J It I A A " ' 1 .it 'AW 70L. XXIV. NO. Ml- unimiGTon. n. c. Thursday. july22. 1075. unoi!i;o.Hc,c3 . J) 11 y i:nk nl WILMINGTON, N. 0.: THffSSOAY. JULY 22. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH, (JOTIIAM. ERIE RAILWAY A CENTENIAL LEGION. Nkw Tobk. Ju1t21. The Erie Rail way has employed Douuau B. Eaton to proceed to Loudon to obtain two and a half million dollar remaiuiog from Boudn mgotiaUid there, and whioh are held by the London Banking Aa- Bociation and James MoIIeuiy, on the ground that claims luaj be made affuiust them by Eurojeana, whioh claims th Erie Company do not re cognize. 1 At a meeting of past and active members of the Washington Light In Iautry Association on Monday, a proposition was read from Mnj. Gil cliribt, of Washington Light Infantry of Cha leston, 8. C, with reference to an organization of "Ctmteuial Legion," from leading veteran organization of the "Old Thirteen StateH" to take part iu the National Cautenial celebration ut Philadelphia next year. The Le gion is to consist of one battery of Light Artillery, twelve companies of of Cavalry, and ten companies of Iufantry, one Company each, from New Hampshire, Massachusetts' Connecticut and Rhode Island, with a field officer in command, and selected by those companies; one each from New York, New Jersey, Delaware and reunaylvania ;with Hold oflioer eelt'c ted by the companies. One each from Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Bouth Carolina and Georgia, with Hold officer selected as aforesaid, and each company to be limited to seventy five men in all. All companies to ren devons in Philadelphia on the 2nd of July at noon. -The proposition also states that the centennial of the bat tle of Fort Moultrie to bo oelebrated in Charleston on the 28th of June, 1876. It will be desirable for as many of - these companies as possible or rep resentation thereof, to rendezvous in Charleston to assist in the celebration, and proceed thenoo to Philadelphia, by rail or steamer, as may be agreea ble. The plan was well received by the Boston organizations, and several members made brief speeches, urging the acoeptanee of invitation to attend 1. . . l f rA.t t j tun uouwuuuu ui x uit luuuibrie, suu though no immediate action was ta ked, the opinion of the members was in favor of participating in forming the proposed legion. ; TEXJESSEE. LYNCH LAW FINDS A PROPER VICTIM. Mbmfhis, July 21. In May last, a young lady residing in Iuka Mica., was most brutally outraged and beaten at the depot while waiting for an escort, at an early hour, by a negro hack dri ver named Unis Thompson. During the struggle she hit him on the cheek which led to his capture last Monday. Be was arraigned for. trial on yester day, and was sentenced to the peniten tiary for life. The greatest ex ottement ensued upon the announce ment of the verdiot, as the lady was poor and unprotected, but highly res pected by all citizens. The exoit uient culminated last night by a party of disguised men going to the jail and taking Thompson out, carrying him near the depot and hanging him. - FLORIDA. FAMILY FIGHT FIVE MEN KILLED. Montgomery, July 21. Reported' trouble of a fight in Fendido, bsoum bia county Florida, between two fam ilies, Hattette and Byers, in whioh were six men, consisting of a father and two sons on each Bide were en gaged. Five wore killed outright, when the sixth and last had a load of buckshot in his side, whioh must ansa