7- V A : v ; VOL XXIV. NO. 17JL- WILIiniGTOII. II. C. TUESDAY. JULY 20. 1875. UIIOLD 110 0.CC3. ih jlournal. WILMINOTON. N. a: TUESDAY JULY 20. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. SENATOR THURMAN-S POSI TION. Washisotox, July 19. Judge Thur maa had an interview with a reporter of the Baltimore Gazette. lie i rep resented in tffeot, that the Dmoortao party of Ohio divided oa the ourreaoy question. His financial opinion of the Columbia platform should be regard ed ouly aa local opiniou. An uojnst charge on thin account, is that the Democratic partj, as a national organ ization, is animated by spirit inflate tion and infltitationists in both politi cal parties, and it is trne that there are serious errors inserted in the platform. I did ray befit to avoid threatened evil, but leoause others disagreed with me, I see no reason why I should bolster up the Republican party. Errors commit ted in Oh o can be corrected, and they need not be excused for greater ones. The Repu jlioan party of Ohio is also divide:! on thecurreiioy question. The fiuanoiul plank of their platform can be construed to mean, either hard or soft money. Replying to the charge that he evinced lack of moral courage for not dishonoring the inflation plank of the Columbus platform at a ratifica tion meeting, he said the place and time were not opportune. It is great injustice to ooudemn one for opinions never uttered. I have Raid or done nothing to warrant charges brought against me. My record in the Senate is before the country, and on that teo or 1 1 yet stand. I am to make my first speech of oampain at Mansfield July 31, and shall then announce my disagreement with the financial provis ions of the platform, and throughout the campaign I shall say nothing to discredit the convictions of a life time. HEADQUARTERS. WASHINGTON ITEMS. Washinotoh, July 19. Captain Eftds was recently in Washington on bus mesa connected with the jetties which he is conducting at the jnouth of the Mississippi river. He says he has now four hundred men employed and has projected the work towards the deep water to the exteut of over throe thousand feet. The water is about eight feet in depth over most of the distance so far reached. The improve ment is progressing at the rate of ninety-two hundred feet a day. The foroe will soon be increased. Cap tain Eads oalls what- is now being built provisional work which is to be strengthened and materially changed as the work progresses. It now seems ai a barrier from mud and water. He expects in one year to reach water daep enough for the largest vessel. He left for New York last night" Washington, July 19. Secretary Bristow and the Attorney-General Fierrepont returns to-morrow. Robeson is here. Star has good authority for saying that Judge Fisher will remain District Judge. William Burnett, supervising Inspector-General of Steam vessels, and supervising-inspectors A. Lowe, of New York, and W. R. Rodgus, of New Orleans, will, on the Htu of Septem ber, commence a series of experiments with safety valves at the Washington Navy yard. : : " Professor Barnard of Columbia, College, New York,has been appointed chairman of the experimental steam boiler commission. ; I j i , The Presidents and commanders of tke various Catholic Benevolent Socie ties, of the District of Columbia, have called a Convention for Friday evening to make arrangements for celebrating