M Mm 1 iiT v' f Ut 1 t I 1 . 1 I X II III 1 11 J' i 1 VOL XXIV. NO. 1 Un.TTTTTGTOn, IT. C. WEDITESDAY. JULY 21. 1875. TTHOIL1 ITO- C.CC3 1 !k WILMINGTON. N. a; WDSE3PAY. JULY 21. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. SOUTH CAROLINA. LOYALIST COMES TO GRIEF. Charlkstox, 8. C, July 20. At 10 o'clock last night, the Jury iu Parker's oase seat word that they bad agreed iidtmid great cxcitetueut the Court met. A verdict was than rendered for the State iu the suur of soveuty-flve thousaud dollars. This is the first substantial result of the efforts in this State to bring official plunderers to jutttioa. LOUISIANA. A THIEF CATCHES TH IEVE3. ,. New Obleans, July 20. Got. Kol Wg addressed a letter to Attorney General inoloxiug a report of experts appointed by uiru to examine the ool lectors office at that place, iu which he says that the inveigatious that have taken' place before bth civil and crim iual courts and investigation and re port of State examiner disclose gross culpability ou the part of other per sons wuose aots bare injured the HUte and for years have caused discredit on the govenrnmeut. 1 especially call your attention to the record iu this res pect, and request that yon will take prompt measures to bring to juHtioo all those who have been guilty of de frauding the btate as disclosed by these inquiries, MS&OU1U. A BATCH OF LOYALISTS HOW THE MONEY GOES. St. Louis, July 20th. The follow ing indictments have been found against Federal oflloials : McDonald ton, Supervisor, and Joyce, Revenue Agent, charged with receiving unlaw ful fees, and for violations, of duties. and powers. Bail 85,000. Randolph a rolioof law In not effaqrog stamps. The bail has been fixed at 83,000. D. A. West, Wm. Hnnick3, 5.000 each. Lewis Ilollman $1,000. B. A. Eu- "glfke, John L. Bumecker, 85,000 each. - YELLOW FEVEK. HEALTH OF NORFOLK AND PETERSBURG OFFICIAL REPORTS. Portsmouth, Va., July 20. To non. George M. Robeson, Seoretary of the navy at Washington : As vari ous reports are published in Northern - papers affecting the health oi worioiK and vicinity. I Lave to report the health of this looality, unusually ex cellent for the aeasou, and that there has been no case t yellow fever here for nearly twenty years. This infor mation is derived from the health offi cers of the two cities. Upon investiga tion, I find that no medical officer a'tached to this station has ever writ ten privately, or otherwise that there was a case of fever here. Signed. T. H. Stevens, , Commodore Commanding. THE CORN CK01V Washihoton, July 20. The July return to the department of agrioul- ' ture, shows that the average inocra is about eight per cent, greater than last year. New England has red need her average to about one aud a half per cent., and the Pacific States about one per cent. All the great corn growing regions lmve increased their average; the Middle States two per cent., the Sonth Atlantic States three per oent, the Southern States twelve per cent., the States north of the Ohio seven per conk, the States west of the Miaaiuinni frmrtaAn nor cent. Thn condition of the crop is below the av erage in the New England, Middle and ,tttath Atlantic States. .The minimum 'condition is 82, being in Rhode Island. Vtorida and Alabama are also below the average, but the other Gulf States and the inland Southern States are above. The maximum is 112. being in Mississippi. AH the