Mr. Walkert family, wko aow pruaoaneet it la valuable: i PaoTtDaaoB. H.I.. MTraoalC Btreet,. B. M. kTBVBliS, staq., .. t I reel beana to express wiib my ngnkture ie blah valae I Place apoayonr VaUkTIMC. My lamtly have ased It for the last two yaar. In Bavooa debility It k lavalaabla, and 1 recommend It to ail who may need ao lovlge 'a'lugj rsavraUng tonlo. , 7 O. T, WALKER, i Formerly Pastor of Bowdoln Square Uharofe, 'l' thm Boat BTUIetioaj. ' - - i The following latter from Rav. K. S. BEST, Pastor M. k. oharaa. Matwh. Maea, wm be read with Interest by many physlolana, Alao tboae sulfartng from the earn dioeeee as afn kit ad the aon ol the Rev. k. S. Baal, ko parson doubt this testlmoot. and there ta no doobt about the earaUvs powers af VXUK- naai . . AttOK. Mast., Jtn. 1, 1871. Ma. m. H. STavaae: i XeaMi Sir ate bare toed reaaoa for regard ing year VEGkTlkJi a aedvalne of Ui great est value. We feel aeaured that it hat keen the aaeaas of eavtaa our Bon's I tie. He k now aeTOutaen years ot age, for the last two years he hae su dared from nacroala of his lea, caused by scrofulous attectlon, and waa ao for redueed that nearly all who saw him tb.oaght.hla recov ery imposnoie. a council oi ante Physicians eoold g e aa bat the faintest hope or bis ever rallying, two of the number deniarlng tbi waa beyond the reach of hamao remedies. ring that he even ampulatiea oould not save him, aa ha had vigor enough to endure tbe operation. tfuai uea we oommenoea giving aim taua TIME, and front that time to the preeeol be has beao eooUanoutly tmprevtag. Ma has lately resumed his atodlee, thrown away cratches and ease, and walks about cheerfully and stroma. Though there It itltl some discharge rtoa havrthetunieUTofnnJ he wUI be perfectly eared. He baa taken about tbiee doaea bottle of VBURriKR, but lately sees bat little, ash declares thathekhw well to bo taking meil.- e'ua. . ;k ' Respectfully yourt. . R. oV BaT, ' Maa.L. O. F.BssT.' Rel labia Evldeac. ii 187 Baltic Street. Baooatr a, N. T ) - Mot.. 14. 187. , B. R. STBavain. E4.: " " ' Dear Star-Proa peraoaal benefit relvd by tu bso. aa well as from personal knowledge of those losa ear thereby hav see mad ab mlraeulous. I can Most heartily and em- t reeommend th YtttSTiss ror me eoaplalnts for which It a claimed to enre. tU Preror Calvary Bap. Churoh, Bacramsn. Vearatlaa far Balk ky all Dnigfleta. Wilmington and, Qoast Turnpike Compan?. ' pROPOBALS FOR OPtNIHO THE XN tire Uneafth aula stem of tha Taraplk Road of this Company, and alto of macadtmtx- Ing aaa completing th am according t speelfloatlom to be fnrntsbed, will b eootid i ered by this Company. Propoeal for tolng either part er branch of th foregoing work f wUtaiwbfattrtalB0 f t5 I rsi j '" '"" Wat.A.WRWHT,Prwldnt , Wilmlngtoa, N. 0., July , 1878, 163-8t ' . ...- (MS ... .,1 i VICTOitY ! VICTORY! r Ilncmy, lUiili lMcesJ 65' Frid tliefielilliiEyerj Baltic."' ,'yso i'.st-'i .... LoT7 Prices Come Ont Victonous I . CIrtHINO Merur : and . Rots' Clothing. uauia a urnianug uoooa, A. PAVID On t-Q en era Is all othera la low price. A Clean Sweep. v QN THTJR8UAT, J CXY let, t begin my Grand Clearing Sale of , Clothing f la order t loe out every artlci ot Sitk mat Stock I have deckled to MAKKHOWa price and make a ttesioostretlon that will la aura a CLEAN SWEEP la every department, I guarantee goad bargala to aaoh aad every eustomer, EAT 0110. Ask vonr tirooer for City Water O round Meal, lolted-everybody know It k beat, l beat. rorg jny mwm enu Aiuft jiunwia f Corn, Oata. Crack Corn. ii t i( flour, T.rVoitkirT.WjrTo'N, Commlssioa Merchants aad Orooera. Jaly 13 . , , ;. H ? t lCe-dwtf cAm n n Mm W LAJSK DMJLDH for sale at Um Joubkal