the Centennial of Daniel O'Oonnell. The Postmaster-fJeneral has reques ted the Attorney-General to designate a oouncil to attend to the application pending in the United BtaUs criminal court in New York for a mandamus, and to compel the postmaster at New York to reoefve a book package by mail transmission to Philadelphia at the old rates. The Postmaster-General says be knows bat little of the merits of the case, farther than that the postmaster was acting in the line of his duty in accordance with the law. Judge Spence, assistant Attorney-General for the Post office Depart ment, states that there may be some plausible ground for the position taken by the plaintiff in this oase, but that a decision in favor of the mandamus would greatly confuse the service, as there were several important amend ments in the law whioh originated in the Senate. Amongthem the new law concerning the postage on newspapers &c sent from the offloe of publica tion, all of whioh would be thrown back upon the old law if the manda mus should be granted. YELLOW FEYKR. DEATHS AT KEY WEST NONE , AT NORFOLK. New Yobk, July 19. A Key West letter, of July 9, says: "Among the mo9t prominent persons who have died here of yellow fever are Mr. Al len Teleigh, operator, Mrs. Townsend, wife of Deputy Collector of Customs, Mr. VanBuren, Melhourst Clergyman, Mr. Stagan, cigar manufacturer, Mr. Achinuck, chief engineer revenue cut ter Seward, Mr. I'alhemus, second en cineer revenue cutter Seward, Mr. Jourdan. At thelight house, with many others. At Norfolk, the Board of Health make the following statement: A rumor that yellow fever existed in this city, originated in Washington, and was published in the Washington Journal of the 17th instant, as a dis patch, It is utterly without founda. tion ; nor is it believed that a naval medical officer at this station made any such statement as that mentioned in the Journal of said dte, - There is do case of yellow fever here, nor has there been in this city or at (Quaran tine Station this season." ' This statement is made by ordor of the Board of Health. Signed J so. B. Whitiukad, Health Officer. U0T1IAJ1. THE "FIRST BALE." Niw Iobk, July 19. The first bale of cotton of this seasons crop of Louisiana ootton was raised in oi. Liandry par ish by Mr. Joseph Berand, and ship ped to lilies Bennett k Co., of this city. It; was put np for sale to-day at the ootton exchange. After a fair competition it was purchased by Mer ril A Co., brokers, at 18 cents. CUM. , ARRESTS IN HAVANA. Havana 16 via Key West 19. Many arrests are reported to have been made in this city and at Matargaa, Carderaa, Puerto, Principe, Cierfuegas and San tiaga de Cuba, for violating the decree prohibiting making time oontraots for gold. Several persons were suspeoted of conflicting in attempts to cause rising iu the jurisdiction of Guana jay have been arrested and brought here. ELECTRICISMS. The defalcation of Jackson. Uia Wl Louisville Revenue officer, will reanh seventy-five thousand dollars. , .f Rossi, tbe Italian tragedian. fa en. gaged for fifty performances in th United States, beginning in November in New Sfork. Mitchell's &. Co.. furnitnnfA.tnrin St. Louis has been burued with a loss of $60,000. Ladv Franklin died in London tm. terdsy. . , ) , -f ; ; r At Chicaco. inonminir verncta oi reports making it circumstantially cer tain that the balloon went Into Lake