.1 ! , uf 'Oil vnLmxaTQS. s. c SU5BAT, JITLY 3. V corivEnTionT Election, Airjurt C:.r,IC75. ' ' awenawawaenawa'' " FOR DELEGATES t . BBtomviat eawrwc ri i eeaneaBwAa . vvnjs 00CHTT. J. N. 8TAIXINGS, WILLIAM FARRIOR, C ' JOSEPH A: WORTH, NEILL R. BLUE, i. ioumh) i . DUNCAN SINCLAIR. , CALVIN A. McEACUEHN. J. V. RUSS. CARTKBR. JAMES RUMLEY. ooluvbus coran, FORNEY GEORGE. " ojulow cdiwnr. JAMES Q. SCOTT. AHFStm COURT J. S. J. FAISON, WILLIAM1 KlRBY. an laf vof pol, k( acwvt w " r- " I itoiln f,(!fr?f?Uonl iewr uM l4J he we , tic fraudulently voting oe at orwe or-1 J - . T ' I- ' , Bemembet that the election law re- nnlrea "That when a voter U aU lengedat the poll upon demand o) any citizen of the State U thall be (M duty of the Intpectort of the Election to require laid voter before being at lowed to vote to prove by thei oath ,. tf tome other permm known to the judge I the fact of hit retidtme for thirty j day previaut thereto in the county in whirh he nroiMMM to vote." Remember also that the election law register or wte'in any btker ieM or township than the one in ti hich he i an actual or bom JUU mident on the day of election, and no certificate t of registration ehiill given." - M THE RCBTRIOTION ON THI CO.wFENTIOIf.AIII THY For good honest square blow, that striies the nail on the hd and drirea it home, eommead as always It onr good friend of the Duplin Eecn ord. And snob was our involuntary ut terance as we read what the Record had to say in its last iaaae about the binding foroe of the jrestrotio&f placed by the Legislature, In the Act oaiUag the eoawtioB1-'-------i- It is, indeed,a curious spectacle. The Demfi -ra4 6mIt a.wt an! main UinalilfoxM ad !ralldii 1 the re strictions while the Radical party at- , Urlyoateth Bfft kat they lutW oai restraining effect whatever. The Dem. ooratil tj ;-3ttes Ihe fmTeatfoa baa any power to touon the homestead The Bpublioan party asserts that il )im that power. And yet tbe Radloa rrty xudmi "that the oontrol of tn oonventioa ought to be pat in it hands in the bands of men who pub licly proclaim they can destroy tbt homestead, rather than in the hands of men who publicly proclaim they bare no power to tonoh it ' Verily no Imj putlenoe '' sare Radical impadenoe would be equal to suoh a bare laee proposition aa thai . But o the axtlolb of the Record. B y ":i . '1 . "Are the restrictions bbding aponj the conrention f Our enemies say not Every Radical paper and ea&didaU aaysapt, Tbe) PonaervaUTe press, witi one exception, says yes. , tery Demf ooratio candidate, without exoeptioi "aaysyeav-" -r ' j We say the restrictions are legally .. binding ; tbjit the .Legislature aoi called restricted, convention, and i I thai delegatea, wJhen tbey meet, were 1 1 ttampt t tdiategaidtlMi restriottoai , by, refming to take the eath, it would ;oot be th body called by the pe0M , tare and 'onaqiently would beilli : gal,a;;i ThU 'Ijpt&lM mi iaUdebaied 1 in 1835 bj Qoston and otbeit; lad lei tied then, If e people; leoi delet galea under this act they ratify thk act, restrrotions and alL andmakelhi