X. . ' 1 ' 1 i . " 1 ' (111 vs a V i 70LftXXIV.-IIO.17L umnnGTon. n. c. guitday. july is. iC75. ueoid no. g,c:i. ihiiln journal. K2W ABTZSTISISIiTS. DIED. BUILDEBS' HABDW1RE I xnscxLLAirxous. In Lnartnbarg, Worth UarollnA.e J.It , I At lovaM wlaea. a. SEttlllCflEF JUST OPENED! ISiJ.oleholere Infantum, OHABLEY WOOT- r ' FN, uil.nt eon of iMttur H. awl Uharlet i. Willi. 1 Hi iim u wl Hiei awlU WILMINGTON. N. a: Terboto ud Washington paper, will pl.am Giles 4 McBcnxaoB's coi. Ji It SUNDAY. JULY 18. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. WEST INDIES. THE SPANIARDS CHASING BRITISH VESSEL. TWO PORTS CAPTURED BI THE CUBAN INSURGENTS. Havana, July 14-Via Key West 17. The Spanish man-of-war Chum oca, chased a British schooner into a harbor of Hayti, Tbe Haytian au thorities found contraband goods on her. The - British consul is making an examination. The Cuban Insurgents have captured two porta near Baracoa together with their garrisons. MEW ADYEBTIXEUEWTI. TIN E00FIHG! T AM prfrt to meks either large or email X-7 toutracai rot Tin Roofing! And will guarantee perfect work. - t GUTTERS AND LEADER PIPE I Made to order at low rate. HABDINQ JOHNSON, . Natl street, txtwMi Mulberry sad Walnu. up 1 wJuty IS New Hardware Store. JuTyis-tf ; 13coii) Eccn, jCucch 1 80 IVweeDl Bidet, .. ... SO torn Smked Bidet, 1 M hows Bum AadDI laoaUerat kbbchim ttaxoaa b?.o. rttosatet' i :ri it Dido et Dux. V OXJUA. MQ W ahdt Krw trap Qnba, ' ;'"-. BDBarreltlltA' AropOubA, ---' " . ... For sate by ' Esscana A Calebs Baos. CAPTAI5 BKISKKB,errjgthAT;BtlAd t . fl BAttea MaII a FarvKTiUa, aad mttrmadlAt 5 officer, will Wat war wharf a TaeedArt and FTtdayt panotaaDy at t:U r. ' r,..j ' 1 , jtdyUUa 5 -1GI3TS. UEADQUABTERS. NEW POSTAL REGULATIONS. WHT t BMAaM.nsmnlds'tftt Qr.nt Hinton'i cholc. w.ter-grourd Mm) rroa Mo ll nanny's City MtlU-Hportor to muj lith. nnrk.t, from Prims Whit. Uorn-tslUmera I 1M Baskel Monl, limptlon. ),W0 biikttela corn. Troor (tutl- I , rd fmlly S.iur, ts per burr!. , O.u, I 00 Bw HJ urnoK ixirn, eio., lor mit i oottoa prima. jnljrIS-U . OHANTAHIKTON COIN, HEAL ANDHAY ! 1,000 luk.UUwn, WASHiNoroK, July 17. PostofBoe regulations have been modified so that Cuutom House offiosrsmay examine all foreign letters suspected oi contain ins any irtioles liable to duty. The suspected letters shall be held, and the person to whom addressed notified, and the letter opened by him in the presenos of the Custom House offioers. THE WEPT, INDIANS ON THE WAR PATH. Nkw York. July 18.-A Herald let ter from Red Cloud agency, dated 9th hist, states that a strong, , well armed, and equipped body of Unoa- papa Sionx are on tie war path, with the awowed determination to cover the country with horses hoof tracks. From Indian resonroes the corres pondent learns that they have had two cnoounters with white men, miners, and killed 9 in one and 3 in another party. GOTHAM. Very Cool Linen ! -At leM than- A ctual Cost. ... They at. gobigfut, eontcqaent