death. B3th families are said oo be of Indian decent an old family fend. HEADQUARTERS. GRANT'S MOVEMENTS. , Washington, July 20 President Grant is here to attend to a routine of business. He had interviews with heads of departments. EUROPE. FOREIGN MISCELLANY. THE ALLIANCE DECLINE IN COTTON. . Madrid, July 21. An official dis patch in Temps, reports Gen. Darre gnry wounded, and taken refuge in Frauce, near Conterets, - London, J nly 21. Cotton operatives of Oldham hold crowded meetings whioh resolved to refuse masters terms of fixing wages. Oldham alone con tains 10,000 operatives. The mills of the surrouuding district are unsettled. General rupture in the Lancashire cot ton trade may be looked for. London, July 21. The delegates at tending the Presbyterian oonferenoe number about one hnndrod. The fol lowing Amerioan representatives attend ed yesterday evening. Rev. M. Mor ris Cincinnati ; Dr. MoCosh of Pnncoton Stuart Robinson, Louis ville ; Sloan of Alleghany oity, and - . T V U . xwigurs oi new iu, - - London, July 21. Alexander and William Callie, of the firm reoently suspended arraigned at Guildhall, on charge of obtaining large sums of money from London and Westminis- tor Bank on false pretences. Total amount alleged in the information we have obtained is one million-, but re ported to be actual! v much larcer. Ingrant Ballantiue was counsel for de fense. Prisoners were remanded for bail, forty thousand for each, . which has not yet found. It is reported that Prussia and UasHia iteud to furlough on large scale next year. One of the Vienna papers urges Austria to follow, and prove an alliance be tween the three Emperors worth sonie- thing. Stock in the Anglo American tele graph advanced two pounds of The Rise attributed to the reported failure ami repair of the direct cable stock of which declined 20 per oent since the 8th- i Likvxbfool, July 21. Allison says the rapid deoliue in cotton is forcing weaker holders clear off their stocks and creates a gloomy feeliug, ' ? Unimportant ootton failure' yester day, uneasy and depressedfeehng con tinues but no f urtoer trouble report ed. Market keeps dull and irregular. NEW YORK. BANKERS' CONVENTION-FIGHT AMONG THE FAUCIES. Sakatooa, July 21. The Committee on Resolutions reported, first: Favor ing immediate resumption, and calling upon every citizen to hasten the day when every promise of the government to pay a dollar should be redeemed in com. Sooonu : Calling for a repeal of , war tax on banks. Third: Urging Congress to issue coupon bonds in ex change for registered bonds of the same date. Fourth;. Demanding the abol ishment of two cent stumps on oheokB and vouohers. Fifth: Favoring a per manent organization of National bank ers. Mr. Buell, of New York city, upoke in favor of the resolution for immedi ate resumption. Mr. Thomas McGu re, of Bpringtield, Massachusetts, oifered the following : Kctolved, That it it the opinion of this Convention that an act to provide for the resumption of specie payment, approved January H, 1870, ought to be amended so as to orovide for Gradual contraction of all legal ton ers, regardless of time, and the re sumption be extended to the flrtt of January, 1875, to afford time for the business of the oonutry to adjust its elf to a change without a sudden fall in prices. .. ', ' Mr. MoGuire spoke at some length. The roport of the Committee on , Res olutions was adopted. ' ' 1 George wukes, editor of the