ur Ibili) lmt SOTON. K. 0 ! :rif. JULY 0. 1ST corwErrnorj. Election, August Cth, 1 875. . FOR DELEGATES! ... BCX8VICJC OOOHTT. f i n,. I I J vvrtxa jconrnt h . WILLIAM FARRIOR, CTMBIt BLAND OOP BTT. ; ' . JOSEPH A. WOKT1T, a NlilLLR. JJLUE, Ron snob. DtTSCAN SINCfill& i CALVIN A- McEACHEKN. BLADE. - J. W.RUSS. CABTIRBT. i , ' ; , JAMES. UUMLEY. OOLl'KBUI OOrXTT. rOlWEXiGEORGE.' ONBLor oonrrt. JAMES. 0. SCOTT. uinvojr COflrTTT. - s. J. FAISON, WILLIAM KIHBY.' If, in spite of pretest una cnallenge. an Ultgal vote is polled, tei M proper affidavits be at once made beore the vrvper officer, so that the parties thus illegally ipUng viay at once be arrest ed and therciiy prevented from escap ing the penalty prwidcd by law in such caw. J We repeat, MA the pro- per affidavit bemad and let the par tie fraudulent l vjtiiig be at once 6jr reeled, ; Kill fill Remember that the election Uw re quire 'TW when a voter ;,is chal lenged at the poll upon demand oj any citizen of the State it shall be tht duty of the Inspectors ofjhe Election to rrautrs iald Merft tor Oeina al- louki fovote tomprovebylheoath" of tome other person knoum to the judges the fact of His residence for thirty days previous khtiito' '4 thc4GJhty in which he proposes to vote." Remember alto that the eleotiotf lair aaya: "JVo elector shall be entitled to t egister 0M9M OTmOf jr) pftcW! nr totmship than the one in which he is anaotvalorbwxa fidt, resident on t he day of election, and no certificates vf registration shall be , y Hon. J. M. LewU mill addrasa lha people of SampeoDi at Newton Grove, on Friday July 30th, and ai, Clinton, July Slat. We predW ' for him rousing crowd. . .,.. - - v ;hWi THR "COLOtt B.IKJK.H 5 Si A: The Fayetteville Gazette ia in faror of drawing the "color line." and com-, meeting ' tqpoa declaration,- iho Duplia Etcord aaya i- "The 'color line haa always been drawn byCieB1be;rofi Jt We limply w Mil Hiv w u l v wl uu vua uuq. j xpeot but lew nVgroeaTio role with na -they pert hate,- Wa would to truokte to them one lota to induoe them ao to vote While ,-re are willing for them to go witH a let It alwaya be -with the aaderataadiog that onr'a ia a white man'a party, and that white men We aay draw the 'color line ao atrongly," ao decidedly, ao distinctly, tbatevery, white man who goea with the nfgro party, tow, fn thia tnoment of anpreme neoeeaity( will be made to understand thai , Jus action pnta him, politfoany at leai'withtie enemies of hie oolor and people, and that he tnnat abide the oomeoeuoea. ' "' The 'oolor hae'JiAa been and a till ia drawnj The present ooateat ia between thenatiTe white people, o the one hand,' and the negroes, led by .a few white men of the old -oarpet-beg hoet and native aoalawag offloe-holdera and offiocHtierlL'bri'the other. The one constitute th OonaerrawTe-Dem-ocrtirrty; the- mother tte JladiMl. There can be no doubt, eurely, on whioh ildethe earnest, honest, perma nent white" oitiaen will stand. Draw the fiie'SJws'oCP until ererj decent, white, man. shall take position Ton the white aide, ( Moat of ib''in''iiitx more will .b thefe b hi flU jti Atl- ita fayetvillvand Japlinjwtempora. tits. It ia idle to pretend that there ii , anyuiing ja eaawra uarouaa . Dai a the negro for the maeterj,, If the negro party' lat, Ihen the negro raoe will - rule. he wblt ttan'aar Wln, then white men wfu rule. 1 i a BTAxai ou reitKMAa, ri