J;ii!i) ?!ouh.;i1. tlf v;iL!:i::aTc::. r.. o : Turr. : rii. ji:ly 2. 1 corjvcriTio:: Election, Au; rci? : arssvrct oorsrf. I, vvtvcx cocyrr. -- 1 xttmiiM motm - JOSEPH A. .WORTH", aOBKSOS. DUNCAN SINCLAIR. CALtlXA!. cEACIIEUX. o CAKTrarr. JAMES liUMLEY.' ooLrnBra coon., FORNEY GEORGE, in oHatow bocvrr. JAMESt Q,S(QTT. . iaktsox corjrn, aJ.FAlSOX, TLLIAII'XIRBY If. in svite of ttrotestana cnallcnae. v w m - - - j - - w an iiltgal vote it fUJrjt, let the prop affidavits he at ohce' piade before lh vrnpsr qflloer, to that the parties thus illegally voting may at once be arrest td and thereby prevented from etmp ing the penalty provided by law in such eases-. We rcfKat, let the pro jcthJ0uut Stikack and let the par- ties fraudulently voting be at once or- . . i Remember tkatthf tlootioo law re quirea "That akin h tecrUt tkal lunged at the poui upon demand o) any citizen of the State it ihalt be tht , duty of the Inspectors of the Election to require said voter Ixfore being at- lowed to vote to prove by the oath of some other person knotm to the judges the foot o(if r6suiaiCi for iMrty d(lprwourherelo in the ' eouhty in twite a he proposes to vote. Remember alao that the election law aya: "Ao cfcftyiAaB be tntttkd t egittler or vote in any other precinct or toumship than the one in which he Is an actual or bona fidt, resident on t he day of election,, and m certificates of regittrahrm khall bi plrni." " ' 8APOfir' COUNTY. Ion. J. M. Jaohwilljaddreaajhe people V Qampkn atJiotrtoo jQrove, on Friday July 30th, and at Clinton, July siat. 't u' ci:iKOki: BimNa ASiSI IVIBI OaB ConstjLY iiutiom and looking solely arid alone to the fact that auoh men aa ex -Judge Bnaaell ndex-JndXorgBetad oth er leaden of the gro pariy, after failing to defeatjSe Uotiention' now seek to control it, we find therein ampl T1fM0 i ;eTerT Recent man', every decent white taan ahould totar-for" the "candidate! of "the Democratic, or white inau'a party. It ii a mc tni, ml . mental : ijnpoaaibility for auctiai&Lt givotho piopla good advioa. Binoe their advent into polit- 4 1D0 MKortbCpioIlii, they, have nniformly aided with the negro, and against Ike jtytf p 5vThej'jioannot DO VTU8MKI. .u ABE LIWCRS BOOKM TAXED t ' JUBMlt'ilO ! t-ALiSlioOD NAILED. The address to the people of North Carolina pat forth by the State Execu tive Committee; p( the 'negro party makee another most astonishing assor. tionasjolloffsx' i, "And while there is exempted but twenty-five dollars upon agricultural implement and the tools of mechan ics, there ia no tax whatever on the books of lawyers and other profeaa ionalmen." . utt.. ' How much or rather how little truth ti there In the. hove. will b aeen from the extracts from the lawa of last winter, 'which we print below. Tbe "machinery tot" as it is called, or the hot that provides for the collection of taxes sajB in the ninth section, that tha liatof taxable property given in by eacH person shall contain. . . . AtiSfbe estuimUa': Ta,ve1i without apeoifying artioles pUarming utenaila, tools 'of WoChanics, houtohold' and kitchen furniture, provisions, arms 'for muster, 'wearing apparel for tise of owner and family, Ubroriet and icien- unaiuslrumentsv'U mi it" t'"U- t" . Now thie ahqwa that the booka of lawyers and professional men are tax able property. If, therefore, the books of the lawyers and other professional ttf" be taxable .property- eadil by the Revenue Act oil the taxable property in the State be Uted, it foUowa that the statement made in the addreei of the Executive Committee of the negro party la "utterly nntnie.'