restrictiona binding oi every delegate Btttif it were not legally adj it onl be morally Tbe Legislatttt called n , other sort fL oouvention ; the seryative party rJa pledged by net to maintain the restrictiona, an every candidate, and we venture toaay every pnet who will be a rsdidate oa tbe Ounsorv ative ticket, ' favort obaervy f "e r-riciloT.t fa:!y ar.i nneaivol. . cr.V . iTone but Radicals ecy they fer ' i 1 1 ' .;. . Ijt t Ce inv inns of Lome ' st 'i f -? Ticly lsbrccta,;':; "' j " jl j " "I la add to what onr so w cU sJd, save to s V 3 j ; !s to vcta for co man, m a d.: J.t to tla f -ivtuin, wLo Ir ti'., ' " '? 1 1 c; . it ' tie I '..tar Vote r r. an Me who ill n j hi. J to. ytnen . .cfiof . V ill the lUdio! or cegro sandilaUss thus pledge thamselvws? .iTTT7 ...... - ALA h 1- Ws actios from oar exchangee, m ji the aJamanwjCrVeane-rtnst .Major Marcus Erwm, the ablest bud of the Wait in the Radios! prtj. relates to b bound 1 tty ecte resolutione of tbef VtevaZotSixwi Nawberu, or the open iddVeas of the Republican Executive Committee, at Raleigh. He i en outspoken advocate of the policy of adapting our present const! - tation to the want of oar people. Judge Thomas and Judge Cntwell, w of th &TeAllJpBbUds fa the sxtrame ta Ue tot a i aoau- oe for convention from Craven coun ty, are also for the moo policy. From H Tf;oa Uers, i wptUd eeem that uw m liver staaaa aoout tun ; in ine Eeet the negroes under oontrol of tbef office holders, ere- together with them j in favor of no amendment to the con stitution. In the middle portion of the , State, , where .the r aegroea liold a luni of a ' balance of power. 1 being led by the Radical offloe-hold- ther. with IUdioal offloe-holdera. tbgitoet fits $ few otnir white !mao who Mare bad their feeri exoited bj tnfoiBtM ateertioM, ire oppoeed to amending the preeent oonititution. AiSd i the Weil, where the negro ele ; ment la not uffloiently strong to bnlld the hopee of offloe-holdera and offioe- aeeken Upon, ererybody exoept the few wko ean be doped by the moat on- Qndd declaration and flimaieat ap peal! to their fears, wanta the oonati- atioo amended. if , of thepeopUH fcH ttW cpltal Itepab- bma bavi V rk with, and tyey re UaiUH Wf iBV wU VHVI Kl WVIUWMS W- iarttirarA f tmih Itiai wit- ""'J apology that oan be urged in .' OorrMini)UM oi Journal. CUAMLOTTE, f lie fjnalweae H NU re4 Venwee- (-t.laol-ita avaja me ur . , rowaeiaf - cwwaur-nana , gprUia.clanrlMatai)etaire. Cuyiuuro Muikxit. BrniBoi, i t i , Jul 13th, 1875. . gte na ample time to 'view the city, OTj B0t the general depreaaion in Uuaineas.', Many of the merohauU are I trvin to diinoae of their warea and I mexchaodiae ; at 'oost, aa4 , Ue than u,w, paoB." ,that m wm'f da 11 I u never wu In the past seTen years. ' charlotte cannot be said to be a manu factoring 0jty( though she oan boast 0MMi Very neaOne in4 attrMtirs reidMWei'B0 tobaeoo taetorjr and two tan yards are her manufactories,' The. tJntted States mint baa been d penaed with,and the balanoe of the mi ohiaary it thf Aataylat fflo haw bee: removed to Washington. Notwitb standing tb stringenet trf tnonev an the effect of uturv. iiowever. new boild iogs are under oouse of construction, and we were maoti pleased to see aom oi our wumingfoa meouamos ixaiB jobs there. , TUere are, four KaiiroaiV ubm mm aWiiittt Oaattotte 1U IliiAivisioii oi tne A. it. Air Lilne to ptetetvujet uiiBuuiM w uw uiubiiwu vu Aauueuiaj ana ine wer,ara .