i- CE EMUIBLt TO A BEAT I TII VOU VKSTIOIV t .. Our attention Hot having been called to theaustion ofthe eligibility f office) roi ,tj f Jul -JO cc3ucg oon,Ts3 t ion and bel s aware' of .the preoedest et ly J n'o Onston, and othera, in 18-'!"), r eLarsr Ia ho objection to any canu " ' ra t' rrotind of hie beintf au c ' 3 llllsT, An examisatioa of tie ; . .', a nsa;,? o, tonercr, tlt do c ee hjUer and no j !. hoUrr of t" ;-t.jrot i- ! iu t . Coa?8iitio. Ou ..eu.. J i .em t jy 11 7.1 a . wee, if mis t a no' lrst c' J publie '.en .f . a t --. fx J . t, ani 'e oonfc . thai we can not see how its argnment can be answered. It aaya: "W are fully aatiafiod from an ex. amination of the Constitution that of fice holJors, either State or Federal, are not eligible lo eeate in the Conven tion. - The Coostitation of 1778 provided in 8e&S3 1 ? f - V r' : -That do poreon Jn the "State shall hold tsore than one laorative office at any one ttw. 1 Provided that no ap rMMfitment ia the militia or ta tbe ofc floe of a Justice of tbe Feace shall be ootuuderfcd aa a lucrative office." Uadsr, Hie eoustr Motion that a dele gate to 4 Cutiveulion waa not a lucra tive office, J udge Oaston, Daniel and other Mute offioere held seats in tbe ObawtfiiaoflCiS." The Amended Constitution of 1833 provided , . . n , ON 4 Hq pereo who shall bold an office or place of trust or profit under the United btaiee or : aay department thereof or under thia Bute or any oth er bUte o? OowrniDeat' ahall hold or exercise any other ofBoe Of piaoe of trqtt pr profit under the authority of this BUte, or be eligible to a seat in either bouse of the General Assembly. Provided that nothing herein conUiu ed ahall extend to officers is tbe Mill tia or Justices of the Feaoe. A person holding an offloe or place qf trust shall ttot hold or exeroiae any other offloe or place of trust. It aeems plain if there la any meaning in the English language, that thia proviaioa excluding all persons holding aa office from holding or exercising any place of trust, prohibiU a Federal or State officer from holding I aeat in the Con vention, whioh, to aay the leaat of it, ia a place of trnst. Sea. 7, Art U of the Constitution of W&, wr? ideavi.i r. .. ,( No person ahall hold more, than one lucrative office nnder the hute at the same time. Provided that oflloera in tbe militia, Justioea of the Peaoe, Com- misMtoaejrs of public cnariuet and com miaslouora appointed for speolalbar poses shall not be considered officers within the meaning of this seoton. Unaer tnia provision J al in tbe Con- stitution of 1776,a person holding an office might be a delegate under the construction that a delegate to a Con- stitutioal Convention only held tplace of trut, and ia no offloe holder. But in the Amended Constitution of 1375, tinder which the preseut propos ed Oohveutton waa called Hind wilt be held, the above section in the Consti tution of 1868, waa amended and pro- yiaisfoliawa-tlxf OC ' No person who shall hold an office or place of trust, or profit under the United Btatea or any department thereof, or under thia BtaU, or nnder any other BUte or Government, ahall hold or exeroiae any other offloe or Dlsoe of trust or profit under the au thority tf thi, HtaU. or be eligible to a aeat in either bouse oi the Ueneral Aeeembly provided , that .nothing tierem oonuunea anouid ' exteua to officers of militia, Justices