on the low pi io and hot w.Aiher. Call And In rent In :"; LINENS MUNSON Ac GO'S. CITY CLOTHIERS. ftiiilir loo m Tsis almoM uuprec.donMd warm waAther having oom. upon m, aal the qaeiUoa of th. I day being how to ki.p cool, w w.uld aAtIa. I our namer.ai frUndi And iutom.rs to try o rot sals by , ( Kibchmb k Caxou Bbo. RICE, SUGAR, COFFEE AND TO- ' biocoi ; ' seflanvURlo., M BAnwIt ngAT, ; TSBAgtOoSM,; - looBoiet TobAeeo, rou by , . , t , Kjbchhb k Caldkb Bnos. , 50 BOXES DJ&4IUABLE ' obacco o I A Hundred Years! TrUC mlsht WAh And mtat bar. Hie oppot X tanlty of baying goi'da A lb prtoo. at wbloh I Aat efaMlng out mj .took. It is aot to mAkr toom for AAoihat took, but 1 A saIa to AkMAattbAABHfAAtoAklaa tvto awabArAf day. j And to tiuar UU, en And Attor lbs 19U lAAAt gOOdt WUl b AOld At lAAt tkAS AOt for I only. OosM wltAoat fartbar InvkAtloB At delay, as At the. prtoAS lbs Hook will rapidly dlmtnlah. Irery ArttolA It new no shoddy or AAitfkn good, la the store. , u .i Vary taspAotniUy, GEO. LEIBER, . . AtATkAt aUAAl. JllylB.lSS. AT COST! nAVlKO rotidvAd to.UAngA mf bSataAAA I Am deatnra. of oloalng aut my eiitlro Mook IngPalU 1 bATt Uwrefuto Mfon the aoni d.termtnol im oHw nay anutw Atook of I Notions, Booto. SHOESHATS, AT 36 MARKET STREET, -ANOTHER LOT OF - A-1 t ! than sott, lUt cum- ,, t . Udloi are tqioolally wUotUd l jits at An arly call, to whom w will Aflat At a rAt aao. rifles, bonis vary dtaftAblt 60A.U la tht way of nj lot , ' Out of Ohdkb Bargains Bargains. I TTKII'S CLOTH GAITBBl l B0, wortk fl; mmu-w low annana oouaa.i w, worm A Slipper, only 11 pet pAlr. - ' ' UMAHtiM A. PBIOH, Mo. St Mari.titrMt. tun tf Sign 01 the Uolden Hoot Our Iilrlns and Our Dead ProsDACtuwOf and Volum. ViwiaajT, H . a, AlguM 10, 181 i. "Ooa Lima abd Odb Daad" will hara Attat bo pubUehad aa A S Mat-Monthly stag alua, eoatAlnlng AS paga. of raadUig matter, At 4 per Tear m aavmnua. ci - f"tf -nM HANDKERCHIEFS, . HOSIERI, m ,;nvrr:i?.-.i::i h UNDERGARMENTS, f " in- 'i !.;,.!! ....-LACKS, LINEN and COTTON HOUSEKEEP ING GOODS, mi 1 ... . -i . ;i'!. .!? in '1 table damask, if) W ; - ! -'..p! :v. DOYLAS. t . ( e ! towels, etc ', i:a4 A;t. '1. l if. 'M.H AN INTERESTING POSTAL SUIT. Urge and OArtfaUy selects AMortmentof rot Um fcWorntaUoa o4 tnoA wbo am ot f a- AtiUAt wtU to Anlarpfto, I Mat lb A tba oBMioaotaf wkomagaaiae wuimwwdiwo 1 " 1 rrj f " T ; f f s " ,-s" -b-y"" 1 tot kooota lAAt AlottA UATOliDA Ano AAt gAtiaai I wnoiaanw vuyenarw auiiaaa mm laoi w.i ' i ' !. :r' " 1 ' t I Aoldlara matin In aha lata "Wat batwain thai ... -.