other States, ex cept Missouri, 103, are below the av- ' erage. The minimum condition is 82, being in Wisconsin. HEADQUARTERS. WASHINGTON MISCELLANY NO f ' END OF DEFALCATIONS. Washihoton, ; July 20, Messrs. Faulkner, of West Virginia, Harris, of Massachusetts, Fletcher, of Maine, Special Commission to in vestigateProf . Marsh's report, convened at Fifth Av enue Hotel. Fletcher Chairman In dian Commission, Smith aud Prof. Marsh were in attendance. Witnesses have been summoned. Attorney-General Pierreont read a personal note from the President, re questing bim, for the present, to re voke the order removing District At torney Fisher. ' The defaulting mail contractor, Mat thews Draper, who failed on Vioks btrg ud New Orleans route, had de posited as forfeit 81,639. The depart ment has tent the certified note for collection. This is the first instance for such forfeiture. Poetmaster-Gen-eral has commenced suit against the bondsmen of over 40 defaulting con trnotors. Wm. Small has been appointed Spe cial Agont of the Tost Ollloe Depart ment for money order business. . ELEUTMCLSUS. The investigation into the affsba of the Louisville Revenue offioes show a defalcation of $82,900. It is thought that Jarkson has bean stealing for years, but the uulk was taken in Feb ruary last There is no traoa of the disposition of the money. The Portugese brig Tarlo, from Opetofor Halifax, is a total wreck, July 13th, on Sable Island, ninety miles bo u tli went of Aovia oootia. O.pfc. Steward and one man drowned. The cargo, consisting of cork wood and salt is a total loss. Seven hundred dollars reward has boon offered in Chicago for the bodies of the aeronauts. Tugs are searching me mie. A la ice number of unemployed la borers at Ottawa have been sent home by different societies. A few gentlemen, while breafcfastiug wiin air. uranam, ex-mourner oi Par liament, opened subscriptions with $1&,000 to build a Youug Mens Crist wn Association Hall in London. The Constitutional Committee of Spain, by a vote of 26 against 7. re jected an amendment to the new Con stitution tn opposition to the principle of religious liberty. THE F1KE FIEND. CmcmsATi,' Ohio. July 20 This morning the distillery o( J,', c Y. Jas per, iu Covingto. iy., was burued, together with three or four hundred barrels of whisky. Ten thousand bu&hols of malt. Loss, fifteen thou sand dollars. Insured for twenty five thousand dollars in Cincinnati couipauies. Hartfom), July 20. Brown Bro s. paper mill on north Colepester was jurued loss 820,000. Cincinnati, July 20. Black A (Vs.. printing office and W. A. Doualdsnu, lithographer, was burned this morn ing, while the firemen were still at work tho walls were thrown down by the explosion of gas. Seven persons inoludingthe chief engineer woreoaught in the ruins. The chief engineer was first rescued. He was insensible, bnt it is thought his injuries are not fatal. The others were soon afterwards ta ken out, and are all more or less injur ed, only two fatally. There othor men were severely injured by flying tniBsils. Dick Holcombe was found dead in the rains. Loss, 850,000 to $00,000. EUROPE. THE AMERICAN TEAM. THE SPANISH WAR ADVANCE IN BREADSTUFFS. London, July 20. The Car list olnim that Gen. Darregaray reooncentrated the whole Carlist army, and entered the Province of Linda, and that Al fonsists have retreated from Bittona Provinoe of A lava with several Car- lisc