of the feaoe, Oommis&ionera of Publio Char itiea or Commissioners for special pur poe ea. .. j . This is the la w now, and ao it aeems plain to us that no offloe holder can be a delegate, to the BUto Convention, even if pooh position ia n offloe, and only plate of trusl W s Nor ia thia the only argument . The Aot ofthe Assembly, oaJUnga Ooi Con- - oee, a. The eejd CHmnboij-ahsJl consist of one hundred and twenty del egates, and each oonnty ahall be untit led to the same number of delegates that it haa membera ot the House of Uepretefitalfrti ader"J thejiprwaeivt aportroUaeal, ud the eakf 'delegatea anaiinaTetne queUneauoui renuued ol membera or ' tbe lieose of Uepre- eeniativesoi wuipn. qnaiiijoaUous .tce Owryiinjhaii bo: ihihae ,l)y thia Beotioai the same qualifloa- tiona are required for deleeatea to the CbnTention that are req aired (or men bers of the Hoastf of IpreeetaUtWes; ( As, therefore, all persons who held any offloa oil plkoa of !trnal' W profit nnder the . United . 8tatea;e any day pkrtihMtnooVW Sjate or under anr other . Btata or OoTern- nient, are expressly exolnded, by the CnjiytpQoh; jTrdm beminfanaaibera of (he Housf of ; Bepro sen retiree, it Ja clear they cannot be , delegatea to the Cpnreotion. la a word, the qualifica tions of a member., oil the House of I&eDreeentattYee eonstitute the test of ;tit qtalificatioW oilr' drfeilhtd tfie! OonTehtion. 11 a . man aaa U a ttenv bier oJ the House ot EepresejitatiTes, he can be a detegatatothaOonTention. Ii he cannot be a memW o the Bonse o j EeprescntaUves, he cahnot U a del- ehaUto thw ConfentiOn. "The OoOsti- tution axpressly i aaya, tliatkroi office hblder and no place holder of trust or profit can be a member of the House of thereto, oaa W V delegate io the E. AT Wriffht. rof' ' Ooldsbor uaying oeen aominatea tor offloe b the Badioala, published a manlr cari in lb Messenger, declining to reoeiTe ofiioe at the hands of that party, and uses tne louowing strooa , language: i na rawaCi own or aa iioneetuv ing by the aweai ft my brow.aao) live poor, andTdtffcM and lal last be biried by aUDeoription; than to bring thia, disgraoa, pon, myself, my wife add my JittUonea, and the reel of my kmdred and the whole white race hrown in. fliiiud .ia v.- uju j dtott . rPartin, . who murdered 14s wife aad child ia. Wake county a week ago, waa arrested ;lii; r.irood, Jlalilax county, and waa oanied to italeigh on Bnnday. ,u.a bhh. !W. T. FalroIolK-ianVT GWbrge A. Orautham aTe been nominated for Contention la Weyue county, ; j j j a ' Col. Edmond V. Jonea-haa been oommaiea oy uie uemoorsU of GaM- well for OonTention, LTIoCTLLAT. - OF ALL," ' AND AT LOW a FK.CIC. nd KM rrt-ftil rrmh lM werk. HKB A CH'. Miabrmutl ficklpL toam xl la Jan. vitfc aa awirUBrnt of all ' O.xxl iiraaU. UI eLTflt 1S1 TUB WOUXXI. SETT rBOCEaS FlIILI . TL0VR Alwralifcl axlUi hi Call m M fuj year tu(.pli, fur tht uml, ' will mak tk wim Mil." OHO MVKB4, Jul ir IS. 11 A 1J South front St IN JSTOHET 4 IN STOKE! COO BBLS. FLOUR, 50 Boxes D, 8. Rides A Hhoolders, ' 50 Bniolud Sides Ahhoulders, 75 tlhdal ttrw Crop tuba Wt.Ww, 100 libla, $. I. Mulaieee, 30 " Ilioe, : 50 Boxes Tobaooo, 100 " LyewidPoUsb, ; 75BgsOffte, fiO Bbla. Sugar, 100 Caeca Oyitors, 60 TiokK 400 Spirit Cwka. ,100 Bbla. Glue, j 1400 Papers Rive ' 20 Tone Hoou Iron. EHUj Z jt Candles, Candy. Matches, BnnfC Shot, Cape, Tow V o., 4e., o.' 1 