.u ' ;:.;:';, . Whet does the Revenue Act ley 7 It aaya nnilor Jhe head 0 ;Cltujs Beo. L There ahall be an md valorem Ux of rixteen and two thirds cents for the penorrd fund on every one hundred -" -Jfi p arcalprop t.:ji.ut , L j," BuLject.to eiemp ticrs r.aJd t j law, including moneys, creJ.'n, bonJa, slocks and al ohi r (ax.i','c yirvy rty. fcso. 2. A sj-ooil tax of clue evnU on the one LauJreJ dollar etall l levied and collected on all UiaMe propertj of the riute for tha Ioaaue Atylnm, and Ui Inct tuuoa lor tue Dnnib ac 3. A p t mahnndrt oolU vl t: Stat o b r ..a' .lot J t .loll, Jit rr'- on ied rof rt shall be 1 Uie prop.' i to the . general ooniMcted wui the Penitentiary. And yet in the face of theaa plain provision of th tatrrthe negro party aeaerta that "there if no tax whatever upon the bowiaof !awyeraand profea eional men." Doea thia negro party think that white men are to be fooled npo n isqiaty wRb Ir6, either menVMiy atoraBj, r 'Mctaiiy. ji gToeabe.ieve anything their Radical taaaleta teU tttf m ao matter how glar iegfytnJ j$'bU men acknowledge than mere Radioal authority to make them beKave a.IUdioal aaaertiva., , , j ;:tW3 U..,1 Aa 8CBB A8 THI BUM BHIWXB the Cocverttici will tueet ta Ba)igt)n the first Mondy -fn'SepMrnberhat mnoh iaflsed and aattle beyoad dobt The only qaeetioa for : the peopht to decide,! the it election -who ahali rep reaontthcn?,inthk Oonventiau, Shall we have the oandidatee oi the negro party there' to degrade, disgrace and impoverish va a they did ia 18C8, pr ahalt )we snd thare the ablest, beat and truest men in all the land, to frame the Cbnititutioi ad Gaernaini, an der which we must Itve? In answer to thia question we have no fear that the white men of North Carolina will give forth any uncertain sound. Victory, final, complete victory, ia almost with in Our reach, and we ahall not fail to have graipeaif wheVtbJ sun sinks to rest two weeks from this day. The Norfolk Landmqr, comment ing upon Dr. Craven'B letter declining the nomination ' tendered by the Oon servativea of RaBdolph county,-well Bays: "' ":"' ' "The author of thia admirable letter oompreuwoaiuiiy wa apocreanaiuno- tiona of t Minister of the Gospel, and it Ja V be lamented tht Bie aensation- al briaobera .of tha N or t -cannot un dorstond thai "the pulpit, the hustings and the roatrum are united in interest, but not in disousnion." If Mr, Beech- er, for example, had oomprehended thia, and with the dignified abnegation of Dr. Craven bad devoted himself aoloTy o thCtiWet of bis dUOtteCBi would never hare found himself la the humiliating attitude in whiou he now stands before the people of two hernia cheree." ., A.BarnlUK Rhaio. From the Hlllikoro Kaaorder. Under the old Constitution thore was some distinction between vioeand w(rnA KarivAan AwJrMk aaril i at tiAAAn Quilt bad ita penattiea .whioh marked a lasting difference between the effeud er and the free citizen. Nuvr iU all 4iffenl.i' ! The rights of the vilest criminal are only in abey ance during the temporary suspension of fibetties. With the withdrawal of the prison bolts, he marches forth a free man .restored to all hia riirhta and prrvilegrW toHetitraliae by his foul Dream tne voice or tue pure, the hon est and the patriotic Nor doea he alwava : have 'to vrait until tbe legal tcria Of his sentence has expired. rany naa ase rot mm- in its emergen cies. How often have we eeen judicial or executive olemency strike off the okatnl frji tbe criminal, throw, ppen mepnaon gates, ana maron mm Xortn to swell the tide of "vtotory or cast his migut tn the oubtiai acalea of con- ttict. . - There ia nothing more precious than the right of .suffrage a right whioh is oonaeded n o not an jahareat one. but -wort from power try natd