Wilkes Spirit 'IHmca, was assaulted to-day in Saratoga by Price MoGeath, well known turfman, on account of an ar ticle in the Spirit severely stigmatiz ing MoGeath and John Chamberlain for their management of the races at Long Branch. MoGeath struck Wilkes with a cane, when a struggle ensued. There was some heavy fencing, in the course of whioh Wilkes' cane was bro ken. Neither was hurt Wilkes call ed for the polioe, and on his complaint MoGeath was arrested for assault and battery. Justice Scott will bear the case on Friday. McGeath was dis charged from arrest without bail. ELELTR1C1SM8. Major Fulton, of the Amerioan toam, won the St. Ledger cup by 103 out of a possible 150. Raderty, tax collector of Grant Par ish, Louisiana, was murdered at Col fax by ex-Sheriff John B. MoOoy. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE UNIVERSITY Of H. G. Thii iDBtltatiott frill be re-opened on The First Monday in September Next, The term ending th M Thursday In June, 1874, with a Taction at two week at Chrtstnu. It baa been re-organlied on the UleotioHfitem, combining, however, three curricula or Art, Science aiul Agrlanltnre. instruotien will be given in the branches of learning usually Uught In the bett College Bpeolal Instruction provided iu Agriculture and the Mechanic Arte. An able faculty ha been appointed. The buildings thoroughly repaired tor the reception of several hundred .tmlent. For circular explanatory of the ahote. apply to KKIflP I. HATTLE, rieoretarv Board of Trustees. julyK-lm Ualelgh, N.C. Episcopal High School, Near Alexandria, Ta. ' L. X- BLACKFORD, M- A,, Principal. Founded In 1889. Next Session opens Septem ber 22, 187S. Boys prepared for college or bus iness. Assistants and terms as before. Oata loguesenton application to the Prinoipal at Alexandria, Va. - """ -;'-" "--. - --" NOTICE The Arm of CONOliBY ft TATES la this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due by the Arm will be paid by Oh as. W. Yates, and all debts due to the firm must be pall to Chae, W.Vates. JOHN J. OONOI.KY, OHAS. W. YATES. The bnilness heretofore) conducted by Oono ley A Yates will be carried on by Otias. W. Yates at the eld stand. . .. ., Wilmington, N. O. Inly 21 The Dawson Bank. jgY OKDEk OF TUB BOARD OP DIRKO tors, the Books of Subscription to the Capita' Stock of this bank will be opened at their bank- tog room on Thursday, the 29 1 Instant, at 10 o'clock a.m., and remain opea nntll further ordered. W. LAKK1H8, Esq. July ihl-lm . COTTON TlliS. 100 Tone Pieced Cotton 1 le 1 ' On consignment, and for sale low by July S3 WllllasB narcalaon. s HOW BILLS gotten up ami printed In the must attractive style al tno JOUBHAL OFTICS, IZW ADV12TI3I2ZSTS. A Good Chance rot mt ta close eat axy stock of Frrack doth aad Oaaataere. I Will Make Up to Order BcstNEii Borrs, : V ' WEDDIHQ 8UIT8, DUOONAU COAT! AND YK8TB, 1 i "! BLUl FUNIL SBISTS, WBIT1 UNIX IHIXT8 ' As ehaap u Uty ea b keaght ra4y Bade A. DAVID. ' iflBCIIAKT TaILOB. Julytl St. Ilaiys School, RAI.KIGH, V. O., TUN 8Hty-eavnth Uras of the erhMi will caaaaiaooeaeBtaaiberl.litl. Tbeeharaw ur Mord ana angusa taliioa. aur a Mraa el iwrnj weeas, w aiuo. Fiw a eiroalar, apply Mev- Albert Swede, D. l., Kaleigo. N. O. July 19 Ail w4t RICE, SUGAR, COFFEE AND TO BACCO . Barrel Blew, 28 Barrels sogar - m Hat UoftW : ; ,; J H TV 109 Boxes Tobaero, ; For sale by fciBCHiB k Oaldib Bitoa. ' JalyW HARWOOD; A He w Mo veil T THI ACTHOa ev TUB -ODD TRXJikl,'! ' Published by F. J. Bate & Boa. , , r Bound im Cloth, $1 25 ; Papbb, $75. I ' ....... Just reoslvtd hyeapresa, aadfat aaWat I HEINSBEItCEIVi ' Live Book and Mueio Store.' July IW ,.