&YUU&roi. u. Ui Raliwiyr What te very maeb needed, by ine traveling pubuo la ooaoert ol aoatoarosj Ve part of theofaoHhi or th uniroaas, ttavja a .'gufcwm ttflioa aenot. i Long Greek, where the fatal accident pOTrtdva short time ainoirjiu be been1 taerW of the Ouderdonk. thf last oi tnai name, (j pernaps, ever to; sound its whistle In this section. t Arriving at Linoolnton. with its oor nlaUoa of in nnred ool tiad fin larmmgianaa, we enjoyed the salabri' ?.a!J' , eoenery, eaual, to any oo tne vv seuts a onu -iruuna luuroad, uuui jqm arrive as or Bear Kiia f Om. t mxma ta town is imni of tmc- made on the ontakiraj of tfao villasew and both in looks and durability eqaa) to the best Northern clinkers we hav at WflmloMQaf Men mats tW large bndk budding, built for hotel, with some thirty rooms. It is now an. ooeiip1d aid moet excellent hano for some entoMWtsibg young man uM mow now to xeep noteL aa to give one a beautiful view ofth anrrooading country.' .Tfcej Hy oaa tax in tne wnoie senaircniar tori eon of possible vision, behold the mountains snui npou tne lUUebilU and view the gentle undulating swells. took ax vie green wood! ana eoattered farma, aadi-dnnk ia thv freah yet mild I1; breetr "firoia off, the aweet meadow of clover around. In the village are a number of alum wells the Water boooming, when used with sop, like curdled milk. There ar said to b tfulpbftf springs nd ebalyv beaks spriags near tb village.and two miles distant are the Burton Springs, . aa yet hardly kaowtt. ':s; ,,The properties of the Burton Spring aresoda magnesia, lime and iodine, which, for dyapopaia and its kindred diseases, are said to be most excellent. Leaving these charming aoenea. w wind our way tbrongij -plewant dale and 6v4 iuugk ; hillav fanraadV Cherryf ville. Continuing oar journeying front bere,;by th aid of the iron horse w reaen Bufialo.i tto tawminus. of Ihi road. Her conveyances are provided, Utd'tntfhOrtM 'luFged at a rapid paoal ooa find asV a4 01v8kBd Miar4 SDimsa. Bom thirtv meats hav already ssembled,,;gay and livelfl iiJUUi m iu aim i.WMOKW white and red sulphur waters. I ' Thenatoral scenery of th plao it pleasing to tholL and th ibbtaiej forest around the valley below th hotel, with th pleasant seat beneath the shady trees, joyfully you can her take your abode impotent of tho ht tsoo, yau away ore ana anxiety, Aior Co as Cobb. -y T 1 AM it I l rt!C3. atiKlB 0O'. eatkrtwd Kk-k', Inxt tnd la J art, vik iurnt of H '(KoJ BrtKU. Hitst feCtiatt Li tal WU&0. SEW PEOCSsa" FISQ.1 Itwav nlibVf and th biit CJ1 ra m foj rout HauBiM. for til MM. Hr will aau ofrxcoc.j J. aalllna alawa Uj am Tfeanvlajr la AagoM, ins, la V Humr ooni, fuc lha dacuun ofiaa folluwlm (ownrtluafllDert, l: WILMINOTOM