wnmrle and worthy now tabe uherisbed aa the heritage of the free and of the honest Are Ahe people willing to sea thia right degradsd by its lowtor mjovmanl bv the thief, the forger, the felon in all we gradations of crime r Tet this must be ao under thia prea ent Constitution, and iwtil the. people aetermine tnar xne uonvention or 1870 shall restore tbe riirhtful relations be tween crime ami obediepee: to the laws 01 the tana and of morality. . To'Toub Post. The Ilaleigh Vn'g aays the campaign has begun. The enemy ia up and doing. They have money f they are determined to re gain their power: Let orlr friends be up alao and hard at work It ia no time to play,, There ia danger, not of losing the Convention only but of los ing the state. Lot our speakers be abroad to rouse the' people from apa thy 'It then thorn them the dan gers 01 their' indifference. "Let them meet me attempt to array class against utBen. jurganure emus, (uiuuae mior mation, reach every man in every com- mnmty, ana bring every man to the pOIia. ' - ... .,,!....- . The Democrats have nothing to fear from discussion.' They have the in terests of thei people and ot the state to work for The Republicans work to regain power ana to retain office. The New Orleans Pica uUne save oon. siderable credit is given in New Orleans to the story that nearly all tbe passen gers and crew of the ohooner Florinda, which sailed from that ttort with I party for California inlS49nd waa'never heard of after leaving Kio de Janeiro have been recently discovered !by Bntiah vessel on a hitherto unknown island of the Pacific, where the Florin da bad been - wreekad. and- where the company had since remained, ahnt off from communication; with tba outer world. ' I i f If f The eonteet over j the tight of the Raltitnore city eryernrnent to appro priate nontry for tec tartan nseel, is pro masing 'tbrotiglr1 the oonrta. The Baltimore American aays: 'Several of the SostrtJttion greeted by the 7eoen, injunotioa JUid1ywri"'rr' Pinkney againat tha payment of tiie eity appro priations to Buoh charitieiB have sua, mitted thqit answers and -applied for tbe dissolution bf the bjunotion, , by each Jald Waehaodajike.a parcul Of ir4ntnVs4oT Wiea4y lvKB.-wiri.uk thai loaa1 mit'nut thaia XI.-XILLAXEOw IN STORE.! INST ! CM EELH. FLOUlt, r J W&'mD, K. HiJfsi 'houljtrn, " .3 ' JKiJssJ :hiutdera, ! 73 I Ja. I Cr p Cu' i Hulan, ! 100 1 M S, .L M :k, ;. I soy Ri 3, . , . 01 iiee TobifcCoo, " , , 100 " Lye and PoUsh, ' - 75 Bags OoflV. ' M Bbla. ringar, 100 Cmwa Oyatrrs, r DO " v rioki.' ' " 400 Spirit Caka. 100 Bbls. Gla, " - ' 9Q0FapeTRivn,t! Jo tout Iloop &o0, Tiinx. It1! ' ( Caudles, Caudy, liutebea, BnulI, Khot,;'l; Caps, Powder, 4c, Ac, io. For ml by KKHUHKKK A l)AI.IR KKl Qi:mhst FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES. The most Perfect Alarm Cash Drawer. j mi.re axAHM.Tji4co.'. aim, Hwrtng't 81 ' OoBet nd Dug 1 tt FAIRBANKS' , . STANDARD SCALES. . ancoTot J , E- & T- FAIRBANJia & CO- bt.juhnmhuky. vr. . raiotFt n'Ais waoi'Pw. AlHUtRKXA ( O , )1 1 HrMUwa I m. v. f AlKttANKM 0) OOmHO Htltlmor 8t , Bal tlmorfl. Ml. rAinHKC., Si Ukp atmt, Nt Ur- rilxAKi Co., 3Miln BUeet, Buffalo, f Ataiiftiiti A Co., m Beoilwj, Albtnjr 4ii m no , an t Fin 1 , monireu Iaii 1 d biik Un., M KID fVUItam fet., Um dun. Ktltf. iiiraiiiii. Bhowm A Co., Milk BU, I ton, MaM. - .... fliniiAUK A Ewie, MmodIo Hall, Pblla- Haliihla, Ha. I , ' AianaiiKi, Moaaa ft 06 ,111 Uka St.,Cbl- f AiaAHKa,'Moass A !, U Wal nt Btroat, tiinoilinn.i, riim. AiaaAaan, MoukbAOo, 1H3 HaparlorBt,, Ularaland, Ohio. Alumna, Moaaa A Co., 4S Wood Btrect, PltUburgh. aikb4kk, Moaaa A Co., Bib and Main St., U)uilll. aikbak &(?o., m and 304 Wadilugton , Aaime, Mt, lmtt. - , AlaaAHaa A UoTCHivaoM, Ban mnMaoo, For a la by loading Hardwara 1)alrii. joaat" ' '!' . eWwJiw sea FORTUNE IN IT Every family ' H. OIQ Df 1 Agenta. Addreat, O. H. Aunait. ana, r. 4W ,0100,8500, 01000 bPTRN reallie imnieiiMprnntawhenlnTut ad In Block PrUUi gee. Ctrcnlari, contain ing lull eiplanatlou ot tha mode of 0ieratlug, ami quotation ptloeaof all 8 too In dealt hi, at NEW" YORK j STOCK ' EXCHANOE, temfree on applloatuin to BIMON80N, BARREIRAS & CO. r It.nknt. A HrukAl Banker A Hrokere, lp. Jun m. Y. Stock Kxobanga, s wall it., w una 6 m - ........ 139-eodljAwIy Ibemarle -'male- Institute, barloliMivUUi, Va IVtu Annual Mbmiiiii pimm let Meptemher, with a full Karulty and itigani new e(iiiputmar hvihi. aavewHoi.i- ty, giMNt tare ami tlwirougn uutraoiiOM at tma tioUfKe. For Ik-tall, miOiara H. H. KAW U Ntfs Mi A. rrtnclBij 4w int tt'nn a ti cr, or toni, i. t'HAHIH!V).i How elthet ae Bay faaclnata and gain the loe and affecttona of any patiaatliay cbnonlnetaatly Tbl.almplo, mental acq turamm w an ww Boaaeea, irae, oy mail, ror son, tngetnur witn a marriage gume, r.gvptian vrM. wreama, mims to iauiea, Waddlng-Klgbt Mhlrt, &. A anaat book -Addreat T. W1LMAH A Co., Fubllahera, Pblladalpbta. r . w. 1 T Agent Wntod The CENTENNIAL GAZETTCR of Ui t.N la kd a 1 ATfcw Miowa tba aiand reunite of IOO yeara ol rreeaom aiai rt'iij rw aaia emipieia. Over I.U06 naaoa. llTeKtaowjd KTBrTBndf bare It an' ag'nU nuilttfnm $100 to B'iOO a numlk. Addren.l. O. MoODHUV A t)o., Publleliere, l"htliiMila. P,! -" .- '. K 4 k-! ti-iliiiw.nwi.,w,,.l ...,i('r ".n,,t "iplitAdlior. 1 wun nu n, A l uim.iuwilr 1 -,nit Vthialil. Xunulro (n. Do not 'i'7i un writ, k, once on poiui EKliU, Itb T RRW TOB& -l , ... "- i- - .! ... A T V JvAWatakBtptoiMlM pay aelllnfour ,P ifA gooita. W hare other noveltle, wbiou are aa Maple m Flour, nor IfliulrAtad o&tAlAifii.. 'i'. send itamploi ii Adare f, tiiiWVK, New pad Man i i v U ,26-11 (tn A Dally to Agenta. 83 new artl 96U olei. and tlie bt Kamlly Paper tn America, with twosl.lw UkrAtaoa. free. AM. MTU UU., 300 Hroidway, N. Y. w BOOK AGENTS wanted to anil "The PaflohV iteakion House Miolieal AdTlser," by K. V. Pleroe, M. I). Wiw mot readr wiling book out. Kxclu le territory and Hlirrtl Urin. , Address the Aathorat Butlaln, N.T. ..-. ,4 OlOtoXOOO A 11 1K book eipll Invested tn Wall Htroot cfton raait to fortune. alntna BTarrthlni 1 a ad a eony or tbe Wall street Review Onn ,IOH A HIURLINfl OO , Bank-Ollul jt 1 UU. ere and Broker. Ti Broadway, ew York W $5T$ff VeUWv. -A Agent wknted. aH of working loile of both , yuong ma oiu, niwi vt"ra nrunoy a work torn. In theft own IrioalHtea, daring their uare momenn, or all tha time, than at any tning ie. w oire BsaBioyment last wiii pay aanamsaeiji ror every nonr'e worn. Pull nartteiilar, term, Ao., eont free. Hand ut voo.r addreas at one. Uoat delav. Mow la tha time, Don't look for work or bualne luewhor. nnul yen bvo learned what w ottef . 1 n BTtMMM O,, Portland, Main. marts ........... -,,..,.,. iit-dfcwlv rtiromo rot ft.' Too graniteat i chance ever ottered agent. We I will seal) ta ahy adilrem, poat paid. IH beaailinl Oil t'hromot, ate ill 1, mounted on receipt of SI. Boll for SS to an buttr. Try a Uliromgn. 1 ay, ltd la the beat pajtiiir asen ov out. KtervlHMlv love and hnv Itiloture. W have work and money for all, me and wotaaa, boy awl girl, whole or fpar time, 11 art I me or evening, at noma or travelling Inoloa II tn a letter.' Ohromol by return man. i ney en aiiignt. WANTED -uC Bgee In tha world. Tt ooutaln tl gents for the best Prise Psok. tbeeta Danar. 