- V:V . . . . At Ifty etnu per 'pound, for the Stonty, yoa tatot," to tAtbar lbs mattrial br tbe am of Mr ana matt dAairADie jODomg VU''iUliVl ZXwVtTtf (mawAkewM -IrEET ad MP WJIW V- f l f I MtwsUa. UnaVtMr daAui. whAaKt lmnArUhahm. I iIaU tSMfl I.TsT.TV MhUkllhlil fMm the Isttilll it, prliaAas. Uvtnaot daad, 1 1? AddiSoata tbT W laBaooao a oar Tork And PUUAd.lphUck WttoasaiAt, Nkw Yobk, Jnly 17. A curious oase, involving the constitutionality of the American . pottage . law, haa been brought into the United States Circuit Court for this district. A gentleman offers a book for mail transmission to Philadelphia from this city, postage at old rates being affixed. Being refus ed, he applies for a mandamus to 00m pel the postmaster to receive the pack age. The argument of the applicant is tke sundry civil appropriation bill, into which amendment increasing rates on third class mail were not inserted, ' and was not a bill for raising revenue ; and that that amendment did not pro vide ways and means for raising reve nues ; and that tne senate nas no con stitntienal authority to provide meat urea for that purpose, that being the those sole purogative of tne uouse, ana me postal amendment having originated with the Senate and grafted on the bill, which was not one for revenue uuroose. is unconstitutional. The failure of T. J. Daily k Co., tea merchants, is announced, lheir liabil ities are supposed to include no large amounts. -- - ELECT1UC1S.US. A balloon with Prof. Donaldson and a reporter of the Evening Journal was seen thirty miles north of Chicago with the basket dipping water. A schoon er turned to help the balloon, which ' reasoended and moved nortnwara. A suit has been brought in the name of the government and other offioers, who compose the Maryland Board of Public Works against the Baltimore American for libel The American published an article reflecting on the action of the Bcarf in the award of a contract for en CUPfl a house 01 cor rection. Two deaths, but no tef Ovses of fe ver, at Key West on FridBy. EUKOPE, AHiOLABBM, . M RHINK PHOUKh Iw w 1 : 61 unTtuvi .In n i H PiAHICl. tor m ' l. ba A mwwl arW nW-4 Uoiyia maoi kfliow.Oi . I ItAta, wnutA by aempeuikf And waii-tororm 1 ate ' Htf QoAda MtabU tor Sountry wads, At AU Ooodt AnkAtA. ttm WUl OA vttttAUt for wbolAAAl. bills la AinAiurtATpnA huBilted do ; Uu. and apwAtdt Ikr elt AtoaptAnea. m.i, Oorner Front Bad Prinoai Btreet. Jnl.lt.IK5. !iV., r Mochrpicp of v Ail .ha '-igagt jv?Z -frt f i i ' I aaw.DAur.haTnaaamaUUe. nabliahedbt ma Jm-auT rJrnln. mVk AVd WJ! yn. ?Tr" TrzZ.'". ... I new their ausr ot nuuua c u.r .11 w w iwi- It yon wouid aava Mne Aa (aaaey, oall at the olO-enabllsoM UAra fare nonaw or ubi i ,tl - j- u neadad. I liiwaou. Kn in an a Al alukat atrosA. I AAJi ana rf mmtf ie nawm, iniy is . ll"l"l " XL t "A? ". Bitot, flrlcic. ! " ; ' Black Grenadines, Black Bilk Challys, i : " BLACK CASHMERES , 8UMMICR STOCK CLOSED OUT o f j lower 'Than Ever ! ; - j ,ti !t,t TTli.il No. 86 ( MARKET BTREET. n. A ",;M t. ;J I -It 'I: .l.l". 1 )! II I It 111 Al? Desire to oall the attention of all who take an Interest in tha nrin nf GOODS lo tho fact that w re allowing m v i ' m art. i4 1. !. .i .1 1 ' , I'A' MinHMfiSlaji . . M- A DRY A DIGCOUHT of to Por Cent on all BUMMER DRESS GOODS. Summer wear must be sold out a ....i 'LLAMA LACE SHAWLS and BACQUE8, JU M Jl rVJBUBiU VQ. . UOt v 1XJ, V 1)0, m i ,((1.,.,ymTE Ap STRIPED SHETLAND SHAWLS Any article that belongs specially to A full fS Bay Brk orpiAABAj e Oa.waAa) goal I n kUr Hh fa. Im nrtaAA AhAa (Mat To which, If Ice bt Added, Ana soma 011 . , , , ..llfcW ,, ,. ., ,, 1. any outer pAruaB. ... .;. m . ' ..