TtiWKSHir Ba Vu latiataa, ana TnnhlB Clara, mm UoutabM tUMl ltirM Soluwl oejajiltiaa. owHim. I eOBllKHAR-l rKAH TUW ebll-H-i oe gaufUbul TweMutatrafra. and tara Schue Cunai MKW HHOVKHNl PBMEH OOCW TlKit Tbrn lltUf Utht SUMCoaKlta- umtvi twii ml ."H MAMNINO, i ; Bbaiiiref htm Hnar aaniy Jul to li-OAwluw Bacon, PMlSugar, and Coffee ; CO Doifs D. & Sides, 60 Boies Smoked bides and Bboal- 25 Bbls City Mess Pork, JOQ Bbls. Refined Sugar. ' . . , WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. FloC6ryrilrRloe. 800 Bbls, Flour all erades. 6,000 Bushels Frime White Com, 60 Bbls. 8. H. Byrnp, 25 BbU. Rioe, ' " . ft Mis law kf 'i ' WUJUtAM MCHOeMHOM. Hay-Hoop Iror-Cluo-fpl- , rlt Darreis. rjMBaleaifli' lmdk Hay, 400 Bundles Hoop Iron,' 100 Bbls. Qlne, 860 Beoond Hand Bpirit Casks. ., For sals lew by . ' ' WILLIAMS A HCBUHI80II. . t M HI . 11 MOLASSE.-aUANO-rllAIlt -SHOT 100 llhds. and bbls. New Crop On . baMolaeadeV ' L 300 Tons Qjanape Quano, 100 Toni Eureka Guano, 800 Kegs Nails, 200 Bags Shot. For wit tow by WILLIAMS hUBOHISON. July , 1M IN STORE.! . . ;IN STORE1 600 BBLS. FLQURy i. . 60 Boxes IX B.. Bide A Shoulders, 60 , ,8mokdBidee A Shoulders, 75 Hhds. New Crop Onb Molasaes, 100 Bbls. 8. H. Mela, ""' 80 Bote Tobacco, 100 Lye and Potash, 75 Bag OoiTae, M Bbls.' Sugar, lOOCkwwOytter, ' ; 60 " Pioklee, iWSriiriiOaskfc 200 rapera Rivets,., r . 20lm,HiIkoikl1l 6 1 r? fit si u5 h Ifirf Candle,' Candy, Matohe. Snuff; ShotJ cipi'iwierVAoll Z eta '" 1 For sals bV4 31 " ' f'",r, ' OH BAHD ABDTCJ ABR1VH 357 BOXES !iM'1IT(Ik: , Plug and Twist Tobaccos, DB8IKABLB BTTUtB. Old Blook prices to oorroapond. D,PCOTT. Corn. Ileal and Hay I '"'''' 1 ' ' teo Baibe ti Cora ..JOO Buakslatr-TMo4 Msaf, " 100 Bales Bay, ' tea sals av Kexobhxb A GaXDlB Brob. OTtJBA. 3beX9XeVaBlS 1 75 HOGSHEADd EW , ; t, SUGAR MOLASSES 1 ," hl tf3 ' MM i oa bals ar i Fiour, vugar, coffee Rice, imj . -, a . w, i j. a i. i ... 1 BOA Barrel! moar, ' w 1 ' ' ' J ' - SO Barrel! Bagar,' ; - t ! f i trn wa.acitsejfte i t V "I ' M Barrels Bloe, oa sali ar " Kcrchner&s Calder Broar 5 ' Spirits, Casks, Clue, Etc, i.. ,i. " ' ll BSOBptrHOalkl : W Barrels Glue, " t " W Tone Hoop Iroa, . , TH(ttt fBKlf ft( VV j P1TET8,' BUl.a3, KAILS," Ew. latest 3ooJis. A KORStMAN'A FfiARIXAOK. B TtLUIBIARD'B KTB. pthw Btorto. . toy at lai lkaokeray, author of"aIlBi Angel. Q1 KSmgtoA"iteV; .aWtt( csnha ret sals at BUMBBBRGRR' live Book Bad fttuie Btote. ! laiyl SUOW BILLS gotten up end printed in the most auractlve style at tlie . 'JOURRAX OFFICI v., - CmCal THE ATI 1ITTC : iG'i If aj jii DEAUFORT, 1ST. O. 1 r , t f I J f. 1 1 T" B"VB-A,.V""L? fil ' . w. ...t - - i - willing u'i4t to aU iaii.il et- eMk.: Jla bop Tb SaItar sttaatioe of this boum affocdi all V ; .NO, DtJSt. NO IXEESI 1 M uic Hn smo wiuidliil nilariaf a3di laia of tt na hj di?t f no brlllfant court i T All ilia ftoiM fJrejircla and anmin ment to b hi aaa n mi' 1 ' il i ' ' " - i i-i Fi tt - ri n. I ii ii ii ii i ji " u n ii I 'i -Jri--J- iL-. -w- -w- rr ,, ,,,,... j-w.