19 en-oloi.e. Pen, Penholder. Pencil. Datent Yard Meaanro, uadkag of ferrumery, and a piece of Jewelry. Blngle packag with elegant prise, ptt paid. 33 04. The Florence Pioneer," rabUshed WMhly at rLOKKKUl, DARLINGTON VO B. O. Tarmat mt Per ABaotn to Advaboa. I tta largo and dall) Inoreaalng clrenlatloa la in re li country, ana Biong me tine ot tn Wtlmingtoa, Columbia 6 Augusta Kallreaa, MdtM It aa jAollnt ailvtrtlaiiig Hiertlwa tu the butne men 01 Wilmington. Monthly and yaarlj otraoU mad npon U taoat UDtrai wwr- ,.. w .. .WM. LITTLE, , Editor and Proprietor THE ATLANTIC HOTEL, :ir'Ai:-FCRi, im. o. : ' .... ' , . , . . , " fi r r ri- ii " ; M II ij ii I Ll 1 1 la huniawr by tha new owner, Caut. K. D muw auiivv rwARi.iaHMrx'T intiv li Mav I at tO OCIODor 181. open 10 auoa wi..y ""T' ,, J,iirT1?,'Jmfi tJaii faili ei'iM.' lUhnaatarMOwaia I'tMfast aaqualataAM ail l.rnif gutKUof tbo Atlanlle JloUI. iTba Mt ullar lluation of tbll boane affurdl aU atvkDOfa. ,3n;:0Nb DC8T l' N0FLIE8ll! Hathlat llaawi are attarbtd to tbo hOBM. ....... .a. ..T ... ...i . . a n, Tbe Muie Hall and auin-umllnt gUerladdg la rafluid a plraaant leueet Irom tha glaia ottbe.ua by dav. and a brnilant fOBrt 04 Tm-lcbore at nlgbt - ..... AHltbagameilMtiettl e and aaioai inent to b found at intand rotorta, bealdea pleafaro .noati, iat failing ana wen managra, iot j ! f; r f ic-NicvrwRiKO partus, moomlight sails, (Tha hoirrt WEb and UQUOKB aie to .ra u .11 1 -a i n. tticitiiT.. 1 let etn n unid of i thf-r rartlfa. i Aided b .i rt.iB. a.n.iM..hd a co' d )oMt Bad Bttnti aerrant. with amp'er mooie Btidi'erWrdlniwowaiMifarefertlj trade In tbe (olliiaiy Dej aliment, the propneuw rttn-r hiwwll Oat bf. W AKMKi Ht)frE,tr tbai.w icelme. will be eenmorea u.ftlT to IiI.mhci nin r tban the BortBtolka geneial jub(lc. strict UecorBm will t rigidly rafiiiced awl tbe ruB.lirt e lMtota ahf (y Huaje )V i i f i ; Trnui ; 9 nn r Anr fn firtit week': 11J0 per dav for seoond week. - tell rontrarta made wltb faatlltoi and Utr. CblUltea and kerfauti hall ptloa. - . .. I J mayl3 -Uw tf. UlsCilLAWODS. BMGilKJS exchange corner. " : mt lone tn Bacon, Pork. Sugar, and Coffee B0 JloxoB D. & Sides. , .'" ' 50 Boxes Smoked Sides and Shoul . .. ders, ' 25 Bbls City Mess Fork, " 100 Bbls. Refined Sugar, 100 Bags Prime Rio Coffee, " ' ' For Bale low by - f , WILLIAMS MUR0HISON. r"iour-Corn-8yrup-Rlco. . 800 Bbla. Flour all grades. , 6,000 Bushels Prime White Corn. 50 Bbls. a n. Syrup, , . ., 25 Bbls. Rice, . P Por aale tow by v" ""' '' ' ' ( 1 WILl.lAMa A MURCHIHON. Hay-Hoop lron-Clue-3pl- rlt Barrels. 500 Bales N. R. and E. Hay, 400 Bundles Hoop Iron, ; 100 Bbla. Glue, 350 Seoond Hand Spirit Casks. Far sale low by j WILLIAMS A M0ROHISON. MOLAtS--GUAKO--r.AILl--:HOT 100 Hhds. and bbls. New Crop Cu. ba Molasses, 200 Tons Gaanape Uuano, 100 Tons Eureka Guano, 800 Kegs Nails, . . -u; 200 Bags Shot. . For aale low by . f ' ' '" WILLIAMS A MUK0HISON. July 4 . . lot Tie G.sroliia ficnselmJil MaiaziM,,, A N ILI.U8TRATKD MONTHLY C. ehote Xa. ' Literature, will bo hwaed from thr Ioldb. bubo Mbssbnhbb OrviCB oommenclnc wltb January, ItrtS. The CM. nnmber will b ready tor mailing by December lelb, and the period ical will be pnbllahed eaeh euooeedlng month thereafter without Interruption. No advan tage will ba neglected vaich either talent or capital can aommand to render aaeh laans an agreeable and Instructive compendium ot nolo reading, by popular writer, both bom ana auroaa, The Carplin , !!imeliold Kaeazine will be a large Ss-pase, elahty-fom column monthly, hamttomely printed ad aa tinted book ana oeautuuuv Illustrated. It I a thoroughly soutbern enterprlee aud lUauoce I already full y an 11 red. The