Michigan, and that the aonrflnanta drowned. Two bales 'if new cotton, one weigh ing 508 pounds and the the other 504 were sold yesterday in Galveston at 15 oenta. El-Hanatnr f1arnonr.ni. haa haan re tained by the oity of .New York to prosecute Tweed. The Yacht Effort from Fleetwood. England, of sixteen tons, has arrived at sc. Johns. The crew consists of Captain and tffo boys. , The Schooners Willie Harris and Knr. agsnsett collided at Vineyard, Haven. j.ua narris sung, DUT, me Orew Were saved. It is in a dangerous position for passing vessels. Gay headlight bears from the wreck about three aid a half miles, and Torpauhne cove light northeast by north, about three and a half miles. The Bavarian Electoral CoIWa nnn. sists of 77 Liberals and 79 Altranoa- traws. - . v. v si j;- v. f.j '.r The Carlists have abanilnnnil tha seige of Pnyoeda. j i ; . ? i Falton. of the Amerioon Team, won the St. Ledger cups, shooting off a tie. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A REVOLUTION . is tbs , ;t SHIRT TRADE. Wamsutta Shirts Cut lennthwlM tbs cloth ; 1,100 LINEN ; prt Ij made,atnly S?" OAS H AQENOY SBCUBED.i , MUNSOIST w col" CITY CLOTHIERS. - JalyM WttMLNGTON BUILDING ASSOCIATION. 6TH ANNUAL MEETING. Tui Sixth Annaal Moating of Hi Wilming ton Building AMoeUtion will U htld at Hl- berolaa Ball (old Library rooau), on Front Street, WedneaUy STtning, July 21, at sight and a half o'clock. Kleren Director! are to be elected for the eniulng year, and a full attend ance of Dh&rsbo'denli req-ietted. 'i 5 : W.G.llACaAI, Becretarr. HAEWOOD; A Ne w H o v e 1 1 BT THE AUTHOR Of THE ODD Publiahed by E. J. Bale & Boa. . Bound ra Cloth, $1 25 ; Fates, $75. Juat recelred by expren, and for aalt at HEINSBERCER'8 Live Book and Musio Store.' luly ) ""iSrOTIOE. rpHK partuarthlp heretoforeexistlngbetweu tue undertlgned, under the firm name and rtyle of Baldwih ft Covsoil, II thli day dUaolved by mutual oooeent. The bualnew will be eondueted by O.. D. Baldwin, who aetumee the paymont of all debU due by the late firm, and who alone is authorised to collect and receipt lor all ac- toantedne Mm ttmur tr- -- .,.-? O. D. BALDWIN, ' a.W.COtTHOIL. ', 5WhlHyule,.0. ' JuVj I KISCILLAHIOUS. Auction Sale At Mr Salee Kejauef Muskets. Furniture, Eto. Friday, Jalj tt, 1171, at alae and a lf e'olMk A.M. 4ily r it CBOkLT MUMII, Awettoaeera. loo ita Tit alatoel unprecedented vans weather hiTlag eeme tpea , aag the queatioa ef the day beiBgaowts keep eeel, ve wwuld ad lee war aejseroue Meads aad ntomere t try out large and earefally aeleeied aaaortaieot ef To which, If loe be added, and emae of Uiom ' Fine Lemons, Of whioh we have Jut reoelTed a large eupply , ; i i . it 1 .' ' i; '.' 1 ' ' i " J we reel tare tbs happy result will be aooonv pllnhed. -Aj- Try our Receipt! 0. D. MYERS & GO., 5 akd 7 N. Fsoanr Br. 60 BOXES DiadlRABLE " t To b a c co ol " Oct or Obdxb " At llty csbU per poand, for the saeaey, fea mut know. D. PICOTT, (uly 18 Mechnnlcs of All ( Trades. Feurattaatlon le called to the very Urge aad flmt-elai aaaortaient of TOOL! required by o, and M prloMtfeat will Kwl Uupeotloa. (jualltyof guoo guuaateed la OTary ruapeot. ir too would eare time and money, call at the nW-eatabllsbod Hardware Hooee of JOHN DAWSON, Ho, it, to and xl Market street. JU1J irj Brick, Brick. 