divisions in pursuit. L London, July The Mark Lane Erpresa this week says: "Io Aranoe. wheat has advanced in provinces 1 to 3s, aud in Paris, Is. 6 oents. Flour has advanced 2a per sack here. We have yet to learn the full extent of the advance. Before the heaviest rains there was an occasional rise of 1 to 2s, Last weeks sales were only 32 quar ters above those of the same week in 1874. Every market is so scantily supplied that we' seem to be on the borders of exhaustion, though from the lowest point our averages show a rise oi only 8s Od. in ceigium and Holland there has been a moderate rise. Even in Germany, with good prospects, prices are somewhat dearer, while in Hungary, where the crop is enormous, they are also dearer. London. July 20. The Bark J. S. Wickmire. fram Darien, Georgia, for Shields, has pat into St. Thomas dis masted. , The Daily Telegraph say Russia has officially announced her intention of withdrawing her proposal for con tinuance of the Brussels conference. fTbe Captains of the British, Irish, aud Scotch eights, in a letter to the Counoil, express the hope that the va rious suggestions for a match will lead not only to a contest between the Uni ted States and the United Kingdom hereafter, but will insure an annual competition at Wimbleton for chanipi- nship of the world. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A Good Chance for m to (lose oat my stack of French Cloth and Cutlmere. . . I Will Make Up to Order BUSINESS SUITS, ' . WEDDING SUITS, DIAGONAL COATS AKD VESTS, BLUE FLANKL 8H1BTS, ' WHITE LISEN BHIK1S Ai cheap u they can be bought read; made. A. DAVID, . : . :;Mebchant Tailor. July 21 .. St. Mary's School, KALKIUII, N. 0., ' rpHK 8ixty-aevnth tern of the echool will 1 commence September 8, Uf75. The charge fur board and KngUoh tuition, tor s term of twffntv wank!, la nlOff. For a circular, apply to ner Albert Sweden, July 10 d U D.D., Kalelgh, N.O. Kalelgh, NOTICE. Under an ordinance enactel by the Board of Aldermen of the elty of Wilmington, I tball proceed to Mil at public inctloa, at the City Ponnd, at II o'clock M.,oo Thureday, the tU t Black BhoaU.t Spotted Barrowe, 1 White Shoat, 1 Large Spotted Barrow, IWhlte pig,lpottcdfchat,lT8l wBar. 1 Blfk Barrow, S niack Pigs, t Se dy and . Whlte-epotted 8 boat. ' J. H. KOU1K80K, Julfil-tt City MarabaL 5ZW ADY1&TXMUITI. A Hew Hovel ST TBI APTBOB r THE ODD TRUMP, rnblUhad y . J. Ha A torn. Bouhd nt Cloth, 1 15 ; Papib, $75. ' Justness by tiprees, and ft ! at HEIMSDERCER'8 f Lire Book and Muelo Store. Horse Bonnets. TberbMpentl'TBiikila tb elty; Saddlee, n mw, reamer nuneri, ueauer, Saddlery. Hardvore, Aile 3raM, Summer Lap (me lon, u-n SheeU, Wble, ku-ira, Ham utllara, Hack Hand, and all klkJ of Saddiery Goods, aheap for ewli at the Maudlery Sioieut CARPENTER A MALLARD. Suocewon to. I 8 To.taa A Oa., Mo. ( Sooth Front sueet, WUsHoghM, K.O. July l l8-t A REVOLUTION m Til SHIRT TRADE. Wamsutta Shirts I'ut lenrthwlae the cloth 1,100 UMK(;irt- made,atouly Each. WH AGKM0T B BC U t KO. jgi MUKSON & CO e CITI CLOTHIERS. July 20 WniLNGTON BUILDING ASSOCIATION. cm men IKKTINU, Tin Sixth Annual Meeting of the Wilming ton Building Angulation will be bold at III- bernlaa 11 all (old Library rooms), en Front Steet, Wedneeflay srenlng, July 21, at sight and s balf o'clock. Bleren Dlreotort are to be elected for the e turning year, and a full attend anoe of Htuueholdere Is req