-'-' noaia. ia fanmg aim wn Buyruiui , j 'ii 1 , i, , ;f- PIC-NICS, FISHINQ PARTIES, MCCNLICHT SAILS i . TV:&TW iMtMWfr to b. bad at tb. FEBT4FBAM 1 tb. nnd.r-W-eVaUsieV,;, .Aided tnmiiMiMM'i wh i i'"',r "v .jz:::. , Satun hiaiMltUiai alt 1 AKJM XOrrK, am r lb I w it1ro. will en moi ba rlgUlly aafiiiewi u il cwnltTl q. a hmia k"wI aiudlfd. Tibm; i 3.60 per day for first week l.r30 per day for second weel, ay Bpatal ralratf ! with famlHea and ton. VhlldrrB and wiun ball J'rtca, may 13 dw f, r, -u : ' imkmm. j ' FAtQcita Op. i Fa. j' ; ; ' t 1 Freaana far Vatvarait at Batfasas.' - To bawd and tut-ft O "9 R Vto"i ' aaataa. Mdl-UJ UUaatfM 9 A CXTRAOT FHsT XIIIH0SliX8 , 1 aaaat aaarttl oomaua Bivaaii A04D- axr to lbs favor and patroBafWoi thoMhUsi' i !.... .'WWaraaiJiw" i Fror.ef Letts, Unlvatatty or Va i t weald be wllttni to eonflde my own ton la Mr. amttb'a oare, and bano 1 teoomwand tba iohnol toathar paranU," F, H. SMITH. , Frof. Hataral FbUianpby,TJnlTertlty or V. ''I real wanMtsdtftoia, sanaclanee, la ra commanding It." JF,rofaorat Law.UaWaraltrwf Va. ha t ."' ji ' M. Hi HARRIS, Fruroaasr of Qreak, Kiobmoa Oottr 1 ' I know of no InMitntlon of lite' jrada iupe Mot to Batbel ABadBrftT.M J . , . .... K,v. j. n, vMplvv, Unequalled, In mr bplulon, by any Inttltu- .i .l. ii .lutki nr wilrr i. WM in turn ovuitu. u Mi a. i v. ji riauii t ,. , . i ... 1. ,-' 'i i Atlanta, ua. " Ban and Sbmvart preparatory Mvhoel In 1SBUU. UHAHLJCHMABUK. m St King ttaorse eeaaty, Va- th my opinion, tba ehaapeat and bMttntbe t l i 1 1 tl J-4 M Augttata aoonty. va i"Tb cbaapstt latnliitry, Slid U goods the1 bait. In tba United Htatei." ADAM IMPMC, J. A. ENUELHAHIV . j a Wilmington, norm uarounai ,-Fo t)atalo(De,adraM r'' i;T fya:. W. Smith, A.M. 8aia Prlnolpat ; Bw'tw r.i,.y.t i.iU t ,il ! Oliuton MALE AC AD EH Y. Taa'atxt leadOB of this Sohoot will com manna tha flrnt btonday la August, 18TB, and aonttnue twenty weeks."'. ft : ! .. in , thw aohool boyaoaa be thotoaghl? pie pared for the Fnakmaa Olaat In any eollage, or forthaaanalawtoatlanaor Ufa.. - It will ba the ooniUnt aim of the Prlnolpal to mak. that a ohool worth y of Batronagead not a plaoe for boji to waste time and money, Board t).r skoatb frost.. ...A CIS to all m To U Ion per eeaeion from.,,. M.,.,17 BO to S3 HQ Contingent fee per temlon M For further partlouiara, addrem M. MoLeod. , PBINOTPAIuf, Cllnten, 8. 0s ' ' w-4t d-onoea w at Ilorncr & Orares' School, hillsboro', n. a -; -1 rjWI FALL 8ESMOK OF" I87B OP NS fourth Monday In Jaly. .--;' . . " .. . SST Oatalognaa sent oa application. ' w ; Julft i . lMsltwAwIm i EXCHANGE CORNER. tanean ' 'l FOR ! "1 : " !:COUGHS;mD5.;H0ASEH; ; AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, WELIS' 0ARB0U0 TABLETS; FTJT PF ill OMLT BLUE BOIB8. :lfuul,,R'M'DY-! Cataf biflliglichooL ! TH TWBNtIF.TR BBIOW bT Wlttaaa WaakawtU Op, leth ynlyj. rare moon; lata ataMepaera, good water advantafea of towa and country oanMnoA, "ObJiwU ofth. Bohacl t 1H. Te (irtpar ymt bh for fond oaltegw. M. To give a thorough anademle ed aoatloa. Board latamlllee, a rr month. -i. FtafbWBBltoB wlih circular, apply to either " """'"lei,J'Vrt.'UPF,Aa1. j Newton,!!. 