2 Buy yonr Brtok erUatoes A Co., when yea can buy better brick for leal prleee than from t any other par tie. Offloe foot of Orange street. - luly mi- BEST COOK BU0K8 ! triar houMkeepw ahould poeeen at leaet one ef tbe renewing celebrated Ooek Boeke, aa they would (are the price of H In a week'e cooking i Qheea ef the Kttohea ( lof OU Maryland B eelpta. l ?s tflaiLrtile'a Hew Kaeelpta let Cooking..,.! IS ki:a Male' NewCeak Bewk It TheYeung Wlfe'e Ooek hoek..... ...t 71 MlatLealte'e New Cookery Beok.. ... ...... I TS Mra OoedreUew'e Ceekerr aa It Skeokl Met it 1 he MaMoaal Cook Booh. By Banaaa M. Boarler , ft Peterma'e Bewek took 1 Tt Wlddltteld'e New Oeok Boek t IB Mrt. Hale'l Kecelpta for the Bmtuw I IS , swaaALa At HumBBsan's nlf IT tf Lire Book aad ajulo atnre.' Tho Odd Trump. THIBV LOT JF8T BK0E1TBD At HEINSBERCER'tV Que en) Mary! A DRAMA. 1 By Alfred Tennyson I,,,..., A eeoond lot Jaet reoeived, aod tor sale a . ;;, HEDRSBEBQEB'S Ltva Boot and Uo eo Stobb. . July W - . . .- :.- A Passionate Pilgrim AS. XU.a T A 33 IE 8 BY HENRY JAMES, Jr. Whoitbs takes aa Intereet, whetxier of mere eurloeity or ef ontteal forebJdina;, In the f rodaot' and tendeney of our younger HterB ura muM hara had hie Bi Wallow awakened and detained by the writing of tf r. Jama. . w natover eiee mey may do, uy an tm eomaMB. and bate that air of faod breedlag whioh e the token of whatBrer la properly called Literature. ' lue above work juat oat, ana ror eats ay 1 , Cowom ft Tins. julytTf ' ' ' . - . W BBIBC PBOCK,l 1 AOTiaMEi,n W . pi 0 OATAWBA Win 18 j("J M AND S BACCO 28 Barrela Rice, -toBaraelseagari. S'-JIOil' . IB Bags Uofles, , .190 Boxas Tobacco, , . - . ' ' KiaoHna , Cau)ib Bbos, i , !,,) ai. ,).. rf 'K ' MISCILLAXrOUS CAf TAIN SKINNER, oarryhil the CaUed i State. Mai) ft rayttvU, had termed lal oaoera, will tea re ear whArf ea Tatedays aad rrldayt punctually at 1:11 f at. y 1 Vlck Ck f'afcane. AUOTS. July it Is A Hundred Years I XTOD Bilaht waa) and mr hare tbe owner X taaUy of baybag goeda at the prloee at which I eat etoeiag oat aty etock. It tt awt to Bake room fur another etock. bat la a sals to eloee eat the eatlre etook at a girea Bulbar ef day"; and to laaare thai, ea and after the 10th tnatant goods will bo aold at lees than cost for oaak only. Come without further Inrttatlon or delay, as at the price. Us etook will rapidly diaiiBiah. Krvry article it new no rhoddy or aav'tloa goo.li la the ttore. mj reepootfally, GEO. LEIBER, It Market etreet. JulTlO.lt 1. Bargains Bargains. JIM't CLOTH QAtTERS II M, worth 1; , Mon-e low tjuartoraa hose 1 to, worth 0t s Lad Ice alippert only SI per pair. UHAKL.N A PRIOR, he). St Market etreet, tone M-tf Blgaoi the Uolden Bout Our Livluj and Our Dead - i i,i . . . . . . , Proaooctua. of and Volum. ' aiiwsaaii. V. Q,, August W, 4874, Oca Lirrsa aid Oon Dbad" kilt hareii attor be publlahedas a Beml-MonUily Maga sine, containing it pages of (aadlng matter, at 3 per Tear la adTaac - ror the Information ol those who are not fa miliar with thle eatorprtee, eta4 abac the thierebjeoter the Magaatne winbstopsblieh tbe Hooord that North Carolina aud her mllaat eulOlenma.te at the late "War between tke atateV' to gather tha material tor the at sf iMriuiare sieiurian au to perprteate tbe Baeatory of tboee brave men. ofllocra and prtratee, tiring or dead, who ehed laiperlehable glory upon their nail re Stat. in auaiuonio loe waa kboobd or wobtb OaaoLiaa, the Magaarns will ooutaln aketobee oferory aentton, oounty, city and town oC