tested; W.O.MAOBAI. eeratarv. July ir 100 Dbs. This almost aapreotdentsd warm weather having come npon us, and the qneetloo of the day being how to keep cool, wo weald advise onr numerous friends and e unto inert to try our large and carefully selected assortment of SaAOLAUETS, BHIVB rilOOKS, 0 MAUTBBNE8 jCHAMPAOMKB, tw OATAWBA W1MB8 AMD FHUIT BTKUF8, To wblcb, 1 Ice be added, and tome of thote Fine Lemons, Of which we have Jutt received a large tupply, wefeelS'iro the harpy retalt will be acoom- plUhed. Try our Receipt ! O.D. MYERS & 00., 5 and 7 N. Frokt St. V1MIS1 Cvbbt honatkeoBwr ekosld poeteM at leaat one ef the lollewlng celebrate Oook Books, at they would tavw the ptleo of K In a week'e cooking Queen of the Kitchen j 10T Old Maryland Re. eelpte 1 15 Mia Lmlie't Bern KeeelsU tor CooSlng....l TS Mra. Hale't New Oook Book 1 It The Young Wife't Oook ktoek I Tl Mtaa Ialie't New Cookery Book I 79 Mn. Ooedrellew't Celery aa It Should Bel 75 The National Oook Book. By Hani ah M. Bouvler I is Petermn't New Cook Book I TS Wlddineld't New Cook Book IB Hrt. Uale't Boeelpts for the Million t IS tva SALS AT Honbbbkobb's L tve Book and Matte 8ure. nlylT tf RICE, BUQAR, COFFEE AND TO BACCO 28 Barrel) Rice, 20 Barrel! lugar 9 Rage Uoffte, ' 100 Boxes Tobacco, For tale by Kbrohxb k Caldsr Bbos, July is 8IIEMJY BANKER, pnbllehed weekly, at BBKLBT, Cleveland County. N.O. .at SI SO per annum, In ad vance; hat s large and rapidly Inoreatlng cir culation in nearly ail the eoantlrt Weal of MBoklenburg. A iao. aa extenaive circulation Iu the emtntiee or Spartanburg, York and Union, 8. 0. Hae Jut i bean enlarged from a twenty to a thirty -two eolumn, and le bow adorned with an entire dreoa, If politics art OtmoenlU The Carolina Central Hallway biting now completed through to Wilmington, an.1 Shelby being the Weatorn, trmluut, the Hatmrr n a mont excellent advertlehig medl om. Haft mitrmU. DURHAM AWKHB JJtori and Froprletors MIICZLLAXXOUS 00 BOXEaTTJudl Tobacco Oct or Osdkx o! At lity eeatt per poaad, for lbs atouey, you man anew. D. PIQOTT, Bxn a -Mnn jxrurisB CAPTAIN IXJSMia, earrytJig tU Uniled States Man for FayettnUe, sad IntwsMdUt offlcn,wtUlMTtomraarf oa Taeodays and FrUlayi panttually at lilfl r.M. Vlck It Meban July U lm A Hundred Tears! WTOU might wait and neyer hare the oppor- X tanity of baying govde at tho prloee at which Iamcloelngootwiy Moot. It le not to mekr room for another atock. bat is a sals to clots oat the entire stock la a given number of dare; and to Inters this, on and altar the ISth loatant goods will be told at leal than out for cah only. Ooms without further Invitation or delay, as at the prloee the itook will rapidly dimlnUb. Rrery article is new no shoddy or auotkoa goodt In tho ttors. Very reepeotfully, GEO. LEIBER, 2 Market street. July IS, tl (. Bargains Bargains. M EM'S CLOTH GAITKKS It DO, worth Slj Ment Low Quarter Bhoes II SO n i i ; i T U ll . 