- - . - Hono BonnetSs jTbaaheapeatTrankala the city j Baddies, HarMts, Feather Uuaasrs, Lieatliar, Bwtdlsry, Hard ware, Ail areas. UnnH Lap Dus ters, Li'ien HheeU, Wblpa, Hoars. Hamas, Dollars, Back Hands, aad all ktudltM Badatary Ootxls, ahaap for cask at the lauUlery Brora of CARPENTER MALLARD, BuooMsort to J B Topbaaa Oa., o. BobU Front Btreet, wUmington, M.a July U ICB-tf A REVOLUTION m tmb SHIRT TRADE. Wamsutta Shirts ut lengthwise the Sloth J I, too UMEHj part- made, at only - SI 25 Each. aWOABH AOEBOYllCUBBD.B MUNSON&CO., CUT CLOTHIERS. juij w : TuOlioM MWM Tiui almost uuprootdeoUd warm weather having com upon of, aa 4 th question of the day being how to keep coot, w would advise Our numerous friend and customers to try oar large and carefully (elected assortment of To which, If Ice be added, and some of those. It i ' Fine Lemons, Of which wo have Just reoolved a Urge supply, w feel sarn th happy result wHI b accom plished. Try our Receipt ! 0.D.MYEE3& CO., 5 and 7 N. Tbont Sr. F.vaar housekeeper should possess at least one of the lollewlng oelobratmt 'ook Books, as they would save the prloe of It In a week' cooking : ' ' ; Queen or the Kitchen ; V607 (Md Maryland Ke- wlpis 1 J Miss Les'ie' Mea Keoelpta for Oooalng....! IB Mrs. Hale's New Coek Keek ..I 11 The Young Wife's I look hook...... ...I T Ml.s lisli'i New Cookery Hook. I 70 Mrs. Ooodlellow's Ooakory as It alien Id Rel 70 1 he National Oook Book. By Hasina M. Bouvler I It Peterson's New Cook Book..,,,, .....1 li Wld lltleld's New tlook Book 1 Id Mrs. Hale's Uoooipta fur the Mllllofi I IS Hxisbbbbobb's nly 17 tf : LIT Book and Built Btore ' PRINTING OP EVKBT IMAGINA Mo description ,done In the best of itvlc at Uia JovBBAi. UrricB. aA-,LARJT8, lywA W BHIMB PHOCKB, tA ' ; B BACTBBNBrtiSS bjlO 11 A MPAQNK8, 1 1J CATAWBA WIN B 8, Q M AND w ,Ruir 3 Tj -TR0P8. MI 8 C1LLA bTOTJI. i 60 BOXES DESIRABLE To b a c c 9 o I Oct of Obdxb h Altrtyeraupcf poaad.ror Mm saooey, yea D.-PIQOTT. STT1 ATwmTw .TTTXraPXXR. ' CAFTAJB IXINKXB, tarrym tbA United State Mail ft PareMvill, aad mUrmodlat oflloars, will lav our wharf oa Taesday and Friday punctually atl:U f.u. . Vlck A Mebane, AGENTS. July 18 la A Hundred Years ! YOO might wait and nvr have th oppor Malty f baying govd at th prices at which I am eios out ny stock. It la aotto make roots, rbr another stock, but I a aalo to aloe oat th ontlr stock la a given lumber of day; and to Inaar this, on and altar th 10th Instant good will be sold at las thau cost for cash only. Com without further Invitation or delay, aa at th prleea th atooh will rapidly diminish. Bvory article I new no ahoddy or auction goods ta th store. Vary respectfully, - GEO. LEIBEU, ' 'wn , - B Market atrawi. ,Julv 15.1 a. t , k . ' V I ' '. ii'w- Bargains-Bargaiiifl. UBN'B CLOTH GAITBBa l'tt; foiti kS . I." i o i l - r7 j aua-v ixw yirtraa boh pi u, won ; ' IsVieBilr(mli I I ) r- 0aBlbA.fbi0b; s " Mo, 31 Market strsot. lantBMf Blgnoi the Qoldon Boot Our Livlns and Our Dead ProBooctuB of and Velum. ; ?tj MsTwaa.B.fXAaiTalilJ. Ov Livmo in Ovi Dbad win berw altar be published as Beau-Monthly Maga- aine, eoouaimng s pafa oi roaaing matwr, at B) per yastr in auvanoa. For tbo Information ol those who are not fa miliar wltt this