0 Jus, It, 18TB Jane S Wla WlllTEGOODS; ji: 1AT r u. of 1WThllirTCKITO THE PUHI.IO or .c: ir.n, is for th. of to ronew pi..u. w tn fUtiwr f m yp peril or ie I NO MOSQUTTOEB 1 1 1 , . .. T ?Jr s-5.- at ta. n"; ','t-" t. kMl(1 Bl,MIlrt found at Inland Mrt, owldea pleaioro Iicnrilonito.' liberal reduction toaarly tIbV OEO. W.'CHABLOTTE, Proprietor. jona w. aiitaoa, T ... i.t Un.nnt Jfe JAMS B. OCMMIlie . (Late Oaahler bank of niiimin,; " - Wilmington, N. O. Tarboro, N Hill S0H &CUIIIIING Cotton, Rloe, Lumber; Tobacco i-NavaJ tera;)aci Southern i D.Adtiai Uentrally, NO-103 CHESTNUT' ST , F. O. Bo BO30V fbtladelplila, Pa. i. . . t .ii .... . . .. f. $ . bralnger,! Frerideut B)il of New Ran'.! over, Wilmington," R 0. " " ' , i K K Burrata, I'raaldeut Elrit NaUonaiBaak,' Wilmington". N U " -1 : ... Jaaea ,Mawaai rreldaat -Jaawoa Bank, Wilmington, N O. K H Borden, President Bank of New Han-; ove.ittotd.bore, VO.-. , i-' x ' . ' J A Ieak, freeldent Bank ot New Hanover,! Wadoaboro, N U, - i ' ' Jeaee H Llnduy, Pretldent Bank of Oreena boro, OrMn.twro, NO. Hon ueo. Howara, rarnoro, n O. M Weddell,B i Tarboro, N0.' Hon. W D Johnson. Marion Court Beuet. Stt - jmy i , ii I w-owti Quarantine Notice TJNTIL FURTHER BOTIOB ..AU, VE8 aala from Porto Beuta of Gape feat will eometo at the Vlaitlng station, near Peep Water Point, and await the tnapeetlon of tbe Quar antine Physician. . All veaael, from Porta where Yellow Fever, or other lntectloua due ate ejtieta, will bare, qnlrafl to undergo a rigid nd prolonged Qa&r- tlty.M ii))J Jc vUi ' All veaatla or boati of any character having aiokntaa on board on arrival, or bavlng bad atoksaai any time during tba voyage, are re-; quired to eoms to the BtaMon for Inapectlon without regard to the Port t'Om whence they oome. Veeiels not lnelttded aa above will pro- oeed wltbeut detention. , e - Pilots are eeiieelally anjoinad to make eare ul enquiry relative to Ta.-els, erew, ., and If not latltfird with tbe atatementsof tbe Oaj tain or commander, or If tbe veasel a In. a BIthy eondlUon, they will bring tbe vestal to the B tattoo for farther examination, ; , Pilots wilfully, violating the Quarantine Law are tubjeottoaforreltareof their branch; Maatera of vewels to a One or two hundred dol larae day for every day they violate tbe Qntlir tawr, tnd hU other pemms are liable for each and every ott'enoo. ; ' Alt veateli luhjeot lo visitation under above regulations, will aet a Sag la the main-rigging, porvalde. F. W. POTTER, ' , " " ' f Quarantine Phraiolan, i Port of Wilmington, N. . I BmltbTlle, N. CU Ray 7, mil. may t 128 UlnoTl I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK AND TREASURER, Cm of WairiHCrTow, N.