1 A. I- F ' fJBAULtB A. FMIOR, " K0. a KkrlvtelroSt, Blgnof the Golden Bust tons Sr-tf Our LiTlng and Our Dead ProBDectus of 2nd Volum. ' $ Mswssnt.X'. iAniustto; 1S71 . "Oca, LrwiM asd Otr iMAtf wta hero alter be uublUhed aa a Beml-Monthlv Mata line, containing M pages of reading matter, at Bid per year in aavanuo. or the Inlormatlon of thote who are not fa miliar with tali enterprise, J mats that the enter object or the aJagaalne will be to publlea tho Record that North Carolina and her gallant sold Ion made In the Into "War between the BUtee," to gather the material for the us of me ruiure nutonan, ana to perpetuate the memory or thote bravo men, ofliocre and prl ratee, living or dead, who ehed Impurlthabls glory upon their native Btate. In addition to tho Was Kaooaft or Hosts: OAnoi.iA,the Magatlne will coutaln tketohet or every eeotlon, county, city and town of the Btate, written by competent and well-Inform Sd pereont, MwimaMM it prt-nMiuaUy a BttU ptrKxtteoi, in uAick all tU$m of tmt tjUiutu tliruU takt initrtil nd pridt. The Magailne will taae the place of the newtpaper, having tame title, pubUehed bv me during tne patt twelve months. The Si-it number will be At,aiued Wednead Sei'tember tth, 1S7A In the meantime, I r epefltfntly aak old rabtorlbort wbodealro to re new their lubtorlptlone, and all oUiart who wlah the Magailne, t rtmtl arnapUy, at the ohange and Improvements require considerable outlay, and ready inotwy is needed. ' ' B. D. POOL. Aniiren, tin runner notloe, "Ocn Liviaa aid Cub Dbad," Newbern, kf. 0., or Raleigh, nunn uaronoa. exchanges will pleaas copy. ang IS ESTABLISHED 1844. Tie Wiliitoi Journal . (WEEKLY) : THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAP. EST PAPER PUBLISHED IN ' NORTH CAROLINA. The Wilmington Joubb-aL (Weekly) en en. taring upon lie twenty-ninth annual volume, hat been greatly enlarged and Improved. It le the only thlrty-alx eolumn paper in the State. A All RBT.UB.Sa : NEW! ANB LITEBAUV JOVHBAL.If IR UNEXCELLED. ' ' : Rmbraoed in Its oolnmni is a mors eomplets. com pact, yet eomprehenelve history of the wnria'taoinge, irom ween w weex, tnan eaa pueelbly be found In any other Journal. It le J net the paper for the horns and Ireelde. full of good reading; all the beet Editorial! ef the daily: all the Congreantonal, Leglilatlve and Political newt of the day. , Its Ilarket Benorts ' are always fall and accurate. The BeTtcw of the Markete ltaoeeptod by the mercantile com' munlty at the true Indes of the commerce of tne cityt wnueiurepor ewer maraeioare mil and rename. INTERESTING Stories, Tales, &c. are glvtn everv week, making It ths beet fan lly paper pnbllihed In the country. ITS CIKOXJIaATION la ver y large ttirougnont tas Btate and wnoie no oath. In Mew Hanover, KdceconhS On.low, Unplln. Ham peon, Brnntwick, Bladen and uolnmimttt w eteciaiiy large, wnueta Halifax, Wilton, Wayno, Carteret, Boheenn. Richmond, Anton, Cttmberland and Moore, and rn teveral covntlee of Booth Carolina, ttt elrcn ration It very good. It it poBiitnea.very rrway oa us renew ing ' ' -jf' vi t ov; ., One copy, for one year... ...... .tf M One copy, for six months 1 00 Three oopios, for one year. .T. 1 . 6 60 Fonr oopies, lor one year. ...... 7 oo Fire copies, for one year. ....... 8 00 Ten oopies, for one year. IB 00 Twenty copies, for one year 25 00 SVT To evry getter-np of a OLUBOri'BW One eopy will be tent free for one year, , Addr jounriAL Wllnwiwgtow, It. U1SCILLAHE0US ?EllM. 0 f f AT COST! UAVINll retnlvnl to change my btulneet I aa deetrooe of eioalng ant my entire etmk befnre the epproachlng Fall. 1 hare therefore determined re efler my enttrs Mack ef - FJotions, Boots, SHOES iW HATS, -Ar cost y 4 i and leie than eoat, for cam Ladtet are especially solicited to give u an early call, to whom ws will oiler at a great m. ripoe, bjbo very desirable Qoodi In the way of HANDKERCHIEFS, . , j; "tf ' IIOBIERT, V