enterprise, I stata that the chief object of th Magaaln will b to publish the Keoord that Korth Caroline and her lallanl soldiers mad In the lata War between tbo States," to gather th material rot th aa or the filter historian, and to perpetuate th memory or uoee crave men. omeor ana private, living or dead, who shed Imperishable glory upon their native Bute. id aumwn w in wis asdssd sr uuhtm Os.aoLiai.th Maiasln will contain sketch of every section, oouuiy, olty and towtt of th state, written oy oomneioni ana weu-iuiorm d persona, fM stasias A ers-saWasnlly a StmU ptriodieal, im Mict all olaisM ear ettssas iWd so itUtnti tmi mrid. Th Hagasln will Use th plan of th newspaper, having same title, published by me during Uie Oast twelve month. The first number will be iil.ssued Wednesd September tth, 1874. in the meantime, I re. iiectfully ask old subscribers whodsatr to re new their subscription, and all others who wish th Magasine, le remit promptly, as th Change and Improvements require considerable outlay, and ready aunty I needed. B. D. POOL, Address, till further notice. "On a Lma dOob Dnx," Newborn, M, 0.,or Balslgh, North Oarollna. Exchange will pleas eopy, augts : -. tM- ESTABLISHED 1844. Tlo Wiiiti Journal (WEEKLY) THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAP EST PAPER PUBLISHED IN NORTH CAROLINA. Tb Wilmington JounaaL (Weekly) oa en tering nnon its twenty.nlnth annual volume, has neen greatly eniargea ana improve!, it le th ily tnlrty-s ooiumn paper in ue Stats. ABA tlB8T-l.AS8 NEWS AND E.ITERAHY JOt7JVRAt IT IB UNEXCEIXED. Bmbraood la Its oolumns Is a mors eompleM, oompaot, yet comprehensive history of tho world's doings, from week to week, than can possibly bo tound In any other Journal, ' """" "t ft Is just th paper for'tbf 4mt and fireside, rail or good reading; all the seat Kdltorlal of the daily T all th Oongressional, begislatlve and Political news of the day. Its Ilarket Reuorts are always full and accurate. The Bevlew of tno aiaraets is acceptea oy me merratnaie com munlty as the true Index of tbo eommeroo of th city, while its repor otbsr markets ars full and roliabls. , INTERESTING Stories. Tales, &c. ars glvta every week, making It th best faro lly paper published la tbo country. ITS CIIICULATION is eery large throughout tho Stata and whole South. In New Hanover, Kdgeoomb Onslow, Duplin, Bampson, Brunswick, Bladen and Oolnmhus it is seneoially large, whlls la Hallfas, Wilson, Wayne, Carteret, Kohesnn, Kichmond, Anson, Cumberland and Moore, and In several counties of South Carolina, Its circulation Is very good. It Is published every Friday on the follow- 81 TERMS: One oopy, for one year .. . . . . , ...2 00 une copy, ior nix tuonuui... .... i uu Three copies, for on year. ...... 5 60 Four oopiM, for one year. ...... 7 00 X lrO Cvpitai, lur uuo ji5r. ....... o uj Tea oopioti, for one year........ 15 00 Twenty copies, for one year 25 00 . r To sverv getter-np of a OLTJBOFTKM . one aopy will be sent free for on year. Address JOURNAL irUMlMgtMM tf C. MISC1LLAII0US mm AT- COST! MATTWO resolved to eaaag my astaee I am demrons of lotnt oat mv entire stot-k before the anaroaehiaa Fall. I have tbarefoc detarmlued to oner my entire suxva or ; Notions. Doots. I . i- ' Uf! ' A. , Li I ' SHOES HATS, ACCOST and lees than eoet, for east. ' lAdl'e are especially salietteej ts it tts aa early call, to whom ws will offer ht a great sao- rWoe, som very dgslrablo Oosd