-. g). O. POOU' Minaa, mi rarxnw dwd, vu. ii"i. AAoOtrn Daad," Mew barn, m. oorBAieigh, norm uaronna. xehAagAt wm pMAte apv Aag if t 1 ! i- . :i '. , vim&ui-w ..1 ICBntB'WhlUDraaB fthlrrti MitcleHorier io any Btyie" that inay ib desired., , pit auiBAXTUtv asannmenl always on nana. u suao v)uua, Uoliart aad underwear. "'fetripcA J Cotton aioflolvecd , Shirting ,-nwi 1, i .43rJy 30 Oeuta, wortk 87, very desirable for traveling. ; : ' jSldt-iJjA''' A NEW THING, , ' . And one of the most desirable article that has been introduood. ' Come and Buy AT ACTUAL COST; Fine Lemons; or which we have Jut lecolrAd a lArgA ripply, we feel tnro the hA py remit will bA Aooatn- pllnhed. ' , - Try onr Receipt ! O.D.UYEEadsOO., 6 ako 7 N. FbomBx BACON, GOBI, FL0UI, BTBUP. SO Boxea D B Bidee. BO Boxei amoked Bidet aa ihoaldeiw, S.000 Biwhelt Prime White Oern, 800 Barrel. Floor-all grAdet, Itn Rarrel. 8 H Brrap. For tale by WILLlAMa at suuu'' OffloA foot Of OraogA jllylD S. . 1 fr- ; '- ;? Uotice. Bt. OAOAfe aad Bt. Andrew't Atfcletlo Club j A apeotal BAAttac WIN ke kala wa MoadAy Jly ltth. at the stot Af Bwwn Boddlek ISMertAAawA,atlt.Sk O.W. BAIL!, Jnly IS It " BAerAAary ESTABLISHED 1844.' i l l i .'i ;-' l ! t . : ' i ... U 1 ! Joinal i THELARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPj MUKSON & CO.i (WEEKLY) f i i i All onr Bnmmer Stock of JJnent, AIpaoaa, Bias risnaelt, Obtvloto, OAttlmttAt, niAgo BAlA;BlAekOlo(hi,DosikliiA-AU At qoiT. , iMa VI A vrrt .TTTl toUiriii fU : NORTH CAROLINA, , , Jnly 4 CITY CLOTHIERS. A 160-tf Tht Wllmlntton Jou Apoa tea twenty .ninth Jl taring apoa I beaagroaAl I only thirty .R.&S O artrldgoo. Cartr ,ly anlarawd aad ImproTAd. It In tht lrtr-ds aotama paper In tl itbaittAta, 0. LITERARY JOUIRAL,IT IB UNEXCELLED. Sugar, Ooffee, Eioe, Uolaiies t tht hoaeekeeaat tboaM poanmt At toaet aaeaf AAA following atlebtAtea Ooek Bnakw; a. they wwaM aaa tot prtot of n in a wwab i eooklng ! n. mf mj a-iam low nu BTmrlaod Ka. aalptt i " I mAtAoaa la a ooiawini i. a more oompiew, lfimlalia'a Baw BeAwlDtafOT UoatlAf....! Ill Aomnaot. at eomprehentlTt hlAtort of tbt I Hr. HAle't New Oaek Beak 1 ' world', dofngt, from week to week, than oaa Tht Teung Wire', uook Beet . i poanbly bt lonna la any oiuer joornAi. Atitt ijAAiio t vtw vOOBtry wewa " The Vatlonal Cook Book. B UaoAak Bt. I niAjatt ant papar ror ni loma ina... I .. . " - ...I mil AT Mm ...rtltl. . DoaTwr. i r".t" i.l.,a.'