JtK A 0ALU1H BRUM IBS OfC HASD AJIDTO AKR1VH 357 BOiXEM Plug and Twint Tobaccos, OKHJB1BLE BTYIE. Did Btock-prlres to ooriaK)nd. D.WCOTT. w July IS Corn. Ileal and Hay ! ftW Buhti Wat-grounJ Meal, 100 Bales Hay, I yua SalS BT j Kkbchmbr t Caldbb Bugs. OXJ BA MOLASSES 1 75 HOQSHEADS NEW BUQAB MOLASSES 1 ;, , roa balb a KntntntBR A OAtont Bbok. Flour, Sugar, CotTee aV Rice. BHD Barrels flour, ' 10 Barrel Bugar, ., (e Saoks Coffee, , . , SO Barreie Rioe, ., , . , ros SALS BV Kerohner & Calder Bros. TT plrlts, Casks, Clue Etc. 600 Spirit Ouks J 'i'WiiriratoSlea,! Too Uoofwii t m ri. .1 U ft it PIVET8, BUNflS, NAILS, Etc. I - Tea SAtrii Bf KtaocTBia k Oaipbb Bbob. a... , f.ir.M !$ lv ... . X Latest Books. MORSBMAM'B PIbGRIMAGI. By taer tjartb .Huftsm I IP ': T ' . '-, k Alt I -A ' i. ' i al I.UKBEARD'BrtlitB, and Other Btertes. Hy Mies Thaokeray, author or "Hies Angel," "Old Kenelngton," ao. Paper, 7B oenta. porsauM ..nIintin' ;,-.v, . , , HtlSBBKROEB'S ; i lire Book and Mutle Blore. ' i? " - n n f : . - I ; STANDARD SCJ .Tha moat Perfect Alarm Cash Drawer, Herring's Bafe'i CoBee and prg Mllli, Letts A fay fit J ( & T- FAIRBANKS & CO- OT. ayHMMBUBT, yr. raifcoirVi Scal WAaiaovMet FjHRBASBIB ft CO., 311Bra4wa. ramaA'NkNViL! aitbUiJ 41 al- t tlaiore, Md. FAiBBAaie a Co., 61 Oam p Street, New Or- I teanavp- a '' i FAraiSj,o,tl ita,arteet JtaBWa, rAiaase at VS., rW Broadway, Albany, ,1 N Ti ' 4.i i.'i.,j ...... ... rAiaaairaS () , SOI at Paul 1 at, Montreal faianxee a t.,M King WUttaa t Lea I tfM.atef. ....il.r FAiaaanaa, Baeww e Da Milk 8t, Boe- rainassKsitarue, MasMfe Bau, Paila- l neipnia, ra. PAisaasas, Moaes A Co., Ill Lake St., Cbl- rAiMaaKKH, Moeas A Do., Itt Wal' at Street Ulnlriatl,()hlw , .M.i( ! FAraaANK. sioaes A (Jo, ha aaperlor St. 1 Ulaeeland, Ohio. FAtaAKB, Moaes A Uo., iS Woed Btrert pltteburgh. a... tiiaBABKM, Moaea e Co., Sta aad Mala St. i IhnUwIII. riiBBAncs ftooii so smi aes Wsrtgt FAibsascs HrjTOieos, Baa Franeleoo, For eale by HMdhtg' Bard ware rtaater. si-dawjow-eod .ii in .;. 1. 1.. i HOSQUITO 17ETS fit A WD FBAMXB, Gauaa and Laos. Oar t4od tttiek. tiaft rtoswT4 avnd ft m ) b aV D. A. SMITH A COU in tf June ff for tala bf KKatUfl . 1 r THE ATLANTIC. 1 a. r i3 Ar::i) is 1 2 e 3 out, BEAUFORT, N. O. f" - - - 3--- c - - - ...-...- J ' v ' ' ! --i, . ; f , j "j"" " Vj ff .. l . ' H t" 1 t - r n 1 . - 4 f ! ii "jj jj jj y j y TH ABOVK KHTAHLIHH MlCNT, WO TATOH A BT.V IHTR1H'C Kf Tt THK PUMMO 1 namnar by U nw ewiwr, ('. K. Ia Giuliani, of Ur-l! urg. lufbr th fo or 1". May lattO October teWf" eh Vlaltora snly U un.lerMunH ii-a) be wlllln, to admit U Hi. iuill. ci cie7 lla biw to rsnaw h pltamiit acquaiutanca with all lurner mirtk Atlantic Hotel. - 1 as HcMltar attuauoa af UU a owe affordt all Uie pkiuar tf eyv nUw peril or ea lekoata, , , . 1. : . - ' . ... f 'NO DUST f NO FLIES If KO MOSQUITOES ! 1 1 i ' '"' ' ' ' ' " . ,.; Bath IBS' 11 MM ai attacliml to tke kow. lfre garttt way at once enjoy tbssshlla ratlng ctli air ui rait aiir n (t lt llie art ol tn mll'i.. Airaagoid B) ann tliecoaxt. The Maine Mall and nim undine inllcrire (ildrd latt yar (fluid a plrasant rttieat Itosb the glara of tbe tun by day. nt a brilliant eoitt ol Ti rrrtcror at nticlii. All the m-i lor enercl e and aaoH mrnt to be Kiundat lulaud reMrte, beddee vlaaiure Boate, ratt ralitiig end well Bsanagrd, tor J ' Pic-NICSa FISHINO PARTIES, MdONLICHT