la' tba way of i ...... HANDKERCHIEFS, , A , f IHU i HOSIERI, TJNDERQ ARMENTd,. , ' ' LACES, LINEN and COTTON H0USEKEEP- INO GOODS, - TABLE DAMASK,' " , DOYLAS, , TOWELS, ETC. - Wholesale buyer art advised af h faot that f hare tho largest and most desirable Jobbing sbJok m th olty. This department of oar stock has been largslj replenlshtd from th recent Bew York Bad Philadelphia eash auction sale, which enable u toolrar a great variety or Sta sia Dry woods suitable lot oountry trad, at half tha'orlclnal oort., 7 . ' "' '. " ""' . ' All Qoodssold at retail will be) strictly rot cash. Ninety day Unto will allowed oo wbolseal bills in amount of oa hundred do tare aud upwards (or olty aooeptano. v . B. WEILL, ' ......... ; Corner Front and Prlnoeas Street, July it, mo, Cartridges Cartridges. JOST BRCRITBD, a largo fnvoioe of kl kind "prisgflsld Breach-Loading Dies nenry nine, apoaosr sua rutoi car uuig of vry deeorlpiloa, and for saw at EicciiiiirlT Low Prices, At ths old estabUsbed Hardwars Hons ot JOHN DAWBON, July 19. ,., - . Be. la, A 31 Market St. ATTENTION ! VV. L. INFANTRY! TUB OAHTBIDABB OBDRRBD BT TOUB Company bavs now arrived, and are or sate at th lowestllving prloss by July II- QIUCB A MuBOBISON. 22 Ilarket Street. a PIGOTT, Totail, " WIIJlIINaTON, no., " At Home on and After luly July 4th, 1875. IS SPassionate Pilgrim TALES BY HENBY JAMES, Jr. n, ..w.. tntMrf. whnthar of mars curiosity or of critical forebjdlng, ! proaact sn issuraij i -2 - aii Mm attanilixw awakened Wit, IUW. W . - " - - " T and deUtnod hy the writings of Mr. Jams. Whatever else iney m ui eemmoa, and have that air of good krssdlag hiM. la tha token ot whatever la properly called Literature. ... i Th BBOV wora JUS OUl, auu n j ' COWOLBT 4 TTaIHB, JulylTf - ': ' '' ' The Odd Trump. THIBB LOT JDST BEOBIVKI) AT HEINSBERCER'S A DRAMA. By Alfred Tennyson ! ' 4 second lot Just received, and lor sal a HEINSBERQER'S Ltvb Boo K ahd Mtjsio Stobb. Ulrja -I- - - - ' '- Mochanlco of All Trades. I. .114 4 tKa rae ImwaTsB Btftfl flr-l4B. mxtmn of (TUOlJ4 riqutrd bf ?TJrtsasks. fflialfc Jill jrtAMl ItMMAliAB. UU BHMi SB I"1 . iiifllltTof ffKMfu-vrntin inrT reiot. . iTi msaarsB UtflA Bklttl mtHlATf. Aftll U tlltl Bl WUIjiii awa- ' I," J , vj . iimwil Vlnnasi nl .11 IH N OUl-BfnjtuiiniicraB iia ww ....... -w v, VVHS1 1IAWHUN, q. 1, to and il Market street. juiyta SX'sT aDTI2TIS23aTl 15 MARKBT miEET, Drwlr to o!l the attention of BO who take any interest in the prioe of DEI GOODS to the fact that ire are allowing . . . A DISCOUNT of 1 0 Per Cent ' - ........ . ,,i , ,i. Sn in SUMMER DREBS GOODS. Any article that belong, spaoiajlj to aamr war uoflt h sold ont. -; . . , t , LLAMA LACffi SHAWLS and SACQUES, , ( u, . - 1-U8UER Do. Do. Do. i Do. i ,J. r t WHITE AND STBirED SHETLAND SHAWLS. - - f ') .i'centi'. White- Press .Shirts'" '.'V 7 : " t Mad to order in any atylo that may bd deird. rn ouabaxtbbd, A fall BMortBiBBt always oa hand. JJbo Cui!, Collars and Underwear. ( j i 8tripl Ootton Cheviot Tweciv 'iAlHtni1 I Vi s Pulj 20 Oonts, worth 37t, wry deairkbU for trTe!lng. i "" . . " ( .'- i i .-- ; In1tBj Hlctrt Mupportrai, A. , PI ICW ; TJJIINO, ! ' And on of the moat desirable, f . i . . WHITE HJNJLIlVO, , Swiss, Nainsook and Victoria Stripes sad rialds very largs sssortmant, ..... ..... a . v , I ' - v.. 'V'"V T Aseata .r fraNB I.oslle'a Oirr rAPEat PATTt-HBB . , .. iqachlna NeodUslCeaitsoaich. Terms Cash Only BROW & RODDICK, 45Uarket Ctrcct, JUST; OPENED! i,i ,. . I J ! ' . . . . 