Orric. IHSCXLLAtflOUS s e l bi n c o ff 45 BRO ,,'dil 1L 1 ., . . . ..... AT COST! F.Hi nAVIMO reaolTatl k ehaage my baaiaaae I am deetroaa of oloaltig out mv eutlro atoch bafure the appruaehlag rail. I kave therefut oner my tutira ttook ot w - a ...3 S XV r notions. - OootOa SHOES HATS, CObT sad let thaoeoH, for oaw. ' ! , t Ladlea are especially eoUclted to git ot in arty Call, ta whoa we will Offer at a great aao. rlfloe, aoma very dtelrnbl Ooodt la th way ef a : J it 1 IIANDKEKCHIEFS, -f a .. j K t nOSIEBIl v i - r ; UNDERQARMENTd, , ' ' ' . LACES, ; LINEN and COTTON 1IOUSEKEEP- IKOQOODS, J TABLE DAMASK, VT, . r ,V J i .i i E ' r-v 9 a a DOYLAS, ' "r TOWELS, ETCL j ( ae-a j i f 1) Wholotal bnytrt ar advised of tit faot that w have th Urgott anif raott desirable Jobbing ttook la th city. This department of our ttook hsabejeniajgety wplaaJth'd troa thai racaat Maw Tork and Philadelphia cash auction aalal, which aaablea as to eflht a great variety ef Bta- tUk pry Ooods tmltahl lor eeuntry trade, at half the original tt. f , , T rt AU floodtlold at retail wilt o strictly tar eaab, ninety dayt tla wlU be- allowed on whoUaal alii la amoant of on bundrad do lars sod upwarUl for city tootptaoo. , ism Ooroer Front and Prinoess Btroet. rJulyl9,'iri 4 "'' " " H Duv "lH ATiCTUHLCO?T. ' I All our tammsr Btook of tlnent, Alpacas, Blue riaanela, ChavtotS, Oaaalmerea, pugo. nalt, Black Uloths. Dosaklos-u at COST. ! MUNS0Nr&5lC0.i fTTTT fTTXl'l'll iTT.Tlfl. ! Jaiy Chrtrldgeri !-"-"" s'l W' Cartrldeoo TTJST RECJEIVEn, S large Tnvolo of al w kinds X art r (field Breach Hariri gfield Breach-Leading Mb Henry Rifle, Spenoer and Pktol Catrldg of every description, aaa for tale at, , At th old aetabllsbed Hardware Root oi ' - JOBN DAWSON, , r Inly 13. f . l. likA 21 Market St . .AT. LESS THAN ACTUAL IT Ew YORE COST I i i.j Linen L Obbds f COATS,sPANTS and TESTS White and Drown , DUOK8, jEtb; MUNSON & C0.i ...-.a l.1") a. . V ; CITY CJLOTlltEBS. 1 S i; V. L. irJFAHTRYl mai CARTRIDOES ORDERS') BT TOUR a. tjoapai sale at the Company have aow arrlvedr and are for living price. July II- OILEs os MOROHI80N. 22 Ilarlzct. Street. D. PIGOnMccoiilst, At Home on July 4th, 1 87fJ, Jniyl 188 crtland.Cement f, Abw, Roman; Keenet and Parian, for walks, ewtevae, roandatlona, etablaa, eaUar, bridge, reeervolro, Ao. ' Remit tlx oenta poatage for ptaetloal treatise oa eementr .' : . ,. a, S.I0 MERCHANT ;0O., 1 ttSoutfclt,Nw Vork. July I M8-8morl KIW alDmTI822n!XTS. 45 EIARKGT Deaire to call the attention of all who GOODS to the faot that we are allowing A DIGCOUNT on ail BU&l UElt DRESS GOODS, bummef war nnat be aold oni LLAMA LAOifi SQAWLB and rU8HEIt - Da- Do. Da , . ,WniTE AND BTRirED SHETLAND SUA WLB. , If . ' Cent White Made to order In any stylo that may be desired, fit oOAiuimtsTD, A full assortment always on hand. Also CatTs, Oollari and Underwear. t Striped Cotton' Cheviot Twreod Shirting Only 20 Cents, worth 87, very desirable for traveling. ' Lmlloai Hlttrt Hup port or, AEW TIIINO, ! .. ... . s. And oua of the moat desirable artiolei that has been Introdaocd. Swiss, Nainsook and Victoria Stripes T isekt lor rrank l.ellee OUT PlkcltlMk Neadloe a OekU kcn tv TennH:Cash Only i , BROWN & B0DBIGH, WOTILla .(-l t J-t.l.. ' 1 '.-' . ALL ACCOUNTS ' 0 lUi tl D U E A N D P ft r! , hi i , As this is the semi-annual time tinns to soil to my kind patrons on I hope they will call and m crl iir .nln h ) ti-lW i- '"" ' .X . , . i I ;iu,. in rt.. a -a ai-i tm " a tif r Tsn s jjwT i tv.i.Hi I it. i Hi iiii .,, f,-,tn tvt j .a 9 wJl DRY GOODS, I) VI ;' ,'i , ,.l j! No. 86 : MAJIJKET STREET, jniy t v r . MIS CELL AITE0US. if-V 1 I'll sii GEORGE LIVERS. U 13 BOUTH FaWNTBT., . ! 