the tate, written byeem patent ah.f walt-birnna aa parentis, uuuui U are ax aaoum bw wiarm wa mat. The Magaatne will Uke the plaoe of the Bewepaper, having earns tltto, pabUahed by me dartna tne naet twelTO montha. The Srat number will bo iel.eeued Wednsad September tth, 11174. la the meantime, 1 re. tpeotfully aak old eubaetleare wbo desire to re new their eubeorlptlons, and all othere who wleb the Magaatne, to rtmni primptl, aa the ohange and ImnrorenMntl require eonelCerable ouuay, aaa raeay tumty u neeaed. : D. POOt Addrees, Mil ferther notloe, ova Litiwe awd Ona Dbad," Newborn, M. O., or Baleigh, North Carolina. . -, . , Kichantee will Dleaea oon. ' 1 : - aqgH ESTABLISHE1T1844. Tin Jiliigoi J (WEEKLY) THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAP. EST PAPF.fi PUBLISHED tN NOBTH CAROLINA. Tbs WllnlngtoB dooawAt (WekWI on en. taring upon ita twenty-ninth annual rolume, baa araatl anlaried aad ImDiored. It la tha owy tuiriy-m ooiumn paper in us stats, AB A -IUT.f.AftS NEW AND " ' III t7NEXCELLEIK ' " i. ) ' " ' "l c I Baabraoed la Its columni li a more complete, eompaot. yet eeaiprohenalT. history of the worid'e dolnge, from week to week, than aaa potMDiy do louna m any other josrnal., j It la last the naner for tha noma and Srealda. full of good reading; all the beat Bdltorlaleef ineaaiiyi an ue uongroaaonal, iegiaieUTe and Polltioal newt ef the day. Its Ilarket Beuorts are el ware fall and aoeorate. The Rertew of tne Maraece la aoeepiea o ue mereaauiaeoa. maaiiy aa ue woe inuea oi uo eommere. si the elty, while Karepor ether marketeare ran tat reuaoie. .v .- ,-.) T IMTERE8TIMC ' i K Stories, Taleoc; are sit starr week. taaUag It tha hast tsJt Up paper publlehed la tha country. rr cikouiaAxion;; i eerf laree thronahont the State and " . wbole South. In New HaaoTer. Kdeeoomb. Onalow, Duplin. BaapeoB, Branawiok, Blades and Colambnelt If eepeelally laraa, while la Halirax, Wllaon, Wayne, Carteret, Bobeeoa, Richmond, Aaeon, Cumberland and Monro, and In Mreral oountlee of Booth Carolina, lie circulation la Tory good. . It la pnbllahed e very f rlday on the fellow tcruu: .... ...... .... .... "i One copy, for one year ... . . . ; .'. .$3 00 One oopy, for six months., ..... 1 00 Three copies, for one year. ...... 6 SO Fonr oopies, lor one year. ...... 7 0U FiTeoopiM, for one year........ 8 60 Ten oopies, for one year. .... . 1 .15 00 Twenty oopies, for one year. ... .25 00 ar T. every gvngr-apoi . vLiiaur ! snasopy erlllbeaeBtfra.fotOB.yaar. . f Addr JOURNAL. v m r 1 wtla.teigrt.ai, 1. C. HAY 01.10. Ak yonr tirooer for Otty Water Ground Meal, boltad-evertbody kaowa It Is beat. M-OTerT pop; Meae and 1 Port- V Meat and Sutra Prima, flour. Oora, Oa . Craek Uora. Tor eala low bv ORANT A HINTON, Coaualaalea Merebants and Oronere. July IS K-dAwtf' LAKK V&WH for tale at the T" ''OS. DU KISCILLANEOUS SELLIUCVO FF AT COST! nAVINO reaotTtdtoehenge my baetneaa I aaileatroaaoreleatnaant mi entire awwih berere the aitrwhlni rail. I ha? e therefore determined to oiler my entire etook Of Notions, Boots, SHOES and HATS, 1 ATOOST and loot than eoet, fur caib. Lad lee are etpeclally eollelttd to gWe ui ah early eall, to whom we wUI after at a groat sac. nice, coma tary deattaols OootU la the way of nANDKEBCIIIEFa. ,, nosiEiii. I ... ... - -tl ...'