. Caab Baak I Tf 1 IhAdAlly 1 WliUlfleld'. New Ueok Boek .1 IS I Aad Foil Mt Balel Kocclptt tar tat MUlioSV. MSAtaAW RmniBafin'i Ti..a..ii Hiuiii iMrt 1 are aiwaye inn ...w . LlTtBoa and wneie awwa. - ..m u.,.. i..,,.! b. th.m.rcaiitll.oon the Una maes or tne commerce other market, at. 11 1 fl.ST.LA8S WiTWB "A7IV t11" ' ttttVfV, 'a Urge IhvoleA bf a! , O klndt Sprlrgfleld Breach-LoAding Btet Henry Klfie. SiwnoAt and Pletol Cat Utdg OI Atery aeeoripuon, buu iui n 'Mii.1fLdw At tht old etttbUihed HArdwArt Honee At JOHN DAWBON, July IS. o. IV, 90 A Bl MArktt Bt i' J WHITE ' MUSLINS, iiil Ail! 11 Ci- Si'Hl ti,'i 4ii,i! l'-r:i-i lit Ail! I! TTSimiO, .v - l- f.'H I , . ,yA . i( ,, ; . I I BwtaB, Jf alBiook and Viototia Stripes Bod Plaids a f ery large assortment. AtAAitofef rrattkiLaalla'aCiVT rAVKR PATTBHR a. " KlAchlae NaWlea t Cents eavcti. " ''-'M' ' " ' " - " One Price. (.... l,: V.rt Jj I 4 ;. :midinif. street. , inSfJZLtAS20TJ8. 1 i-i it: '.I7"..f ' '1 DA, All tbt beet Kdltorlale at Ibowb of tht day. Its Harket Renorts I tl I tba dally i All the Oongrealonal, LegtelattTA 111 oall alt IT tf . , i . - . ui. rnu.n mm. aa - 1 atnnltT at kagtjr lAVvri Mier tuit;,thii(ittnKii fau ana tAiiaoia 00 Barrel. Beflaed Sugar, 60 BAgt Prlmt Bla Cofl'eA IS Barrel! Blee. ISO Barrel. tw Crop OabA H ol lAAthAr AtwdAvArrurt.ot, rantr, arrival ortntA . , ' 1AI VAOA liAOAB waaa i AtFlVWAttAglAA. At July IT at PROPOSED STATUE TO LORD T'..;,;;; BYRON. i THE ULTRAMONTANE SUB- MISSION. ' London, July 17. At a meeting yes- Fot u tew ky wiluamb MaacHiBOir. terday it was resolved to open a pnb- - -; ,- lie subscripuon ior uie erecuon oi a T i statue of Lord Byron, at some oonspic- nty, D 00p 1T0I1) ipirll nous place in Jjonaon. ait. isisreui i QlTl6 I preolUBU. Dpwuuoo wmu iuuo u i.tui the project by thaEarlof Malmes tury, Earl Btanhape andG. A. Bula. Gen. 'Wilson states in behalf of the 4 nn k.t. fliaw nlaltn an 4ntarM)t in Byron, and have a right to oontrib- rorsaie low by WH.WAKB ..ifUBOHyoN. . ' v I ' nte to the memorial He was sure his . lJ U. t? t? XX JJX J . INTERESTING bbocbb exchabb. ctbrlcoTalcbi tic. Tho Odd Trump. 000 Bale. S B And B HAy. , BOO Bundle. Hoop Iron, 600 Second-bAnd Spirit OAtkt, 10" Barrel, dint, :,HEINtBIRGER few . Salt, Nails, Slot, Guano I lNBAcktlilebonHAlt, fOOCegtNAllt, 160BAgtBht, m .... W ...fc Hmmwkm t0 Toot Queaape Sonne, .1- ' ! ; 1 .' For AAle low by ILUAMB MUBOallBON. countrymen would gladly furnish at least oae Quarter of the ten thousand , dollars estimated cost. The Prussian naval authorities ex tlain the oresenoe of tbe Prussian ves setoff the Jutland. Sue was taking soundings previous to towing a dredge to Welhelmshafer. Minister Sohenok " haa Kone to Sweden and Norway for : two months. Col. Hoffman remains in charge of the legation. a If A . W .l ' A ,SQ IT SSeS W 8EITHYILI, LY 19, man government has ordered that the I On Steamer GOTemor "wCath, deciamation oi suDmission oy uatno 1VM BT raa - . 4- U 1 U-lt I ! 