1819. EstabUshed 1849. -DEALER. IN THE- . ! CHOICEST TMS:-f : j 1 Green and Black, Enelisli Breakfast. ! 1 f i And all th Beet Grade I JSC Wincfl Llquorc, CLARBUr 'WPOBTRD ' IN 0BIQI5AL . CASKS, DKLI0A1K and RICH f LA- " ; i.,.vii , ,yoBa. t . ' 1 TABLE CHERRY, rUB OLD BLAOKBIRBT WINI. i . . OTABD.DUPKT CO. BRANDT, ,1 ii :. v-1 ''' fTmtSAW 188.) :l JAMAICA BUM oa uvAiiiavaAr wtt, s , (In erlglnal packages) . . .rf Popular "BLUR GRASS" and "GEM WHIS ; BUS," together with a targe ttook ef Our dial and Fancy Liquor. The cboloeat ; sad beat mleoted toek or family v,,i pjootrie Ik the atatoi.j .:.!. wt ' '' . ; - - " 1 For; Qmithviltel TEAMKB MBIXIE" wlHraa wgalsrly every dap ezespt Sanday L aving Wilmlngtoa Smithvl iue . laa Commutatlou tttket may be parohaatd at rr, J -JVl O.OARSLT00 i"'yT ' -r Pee Bee Conrier. -) A RI TUB MERCHANT- 01 WIXMINQ. sun twar that tha OourUr b th only Dema eraU paper - pWls la Booklt. am, aad that. It tlate Mwnsrwly .ln BJokaokd, Montgomery and Anson countleat t Jw t us Rates of 'advartlsing llboral and aV sxiia charge mad for; changing 4vitlimBt weekly. , fcr S,WSaTJ11W TXrij march -tf .1 ;! f!it avX 'Bdltort. 4 i, , I ... i i , Sua ... i ii..,niili full " ' I 'it hi RaILEOAD RECEIPTS for tale at th JoORHAL OrricK, SrREET, : take any interest In the prioe of DBY n i I ' ' - of 10 Per Cent Any artiole that belonga ipecially to SACQTJES, Do. Dress Shirts and Plaids a very large assortment. rAPEB PATTKHNB. One Price. 45 Market Street- ist II r.Mm.M " ; ";' '''':'V " ARE MADE OUT, 1 A S T D U E. to balanoe Books, and as t wisiito con timi at lowest possible CASL1 PRICES, ti t t ... ... ... , . J .' . ,.ar. a -arv amu-w 1 1 T n 1 1 II K wv - " , I '.! .... ,i iM GREAT RUSH - POR- ,n I, B00T8 ilin) 13H0ES AT 'O. A. Prico'o, July 10 lgn of the Ooldea Boot. The Charlotte Obaerrer Th only burning dally paper published In the Bute west of Raleigh and North ot Wil mington, offers special Induoemento to adver. tleere. Jte oiroulatloe, tlx and aaefalnea have betn largely moreaaed during th year Jnat.paatj and It now reaebe moat el the jker. shanteef Weatern North Carolina, thaseoer higaa ansmiieaaeil medium of eommnaica tlua between the Merobantaof Wilmington and we people vt westeia norm uaruuua. i.. . . Tims of mwrnwutum . Daily aekeyreOeaa(8 66 p4V aSBDIUIl Weakly Advartlsing vary low. yf. .(l-a- I'.-i 1 1- Bug 118-tf Turnip Seed I" .'.Li fr , . .. Turn p Seed !, vl ii U New Crop 1876. tv.;. : Grown by Usdrftw ek Bolat, Philadelphia. Alao a large assortment of Cabbage Bead. .. -Tsttalsby ... , QlUUtNekflaiNHKR. I Jalyl J u- " " - 161 lEvebpdy;; A Gentle) but Certain Ctvthartlc They act with esstAiaTT on th Llvr, oon taln no " calomel) are purely ; Vegetable. The best, surest, aafeet bbA mlldaat pargatlre Pill In use. Thev ar used more generally thaaaav ether pill la oee, fef the length of time thev have been before the pooiie. t pooiie. Are nioeiy a Bottle. nloely sugar .coated and bottled af 28 cents per Pill, sad take ao other1. 7' . Julvl- .., , ,:. u..,' . t, '' ' ' fi.l'K- t.;tfj'i!i ' if-'" Ms nosQUiTO:iTETa ND P&AMIS, Oaos and Lao 0r aeoond stock. Just received and for aal low by -Un I).f A.'BaiTII t con: 1 , Jun IT i j ' .-.'. fx-- ' ISS-tf -J I. 7.- '.TliehaniitTrunxlii tha eity j Bafdlet( Bamrae, f eatnet lnter,Latber, 8adUleryr Hardware, Axle Gree, Summer Lap Due-, ters, Uieo StieetB, (hlpe. Hpnrs, Mama, Collars, Back Banila, and allklndaof Ss.bliery Uods,ebMp fo eaah at the Saddlery Storei CASPSMTC! KAtLAKOv ! " Suooeaaor. to J 8 Topham A Co., No. S Boutk rront SUatW WUto. JttljU 1 V tftU lai-ia froprMUrfi.

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