... . . f sf ' f rrwru)rt a taBwtu ii 1 vvuuuoiaw.i aw, ' ' ' 1 " tft,i'UCE8,'! LINEN and OOTTON H0U8EKEEP TABLE DAMASK, X, D0TLA8,4 Jj"i .xnt TOWELS, ETC i Wholesale buyers are adrlaed of tbs fact Uiat we hare tho largoat and stoat deajrable Jobbing etock In the city. Thli department of our etook has bsea largely- reelealebtd ftom tha recent Mew York and rhlladelphla saeh auction tales, which enablea aa to offer a greaf rarlety of ta- pls lry Ooodl SalUble tw oeuntry tradt, at AUOoodieoldat retail wlU bs etrlclly (or oaah. Ninety days tints wlU bs allowed aa wholeeale bills In amenat of one bendrtd do lare and upwarill for olty tcoeptanoe. , . j, ..'f ... , . ..... I- ' : B. WEILL. Corner Front and Prinoess Btreet. July 14S ISWVWW v ,itnh: I Como and Buy CLOMIEfG L AT ACTUAL COST. ' i All oar Hammer stock of IJnene, Alpaca, Blue riannele, OBrloti OSNlatroa, Dlago. naif, Black Clotlia, Doeklne-all at COST, MUNSON & CO.; At V ff V ITtaT afTTr afXI W9 111 IAItt1 VJAAA VAaVAtllAilan. , X1 ise-if 1.4 Cartridges.. Cartridges JUST RKCF.ItlEI), a iarifl inroloe oral kinds Hprifettald Braach-Loadlag hire of every deeorlpUon, and ror tale at 1 EziIlnaj lirf At tbs old astabluied Hardware Monee "tp. JOHN DAWaoN. Joiy IX fo 1. 8 21 Market IC 111111 " '' ' '" " I 1 ' M '-I' ' "'.I, i it ' LESS THAN ACTUAL J ewe stock e 4 mm$Hf v, j I4nen COATS, PANTS ind VESTS White and Drown tJCKs,; MUJNbUiN UU., , I .OD -A B.aiAJ.Urr -T 5a 1 CITY CLOTHIEBS. i I ATTENTION,"! VV, L, irJFArJTRYI rrinK oarteidqes okdibbubttutjr A conpaay have bow arrived, aad an lor tale at the loweet living prloee by , . . July It- UlUtS A MUBCHiaOii. 22 Ilarket Street. ;""wiLM?NaToii;N At Home ort and After July 4thf 1870. Julys Coffee and Cheese ROASTED JAVA AKD W OO JV ? Sapeago and Eldssi ObeeisV1' - ... V 4Hm Ai I. J T- O. H. W. BTJNQB, . 1 kukandHaaondala. i . wa .-w. -n-T1 t- 1 tt' PIGOTT; T0MGCOliSl. n "( ,.') j. mim .a-.u ' ',! .-.vt .." """V hew adyhtiszsxxts. 45 Deaira to eall the attention ot all who take any Interest in the Brio of DRY OOODS to the fact that we art allowing ; A DICCOUrJT of 10 Por Cont ; i on all SUMMER DRESS OOODS. Any arUcle ' that beloogi'ipecialJy to Bummer war mtut be tali oat, 1 LLAMA LACE SHAWLS and BACQUES, ! PUBIIEIt Do. Do. Da Do. M 1 WHITE AND BTRIPED SHETLAND SHAWLS. 4 T Cnt White Dress Shirts Made to order In any style thai ' may be desired; 1 rrr) mifTaW'' A (nil assortment always on hand. Also Cuffs, Collars and Underwear.' " Striped . Cotton Cheviot Tweed SMrtisS ' " 1 Only 20 Cents, worth 37, very desirable for tntTeJing. Ladlom Nklrt Supportersj. A NEW XII I IV O, ; And one of the most desirable artioloi that has been Introdoood, Swiss, Nainsook and Victoria Stripes and rialda-a wry Iwje assortment v or Afraus Ce rrank LtilU'i fJirr nachln. Noodles a C.MU MCk. Terms Cash Only 1 BK0WII j RODDICK. 45 narkcC Gtrest- JUST OPENED! . . I ... f . j ,,. m k. ' 36 , market; street, , . t ; 1 1 ! ii !' U ., ii H.!' i i . i) in tii r" ' i " i r ,. '..j i n. i- i i 1 -ii) i ..J ui. 1 . i. Li 1 r: Black sak ctaiiyi; :xr ,J;VV,,,,;n BXiACIC OASIIMBRES, CREPES. &C. .win . 0UHMEn 0TOOIC OIX81HD OUT X .1 " H .Ml lower Tnan Ever! ' i'li '! 1,1 . t t:'.4-'. ,1.1' , .iii'MS'i a -(Uio vJ .i r. IsTo." 3G "1IAHKET STREET; JjJa 1-JJiJlLJ J '..IH ..ill .i.L ' U 1 . GEORGE MYERS. , 1U 13 SOUTH FB0NT 8T.1 ... . 