UNDERQARMENW, . i : ' LACES, LINEN and COTTON HOUSEKEEP. INOOOODB, TABLE DAMASK, DOILAS, TOWELS, ETC i Wholotale buyer are advised of the fact that ws have the largest and moat desirable Jobbing took la ths city, f hit department of our Stock bat been largely teplenlihtd from ths recent Mew York and Philadelphia east suction sales, which enables a to oosr a rt variety of Bta pis Dry Goods tumble for country trade, at half ths original sort, 1 P "'' -fi ? " - AllOoodttoidat retelrwlll be strictly for oath. Ninety days time wlU be allowed on wholesale bUU In amount of one hundred do lars and aswsrds for eKyaootptaaos. ,'b.weill,;;; Oornet Front and PrinoeM Btrett Julyii, UTB. Cartridgea 1 ; Cartrldgeo. JVHT RRCKIVID, a large Invoice of Si ktnda MnrlaaSalS Hrauh-Iitins Mu Henry Klfla, Bpenotr and Flttot i:a lildg of story doeorlptlon, snd for tale at ' EicccdinjEly Low Pric'cs, ' At ths old ettabltthed Hardware Bona, of ' ! tcl.r ivibiiiiii July 13. Jo,19,a0&21 Mwket St. ATTENTION I INFANTRY! . - rpHB CARTRIDGES OROBKKO BT TOUK A CoBiuany have now arrived, an are for tale at the loweet living price, by July li OILK8 A hltjKOHIBON. 22 Ilarket Street. J D; PIGflrt Tfltallisi, WILMINOTON, NO.,' ' At Home on and After July 4th, 1875. IBS APas3ionate Vi ... ASS TBBt BY HENRY JAMES, Jr. Wnonvtt takes as Interest, wheMier of mere eorloelty or ef erttlosi forebjdlng, ; In ths product and tendency of onr younger liter a tare, moot bay had his attention awakened and detained ly the writing, of Mr. Jamee. Whatever elnt they may be, they are not oemnran, and havo that air of good breeding which le the token ot whatever la properly ealled tlteratare. iv.ir r,,u . ,;... ; lv The above work Jutt oat, and for sale by ;v ij i. s ,.; Ccwoltx AYAIBB. j, JoJyltf . Tho Odd Tramp. A THIKB LOT 3Vtr KIOKtTKD AT i HEiriS8EnCER Queen Mary ! -; : ADRA3LL" - ' ''' ' ' t:.i. . , , Dy Alfred Tennyson I A second lot Jntt received, and BW sata a . L IIEINSBEBGER'S i ' ' i ' . i' i - - : . - t .'.. i-1 i , ; Lira Boo t ahd 11 vm Stoju. . Jir u . . ',i. , ;,..,., -. , aVIdcHnhlCbVbfrAII Tear attention le called e the vety targs and (rat-cUM awortnent ot TUOUi require! by' you, and at prlo that Will Hand Irmiioct.los. Jaalltyof gtioiti gearanMwid In every reHM)nt. 11 yon would aave time and money, eai) at th nkf-iwitMliilid nrdara limine of .TOlrW UAWsoN,Mo.ls,ttasd21alarket(treeb July IS tlW ADTZSTISimTl' 4SI0ieilliM 13 Drwirs to eeJl the attention of all who take any Interest Lb tb priot of DRY GOODS tq ths fact that we are allowing ; af.vi " : f i' s A DIGCOUHT of 10 PorlCent on all BUMMER" DRESS GOODS, Any arUole that Wongs ipeoiaUj to 8ummor wsa must be soM ont LLAMA LACE SHAWLS and BACQUES, . , PUSHER Do. Da Do. Do. i WHITE AND STRirED SHETLAND SHAWLS. . , Cent' White Dress Shirts - MaJe to order In dt style thst msy MortmcDt slwBjt on hand. Also Cuffs, Collars sad Underwear. : j )4 Striped Cotton Cheviot Tweed Blilrtfiig? v i ; d Onlj 30 Cents, worth 87, wry desirable for tnwjinf " jL,ndloM Hktri Hupportorst, A NEW, TIIINO, . And one of the most desirable artlolot that baa been introduced. Hwiss, Nainsook and Viotoria B tripes and riaidsa wry large asaortmenty V AtoataUrrrank Lsello'sCUT FAPEK r ATT K II MB. nacblsis Nssiellwa a Corns emekt Terms Cash Only BR0WIT & RODDICK. 45 Ilarket Street- JUST OPENED! IINbvDsi kit 'hi f i 38 'MARKET STREET, ANOTHER LOT OF- Black Site Challys, BLACK CASHMERES, CREPES, &C. , . SUMMISII HTOOK CLOSED OUT 1 Lower Thau Ever IT, S '.! 