pubtteher mean troduoed In the family circle, I ur 10 be eagerly watched for and carefully erseerved. lla'-POHTKAIT OALLKMY" will prove an Bttraotlva r.atur. Th January number will oonuuB a ue-iiaa piaiur 01 EX-GO V. Z.B. VANCE, and biographical sketch, to b Ihllowed In each succeeding number with photogranbs ot ovaar tvminui caatearaen, aiytn ejt f ONLY TWO. DOLLAKo A YEAH and each subscriber nam ni.ka a nh.tiiu. ni l'HRBB MOST BSAUTirilL,LABUKmiKAVlllGH, Use of each M t SO Inches, vis: "Th Finding ot th Bavlour In tbe Tempi," "The Madon na," or "Khig Law Defying th Storm," for. warded on receipt of the ubortpt!on price. Either of th Kngravtngsl worth doable the prime Baked for tbe Magaalne. ft" Any on sending a olub of flv will re ceive bb extra subscript iob Ire. Mini, . coiiii 20 oeut. free by mall. 8i month uborip tiou, without tbe Kugravlng, SI. B9ft dra o te Wanted E verywhere. JULIUS. BuMli, rubltsher, Holdsboro, N. O. Furniture I 'Furniture! NKW AND HANDSOMK PATTBRN9 OF iParlor, t bam bar and Dining Furniture received this week, for tale LOW. Call and tiamln. - ''- -' .. i v.i-.v D. A. IMITH A UOv . QUOW BILLS gotten ttp ami printed in I O the niobt attractive iyle at Uie . i i JOUBVAL OFFICR- - WILLIAM FYFE'S, kahli i wiHiirni.n i n r. ripi'i" I ' ., tb Wmr TV vUt BH1 Of 1 . ' - NO MOSQUITOES 1 II. , ; , wbera gut may at onoa anjoy tbe oibila- .win inli.i Aurf aura aa ant opon the roam. fce had at Ui. HEBTACBAMT of the under- fMcurafonlrta. Xlberal rednctfon to early flal- GEO. Wv CHARLOTTE, Proprietor. Quarantine Notice tYNTlL rOKtHkB BOTICE AIX YES Mil rrom Port Boot!) of Cl fear will eom to at tha Vltttlnc Station, near Deep Water Point, and Bwatt tba InipeoUoa al IhS Qnar antlna PbyiucUn. ,, , , " All Teaeeli from PorU where Tellow Veer, or other lufeilluu luia. eitate, will be re qnlred to qadlrgQ (IgidJtfad proKBiJi g antlna. , .. hat ! !'S ) J.'i't' ..m.. h- AU veieett ot boaU of way character haytng joint on bsil 00 arrWal, or baying had Kknaat aay uma duilug tba voyage, ar io- qnured to oomo td tn Station for Inopeotldn wlthont tegurd to the Prtt wWrnoe they ootne. VaaMl not in'cHided a abote will pro ceed without detention. ' ' ' ! ' Pilot are ei daily enjoined to make cre ul enquiry MlatlteWtea el,erfw, d) , and If not ntlf tlid wltb Uie statement of the Cap tain or oommander, or tf tbe veel U In 1 ttltby condition, ,tbj will brkag tbo l to tbe Stattedrbr fertber examination. 'I J - pu wllfajly Tlolathir tbo . goaratvMn Law hre lUbjert to a fOrMtnr 61 their branch ; Mentor of TeaoeU to a flu of two bundroii dol lar a day lor ry day tbey yloUt tbe Quarantine Law: and all. otber perron ar liable for fah aiKt ewy ojltwoe. t f , All vwl subject to yliltatlon under aboTe rrgulatlona, will et a Bag In thotustn rigging, rotfrta. . . . fir 'A Quaraiitln Pbfiiin TtS J USnrt al Wllmhietau.il. IK rorf of Wllmhigtou, M Bmithviie, . u.. nay , itno. may ' 1 tllno?! OFFICE OF; THE CITY CLERK AND ' j'. 5 . . i 1 !' t I f " it 1 Jit, 1 Cm or WrLirrNOTON, N. O. J ' June 24th, 1875. J AN ORDINANCE Concerning Cows and other cattle run ning at large. B K IT ORDAINED by tbe Board or Aider. men of the City of W llmlngton, M. O., a fol fnw: I Section i. That any cow or oraia cattl Of add Ki!in, found running at large within the corporate limit Of tbl city, shall be Im pounded by the City Marsbal, and the ownet required to pay a tine of Ten (10) Dollar, be for tbe same shall be relea-ed. Section 2 Any ordinance or part thereof con. Dieting herewith, are hereby repealed. Tb above ordinance was .adopted by the Board or Aldermen on the Mtkdayof Jun MB, and will go into effect on after and Mon day, Jube