SAILS, " ad Tiitliit iKrtntn ot lnt if ft In tt Tlrlnlty.' , ' . Tie rhotoftt WlfKH aad 1)Q1'(1 eie to i bad at tee KKSTACBANT ol (be under eicnt'd. Mula Mall miiI I rinuil Fnkn im ti n ililtur 1 Ii i tini uriii i I f llitr 1 iitit a. Ided h' cut rtnu ninlKl a fti4 il n'lt erd tiirtli rrit, with arep'er reoni and i'r kl leiprim Hnil rri rl a-aile In tbf t ulinaij e arlaient, the proprietor rtaurm hniMlr-ii ai M hi AH'lf tl Ht'1 K.ni I r tbr i rrpime, lll be rten more at tractive 10 Lie lH ti n'iu the tbe Hetrl a to tbe leii'isl l abile. Btrlot decorom will be rigidly eitVica ami ll r i ti rl oi bii ir eUrafimly eiudird. . j - . - . - . . - , , , , ' . . ' I i i " " I i ( ' J Tibms f $2.60 j er day for flret week ; $1.60 per day for eecond week. Brwrlal roairacU raailr with fa roll if and Chllitren and ranaote ball price. tore. may 13-d A tf. J-t4l -'4JJ.1J ltiJl .iii'lJ-iVJ.-'- KICLLAME0U8. -IN -A.T- EXCHANGE CORNER ' " 1 1 tune 0 Bacon, Fork.; Sugar, and Coffee- I 60 Boxes D. 8. Sidea. . &0 Boxes Bmoked Bides and Shoul- 25 Bbla City Mesa Pork, ;" ; 100 Bbla. Helloed Sugar, ' f 100 Bags FrimelUo Coffee, o , i For sale low by ?' iu t. -;. WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. f lour-Corn-8yrup-Rco, 1 800 Bbls, Flour-Hall grades, i tti 6,000 BuBhels Prime White Corn. . ; 1 1 50 Bbla. 8. H. Byrup, ' U 25 Bbto. Kiev i For sale low by j ! .'. ' IV WILUAMb e) mmCHWOK,! Hay-Hoop Iron-Cluo-Spl-rlt Barrels. 500 Bales N. B, and E, Hay, . 400 Bundlea Hoop Iron, , 100 Bbla. Glue, I 850 Second Hand Spirit Casks. u For eale low by .t f WILLIAMS A M OBUHiaOM. MOUSSES-aUANO-NAat-SHOT 100 Hhda. and bbls. New Crop Cu 1 . AT db oiotoases, ; 200 Tons QjanapeQuano, 100 Tona Eureka Guano, 800 Kegs Nails, 200 Bags Shot. f . , jweaie row oy WILLIAMS it MUROHISON. July! Tie Carolina - Honseliom Mauazinc, AN ILLTJ8TRATKD MONTHLY . Cbelos Uterataro, will belreued from th totne. oaoMiMairaaaOvrtoa eosamenetna' wHh Janaary, lWft. Tke flret aumbor will b ready for nailing bp December IStb, and tke period. imi will be publlahed eaob enooeedlag BtontS tbereafter without Interruption, Mo adran- tag win be neglMtaa wMMb aitaor -talent or eapiui ean oommano to render each ieae an agreeable and tnetraetWe eompendlum ot obolce reading, by. sopalar. writer, both hatae aad abtoadV ,.- -. s m Tha Carolina Household Mansint will be a lar 28-page, eighty-font column aaonthly, handsomely urintad on tinted book paper and, ewaaurully llhiewated. It a tboronghly eoutt era enterprise and Ita aucoeat le already rally aaenred, Tbe publtuher meani to make It a flrit-elan monthly, that, onoe In trodaeed la the family elrole, hi lure ra be eagerly watehed for and nare fully preeerred. It'FOBTHAlT OALLKRY" wilt protean attraetive featnre. 1 he January number will eantaia a life-like plotors, of f ! Ei-GOY z. i;TAoi;;V add biographical htoh aa- be rot towed In aoh taooeeltn number with photeirraohe ot Other proatneot atatetmeh, dlrlnee, &c . j Ji OIILY T WO DOLLAE8 A YAM , ; s amf Saeh eabeoriber can make a olioloe ot TaaBBiT BBAtmttrut,AMaKiraBAviaH, else of each S4 x 30 tnchea, via: "The Finding St the Saviour m tbe Temple, "The Madon a." er -King Lear Derylng the Storm," thr. Eardedon reoolpt of the aabaeription price. It her of the Kngravlngf U worth double the prlneaakedrortheHagaalne. SV Aayooeaendlniaolub or (fi will r. eotve aa extra auberrtpttoa tree. Blnk.e oople SO oenta, free by mall. Six months enbeortp tioa, without the Bngraving, SI. - a arlar, ta Wanted Kvervwhere. ureiles, , r Jli,ii a. Mo. li t, fob.ulitr, . ........ uoioaooro. n.u. I Furnitvure 1 1 Foruitture t NEW AND HAMDBOMM PATTBNNB OF farlor, Chamber and IMutng Furniture Mselred this week, for eale LOWV Call and examine. - .m , - . t JD l BkUIU t CO. TITCW BJtXS gotten tip aiid printed In O tbe most' attractive style at the JOUHMAX, OFFICI Liberal reduction to early rlil- GEO. W. CHARLOTTE, Proprietor. Quarantine Notice TTNT1L rUKTHKB NOTICE ALL VK8 aula from rerv bouxb or vape rear win come to at the Vutltlog Btatlon, near Deep Water Pelnt, and await tbe Inspection of the Quar antlne Fhylrlanv ' , . , All reeeele from Porta where fellow 'ever, or other lnfeitloue duram enleti, will be re paired ts uSdergo a rigid and prolonged Quar All Toeeele or boeU of any character baring slekntaj oa board n arral, or baTlng bad fitkneetany time duilng tUe royage, are re quired to co rue to the Htatlon lor lnpectl n wlthoetregtrdto tbaFort I'om wkeneo tliey came, Vtweli not Included a above will pro seed without detention. Pilot are eeolal)y enjoined to make oare ui enq1rf rehitlre to rt ell, crtw, o , and it bot Mtlrfft d wltB tt etstemeiru of tbe Cap tain or commander, or If the retee! Ir In a Hlthy.roudltloa, they wlll brlng the teatel ta the Matieo fot further xaailaattoa.i -' J ' fllete wiirullyt, &taUngTI.the KQaaranMae La are uliJcttoafirfeltureottheU branch; Maatere of Teaaeli to a Bne of two hundred ikil lare a day tor ' erwry day they violate the Quarantine 1 awd: and all other persons are liable for each and every offence. ,r .... All veereli mihject to vlettatlon under above regulalloni, will eel a flap la the mala rigging, (Quarantine Phrelolan, ' Port of Wilmington, N. . X Bmlthvlle, N. O., May it, 1810. ' ' eraa ail e UXmJ XV law iiiuwTA OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK AND TREASURER, Crrt of WaMnraton, S. O., ! 4 f June 24th, 175.? I AN ORDINANCE Concerning Cows and other cattle ran- ning at large. ' " JJB IT ORDAINED by the Board of Alder- men ef the City of Vr llmlagton, N. O., aa fol fowl: . ;" " ' , . Section 1. That any cow or othbb OArris of avd kind, fovnd rnnnlng at large within ' the corporate limits of this city, ahall be im pounded by the City Marehal, and the owuet required to pay a fine ef Tea (10) Dollars, be fore the aame ahall be released. Meet Ion a Any ordinance er parti thereof con. Sietlng herewith, are hereby repealed. The above ordinanoe was adopted by the 'Board of Aldermen on the 24th day of June 1K7S, and will o Into effect oa after and Mon day, JunS Wtb luitaot. j . , T. C-8ERVOSS, ., ' City Clerk aud Treasurer, )ane2 ; " ;" 7 ls'"tf- Southern .. Illustrated . ! i ; Age ft .RALEIGH, ki .. . j) TUB ONLY ILLC8TUATKU WBKE.LT in the riouth. Kight ptgea Forty onl u tna. CoiiUliiitig more reading matter than any weekly publtubed In the Htiuthern Btatee. The Bret number of the SOUTH Kit N JL I.TJBTHATBO AUK will be NMrd on Matarday, soils . day ol June, isrs. The Pabllaber intends feiaklng it an illui tratad neord of th timoa. it will &eat of every topic, Pollttcit), xtuttorical, Literary, aud Mclenttflo, which is- OC eurrent- ineereet, and give the beet illuntrattonethat canbe obtained, original or torwgn, j ' r - The BOUTBhR II' ,IIItATKI? AGE will