- C, f ! June 24th, 1875. J j AN ORDINANCE , J Concerning Cows and other cattle run ning' at large. j Jjt IT ORDAINED by (be Board oi Alders mnof the City ef Wilmington, N. 0, aa fol fowai i. :. . Section 1, That any cow 'or dthbb omi of ad kind, found running at large within the corporate limit, of tbia city, shall be lm. pounded by tbs OttyMirshsr," tnd the ownei reqirdpai aflueof Th (H Dllars,le. fore the tame ahall ba released. Beot ton 9 Any ordinance of part, thereof eon. dieting bte with, are hereby, repeal. The above ordlnanaV via adopted by tbe Board of Aldermen en the ?th day of June UTS, and wlU go into effect on attar and Ron day, June Mth Inttant. ---. - T. 0 SERVOSS. Olt Clerk aad TreaMi rer, June IS ' wt-tr Bas beea invested in Btnek Privileges and paid wwvstT rilWI I a "How to Da 1 1. a hnnk nn W.ll Bt ... TVmRRlfCi A CO., Bam k era and Ureters, Wall ,, Mew Vk, tw . . T SOUTHHE NEW YCnil AOD COCTOfJ LlfJEQ ; via Vilmlngton, Um C. . Fact Freight Route to all Points North or South. IVEW YORK. Hew York and Wilmington Steamship line ! . SEMI-WEEKLY, Sailing from NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY .nd BATTBDAY et 3 P. M., and frjm WILMING'I ON, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. BOSTON AND Xew York and -WUmiiiglon 8Uonisliip t ompaiiy, CONKKCT1NO WITH THJ OLD "COLONY RAILROAD AND STEAMERS. Dally Between BOSTON and NEW YORK Semi-Weekly between NEW YORK and WILMINGTON. ' Wedneaday ana! Saturday Irom eacb Port, " -'' ' -: - 0- Bblnnara vav ralv avoathe nromntand regular paicn giTn lo i ani i imentiby tbia route. NO wim tne VVU.UlIiQTOH,OOLl,MBIA A ATJOURTA PAlI.Pf'AP. S V WIIJJIHOI A WKlPOKBAltBOAP. TBE OAlteLiNA i'A'KTBAl. BAI1 WAT, AKI I'AIK KAR HVfcH f'J'FA W KKf Tbrougb Bilb of Lading given to and from all Point. In NORTH and SOUTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA and ALABAMA. Also to NEW YORK, BOSTON. PROVIDENCE. FALL R1YER and ctLcr Eastern Cities. ' SWT Katu guaranteed m low ai br anv other Vromptly paid. Mark all Goods ?ia Clyde's Wilmington Line. 1 For further Information apply to eilberot tbe nnderalgntd Agenttoftba Line. I). V. O. MINK, Ueneral Kantern Agent, it Devounhira Street, Boelon. Baltimore and Mm, Mi immiMmii " ' Via WXLXIN3-rX-OIV, IV. O. , : 1 FAST FREIGHT BOUTE To all Points North or South. -BALTKI0RE. Baltimore M WilminEton , Line, i-'-i eXXI-WBIKLV. ' iBAlLiNO FROM BALTIMORE- Tuesday tit Friday, at 3 P.M. , -ANI FROM WILMINQTON- Wednesday & Saturday. BOSTON ANDPROVIDENCE. Baltimore and Wilmington Line, Baltimore, Boston and I rovldanoe Line, Or via Canal Dally to Philadelphia and Clyde's Philadelphia and Providence Line. - ' Semi-Weekly from eacb Fort Shippers may rely npon the prompt and regular sailing of tbeee Steamer., and Quick dis patch given to all shipment, by this route. NO DELAYS. . Through Bills of Lading gnen to and from all Points In NORTH and SOUTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA and ALABAMA. Also to BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, and other Eastern Cities. ? ' promp0ytlfdnarnlOd " l0w M by "DT w Koute 'n1 Ume " l"'0' touw M evercbargss Mark all Goods Tia Baltimore and Wilmington Line. SST For further Information apply to either of tbe undersigned Agents of tbe Line. EDWIN FITZGERALD, Agent, Baltimore Lint, SO douUi UtreetrBaltimore. march 18. tf . .,. . Carolina Central Railway GENERAL , THE ATTENTION OF THE POBLIO 18 