S8lh inttant. , T. O- SERVOSS, City Clerk and Treasurer, Jon 28 Wl-tf Southern Illustrated Age !. !'' RALEIGH,5 N. 0.! ; THE ONLY ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY In the Mouth. Eight pages. Forty col umns. Containing more reading matter than any weekly untillihed In tbe Huuihern States. The first number of th SOUTHKKN 1L nUaTKATKD AUK wUl b Usurd oa . Naturday, ilOth dav of Jane, 1870, The Publisher Intends making It an Illus trated record of the time. It will treat of every toplo, Polltlci.1, historical, Literary, and Hctentlflo, which Is of current Interest, and give tbe heal Illustration tbat canbe obtained, original or foreign. . - - . ;. Tb BOTJTHhRN ILLU8TUATED AGE will be printed on new type, and heavy book paper. On ItulU of contributor will b found th names of many or tb beat wrlteis In the South Serial and short stories, poem and sketches, aud well conducted editorial departments, giv ing th latest paTsoaal; literary, scientific, 10 Ittlcal rellgloul and eommaroial Intelligence, will furnish every week an amount of reading matter unsurpassed by other paper. In excel lence ad varlctf .' It I intended to msks the SOli'l ftgKN llXU8TRA l BlAOK a Jour nal for U tirsrl ; several -cdlumas will be sreclally devoted to all subjects portalulng to domestic and eoolal life. -No family should be without It. Subscription price only BS per annum. Poet- " ,reR. T. FULGHUM, Editor, . ' , Kabjlgb, N. O. Jun 8 :-e tf HAY 81.10. Ask your Orocer for Olty Water Around JJoal, bolted-emybody know It hi beat. Pork-O Mess and Extra Prima. Flour, Ootb, Oi . Crank Oorn. For sale low by ' " ... ....... .. GRANT HlrtTON, Commlanlon MsrohanU and Urocer. JF ... , ,., K4-dwtf BLANK DmD& for aale at the Journal Office. aial.an(a Maliiir. MBilkaaoB of snnpira. NEW YORIC AHD VIA Wilmington, Um C. mm. Fast Freight Route to all Points North or im:w YORK. New York and Wilmington Steamship line! SEMI-WEEKLY, Sailibg fn m SEW YORK, WLDNIiSDAT ard PAIUIiDAY at 3 T. M.. and from WILMINGiCN, WEI BOSTON AND EALL RIVER. York mid Hlliiiiiigton Stiauisliip ( oninany, New - OONNECTINO WITH TH OLD COLONY RAILROAD AND STEAMERS. - Dally Between BOSTON and NEW YORK Semi-Weekly between SEW YORK and WILMINGTON. U edaoaday anal Katnrday tram each Port. Hhliipare r bt reW nnOB the Drnmi.t mt pl. P?.'5'1.1"B to "'l mtl b ibi route. NO WttaHliOIOH.tOLrilBIA At'OrSTA IiAll bt AIV WIl.allNOlON A WK1 VW KAIIPOAD. THK CAKr-I.'NA ( IK'IKAI. KAUWAY, i - ... AMtAIK tfAH HVHIBHiHH 8 1 brougb Bill or Lading given to and from all Folnta In NORTH and SOETH CAROLINA, GEORGIA and ALABAMA. AIao to NEW YORK, BOSTON, PEOTIDINCE, FALL RIVER and t-th. r Eastern Cities. ev" Hate guBrantoed a low a by any otber root and time a quick. ' Lowe or oren barges promptly paid. . Mark all Goods via CljoVb WUn.ingt(n Line. W ror lurther Infoxmatlon apply to either of tbe undertlgntd A genu ol the Line. D. I. t). MINK, Ueneral Kaatern Agent, . 29 lOTonbiie Street, Boston. Mine eiSoiifi Sleani Transrortation Coppf Vill WILMINGTON, 1. . O. :h a FAST FREIGHT To all Points BALTIMORE. Baltimore anil Wilmington Line . BBMI-WIBKLr. -SAILING PROM BALTIMORE Tuesday & Friday, at 3 P M. ; - AND FKOM WILMINOTON- : Wednesday A Saturday. dostonanTprovidence. " ' Baltimore and Wilmington Line, ' Baltimore, Boston and rovldenc Line, ' i Or via Canal Dally to Phdadelphla and Clyd' rbtladelpblaand Providence Line. Semi-Weekly from each Fort. Shippers may rely upon tbe prompt and retnlar sailing or there 8tcmer. and oulck dls patch given to all shipment by this route. NO DELAYS. ' u l"'" ' , Tbrongh Bills of Lading given to and rrtira all Points In ' NOETH and