110 Oiergvmeu w auw now iwo uu ue i , c rSnmwmm Pawn k .trintlw APflrnt. thfl nnmnna hu nt u' . to keep them, from persecution by Ul-1 oompiimtatAty a aha Ordat af tramoutanes. Count Von Arnim has jcjjiQH'TS OF PYTHIAS arntaa tl liarmi'su i uu uoaiiu ui ... . L. ' ' il THB Bxonrtioa ateameT win iimmt.imi, DreoariOUa Condition. foot of Market .treat. Moodsy tvtnlAg, At l-ll 1 o'clock. ikArp, Atopnlng In SmlthTilIt thraa onre retomingmwiimiagwu iujwnu "learn that the U. S. troops, heretofore j ftound-trip TickeU, Gentlemen, i j Ladies, The A1iBville Expositor says. We BUUoncd at Marion, have been removed " aa to the reaaone for tho removal. , it-juiyis p vots vw ' - to Morganton. Weare not informed a,,,' '. r j t"s " A DRAMA. , By Alfred Tnnyon ! A Atooai lot JsAteM4ttd.ea far AAle a nEIISBERQEBTJ Lit toot iMD Urma Bwbs. V 1 aiy is - - ; au lonate Pilgrim BTHENR T J AMIS, Jr. W aoavaa takee aa Intoreat, wbemer of mar. euiioetty ot Af arittoal forebJdlag, In tbe nn.lae aad toodene ef ear vonnter litera ture muat have bad hit attoalloa awakened and 'detained bf the wrIUnn of Mr. Jama. Whatever tine they mar be, thny era not earn raoti, ed bae that alt of goad breading which to tlie tokaa of wbAtovar H properly called Literature. Tht Abort work Jutt oat, And rot tolo by 1 't"'i Q t i 4 powolbx ii::riiB; art givaa Avery weak, mAking it tht beat rata Hy paper pnDiiinea in vne oouniry. , IT ClltlClJLAXXOPI lis A It Arr lArge tbronghont tht StAtt And t whale Bonth. In New Hanor.r, EdgeoombA OnelAW. Duplin. B Am peon, Brannriek, Bladen and Cola m tin. it le eapeolally large, while la Halifax, WlUwn, Wayne, Carteret, Hobeaen, Rlehmona. Anaon. unmneriana ana Moort. and in teterAl counties of South Carolina, Its escalation It tor J good. ' t i i It It pnblUhedtTery Friday An. tht follow ing j k , f- il M TERMS : One oopy, for one year ,V.fi 00 One copy, for six months 1 00 Three oopies, for one year. ...... 5 60 Four oopies, ior one year....... 7 00 Five copies, for one year, ... 8 60 Ten copies, for one year. ,,., ,16 00 Twenty copies, for one year. . .'. .25 00 MT TO aver, geitat-np or a uiiii. vw itn , one eopy win ot aent iraa rot eat year, SAT LESS THAN ACTUAL ; HEW YOBK COST! j OUM TOOM 09 '" ' Linen' Goods t COATS, ANTS anil VESTS- Whlte arid Drown1 ' DUCKS, Etc. MUNSON & CO., ;Mi a ihiin ,iri ; CITY CLOTHIERS. . li; GEORGE I.1YERS. , i 11 & 18 SOUTH FRONT ST.; , ! 1810.E3tabUshcdl819 CHOICEST TEAS, jOreen and Black, EnffUsh Breakfast, v hI h ATTENTION ! V; L. INFANTRY! tHE CABTatDtfXS OBDB8ED Bf TOTJB Company bare now arrived, And Art for eaia At tnt leweat uving price, oy July II- , aiUU M0B0HI8OM. I Add i. ? 4 JOURNAL WIlBAl.itwm, IV. a '1. III. V.'iVI Aak roar Otaaar for City Water Orttbd Htal. oltAd-ATAnbod know M l beat. Pork-O' to Meea and Kxtm Ftlaw. 'tear, Uttn, ua . vimam vara. For aalo low by RABT tmtTOH, Oo.mlaxlon MaTOAAnta aad Otooara. JulyU ... , ..... - .. ' ;.aCtXawtf LAKE I)JIa for sale at the ' . ' v1 JouasAt uyricm.; 22 Ilarket Street. D. -a i FT; - llOIt, 'tVTLMTNQTO !tf 0H HI h.i .'' ' - '( AA At Home on and After uiy4th.l870. July M tSS R Coffee and Cheese. OABTKD JAVA AND BIO OOfFEB. gApmgt aao Bldam OhoerA," Fot tAw.'at tt. it. w. nunitts. N. B. PeriaTglaArktt and otaon4 oti JABS It - I i. ii' w AT Bp I im4S ... j GREAT RUSH --r.l 'V' t" FOB a i j.'tr- !' BOOTS A1ID T3H0E3 AT :C, A. Prico'o, July 10 Sign of lbs Golden Boot. The Charlotte Observer -.m . '.V-' -u'.'i.