be printed on new tyue, and heavy book On Ita liet of eontrlbutori will befrmndthe name) of manv ot tbe beet writer! in tbe South Herlal aad abort etortea, paerae and eketohee, and well conduotad editnriaidrpartnenu, fir ing the lateet peraunal, literary, acta n title, po litloal. rellgioueand aomaerolal lutaliiganoe, will turuiab every weak au amount or reading matur uneurpaeeea by other paperu, In exorl lenoeand variety, it ie Intended to make the SU'i iMKKN IbLUBTKAiKO AOk a Jour nal for the flrenlde ; several oolumns wUl be reclallyaevoted teall subjeoti pertaining lo aomenio nna woiai ma. No tamily ahould be wlthcnt it. Mubeorlptlon pried only at per annum. Poet- "ftR. T. FULGHUM, Editor, Kaleigh, N 0. 't t 9 U June! - Horse Bonnets. The oheapett Trunk In tbe dtty Bedillce, Harm a, r oath or lluatere, Loath r, Saddlery, Hardware, Axle reawi, Simmer Cap ihk. tore, U-iea Mheete, Whlpe, H.ure, Hanui, 1 ollare. Back Banrtn. and al, kl.'t! inf R.rfn ... Qoode, cheap for raab at tbe Ma..jlery Jitoreof i CARPENTER A MALLARD. 1 Buooenari tod 8 Topbam A Uo., No. S Bnuth rnmi aueet, wuauugtoa. n.ii. JulJU 7 i6tt-tf FicuralonlrU. CLYDE'S NEW YOn.C AfJD BOSTON LITJES VIA Wilmington, N. C. Fast Freight Route to all Points North or 'South. IVJCW YOIUi. New York and Wilmington Steamship line ! SEMI-WEEKLY, Sailn g frr m KEW lOliK, WEDKEM)A' and BAltPPAl st 8 F. J!., end from WILJlIKO'iON, WEPMPAY ai d bA'iXT.DAY. BOSTON. AND Kcw York aiid Hiliniiigton Strumsliip 4'onipaiiy, CONKECT1SQ WITH TH, ' , OLD COLONY RAILROAD AND STEAMERS. Daily Between BOSTON and NEW YORK Bemi-Weekly between NEW YOBK and WILMINGTON. Wedaeaday and Katurday from each Port. Bblpper ray rely npon (be proniptand replar rallln i.t ibrre Kirnirre. ard onlfile- patch ra i an fui airuii iy una rouie. with the WILMIKGTOK, COLVM BfA tAVtiVSTA DAIMit'A P. WII.M1KGTUM ?K1 DdN BAlLBOAD. TBE CABt-L'N A IrM B AI. BA 11 WAT, Throiijth Bilta or Lading gWct to and finm all Point In ! NOKTH and SOUTH CAROLINA, OEOIIGIA and ALABAMA. Also to NEW YORK, BOSTON, rEOVIDlNCE, FALL B1VEB and ether Eastern Cities. - SW Ratee guaranteed ai low ae by any other route and time aa quick. Loaxs or owrbartra promptly paid. Mark all Goods Tia Clyde's Milmiugtcn Line. aW For further information apply to either ot the underalgmd A gfnu of tbe Line. D. !).;. MINK, Ueneral lantern Agent, 39 Derontblre Btreet, Boetoa. Wrnii UMm M TitifiiiiiliOrniim Via WILMlNGl OIV. IV. J. iii.lftitlOTW HVUV FAST FREIGHT ROUTE To all Points North or South. BALTIMORE. J Baltimore anil Wilmington Line, ; ; -BAILING FROM BALTIMOKB- Tuesday & Friday, at 3 P.M. , I ANO FKOM WILMINGTON Wednesday & Saturday. bostonandFrovidence. , Baltimore and Wilmington Line, : Baltimore, Boaton and t rovldence Line, Ur via Canal Dally to Philadelphia and Clyde'! Philadelphia and Providence Line. Semi-Weekly from each Port. " Bhippere may rely noon the prompt end reenlar nallln of there Bteameri. and aulck dla patch given to all shipments by thia rout. NO DELAYS. "' Through Bill, of Lading given to and from all Points in NORTH and SOUTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA and ALABAMA. Also to BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, and other Eastern Citiea. . promirtlytpafd0r,Ilt0(l 'W b' 'h" Kout IMl tima u in'ek. Lose ea or overcharge Mark ail Goods via Baltimore and Wilmington Line. IW for farther