1 I il. 1 ' 30. MARKET STKEHTT, -ANOTHEBLOT OP- ' i ! 1 . Black Grenadines. Black SiHr Challvs, v . , BLACK CASHMERES, CREPES, &C. 8UMMEH STOCK CLOSED OUT Lower Than Ever! No. 36 MAKKET STREET; My 1 1 . KISCXLUlfEOTJS. GEORGE IJYERS. U k 13 BOUTH FB0KT ST. , ; 1849. EstabUshed 1849 OKALIU IN TBK CHOICEST TEAS, Green and Black, English Breakfast, And all th Best Gradas. Wines, &Liquor0, CLABITB, IMFUBTBD IM UBIQIBAL CASKS, DEU0A1B and KI0HFLA ' TOBBO. ; - TABLE SHERRY, BIBB OLD BLA0KB1RBT WINB. OTABD. DOPBT A 00. BBANDT, (Tin tag lWi.) jamaioa bum st Holland am, (la original iacka(ti) . Popular "BliDB ORA8S" and "OEM WH18 Kl KB," tonther with a larse stock of Oor- -dial and Fane; liquors. Ths Uholoest and best selected stock of famll, . Urooertes In tba State. . For 8mithv.Uo I S' TBAHKB DIXIE" will ran regularly everyday eroept Bnnday Loavlng Wtlmluftoa 4PM . nmiinviuo .......... 7 A st Commutation tlcksU maybe purehaaed at ""yX O.G.PAB9I.BT4.00. VICTORY ! VICTORY! VICTORY! My Enemy, 111 Prices, Eonlcfl From v Ite Rclfl in Eror Eattfc t :;;:! Low Prices . Cone Out victorious i; ' : OMrTBlBO-Mens' and Mots' OlOtUnc. Gents' furnishing Uoods, f Ot-Gehralt all others in low prloss. M ! " Vj viedoi::3 cr.r.v.ve bsaivst rsasJeaabt shiest the JJUttStL triUB artiolel that has dbsb introdooodl Ono Prico. ',..i'.!Vt lliflli.... 1 " :'" .! '' - V V GREAT RUSH : FOR .. BOOTS A1ID T31I0Z3 AT :. i - l: CC. A. Prico'o, JuljlO BIB of the Golden Boot. The Charlotte Obserrer : 1 ; .' ' Tbs only morning dallv paper pnbllshed la 1 the Btata west oHUIelfh and Worth of Wll. mlntioa, offtrs spselal ladaosassnU to adrer tisers. Its circulation, sis aad nserolaesa have bee a larrslv Inereased durlsi th veer ' Just past, and It now reaches most of the Bar obantso Western North Carolina, thuaoffar- Insan nnsvrpassed aMdlnai of oommaala tlon between the Msrohantsof WUmlnftoaaneV th people of Western orlh Oaroilns. J ' ! -Lh'L-' xaantoB iDMOBirTioai .. ., ; Dally. ..... i... ...,.M MpsranBim. Weekly....,....,,...,,,.,;,., i 0 V Advertlsms very low. t maj 118-tr Turnip Seed! ' i- Turn p Seed3 " Nsw Crop 1875. , .-. Grown by Landreth 4 Bulst. Philadelphia.. Also a larss assortment of Uabbaga. Seed, ! - ; XVI SMS VJ GBEEN PLANNER. Mri "Everybody" Pill, A Centle but Certain Cathartic They at with eiKTanrtT oa th Liver, aa taln no calomel i ars pnraly Vegotabls. The beet, snreet, safest sod miidaat purgative) PHI la nee. Thev ars ased sanre generally than any other PlU la use. far the length af time they have been before tho public, Aro Biosly sugar .coated and bottled al U oeata ser Bottle. Ask yoor DraggM for 'Evibtbodt'S" Pat,, aud take no other. . , . -Julr a ' . 158-lm MRS. HEKJtY WCCD'I KEV7 tZZll PBAMCKSBILPTABD. Price ft) Cents. , ' rive Thousand a Ysar, Price) Sn orate. J Th llamond Bracelet Price M eenU. . , ' ThaKonaway Match. PrUKeeuts. , The Bmurrr'e Ohort. price) M eonta. ' ' A Fos;gy Night at Oxford. !ifl oenta. Clara Lake'e Dream, f rlne BS eeHta. ' ' Th Nobleman's Wife. Price ' esnta. , ' Martya Ware's Temptation. Wosnis. The fjoat Bank Note, Prloo M eenta. ,t The HaanUd Tower. Price 5 esula. . A Life's Beers, Price M amtta. , ,: . The Mystery. PriotlSoeaU. . ; , , . .' ' - Tot sal at ( ( ., . a 1 hmm m a - mm a ww a Llvs tHwk and H aalo Oiors. ir 1(9 IRUULAK3 OF KVJSUY lilWCiUi1 tlon cotton up In the rMiatmt of styld at the Joukmal Ofpics.