RE8PBOTFDLLT INVITED TO THE fact that the Carolina Oantral Railway, being completed and fully equipped for business . otlers-wlih Its connections at Wilmington, both .1. direct Steamer Lines and via Weld, n anil K;ChrndHn1.BhUmmewelpl,l, rrovldenounequall iaV WILMINGTON AND ALL EASTERN CITIES TO CHAR L0TTE," STATES VILLE, GREENVILLE, SPARTAN ,: ; (. ,.t - BURG ' and ail stations on Atlantic, Tenmrsea A Ohio AOitntlrand Blchmrnd Air Line and North Carolina Railroads as well as all point, in OEOKOIA and ALA BAMA. " fer charges, and Hates always aa low aa Rates to all points lurnlahed upon application Hanover Building. jururwiusiiuuiliiiiviuOTiiiiHiaiiieeus.iiwasTia any other line. No terminal or trans- aprll S-80-1V THE LAST CARGO OF PRIIIE Is now offered to pur chasers In Brlgh New .", Packages, both Hogtbeads and BwrreU, . ;1 UAteol;' r ! 8TJOAR HOUSE ' MOLASSES, rMuM-ovsce Bugar Drtpe, New Orlesns Molasses ;-,. BaooB, Fork, Iry Salted Meats, , Lard, Flab, Butter, and a tuil "tine of BMOrted Qrooerlea. RIT!'T1T',t r.rf .t ..... . All Kinds of Wlnei and Honor ; Atuitowrrt mavrket pHo to ob4 euftomsr ' ADRIAN & VOLLERS ' mi - i Oorner of Dock and F'om tit reets, vat'i7' - eitf ; VEDDinQ CDSKto?.1" aaiot faahloasbla stria at the JOURNAL, trios FALL RIVER. ralllrc of tbe 'Rtrimtri. and onlrkdlit- DELAYS. Connmivg at Vvilnitngtva route and time as oulck. Lcwet or overcbarfea W M. P. Cl YDF. & CO., General Agnta, New oik l ine, e iiiiwlicg tjreen, N T. A. D. CAZAUX, Agent. 5 PHILADELPHIA. Ealtimcre ami Wilminiiton Line. eBMI-waSBXT BBTWBIS BALTIMORE AN0 WILMINGTON. Baltimore and Philadelphia Steamboat Co. Dally via Canal between BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA.' YESTERN CITIES. BALTIMORE AND WltMlNOTON LINE. Northern Central Railroad AND TBI Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. . A. D. CAZAUX, Agent, Baltimore anu Mew YTirk Lines, WlLHUOTOK. N.C. 3? FREIGHT DEPARTMENT, j WnKCforoN, March 81st, 1875. tbe loweat. to the nnderen der signed. Office In Bank of New cxiA-rb:, General Freight Agent, I08A.I, OBObbV. , WTLEBS KOBBIS CRONLY & MORRIS, . AUCTIONEERS, STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS WILMINGTON, N. O. I IAN PR BEEN AT THEIR SALES ROOMS J a plan of the oity, on an enlarged scale. Blank Book with the boundaries of even Lot In the oity distinctly defined. Assessed value, past and present, of every lot In the city. . Any Information desired famish ad upon ap plication. Jul . . The Piedmont Press. HICKORY, N. C, Ts the only paper published In Catawba county, and has an extensive circulation smorg Merchants, Farmer., and all !aeeaor buslT ness men in the Btate. Xhe Puns la a live, wide-awake Democratic paper, and Is a desira ble medians tor advertlelDg to Wertern North Carolina Liberal term. all. we on year), ad vertiHement., , Cnbrr-lptlon 2 In advance Addreae MHRBILLa TOMLINSON, ,, mA fi: Editor, and Proprlators, mar. I) ta . . PRINTINU OF JiVKKi1 IMAU1NA X We description done In tbe best of style t th JorasAx Ufficb.

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