Information apply to either of the undersigned A genu of tie Line. EDWIN FITZCERALD. Agent Baltimore Lint, to aouth ttWtuirUaiUmore. maroh lS.tr- Carolina Central Railway, ' ! ; , GENERAL FREIGHT DEPARTMENT,) . ; WiLMKaioN, March 81st, 1875. ) THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIO IB BEHPEOTFCLI.T INVITED TO THE fact that the Carolina Oentral Railway, being completed and fully equipped for buslneni.. ouera with its eonaertlons at Wilmington, both via direct Steamer Llnea and via Weklm and Portsmouth, to Hiltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston and Providence anequaled faoil Ity for handling ehlpmente from WILMINGTON AND ALL EASTERN CITIES TO CHAR : LOTTE, 8TATESVILLE, CREENVILLE, SPARTAN- :l.:;::r::r ::.-r:r: burg.:;... ,. and all etatlons on Atlantic, Tennrme dt Oblo Atlantirand Rlrbmrnd Air Line and North Carolina Hailroads as well as all points In OEORUIA and ALABAMA. jnsuranae Worn Ksetern etHs guaianteed aelow via anv other Hue. No terminal or trans fer charges, and Hatee alwaya aa low aa tbe lowest. Rate to all point luraished upon applioatlou to the nnderslgmd. Offloa In Bank or New Hanover Building. ' F. W. CT-A.HIC, i april8-80-ly , , , Ueneral Freight Agent. THE PEE DEE HERAID. Published every Wednesday at WADESBORO, ANSON COUNTY, BI josh. T. james:a co. 'Has a large and rapidly Increasing circula tion in the Fee Dee country in North and South Carolina. Advertiser! will find It the best medium In either of tka ateter Brat, tor reaching tn far mere, planters and merchants. The extensive local advertising pat ronage exhibited in its columns is the best evidence of Us large and influen tial circulation. -. , SV Specimen copies, with rate tor aOvet tiring seat free, postage paid, on application to the undersigned, either at We.lrr.boro or Wilmington. . JOBH.T.JAMEH AOO., Editors and Proprietors , efl-tf FALL RIVEtf. NO DELAYS, tuin tr.nciir.fc- at W Da mates WM. P. CI VDE CO., Ofuer.l Ant, New i oik line, t iiowiirg (irren, N T. A. D. CAZAUX, Agent. PHILADELPHIA Baltiniore and Wilmington Line. XMI-Iim.y BBTWKXa BALT1MUBK AND WILMINGTON. Baltimore and IFblladelphla Steamboat Co. Dally via Canal between BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA. WESTERN CITIES. BALTIMORE AND WILMINGTON LIN Northern Oentral Kallroad AKD THB Baltimore and Ohio Kallroad. -- A. D. CAZAUX, Agent, baltimoie nu New Tiik Lines, WiLmaoToa. N.C. SIIOBABL OBOW1T. WILKBS HOB ID CRONLY & MORRIS, AUCTIONEERS, JTOCKANDREALE.TATEBROKER. WILMINGTON , N. O. tIAN BR BEEN AT THEIB SALES HOOMB I a plan of the city, on au enlaried scale. Blank Book With the boundaries of everv Lot in theoity distinctly deflnwl. Assesaed value, put and present, of every tot in the otty. ' Any Information desired rrrdahed npoii ap plicatloo. ' , Jabr ' . The Piedmont Press. HICKORY, N. Cm Is the only paper imbitslied In Catawba county, and hasan eitvnsive oirrulatton miong Meroiiants, Farmers, and all elaMoeof btir nets men in the Btate The Panes le a live, wide-awake Democratic par, and is a desira ble medium tor atlvertMng lu Western North Carolina Liberal terms allow on vearly ad vertlsements. "tihuc- lpron f In advance AdUraM IHttirU.TOMLIN80N, Fdirurtanid Proprietor. PKVLN JINU OK KVKKY IMAtilJU", tie drscrlptioii tlone In the best of style at the Journal Otficic.

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