1849. Established 1049. -unALtn in mi'. CHOICEST TEAS, 1 Green and Black, I Eneush "Breakfast, ; And all the Beet Grade. . A'"'' -hihr' '.. I f IitAA il Iiiiiabii wax iiiwi eMBwlta.vIU OLAB1TS, IMrHlBTIO 1 IH OBJOiMAt OASIS, DKLIOA'l B sad BIOH tUL- 1 ' L, lit '!MuiI ' t uintoxi k : TADLE OHERRY, rtB OLD BtAOKBXBBf WlBJ. ' ' " OTABO, DUFBT 00. BBANDT, ..ni':i".voi (Ttatats IMS.)', s ?.f nf' AMAIOARUat HOLLAKD tJIK, (la orljliiaJ paokaiee) Potmlar'BLtrB GRASS" and "GBMTTHIS- li KS." totetbat wltb a larae atonk of nr.. aiai ana raney uquora. Tbe Uboloeet ! and beat eel ee ted etock of Fatally Grooerles la the SUte, , Id STXAMKB XDIIIE" will rua reaolarly every say axoept aanaay. , , , IavlaVllmleton....V:. Li... .r i T SI imithvllle .....,...;. ...7AM Com atutatloa ticket stay be pur abated, at var vuiuf. " a ..!. ,i .4 ; ! . O. G. PABSLET CO. 1 July T '--i " .! .. r .... VICTORY I VICT0BY! 'i-lVlGTOKY!:::;v" My My,- M Ma MM. From 1 tlie JFieltl in' Etdit Battle. j Low Prices :Cocie. .Out ' 'War . A vicicnous i OLOTHINO Men aad Sovf ' Ototblbc, Gente' rornlehinf Goode, .v ii' i A ..siaw DAVIQi .1" .7 Ot-Oener ale all otbare la low prtaa. t(xj'it UEDDIKS F - j.c i.Otla. t? MW Hauiaia...(i.ri t ; iT, t i ' fAPCS PATTlaaNBa One Price. 4 .vi . vl it .-..v.,. t(k S I in iJ -'ii I 1 '''! V.S.C ill I Black Grenadines. il l .,. .4 . . .. ;. , i x . a . i. . f ,if.V. V .1 5 ' 1 ' ' ' I ' (!' : !' (uii !s i: 1 tiri-.t?it i ,:( Wirt'l Wilf'ti' V j .! e ai j-'V..;M)Cjii.'J'.l eti i . . . 1 " 1" I GREAT RUSH ' ' ' ' FOR B00T8 AIID, T31I0E3 ; ;6c;A;Aprlco'bf alyio llBftbaoloaaBooi.v The Charlotte Observer ! .The only morning dally paM pabUibeel la uuaiaw wihw nawi'u auq worta or wit mlngtua, ofTen apodal Indueenenle to adver uia (Jaiollna. thnaanao iieera, Jtt emulation, aiaa aad Beefolaeet 1 have been largely Inoreaeed darln tho year JuM ea. and it uow rasoboe aaoat etk. Vt- :.i ebanta of Weetern North Ueiolina. thnaanav Ingan anevrpaeeed aMdlam of eoeaai.ala ' Ua bet we n the Msrehanuof Wilmington aad , Ue people of Weetern Moris OaroUaa. 1 1 Unto. 4i in'f ,-vnvwj i . I raaatov SDBtcairTioat, &' Pally.. ....tlwrtw.M...se SO pes aaaaaii ,Wsljrwi.... m........ B 19 ? i fi ' i 0T-AdvettWsg vwry art. u-f . .( Turn In Caia4 t 'Ut fit I n,ai:.i- m M....a wva a Turnpleed I Kit : . ti ; , Nsw Crop 1875. Qrowa by Undrwth A Balet, rhUado.nhla , - Aleo a large aaeortaaeot of uabb bage beeoV , , 1 . rot sal by QBEBM F XalKBER. , julyt-i Jm. ACentle but Certain Cathartle.' '. They act with sbtatt ob tha liver, coo-, oIb oaletaelf art porety ' VtewtablA ' The beet, eoreat, eafeat end ailldeet puriratfv. Pill In nte. ' The are need store generally than any other Pill In net, far tbo length at" time they have been beror the pnbllo. Ar. nicely an gar coated and bottled at SB of ate per Bottfe. . , .. , s Aak yosr Dntgirlet for 1 "tTSaTBOWr'S" Pill, aud take b other. . v ;;j,j f. , .'v, jbit s . 10S4Bt ' FRANOKS firLDYARD, Price OnU, , . ; f Ire Tboueanda Tear, PrtoeSSeaair, V""' , The Diamond BraeeleC Price 20 eeatav -, , The Smnrglert Ghoat. PrW St oeaUS uoill A Fogey Nlgbt at Oxford. 23 oenta. Clara liie'i Dream. Prlne jiKwnte. Tbe Nobleatan'e Wif..' PriuetSeenlA " Marta Ware's TemptaM (4 oentaa , The Loot Bank Knta, ' Prir 6i)c"ia . The Bannted Tower, price SO oeui. A Ufe'e Secret Prtn tSoenta. TheMyttery. -PrlosTSjaent.;,,.! 4 ,!; , Xu-V Portals at , , r a.. I a t .a. J ' rtiRcuLA&sOif 'i,vi..ir. jjicun . , KJ tlou gotUu up In tlio neatett or st ie ays i .1 1 ,ji. i

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