SOUTH CAEOLINA, GEORGIA and ALABAMA. Also to BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, and other Eastern Cities. ' Kates guaranteed a low as by any otber promptly pal .Id. Mark all Goods via Baltimore and Wilmington Line. T tot further Information apply to either of the undersigned A gent of the Line. EDWIN FITZCERALD. Ai Baltimore Lint, bo bouili OUeel, a.timore. marca ta-u ISTOTIOJi). Carolina Central Railway, GENERAL FREIGHT DEPARTMENT, ) WixmNaTON, March 81st, 1875. ) THK ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC 18 RE8PKOTFUIjLY INVITED TO THE fact that tb Carolina Otntral Railway, being eompleted and fully equiptwd for boslness. u tiers with Its connections at Wilmington, both via direct Steamer Lines and via Weld, n and Portsmouth, to Htithnore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston and Providence nnequaled 1ft ci I Ity for handling shipments from , WILMINGTON AND ALL EASTERN CITIES TO CHAR. L0TTE. STATES VILLE, CREEN VILLE, SPARTAN- and all station on Atlantic, Tennessee Ohio Atlantic and Richmond Air Lin and North Carolina Railroads as wall as all points In GEORGIA and ALABAMA. insurance irons Kaswrn cinos guaianieea as fer charges, and Hair alwayi aa low Hate to all points lurnisneu upon application Hauover Building. aprll J-80-ly THE PEE DEE HERALD. . Published every Wednesday at WADESBORO, ANSON COUNTY, BX JOSH. T. JAMES'ACO. Has a large and rapidly Increasing clrcnla. thin in the Pea Ie country hi North and Soutb Carolina. Advertisers will And It th best medium In either of the Bister State for reaoblng tbe farmers, planter and merchant. 7'Ae extensive local advertising pat ronage exhibited in its columns isjlhe best evidence of its large and influen tial circulation, apelma eoptee, wltb rate tor adrer. tiling, tent fro, postage paid, on application to th undersigned, either at Wadoaboro or Wilmington. JOSH. T. JAMES St CO., ' Jtdltor and Proprietor tf DOGTOTJ LITJEG TMt. X South. EfDAY SLd BATl'RDAY. niti an tk. ui.. . ... i.ia. DELAYS. tin..uit:g at V. inn..RB WM. P. CI VI'E & CO., timer! Agnt, ew 1 oik Line, (Bowling Oiieu.N 1 A. D. CAZAUX, Agent. ROUTE North or South. PHILADELPHIA. Baltimore and JMington Line. SKHl-WKKKI.T BITWIKK BALTIMOUK AND WILMINQTON. Baltimore and Philadelphia Mtcamboat Co. Dally via Canal between BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA. WESTERN CITIES. BALTIVOIIE AND WILMINGTON LINK Northern Central Railroad AVD THB Baltimore and Obio Railroad. Route and time j nnirir Losses or overcharges A. D. CAZAUX, Agent, Baltimoie anu tusm Vork 1. nes, Wilmibotoii, N. C. low as via any ot tier line. No terminal or trans a the lowest. to tb undersigned. Office la Bank of New F. W. CLARK, General Freight Agent. MIOBABL OBOKLT. W1LBBS MOBBI8 CRONLY & MORRIS, AUCTIONEERS, STOCKANDREALESTATEBROKERU WILMINGTON, N. 0. ; (IAN BE BEEN AT TBE1R HALES BOOMS J a plan of the city, on an enlarged soala. Blank Book with the boundaries of every Lot In the olty distinctly defined. Asaeased value, past and present, of every lot lath olty. Any Information desired furnished upon ap plication, .... jnkf The Piedmont Press, HICKORY, N. C, I th only piper published in Catawba county, and has an extensive circulation among Merchants, Farmers, and all clasneaof bust, nee men tn the state The Prkv Is live, wide-awake Democratic per, and Is a desira ble medium fur advert Ulng In Western North Carolina. Liberal terms allow on vearly ad vertisements, "ii'isc. l;.tton 2 In sdvsnco Addnw atUKkli.fcaTOMLlNaoN,' Editor and Proprietnra march U . Iwf TJRLNT1NG OK EVKKk- LMAGLnT JL lie description done in tbe hoatnr atyleatthe L Journal Omc.