1 I','1,(J t, ( No. 36 MAjRKET STREET. MI8C1LLANE0U8. GEORGE I.1YERS. ; 13 SOUTH FRONT ST. , 1 J 1849. Established 1849. -DBdtUft in TH CH0ICE3T TEAS. ; Green and Blaclr, Entrlisii Breakfast. And all Bis Best tirades. ; m - i h-.-i; .via VVinco ; cLlquoro, CtARKTS, IMPOKTBD IS OBIOIHAL gA8I8,:DELIOAl and EIOHTUA- r- OBBBWS$BSBWpe. W ' . - S , i. . TABLE CHERRY, !.' '-'"I' ' ' . '' ,XA ' riMB OLD BtAOKBXRBT WIN I. ; OTAKO, DUFJtY A 00. B&AKDTr '".""K" ." "(Vtatags 'itii.;"v;, JAMAICA BUM A HOLLA NTT QtV, j -.ynt (la original packages?- - '.1 ! Popular "BLUB OKA8S" and "OB1I WHIB- B.IKH," together with a large stock of Oof dial and fancy Liquors. he ohoiosst and beet selected etock of 'sully ; - ' Urooertee la ths Bute. - i "1 :rr:Om!thviller; STIAM KB D1XIE" will ran regularly every day exoept Banday, . ',, , , Leaving Wilmington 4 F M Broithvflle... , TAM Com matatloa ticket maybe purohased at our office. ; ' O. O. PABSLKy 4 00. j )iyt '' y - - t ' VICTORY I. VICTORY! YICTOEY! r : tiie ncld In Einry Battle. Lot7 Ptidcif Cce Out Victcricua I Oeote rurnlanlng Uuoda, ! . , , i A, DAVID ,! (t-OAnera1. all othar. In low prlota. H B ' hawt l..,ulJt .. . n t wrtiaa Vt 1 and ;iti.i FFICJI Ul lt be desired. ' tn avuuwrwXD. A fall i, - rifwgB iirJNUits, One Fried. 15t AT n t t , t Black Grenadines, tl A t l (tt. . GREAT RUSH i OR BOOTS A1ID 1311013 eO. A. Prlco'o. .h.n JSlylO ' IliBerthsQOloSBBoOt. The Charloitte Ohttxier i . j .... . The only morning dally baper publbhed la UtoStBMweetofJUtolgh SndJIorUef WU. mlngton, oHere.neclai Induoamants to advar tlaera. Its dronlatloB, alao and aeafalaea. hevw been larcelv Inoroaaed S urine the veer Swtt pett. and It now reaohee moat of the Her. chants of Wan Urn North Oarolniat thaeoter mg an nnrorpatted medlnm of comnianlca- vkn between the sferchantaaf WUmtagtoaand ywjii. w neeiwB nvrut varcjiaaa i TaaKSor soaeoairnos: Dally... Weekly. A M .as ospsranssav ,t to ' SV Advertlnng ver low. ihwr Turnip feed t,u i. ;i TUrnp3d3 fc '.4 'fc-'Saw,(3ropl875iMi h Grown if LandreUi A Bntet, Phllade.pila. Also a large amortatsat of Uabtage Seed. Foreaieby V 1M iTv . l.J-J tirll y CAjf uuuijr. p 1 1 A Hi, A Cantls) but Certain Catftartlo. They act with eiBTAnrtT aa Ue Liver, eeo- taln no calomel i ara nnralv . Teiratablat. Tho beet, enreat, mreet and mllileet purretlve FUi In ate. They are nsed bmto geuarally than any other Fill In nee, far the length of time they have been be for me nubile. Ara nloely tngar-ooated and bottled at is oents per Atk your Drngglat for , "Bvbbtsot's, Pill, and take no other. . ' - Jwlf . J.tl'M uvjt fit"! lM-ISA Wt. Htm v;::s's r.:vi t::x FRAHOES HILDTABO. Price Cents. ' Five Thontand a Year, prlrw 9A emita. The Diamond Braoeiat. Fruie SC cmitr. , The Knnaway Hiitrb, Fl"e 2 oenta., '.ThsSmurKiurlUhoiit. I ri-o aft eeute. ; A Foggy h isiht at Oitorv. S eanta. Clara Lake'. Dream, t rine u eera. ' Ths Kobleaan'e Wire, it 2nentav ( Martva War'aTempta"nn.i Wcenta., The f-ott ban it Note, r river St cata. 1 Tb Hannti.il Towr. FrW SO fltnte. f 'A Lll. bemet. fru m M enuta. " . Theklyatery. fries Usenta. :."-. . .. For fa), at,, c-,-tn V. .'I i f r- - r I i m I ' v ' . . . . . . JUve Utt al a. iwtna .1 ' July! .. . klB CliiCULAU-i OF i tUiu gttou tip in t atUis

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