-f-tivn.-.-'i"'- Tht only morning dally ptptr pnbltahwl In tht State wen of Raleigh and North of Wil mington, oftere iptcial laduoeni.nl. to Adrer tlMra. It circula And All the Beet Uradaa. t.-'.uVp!-!1 i i a VVInoo Liquoro, CLAEETB, , 1MP0BTED . IN , OBIQINAt 0ABEB, DKI40AXB sad BJOH FIA- ; TADLE CHERRY, F1BK QI4 BLAOKBXBBTWUIB. . i ! " ' OTABO, DTJF1CT A OO.BBASD, i.V,;! .(VhltAgSlS.J lf"I JAMAICA BUM o HOLLAND GTN, . i iv (m original pAokagt.) ' j FopalA "BkDB SBABB" And "GEM WHI8- BIBS," together with a large stock or Oor- dlal And Fancy lilquort. tda unoieest , aaa beet teiectea mock or rtmiiy ChtoAArtet in the State. l For ; Gmithvillol STBAMXB wdixiE" will run rlgnltrly , -, ' -1 .1 m i,- ' '- ; every dayeicept lundny, ,, 1 Uarlng Wilmington.................... 1PM , . SmitATtue. t AM , Oommntatloa tlokets may be porcheaed at OUt OffiOA. . !. O. O. PARSLEY" A CO. jnly T " " " ; It drculaOon, die and ntefalneat la largely tooreaMd during tht year enAnttof Woatarn North Carolina, taut offer ing an unrorpAsMd medium of oommnuica- tlon between the Merchant, or Wilmington ana tbt pewple of We. tern Morih UatoIIua. . I A, DAlly.... Weekly.. ay vertlttni very low. bay. Ad SAHSO BOAACBirTIOA t .'.Mir' . "'J k ' S3 00 per Annum. t to 4i; llS-tf Turnip 8eed I , i-un- ;. ?. I New Crop 1875. Grown by Landreth A Bull, PhllAdeiphlA. Alts a large ataortment of UAbbags Seed for aalo by if July I ' GBKEMAFXASBFR. . lb Pee Bee (k)nrieiv J j BBlTHiMKBOHASTJ OF WaMING- CSawAraUU tht Courier a) tht only Daowt. ota Us paptt nnblithti la BooUu, an, and tmat it olmlAtAt AttoBtlTAly in Blohmoad, , 4 .. ?..v.,'ii Montgomery and Awon oottntle.? viy-.'.a' BAtAAof AdTertiaing liberAl And no titiA '(..'.. fl fu I . charget madt for changing adTeiUaemeBti weekly. l't''DUCKBTT A BBYftf" . mAroa Mf ..,...!, h,tj i: i;B) olttts, ... . , , ' , 1 1 mAUilQAO KECEHTS for sale at the FW .'I-.' UJI t iK.fWVlWAJ. VJTITKJB 3verybodyVL!Pili; A Gentle but Certain Cathartic' The, act with oabt Anrrr tn tht Llvtr, oen taln nn calomel i ' are purely Vtgetablt. Tht beet, tureet, anioat And mlUlett purgative rul m nta. -adw nam wnpuinf than any other Pill In u, fer tba length of Ubm they have been before the public Are nicely tugar .coated and bottled at SO eentt per Bottle. Auk yont Orngtim rot J'EvAATAODtV 0tt.i.. and take no other. H0SQUIT0 ITET3 W FBAMIS, Gaum and, 1AOA. Oor AAooad ttook. Jutt rtoelved and fot mlt low by " i, '"' d.' aVbmith: a cou' Junttt ' m a X EdtwlXoixiictg.'.' The cneMit Tmnkala tnt elty f Badrtlet, Barn.x., koMkiiAr Iu.ter., Loatbar, BAclillery, HardWKrer A'e Qre'e, Sammat Lap Due. tmn, I.ln'ii V hi, Whip., HnurA h.met, Oui.i, K a t h.i, aiidailkU. iof 8iuiry GooOi.oheapfiiTCiuhAttbeBaadlery Hior.of mt ..' ' -t'"5 it